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Teacher’s Handbook 1 Patricia Mugglestone

Con en s
Introduction ii

Students’ Book contents pages x

Teacher’s notes 4

Student A/B activities 87

Questionnaire scores and answers 88

Time Out magazine 89

Time Out answer key 95

Picture Dictionary 96

Workbook key 102

Workbook audioscript 107

Student evaluation form 110

= Students’ Book material

Introduc ion to New Challenges
How to use this Handbook
This Handbook contains reduced pages from the Students’ Book, together with teaching suggestions, background
information on the content of the Unit, pronunciation guidance for difficult names and places, tapescripts, ideas for
extra activities, and answers to exercises which are written either on the reduced Students’ Book page (in red) or in
the teacher’s notes.
The Handbook will help you plan your lessons and is handy for easy reference during lessons.

Module objectives
The module objectives are listed at the top of the first page of each Module.
When starting a Module, read through the objectives with the students and check that they understand any new
vocabulary, e.g. talented (young people) in Module 1 (page 14). If appropriate, ask students to discuss any of the
activities they have done, using their own language or English, e.g. completing a questionnaire (Module 1). Encourage
students to say what they remember about any of the grammar points they have studied in the past, e.g. question
words (Module 1).
Students can predict which of the objectives they think they will find interesting, easy or difficult.
At the end of a Module, ask students to read the objectives again. Help students assess how well they have achieved the
objectives and to say which objectives they found easy or more difficult.

Using the ‘Background’ information

The ‘Background’ sections provide information about aspects of the social and cultural content of the Units. It is
intended primarily for the teacher rather than the students. You can refer to the Background if, for example, students
want to know more about events, people and places mentioned in a Unit, e.g. the FACE programme (Module 1 Get
Ready page 14), sports men and women (Module 2 Unit 4 page 24), the Jorvik Viking Centre (Module 4 Unit 11 page 44).
Not all of the Background information will be of interest or relevance to your students. It is up to you to decide what,
if any, of the Background information to pass on to your class.

The ‘Time Out’ magazine

At the back of the Students’ Book there is the Time Out section, a set of fun activities and puzzles in a magazine format.
There are 24 activities in the magazine, one for each of the 24 core units in the Students’ Book. Students can do the
activities working individually, in pairs or in small groups.
The magazine activities are designed to be used when there is time after students have completed a related activity in
the Unit, at the end of a Unit or at home. The magazine recycles the language and topics of the Units in new contexts
and through authentic, motivating activities such as puzzles (e.g. Activity 5 page 91), quizzes (e.g. Activity 2 page 89) and
stories (e.g. Activities 16–18 pages 96–97).

The Picture Dictionary

The Study Help on page 32 gives advice to students on using the Picture Dictionary and the Study Help on page 22 gives
advice on vocabulary books.
The Picture Dictionary on pages 101–110 of the Students’ Book groups together and illustrates sets of words relating to
topics (e.g. animals, page 110) and functions (e.g. describing appearance, page 101). Students use the Picture Dictionary
to check the meaning of Key Words (picture dictionary) when they are first presented in a Unit.
Later, students can use the Picture Dictionary as a revision and testing aid, working as a whole class, in pairs or
individually. For example, students cover page 104 (Interests and abilities) with a sheet of paper, leaving just the top
row of pictures visible. Students look at the top row of pictures and say (and/or write) the words. Students then move
the paper down the page, repeating the activity for each row of pictures and checking their answers.
Towards the end of the course, when students have studied most of the pages in the Picture Dictionary, have a
competition. Students work in teams, finding the words you say in their Picture Dictionary. The first team to find the
word gets one point. For example,
Teacher: Where is a (doctor)? Students: Page 106.
Teacher: Where is the word (opposite)? Students: Page 109.
Teacher: Where is (a big man and a small girl)? Students: Page 101.
Students can then play the game in groups.

Introduc ion to New Challenges
Ways of checking answers
Students can work in pairs or small groups, comparing answers before checking answers as a whole class.
Try to vary how you check students’ answers.
• If spelling is important, ask students to spell the words for you to write on the board or invite students to come
to the board and write the answers on the board.
• Alternatively, ask students to read aloud the answers. If necessary, correct any serious pronunciation problems.
• At times, you may prefer to write the answers on the board yourself for students to check their own answers.
• Students self-check the answers to some exercises, such as pair activities (e.g. page 27 exercise 10) and quizzes
(e.g. page 19 exercise 6) by referring to the answers given in their book.

Extra activities
Short extra activities can be used if there is time in the lesson. These activities develop from the content of the
Students’ Book and are intended to give a change of focus and help student motivation and concentration.
Extra activities include:
• quick activities to start a lesson (e.g. Module 1 Unit 2 page 18) or end a lesson
(e.g. Module 1 Get Ready page 15)
• activities developing from a reading text, e.g. Module 4 Unit 10 after Exercise 2 page 42
• activities developing from a listening text, e.g. Module 2 Get Ready after Exercise 3 page 23
• activities practising a grammar point (e.g. Module 2 Unit 4 after Exercise 5 page 25) and the vocabulary from
the lesson (e.g. Module 1 Unit 1 after Exercise 1 page 16)
• out-of-class activities, e.g. at the end of Module 6 Unit 16 page 61

Fact or Fiction?
The short Fact or Fiction? texts extend the language and topics of the Units to new, real-life contexts. Students decide
whether they think the information is true or false. Sometimes students can use their general knowledge (e.g. page 53
What is the minimum recorded temperature?). Sometimes students have to guess (e.g. page 19 How many instruments
can the man play at the same time?). Encourage students to discuss and give reasons for their guesses.
As a follow-up activity, students can write their own Fact or Fiction? puzzles for the rest of the class to answer,
e.g. What is the maximum recorded temperature? (page 53).

Digital components
New Challenges offers teachers digital material to support learning in a variety of different ways.
• New Challenges ActiveTeach: an interactive version of the Students’ Book suitable for using with any IWB or simply
with a computer and projector. Using the touch-sensitive screen of the interactive whiteboard, you can easily
integrate audio, video and interactive activities into your lessons to motivate your whole class. Includes games, all
the audio for Students’ Book and Workbook, the New Challenges DVD, the word list, Picture Dictionary and more
teacher’s resources – in short, all the New Challenges resources at the click of a button!
• New Challenges Teacher’s Resources Multi-ROM: includes Teacher Development Workshops, photocopiable resources,
a DVD and DVD worksheets. It also contains print ready tests and easily customisable tests with answer keys.

Introduc ion to New Challenges
We first thought of the title of this book after speaking to of their rights and responsibilities; helping others and
the inspired (and inspiring) head teacher of a secondary working for the community; being a good citizen.
school in a working class district outside Warsaw. He
was talking to us about all the problems his school
faced and, despite them, the many achievements of his The Students’ Book
students inside and outside the classroom. They took Approach
part in science olympiads, sporting events, choirs, youth
orchestras, theatre groups, chess competitions and many Grammar
other activities. This demonstrated the kind of enthusiasm • The Get Ready module revises basic structures that
and challenge we wanted to inspire in our own material. students will probably have seen before
Our definition of a ‘challenge’ is a task that, while not easy (e.g. to be/pronouns/possessive adjectives).
to accomplish, is worthwhile and rewarding. A challenge • In New Challenges 1, there is grammar in two main
requires patience, hard work and the ability to overcome lessons in each module. At this level, students need to
problems. Many challenges also involve working with other learn structures gradually and systematically.
people as a team to achieve goals that would be impossible • All grammar is presented in context. Students read
to reach as an individual. articles, stories and dialogues. They then focus on
For many years, in both society and education, there has structures in the text.
been a tendency to focus on activities that give instant • First there is a focus on form. Then students work out,
reward and success. However, more and more young in a guided way, how to use the new structure.
people are taking part in challenging activities like popular
marathons, expeditions, extreme sports and voluntary work. • Practice moves from easier, more guided exercises
Even in the unlikely world of computer gaming, game on form to more challenging and freer speaking and
designers have found that the most popular games are those writing tasks.
that are the most difficult, hence the expression ‘hard fun’. • The final activity (Your Turn) always gives students an
The conclusion must be that a challenge is often fun because opportunity to use the grammar to talk about their
it is not easy; people enjoy being stretched and challenged. own lives.
• In Study Corner, students check their grammar
knowledge and are guided to remedial exercises
Challenge in the classroom to deal with problems.
Within the English language classroom there is one
obvious challenge: learning a foreign language in a few
hours a week within a school environment. The challenge
Sentence Builders
is there for students (and teachers) whether we like it • Sentence structure has often been neglected in ELT
or not. It may sometimes look insurmountable but it is even though most language groups have quite different
not if we break it down into a series of smaller tasks or syntax from that in English (e.g. verb position in Slav
‘challenges’. languages; adjective position in Latin languages).
L1 interference causes mistakes of word order and
In New Challenges, each module contains a series of these are usually more serious than other mistakes,
grammar and skills activities and builds towards final such as those with verb endings, because they affect
speaking, writing and reading and listening tasks in which understanding.
students can use the language they have learnt. Because
these tasks are achievable, they build students’ confidence • Sentence Builders focus on potentially difficult sentence
as well as laying the foundations for communicative structure which is often related to the main grammar
competence. In parallel, there are learner development (e.g. present, past and future time clauses). They
activities such as self-checks at the end of each module systematically build up knowledge of common sentence
that encourage students to be aware of how well they structure in English and help students to construct a
are progressing towards the greater challenge of learning repertoire of patterns in their minds.
English. • Target patterns appear in texts, are focused on
The theme of ‘challenge’ is also present in such topics in explicitly in Sentence Builders and are then practised
New Challenges 1 as helping others, dealing with bullying in guided exercises. Sentence Builders then remain
and surviving tornadoes. In addition, the story focuses on as a kind of pattern bank which can help students
how a group of teenage characters, at both a group and when revising.
personal level, take part in challenges. In New Challenges
1, the characters participate in the FACE (Fun Achievement Lexis
Community Environment) Award, where they perform • Key Word boxes in New Challenges 1 cover basic lexical
challenges successfully and help the local environment. areas (e.g. jobs, food and drink, the weather, transport).
The characters in the team provide positive role models The boxes are usually linked to the Picture Dictionary
for teenage students because they are doing something so that students can check the meaning of the words
worthwhile and overcoming personal and group problems there. Key Words help students to understand both
to achieve their goals. The story provides a springboard reading and listening texts and gives them essential
for education in citizenship: making students aware vocabulary for writing and speaking tasks.

Introduc ion to New Challenges
• Word Builders focus on key lexical features and help • There is writing in every module. In even-numbered
build up students’ capacity to organise and learn modules, there are projects which students can either
English vocabulary. Lexical features include collocation do in pairs or on their own. Projects give students
(e.g. play the piano/ride a horse), multi-part verbs a chance to write about their own world and to be
(e.g. find out how it works), compounds (hair style) creative. Clear models and stages are provided to guide
and delexicalised verbs (e.g. have a shower). These students. In odd-numbered modules, Your Challenge
spots also focus on what is traditionally called spots focus on more interactive writing and students
‘wordbuilding’: the adding of prefixes and suffixes complete a form and write the following: text messages;
(e.g. the suffixes driver/pianist). different kinds of notes; a report; a postcard; emails.
• Key Expressions are related to key functional areas Students are also given clear models and the writing
from A1 and A2 in the Common European Framework tasks are carefully staged.
(e.g. asking for and giving directions).
There are other useful phrases in the story dialogues Culture
and these are focused on in the Workbook. • Cultural input appears throughout the book in both
reading and listening texts.
Pronunciation • The story also provides cultural insights into the lives
• Some pronunciation spots are related to the language of the four characters who are doing the FACE Award.
presented in grammar presentations The programme is run by a local youth club and the
(e.g. questions/contractions). group get involved in sports, clubs, community work
and a 25-km expedition.
• The main pronunciation spot is called Listen closely.
It focuses on problem sounds (e.g. ́‫ ڴ‬and́) and • Finally, the Across Cultures sections compare elements
on supra-segmental pronunciation work. One of the from different cultures rather than just presenting
biggest problems students have with listening to information about Britain. Students read about sport,
natural English speech is actually hearing words and festivals, schools around the world and read about
expressions as many words just seem to disappear. teenagers who have emigrated to Britain. At the end
Listen closely tasks focus on word stress, unstressed of the section, learners write projects about their own
function words (e.g. and/of) and word boundaries. culture using the language of the reading texts.

Skills Learner development

• In New Challenges 1, skills activities are guided, • One of the greatest challenges for students is to
structured and, wherever possible, integrated with become better learners and to learn to study English
other skills. For example, in the Get Ready pages on their own. Several features encourage learner
students listen to people speaking about a topic before independence in New Challenges 1.
they talk about the same thing themselves. • On the Get Ready page, the objectives box clearly shows
• There are speaking activities in every lesson and tasks students what they are going to learn in the module.
always use language that has been presented to students • With each of the three main units, there is a
(vocabulary, grammar and key expressions). Students are corresponding spot in the Time Out magazine. This
given time to think about their ideas and prepare for means that, when students finish early or have time to
speaking as well as time to report back to the class what spare, they can look at the game, puzzle or quiz in the
they have talked about in the pairwork stage. Time Out section.
• There are at least three reading texts per module. • In Study Corner students test what they have learnt in
Text types include: magazine articles; interviews; the Language Check and then listen and check their
questionnaires; brochures; non-fiction extracts; TV answers. In the Feedback section they can find out what
reviews; websites; notes, emails and postcards. There areas they need to study more and are referred to the
is also extra reading in the Time Out magazine at the Workbook for further practice.
end of the book: a story with three episodes; a poem; • Finally, the Study Help systematically develops study
notices; quizzes; puzzles and guessing games. skills. In New Challenges 1 there are spots about:
• There are three or four listening tasks in every module. classroom language; organising vocabulary books and
As well as the gist listening in the Get Ready section, learning words; using the Picture Dictionary; doing
there is a listening task in one of the main units. In homework; revising for exams.
the story unit, students read and listen to dialogues;
this helps students see the relation between spoken
language and its written form. In the Across Cultures
sections, there is a listening text with both an extensive
task and an intensive task. This task (Listen closely)
develops learners’ ability to distinguish sounds, words
and expressions.

Introduc ion to New Challenges
New Challenges has a topic-based approach because it In New Challenges 1, the eight main modules are
enables students to learn about the world through English organised like this:
and to learn the language at the same time. The course 1 a Get Ready page introduces students to the topic
is divided into eight main modules plus a starter module.
2 two lessons have reading, listening, vocabulary and
The Get Ready module revises language that students have
probably seen before, familiarises them with the course
and develops their awareness as learners. 3 one lesson develops the story and has a major focus
on speaking and writing
The themes in the main modules:
4 even-numbered modules have Across Cultures lessons
1 are related to students’ own world (e.g. hobbies, with reading, listening, speaking and a project
music, television, amusement parks)
5 at the end of every module there is a language check
2 are cross-curricular (e.g. history, geography, science) and learner development spot
3 develop citizenship education (e.g. helping the At the end of the book there is a magazine section related
community) to the units with fun activities like puzzles, games and
4 are about other cultures around the world reading for pleasure. Students can do the activities if they
(e.g. sport, schools, festivals) finish early in class or at home. There is also a picture
dictionary that students can use to check new words in
the units.

The lessons

Module 2 these boxes
these pages Talk about exercise, food, appearance.
Read about fashion in sport.
show teachers
introduce the Listen to sports advice.
Write a text message.
and students the
objectives of
Learn about have got and countable/uncountable

module topic nouns with some/any.

each module

lexical areas
related to the
module topical c

are presented

Get Ready
e Activities develop
gist listening skills
1 Look at the photos. Are the activities: 1.37 4 Listen and complete the advice.

 Do aUV_af ZV[baR`
2 Picture Dictionary page 104–105. Look at the \S ReR_PV`R RcR_f QNf
Key Words.

activities relate
1.36 \_ aR[[V`
dNaPU U\b_` \S

the topic to the ! 1\[Áa

TNZR` S\_ U\b_`
\_ PfPYR

students’ own 3
Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about
sport and exercise.
Can you do gymnastics?
a\ `PU\\Y
B`R aUR `aNV_` ¼
Q\[Áa aUR YVSa

lives B Yes, I can. 23

grammar practice
moves from
these activities 4 Fi and Fashionable

controlled to freer
introduce the unit Grammar: have got/has got 7 Write questions with have got or has got. Work
Warm-up 3
Match the words from the text. Are they one or in pairs. Then ask and answer the questions.
two words? 4 Complete the table with have, has, haven’t or

topic 1 Picture Dictionary pages 100–101. Find

examples of the Key Words in the photos. fashion magazine – two words

Has your cousin got fair hair? No, she hasn’t.
8 Look at the Sentence Builder. Use the words to
make sentences 1–6.
Yes/No Questions
these boxes focus
on problems of

these spots focus Reading

Short Answers

NZEBETIPSU TMJN sentence structure
on lexical features
1.39 Read the interview. Are the sentences true (T)
or false (F)?

Your Turn
grammar is
Serena Williams Complete the sentences with have, has, haven’t
or hasn’t. Then ask and answer questions.
Practice A Have you got a big family?
#FMMB/JDIPMTPOJOUIF6, 5 Look at the photos and the text again.
Complete the sentences with have, has,
haven’t or hasn’t.
No, I haven’t.
I Hi, Bella. This is your first show in London. How 3 .ZCFTUGSJFOE HPUBNPCJMFQIPOF
many models have you got here today?
B I’ve got fifteen models at the show.
I And what clothes have you got in your collection?


through guided
B Well, I’ve got dresses, trousers, and skirts, of
course. And I’ve also got tracksuits, shorts, sports 4 "OB*WBOPWJD HPUBQPOZUBJM 10 Game Work in pairs. Think of a teacher or
bags and baseball caps. 5 #FMMBTNPEFMT HPUUBUUPPT student in your school. Ask five questions and

texts develop I But you’re a fashion designer, not a sports star.

B Yes, but sport is very popular in fashion. Today,
sports stars have got fashion collections. Serena
Williams is a top tennis player and a fashion
Usain Bolt


Write true short answers for these questions. A

guess who it is.
Is it a student?
Yes, it is.

reading skills designer. Champion runner, Usain Bolt, has got

a clothes collection with T-shirts, caps and yoga
Is it a boy?
No, it isn’t.
Has she got long hair?
and present new
I That’s interesting.
B Yes, and sports stars are in fashion magazines,
too. Cristiano Ronaldo and Ana Ivanovic are good
examples. Cristiano is famous for his clothes,
Yes, she has.
Has she got … lessons end with
hairstyle and diamond earrings! Ana has got long
brown hair and green eyes. She’s tall and slim, but
not thin. It isn’t good for models to be very thin.
I That’s true. One last question – tattoos on models,
in context 24
good or bad?
B My models haven’t got tattoos. I’m not into them.
TIME OUT! Page 90, Exercise 4 25 activities
vi Christiano Ronaldo Ana Ivanovic
Introduc ion to New Challenges
dialogues and 6 A he Spor s Cen re
photos develop Warm-up
1 Look at the photo. Match the people with
their activity.
Work in pairs. Practise the dialogue.
Change the underlined words each time.
Your Challenge
Writing: A text message

the story
1 Look at the text abbreviations and read
Z H  Jake’s message. What is his new sport for
QQZ the challenge?
Reading and Listening B 5IFZSFGBOUBTUJDIPSSJCMFOPUCBE 2 Write Jake’s message in complete
1.42 2 Read and listen to the dialogue. Write the
Hi! Are you okay?
correct names.
VO`R 1Z]bV

5]b\S e2D2 
Laura /PUUPPCBE 8fff

the final writing

Laura 0LBZ CVUSVOOJOHJTIBSEXPSL(JWFNFNZ Text message abbreviations
Te abbreviatio
IPSTFOPX QMFBTF r = are u = you c = see gr8 = great
Emily 3VOOJOHJTOUIBSEXPSL*UTFBTZ luv = love l8r = later + = and 2 = to
2day = today LOL = laugh out loud
thanx = thanks pls = please ur = your
TB = text me back v = very xxx = kisses
task is the

students’ own


language is Speaking
3 Look at the Key Expressions.

focused on and
practised 3 Write a text message to another student
about your present activities.

4 Read your partner’s text message.

28 TIME OUT! Page 91, Exercise 6 29

Across Cul ures 1 intensive learning

deals with sounds
Warm-up Listening
1 1.44 4 and features of
texts look at CBTLFUCBMM TXJNNJOH "OEZ.VSSBZ natural speech

culture around Sport is important in my school. Our Sports Day is

in July. Students can do athletics and they can play

the world basketball. Favourite sports Favourite stars

@eXcfkf]jZ_ffcj`ek_\LB#Jgfikj;Xp`j`eAle\fiAlcp% t
K_`jZXeY\Xj\i`fljZfdg\k`k`fe#n`k_k_\jkl[\ekj Anna gymnastics
`ek\Xdj%K_\pZXe[fXk_c\k`ZjXe[gcXpjgfikjc`b\ Daniel
YXjb\kYXccXe[k\ee`j%8e[k_\pZXen`ed\[Xcjfigi`q\j% t

National Sports Days 9lk`ejfd\jZ_ffcjJgfikj;Xp`j]fi]le#n`k_iXZ\j]fi


1.45 5 Listen closely

1 What’s your favourite sport? = 5 words

1.46 6 Pronunciation

1.47 7

ZXcc\[KX``blef?``eAXgXe\j\ %@k`jXeXk`feXc_fc`[Xp#n`k_ Speaking
there are four
projects in the
Xe[>`icjË8k_c\k`Z:_Xdg`fej_`gÆÊ:_XdgjË]fij_fik%@k Zfdg\k`k`fejXe[^Xd\jXccfm\iAXgXe%Jkl[\ekjZXe[f
`j`e8gi`c`ek_\EXk`feXcJkX[`ldXe[g\fgc\ZXenXkZ_`k Xk_c\k`ZjXe[^pdeXjk`Zj#Xe[k_\pZXegcXpYXcc^Xd\j%C`kkc\ 8
feKMJkl[\ekj]ifd_le[i\[jf]jZ_ffcjXi\`eÊ:_XdgjË Z_`c[i\eZXe[f]leXZk`m`k`\j#]fi\oXdgc\k_\Y`^YXcci\cXp%
\m\ipp\Xi%:fXZ_\jXi\Xcjfk_\i\kfcffb]fik_\e\ok Jgfikj;Xp`eAXgXe`jX^ff[k`d\]fi]Xd`c`\j%G\fgc\ZXe <PQ[[XWZ\Q[XWX]TIZQV\PM=;)
LjX`e9fck \eafpX[Xpf]jgfikXe[XZk`m`k`\jc`b\[XeZ`e^fi_fij\i`[`e^%
book which give
Reading 3 *I[MJITTQ[I\MIU[XWZ\_Q\P
1.43 2
What’s your favourite sport?
My favourite sport is volleyball. VQVMXTIaMZ[QVMIKP\MIU students the
chance to work
Sports Month Sports Other
Day in activities \PM=;)5aNI^W]ZQ\MXTIaMZ[IZM
Jamaica April )TJMZ\8]RWT[IVL2WM5I]MZ
the UK
JI[MJITT\MIUJ]\XMWXTMKIV together and be
30 31 creative

self-test exercises S udy Corner 2

check students’ Language Check
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs do
or play.
4 Write affirmative sentences (), negative
sentences () or questions (?) with have got.
Fred / a new TV (?) – Has Fred got a new TV?

vocabulary, 1




grammar and 4


What type of food and drink can you see in



functional the pictures? Complete the sentences with somee or any.

Grammar / 11
6 Complete each gap with one word from
  the box.


3 Look at the photos on page 20. Match the
names with these descriptions.

a) -BVSB b) 3ZBO c) &NJMZ d) +BLF B /PU 28 CBE
Vocabulary / 15
Key Expressions /4
activities help
students become
students listen Feedback
t Listen and check your answers to the
S udy Help:

better learners
Language Check. Write down your scores.

and check their t Look at the table. Check where you made

Wrong answers: Look again at: t Work in pairs. Choose a page in the Picture

answers before 1–5

Dictionary. Cover the words and test your
What’s this?
doing extra 12–15

revision 22–26
t Now do the exercises in Language Check 2 of
the Workbook or MyLab.

Introduc ion to New Challenges
The Workbook
The Workbook gives further practice of the language
introduced in the Students’ Book. Each unit directly reflects Grammar Reference and Prac ice Exercises
the content of the corresponding unit of the Students’ Book. to be Get Ready A, page 3 2 Write questions and answers.
1 where / you / from? (Cintra, in Portugal)

Groups of Key Words and lexical features from Word Builders Use
O Look at the examples of to be in the present tense:
My name’s Amy.
I’m sixteen.
Where are you from?
I’m from Cintra, in Portugal.

are recycled and practised throughout the book. Grammar We’re French.
Where are you from?
She isn’t at school.
Are they at home? No, they aren’t.
2 your / friends / Polish? (no)

structures and uses are practised in the Vocabulary and Form

3 what / nationality / your teacher?
(he / Canadian)

Grammar sections and exercises are graded according to I

’m (am)
’s (is)
’re (are)
Polish. 4 what / your / name? (Pablo)

difficulty with a one-, two- and three-star system. There is also

I ’m not (am not) 5 your teacher / from / England? (no / he)
He/She/It isn’t (is not) from Spain.
We/You/They aren’t (are not)

a handy Grammar Reference section and a bilingual wordlist at Yes/No questions Short answers
Yes, I am.
Yes, he/
No, I’m not.
No, he/she/it
6 Eva / a student? (yes / she)

the back of the book. Reading and writing skills are practised
Am I
she/it is. isn’t.
Is he/she/it late?
Yes, we/ No, we/you/
Are we/you/they
you/they they aren’t.
are. Possessive adjectives/’s
Get Ready B, page 5

in the Skills unit, which also includes a focus on punctuation, Wh- questions
What’s your name?
Where are they from?
O We use possessive adjectives in front of nouns:

they also practise key words and expressions. There are extra
My sister is 19.
That’s our house.
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form O We use -’s and -s’ to talk about possessions:
of to be. Use short forms where possible. Is this Peter’s jacket?

listening activities on every Get Ready page of these units. The 1 My name’s Jelena and I from Zagreb, These are my friends’ CDs.

in Croatia. Form
2 My best friends Miguel and Victor.

recordings are on the New Challenges 1 Workbook audio CD. They from Argentina. Possessive adjectives

3 I from Turkey, but my teacher my

. She from the United

The Language Check in each module acts as a follow-up to 4

students. We from

the Language Quiz in the Study Corner of the Student’s Book. 5 My friends and I in London, but their
we English, we Irish.
6 Carlos a student. He

Alternate modules of the Workbook finish with a Reading

in Madrid, but he Spanish.
He from Mexico.

Corner, which can be used as a ‘reading for pleasure’ activity 87

or to give further reading comprehension practice.

Ou and Abou
Reading Corner 2
There is a young swimmer called Greg,
-JNFSJDLT Who eats nothing but biscuits and eggs. 6 Complete Limerick 3 with the words in
the box.
17 11 Listen to Limerick 5 and check your answers to
Exercise 10.
1 Read the definition of limerick. He doesnÕt swim fast,
In races, heÕs last, is spends not says crazy in 12 Match the pictures (a–e) to Limericks (1–5).
bread young think
limerick ۜÓPȪÚN a short, funny poem But heÕs only got very short legs. Then read your favourite limerick aloud.
with five lines, three long and two short

2 Write the missing lines of Limerick 1 in the correct place. Use the
There is a student called Daisy. a
rhyme to help you.
Her friends all she is .
She all day bed,
And she often has very cold Eating chocolate and ,
When she walks down toes.
the street, And then , ÔIÕm really lazy!Õ
a very long nose
Who has got
-JNFSJDL 15 7 Listen to Limerick 3 and check your answers
There is a young girl they call Rose, to Exercise 6.

8 Read Limerick 4 and underline the main c

She canÕt see her feet, stresses on each line.

There is a new robot called ÔWorkMateÕ, d
Who likes doing things that you just
13 3 Listen to Limerick 1 and check your answers to Exercise 2. He does homework and tests,
4 Choose the correct words in Limerick 2. Use the rhyme to help you. So that you have a rest,
And go out and about with your classmates.

16 9 Listen to Limerick 4 and check your answers

to Exercise 8.
-JNFSJDL 10 Write the lines of Limerick 5 in full. Think about the rhythm to help you.
There is/has a young student called
And a/an huge dinosaur is/are his pet.
ItÕs got/has very sharp tooth/teeth, -JNFSJDL
But itÕs every/ever so sweet, There / young lady / Rome
And it doesnÕt like seeing the vet/zoo.
Who / hardly ever / at home

She / skateboard / in park

14 5 Listen to Limerick 2 and check your answers to Exercise 4. And / go swimming / in the dark

And / never remember / her comb

44 45

Council of Europe
New Challenges 1 covers all of the descriptors of the
Wordlist Council of Europe Framework at A1 level (Breakthrough)
Starter Unit A
18 eighteen
19 nineteen
20 twenty
except those related to work and other adult contexts
‫ۉ‬јɀ‫ڴ‬WL Pđ‫ڴ‬Wԙ

(e.g. making announcements):

Australia Ĵ‫ۉ‬VWUH́OLȪ 30 thirty March
Brazil EUȪ‫́]ۉ‬O 38 thirty-eight ‫ۈ‬јȶ‫ڴ‬WL‫ۉ‬H́W April ‫ۉ‬H́SUȪO
Canada ‫ۉ‬N QȪGȪ 39 thirty-nine ‫ۈ‬јȶ‫ڴ‬WL‫ۉ‬QD́Q May PH́
China ‫ۉ‬WԙD́QȪ 40 forty ‫ۉ‬Iƥ‫ڴ‬WL June GٕX‫ڴ‬Q
Greece JUL‫ڴ‬V 50 fifty ‫ۉ‬ÍIWL July Gٕօ‫ۉ‬OD́
Italy ‫́ۉ‬WȪOL 60 sixty ‫ۉ‬V́NVWL August ‫ۉ‬ƥ‫ڴ‬ʪȪVW
Japan GٕȪ‫ۉ‬S Q 63 sixty-three ‫ۈ‬V́NVWL‫ۉ‬јUL‫ڴ‬ September VHS‫ۉ‬WHPEȪ
Poland ‫ۉ‬SȪօOȪQG 65 sixty-five ‫ۈ‬V́NVWL‫ۉ‬ID́Y October ĴN‫ۉ‬WȪօEȪ
Portugal ‫ۉ‬Sƥ‫ڴ‬WԙȪʪȪO 70 seventy ‫ۉ‬VHYȪQWL November QȪօ‫ۉ‬YHPEȪQȪ
‫ۉ‬UֺԙȪ 80 eighty ‫ۉ‬H́WL December Ǵ‫ۉ‬VHPEȪ

Spoken production A.1

Spain VSH́Q 90 ninety ‫ۉ‬QD́QWL
‫ۉ‬Wɀ‫ڴ‬NL 100 one hundred ZֺQ‫ۉ‬KֺQGUȪG
Turkey Starter Unit C
the United ǧȪMX‫ۈڴ‬QD́WȪG Family ‫ۉ‬I PȪOL
Classroom ‫ۉ‬NOđ‫ڴ‬VUX‫ڴ‬PUօP
Kingdom ‫ۉ‬ŃІGȪP aunt đ‫ڴ‬QW
E ʪ

Can produce simple, isolated phrases about people and

of Great Britain brother ‫ۉ‬EUֺǧȪ
ȪQG‫ۈ‬Qƥ‫ڴ‬ǧȪQ bin ÉQ
and Northern child, pl. children WԙD́OG‫ۉۈ‬Wԙ́OGUȪQ
Ireland ‫ۉ‬D́ȪOȪQG board Eƥ‫ڴ‬G
cousin ‫ۉ‬Nֺ]ȪQ
the United States ǧȪMX‫ۈڴ‬QD́WȪG book EօN
daughter ‫ۉ‬Gƥ‫ڴ‬WȪ
‫ۈ‬VWH́WV ‫ۉ‬EօNԙHOI

places. (general)
father ‫ۉ‬Iđ‫ڴ‬ǧȪ
CD player ‫ۈ‬VL‫ۉڴ‬GL‫ۈڴ‬SOH́Ȫ
Nationalities ‫ۈ‬Q ԙȪ‫ۉ‬Q OȪWL] grandfather ‫ۉ‬JU QG‫ۈ‬Iđ‫ڴ‬ǧȪ
chair WԙHȪ
American Ȫ‫ۉ‬PHÚNȪQ grandmother ‫ۉ‬JU Q‫ۈ‬PֺǧȪ
computer NȪP‫ۉ‬SMX‫ڴ‬WȪ
Argentinian ‫ۈ‬đ‫ڴ‬GٕȪQ‫ۉ‬ẂQLȪQ granddaughter ‫ۉ‬JU Q‫ۈ‬Gƥ‫ڴ‬WȪ
cupboard ‫ۉ‬NֺEȪG
Australian Ĵ‫ۉ‬VWUH́OLȪQ grandparents ‫ۉ‬ʪU Q‫ۈ‬SHȪUȪQWV

Can describe him/herself, what he/she does and where

Brazilan EUȪ‫́]ۉ‬OLȪQ grandson ‫ۉ‬JU QVֺQ
dictionary ‫ۉ‬ǴNԙȪQȪUL
British ‫ۉ‬EÚẂԙ husband ‫ۉ‬Kֺ]EȪQG
door Gƥ‫ڴ‬
Canadian NȪ‫ۉ‬QH́GLȪQ mother ‫ۉ‬PֺǧȪ
DVD player ‫ۈ‬GL‫ڴ‬YL‫ۉڴ‬GL‫ۈڴ‬SOH́Ȫ
Chinese ‫ۈ‬WԙD́‫ۉ‬QL‫]ڴ‬ nephew ‫ۉ‬QHIMX‫ڴ‬

he/she lives. (Module 3)

Greek JUL‫ڴ‬N niece QL‫ڴ‬V
pencil ‫ۉ‬SHQVȪO
Italian ́‫ۉ‬W OLȪQ parents ‫ۉ‬SHȪUȪQWV
plant SOđ‫ڴ‬QW
Japanese ‫ۈ‬Gٕ SȪ‫ۉ‬QL‫]ڴ‬ sister ‫ۉ‬V́VWȪ
poster ‫ۉ‬SȪօVWȪ
Polish ‫ۉ‬SȪօÓԙ son VֺQ
ruler ‫ۉ‬UX‫ڴ‬OȪ
Portuguese ‫ۈ‬Sƥ‫ڴ‬WԙȪ‫ۉ‬JL‫]ڴ‬ uncle ‫ֺۉ‬ІNȪO
wall Zƥ‫ڴ‬O
Russian ‫ۉ‬UֺԙȪQ wife ZD́I
watch ZĴWԙ
Spanish ‫ۉ‬VS Q́ԙ
Ordinal Numbers ‫ۈ‬ƥ‫ڴ‬GȪQȪO‫ۉ‬QֺPEȪ] window ‫ۉ‬ŹQGȪօ
Turkish ‫ۉ‬Wɀ‫ڴ‬Ńԙ
first Iȶ‫ڴ‬VW
second ‫ۉ‬VHNȪQG
Starter Unit B
1 one
Starter Unit D
School subjects
Spoken interaction A.1
2 two WX‫ڴ‬ sixth

Can interact in a simple way but communication

3 three јUL‫ڴ‬ seventh
H́Wј geography GٕL‫ۉ‬ĴJUȪIL‫ۉۈ‬GٕĴJ
4 four Iƥ‫ڴ‬ eighth
QD́Qј history ‫ۉ‬ḰVWȪUL
5 five ID́Y ninth
WHQј IT (information ‫ۈ‬D́‫ۉ‬WL‫́ڴ‬QIȪ‫ۉ‬PH́ԙȪQ
6 six V́NV tenth
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
10 ten
PE (physical
P јV
dependent on repetition at a slower rate of speech,
11 eleven
12 twelve
13 thirteen
14 fourteen
science ‫ۉ‬VD́ȪQV
Days of the week ‫ۈ‬GH́]ȪYǧȪ‫ۉ‬ZL‫ڴ‬N
Monday ‫ۉ‬PֺQGL‫ۈ‬GH́
rephrasing and repair. (general)
15 fifteen ‫ۈ‬ÍI‫ۉ‬WL‫ڴ‬Q twenty-sixth ‫ۈ‬WZHQWL‫ۉ‬V́NVј Tuesday ‫ۉ‬WMX‫]ڴ‬GL‫ۈ‬GH́
16 sixteen
17 seventeen
83 Can ask and answer simple questions, initiate and respond
to simple statements of immediate need or on very
viii familiar topics. (general)
Introduc ion to New Challenges
Can understand everyday expressions aimed at the Spoken production A.2
satisfaction of simple needs of a concrete type, delivered Can give a simple description of people, living conditions,
directly to him/her in clear, slow and repeated speech by daily routines, likes/dislikes etc. as a short series of simple
a sympathetic NS speaker. (general) phrases and sentences linked to a list. (Modules 3/4)
Can understand questions and instructions addressed Can explain what he/she dislikes about something.
carefully and slowly to him/her. (Get Ready) (Module 3)
Can follow short, simple directions. (Module 4) Can use simple descriptive language to make brief
Can make introductions and use basic greeting and leave- statements about and compare objects and possessions.
taking expressions. (Get Ready/Module 8) (Module 8)
Can ask how people are and react to news. (Modules 2/6) Can describe plans and arrangements. (Module 8)
Can ask people for things and give people things. Can describe habits and routines. (Modules 3/4)
(Modules 4/7) Can describe past activities and personal experiences.
Can handle numbers, cost and time. (Get Ready/Module 5) (Modules 6/7)
Can ask/answer simple questions, initiate and respond
to simple statements in areas of immediate need or on Spoken interaction A.2
familiar topics. (general) Can make and respond to invitations, suggestions.
Can ask and answer simple questions about themselves (Modules 5/8)
and other people, where they live, people they know, Can say what he/she likes or dislikes. (Module 3)
things they have. (Module 2/general)
Can discuss what to do, where to go and make
Can indicate time – next week, last Friday, in November, arrangements to meet. (Module 8)
three o’clock. (Get Ready/Modules 6/8)
Can ask about things and make simple transactions in
Can reply in interview to simple direct questions spoken shops. (Module 5)
very slowly and clearly about personal details. (general)
Can give and receive information about quantities,
numbers, prices etc. (Module 5)
Writing A.1 Can make simple purchases by stating what is wanted and
Can write simple isolated phrases and sentences. (general) asking the price. (Module 5)
Can write simple phrases and sentences about themselves Can ask and answer questions about what they do in free
and imaginary people, where they live and what they do. time. (Module 4)
Can ask for and give directions referring to a map or plan.
Can write a simple postcard. (Module 5) (Module 4)
Can write numbers and dates, own name,
nationality, address, age, date of birth. (Module 1: Writing A.2
completing a form)
Can write simple, formulaic notes relating to matters in
areas of immediate need. (Modules 4/8)
Listening A.1 Can write very simple personal letters/emails.
Can follow speech that is slow and carefully articulated, with (Modules 6/7)
long pauses for him/her to assimilate meaning. (general)
Can understand instructions addressed carefully and slowly Listening A.2
to him/her. (Get Ready)
Can understand and extract the essential information
Can follow, short, simple directions. (Module 4) from short, recorded passages dealing with predictable
everyday matters which are delivered slowly and clearly.
Reading A.1 (general)
Can understand very short, simple texts a single phrase
at a time, picking up familiar names, words and basic Reading A.2
phrases and rereading as required. (general) Can identify specific information in simpler written material
Can understand short, simple messages on postcards. he/she encounters such as letters brochures and short
(Module 5) newspaper articles describing events. (general)
Can recognise familiar names, words and very basic Can understand short, simple texts containing the highest
phrases on simple notices in the most common everyday frequency vocabulary, including a proportion of shared
situations. (general) international vocabulary items. (general)
Can get an idea of the content of simpler informational Can understand short, simple personal letters. (Module 7)
material and short descriptions especially if there is visual
support. (general)
Can follow short, simple written directions. (Module 4)
New Challenges 1 also covers quite a few of the
specifications of A.2 level: ix
Introduc ion to New Challenges

Con en s
Get Ready
A You (pp. 4–5) Key Words: Countries Word Builder: Nationalities Grammar: to be
Key Expressions: Meeting people; The alphabet
B Your Family (pp. 6–7) Key Words: Numbers/Family/Ordinal Numbers/Months Grammar: Possessive adjectives/’s
C Your Classroom (pp. 8–9) Key Words: Classroom Objects Word Builder: Plural nouns
Pronunciation: V, ] and ́] Grammar: Prepositions of place
D Your School (pp. 10–11) Key Words: School Subjects; Telling the time Grammar: Imperatives/Object pronouns
E Your Room (p. 12) Key Words: Bedrooms/Colours Grammar: this, that, these, those
F Your Photos (p.13) Key Words: Appearance Grammar: Articles Sentence Builder: Simple sentences

Unit/Page Language Skills

1 The Challenge
Get Ready (pp. 14–15) Key Words: Interests Listening: Personal information/interests Speaking: Your interests
1 Young and Talented Key Words: Abilities Grammar: can Reading: Talented young people Pronunciation: can – weak/strong
(pp. 16–17) (ability) Sentence Builder: and/but Speaking: Your abilities
2 Skills for Life (pp.18–19) Word Builder: Verb–noun collocations Reading: A questionnaire Listening: An interview
Grammar: Question words Speaking: Answering a questionnaire Pronunciation: Questions
3 The First Meeting Key Words: Opinion Adjectives Reading and Listening: The Challenges Story
(pp. 20–21) Key Expressions: Opinions Writing: A form
Study Corner 1 (p. 22) Study Help: Vocabulary books

2 Exercise
Get Ready (p. 23) Key Words: Sport and Exercise Listening: Exercise advice
4 Fit and Fashionable Key Words: Appearance and Clothes Reading: A fashion designer Speaking: Game
(pp. 24–25) Word Builder: Compound nouns
Grammar: have got/has got
Sentence Builder: and
5 Top Tips (pp. 26–27) Key Words: Food and Drink Reading and Listening: Sport and diet
Grammar: Countable/uncountable Speaking: Favourite food and drink
nouns, some and any
6 At the Sports Centre Reading and Listening: The Challenges Story
(pp. 28–29) Key Expressions: Asking how things are Writing: A text message

Across Cultures 1 (pp. 30–31) Reading: National Sports Days Listening: Interviews
Listen closely: Contractions Pronunciation: V, ԙ
Speaking: Sports favourites Project: A sports poster
Study Corner 2 (p. 32) Study Help: Picture Dictionary

3 Risk
Get Ready (p. 33) Key Words: Jobs/Adjectives Listening: Identifying jobs Speaking: Game
7 A Dangerous Job Key Words: Routines Reading: A professional jockey Pronunciation: ], V and ́]
(pp. 34–35) Grammar: Present Simple (1 and 2) Speaking: Your routine
Sentence Builder: Time clauses
8 Cyber Safety (pp. 36–37) Key Words: The Internet Reading and Listening: Safety on the Internet Speaking: Routines
Grammar: Present Simple (3)
Sentence Builder: Expressions with every
9 The Adventure Park Key Words: Feelings Sentence Builder: Reading and Listening: The Challenges Story Key Expressions:
(pp. 38–39) Verbs of preference + noun or verb + -ing Preferences Speaking: A class survey Writing: A report
Study Corner 3 (p. 40) Study Help: Classroom Language 1

4 Out and About

Get Ready (p. 41) Key Words: Places Listening: Free time Speaking: Your free time
10 Free Time (pp. 42–43) Grammar: Adverbs (1) Reading and Listening: Teenage activities
Sentence Builder: Position of adverbs Speaking: Are you an outdoor or indoor person?
11 A Trip Back in Time Grammar: there is/there are with some Reading and Listening: Jorvik Viking Centre Listening: Tourist
(pp. 44–45) and any Word Builder: Multi-part verbs information/A survey Speaking: Places in your area
12 Going Out (pp. 46–47) Key Words: Places/Directions Reading and Listening: The Challenges Story Key Expressions: Asking
Sentence Builder: first and then for and giving directions Writing: A note with directions
Across Cultures 2 (pp. 48–49) Reading: School life Listening: A British school day
Listen closely: Unstressed words/sounds ́ and L‫ڴ‬
Project: Poster – Our ideal school day
2 Study Corner 4 (p. 50) Study Help: Classroom Language 2

Introduc ion to New Challenges

Unit/Page Language Skills

5 The Weather
Get Ready (p. 51) Key Words: The Weather Listening: Weather report Speaking: Weather in your country
13 Our Weather (pp. 52–53) Key Words: Seasons Reading: Weather updates Speaking: Identity game
Word Builder: Nouns/Adjectives
Grammar: Present Continuous (1)
Sentence Builder: why and because
14 Tornado! (pp. 54–55) Grammar: Present Continuous (2) Reading and Listening: News programme Speaking: Game
Sentence Builder: Pronoun reference
15 In the Country (pp. 56–57) Word Builder: Containers Reading and Listening: The Challenges Story
Key Expressions: Shopping Writing: A postcard
Study Corner 5 (p. 58) Study Help: Learning words

6 Expeditions
Get Ready (p. 59) Key Words: Transport Listening: Travel Speaking: Game
16 Space Station (pp. 60–61) Key Words: Space Grammar: was/were Reading: The International Space Station Speaking: Yesterday
Word Builder: -ed adjectives
17 Charity Adventure Grammar: Past Simple (1) Reading and Listening: Bangkok to Brighton
(pp. 62–63) Pronunciation: -ed endings Speaking: Your holidays
18 The Expedition (pp. 64–65) Sentence Builder: Past time clauses Reading and Listening: The Challenges Story
Key Expressions: Suggestions Writing: A short note
Across Cultures 3 (pp. 66–67) Reading: Welcome to the UK! Listening: Interview – British girl
in Spain Listen closely: Intonation Pronunciation: ј and ǧ
Project: A poster – My Country
Study Corner 6 (p. 68) Study Help: Homework

7 Helping
Get Ready (p. 69) Key Words: Helping Listening: Helping Speaking: A questionnaire
19 Animals in Danger Grammar: Past Simple (2) Listening: Animal descriptions Reading: Animals in danger
(pp. 70–71) Sentence Builder: with Speaking: Talking about animals
20 Change your World! Grammar: Past Simple (3) Reading: Local hero Speaking: Your weekend
(pp. 72–73)
21 Community Work Sentence Builder: then and after Reading and Listening: The Challenges Story
(pp. 74–75) Key Expressions: Requests Writing: An email
Study Corner 7 (p. 76) Study Help: Classroom Language 3

8 Television
Get Ready (p. 77) Key Words: TV Programmes Listening: TV programmes Speaking: A questionnaire
22 Last Week on TV Grammar: Comparatives and superlatives Reading: TV review Speaking: Comparing actors
(pp. 78–79) Word Builder: -ed and -ing adjectives
23 A Chat Show (pp. 80–81) Grammar: going to Reading: Chat show interview Speaking: Holiday plans
Sentence Builder: Future time clauses
24 Party Time (pp. 82–83) Reading and Listening: The Challenges Story
Key Expressions: Invitations Writing: An invitation
Across Cultures 4 (pp. 84–85) Key Words: Celebrations Reading: New Year Celebrations Listening: New Year in Scotland and
Australia Listen closely: Expressions Pronunciation: Word stress
Speaking: New Year at home Project: A poster – Festivals
Study Corner 8 (p. 86) Study Help: Revising for exams

Student A Activities (p. 87)

Student B Activities (p. 88)
Time Out! (pp. 89–99)
Picture Dictionary (pp. 100–110)
Questionnaire answers, Fact or Fiction answers, Irregular verb list (p. 111)

A You
This Uni Warm-up Reading and Listening

Get Ready
Short of time: set some of
1 Look at the Key Words. Match the countries 1.4 4 Read and listen to the dialogue.
the exercises for homework with the flags. Complete the sentences with
(e.g. Exercise 6) nationality adjectives.
More time: do the extra 1.2
Alex Hello.
activities Adam Hi. I’m Adam.
Ewa And my name’s Ewa. What’s
your name?
Background Alex Alex.
This lesson focuses on basic Ewa Nice to meet you. We’re new
personal information (e.g. at this school.
country and nationality) plus Alex Me too! Where are you from?
1 2 3 Adam We’re from Warsaw.
meeting people. It revises the
Alex Oh, you’re 1 Polish .
verb to be. Ewa Yes, and you? Are you
2 American ?

Warm-up 4 5 6 Alex No, I’m not. I’m 3 Canadian . I’m

from Toronto. Are you in Class 7?
Adam No, we aren’t. We’re in Class 5.
1.2 Exercise 1 The teacher, Mr Gerrard, is
4 Australian .
• If you have a large world
7 8 9 Alex Oh, my teacher is Miss Lewis.
map, display it and invite
She isn’t Australian. She’s
students to find and point to 5 British .

the countries on the map. Ewa Oh, time for class. See you later.
• Check students’ 10 11 12
Alex Okay, bye.
pronunciation of the Key
Words and word stress.
13 14 15
1 Brazil 2 Australia
3 Canada 4 China
2 Copy and complete the Word Builder with
5 Greece 6 the United the countries and nationality adjectives.
Kingdom 7 the United
Argentinian Australian Brazilian
States 8 Japan 9 Poland Canadian Chinese Greek Italian
10 Spain 11 Russia Japanese Polish Portuguese Russian
12 Portugal 13 Turkey Spanish Turkish British American
14 Argentina 15 Italy

Exercise 2
• Look at the endings of the
nationality adjectives with
students. Elicit one or two
more pairs of countries and
nationality adjectives from
1.3 3 Now listen and check your answers.

the class. Students then 4

complete the Word Builder,
working individually.

1.3 Exercise 3 Grammar:  to be

Answers and audioscript
• Students listen and check 1 Australia – Australian, Brazil –
their answers. Brazilian, Canada – Canadian, Exercise 5
• Ask students to say Italy – Italian, Russia – Russian, • Read through the table with the
pairs of country and the United States – American class. Ask two or three students to
nationality words, e.g. 2 Poland – Polish, Spain – Spanish, answer the Wh- Questions.
Argentina, Argentinian. Turkey – Turkish, the United • Ask students to look again at the
Check pronunciation and Kingdom – British dialogue in Exercise 4. Students
word stress. 3 China – Chinese, Japan – Japanese, find and read aloud sentences
Portugal – Portuguese containing the verb to be.
4 Greece – Greek
Students work in threes, reading aloud
Reading and Listening the dialogue in Exercise 4 and taking
turns to be Alex, Adam and Ewa. Correct
1.4 Exercise 4 any serious pronunciation errors.
Answers ­student page

Grammar: to be 9 Look at the Key Expressions and

complete the dialogue.
Your Turn
Look at the examples in the table.

I ’m (am) Exercise 10
He/She/It ’s (is) from Rome.
You/We/They ’re (are)
• Check that students
understand what to do.
Negative A Hi.
B 1 Hello . My 2 name ’s Esin. 3 What ’s your Students may find it helpful
I ’m not (am not) to listen again to the
He/She/It isn’t (is not) Australian.
A Diego. 4 Nice to meet you. dialogue from Exercise 4.
You/We/They aren’t (are not) 5Where are you from?
Yes/No Questions A Argentina, and you?
• If necessary, write some cue
B I’m from Istanbul, in Turkey. words and questions on the
Am I
Is he/she/it American? board, e.g.
Are you/we/they Your Turn Hello.
Short Answers 10 Invent a person and the information My name’s ...
Yes, I am. No, I’m not. below. Work in pairs. Act out a dialogue What’s your name?
like the one in Exercise 4. Where are you from?
Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t.
Yes, you/we/they are. No, you/we/they aren’t. tOBNF tDPVOUSZBOEOBUJPOBMJUZ • Students work in pairs,
Wh- Questions acting out their dialogues.
What is your name? (What’s your name?) 1.5 11 Read and listen to the alphabet. Then
Where are you from? listen and write down five names.
What nationality is she? 1 Adam 1.5 Exercise 11
• Check the names by asking
students to write them on
Practice The alphabet the board, spell them and
6 Complete the sentences about the people in Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff say them. Point out the use
Exercise 4. Use is, isn’t, are or aren’t. of ‘double R’ in Gerrard.
Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll
1 Alex isn’t American. He ’s Canadian.
2 Ewa and Adam aren’t Russian. They are Polish. Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Answers and audioscript
3 Alex is in Class 7. Ewa and Adam aren’t in Class 7.
They ’re in Class 5. Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx 1 My name’s Adam.
4 Mr Gerrard ’s Australian. Miss Lewis isn’t A – D – A – M.
Australian. She ’s British. Yy Zz 2 My name’s Alex.
7 Use the words to write questions. A – L – E – X.
1 is / your name? / what 3 My name’s Monica.
What’s your name? M – O – N – I – C – A.
2 you / are / from the UK? 4 My name’s Miss Lewis.
3 you / from? / are / where 12 Spelling Quiz Work in pairs. Choose L – E – W – I – S.
4 you / a student? / are five words and test your partner.
5 are / nationality / your teachers? / what 5 My name’s Mr Gerrard.
A Spell ‘Russia’. G – E – double R – A – R – D.
8 Write true answers for the questions in Exercise 7. B R – U – double S – I – A
What’s your name? My name’s … A Correct!
In turn, each student spells his
or her first name.

Exercise 12
• Ask two students to read
aloud the example dialogue.
Practice Exercise 8 Elicit what to say if the
• Check answers by asking individuals spelling is not correct, e.g.
Exercise 6 to write their answers to the No. / Wrong. It’s (R U S S I A).
questions on the board.
Answers ­student page Photocopiable activity 1,
• Students then work in pairs, asking
and answering the questions from Teacher’s Resources MultiROM
Exercise 7.
Exercise 7
• Students write the questions on the Answers – (students’ own answers)
board. Leave the questions on the 2 No, I’m not. 3 I’m from ...
board for Exercise 8. 4 Yes, I am. 5 They’re ...
2 Are you from the UK? Exercise 9
3 Where are you from? • After checking answers, students
4 Are you a student? work in pairs, reading aloud the
5 What nationality are your teachers? dialogue.

Answers ­student page

B Your Family
This Uni Warm-up 1.7 2 Pronunciation Look at the Word Builder.
Short of time: set some of Listen to the numbers. Can you hear a) or b)?
the exercises for homework
1 Look at the Key Words. Write the numbers in
the correct order. Then listen and check.
(e.g. Exercise 9)
More time: do the extra 1.6


This lesson looks at families
and ages. The grammar focus is
on possessive adjectives and ’s.

Warm-up 3 Picture Dictionary page 100. Look at the Key Words.

1.6 Exercise 1 1.8

• Students should cover the

Word Builder in Exercise 2
before ordering the words. Mark (65) Rachel (63)

Answers and audioscript

one, two, three, four, five, 4 Look at the family tree. What are the
six, seven, eight, nine, ten, relationships?
eleven, twelve, thirteen, 1 Mark/Rachel husband – wife
2 Maggie/Kelly mother – daughter
fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, 3 Leo/Ed uncle – nephew
seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, 4 James/Ed father – son
twenty, thirty, thirty-eight, 5 Mark/Vicky grandfather – granddaughter Maggie (39) James (40) Frances (38) Leo (40)
6 Rachel/Ed grandmother – grandson
thirty-nine, forty, fifty, sixty, 7 Frances/Kelly aunt – niece
sixty-three, sixty-five, seventy, 8 Kelly/Ed sister – brother
eighty, ninety, one hundred 9 Kelly/Vicky cousins
5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer about
the people in Exercise 4.
1.7 Exercise 2 A How old is Maggie?
B She’s thirty-nine.
Answers Kelly (13) Ed (14) Vicky (13)
b) thirty
a) fourteen
a) fifteen Reading and Listening
b) sixty 1.9 6 Read about the people in Exercise 4. Who are they?
a) seventeen 1 I’m sixty-three and my husband is sixty-five. 3 My mum is Canadian and my dad is British. My
a) eighteen Our children’s names are James and Frances. grandparents’ names are Mark and Rachel. Their
Frances’s husband is called Leo. Their daughter’s dog is very old – about fourteen. Its name is Scoot.
b) ninety name is Vicky. Rachel I’m fourteen, too. Ed
2 James is my brother. His wife’s name is Maggie. 4 My cousins’ names are Kelly and Ed. Kelly is thirteen
She’s Canadian. My niece and my daughter are both and her brother is fourteen. Kelly is my favourite
Extra 6 thirteen and my nephew is fourteen. Frances cousin. She’s great. We are good friends. Vicky

Dictate a series of numbers

ending in -teen or -ty for
students to write, e.g. you say
forty, students write 40. Reading and Listening • Ask students to match the
possessive adjectives in this exercise
1.9 Exercise 6 with the corresponding subject
1.8 Exercise 3 pronouns in the table for the verb
• Students check the meaning Answers ­student page to be in Exercise 5 on page 5.
of the Key Words in the
Picture Dictionary. Check Extra
that students understand Extra
how the family tree works. Tell the class about one of the people in
Play the recording for students to focus
the family tree (as in Exercise 6), using
on pronunciation. Students then work in
possessive adjectives and possessive ’s.
Exercise 4 pairs, reading aloud the texts.
Students guess who it is. For example,
Answers ­student page My father is 65. His wife is 63. His wife’s
Grammar:  Possessive name is Rachel. Their grandson’s name
adjectives/’s is Ed. He is 14. My wife’s name is Maggie
Exercise 5 and my sister’s name is Frances. (James)
• Check pronunciation of Exercise 7
the names (e.g. Frances • Students look at the table and
‫ۉ‬IUđ‫ڴ‬QV́V) before the repeat the sentences after you.
6 pair activity.

Grammar: Possessive adjectives/’s 10 Add ’s or s’ to the underlined words.

1 Rachel is Frances ’s mother.
7 Look at the examples in the table.
2 The children ’s parents are from Turkey.
3 My sister ’s name is Kiera.
1.11 Exercise 12
Possessive adjectives
4 Our teacher s’ names are Miss Clarke and
My mum is Canadian. Mr Davies. Answers and audioscript
Your family is great. 5 Magda ’s family is from Poland. January, February, March,
His wife’s name is Maggie. 6 My friend s’ names are Robert and Joanna. April, May, June, July,
Her brother is fourteen. 7 Our mother ’s name is Lucy.
Its name is Scoot. August, September, October,
Our children’s names are James and Frances. 11 Look at the Key Words. Write the missing November, December
Their dog is very old. numbers. Then listen and check.
Possessive ’s
Singular nouns daughter’s Listening
Singular noun with s ending Frances’s
Regular plural nouns grandparents’
Irregular plural nouns children’s 1.12 Exercise 13
Audioscript ­end of notes
8 Match the sentences with the drawings.
• Students listen to Mark,
1 My cousin’s mum is Polish. 12 Look at the Key Words. Order the months.
2 My cousins’ mum is Polish. Maggie and Vicky and match
Then listen and check.
the family members’ names
a b 1.11 to the birthdays.

Answers ­student page

Listening Your Turn

1.12 13 Listen to the people from the family in Exercise Exercise 14
4. Write the correct names with the dates.
• Students prepare a family tree
and include both people’s
Dates to Remember: ages and birthdays. Students
' '-j^Del[cX[h Mark then work in pairs, asking and
( )hZ@kd[ Ed answering questions about
Practice ) )&j^EYjeX[h Kelly their families.
* )'ij@WdkWho Vicky
9 Complete the sentences with possessive
adjectives. + '/j^I[fj[cX[h James Extra
1 I’m thirteen and my brother is sixteen. , 'ij@kbo Maggie
2 Ana and Pablo are Spanish. Their mother Students count to ninety-nine in
is Argentinian. threes.
3 Magda and I are cousins. Our Your Turn If necessary, revise and drill
grandmother is seventy-one.
4 How old are you? And how old is your 14 Draw your family tree and write a list of numbers 1–100 before students do
sister? birthdays. Then work in pairs. Ask and answer the exercise. Either write a series of
5 My aunt is from London. Her husband is questions about your family.
from New York.
numbers on the board for students
His father is my A What’s your dad’s name? B Marcin. to read aloud or ask them to
6 He’s my cousin.
favourite uncle.
A How old is he? B He’s forty-one.
A When’s his birthday? B It’s on the second count from one to a hundred.
7 My friend’s cat is great. Its name is
Snowball. of April. 7 Students count to ninety-nine
in threes, as a whole class or
individually round the class.

Exercise 8 Exercise 13  – Audioscript

1.10 Exercise 11
• Check students understand how the • Check students’ spelling and Mark My name’s Mark. My
position of the apostrophe changes pronunciation of missing ordinal birthday is on the 17th
for singular and plural. November. My son’s name is
James. His birthday is on the
Answers Answers (underlined) and audioscript 19th September.
1 Picture b) 2 Picture a) first, second, third, fourth, fifth, Maggie I’m Maggie and I’m
sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, 39. My birthday is on the 1st
eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, July. My son’s name is Ed. His
Practice fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, birthday is on the 3rd June.
seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, Vicky My name’s Vicky and I’m
Exercise 9 twentieth, twenty-first, twenty-second, 13. My birthday is on the 31st
twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty- January. My cousin, Kelly, is
Answers ­student page
fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, 13 too. Her birthday is on the
twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth, 30th October.
Exercise 10 thirty-first Photocopiable activity 2,
Answers ­student page Teacher’s Resources MultiROM
C Your Classroom
This Uni
Short of time: set some of
the exercises for homework 1 Work in pairs. Look at the Key Words.
Match them with the objects (1–21).
(e.g. Exercise 8)
More time: do the extra A What’s number one in English?
B Poster.
1.13 1 2
This lesson is about basic
classroom vocabulary. There is
a lexical focus on singular and
plural nouns and a grammar
focus on prepositions. The
5 6
vocabulary here could be 3
4 7
extended to include any useful
objects in your classroom.
Warm-up 11
1.13 Exercise 1 10
2 wall 3 window 4 board 15
5 CD player 6 computer 14
7 door 8 plant
9 bookshelf 10 bin
11 DVD player 12 cupboard
13 dictionary 14 desk
15 ruler 16 pencil 17 pen 17
18 watch 19 book
20 chair 21 bag
Exercise 2
• Check spelling of the 20

Answers ­student page

1.14 Exercise 3 21
• Students listen to the three
sounds before classifying the
words. 8

1.15 Exercise 4
• After checking answers,
students listen to the Exercise 5 Exercise 6
recording and repeat the • Give students a time limit, e.g. 3–4 • Ask two students to read aloud the
words. minutes, to write their list. example dialogue.
• Check answers by asking students • Check that students understand
Answers to write items on the board. Check what to do. If a student makes a
1 desks 2 dictionaries, spelling and pronunciation. mistake or forgets an object or
bookshelves, wives number, the game starts again.
3 watches Extra • If there is time, play the game again
Students close their books. Tell the class as a whole class.
to look at ten things you point to or hold
up and to write down the words, e.g.
Point to: 1 a window 2 a desk
3 a chair 4 a cupboard 5 a poster
Hold up: 6 three books 7 a ruler
8 a bag 9 two dictionaries 10 a pen
Check answers by asking students to
write the words on the board and say
8 them.

2 Complete the Word Builder with plurals. Grammar:  Prepositions of place

7 Look at the examples.
Your Turn
A Exercise 9
chairs B • If you wish, limit the
A number of yes/no questions
(e.g. a maximum of ten
desks A is in B. A is under B.
questions) before the person
B gives the answer.
watches • Demonstrate the game
dictionaries A by thinking of an object
bookshelves yourself for students
A is next to B. A is in front of B.
to guess. Students then
continue playing the game
A A as a class or in groups.

children B B Extra
Students think of:
3 Pronunciation Listen to the sounds. Put the A is on B. A is behind B.
two words beginning with a;
regular plurals from the Word Builder in the
correct groups. three words beginning with b;
and four words beginning with c.
1 books 2 chairs 3 classes B
C Suggested answers:
cupboards a – aunt, April
A is between B and C. b – book, board, bag
1.15 4 Now listen and check.
Practice c – chair, cupboard, class,
5 What’s in your classroom? Write a list. country
1 computer, 15 desks, 4 posters 8 Look at the picture on page 8 again. Complete
the sentences with prepositions of place. Photocopiable activity 3,
6 Game Work in pairs. Play this memory game. 1 The watches are on the desks. Teacher’s Resource MultiROM
A four books 2 The bag is under the chair.
3 The bin is next to the cupboard.
B four books and five DVD players 4 The dictionaries are on the bookshelf.
A four books and five DVD players and ten chairs 5 The board is between the window and the
6 The CD player is in the cupboard.
7 The window is behind the plant.
8 The plant is in front of the window.

Your Turn
9 Game Think of an object in the classroom.
The others ask questions and guess the object.
A Is it on the wall?
B No, it isn’t.
C Is it in the cupboard?
A Yes, it is. 9

Grammar:  Prepositions of Extra

place Use objects in your classroom for
students to make sentences, e.g. The
Exercise 7 pencil is in the box./The ruler is under
• Students look at the pictures and the book.
repeat the sentences after you.
• Check that students understand Practice
we usually use in when we can
close the item e.g. a cupboard/ Exercise 8
wardrobe and on when we can’t
e.g. bookshelf/wall. Answers ­student page

Dx Your School
This Uni Warm-up 5 Work in pairs. Ask and
Short of time: set some of answer questions about
1 Look at the Key Words. Match them with the pictures (a–j). the timetable.
the exercises for homework
(e.g. Exercises 11 and 13) a – science A What time is history on
More time: do the extra Wednesday?
B It’s at eleven o’clock.
1.18 6 Listen to the teacher.
This lesson looks at school Number her instructions
subjects and classroom in the correct order.
instructions. You could add a) 2 Open your books.
a b c d e b) 7 Don’t stand up.
any of your own instructions c) 1 Sit down.
here. It is a good idea to write d) 3 Look at the photos.
key instructions on the wall to <Y``c e) 8 Don’t look at your
remind students. f) 4 Read the dialogue.
f g h i j g) 6 Close your books.
h) 5 Write the answers in
Warm-up 2 What are your three favourite subjects? Tell the class. your notebook.
My favourite subjects are maths, science and art.
1.16 Exercise 1 Grammar: Imperatives
• Check pronunciation and Reading 7 Look at the sentences.
word stress when students
repeat the words after the 3 Look at the timetable. Write these times.
a) half past twelve e) quarter to twelve Affirmative
a) 12.30 f) ten to four Sit down.
b) three o’clock g) eleven o’clock
Answers c) quarter past two h) ten to ten
b) geography c) history d) five past three
d) maths e) Chinese 1.17 4 Listen and repeat the times and days.
f) art g) music h) PE
(physical education) i) English Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
j) IT (information technology) 9.00 English English science Chinese maths
9.50 history Chinese English maths history
Exercise 2
10.35 Break Negative
• Encourage students to
11.00 maths geography history English geography Don’t sit down.
choose their favourite 11.45
subjects from the Key
11.50 IT IT maths science English
Words. If necessary, present 12.30
vocabulary for other 12.30 Lunch
favourite subjects.
14.15 IT PE art music PE
Reading 15.05 science PE art music PE
Exercise 3
• Point out that the timetable
uses the 24-hour clock. Do
item b) three o’clock with
the class before students 1.17 Exercise 4 Listening
complete the exercise • Play the recording several times for
working individually. 1.18 Exercise 6
students to listen and repeat the
• Check answers by asking times and days as a whole class and Audioscript ­end of notes
students to write the times individually. • Give students time to read the
on the board. • Ask students which days are missing instructions before you play the
from the timetable (Saturday/ recording.
Answers Sunday) and why (because it’s the
b) 15.00 c) 14.15 d) 15.05 weekend and there’s no school). Answers ­student page
e) 11.45 f) 15.50 g) 11.00
h) 9.50
Exercise 5
• Students repeat the example
Grammar: Imperatives
question and answer after you Exercise 7
before working in pairs. Point out
• Check that students understand that
the use of prepositions (on + day,
don’t stands for do not.
at + time).


Practice Grammar: Object pronouns

8 Complete the instructions with the verbs in 12 Complete the table with words from Exercise 11.
the box. Practice
Subject pronouns Object pronouns
don’t speak don’t write listen to
read speak watch write I me Exercise 13
Listen to your teacher in class. you you
1 Answers ­student page
2 Don’t speak your language in English lessons. he him
3 Speak English to your partner in class.
4 Write new words in your notebook. she her
5 Don’t write sentences in your Students’ Book. Extra
it it
Use your notebook.
6 Read stories in English at home. we us Write on the board:
7 Watch DVDs in English at home. they them PHYSICAL EDUCATION
1.19 9 Game Listen and follow the instructions. You you you Students work in pairs or small
are out of the game when you make a mistake. groups, making as many words
as they can and writing them
10 Work in pairs. Give and follow classroom Practice
instructions. down. Advise students to look
Open your book. 13 Complete the sentences with the correct object back at the words in Lessons
pronouns. A–D in Get Ready. Check answers
1 My sister’s favourite subject is maths. Ask by asking students in turn to
Reading her for help.
2 He’s your teacher. Listen to him . write their words on the board.
11 Match the sentences (1–6) with the pictures
3 Read the story. Then answer questions about (Example answers: pen, plant,
(a–f). it .
1 Tell us the answer, please. a us about Sunday, Tuesday, Spain, Italy,
4 We’re from London. Tell
2 Listen to me, please! c New York. uncle, aunt, son, one, ten, nice,
3 Ask her a question. f 5 I’m here. Sit next to me . paint, sit, close, open.)
4 Sit next to him. e 6 Repeat the words and match them with
5 Get your book. Open it on page 10. b the photos.
6 Read the sentences. Write them in your 7 What’s the answer? Check it on Exercise 6  – Audioscript
notebook. d page 120.
8 She’s a fantastic singer. Listen to her . Teacher Okay, sit down and
open your books, please.
a b Right, now look at the
photos on page six … yes,
the photos on page six. …
Now, read the dialogue on
page six, please … Okay, now
write the answers in your
notebook. Right, close your
books, please … yes, close
e your books. Don’t stand up
d f
and don’t look at your books.
Don’t look at your books.
Now …

Exercise 9  – Audioscript
Man Open your book on page
11 six. Read the instructions in
Exercise one. Don’t close your
book. Look at the window.
Don’t look at your book. Now
Practice Reading look at your book. Look at
the family tree. Don’t say the
Exercise 8 Exercise 11 name of the grandmother. Say
the name of the grandfather.
Answers ­student page Answers ­student page Close your book. Stand up.
Don’t sit down. Say your
name. Sit down.
1.19 Exercise 9 Grammar:  Object pronouns Photocopiable activity 4,
Audioscript ­end of notes
Teacher’s Resource MultiROM
Exercise 12
Exercise 10 • Check that students understand the
• Elicit six or seven verbs and write grammatical difference between
them on the board for students subject and object pronouns by
to use in affirmative and negative comparing two sentences such as:
imperatives, e.g. open, close, stand He is American. Ask him.
up, sit down, write, read, look at, say. Answers ­student page

E Your Room
This Uni Warm-up Grammar: this, that, these, those
Short of time: set some of
1 Picture Dictionary page 102. Look at the 3 Look at the examples in the table.
the exercises for homework Key Words. Write a list of the things in your
(e.g. Exercise 4) bedroom. Singular Plural
More time: do the extra This magazine is about These CDs are great.
activities music.

1.20 Exercise 1 Reading and Listening
• Students check the meaning
of the Key Words in the
1.21 2 Read and listen to the dialogue. What’s Kim’s
favourite colour? Who’s her favourite singer?
Picture Dictionary. That bed is a fantastic Those pictures are
colour. new.
• Encourage students to
describe where things are
in their bedroom, using
prepositions and vocabulary
from Unit C, e.g. My bed is
next to/under the window.
The lamp is on the desk.

Reading and
4 Complete the sentences with this, that, these
Listening or those.
1 Pass me that CD, please. The rap CD over
1.21 Exercise 2 there.
Kim This is my new room. 2 Come here and look at these photos.
Answers Rani Wow, it’s really different. That bed is a
3 That picture over there is my favourite.
4 Are those your bags over there under the
Favourite colour: Purple fantastic colour.
Favourite singer: Misty Kim Thanks. Purple is my favourite colour. 5 We’re in Class 7. This is our classroom
Rani And those pictures on the wall are new. here.
Kim Yes, they’re from my aunt in Canada.
Extra Rani And what’s that over there in the box? Your Turn
Write on the board: My favourite Kim Oh, that’s my new CD player. 5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about
… colours in your bedroom or classroom.
singer/group is ... In turn, Rani These CDs are great. Misty is my favourite
students tell the class their singer.
A What colour are the walls in your room?
B They’re green.
favourite singer/group. Kim She’s my favourite, too. This magazine is
about music and Misty is on page 20. Take B What colour is that door?
it and read it at home. A It’s brown.
Grammar:  this, that, Rani Great, thanks.
these, those
black brown red pink white green blue yellow orange grey purple
Exercise 3
• Demonstrate this/that and
these/those by holding up
or pointing to objects in the
classroom, e.g. Look at this/
these book(s). Look at that/ Practice Your Turn
those cupboard(s).
• Look at the pictures and Exercise 4 Exercise 5
read the sentences with • When checking answers, point out • Ask students to repeat the colours
students. the use of over there with that/those after you to practise pronunciation.
• Ask students to hold up and here with this/these. • Read the example dialogue with the
or point to objects in the class. Elicit more dialogues before
classroom and make similar Answers ­student page students work in pairs.
sentences, e.g. That is a
picture of London. Those Extra
are English dictionaries. This
is my book. These are my Write on the board:
pencils. What’s your favourite colour? It’s (blue).
What colour is your bedroom? It’s (red)
and (black).
Students work as a class or in groups,
asking and answering the questions.
Photocopiable activity 5,
12 Teacher’s Resource MultiROM
b c Revision
F Your Pho os
a Reading and
1.23 Exercise 3
Grammar: Articles
4 Look at the examples in the table. 1d) 2a) 3b) 4c)
a, an, the
My cousin is a basketball player.
He’s the captain of the basketball team. Grammar:  Articles
My dad is an art teacher.
d My dad is the tall man in the photo. Exercise 4
• Students read the sentences
Practice and repeat them after you.
5 Choose the correct word, a or an. Check students remember
1 I’m a / an English student. when we use an.
2 He’s a / an old friend from Scotland.
3 That’s a / an Polish–English dictionary. Extra
4 You’re a / an good friend!
5 My sister is a / an actress.
Play the recording for Exercise 3
6 Complete the descriptions of photos with a, again for students to listen and
an or the. repeat the descriptions. Draw
1 This is a photo of my family. In students’ attention to the articles
Warm-up the photo, we are in the kitchen
of our house. in the sentences.
1 Picture Dictionary page 101. Look at the
2 This is a photo of my sister with
Key Words and find the opposites. an old friend. My sister is the girl
with blond hair. Practice
1.22 3 This is a photo of my class. The
tall boy is Lucas. He’s an actor now.
4 In this photo, I’m with a friend from Exercise 5
school. We’re in the park next to my
house. Answers ­student page
2 Use the Key Words to describe the photos.
7 Look at the Sentence Builder. Use the words to
Reading and Listening write sentences 1–4.
Exercise 6
1.23 3 Read and listen to the sentences (1–4). Match
them with the photos (a–d). Answers ­student page
1 This is a photo of my dad and my uncle. My
dad is the tall man in the photo. He’s an art
2 This is a friend from school. She’s in the park
Exercise 7
behind my house. • Read the sentences with
3 This is a photo of my cousin. He’s a basketball students. Point out that
player and he’s the captain of the school 1 my brother / student / good / at university
basketball team. 2 he / captain / great / of the team the second sentence, He is
4 This is my mum. She’s a doctor. She’s with an 3 she / singer / my favourite / from the USA young. (subject + verb +
old lady at the hospital. 4 he / student / Brazilian / from Rio 13 adjective), does not have an
article. Remind students that
the adjective (young) comes
before the noun (boy).
This Uni Warm-up • Check answers by asking
students to write the
1.22 Exercise 1 sentences on the board.
Short of time: set some of the
• Students check the meaning of the
exercises for homework (e.g. Exercise 6) Answers
Key Words in the Picture Dictionary.
More time: do the extra activity 1 My brother is a good
Answers student at university.
Background big/small, blond/dark, fat/thin, 2 He is a great captain of the
This lesson has the first Sentence old/young, short/tall team.
Builder. These sections help students 3 She is my favourite singer
get used to English sentence structure from the United States.
and create their own sentences using Exercise 2 4 He is a Brazilian student
the patterns provided. • Students see how many Key Words from Rio.
they can use to describe each
photo. Photocopiable activity 6,
Teacher’s Resource MultiROM
Get Ready test,
Teacher’s Resource MultiROM
Ge Ready
Module 1
Talk about your abilities and interests.
Background Read about talented young people.
This two-page spread Listen to an interview. Ryan
introduces the characters Complete a form.
of the story and gives Learn about can and question words.
some background about
the challenge that they
face participating in the Emily
FACE programme. In this
initial overview of the FACE
programme the lexical
content is quite demanding
so be prepared to support
students with definitions and
translations when and where
The FACE programme
The FACE programme referred
to in the Students’ Book
is a fictional organisation

The Challenge
loosely based on the Scout
movement and various youth
award schemes. Like its real-
life counterparts, the FACE
programme is aimed at young
people and designed to expand Get Ready
their horizons through new 1 Picture Dictionary pages 104–105.
hobbies and interests. An Look at the Key Words.
important element of such
schemes is helping people 1.24 ARE YOU READY FOR
or the community while
simultaneously developing
personal skills. Through these
activities participants develop
a value system through a non- 2 Look at the photos. Match the
formal education experience. people with their interests.
Ryan – computers A programme for students and young people:
1 Go on an expedition.
1.24 Exercise 1 3 Read the poster. Match the examples 2 Start a new activity.
• Students check the meaning (a–d) with the activities (1–4). 3 Clean up your city.
of the Key Words in the a) Fun c) Community 4 Help people in your area.
b) Achievement d) Environment
Picture Dictionary.
• Students listen and repeat 14 1b Come and take the FACE challenge!

the Key Words to practise un chievement ommunity nvironment

pronunciation and word

Exercise 2 Exercise 3
Answers Answers
Emily – swimming 2a) 3d) 4c)
Laura – horse riding
Jake – photography

Extra Elicit more examples of each activity

from the class, e.g. cycling, running,
Ask students to describe Emily, Ryan, playing football are examples of
Laura and Jake using the adjectives of activity 2 (start a new activity).
appearance from Exercise 1 on page 13.

Running head

Write jumbled words on the
board. Students sort out the
letters to spell five interests.
1 S O N F A H I (fashion)
2 T O P T R E Y (pottery)
3 S H E S C (chess)
4 G I N Y C C L (cycling)

Exercise 4  – Audioscript
Ryan Hi. I’m Ryan. Ryan Hillier.
I’m thirteen and I’m from
York. My sister, Emily, and I
are on the FACE programme.
My interests? Well, computers,
swimming and cycling. But
computers are my favourite
things. They’re fantastic!
Emily Hi there! My name’s
Emily Hillier. ‘Em’ to my
friends and family. I’m
fourteen and I’m from York.
I’m on the FACE programme
1.25 4 Listen to the people. Complete the cards. 1.26 5 Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or with my brother. He’s okay,
false (F)? really. My interests are
1 F Cycling is Ryan’s favourite thing. swimming and singing. I’m in
2 T Emily is in a swimming club. the swimming club at school.
Name: Ryan Hillier 3 F Jake’s grandparents are from Argentina.
Age: 1 thirteen 4 F Jake’s favourite thing is photography. Jake Hello. My name’s Jake
From: York 5 T Laura and her family are in York for a year. and I’m thirteen. I’m from
Interests: Computers,
cycling 6 F Laura’s favourite animals are dogs.
York but my grandparents are
swimming and 2 Name: Emily Hillier
Age: 3 fourteen 6 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about from Jamaica. My interests are
From: York your interests. art and photography but my
Interests: Swimming
and 4 singing A What are your interests? favourite thing is music. My
B My interests are reading, photography and films. dad is a music teacher and
I’m in a group at school.
Name: Jake Samuels Laura Hola, I’m Laura and I’m
Age: 5 thirteen Name: Laura Ort
iz fourteen. I’m from Rosario
From: York Age: 7 fourteen
Interests: Art, 6 music From: Rosario,
in Argentina. I’m half English
and photography Interests: Anima
ls, horse riding 15
and half Argentinian. My dad
and 8 reading is a student at the University
of York and we are all here
for a year. My interests are
animals, horse riding and
1.25 Exercise 4 1.26 Exercise 5 reading. Horses are my
favourite animals.
Audioscript ­ end of notes • Give students time to read through
• Before you play the recording, the sentences before you play the
give students time to read through recording again.
the cards to see what missing Answers ­student page
information they need to listen for.
Reassure students that they do not
need to understand everything the Exercise 6
speakers say to complete the cards. • Help students with any new
• If you have a large world map, show vocabulary they need to talk about
students where York (England) and their interests.
Rosario (Argentina) are.

Answers ­student page

1 Young and Talen ed
This Uni Warm-up Reading
Short of time: set some of 1 Picture Dictionary pages 104–105. Look at the 1.28 2 Read the text. Match the people (1– 4) with the
the exercises for homework Key Words and circle your abilities. photos (a–d).
(e.g. Exercise 7)
3 Read the text again and answer these
More time: do the extra 1.27 questions.
activities 1 How old is Stefan?
2 Where are Carolina’s pictures?
3 Where is Amy from?
Background 4 Is Charlie captain of the football team?
This lesson is about young
people and what they are
capable of achieving. The Meet Stefan, Carolina, Amy and Charlie.
specific examples in the text They are talented young people from different
are invented but there are countries in the world. What can they do?
many such real people with
similar talents and abilities.
a b

1.27 Exercise 1
• Students check the meaning
of the Key Words in the
Picture Dictionary.

1 Stefan Ivanov is Rus ed ‘Little Picasso’. Her
Mime some of the Key Words for sian. He is only seve 2 Carolina Soto is call
old but he can play n years eries in New York and
chess. He can’t speak pictures are in art gall
students to guess the ability, e.g. but he can play chess English
olin a can ’t dra w but she can paint
with people in the USA Paris. Car
on the Internet! He … s in diff erent colours.
cook, draw, paint, play the piano, is a champion player. gre at pict ure

take photos.
e years old and 4 Charlie Harris is a disa
China. She is nin
3 Amy Liu is from nts. What UK. He can’t walk but
bled teenager from
pla y thr ee musical instrume he can play basketb
Reading she can
can she play? The
piano, the violin
and the cello.
can’t act.
he play tennis, too?
Yes, he can! He’s a fan
player and he’s captain
all. Can
tast ic
musician but she of his basketball team
She’s a fantastic .
1.28 Exercise 2
c d
1c) 2a) 3d) 4b)

Exercise 3
• Explain or encourage
students to guess the
meaning of any new words
in the texts. 16

1 seven
2 in art galleries in New York
and Paris Grammar:  can (ability) 1.29 Exercise 5
3 China • Check students understand that the
4 No. He’s captain of the Exercise 4 strong pronunciation of can (N Q)
basketball team. • Ask students to find two more is used in short affirmative answers
examples of can in affirmative (Yes, I can.) and at the beginning of
sentences (e.g. He can play chess. questions (Can you paint?).
She can paint great pictures.), two
more examples of can’t in negative
1.30 Exercise 6
sentences (e.g. He can’t speak
English. Carolina can’t draw.), one Answers
example of a question and short b) 1 c) 3 d) 2 e) 1 f) 2
answer (Can he play tennis, too? Yes,
he can.) and one example of a Wh-
Question (What can she play?). Extra

Answers ­student page After checking students’ answers, play

the recording for students to listen and
repeat the sentences.
The Challenge

Grammar: can (ability)

4 Complete the table with can or can’t.
Exercise 10
• Divide the class into pairs.
I/You/He/She/It/ 1 can paint. Allocate each student to be
Student A or Student B.
• Do the first two or three
I/You/He/She/It/ 2 can’t walk. questions and answers with
the class.
Yes/No Questions Short Answers • Students then complete the
Can I/you/he/ sing? Yes, I 3 can . 10 Pair work Ask and answer questions about activity, working in pairs.
she/it/we/ No, I can’t. the people.
• Draw the table on the
Student A ask about Jake and Emily, page 87. board. Check answers
Wh- Questions Student B ask about Ryan and Laura, page 88.
by asking individuals to
What 4 can I/you/he/she/it/ do? A Can Emily play the piano? complete the table on
we/they B Yes, she can.
the board.
Ryan Laura Jake Emily
1.29 5 Pronunciation Listen to the sounds.
1 N Q can 2 NȪQ can 3 NđQW can’t paint Exercise 11
play the piano  • Check students understand
1.30 6 Now listen to the sentences. Which sounds
from Exercise 5 can you hear: 1, 2 or 3? use a computer that and joins two similar
a) 2 take photos ideas, (e.g. two things a
play chess person can do) and but joins
Practice ride a bike two contrasting ideas (e.g.
7 Correct the sentences about the people in
what a person can do and
Exercise 2. what he/she can’t do).
11 Look at the Sentence Builder. Choose one
1 Stefan can play the guitar. person from Exercise 10 and say a sentence • Ask two students to read
Stefan can’t play the guitar. He can play chess. about him/her. Your partner guesses who it is. aloud the example dialogue.
2 Carolina can draw. • Give another example for
3 Amy can act.
4 Charlie can walk. the class to guess, e.g. She
can paint but she can’t play
8 Use the words to write questions about the the piano. (Laura)
people in Exercise 2.
1 Stefan / play / can / chess
• Students work in pairs,
A He can take photos but he can’t paint.
Can Stefan play chess? B Ryan! taking turns to say a
2 speak / can / English / Stefan A That’s right! sentence with and or but
3 paint / Carolina / can / pictures and guess who it is.
4 act / Amy / can
5 tennis / play / can / Charlie Your Turn
9 Now answer the questions. 12 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about Your Turn
your abilities.
1 Yes, he can.
A Can you swim? Exercise 12
B Yes, I can. Can you play chess? • If there is time, students
A No, I can’t. change partners and repeat
the activity with a different
TIM E OUT! Page 89, Exercise 1 17 student.
TI M EOUT! Page 89,
Exercise 1

Practice Exercises 8 and 9 Photocopiable activity 7,

• Check students’ questions before Teacher’s Resources MultiROM
Exercise 7 they answer them.
• Then ask two students to read aloud
Answers each question and answer.
2 Carolina can’t draw. She can paint.
3 Amy can’t act. She can play three Answers
musical instruments. 2 Can Stefan speak English? No, he
4 Charlie can’t walk. He can play can’t.
basketball and tennis. 3 Can Carolina paint pictures? Yes,
she can.
4 Can Amy act? No, she can’t.
5 Can Charlie play tennis? Yes, he can.

2 Skills for Life
This Uni Warm-up
Short of time: set some of 1 Copy and complete the Word Builder with the
the exercises for homework nouns in the box.
(e.g. Exercise 6) a bike chess Chinese a computer
More time: do the extra computer games English football
activity the guitar a horse the Internet
a mobile phone a motorbike the piano
social networking sites Spanish tennis
2 Read the questionnaire. Match the sections
Revise can/can’t. Ask students (1–5) with the photos (a–e).
to say a sentence about one
thing they can do and one thing
they can’t do. Remind students
un chievement ommunity nvironment
to use but to join their ideas
and encourage them to use
some of the vocabulary from Skills Questionnaire Monitor: Mel Franklin a
earlier units.
 Personal information d)
What’s your name? Jake Samuels
Exercise 1 How old are you? Thirteen
• Students can compare Where are you from? York
Who is your teacher? Mrs Hill
answers in pairs before
checking answers as a class.  Computers e)
• Check answers by asking What can you do? b
 a) use the Internet d) write a blog
students to complete the
 b) write emails e) make films
table on the board.  f) play computer
 c) use social networking
sites, e.g. Facebook games
play: chess, computer games,  Arts c)
football, the guitar, tennis What can you do?
 a) paint and draw d) sing
ride: a bike, a horse, c
 b) act  e) play a musical instrument
a motorbike
c) dance  f) take photos
use: a computer, the Internet, d
a mobile phone, social  Languages b) OOF OF AGE
networking sites How many languages can you speak? 1 muels
Name Jake Sa
speak: Chinese, English, What languages can you speak? ID

Spanish English 198507


Place of birth
 Practical a) York
What can you do?
Reading  a) ride a bike  d) use a mobile phone
b) ride a motorbike e) read a map e
Exercise 2 18  c) cook f) put up a tent

• Read the questionnaire with

the class and check that
students understand any
new vocabulary, e.g. a blog. Exercise 7
Grammar:  Question words
Answers ­student page • Students can see how many of them
Exercise 4 got six answers right.
Answers ­student page Answers
Listening 1 Emily, Ryan, Laura, Jake
Exercise 3 2c) 3a) 4b) 5a) 6c)
1.31 1.32 Exercise 5
Audioscript ­ end of notes • Check that students use a falling
intonation in these Wh- Questions. Exercise 8
Answers ­student page • Check question forms before
Practice students work in pairs (1 How many
people are in your …? 2 Who is …?
Exercise 6 3 Who in your class can …? 4 Where
is … from? 5 What things are in your
Answers ­student page …? 6 How old is your …?)
• Make sure students use the plural
form are in the example and in
Questions 4 and 5.
The Challenge

Listening 8 Work in pairs. Ask and

answer the questions.
1.31 3 Listen to the interview with Jake. Complete the questionnaire
with his answers. A How many people are Exercise 3  – Audioscript
in class?
B Twenty-eight. Mel Okay, Jake. I’m Mel
Grammar: Question words Franklin, the monitor on the
A No, twenty-seven!
4 Match the questions (1–6) with the answers (a–f). 1 How many people … ? (in FACE programme. Can I ask
your English class/school/ you some questions?
1 How old are you? a) Her name’s Mrs Hill.
town/country) Jake Yeah, sure.
2 What can you do? c) b) One: English.
2 Who … ? (your English
3 What’s your name? e) c) I can play the guitar.
4 Where are you from? f) d) I’m thirteen. teacher/your head teacher/ Mel So, what’s your full name?
your best friend)
5 Who is your teacher? a) e) Jake Samuels.
3 Who in your class can … ?
Jake Jake Samuels.
6 How many languages can f) I’m from York. S-A-M-U-E-L-S.
(play an instrument/sing/
you speak? b)
paint/act/ride a horse) Mel How old are you?
4 Where … from? (Ryan and
1.32 5 Pronunciation Listen and repeat the questions. Emily/your cousins/your Jake I’m thirteen.
grandparents) Mel And where are you from?
5 What things … ? (in your
Practice bag/in your classroom/in Jake I’m from York.
your school)
6 Complete the questions in the quiz. 6 How old … ? (your mum/
Mel Who is your class teacher?
your best friend/your dad) Jake Her name’s Mrs Hill.
Mel Okay, that’s section 1.
Your Turn
I]Z 9 Work in pairs. Ask and
Now, computers. What can
you do with computers?
answer questions from the Jake Well, I can use a computer.
Skills Questionnaire on
page 18. And I can use the Internet,
Can you use Facebook? write emails and play computer
1 Who are the students on the A
FACE programme? B Yes, I can. games, of course.
Mel And can you use
networking sites, like
2 What
a) Millie
is their monitor’s name?
b) Helen c) Mel
8SUfad8[Uf[a`2 Facebook?
Rory Blackwell from the UK can Jake Yes, I can but I can’t write
How old play 108 musical instruments
3 is Ryan?
at the same time. a blog or make films.
a) 13 b) 14 c) 15
Mel Okay. Now, section three,
4 Where is Laura from? the arts. Can you paint and
a) Portugal b) Argentina c) Spain draw?
5 Who can ride a horse in the group?
Jake Yes, I can. I’m good at art.
a) Laura b) Ryan c) Jake Mel Great. And can you act?
6 What can Emily do?
Jake Yes, I’m in a theatre
a) ride a horse b) play an instrument group at school but I can’t
c) sing dance or sing.
Mel And can you play a
3`eiWda`bSYW$$$! musical instrument?
Jake Yes, the guitar and the
7 Now answer the questions. Check with a partner.
TIM E OUT! Page 89, Exercise 2 19
Mel Hmm. Now, photography?
Can you take photos?
Jake Yes, photography is one
of my favourite things.
Your Turn 8SUfad8[Uf[a`2 Mel That’s great. You’re very
artistic! Right, languages.
Exercise 9 • Background
Jake I can speak one language.
• Elicit two or three example Rory Blackwell played 108
questions from the class and instruments at the same time on
May 29, 1989, in Dawlish, United Mel Okay, the final section is
remind students of the correct practical things. What can you
pronunciation of can and can’t Kingdom.
Rory Blackwell is a former rock ’n’ do?
before they start work in pairs. Jake I’m not very practical. But
• If there is time, students change roll musician. In 1995, he played
400 separate drums in 16.2 seconds I can ride a bike, use a mobile
partners and repeat the activity with phone and I can cook.
their new partner. and won the title of the world’s
fastest drummer. Mel You can cook? Fantastic!
• Check that students remember Thanks, Jake.
how to say the number 108 (a/one Jake No problem.
hundred and eight).
TI M EOUT! Page 89,
Exercise 2
Photocopiable activity 8,
Teacher’s Resources MultiROM 19
3 The Firs Mee ing
This Uni Warm-up 3 Look at the Key Words and a
classify them a), b) or c).
Short of time: set some of 1 Look at the poster and the photo of Jake,
the exercises for homework Emily, Ryan and Laura. Guess their favourite
boring – c
activities on the programme. b
(e.g. Your Challenge, Exercise 2) 1.34
More time: do the extra
Reading and Listening
activities c
1.33 2 Read and listen to the dialogue. Check your
guesses from Exercise 1.
Mel Hi, I’m Mel. I’m from FACE, an activity
In this episode of the story, the programme for students.
4 Write the opinion adjectives from the Key
Words. Read the dialogue again and check.
characters go for a meeting at Jake What’s on the programme?
their youth club to talk about Mel Sport, clubs, community work and a Emily the programme brilliant
25-kilometre expedition! Ryan boring
the FACE programme. Emily,
Ryan and Jake know each Emily This programme is brilliant. What are you Ryan music club not bad
interested in, Jake? computer games cool
other but a newcomer arrives – Jake Me? The film classes. And you? Laura pretty
Laura – who is from Argentina Emily Erm, the dance club. Laura computers okay
but staying for a year in York. Ryan Boring! Music’s not bad but dance?
Mel, their monitor, introduces Jake Okay, Ryan, here’s one for you
herself and then the characters – making computer games.
Ryan Computer games? Cool! un chievemen
start to talk about the t ommunity
Emily Not again! You’re mad about nvironment
programme and the activities computers.
A programme for
students and yo
ung people
that interest them. Ryan Don’t listen to my sister, Jake.
She’s silly!
Emily And my brother is really ^k^in
Warm-up boring! Clubs/Classes
Jake Ssh, you two! Who’s that girl?
Extra Ř dance Ř
Emily Laura, she’s new. music Ř fil
Ř making co m classes
Ryan She’s pretty. mputer gam
Write on the board: es
Jake She’s really pretty. Sports
Emily Jake Laura Ryan Emily Hey, Laura. Come and see Ř cycling Ř
Students say what they remember this new activity programme. running Ř
Ř diving Ř judo
about each character. Laura Oh, hi. What activity horse riding
Ryan It’s called FACE … and I’m
Exercise 1 Ryan. Are you into computer games?
• Encourage students to give Laura Er, no, I’m not. Computers are okay but
I’m really into horse riding.
reasons for their choice of Jake Film classes are interesting. Er, my
favourite activities for the name’s Jake.
characters based on what Laura Hi! Well, I’m interested in animals.
they already know about
them from Module 1.

Reading and
Listening 20
1.33 Exercise 2
Jake – film classes
Emily – dance club
Exercise 4 Speaking
Ryan – making computer • Students match the opinion
games adjectives to the different categories Exercise 5
Laura – horse riding in the box. Make sure they • Ask students to repeat the questions
understand that the first column and answers in the table after you.
refers to the person speaking while Pay particular attention to sentence
1.34 Exercise 3 the second column refers to what stress.
they are speaking about. • Students can write negative as well
Answers • After checking answers, ask students as affirmative sentences, if they wish,
a) brilliant, cool, great, what opinion adjective Jake uses for e.g. I’m (not) into/interested in …
interesting, pretty film classes (interesting).
b) nice, not bad, okay
c) silly Answers ­student page
Exercise 6
(pretty is usually used for • Revise the third person singular of
people) the verb to be. After completing the
activity each student tells the class
two things about their partner, e.g.
(Maria) is interested in photography.
She isn’t into chess.
The Challenge

Speaking Your Challenge

5 Look at the Key Expressions. Write six true
Writing: A form Speaking:  Interview
I’m mad about computer games. They’re really cool. 1 Complete the form (1–7) with answers Exercise 1
I’m not very interested in art. It’s boring. (a–g).
• Ask students to think what
a) Mr Walker
b) fourteen questions they need to
c) I can use a computer. I can play the piano ask in order to complete
but I can’t take photos. sections 1–7 on the form in
d) British
e) I’m into swimming, singing and dance. Exercise 1.
f) New City Academy
g) York Answers
Who are the answers from?
1 How old are you?
2 What’s your nationality?
3 Where are you from?
PERSONAL DETAILS 4 What’s the name of your
First name: school?
Surname: 5 Who is/What’s the name of
your teacher?
Age: 1 fourteen 6 What can you do?
6 Work in pairs. Use the Key Expressions to talk Nationality: 2

to your partner about these things. City/town: 3

7 What are you into/you
tcomputers t chess t fashion School: 4 interested in/your interests?
t classical music t films tdancing Teacher: 5

t photography t cooking t languages

Skills: Exercise 2
• Encourage students to use
vocabulary from the first
two units. Remind students
to invent a new identity
2 Copy and complete the form for you.
instead of answering about
Speaking: Interview themselves. Give one or
two examples if necessary,
1 Imagine you are on the FACE e.g. I am from (New York).
programme. Think of seven questions
to ask new students. I can play (two musical
What’s your name?
2 Work in pairs. Invent a new identity.
Exercise 3
Act out the interview.
A What’s your name? • Ask students to tell the class
B My name’s Musa. about their partner’s new
identity. Remind them to
3 Tell the class about your partner.
use the third person singular
His name’s Musa. He’s from … of the verb to be.

TIM E OUT! Page 90,

40, Exercise 3
7 21 Extra
Tell students to listen very
carefully to the new identities
and decide which of the
Your Challenge Answers invented people is most similar
to them.
First name: Emily
Writing: A form Surname: Hillier TI M EOUT! Page 90,
2 British Exercise 3
Exercise 1 3 York
4 New City Academy
• Give students time to read through
5 Mr Walker
the form (1–7) and the answers
6 I can use a computer. I can play the
(a–g). Do item 2 (Nationality) with
piano but I can’t take photos.
the class.
7 I’m into swimming, singing and
• Check students understand that
the information is for one of the
characters and that they have
to complete the First name and Exercise 2
Surname lines once they identify • If they wish, students can attach
him or her. a photograph or drawing of
• Students then complete the form, themselves to their form.
working individually.
S udy Corner 1
Language Check
Language Check 4 Complete the questions with question words.
Exercises 1 and 2 1 Complete the words in the sentences.
21 How old is your brother? He’s fifteen.
22 Where is my dictionary? It’s on the desk.
1 C o m p u t e r g a m e s are great! 23 Who is your teacher? Mrs Jones.
Answers ­student page 2 P h o t o g r a p h y is very interesting. 24 How many people are in your class? Twenty-five.
3 Her favourite thing is h o r s e 25 What is her name? Her name’s Annabel.
r i d i n g .
Exercise 3 4 C h e s s is my favourite game. Grammar / 15
5 My interests are s w i m m i n g and music.
5 Complete the dialogue with the words in
Answers 2 Complete the sentences. the box.
11 Can you draw and paint? 6 She can play the piano. boring cool in interested into
12 My grandma can’t use a 7 I can ride a bike.
mobile phone. 8 My grandad can’t use the Internet.
9 They can play chess.
13 I can write emails. 10 My sister can speak Chinese.
14 Can your brother speak
Vocabulary / 10
15 What can they do? 3 Order the words in the sentences.
16 Can she play the piano? 11 you / draw and paint? / can
12 can’t / a mobile phone / my grandma / use
17 I can’t ride a horse. 13 write / can / I / emails
18 How many languages can 14 your brother / speak / can / English? A Are you 26 into painting?
you speak? 15 do? / they / what / can B No, I’m not. It’s 27 boring !
16 the piano? / she / can / play I’m 28 interested in photography. Are you
19 They can sing and dance. 17 a horse / I / ride / can’t in films?
interested 29
20 He can swim but he can’t 18 languages / how many / speak? / you / can A Yes, I am. They’re 30 cool .
ride a motorbike. (Also: 19 sing / they / and / dance / can
20 swim / but / he / can’t ride / he can / a Key Expressions /5
He can’t ride a motorbike motorbike
but he can swim.)

Exercises 4 and 5
Feedback S udy Help: Vocabulary books
Answers ­student page 1.35 • Listen and check your answers to the Make topic diagrams.
Language Check. Write down your scores.
painting horse riding
• Look at the table. Check where you made
1.35 Feedback mistakes. INTERESTS
• Students listen to the Wrong answers: Look again at: computer games chess
recording to check their 1–5 Get Ready – Key Words Write this information for each word.
answers. Check spelling 6–10 Unit 2 – Word Builder
where necessary by asking 11–20 Unit 1 – Grammar
Word Translation Example sentence
individuals to write the painting obraz I’m into painting.
21–25 Unit 2 – Grammar
answers on the board.
26–30 Unit 3 – Key Expressions •
• After checking answers to Now choose a topic and make a diagram.
• Now do the exercises in Language Check 1 of Then write information for each word.
Exercise 5, students work in
the Workbook.
pairs, reading the dialogue
aloud. Correct any serious
pronunciation errors.
• Students look at the table
to see which sections in the
Students’ Book they need to
look at again.
• Give students time in Study Help:  Vocabulary • Read the information for the
class or at home to do word painting with students. Elicit
books information for another interest in
Language Check 1 of the
• Check that each student has a the diagram, e.g. horse riding.
personal notebook to use as their • Students work individually or in
own vocabulary book. Suggest that pairs, making their own diagram.
students have a section in their They may like to choose a topic
books for words about interests from the Get Ready sections, e.g.
and hobbies. family, classroom. Check their
• Copy the topic diagram on to the diagrams and help them correct
board. Elicit more interests from any errors.
this Module and add them to your • Students work in small groups,
diagram. showing each other their diagrams
• Elicit verbs that go with the and information.
interests, (e.g. play chess/computer
games) and add them to your Module 1 test,
diagram. Teacher’s Resources MultiROM

Module 2
Talk about exercise, food, appearance.
Read about fashion in sport.
1.37 Exercise 4
Listen to sports advice.
Write a text message. Answers ­student page
Learn about have got and countable/uncountable
nouns with some/any.
Woman Exercise is great! It
is healthy and it’s good fun.
Here are six ideas. 1 Do thirty
minutes of exercise every day.
2 Play football, basketball or
b tennis three times a week.
Sport is really good exercise.
3 Don’t watch hours of
television. It’s not good for
you. 4 Don’t play computer
games for hours. Again, it’s
not healthy. 5 Walk or cycle
to school. It’s healthy and it’s
c free! 6 Use the stairs. Don’t
use the lift. Stairs are healthy
for your legs!


Get Ready
e Play the recording again. Ask
students to listen for what the
woman says about the activities,
e.g. Sport is really good exercise.
It’s not good for you. (TV)
1 Look at the photos. Are the activities: 1.37 4 Listen and complete the advice. Ask students if they agree with
tCPSJOH  tFYDJUJOH  tGVOOZ  tTJMMZ the woman. Ask students:
 Do aUV_af ZV[baR` Is exercise important for you?
2 Picture Dictionary page 104–105. Look at the \S ReR_PV`R RcR_f QNf
Key Words.
1.36 \_ aR[[V`
Don’t dNaPU U\b_` \S
! 1\[Áa play P\Z]baR_
TNZR` S\_ U\b_`
" Walk \_ PfPYR
a\ `PU\\Y
3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about
sport and exercise. # B`R aUR `aNV_` ¼
Q\[Áa use aUR YVSa
A Can you do gymnastics?
B Yes, I can. 23

Ge Ready 1.36 Exercise 2

• Students check the meaning of the
Background Key Words in the Picture Dictionary.
This unit introduces different types of • Students listen and repeat the words
sport and exercise. In the fictional FACE to practise word stress.
programme, the characters will choose
a type of exercise that interests them Exercise 3
and do it over an extended period. • Remind students of the correct
pronunciation of can and can’t in
Exercise 1 questions and short answers before
• Check that students understand the they start the activity.
meaning of the adjectives. Point out
that funny can mean amusing. Extra
• Encourage students to give reasons Each student tells the class something
for their opinions. their partner can do and something he
• Ask students what other activities or she can’t do, e.g. (Maria) can swim but
or sports they think are boring, she can’t do judo.
exciting, funny or silly. 23
4 Fi and Fashionable
This Uni Warm-up 3 Match the words from the text. Are they one or
Short of time: set some of two words?
1 Picture Dictionary pages 100–101. Find
the exercises for homework examples of the Key Words in the photos. fashion magazine – two words
(e.g. Exercises 5 and 8)
More time: do the extra 1.38


This lesson focuses on the link
between fashion and sport.
Fashion companies know that
sport sells. Some sports have
huge TV audiences and so
companies pay sports stars to Reading
wear their products on and off 1.39 2 Read the interview. Are the sentences true (T)
the sports field. Many sports or false (F)?
personalities also design their 1 F Bella Nicholson is a fashion model.
own lines of clothes. 2 T Bella’s clothes are for fashion and sport.
Bella Nicholson: is a fictional
3 T Serena Williams can play tennis and
design clothes.
character loosely based on 4 F Bella is into tattoos.
various real designers. Serena Williams
Serena Williams: (pictured top)
born 1981. American. Former
World No. 1 tennis player. Also Bella Nicholson in the UK
plays doubles with her sister,
Venus. I Hi, Bella. This is your first show in London. How
Usain Bolt: (pictured centre) many models have you got here today?
born 1986. Jamaican. World B I’ve got fifteen models at the show.
I And what clothes have you got in your collection?
champion sprinter and winner B Well, I’ve got dresses, trousers, and skirts, of
of numerous gold medals. course. And I’ve also got tracksuits, shorts, sports
bags and baseball caps.
Cristiano Ronaldo: (pictured
I But you’re a fashion designer, not a sports star.
bottom) born 1985. Portuguese. B Yes, but sport is very popular in fashion. Today, Usain Bolt
Played football for Manchester sports stars have got fashion collections. Serena
Williams is a top tennis player and a fashion
United from 2003–2009 before designer. Champion runner, Usain Bolt, has got
being transferred to Real a clothes collection with T-shirts, caps and yoga
Madrid. I That’s interesting.
Ana Ivanovic: (pictured B Yes, and sports stars are in fashion magazines,
standing) born 1987. Serbian. too. Cristiano Ronaldo and Ana Ivanovic are good
examples. Cristiano is famous for his clothes,
Former World No. 1 tennis hairstyle and diamond earrings! Ana has got long
player. Has signed a lifetime brown hair and green eyes. She’s tall and slim, but
not thin. It isn’t good for models to be very thin.
contract with Adidas to wear I That’s true. One last question – tattoos on models,
their products for the rest of good or bad?
B My models haven’t got tattoos. I’m not into them.
her career. 24
Cristiano Ronaldo Ana Ivanovic
1.38 Exercise 1 Reading Extra
• Students check the meaning
of the Key Words in the Draw students’ attention to the difference
1.39 Exercise 2
Picture Dictionary. between slim and thin and clarify the
• Read the four sentences with the meaning of the expression I’m not into …
• Ask students who the people students to help them focus their
in the pictures are and what Then ask students what they consider to
reading. Tell students not to worry be fashionable and attractive.
they know about them (see about understanding new words in
Background above). the text at this stage.
• If you wish, divide the class • After checking answers, explain Exercise 3
into four groups. Each group or encourage students to guess • After checking answers, ask students
studies one photo to find the meaning of any new words in to repeat the words after you to
examples of the Key Words the text. practise word stress.
and then reports back to
the class. Answers ­student page Answers
2 e) sports star – two words
3 c) tennis player – two words
4 a) hairstyle – one word
5 d) earring – one word

Grammar:  have got/has got 7 Write questions with have got or has got. Work
in pairs. Then ask and answer the questions.
4 Complete the table with have, has, haven’t or
1 your cousin / fair hair? Exercise 8
Has your cousin got fair hair? No, she hasn’t.
Affirmative 2 your best friend / a ponytail? Answers
3 your teacher / curly hair?
I/You/We/They 1 have got blue eyes. 4 your parents / brown eyes? 1 The baby’s got blond hair
He/She/It 2 has got blond hair. and a pretty face.
8 Look at the Sentence Builder. Use the words to
2 My dad’s short and slim.
make sentences 1–6.
I/You/We/They haven’t
3 got a ponytail. 3 He’s got a shaved head and
He/She/It hasn’t
4 got long hair. tattoos.
Yes/No Questions 4 My cat’s small and pretty.
5Have I/you/we/they got a tattoo? 5 My cousin’s tall and thin.
Has he/she/it got a tattoo? 6 I’ve got brown hair and
Short Answers green eyes.
Yes, I/you/we/they have. 1 the baby / blond hair / a pretty face
No, I/you/we/they 6haven’t. 2 my dad / short / slim
Yes, he/she/it has. 3 he / a shaved head / tattoos Extra
No, he/she/it 7 hasn’t . 4 my cat / small / pretty
5 my cousin / tall / thin Students use the model
Wh- Questions 6 I / brown hair / green eyes sentences in the Sentence
What clothes 8 have I/you/ got? Builder to write six sentences
How many models 9 have we/they Your Turn about their friends and family,
What colour eyes 10 has he/she/it got?
9 Complete the sentences with have, has, haven’t e.g. My dad has got blond hair
or hasn’t. Then ask and answer questions. and green eyes.
Practice A Have you got a big family?
5 Look at the photos and the text again.
No, I haven’t.
I got a big family.
Your Turn
Complete the sentences with have, has,
haven’t or hasn’t. 2 My mum got a computer.
1 Usain Bolt hasn’t got long hair.
3 My best friend got a mobile phone. Exercise 9
4 My dad got a motorbike.
2 Serena Williams and Usain Bolt have got
5 I got a guitar.
• Students complete the
fashion collections. sentences individually about
6 Our school got a computer room.
3 Cristiano Ronaldo hasn’t got a shaved head.
4 Ana Ivanovic hasn’t got a ponytail. themselves.
10 Game Work in pairs. Think of a teacher or
• Look at the example
5 Bella’s models haven’t got tattoos. student in your school. Ask five questions and
6 Ana Ivanovic has got brown hair. guess who it is. together to check students
6 Write true short answers for these questions. A Is it a student? understand how to
1 Have you got fair hair? B Yes, it is. transform the sentences into
2 Have you got blue eyes? A Is it a boy? questions.
3 Has your best friend got brown eyes? B No, it isn’t.
4 Have your cousins got tattoos? Answers
5 Has your mum got short hair?
A Has she got long hair?
B Yes, she has. Students’ own answers
A Has she got …
Exercise 10
• Ask two students to read
aloud the example questions
and answers. Point out that
TIM E OUT! Page 90, Exercise 4 25
the questions must be yes/
no questions.
• Demonstrate the activity by
inviting the class to ask you
Grammar:  have got/has got Exercise 6 five questions to guess who
• Ask pairs of students to ask and you are thinking of.
Exercise 4 answer the questions.
TI M E OUT! Page 90,
Answers ­student page Answers Exercise 4
Students’ own answers
Photocopiable activity 9,
Practice Teacher’s Resources MultiROM
Exercise 7
Exercise 5
Answers ­student page Questions:
2 Has your best friend got a ponytail?
3 Has your teacher got curly hair?
Extra 4 Have your parents got brown eyes?
Each student tells the class an affirmative Answers: students’ own answers
and a negative sentence about their
own appearance, e.g. I’ve got short hair.
I haven’t got blue eyes.
5 Top Tips
This Uni
Short of time: set some of
the exercises for homework
(e.g. Exercises 8 and 9)
More time: do the extra
activities Warm-up
1 Picture Dictionary page 103. Find examples of the
Background Key Words in the photos.
This lesson looks at the kind
of food and drink needed to
do exercise. It is important to
stress the need for a balanced
diet with plenty of fruit and
vegetables, and not too much 2 Copy and complete the table with the Key Words. Add more
chocolate or fast food (like words to each list. Use the Picture Dictionary to help you.
hamburgers and chips) and .FBU 7FHFUBCMFT %SJOLT 'SVJU 0UIFS
not too many sweets or fizzy
Reading and Listening
Warm-up 1.41 3 Listen to a radio phone-in and complete the gaps.

1.40 Exercise 1
• Students check the meaning
of the Key Words in the
Q: I’ve ot an important football match
on Saturda . What can I eat before
the ame?
Q: M friend is into fashion and she’s
ot some desi ner sports clothes.
But I haven’t ot an mone for desi ner
Picture Dictionary and see 7 trainers . What can I do?
Some pasta, some 1 chicken or fish, and
how many of them they can A: a salad. Eat some fruit, too. Drink some
A: I’m a runner and I haven’t ot
Health phone-in — ask the expert

find in the photos. water in the mornin but don’t drink an tea, an desi ner trainers. Don’t think
coffee or 2 cola on a match da . about 8 fashion , think about sport!

Exercise 2
• Draw the table on the board
2 Q: I’m into runnin and c clin but I’m tired
all the time. I’m a ve etarian and I can’t
eat meat or 3 fish .
5 Q: I’m from a small villa e and we
haven’t ot a sports centre. What
exercise can I do?
for students to copy and
complete. A: Protein is important in our diet. Eat
some beans or nuts ever da , and eat A: Here are some ideas for ou: walk
to school, o 9 cycling with our
friends, or o runnin in the 10 park –
• Give students a time limit some cheese three times a week. Drink two
lasses of 4 milk ever da . it’s reat exercise!
(one–two minutes) to work
Radio 4

in small groups, listing more

Q: We’ve ot a sports da at school in two
weeks. Have ou ot an advice for me?
• In turn, the groups add new
words to the table on the
Do some exercise ever da . Eat some
ve etables with ever meal and an
or an oran e for dessert. Don’t eat
board. Check spelling and an crisps or 6 biscuits . Get ei ht hours of
sleep a ni ht.
Answers (suggested new
words from the Picture
Dictionary in italics)
Meat: steak
Vegetables: beans, salad,
carrot, potato Reading and Listening Grammar:  Countable/
Drinks: coffee, cola, milk, tea,
uncountable nouns, some
water, orange juice 1.41 Exercise 3
Fruit: apples, nuts, banana, and any
kiwi, lemon, melon, orange Answers ­student page
Other: biscuits, cheese, crisps, Exercise 4
fish, pasta, cereal, eggs • Ask students if these words are
Extra countable or uncountable:
After students complete the text, focus milk (U), biscuit (C).
on each of the five questions and ask • Check students understand that only
students if they think the advice is good some items can be counted, then
advice or not. Ask them to explain why read the rules together.
and suggest alternative ideas when • Students may ask if you can say A
appropriate. coffee, please. in a café. Explain this
is correct but what you are really
saying is A (cup of) coffee, please.


Grammar: Countable/uncountable Practice

nouns, some and any
8 Choose the correct words.
4 Read the rules about nouns. 1 A )FSF IBWFa / someCJTDVJU Extra
UXPBQQMFs UISFFBQQMFs TJTUFST centre and drill the dialogues for
correct pronunciation. The half
UXPGSVJUT, TJYGSVJUT B :FT *WFHPUa / someOJDFTIPFT of the class on your left repeat
4 A .VN IBWFXFHPUany / someCJTDVJUT A after you and then the half on
5 Copy and complete the table with the nouns in your right repeat B. Change roles
the box. 9 Complete the sentences with the words in so that students practise both
BQQMF CJTDVJU DIFFTF GSVJU HMBTT the box. questions and answers.

Countable nouns Uncountable nouns 1 *WFHPU some OFXUSBJOFST Exercise 9

apple fruit 3 %POUFBU any CJTDVJUTCFGPSFMVODI Answers ­student page
6 Look at the examples in the table. 5 %SJOL four HMBTTFTPGXBUFSFWFSZEBZ
Countable Uncountable 7 8FWFHPU a HSFBUTQPSUTUFBDIFS Exercise 10
nouns nouns • Each student reads the
10 Pair work Ask and answer questions.
instructions for Student A
Affirmative &BUan BQQMF %SJOLsome
or Student B. Check that
%SJOLtwo students understand which
&BUsomeCFBOs Your Turn questions to ask and how to
PSOVUs complete the puzzle.
11 Work in pairs. Find out your partner’s favourite
Negative %POUFBU %POUESJOLany food and drink. Then tell the class.
Musa’s favourite food is pizza and his favourite drink Your Turn
anyEFTJHOFS anyNPOFZ Exercise 11
USBJOFSs 8SUfad8[Uf[a`2 • Look at the example
Questions )BWFZPVHPU )BWFZPVHPU Fresh vegetables are good for you sentence with the class.
anyEFTJHOFS anyNPOFZ but frozen vegetables aren’t.
Remind students of the use
of the linking word and.
7 Choose the correct words. • Teach new food and drink
vocabulary if necessary.
Write gapped words on the
board for students to complete
with the correct vowels:
1 – G G (egg)
2 C – R – – L (cereal)
3 C – R R – T S (carrots)
TIM E OUT! Page 91, Exercise 5 27 4 T – – S T (toast)
5 S T – – K (steak)

Exercise 5 Exercise 7 • Background
The nutritional value of fruit
Answers Answers ­student page and vegetables depends
Countable nouns: biscuit, on a wide range of factors
glass, nut, vegetable but in some cases frozen
Uncountable nouns: cheese, Practice vegetables may in fact
money, pasta, water contain more vitamins than
Exercise 8 their fresh counterparts.
• Complete the second sentence of
Exercise 6
the first dialogue with the class TI M E OUT! Page 91,
• Read the sentences with the before students complete the Exercise 5
students. Give students time to exercise.
study the use of the article (a/an), Photocopiable activity 10,
the use of numbers (e.g. two) and Answers ­student page Teacher’s Resources MultiROM
the use of some and any in these

6 A he Spor s Cen re
This Uni Warm-up 4 Work in pairs. Practise the dialogue.
Change the underlined words each time.
Short of time: set some of 1 Look at the photo. Match the people with
the exercises for homework their activity.
(e.g. Your Challenge, Exercise 3) 1 -BVSB c) a)KVEP A )PXJTZPVSHVJUBSKVEPDMBTTHPJOH 
In this episode, we find out 1.42 2 Read and listen to the dialogue. Write the
correct names.
about the types of exercise
that the group have chosen to 2 Mel JTJOUFSFTUFEJOUIFHSPVQTTQPSUT
do for the FACE programme. 3 Emily TTQPSUJTSFBMMZEJGGJDVMU
Mel, the monitor, meets the 4 Ryan JTIBQQZXJUIIJTOFXTQPSU
characters outside the sports
centre. Laura has been running
but she doesn’t like it much, Mel "OEIPXJTUIFTQPSUTDIBMMFOHF
it’s hard work. Emily is not Laura 0LBZ CVUSVOOJOHJTIBSEXPSL(JWFNFNZ
enjoying her diving classes, IPSTFOPX QMFBTF
although she’s a good swimmer Emily 3VOOJOHJTOUIBSEXPSL*UTFBTZ
she is finding it hard work Laura #VUZPVSFMVDLZ &NJMZ:PVSFWFSZTQPSUZ
too. Ryan has been doing judo EJWJOHDMBTTHPJOH 
and is really enjoying it. Jake Emily *UTIPSSJCMF*DBOUEPJU*NBHPPE
a text message to Laura which Mel &NJMZ ZPVcanEPJU*UTKVTUQSBDUJDF"OE
she finds funny and provokes a
jealous reaction from Ryan. UFBDIZPV
• Ask students what they
remember about the
characters from previous
units. Make sure they 3 Look at the Key Expressions.
remember their names
(from left to right: Ryan,
Emily, Laura and Mel, the
monitor). Ask them who
is missing from the main
picture (Jake).
• Explain that in this unit,
the group have new activity
interests. Students look at 28
the photos and match the
people with their exercise.

Answers ­student page

Reading and Listening Speaking
1.42 Exercise 2 Exercise 3
Ask students to describe the four • Students read and listen to • Point out the use of the question
friends using have got/has got and the dialogue and complete the word How and the word going at
the vocabulary of appearance sentences with the correct names. the end of the second and third
and clothes in Unit 4. questions.
Answers ­student page
Extra Write on the board:
How are things?
Play the recording of the dialogue again
How’s your (swimming) class going?
for students to focus on pronunciation,
How are your (guitar) classes going?
stress and intonation patterns. Students
Students ask and answer questions, giving
work in groups of four, reading aloud
their own answers or inventing answers.
the dialogue and taking turns to be Mel,
Laura, Emily and Ryan.


Your Challenge
Exercise 2
Writing: A text message • Students write Jake’s
1 Look at the text abbreviations and read message in complete
Jake’s message. What is his new sport for sentences. If some of your
the challenge?
students are not used to text
2 Write Jake’s message in complete messages, they can work
sentences. with students who are.
Hi! Are you okay?
Hi! Are you okay? I am at the
b top of a hill, I’m very hot and
6W@c]Y-/[Ob 1Z]bVSa tired. Cycling is very hard. The
QZW \U dV O`R 
O\RbW`SR1g a]Y-
C``c\\W\UQZOa clothes are so uncool! Laugh
T` SS Z& `-
eObQVC out loud. Are your running

5]b\Se2D2 8fff
classes okay? I’ve got a new
Text message abbreviations DVD to watch. Are you free
r = are u = you c = see gr8 = great later? Kisses. Jake.
luv = love l8r = later + = and 2 = to
2day = today LOL = laugh out loud
thanx = thanks pls = please ur = your Exercise 3
TB = text me back v = very xxx = kisses
• Tell students to choose
abbreviations from the box
to use in their messages.

Exercise 4
• Students work in pairs,
exchanging messages and
reading aloud their partner’s
message. Pairs can try to
sort out any problems in the
messages and, if necessary,
ask you for help.
• If there is time, students
change partners and repeat
the activity with a different

3 Write a text message to another student Extra

about your present activities.
Invite some students to write
4 Read your partner’s text message.
their text messages on the board.
The rest of the class writes the
TIM E OUT! Page 40,
91, Exercise 7
6 29
message in full sentences. Ask
a student to read the complete
version aloud.
TI M E OUT! Page 91,
Exercise 4
• Read the dialogue with the class.
Your Challenge Exercise 6
Elicit suggestions of other activities,
school lessons and opinion Writing:  A text message
adjectives, e.g. boring, interesting,
cool, brilliant. Exercise 1
• Students work in pairs, taking turns • Look at the text message
to be Speaker A and Speaker B. abbreviations with the class before
• Each pair then chooses one of their they read Jake’s message.
dialogues for the class to hear. • Ask them to read the message
quickly and identify his new sport
for the challenge.

Across Cul ures 1
Across Cul ures 1
Exercise 1
• Students answer the 1 Look at the photos of Sports Days in different
countries. Ask and answer the questions.
questions either in pairs or 1 *TTQPSUJNQPSUBOUJOZPVSTDIPPM
as a class. Teach any new 2 )BTZPVSTDIPPMHPUB4QPSUT%BZ 8IFOJTJU
vocabulary that students 3 8IBUTQPSUTDBOTUVEFOUTEP
need to talk about sports Sport is important in my school. Our Sports Day is
that they can do at school. in July. Students can do athletics and they can play
basketball. @eXcfkf]jZ_ffcj`ek_\LB#Jgfikj;Xp`j`eAle\fiAlcp%
Reading `ek\Xdj%K_\pZXe[fXk_c\k`ZjXe[gcXpjgfikjc`b\
1.43 Exercise 2
• Encourage students to scan National Sports Days 9lk`ejfd\jZ_ffcjJgfikj;Xp`j]fi]le#n`k_iXZ\j]fi

the texts quickly in order

to complete the table as
quickly as possible.
Sports Month Sports Other
Day in activities
Jamaica April athletics
the UK June or athletics, races for
July basketball, teachers
tennis and
parents @eAXdX`ZX#Xk_c\k`Zj`jm\ipgfglcXiXe[Jgfikj;Xp`j @eAXgXe#k_\j\Zfe[Dfe[Xpf]FZkfY\i`jJgfikj;Xp
i\Xccp`dgfikXek%@k`jXY`^Zfdg\k`k`feZXcc\[k_\9fpjË ZXcc\[KX``blef?``eAXgXe\j\ %@k`jXeXk`feXc_fc`[Xp#n`k_
Japan (second athletics, fun Xe[>`icjË8k_c\k`Z:_Xdg`fej_`gÆÊ:_XdgjË]fij_fik%@k Zfdg\k`k`fejXe[^Xd\jXccfm\iAXgXe%Jkl[\ekjZXe[f
Monday gymnastics, activities `j`e8gi`c`ek_\EXk`feXcJkX[`ldXe[g\fgc\ZXenXkZ_`k Xk_c\k`ZjXe[^pdeXjk`Zj#Xe[k_\pZXegcXpYXcc^Xd\j%C`kkc\
of) ball games (e.g. feKMJkl[\ekj]ifd_le[i\[jf]jZ_ffcjXi\`eÊ:_XdgjË Z_`c[i\eZXe[f]leXZk`m`k`\j#]fi\oXdgc\k_\Y`^YXcci\cXp%
October big ball
\m\ipp\Xi%:fXZ_\jXi\Xcjfk_\i\kfcffb]fik_\e\ok Jgfikj;Xp`eAXgXe`jX^ff[k`d\]fi]Xd`c`\j%G\fgc\ZXe
LjX`e9fck \eafpX[Xpf]jgfikXe[XZk`m`k`\jc`b\[XeZ`e^fi_fij\i`[`e^%
Reading 3 Read the text again. Are these sentences true
(T) or false (F)?
1.43 2 Read the texts and complete the table.
Exercise 3 Sports Month Sports Other BUIMFUJDT
• After checking answers, ask Day in activities 2 F  0OMZCPZTDBOCFJOUIF$IBNQT
students to correct the false Jamaica April 3 F  #SJUJTITUVEFOUTDBOUQMBZCBMMHBNFTPO
sentences. 4QPSUT%BZ
• Give students time to look TQPSUTEBZTJOUIF6,
back at the texts and check 5 F  5 IF+BQBOFTF4QPSUT%BZJTBUUIFXFFLFOE
their understanding of the 6 T  4 QPSUT%BZJO+BQBOJTGPSDIJMESFO 

Answers ­student page

Listening 1.45 Exercise 5 1.46 Exercise 6

• Check answers by asking students to • Play the two sounds and words for
1.44 Exercise 4 write the sentences on the board. students to hear the difference.
Audioscript ­ end of notes Answers and audioscript 1.47 Exercise 7
2 I’m into different sports. = 5 words • Encourage students to predict the
Answers 3 My school’s got a great swimming pronunciation of the words in the
Favourite Favourite pool. = 8 words
sports stars
box before they listen and repeat.
4 Cycling is great but I’m not very
Anna gymnastics, Bridget good at it. = 11 words Extra
swimming Sloan 5 I’ve got a book about him. = 7
Daniel basketball, Alberto words After completing the pronunciation
running, Contador 6 You’re in the football team? = 6 exercise try the following tongue-twister
cycling with your group:
Maddie football, Andy Seven short, Spanish sports stars can sing
tennis Murray sixteen special songs.

Woman Really? That’s great.
And what are your other
Listening favourite sports?
1.44 4 Listen to the interviews with three teenagers. Anna Swimming. My school’s
Copy and complete the table with their Work in groups. Make a poster about your
answers. favourite sport. Use the questions to help you. got a great swimming pool.
Around the world Woman Okay, swimming. One
t 8IFSFJTJUQPQVMBS more question. Who is your
UFOOJT DZDMJOH "MCFSUP$POUBEPS SVOOJOH The players/sports stars favourite sports star?
UFBNTHPU Anna Oh, that’s easy. It’s
Favourite sports Favourite stars
Anna gymnastics Your country gymnast. She’s fantastic.
Woman Okay, thanks.
Maddie Anna No problem.
1.45 5 Listen closely Write the number of words in

BTFCBMM Woman Daniel, first question –

each sentence. Contractions are two words
(It’s = it is). What’s your favourite sport?
1 What’s your favourite sport? = 5 words Daniel Basketball. I’m a good
1.46 6 Pronunciation Listen to the two sounds. player. Running – I can run
1 VTFF 2 ԙTIF the five hundred metres.
Woman Really? That’s great.
1.47 7 Now listen and repeat the words.
And what are your other
4QBJO TQFDJBM TQPSU Daniel Cycling. Cycling is great
but I’m not very good at it.
Speaking Woman Well, you can practise
your cycling. Now, who’s your
8 List your favourite sports and people. favourite sports star?
Daniel Oh, Alberto Contador.
<PQ[[XWZ\Q[XWX]TIZQV\PM=;) He’s a Spanish cyclist and
+IVILI2IXIVIVL+]JI he’s amazing. I’ve got a book
9 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions.
about him.
A What’s your favourite sport? *I[MJITTQ[I\MIU[XWZ\_Q\P
Woman Thanks, Daniel.
B My favourite sport is volleyball. VQVMXTIaMZ[QVMIKP\MIU
Daniel That’s okay.
\PM=;)5aNI^W]ZQ\MXTIaMZ[IZM Woman So, Maddie, What’s
)TJMZ\8]RWT[IVL2WM5I]MZ your favourite sport?
5aKW]V\ZaPI[V¼\OW\IVI\QWVIT Maddie Football. I’m mad
JI[MJITT\MIUJ]\XMWXTMKIV about football.
_I\KPQ\WV<> Woman Football?
31 Maddie Yes. A lot of girls are
into football now. And I’m
in the girls’ team at my local
sports club.
Speaking Woman Really? You’re in the
football team? Brilliant! And
Exercise 8 what are your other favourite
• Elicit suggestions of popular sports sports?
• Encourage students to use sports
vocabulary from this module. If in the students’ own country. Maddie I’m also into tennis.
It’s great on TV. But I’m not a
necessary, teach new words for • Students ask and answer the five
very good player.
students’ favourite sports. questions about one of these sports.
• Students work in groups, choosing a Woman And your favourite
Exercise 9 sport and making their poster. sports star? Is that a footballer
or a tennis star?
• Elicit more questions for the
remaining categories. Maddie It’s Andy Murray, the
Exercise 4  – Audioscript tennis player from Scotland.
• Tell students not to worry about the
One My mum is Scottish, so all my
English pronunciation of the names
of sports stars and teams. Woman Okay, Anna. What’s your family are his fans.
favourite sport? Woman That’s great, Maddie,
Anna Mmm. I’m into different sports. thanks.
My favourite? Gymnastics! It’s Maddie No problem.
brilliant. And I’ve got a very good
teacher at school. 31
S udy Corner 2
Language Check
Language Check 4 Write affirmative sentences (), negative
Exercises 1–3 sentences () or questions (?) with have got.
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs do
or play. Fred / a new TV (?) – Has Fred got a new TV?
Answers ­student page 1 Can you do judo? 16 Jim / a mobile phone ()
2 I can’t play basketball. 17 I / a new shirt ()
3 Don’t play football in the garden. 18 she / a tattoo on her arm (?)
Exercise 4 4 Do thirty minutes of exercise a day. 19 my brother / long hair ()
5 She can do gymnastics. 20 you / blue eyes ()
21 he / dark hair (?)
Answers 2 What type of food and drink can you see in
16 Jim hasn’t got a mobile the pictures? 5 Complete the sentences with some or any.
phone. 22 Have we got any cola?
23 Here are some biscuits for you.
17 I’ve got a new shirt. 24 Don’t eat any nuts or crisps.
18 Has she got a tattoo on 25 He’s got some new clothes.
her arm? 6 apple 8 carrot 26 I haven’t got any football boots.
19 My brother has got long Grammar / 11
hair. 10 water 11 milk
6 Complete each gap with one word from
20 You haven’t got blue eyes. orange potato the box.
7 9
21 Has he got dark hair?
how difficult hard too
3 Look at the photos on page 20. Match the
names with these descriptions. A 27 How are things?
Exercises 5 and 6 a) Laura b) Ryan c) Emily d) Jake B Not 28 too bad.
12 blond hair / long hair / yellow T-shirt c) A How are your guitar classes going?
Answers ­student page 13 dark hair / curly hair / blue and white shirt a) B Oh, they’re 29 hard work. And your
14 brown hair / blue T-shirt / blue trousers b) Chinese class?
15 jeans / black hair / green and white T-shirt d) A Horrible! It’s really 30 difficult .
Key Expressions /4
1.48 Feedback Vocabulary / 15

• Students listen to the

recording to check their
answers. Check spelling
where necessary by asking Feedback S udy Help: Picture Dictionary
individuals to write the 1.48 • Listen and check your answers to the You can find meanings of new words in the
answers on the board. Language Check. Write down your scores. Picture Dictionary.
• Students look at the table • Look at the table. Check where you made You can use the Picture Dictionary to revise
mistakes. words.
to see which sections in the
Students’ Book they need to Wrong answers: Look again at: • Work in pairs. Choose a page in the Picture
look at again. Dictionary. Cover the words and test your
1–5 Get Ready – Key Words partner.
• Give students time in
6–11 Unit 5 – Key Words A What’s this?
class or at home to do
12–15 Unit 4 – Key Words B Basketball.
Language Check 2 of the A Yes!
Workbook. 16–21 Unit 4 – Grammar
22–26 Unit 5 – Grammar

Study Help:  Picture 27–30 Unit 6 – Key Expressions

Dictionary • Now do the exercises in Language Check 2 of

the Workbook.
• The example question and 32
answer uses page 105 of the
Picture Dictionary (Teacher’s
Handbook, page 98).
• For the pair revision
activity, advise students to
choose pages in the Picture
Dictionary for topics they
have already studied in
class, not for new topics.
Module 2 test,
Teacher’s Resources MultiROM


Module 3
Talk about jobs, routines and likes/dislikes.
Read about a risky job. 1.52 Exercise 5
Listen to a survey about safety on the Internet. • Play the recording for
Write a short report. students to listen and
Learn about the Present Simple. classify the jobs according to
the speakers’ opinions.
pilot – 1 police officer – 2
racing driver – 3 actress – 1
builder – 2

Play the recording again, pausing
it after each speaker. Students
listen for the adjectives each
speaker uses to describe his or
her job. Students say whether
they agree with the speakers.

Exercise 6
• Demonstrate the game by
miming a job (e.g. window

cleaner) for students to guess.
• Students take turns to mime
a job to the class. After
students have guessed each
job, ask them to suggest
Get Ready adjectives to describe it.
1 Picture Dictionary page 106. Find examples of 3 Choose adjectives from the Key Words for three
the Key Words in the photos. jobs in Exercise 1.
Exercise 4  – Audioscript
actor/actress – interesting, difficult, safe
1.49 One
1.51 4 Listen to five people. What are their jobs? My job isn’t dangerous, not
1.52 5 Listen again. Classify the jobs.
really. Planes are very safe
3 – very dangerous
now. My job is difficult but it’s
2 – sometimes dangerous very interesting and it’s safe.
1 – not very dangerous Two
2 Look at the Key Words. Match the opposites.
6 Game Yes, my job in the police is
t5IJOLPGBKPC sometimes dangerous. I am in
t.JNFJUUPUIFDMBTT a big city and it’s difficult. But
33 it isn’t boring!
Dangerous? Yes, it is. It’s a
fantastic job and it’s never
boring but it is dangerous. The
Ge Ready Exercise 3
• If students disagree, encourage
cars are safe now but driving
Formula 1 cars is dangerous.
Exercise 1 them to explain their reasons for
1.49 Four
their choice of adjectives.
My job is fantastic. It’s
Answers interesting. For me, theatre is
a) builder b) racing driver 1.51 Exercise 4 my job and my hobby. Yes, it’s
c) fire fighter Audioscript ­ end of notes difficult but it isn’t dangerous.
• Students check the meaning of the It’s great!
Key Words in the Picture Dictionary. Answers Five
1 pilot 2 police officer Well, building is boring
3 racing driver 4 actress sometimes. And sometimes
1.50 Exercise 2 5 builder it’s dangerous too. We’ve got
• Students listen and repeat the Key big machines and they’re
Words to practise pronunciation and sometimes dangerous. Safety is
word stress. very important in my job.
boring/interesting, dangerous/safe,
difficult/easy 33
7 A Dangerous Job
This Uni Warm-up Reading
Short of time: set some of 1 Picture Dictionary page 107. Look at the Key 2 Cara Henderson is a professional jockey. Guess
the exercises for homework Words. What things are not part of your daily her daily routine.
(e.g. Exercise 13) and shorten routine?
2.3 3 Read the text and check your guesses in
the discussion in Exercise 2 empty the rubbish bins Exercise 2.
More time: do the extra

This lesson is based on the
daily routine of fictional jockey
Cara Henderson.

2.2 Exercise 1
• Students check the meaning
of the Key Words in the
Picture Dictionary.
• Remind students that a

routine is what a person
does every day.
Cara Henderson
tells us about
Reading her routine.

Exercise 2
• Elicit ideas about Cara’s
routine from the class. 05:30 My day starts early! I get up and have a 19:00 Kelly arrives – she’s my flatmate. We prepare
• Encourage students to use shower but I don’t have breakfast. dinner. I eat pasta or some chicken. Kelly eats steak
06:15 I arrive at the stables. Then Bill arrives – or pizza!
vocabulary from Exercise 1 he’s my trainer. He doesn’t ride now but he’s very 19:30 Kelly does the dishes and then we read or
when possible. good with horses. play CDs.
07:00 First, I check my equipment. Then I exercise 21:00 I do some exercise or I watch a DVD of the
the horses for about three hours. day’s races. Kelly says that’s boring but I’m mad about
2.3 Exercise 3 10:15 I’m hungry! I eat fruit and nuts, or a salad.
Jockeys don’t eat very much – it’s important to be
my job!
22:00 I go to bed after my fifteen-hour day! Kelly
• Students read and check slim. doesn’t go to bed early. She watches DVDs and at
their guesses. 10:45 All the jockeys check their weight. weekends she goes to a club. Then she goes to bed
11:30–12.30 The jockeys talk to their trainers. I at about 3 a.m!
• Check that students study the track to prepare for the races. Horse racing
understand stables – the can be dangerous – the horses run at 70kph.
13.00 This is an exciting time. The first race starts.
place where you keep a 13.30–17.00 On a race day, I ride six or eight times.
4 Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T)
or false (F)?
horse and flatmate – a 17:30 The last race finishes and then I go home,
person, possibly a friend, tired but happy. 1 F #JMMJTBQSPGFTTJPOBMKPDLFZ
18:00 I make my bed and tidy my room – I don’t 2 T $BSBDBOUFBUBMPUPGGPPE
who you share your flat have time in the morning! 3 F 0OBSBDFEBZ $BSBPOMZIBTPOFSBDF

get up, have a shower, don’t
have breakfast, arrive at
stables, check equipment, Grammar:  Present Simple (1) Exercise 7
exercise the horses, eat fruit, • Ask students what we use to talk
Exercise 5 about abilities (can, e.g. He can play
nuts or a salad, check weight,
talk to trainer, study track, chess) and possessions (apostrophe,
Answers ­student page
ride races, go home, make e.g. Cara’s flatmate).
bed, tidy room, have dinner, Answer ­student page
read, play CDs, do exercise, Exercise 6
watch DVDs, go to bed • Look at the example verbs in the
four groups with the students.
2.4 Exercise 8
• Check answers by asking students
Exercise 4 to write the verbs in four groups on • Explain that the focus in Exercise 6
the board. was on spelling and in Exercise 8
Answers ­student page the focus is on pronunciation.
+ s: eats, exercises, gets, makes, Answers
reads, runs, starts, talks 1 goes, plays, reads, runs, studies, tidies
+ es: finishes, goes, watches 2 eats, gets, makes, starts, talks
consonant + y = ies: studies, tidies 3 exercises, finishes, watches
34 vowel + y = + s: plays

Grammar: Present Simple (1) Grammar: Present Simple (2)

5 Complete the table with arrive or arrives. 11 Complete the table with don’t or doesn’t.
Affirmative Negative
*:PV8F5IFZ 1 arrive *:PV8F5IFZ 1 don’t have CSFBLGBTU Exercise 13
2 arrives BUUIFTUBCMFT 2 doesn’t
)F4IF*U )F4IF*U watch 57
6 Put these verbs into the correct group (1–4). 12 Underline more examples of negatives in 2 Cara doesn’t exercise the
the text.
NBLFT QMBZT SFBET SVOT TUBSUT exercises the horses for
about three hours.
1 + s checks 13 Correct the sentences about Cara and Kelly and 3 The jockeys don’t check
2 + es does their weekday routine.
the time. The jockeys check
3 DPOTPOBOU y = ies empties 1 $BSBHFUTVQBU
4 WPXFM y = + s pays their weight.
Cara doesn’t get up at 7.30. Cara gets up at 5.30.
2 $BSBFYFSDJTFTUIFIPSTFTGPSBOIPVS 4 The last race doesn’t finish
7 Choose the correct word.
3 5IFKPDLFZTDIFDLUIFUJNF at 17:00. The last race
abilities / routines / possessions. 5 $BSBUJEJFTIFSSPPNJOUIFNPSOJOH
in the morning. Cara tidies
2.4 8 Pronunciation Listen and repeat the verbs in 14 Look at the Sentence Builder. Write true and
her room in the afternoon/
Exercise 6. Put them in the correct groups 1, false sentences (affirmative and negative). You
2 or 3. can use other verbs, times and days. at 18:00.
1 ] arrives 2 VXPSLT 3 ́]DIPPTFT My parents don’t go to the cinema on Mondays. 6 Cara and Kelly don’t eat the
same food for dinner. Cara
Practice and Kelly eat different food
9 Complete the sentences about Cara’s routine for dinner.
on a Sunday. Use the verbs in the box in the
correct form.

SFBE XBTI XBUDI Ask students to make other

a) We have MVODIJOBDBGÏJOUPXO sentences about Cara’s routine
b) I wash NZIBJSBOEUIFO go UPCFE which are obviously incorrect,
BU,FMMZ goes UPCFEBUNJEOJHIU e.g. Cara goes to bed at 21:00.
gets up BU Other students have to listen
d) "U XF go UPUIFHZN,FMMZ Your Turn and correct the sentences. (Cara
drives VTJOIFSDBS doesn’t go to bed at 21:00. Cara
e) "U XF have CSFBLGBTU 15 Work in pairs. Say your sentences. Your partner
f) *OUIFBGUFSOPPO * read NBHB[JOFTBCPVU guesses true or false! goes to bed at 22:00.)
A My brother goes to bed at one o’clock.
10 Now order the sentences (a–f). B False. Exercise 14
1) c A No, true! • Read the sentences with the
8SUfad8[Uf[a`2 students. Elicit two or three
The average weight of a top sentences from students
jockey is about 50kg. before they write their own.

TIM E OUT! Page 92, Exercise 7 35

Your Turn
Exercise 15
• If there is time, students can
Practice Grammar:  Present Simple (2) change partners and repeat
the activity.
Exercise 9 Exercise 11
Answers ­student page Answers ­student page
• Background
The best jockeys tend to
Exercise 10 Exercise 12 be both small and light.
• Students find and read aloud more Although height is less of
Answers examples of negatives in the text, a prerequisite than weight,
2e) 3d) 4a) 5f) 6b) e.g. He doesn’t ride now. Jockeys the two things generally go
don’t eat very much. I don’t have together.
Extra time. Kelly doesn’t go to bed early.
TI M E OUT! Page 92,
Students write three–four sentences Exercise 7
about their own family’s routine and
read them aloud to the class. Photocopiable activity 11,
Teacher’s Resources MultiROM
8 Cyber Safe y
This Uni Warm-up 3 Work in pairs. Read the questionnaire again. Choose
Short of time: set some of the best answers to be safe on the Internet. Check your
1 Look at the Key Words. Are any words answers on page 111.
the exercises for homework similar in your language?
(e.g. Exercises 4 and 7) 4 Look at the Sentence Builder. Write true sentences for you.
More time: do the extra I use the Internet every day.

This lesson gives students
some basic advice about safety
on the Internet and covers
various common topics and
worries relating to cyber safety,
Reading and Listening
particularly among young
people. 2.6 2 Look at the questionnaire on safety
on the Internet. Listen to Vijay and
circle his answers.
Revise the Present Simple
(affirmative) by asking students
to make sentences about jockeys’
routines, e.g. They exercise their
Try our questionnaire and find out.

2.5 Exercise 1 1 What name do you use on the Internet?

a A cool nickname. b My real name.
• Students check the meaning 2 Does your MySpace page give your real name and address?
of the Key Words in the a Yes, it does. b No, it doesn’t.
Picture Dictionary. Find out 3 Do your friends give your name and address to strangers on the Internet?
how many words are the a Yes, they do. b No, they don’t.

4 You receive an email with an attachment from a stranger. What do you do?
same or similar in students’ a Open it. b Delete it. c Save it.
own languages. 5 A stranger in a chatroom wants to meet you. What do you do?
a Tell an adult. b Agree to meet. c Agree to meet but take a friend.

Reading and 6 You receive an email with nasty comments about another student. What do you do?
a Tell an adult. b Send it to your friends. c Delete it.

Listening 7 Do you and your friends download music but not pay for it?
a Yes, we do. b No, we don’t.

8 What do your parents know about computers?

2.6 Exercise 2 a A lot. b Not very much. c Nothing.

Audioscript ­ end of notes 9 How often does your mum or dad check your computer?
a Every week. b Every month. c Never.
• Before you play the 10 Does your mum or dad know your password?
recording, give students a Yes, he/she does. b No, he/she doesn’t.
time to read through the
questionnaire to see what
information they need to
listen for.
Extra Grammar:  Present Simple (3)
Answers ­student page
Ask students if they agree with the
Exercise 5
advice given and extend the discussion
Exercise 3 on cyber safety to ask students what they Answers ­student page
• Students work in pairs, do to protect themselves when they are
deciding what the best using the Internet.
answers are before looking Practice
at page 111 to check.
Exercise 4
• Ask them if they think they Exercise 6
• Students read aloud one or two of
use the Internet safely and
their sentences to the class.
discuss the best answers Answers ­student page
outlined on page 111 with Answers
the group. Students’ own answers Exercise 7
Answers ­student page


Grammar:  Present Simple (3) 9 Game Use the words in the

box to write questions. You
5 Complete the table with do, don’t, does or doesn’t. have got five minutes!
Yes/No Questions Does your dad play tennis at the
Your Turn
1 Do weekend?
I/you/we/they download music? Exercise 10
2 Does he/she/it know your password?
Short Answers go your teacher does Extra
Yes, I/you/we/they 3 do . No, I/you/we/they 4 don’t . your dad do your friend
Yes, he/she/it 5 does . No, he/she/it 6 doesn’t .
After the group activity, students
what music when what work as a class and ask questions
Wh- Questions you every day about students in other groups,
What name 7 do I/you/we/they use?
8 does the Internet at the weekend e.g. (Jan), does (Maria) play tennis
How often he/she/it check?
your mum tennis use at the weekend? (Yes, she does. /
Practice what sports exercise No, she doesn’t.)

Match (1–5) with (a–e).
Does your c) a) friends download music?
a mobile phone
play a musical instrument
2 What name does e) b) you send every day? • Background
3 Do strangers d) c) friend know your password? According to recent
4 How many emails do b) d) send you emails? 3 questions: okay

5 Do your a) e) she use on the Internet? 4–6 questions: good
statistics, China has more
6+ questions: brilliant! Internet users than all the
7 Complete the questions with do or does.
countries of the European
1 Do you use a mobile phone every day?
2 Do your friends go swimming every week?
Union put together. The
3 What sports do you play? European Union however
4 What does your friend do at the weekend? Your Turn has a much higher
5 Where does your mum work?
10 Work in groups. Ask and percentage of Internet users
8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about your daily life. answer questions from when considered against
Exercise 9.
A What time do you get up? population.
B I get up at seven o’clock. A Do you use the Internet every
1 get up (time?) Exercise 2  – Audioscript
2 eat for breakfast (what?) B Yes, I do.
3 emails you get (how many?) Interviewer Hi, Vijay and
4 do in the afternoon (what?) thanks for answering our
5 get home (when?)
6 do in the evening (what?) questions about the Internet.
7 do your homework (when?) Vijay No problem.
8 go to bed (what time?)
Interviewer Okay, what
name do you use on the
Internet? Your real name or
8SUfad8[Uf[a`2 a nickname?
The country with most Vijay I use my real name, Vijay
Internet users is China. Kumar.
Interviewer Okay, thanks. And
you’ve got a MySpace page;
does it give your real name
TIM E OUT! Page 93, Exercise 8 37 and address?
Vijay Yes, it shows all my
personal information – my
name, address and mobile
Exercise 8 Exercise 9
Interviewer Right. Okay,
• Check question forms before • Check students understand that the
next question is about your
students work in pairs. words and phrases in the box are in friends. Do your friends give
random order. your name and address to
Questions: Example question forms strangers on the Internet?
2 What do you eat for breakfast? 1 Do you/Does your teacher (play a Vijay Mmm, yes, sometimes.
3 How many emails do you get? musical instrument)? When a new friend is
4 What do you do in the afternoon? 2 Where do you/does your friend (go interested in the same things
5 When do you get home? at the weekend)? as me.
6 What do you do in the evening? 3 When do you/does your teacher Interviewer I see. So, now
7 When do you do your homework? (play tennis)? some questions about emails
8 What time do you go to bed? 4 What do you/does your friend (do and chatrooms. You receive
Answers: students’ own answers at the weekend)? an email with an attachment
5 What (music/sports) do you/does from a stranger. What do
you do?
your teacher (play)?
Continues overleaf

9 The Adven ure Park
Continued from previous page 1 Read the information about Go Ape!. What part of the
Vijay Delete it. It’s not good park can you see in the photo?
to open an attachment from
a stranger. You can get a Have a great day out at the high-
computer virus. adventure park in Dalby Fores
t. Try our
obstacle course with walkways,
Interviewer Yes, that’s right. And test your nerve on
and tunnels … up in the trees.
Now, a stranger in a chatroom our zip slide – 250m long! Can
you face the challenge?
wants to meet you. What do
you do?
Vijay I’m not sure. Er, I think, 2 Picture Dictionary page 107. Look at the Key Words
and the photos. Guess the people’s feelings.
agree to meet but take a
friend with me. Jake is scared.
Interviewer Uh-huh. Next
question. You receive an
email with nasty comments
about another student. What
do you do?
Reading and Listening Speaking
Vijay Delete it. It’s horrible to
be nasty about other people. 2.8 3 Read and listen to the dialogue. Check your 4 Look at the Key Expressions.
They can be nasty about you, guesses from Exercise 2.
Interviewer Yes, that’s true. Emily  N *MPWFUIJTQMBDF*UTHSFBUXIFOZPV
Now music downloads.
Do you and your friends
download music but not pay
Emily %PZPVXBOUUPHPGJSTU +BLF 5 Look at the Sentence Builder. Write six
for it? sentences about adventure parks.
Vijay Erm, yes, sometimes. It’s
very easy to get music for BUNF"NB[JOH:PVOFYU &N"SFZPV
nothing on the Internet. TDBSFE 
Interviewer Yes, I know. Emily  P *NOPU*EPOUNJOEIFJHIUT'BOUBTUJD
And the last questions are :PVSUVSO +BLF
about your family. What do Jake &SN XBJUBNJOVUF
your parents know about Laura "SFZPVPLBZ +BLF :PVMPPLOFSWPVT
Vijay Not very much. My mum
and dad have got a restaurant
BCBCZ*UTFBTZ 6 Work in pairs. Use the Key Expressions and the
Jake * EPOUMJLFCFJOHVQIFSF*XBOUUPHP Sentence Builder to talk about these things.
but they haven’t got a EPXO A I hate Monday mornings. What about you?
computer at work. Laura %POUXPSSZ JUTGJOF%PJUGPSNF B I don’t mind them.
your mum or dad check your Laura 8FMMEPOF +BLF tQBSUJFT tEBODJOH t reading
my bedroom.
Interviewer Okay, last
question. Does your mum or
dad know your password?
Vijay No, my dad doesn’t know
This Uni Warm-up
it and my mum isn’t into Short of time: set some of the Exercise 1
computers. exercises for homework (e.g. Your • Explain or encourage students to
Interviewer Okay, that’s it Challenge, Exercise 2) guess the meaning of any new
Vijay, and thanks again. More time: students work in groups words.
Vijay You’re welcome. reading the dialogue in Exercise 3
TI M E OUT! Page 93, Background Zip slide
Exercise 8 In this episode, the characters are
at an adventure park in Yorkshire. 2.7 Exercise 2
Photocopiable activity 12, Visit for more
• Students check the meaning of the
Teacher’s Resources MultiROM information. Amongst other things the
Key Words in the Picture Dictionary.
activities include zip slides – cables
• Students can see if they agree
between trees as can be seen in the
about which Key Words describe the
main picture.
people’s feelings in the photos.


Your Challenge
Speaking: A class survey Your Challenge
1 Work in pairs. Choose one of these topics
and think of five questions. Speaking:  A class


Exercise 1
• Check that students
Do you like dancing? understand what to do.
What styles do you like? Elicit one or two example
Who are your favourite dancers? questions for some of the
Do you go to dance classes? other topics (sport, music,
2 Ask other students your questions. Write cinema or food).
their answers. • Pairs write their five
questions. Check question
Writing: A report
forms and point out any
1 Find and correct five mistakes in the report. errors for students to
Name: Ana Ruiz
Class: 7B
Report: A dance survey
Exercise 2
• Elicit two or three example
1 Ten people in our class loves dancing. Five love questions and answers
people like them but three people hate it! it
2 Seven people goes to dance classes. They go
before students do their
prefer ballet and street dance. His favourite Their surveys, e.g.
dancers are Carlos Acosta and Shakira. A: What styles of dancing do
3 Five people like watch dance on TV but watching you like?
they don’t go to classes.
B: I love ballet and I like
Dancing and dance classes are popular in
street dance.
our class. The favourite styles are ballet and • Tell each pair to ask their
street dance. five questions and to make
a note of the answers.
2 Use your answers from Speaking to
write a report about your class.
Writing:  A report
3 Pass your reports around the class
or read them out. Are the results Exercise 1
interesting or surprising?
• Students read the report and
correct the mistakes.

Answers ­student page

TIM E OUT! Page 93, Exercise 9 39

TIM E OUT! Page 40, Exercise 7 Exercise 2
• Point out the use of and and
but in the report.
• Students work in pairs,
Reading and Listening Speaking discussing the results of
their survey.
2.8 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 • Then students work
• Students check their guesses. • Ask the students to repeat the individually, writing their
• Elicit advice for Jake, e.g. Look in sentences in the table after you. Pay report. Check students’
front of you and don’t look down. particular attention to sentence stress. writing and point out any
Think about happy things. language errors for them
Exercise 5 to correct.
Answers • Tell students that they can use any
Laura, Emily and Ryan are all excited of these expressions followed by a Exercise 3
and happy. Jake is scared and nervous noun or followed by a verb + -ing. • Students can see if they
but when he tries the zip slide he agree about which results
enjoys it and feels more relaxed. Exercise 6 are interesting/surprising.
• Elicit Speaker B’s words when he/
she agrees with Speaker A, e.g.
TI M E OUT! Page 93,
A: I hate Monday mornings. And you?
Exercise 9
B: I hate them, too.
S udy Corner 3
Language Check
Language Check 4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in
Exercises 1–6 the Present Simple.
1 Complete the definitions.
16 My dad works (work) in a bank.
1 A w a i t e r works in a restaurant or a bar. 17 We don’t have (not have) lunch at school.
Answers ­student page 2 A p i l o t flies aeroplanes. 18 She doesn’t play (not play) chess very well.
3 A d o c t o r gives you medicine. 19 They go (go) home at five o’clock.
4 A t e a c h e r works in a school. 20 He doesn’t like (not like) football.
5 A v e t helps animals.
2.9 Feedback 5 Complete the dialogue.
• Students listen to the 2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in
A 21 Do you play sport?
the box.
recording to check their B Yes, I do.
answers. Check spelling go have (x 2) get up make A 22 What do you play?
B I play football.
where necessary by asking 6 I get up at seven o’clock. A 23 Does your brother play football?
individuals to write the 7 I have a shower. B No, he 24 doesn’t .
8 I make my bed. A What sport does he 25 play ?
answers on the board. have B He plays basketball.
9 I breakfast at half past seven.
• After checking answers to 10 I go to bed at half past ten. Grammar / 10
Exercise 5, students work in
pairs, reading the dialogue 3 Describe the people’s feelings.
6 Complete the sentences with doesn’t like,
aloud and changing parts. doesn’t mind, hates, likes or loves.

• Students look at the table 26 He loves swimming.

to see which sections in the 11 s car e d 14 e xci t e d
Students’ Book they need to 27 He likes dancing.
look at again.
28 He doesn’t mind horse riding.
• Give students time in
class or at home to do 12 bor e d 15 n e r v o u s 29 He doesn’t like maths.
Language Check 3 of the
Workbook. 30 He hates football.

Key Expressions /5
13 h app y Vocabulary / 15
Study Help:  Classroom
Language 1
• If necessary, revise the Feedback S udy Help: Classroom Language 1
pronunciation of the 2.9 • Listen and check your answers to the Ask questions in English.
Language Check. Write down your scores.
alphabet in English with A How do you pronounce ‘scientist’?
students. • Look at the table. Check where you made B Scientist.
• During the pair activity, A How do you spell it?
make a note of any serious Wrong answers: Look again at: B S–C–I–E–N–T–I–S–T.
pronunciation or spelling 1–5 Get Ready – Key Words • Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions
difficulties and go over these 6–10 Unit 7 – Key Words about the spelling and pronunciation of
words from Modules 1–3.
with the class afterwards. 11–15 Unit 9 – Key Words

Module 3 test, 16–20 Unit 7 – Grammar

Teacher’s Resources MultiROM 21–25 Unit 8 – Grammar
26–30 Unit 9 – Key Expressions

• Now do the exercises in Language Check 3 of
the Workbook.

Module 4
Talk about places and free time, and give directions.
Read about where teenagers go, and a place to visit. Extra
Listen to a survey.
Write a note with directions.
Students close their books. Write
jumbled words on the board
Learn about adverbs of frequency, there is/there are,
some and any. for students to sort into place
1 O Z O (zoo)
a 2 A K R P (park)
3 P O S H (shop)
4 M U U M S E (museum)
5 N A M E I C (cinema)
6 P E A K S T A R K (skatepark)

Exercise 2  – Audioscript
Girl 1 I need to get a present
c for my mum’s birthday.
Girl 2 What do you want to
Girl 1 I’m not really sure.
Girl 2 The sweet shop is just
over there. Does she like

Ou and Ab
Girl 1 Mm, no, not very much.
Girl 2 Jewellery? What about a
pair of earrings?
Girl 1 Great idea. Now where’s
the jewellery shop?
Get Ready
Girl 2 Upstairs on level 2, next
1 Picture Dictionary page 108. Find examples of 3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions. to the bookshop.
the Key Words in the photos.
A Where do you go in your free time? Two
B I go to a bowling alley every weekend. It’s great.
1 Where do you go in your free time? Girl So what do you want to see?
2 Do you go with your parents or friends? Boy I don’t know.
3 Where are your favourite places in town?
4 What places don’t you like very much? Girl What about Screen 3?
Boy No, I don’t like Leonardo
DiCaprio much.
2.11 2 Listen to three dialogues. Where are the Girl Oh, I don’t mind him.
people? What about Screen 6?
Boy James Bond? No, he’s a bit
41 boring … Maybe a comedy?
TIM E OUT! Page 40, Exercise 7
Girl Screen 4 … Jim Carrey.
He’s funny.
Boy Yes, okay. How much are
Ge Ready Exercise 3
• Read the four questions with the
the tickets?
2.10 Exercise 1 class, eliciting one or two answers Girl Come on.
• Students check the meaning of the for each question. Students then
Boy No, I can’t do this.
Key Words in the Picture Dictionary. work in pairs.
• After the pair activity, each student Girl Yes, you can. Here, hold
• Point out that the main stress falls my hand.
on the first word in the two-word reports their partner’s answers
to questions 3 and 4 to the class. Boy It’s okay for you, you go to
phrases in the Key Words, e.g. classes.
amusement park with the exception Check that students use the correct
third person singular verb forms Girl Come on. Okay?
of under-sixteens.
in their sentences, e.g. His/Her Boy Well, yeah, yeah, it’s quite
favourite places are … / He/She easy really … ah!!
2.11 Exercise 2 doesn’t like … very much. Girl Are you okay?
Audioscript ­ end of notes Boy Yeah, I’m okay. Wow, this
ice is cold. Can we stop for a
Answers moment?
1 shopping centre 2 cinema
3 ice rink
10 Free Time
This Uni Warm-up Reading and Listening
Short of time: set some of 1 What do you do in your free time? Tell 2.12 2 Listen and complete the text with the verbs in
the exercises for homework the class. the box.
(e.g. Exercises 3 and 5) I read magazines and play computer games. do drink go go have
More time: do the extra look ride surf visit watch

Background WHHQIRFXV


five teenagers around the

world spend their free time. Teenfocus where you answer the questions
They have not been chosen
to specifically represent their Where do you hang out in your free time? 5 comments
country in any way and should
therefore be seen as personal I usually 1 go to the shopping centre with my older posts
friends after school. We 2 look in the shops, but we
cases. don’t buy much. It’s a bit boring, but we haven’t got a We’re quite lucky in my town. We’ve got
good under-16s’ club or sports centre in my area. We a cinema, a sports centre and an ice rink.
sometimes go to the cinema at weekends. That’s great I7 go to classes there three times a
Warm-up but it’s very expensive. Amy, 13, Scotland
week. On Saturdays, I always play basketball
with my friends. I’m usually at home on
Sundays. I spend time with my family and I
Extra It’s twenty minutes to walk to the city, so I hang out at
8 do my homework before Monday!
the local park. It’s okay but I can’t go there after 7 p.m.
Start the lesson by revising It’s always full of students. They 3 drink beer and Maddie, 13, New Zealand
smoke, and they sometimes break the equipment. At
vocabulary from page 41. Write the weekends, the park is for little kids, so I go to my I hang out near my house with other kids
two lists of words on the board from my school. We 9 ride our bikes
friends’ houses or they 4 visit me. Juanita, 12, Mexico
and we skateboard. We haven’t got a
for students to match: skatepark and so we skate in the street. It
I live in a village and the bus service isn’t very good.
1 shopping a) rink I hardly ever go out after school. We haven’t got a can be dangerous and some adults tell us to
cinema so I often 5 watch DVDs at home or at my stop. When I’m at home, I’m always in my
2 amusement b) alley friend’s house. On Saturdays I go to the local town with bedroom. I 10 surf the Internet and chat
to my friends online.
3 ice c) centre my friends. Sunday is a family day. We go to church
and then we 6 have lunch at home. We never go James, 14, Canada
4 sports d) pool shopping or to the cinema on Sundays. Adam, 14, Poland
5 swimming e) café
6 Internet f) centre
3 Read the text again and write the correct
7 bowling g) park names.

Answers: Who …
1 stays at home after school? Adam
1c/f) 2g) 3a) 4c/f) 5d) 6e) 7b) 2 says teenagers make problems in a local place?
Exercise 1 3 has a lot of places to go to in their free time?
• If necessary, teach new Maddie
4 says the cost of going out is a problem?
vocabulary that students Amy
need to talk about their free 5 spends time with their family at weekends?
Adam and Maddie
time activities. 6 doesn’t leave the area around his house?
42 James
Reading and
2.12 Exercise 2 Extra Grammar:  Adverbs (1)
Answers ­student page If the nationalities of your students
Exercise 4
are represented in the text, then ask if
they think the description is typical of
• When checking answers, point out
a teenager from their country or not. If
the position of the adverb before
they are not represented, then ask them
the main verb in the sentence,
what they think would be the typical
e.g. I always play basketball. (The
activities for their country.
position of adverbs with the verb
to be is introduced in Exercise 8.)
Exercise 3 • Draw students’ attention to the
percentage related to each adverb.
Answers ­student page Check students’ comprehension
by asking them to translate the
sentences into their L1.
2 usually 3 often 4 sometimes
5 hardly ever 6 never
Out and About

Grammar: Adverbs (1) 8 Look at the Sentence Builder.

4 Complete the table with words from the text.

Exercise 7
Adverbs of frequency • After the pair activity, each
100% On Saturdays, I 1 always play basketball. student tells the class two
80% I2 go to the shopping centre after things about their partner,
school. e.g. (Maria) sometimes goes
60% I3 watch DVDs at home. for a walk. She often plays
30% We 4 go to the cinema at weekends. computer games.
9 Use the words in the boxes and adverbs of
5% I 5 go out after school. frequency to write sentences.
0% We 6 go shopping on Sundays. My friends never listen to classical music. Exercise 8
Teenagers are usually into fashion. • Read the sentences with
Practice students. Point out that the
adverb comes after the verb
5 Use the words to make sentences. Are the make nice food. to be.
sentences true (T) or false (F) for you? sing opera.
listen to classical music.
• Ask students to look back
1 arrives / always / my friend / late
2 sometimes / computer games / I / play write poems. at the text in Exercise 2 and
3 usually / with my friends / I / on Saturdays / run marathons. find sentences with the verb
go out to be and an adverb, e.g. It’s
4 go / often / to the cinema / my parents
5 my friends / me / hardly ever / phone always full of students. I’m
6 I / never / my room / tidy usually at home on Sundays.
My friends I’m always in my bedroom.
Your Turn Teenagers
Swiss people
6 Think about your answers to this questionnaire. Jamaican athletes Exercise 9
Then look at your score on page 111.
Italian people • Read the words in the
boxes with students. Elicit
!REYOUAN UTDOOR two or three more example
ORNDOORPERSON are late for school.
are very tidy.
• Tell students to write eight–
How often …
are good skiers.
ten sentences.
1 do you go for a walk? are into fashion.
a) never b) hardly ever c) sometimes d) often
2 do you stay in all weekend and play computer games?
are interested in sport. Exercise 10
a) often b) sometimes c) hardly ever d) never • Check that students know
3 do you try a new sport? how to respond if they agree
a) never b) hardly ever c) sometimes d) often
with their partner, (e.g.
4 do you go camping?
a) never b) hardly ever c) sometimes d) often That’s true.) or if they are
5 do you stay in all day and watch DVDs? 10 Work in pairs or groups. Read your not sure (e.g. I don’t know.
a) often b) sometimes c) hardly ever d) never sentences. Do you agree?
Perhaps it’s true.).
6 do you stay in and tidy your room? A Swiss people are often good skiers.
a) often b) sometimes c) hardly ever d) never B That’s true but Canadians are Extra
usually good skiers, too.
7 Work in pairs. Compare your answers. Students work individually,
I hardly ever go for a walk. What about you? TIM E OUT! Page 93, Exercise 10 43 writing one or two silly sentences
using words from Exercise 9,
e.g. Jamaican athletes always sing
opera. In turn, students tell the
class one of their sentences. The
Practice Your Turn class can see how many different
sentences they have made.
Exercise 5 Exercise 6
• Do one or two sentences with the • Give students time to read and TI M E OUT! Page 93,
class before students complete the answer the questionnaire and look Exercise 10
exercise, working individually. at their scores.
• Ask students to change their false • As a class, students discuss whether Photocopiable activity 13,
sentences into true sentences, e.g. they agree with the opinions in the Teacher’s Resources MultiROM
My parents hardly ever go to the answers. They may think of other
cinema. activities which they do regularly
which are not represented by the
Answers questionnaire and which might
1 My friend always arrives late. change their result.
2 I sometimes play computer games.
3 I usually go out with my friends on
4 My parents often go to the cinema.
5 My friends hardly ever phone me.
6 I never tidy my room. 43
11 A Trip Back in Time
This Uni Warm-up 2 Look at the Word Builder.
Short of time: set some of 1 Read the information and match the photos with the
the exercises for homework correct part of the text.
(e.g. Exercises 3, 6 and 8)
More time: do the extra
3 Complete the sentences with these
verbs from the text.
The Jorvik Viking Centre find out get in listen to
put on sit down talk to
opened in 1984 on the site of
the ancient city of Jorvik in the 1 Put on your coat. It’s cold.
centre of the modern city of Travel back in time 1000 years 2
Please get in the car now.
Sit down at the table and finish
York in the north of England. 1 Find out about life in Viking times. Get in one your lunch.
Visitors travel through a of our famous ‘time cars’ and travel round a 4 Can I talk to you about my
recreation of the sights, sounds reconstruction of the Viking City of Jorvik. 5 Use a dictionary to find out the
and even smells of Viking 2 See Viking life and people – at work, in the market meaning of this word.
York showing markets, streets, and at home. Listen to a description of their life 6 Listen to the interview and answer
and hear their language – Old Norse. Talk to one the questions.
houses and even a toilet. Visit
of our Viking guides, put on a viking costume
and find out the answers to your questions.
for more information. b
3 Visit our new interactive gallery and exciting
exhibitions. Sit down and listen to the story of
Warm-up the original archaeological dig.
4 Buy a souvenir from our fantastic shop.
Exercise 1
• Before reading the text,
ask students to look at the
photos and describe what
they can see.
1a) 2d) 3b) 4c)

Exercise 2
• Read the sentences in the
Word Builder with the class, c
then look at the information
in Exercise 1 and point out
similar phrases, e.g. get in
(one of our famous ‘time
cars’), listen to (a description
of their life).
Exercise 3
Answers ­student page

Grammar:  there is/there are Practice

Reading and with some and any
Listening Exercise 6
Exercise 5 Answers ­student page
2.13 Exercise 4 • Check students understand that we
• Give students time to read use some in affirmative statements
the four sentences before and any in negative statements and 2.14 Exercise 7
they read and listen to the questions. Audioscript ­ end of notes
conversation. • Ask students to look again at the
• Explain or encourage dialogue in Exercise 4 to find • Give students time to read through
students to guess the and read aloud more sentences the list of places before they listen
meaning of any new words. containing some or any. to the recording.

Answers ­student page Answers ­student page Answers ­student page

Out and About

Reading and Listening Practice

4 Read and listen to the conversation. Are these 6 Complete the sentences about Jorvik with is,
sentences true (T) or false (F)? isn’t, are, some or any.
1 F You can park your car at Jorvik. 1 There are exhibitions of Viking life.
2 T People with walking difficulties can visit 2 Is there a restaurant? No, there • Background
Jorvik. isn’t . Although there are not
3 F You can have a snack and a drink at Jorvik. 3 There aren’t any parking spaces.
4 F It’s hard to find a place for lunch near 4 Are there any guides? Yes, there many descendants from the
Jorvik. are . Vikings in the area around
A Good morning, can I help you? 5 There are some great souvenirs in the London, a recent study
B Yes, please. I’d like some information about 6 There isn’t a restaurant. showed that in various other
Jorvik Viking Centre. What activities are there? 7 There is a lift. areas in the north of the
A Well, there’s the tour of the Viking city – that’s
very popular. And there are some exhibitions 2.14 7 Listen to a survey. Put ticks () or crosses ()
United Kingdom (including
of Viking life and an interactive gallery. in the boxes. Liverpool and the Orkney
B Great. I want to visit with a big group. Are Islands) there are a large
there any parking spaces at Jorvik?
number of people with
A No, there aren’t any parking spaces at the
centre but there’s a car park five minutes away. Town survey Viking ancestry.
B Good. And is there a lift for visitors with
wheelchairs? What places are there in your area? Exercise 7  – Audioscript
A Yes, there is. And there’s wheelchair access to Put a tick () or cross () in each box.
all parts of the centre. Woman Excuse me? Can I ask
 amusement park  ice rink
B Great. One more question. Is there a you some questions about
restaurant?  cinemas  under-16s’ club
your area?
A No, there isn’t a restaurant but there are lots  shops  park
of places to eat near Jorvik.  sports centre  snack bars Boy Okay.
B Okay, thanks for your help.  bowling alley Woman Is there an amusement
A You’re welcome. park near you?
Boy An amusement park? No,
Grammar: there is/there are with there isn’t.
some and any
8 Now write sentences about the places in Woman Are there any cinemas?
5 Read the dialogue again and complete the Exercise 7. Boy Yeah, the ABC cinemas are
table with some or any. There isn’t an amusement park. in the shopping centre.
Affirmative Woman Right, so there are
Your Turn
There’s a car park five minutes away. cinemas and shops. Is there a
There are 1 some exhibitions of Viking life. 9 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about sports centre?
Negative your partner’s town/city.
Boy Yeah, there’s a big sports
There isn’t a restaurant. A Is there an ice rink in your town? centre next to the shopping
There aren’t 2 any parking spaces at the B No, there isn’t.
centre. But I don’t go there.
centre. A Are there any good shops?
B Yes, there are. Woman Are there any other
Yes/No Questions Short Answers
places for sport … a bowling
Is there a lift? Yes, there is.
No, there isn’t.
8SUfad8[Uf[a`2 alley or an ice rink?
Are there 3 any Yes, there are. There are many descendants Boy No, there isn’t a bowling
of Vikings in the area
parking spaces? No, there aren’t.
around London.
alley or ice rink, not near here.
Wh- Questions 3`eiWda`bSYW$$$! Woman Are there any under-
What activities are there? 16s’ clubs, you know, and
TIM E OUT! Page 94, Exercise 11 45
places for young people to go?
Boy No, we haven’t got an
under-16s’ club round here.
Woman And a park?
Extra Your Turn Boy Oh, yeah, there’s a big
Write questions on the board for park in front of my house.
Exercise 9 Woman And where do you
students to answer as they listen to the
recording again: 1 Does the boy go to the
• Elicit two or three more questions go with your friends at the
sports centre? (No, he doesn’t.) 2 Where’s
before students work in pairs asking weekend?
the park? (In front of the boy’s house.)
and answering about their town Boy Well, we go to the shopping
3 Where does the boy go with his friends
or city. centre … and snack bars, you
at the weekend? (To the shopping centre/ know, for a burger or pizza
Extra and chips. And sometimes we
snack bar/cinema.)
Students think about some good places go to the cinema.
Exercise 8 they know and then tell the class, e.g. Woman Okay, that’s all. Thanks
There are some fantastic shops in … / very much.
Answers There’s a great zoo in … Boy No problem!
There are some cinemas. There are
some shops. There is a sports centre.
TI M E OUT! Page 94,
There isn’t a bowling alley. There isn’t
Exercise 11
an ice rink. There isn’t an under-16s’
club. There is a park. There are some Photocopiable activity 14,
Teacher’s Resources MultiROM 45
snack bars.
x Going Ou
This Uni Warm-up
Short of time: set some of 1 Picture Dictionary page 108. Look at the
the exercises for homework Key Words. What words are similar in your
(e.g. Your Challenge, Exercise 3) language?

and shorten the discussion in 2.15

Exercise 1
More time: do the extra

Background 2 Work in pairs. Find examples of the places

Last weekend the group were from the Key Words on the map.
1 2 3 4 York
k 5

at an adventure park. This There is a car park in square A1. Dean’s Minster





S T. L E O N A R D


week they meet in the centre




TE .



of York, a city founded in Reading and Listening HETH


EET Museum

G de
71 AD by the Romans. York 3 Read and listen to the dialogue. Are the

2.16 LO

. W


sentences true (T) or false (F)? R iv e r
is halfway between London


B Ouse U M S. SW RG RE
£ G ND


and Edinburgh and is a major 1 F Laura doesn’t like York very much. M ND

War Memorial DA
2 F The group want to go shopping.




tourist destination, partly due





3 Emily helps a tourist.



to the Jorvik Viking Centre but


4 F A girl gives them directions.




also because of York Minster

Jake So, Laura, what do you think of York?





(pictured top), one of the


Laura The history of the city is amazing. TA N







largest Gothic cathedrals in Emily Well, this street is called The Shambles. It’s


a shopping street now but it’s hundreds of

Europe. The friends ask Laura LE


years old. G A TR RL T



for her opinion of their city T K INI


£ L

Jake Laura is interested in history, so what M RS



er O
and then Emily gives a passer- RY INNG


about Jorvik? ST BU R



car park post office theatre



by directions to the railway



Laura Jorvik? What’s that? P police station

railway Sstation church




NU . X .
i tourist

station. FA ST R

NN £ bank hospital




Jake It’s a Viking centre. You travel back 1000 E RY FA DE information



NE hotel J Jorvik Centre

years to Viking times. VIC


Warm-up Woman Excuse me? Can you tell me how to get to
the railway station, please?
2.15 Exercise 1 Emily Yes, sure. Go out of the Viking Centre and
• Students check the meaning turn left into Coppergate. Cross the river
into Bridge Street. Then turn right into
of the Key Words in the George Hudson Street.
Picture Dictionary. Woman George Hudson Street?
• Check pronunciation and Emily Yes, that’s right. Go past a car park into
spelling of words that are Rougier Street. Turn left and go down
Station Road and the station is on the right.
similar in students’ L1 and
Woman On the right?
in English.
Emily Yes, you can’t miss it. It’s
opposite Station Road.
Exercise 2 Woman Thanks very much.
• Look at the key to the Emily You’re welcome.
symbols on the map with 46
students. Ask students which
of the symbols they have
seen on maps of cities in
their country.
• Elicit one or two more Reading and Listening Extra
sentences from the class Ask students to look again at the last
before students work in 2.16 Exercise 3
section of the dialogue in Exercise 3
pairs. • Give students time to read through (starting with Woman: Can you tell me
the four sentences before they read how to get to the railway station, please?).
and listen to the dialogues. In pairs, students practise reading
Answers ­student page this section aloud, taking turns in the
two parts.

2.17 Exercise 4
• Students check the meaning of the
Key Words in the Picture Dictionary.

Answers ­student page

Out and About

4 Picture Dictionary page 109. Look at the

underlined Key Words in Exercise 3. Draw the
Your Challenge
woman’s route on the map.
Writing: A note with directions Your Challenge
1 Look at the Sentence Builder.
Writing:  A note with
Exercise 1
Speaking • Explain that the linking
5 Read the Key Expressions. words in the Sentence
Builder can be used when
2 Complete Emily’s note to Laura with first, then
or and then. giving spoken or written
directions, but they are
especially useful when
>_BWkhW" writing directions.
>[h[Wh[Z_h[Yj_edijeekh^eki[$' "][jj^[ • Point out that and then is
(-Xki\heciY^eebjej^[hWY[Yekhi[$9heiij^[cW_d not used at the beginning of
jkhdh_]^j$=efWijj^[i^efi$ a sentence but that then can
be used at the beginning or
M[ijmeeZJ[hhWY[* jkhdb[\j_djeHkii[bb
in the middle.

6 Work in pairs. Use the map of York. Use the

;c_bo Exercise 2
Key Expressions and Key Words to give your
partner directions from the railway station to 3 Think of a place near your school. Write Answers
another place on the map. a note to a friend and give him/her 1 First 2 then/and then
Go out of the station, go down Station Road … directions – but don’t say the place! 3 Then 4 then/and then
Go out of school and then turn …
4 Work in pairs. Read each other’s note.
What place are the directions to? Exercise 3
• Revise vocabulary of places
in a school, e.g. library,
science laboratory, staff
room, cafeteria, playground,
toilets, gym, art/music/
computer room.
• Check students’ notes. Point
out any errors for them to

Exercise 4
• If pairs disagree about the
TIM E OUT! Page 94, Exercise 12 47 directions, help them to
TIM E OUT! Page 40, Exercise 7 make the directions clearer.


Speaking Exercise 6 Some students read out their

• Tell students not to worry about the notes to the class. The other
Exercise 5 pronunciation of the English street students listen and say what
names on the map. place the directions are to.
• Point out the use of the checking
question (The railway station?) • Give the class some example TI M E OUT! Page 94,
to make sure that you have directions to follow on the map and Exercise 12
understood the directions correctly. check that students arrive at the
• Elicit one or two more dialogues correct place.
from the class before students • Give students time to work out
work in pairs reading parts A and B directions to two or three places on
aloud. the map before they work in pairs.

Across Cul ures 2
Across Cultures 2
Warm-up 3 Read the texts again.
Exercise 1 Who …
1 Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
• Read the questions with 1 doesn’t go to school? Emma
1 How many subjects do you do at school?
the class and check that 2 has lessons in the afternoons? Jonathan
2 How many different lessons do you have
3 studies three languages? Marguerite
students understand the every day?
4 likes history? Jonathan
vocabulary before they 3 How many hours of homework do you do
5 does 2–3 hours of homework? Jonathan
every day?
work in pairs. 6 starts school at 7.30? Marguerite
4 How often do you have exams?
7 has lessons over the Internet? Emma
5 How often do you do sport or PE (physical
8 goes to sports camps? Emma
Reading 6 Do you use computers or the Internet at
2.18 Exercise 2 Jonathan Fonseca is from
Reading Guadalajara in Mexico. In
• Tell students not to worry his school, some students
about understanding 2.18 2 Read about the people. Answer questions go to school in the morning
(1–3) from Exercise 1 for each person. and some students in the
every word in the texts afternoon. Jonathan goes to
but to focus on answering 1 Marguerite does ten subjects school in the afternoon. Every
day, he has seven lessons,
questions 1, 2 and 3 from from two o’clock to eight
Exercise 1. o’clock. In the morning, he

does his homework for two
• When checking answers,
ask students why it isn’t as
easy to answer questions 2
and 3 for Emma as for the

or three hours and then visits
friends. On school days, he
arrives home at ten o’clock
at night. Jonathan does nine
subjects and his favourite
subject is history.
other two students (Answer: Marguerite Laure is from Cameroon. She gets up at
five thirty and walks two kilometres to school. She
Because she doesn’t go to a has six lessons every day. She starts school at half past
conventional school.) seven and she finishes at half past three. In the evening, Emma Lane doesn’t go to school. Her school,
Marguerite helps her mother at home, works in the ‘The School of the Air’, is in Alice Springs in
• Students do not need fields and does her homework for an hour and a half. central Australia and she lives on a farm 800
to worry about the She studies ten subjects including three languages, kilometres away! Emma studies eight subjects and
French, English and German. is in a ‘class’ of ten students. Every day, she has
pronunciation of names in one thirty-minute lesson over the Internet and
the texts. The phonemic sometimes she has video lessons. She studies at
home for five or six hours a day and she emails
transcription is provided her homework to her teacher. Emma’s teacher
sometimes flies to her farm and meets her. Emma
here for you. Marguerite sometimes goes to Alice Springs for classes
Laure Pđ‫ڴ‬JH‫ۉ‬UL‫ڴ‬WOƥ‫ڴ‬ or for a sports camp.
Fonseca IĴQ‫ۉ‬VHNȪ,
JZđ‫ڴ‬G O ‫ۉ‬K U .
Marguerite: 1 ten 2 six
3 an hour and a half
Jonathan: 1 nine 2 seven
3 two or three hours
Emma: 1 eight 2 one
lesson over the Internet,
sometimes video lessons,
sometimes her teacher visits Listening 2.21 Exercise 6
her, she studies at home
• When speaking English at a natural
3 she studies for five or six 2.19 Exercise 4 pace, words such as articles,
hours at home (but this may Audioscript ­ end of notes prepositions and modal verbs often
not all be homework) almost disappear. This exercise
Answers ­student page helps students become aware of
Exercise 3 these words.
• Check that students 2.20 Exercise 5
• Students listen and repeat the
understand the meaning of sentences, paying particular
• Read through the phrases (1–4) in
any new words in the texts. attention to the unstressed words.
the list with students before they
listen to the recording again.
Answers ­student page 2.22 Exercise 7
Answers • Check that students can hear the
1 IT (information technology) difference in length between the
2 PE (physical education) two vowels.
3 English, French, science
4 maths, geography
Exercise 4  – Audioscript
Listening 2.22 7 Pronunciation Listen to the two sounds. Man So Mark, tell me about
1 ́ this, it 2 L these, eat your typical Monday.
2.19 4 Listen to Mark’s description of his school day.
Complete his timetable. 2.23 8 Listen to these words. What are the sounds of Mark Well, Mondays are
the underlined letters – 1 or 2? horrible. I get up at half past
teacher exam people evening
Monday Tu history Internet read meet English Man I see. And how do you go
9.00 Registration think cinema magazine finish to school?
repeat email weekend
9.15 1 English Mark I get the school bus at
10.05 2 IT 8.15. It arrives at school at
10.50 Break about ten to nine.
11.10 3 French Man So what do you do first?
Work in groups. Write a timetable for your
12.00 4 maths ideal school day (minimum seven lessons). Mark Well, at nine we’ve got
12.45 Lunch Think about these things: registration. Mm … my first
13.55 5 science t important subjects: maths/your language/ class is English. It’s okay and
14.25 6 physical education English I like the teacher. My second
t breaks/lunch/sports and PE
15.15 7 geography
t textbooks, computers, the Internet, CDs/ class is IT – information
16.00 School ends DVDs technology. It’s my favourite
subject – I love computers,
you know. Then at ten to
2.20 5 Listen again. What subjects does Mark like?
Our Ideal School Day eleven there’s a break. I can
Complete the list. ijWhjiY^eeb¸^Wl[Xh[Wa\Wij talk to my friends about the
'&$&& m_j^\h_[dZi_dYW\ƒ weekend.
1 Great – he loves it:
2 Good – he likes it: Åhijb[iied¸cki_Y Man Okay, what lessons have
3 Okay – he doesn’t mind them: '&$)& [b[Yjh_Y]k_jWhYbWii
4 Terrible – he hates them: you got after the break?
''$)& edj^[?dj[hd[j Mark Well, my third class is
2.21 6 Listen closely Work in pairs. Say the words
French. That’s okay. Then the
in the sentences. Then listen and repeat the
complete sentences. fourth class is maths. I hate
A Well B Mondays maths and I’m terrible.
A are B horrible Man What about lunch?
1 Well, Mondays are horrible. Mark Lunch is at 12.45. The
2 I get the school bus at eight fifteen. food’s not very good so I
3 It arrives at school at about ten to nine.
4 My first class is English. have sandwiches. Then I play
5 I can talk to my friends about the weekend. football with my friends for
half an hour.
Man What about afternoon
Mark The fifth lesson of the
day is science. That’s okay.
The sixth class is physical
49 education. I like that. Then
the seventh class is geography.
I really hate geography.
Man What time do classes
2.23 Exercise 8 Mark Lessons finish at 4 o’clock
but my bus goes at 4.30. I
usually play football or do
Sound 1: exam, history, Internet, • Read the instructions and example some homework.
English, think, cinema, finish timetable with students. Check that
Man Okay, thanks a lot Mark.
Sound 2: teacher, people, evening, students understand what to do.
read, meet, magazine, repeat, email, • Point out that the timetable is for Mark Not at all.
weekend one day. If students wish, they can
decide the content of a lesson, e.g.
music (history of pop music).
• Check students’ timetables and
After completing the pronunciation point out any language errors for
exercises try the following tongue-twister them to correct.
with your group:
In the evenings, Peter meets sixteen thin
people in the Internet café, eats chicken
and chips and drinks milk.

udy Corner 34
Language Check Language Check 4 Complete the letter with is, are, isn’t, aren’t,
some or any.
Exercises 1 and 2 1 Where do you do these things? Write the
Answers ­student page 1 You watch films at the c i n e m a . Dear Miriam,
2 You have a snack in a s n a c k b a r . I ’m your new pen friend. I live in Middleton.
3 You skate at an i c e r i n k . It’s a really small village. There are 17 some
Exercise 3 4 You play sports at a s p o r t s shops and there 18 is
a pub. But there
c e n t r e. 19 aren’t
20 any
places for young people —
5 You buy things at a s h o p p i n g there 21 isn’t
a cinema! Write and tell me
Answers c e n t r e. about your town. Is there a cinema? 22 Are
11 She never tidies her room. there any places for young people?
12 He usually meets his 2 Complete the sentences with the words in Write soon,
the box. Clare
friends on Friday.
13 We sometimes go down on out to to
swimming. 6 How can I find out the number of his Grammar / 12

14 He always has a piano house?

5 Complete the directions to the hotel with the
class on Saturday. 7 I usually talk to my friends on Skype. words in the box.
8 Don’t put a jumper on – it’s 20 degrees.
15 She hardly ever visits her 9 Sit down and do your homework, please. cross down left miss opposite
grandmother. 10 I usually listen to music on my MP3 out past turn
16 We often play football. out of the station and turn
Vocabulary / 10 Go 23
24 left . Go 25 down Market Street and
3 Order the words in the sentences.
26 cross the bridge. Go 27 past the
Exercises 4 and 5 cinema and then 28 turn right. The hotel is
11 tidies / never / her / room / she 29 opposite the bank – you can’t 30 miss it!
12 his / friends / he / on Friday / usually / meets
Answers ­student page 13 go / we / swimming / sometimes Key Expressions /8
14 has / piano class / always / he / a / on /
15 her / ever / hardly / visits / she / grandmother
2.24 Feedback 16 play / often / we / football
• Students listen to the
recording to check their
answers. Check spelling
Feedback S udy Help: Classroom Language 2
where necessary by asking
individuals to write the
2.24 • Listen and check your answers to the Ask for permission in English.
Language Check. Write down your scores. Andrea Can I close the window?
answers on the board. • Look at the table. Check where you made Jenny Yes, of course.
• Students look at the table mistakes. Dave Can I use your dictionary?
to see which sections in the Alan I’m sorry, I haven’t got one.
Wrong answers: Look again at:
Students’ Book they need to
1–5 Get Ready – Key Words • Work in pairs. Take turns to ask your
look at again.
6–10 Unit 11 – Word Builder partner for permission.
• Give students time in
• use your calculator
class or at home to do 11–16 Unit 10 – Grammar • use your mobile phone
Language Check 4 of the 17–22 Unit 11 – Grammar • use your pen
• see your homework
Workbook. 23–30 Unit 12 – Key Words/ • open the window

Study Help:  Classroom • Now do the exercises in Language Check 4 of

the Workbook.
Language 2 50
• Revise the Classroom
Language students practised
in Study Corner 3 for
asking questions about the • Read through the other requests
pronunciation and spelling with students before they work in
of words. pairs. Elicit suggestions for granting
• Read the example dialogue and refusing permission, e.g. I
with students. Point out haven’t got one. (for the calculator,
the use of Can …? to ask pen and mobile phone), I haven’t
permission and the use of got it. (for homework), I’m sorry, I
I’m sorry, I haven’t got one. don’t want it open. I’m cold. (for the
to refuse permission. window).
Module 4 test,
Teacher’s Resources MultiROM

Module 5
Talk about the weather; use shopping expressions.
Read about the weather and tornadoes. Extra
Listen to a weather report and the news.
Students look at the places (1–6)
Write a postcard.
and listen to the recording again.
Learn about the Present Continuous.
Ask students which places do not
have the article the in front of
them. (Scotland and Wales). Write
on the board:
I live in …
1 North
c 2 England
b 4 South West
5 New York
6 Canada
Students say the sentences, using
the where necessary. (Sentences
1, 3 and 4).

Exercise 3
• If you have a large map
of your country, display it
or ask for a volunteer to
sketch a map on the board.

e Wea
e e
Students can point to areas
on the map as they talk
about the weather.
• Encourage students to
Get Ready formulate their ideas in full
sentences like the weather
1 Picture Dictionary page 2.26 2 Picture Dictionary page 109, report in Exercise 2.
103. Look at the Key Compass Points. Listen to a
Words. What’s the weather British weather report. Match
like in the photos? the places with the weather.
Exercise 2  – Audioscript
a) It’s snowy. 1 Scotland a) cold, rainy and
windy And now a look at today’s
2.25 2 a) North East b) foggy and wet weather. Up in Scotland, well,
3 d) North West c) cold, snowy it’s bad today. It’s cold and
and icy
4 b) Wales d) warm and rainy snowy, yes, snowy and icy in
5 f) Midlands e) hot and sunny Scotland today. And in the
6 e) South East f) warm but North East, well, it’s bad there,
too. It’s very cold and windy
3 What’s the weather like in your and rainy, not very good.
area today? 51
Cold, rainy, windy, up there in
the North East. In the North
West, it’s okay. It’s rainy but
it is warm there. Mm, warm
Ge Ready 2.26 Exercise 2 and rainy in the North West.
Over in Wales, well, it’s not
Audioscript ­ end of notes
very nice. It’s very wet, and
2.25 Exercise 1 • Students look at the map and read it’s foggy, too. Yes, foggy and
• Students check the meaning of the through the places (1–6) and the wet this morning in Wales.
Key Words in the Picture Dictionary. weather (a–f) before they listen to The Midlands now, well the
• Tell students that different the recording. Midlands, it’s okay, quite
adjectives are possible to describe warm at the moment but a
the pictures, e.g. it may be hot or Answers ­student page bit cloudy. And, er, good news
warm in Picture b. in the South East, it’s lovely. A
• Ask students to choose Key Words lovely sunny morning here in
to describe the weather today in the South East! Hot and sunny,
their town or area. (This will help to mm … time for some music,
prepare students for Exercise 3). I think.
a) It’s cold and snowy. b) It’s hot
and sunny. c) It’s rainy and windy.
13 Our Wea her
This Uni Warm-up 3 Complete the Word Builder with nouns
Short of time: set some of from the text.
1 Picture Dictionary page 102. Look at the Key
the exercises for homework Words. Then answer the questions.
(e.g. Exercises 8 and 11)
More time: do the extra

Background 1 What’s your favourite season?

2 What’s the weather like in different seasons in
This Unit presents four your country?
typical weather patterns in snow
A What’s the weather like in spring?
countries around the world B It’s usually rainy and cloudy. Sometimes ...
and introduces the seasons
and other weather related Reading 4 Choose the correct words.
concepts including rainbow and 1 It’s very fog / foggy this morning.
2.28 2 Read the weather blogs. Match the photos with 2 I can see snow / snowy on the mountains.
midnight sun, the meaning of the texts. 3 There are dark clouds / cloudy in the sky.
both of which students should 4 It’s very wind / windy in the north of
be able to deduce from the the country.
context. 5 Don’t go out in the sun / sunny without a hat.

Warm-up _kkg1&&nnn%]i`\e[gifÔc\%e\k&lg[Xk\j

Extra 1 a
I am looking at a rainbow! It’s raining here but the sun is shining,
too. There’s a beautiful rainbow in the sky. The colours are amazing!
Write jumbled weather words People are stopping in the street and they’re looking at the sky. I’m
on the board for students to in my bedroom and I’m doing my homework. Boring! But everyone is
happy when there’s a rainbow. Annie, London
1 T H O (hot)
2 G O Y G F (foggy) 2 b I am waiting for a bus and it’s very hot. You are lucky, Annie. It
3 M R W A (warm) isn’t raining here. It’s very dry. The plants aren’t growing because
there isn’t any water. The sun is shining now but it’s horrible. I’m
4 Y D O L U C (cloudy) not enjoying the summer and the hot weather. I want some rain!
5 N I D Y W (windy) Mustafah, Dubai
6 L O D C (cold)

3 c I am studying for my exams and I’m not enjoying it! It’s maths next –
2.27 Exercise 1 not my favourite subject! Sorry about the Dubai weather, Mustafah.
It’s snowing a lot here. (For my friends in Europe, don’t forget it’s
• Students check the meaning winter here in New Zealand!) There’s a lot of snow on the mountains
of the Key Words in the but I can’t go snowboarding because I’ve got a lot of work. Maybe
after my exams. Wish me luck!
Picture Dictionary. Kyle, New Zealand

• Encourage students to say

why they like their favourite 4 d We are having a party. It’s midnight but people aren’t sleeping
because the sun is shining! We’re American but we’re staying in
season, e.g. I like hot Tromso. It’s in the Arctic Circle, in an area called ‘the Land of the
weather. / We have a holiday Midnight Sun’. My parents are walking in the mountains and Kate is
taking photos. It’s amazing!
in the summer. Nina and Kate, Norway
Working in pairs, students
choose one season and write two
or three sentences about it, e.g. Reading Grammar:  Present
It’s warm in this season. I play Continuous (1)
tennis in this season. 2.28 Exercise 2
Tell students not to give the • Explain or encourage students to Exercise 5
name of the season in their guess the meaning of any new • Refer students to the four texts
sentences. words. on page 52 if they have problems
In turn, students read aloud completing the sentences.
their sentences. The rest of the Answers
class guesses the season. 1 Kyle 2 Annie 3 Nina and Kate Answers ­student page
4 Mustafah

Exercise 6
Exercise 3
Answers ­student page b)

Exercise 4
Answers ­student page
The Weather

Grammar: Present Continuous (1) Your Turn

5 Complete the table with the words in the box. 9 Game Work in pairs.
Student A, describe what Exercise 8
enjoying looking sleeping stopping taking a person in the class is • Write on the board: People
wearing and doing. Student
Affirmative B, guess the person. are stopping in the street.
A The person is wearing a and I’m not enjoying it! Ask
I ’m (am) 1 looking at a rainbow.
He/She/It ’s (is) 2 taking photos. blue T-shirt and jeans. The students why the verb to be
You/We/They ’re (are) 3 stopping in the street. person is sitting near the is not contracted in the first
Negative window. sentence. (Answer: Because
B Tomek. the sentence does not use a
I ’m not (am not) 4 enjoying A Yes.
the summer. subject pronoun.)
He/She/It isn’t (is not) working
You/We/They aren’t (are not) 5 sleeping 10 Look at the Sentence
Builder. Answers ­student page
6 Choose the correct answer, a) or b).

We use the Present Continuous to talk about:

a) actions that happen every day.
Your Turn
b) actions happening now or around now.
Exercise 9
Practice • Read the example with
7 Correct the information in the sentences.
• Before students work in
1 I’m doing my homework. (email my friends)
I’m not doing my homework. I’m emailing my friends. pairs, give another example
2 It’s snowing. (rain) by describing one of the
3 We’re watching TV. (listen to music) 11 Use the Sentence Builder to pupils for the class to guess.
4 He’s walking to town. (go home) answer the questions about
5 They’re playing football. (sit in the park) the people and weather in
Exercise 2.
6 You’re helping me. (watch TV) Exercise 10
1 Why are Annie and the
8 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Continuous. people in the street happy? • Read the sentences with
It’s five o’clock and I’m bored. I ’m looking out (look out) of my
1 2 Why does Mustafah want the students. Write on the
bedroom window. I 2 ’m not doing (not do) my homework. It’s cold some rain? board: Why are you tired?
but it 3 isn’t snowing (not snow). People 4 are wearing (wear) coats 3 Why is it snowy in New
Zealand? Elicit possible answers,
and hats. They 5 ’re going (go) home from work. One man
6 is riding (ride) a bike and three girls 7 are standing (stand) 4 Why is it sunny at night in e.g. Because I’ve got lots of
at a bus stop. They 8aren’t enjoying(not enjoy) the weather. Two Tromso? homework.
women 9 are walking (walk) in the park but they 10aren’t talking
(not talk).
Exercise 11
• Read the first question with
students. Elicit the answer
8SUfad8[Uf[a`2 before students continue
The minimum recorded
temperature in the world working individually.
is -89.2°C.
1 Because there is a beautiful
rainbow in the sky.
53 2 Because the plants aren’t
TIM E OUT! Page 94, Exercise 13 growing.
3 Because it’s winter.
4 Because it’s in the Arctic
Practice Answers
Exercise 7
2 It isn’t snowing. It’s raining.
3 We aren’t watching TV. We’re
• Draw students’ attention to listening to music. • Check that students can say
the double letter in stopping in 4 He isn’t walking to town. He’s going the temperature in English
exercise 5. Ask them why the p in home. (minus eighty-nine point two
stopping is doubled but the k in 5 They aren’t playing football. They degrees Centigrade/Celsius).
looking is not. (Answer: Because the are sitting in the park.
infinitive of stop finishes consonant 6 You aren’t helping me. You’re
TI M E OUT! Page 94,
+ vowel + consonant.) watching TV.
Exercise 13

Photocopiable activity 15,

Teacher’s Resources MultiROM

14 Tornado!
This Uni Warm-up
Short of time: set some of 1 Look at the photo. What do
the exercises for homework you know about tornadoes?
(e.g. Exercises 5, 7 and 10) Work in pairs and do the quiz.
More time: do the extra 2.29 2 Now listen and check.

Tornadoes (Wƥ‫ۉڴ‬QH́GȪօ]also
spelt tornados) are very violent
winds that spin at great speed.
They usually occur during
thunderstorms. They move fast
Are these statements true
(anything from 110–600 km/h) or false (F)?
and suck up everything in their
path, rather like a vacuum n
F There are more tha
cleaner. They can throw people 1,0 00 tor na do es eve ry
and heavy objects hundreds of year in South Ameri
Reading and Listening
metres. They are very common
in the central plains area of T Tornadoes can move 2.30 3 Read and listen to the dialogue from a news programme.
at over 40 km/hour. Then match the beginnings (1–5) with the endings (a–e).
the USA, but occur in many
other countries. The UK and 1 Karl c) a) is about twenty kilometres away.
T They are between 2 The tornado a) b) are in their cars.
Italy have the highest number and 400 metres wid
e. 3 Dana e) c) is near Oklahoma City.
of reports in Europe, and 4 Mr Cook d) d) is at home.
5 Some people b) e) is in the studio.
they have been reported as T They can carr y people,
animals and cars. Dana And now for a special report from Karl Messner,
far north as Stockholm and near Oklahoma City. Can you hear me, Karl?
St Petersburg. Karl Yes, I can, Dana.
Dana So, what’s happening?
Warm-up Karl Well, the tornado is about twenty kilometres away
but it’s moving fast.
Exercise 1 Is this advice good () Dana Where is it going? Is it moving towards the city?

• Students pool information or bad ()? Karl Yes, it is.

Dana And what are the people doing? Are they leaving
about tornadoes. Encourage Drive away from their houses?
students to talk about the  tornadoes
in your car. Karl Yes, some people are driving out of town. But I’m
picture, describing the sky with Max Cook here. He’s from the town and he isn’t
and the man. ent leaving. So Mr Cook, why are you staying?
Get into the basem
• Students then do the quiz.  or under a table. Mr Cook Well, there are tornadoes in this area all the time.
I’m seventy-four years old and I’m still alive! And it’s
Don’t stand next dangerous to be on the road during a tornado.
2.29 Exercise 2  to windows. Karl So, are your friends staying here, too?
Audioscript ­ end of notes Stand under
Mr Cook Yes, they are. Our house has a basement. We can
stay there and be safe.
 a bridge.
• Students listen to the Karl Well, good luck, sir. It’s time for me to go, too, so
recording and check their 54 back to the studio …
answers. Ask students if any
of the answers surprised

Answers ­student page Reading and Listening Grammar:  Present

Continuous (2)
2.30 Exercise 3
• After checking answers, explain Exercise 4
or encourage students to guess
the meaning of any new words in Answers ­student page
the dialogue.
• Ask students to find and read
Answers ­student page aloud more examples of the
Present Continuous in the dialogue.

Students work in threes, reading aloud
the dialogue and changing parts.

The Weather

Grammar: Present Continuous (2) Your Turn

4 Complete the table with is or are. 8 Pair work Work in pairs.
Student A, look at page 87. Exercise 10
Wh- Questions Student B, look at page 88. • If students find this activity
1 is Take turns to test your
What happening? difficult, refer them back
partner’s memory.
When am I going? A How many people are to the subject and object
Where 2 is he/she/it going? pronouns table on page 11
What 3 are you/we/they doing?
standing near the bank?
B Three. of the Students’ Book.
Yes/No Questions Short Answers A No, four!
Am I working? Yes, I am. Answers
B Is it raining?
No, I’m not.
A No, it isn’t. 2 her 3 It 4 They
4 Is he/she/it moving? Yes, he/she/it is. 5 him 6 them
No, he/she/it isn’t. B That’s right!
5 Are you/we/they staying here? Yes, you/we/they are.
9 Look at the Sentence
No, you/we/they aren’t.
Builder. 8SUfad8[Uf[a`2
Practice • Background
5 Complete the questions. There are not a hundred
1 What is your teacher doing (do) now? tornadoes a year in the UK
2 Where are you sitting (sit)? but generally over thirty
3 Are you and your friends learning (learn) Chinese?
4 Is it raining (rain)? per year are reported.
5 What is your mum doing (do)?
6 Is your best friend staying (stay) at your house? Exercise 2  – Audioscript
10 Use the Sentence Builder to
6 Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 5. change the words in italics Woman And here’s the next
in these sentences.
part in our extreme weather
7 Write the questions for the answers. 1 Karl is a reporter. Karl is in
series. Mike, what can you tell
1 No, I’m not doing my homework. Oklahoma.
He us about tornadoes?
Are you doing your homework? 2 Dana is in the studio. Karl
2 I’m reading a magazine. Man Thanks, Megan. Yes, today
is talking to Dana.
What are you doing? 3 Karl is talking about the we’re looking at tornadoes.
3 No, my parents are not going to work. tornado. The tornado is First, here are a few facts:
4 No, it isn’t raining. It’s snowing. twenty km away. as you know, we are at the
5 The girls are waiting at the bus stop. 4 Some people are leaving.
6 Yes, we’re enjoying the film. The people are driving to a
top of the tornado list. The
safe place. United States has more than
8SUfad8[Uf[a`2 5 Max is staying in his house.
His friends are with Max.
1,000 tornadoes a year. Of
Every year there are over a course, some tornadoes are
6 There are a lot of
hundred tornadoes in the UK.
tornadoes in the area. very small, but others can be
3`eiWda`bSYW$$$! very dangerous. Tornadoes
Max isn’t scared of the
tornadoes. can move at over 400
kilometres an hour. They are
between 20 and 400 metres
wide. And the winds can be
very strong. They can carry
people, animals and cars.
Okay, so you hear a tornado
warning, what do you do?
TIM E OUT! Page 95, Exercise 14 55
Here’s some advice: first,
don’t get into your car. It’s a
bad idea to drive away from
a tornado because the winds
Practice Your Turn are faster than the car. So,
stay inside a building. Get
Exercise 5 Exercise 8 into the basement or under
• Group students in pairs. When a table. And remember, don’t
Answers ­student page they are ready to start asking and stand next to the windows in
answering questions tell Student B the building. Outdoors, find a
to turn the book over and answer low, flat area but don’t stand
Exercise 6 under a bridge. That can be
• Elicit answers to the first question one question from Student A.
dangerous. Now, when you …
before students work in pairs. Student A then turns the book
over and answers Student B’s first TI M E OUT! Page 95,
question. They continue alternating Exercise 14
Exercise 7 until they can think of no more
• Read the examples with students. questions. Photocopiable activity 16,
Answers Teacher’s Resources MultiROM
3 Are your parents going to work? Exercise 9
4 Is it raining? • Read the sentences with the
5 What are the girls doing? students.
6 Are you enjoying the film?
15 In he Coun ry
This Uni Warm-up Speaking
Short of time: set some of 1 Look at the Word Builder. What things can you see in 4 Look at the Key Expressions. Classify
the exercises for homework the photos? them: shop assistant (S) or customer (C).
(e.g. Your Challenge,
Exercises 2 and 3)
More time: do the extra
activity S
Background S
After their visit to the centre S
of York and the Viking Centre C
the group are now in a little S
Reading and Listening C
Yorkshire village. Yorkshire
is by far the largest English 3.2 2 Read and listen to the dialogues. Answer the questions.
county and is a haven for 1 What is Laura doing?
2 What do they need from the shop?
walkers due to its vast areas 3 What does the man ask for in the shop?
of unspoilt countryside. The Mel Okay, have we got everything?
friends are preparing to set Emily I’ve got the maps, Jake’s got the compass
off on a twenty-five kilometre and Ryan’s got the torches.
hiking expedition as part of Laura And I’ve got the bottle of sun cream.
the FACE programme. They buy Mel Good. What are you doing, Laura?
some last-minute essentials in Laura I’m writing some postcards to my family.
the local village shop. Ryan Have you got any stamps, Laura?
Laura Er, no but they sell them in the shop.
Extra Jake/Ryan I can go for you!
Mel You can both go. We need three bottles
Practise how to talk about UK of water and two packets of batteries.
money. If you have any UK coins …
Woman Can I help you?
and notes, show them to the
Man Yes, I’d like a £5 phone card, please.
class and elicit how to say the
Woman Certainly.
amounts. Write some prices on
Man And how much are the packets of chewing gum?
the board for students to read Woman They’re 50p.
aloud, e.g. Man Can I have two, please?
1 £4.50 (four pounds fifty) Woman Yes, here you are. That’s £6.00, please.
2 84p (eighty-four p/pence) Man Oh, and have you got any torches?
3 £1.10 (one pound ten) Woman Er, they’re in the stock room, I think.
4 £100 (a/one hundred pounds) How many would you like?
Man Two, please.
Ryan Jake, look at that guy. He’s stealing the batteries …
3.3 3 What do you think happens next? Talk about these
answers. Then listen and check.
Exercise 1
a) Ryan and Jake are scared and they say nothing.
• After students have checked b) Mel comes into the shop and calls the police.
their answers, ask them 56 c) Ryan and Jake tell the assistant about the shoplifter.
what else they can see in
the picture and pre-teach
some of the more difficult
words from the dialogue
(e.g. torch, compass). Reading and Listening 3.3 Exercise 3
Audioscript ­ end of notes
Answers 3.2 Exercise 2
a bottle of water/sun cream, • Advise students to focus on finding • Students predict what happens
a packet of crisps/biscuits/ the answers to the questions and next before listening to the end of
peanuts, a can of cola, not to worry about understanding the conversation to check. Check
a carton of orange juice everything in the dialogue at this they understand the meaning of
stage. shoplifter.

Answers Answer
1 Laura is writing some postcards to c)
her family.
2 some stamps, three bottles of water
and two packets of batteries
3 He asks for a phone card, chewing
gum and torches.

The Weather

5 Work in pairs. Use the Key Expressions and the

prices below to act out a shopping dialogue.
Your Challenge
Exercise 2
Writing: A postcard • Read the questions with
crisps (big) £1.10
(small) 50p 1 Read Laura’s postcard. Does she like Yorkshire? the class. Elicit one or two
peanuts 75p example answers for each
90p >_:Wd question.
70p >emWh[oek5?½cmh_j_d]j^
cola 80p _dWl_bbW][_dOehai^_h[$
_i • Students then work
mineral water (big) £2.00 ^[h[m_j^cod[m\h_[dZi individually, writing notes
(small) £1.20 \hecj^[WYj_l_jofhe]hW
cc[$ :Wd_[bEhj_p for their postcard. Help with
phone card £5.00 M[½h[fh[fWh_d]\ehekh
batteries £4.75 (+acmWba:ed½jmehho 7l[d_ZWIWdjW<[''( any new vocabulary students
¸ -
magazines £4.50 m[½l[]ejWYecfWii$?
j½i 8k[dei7_h[i

Wh[W_iX[Wkj_\kb$;cW_bc[ 7h][dj_dW

Exercise 3
BWkhW (&
• Check students’ draft
sentences before they write
2 Imagine you are on holiday. Think of their postcard.
answers to these questions. Write notes. • Students can then work in
t Where are you? small groups, reading each
t What are you and your family doing?
t What is the weather like?
other’s postcards.
t Do you like the place?

3 Draw the back of a postcard. Write to a Exercise 3  – Audioscript

friend from your old school. Write his/ Ryan … Jake, look at that guy.
her address and draw a stamp.
He’s stealing the batteries.
Jake That’s bad. But what can
we do?
Ryan Say something! Stop him!
Jake Me? Look at him! He’s
Ryan I know. He looks very
Jake And you do judo, not me!
Ryan Yes, but I’m a beginner.
Oh, the lady’s coming back.
Woman Sorry, we haven’t got
any torches at the moment.
Anything else?
Man No, that’s it, thanks.
Jake Quick, he’s going!
Ryan Erm, that man … he’s
a shoplifter. He’s got your
TIM E OUT! 00, Exercise 15
Page 95, 12 57
batteries …
TIM E OUT! Page 40, Exercise 7
Woman Sorry, what?
Jake That man is a shoplifter.
Woman Oh, no. Quickly,
Speaking Your Challenge where’s the phone?
Jake Here, use my mobile.
Exercise 4
Writing:  A postcard Woman Oh, thanks. Hello,
Answers ­student page police? Can you help me?
Exercise 1 There’s a …

Answer TI M E OUT! Page 95,

Exercise 5 Exercise 15
• Students use the conversation in Yes, she does.
Exercise 2 as a model and act out • Ask further questions about the
a shopping dialogue using the Key postcard, e.g.
Expressions and the prices, e.g. 1 Where does Daniel live?
Shopkeeper: Can I help you? (in Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Customer: How much are (the 2 How far is the walk?
peanuts)? (twenty-five kilometres)
Shopkeeper: They’re (75p). 3 Is it cold and raining?
Customer: Have you got any (No, it’s warm and sunny.)
S udy Corner 5
Language Check
Language Check 3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.
Use the Present Continuous negative.
Exercise 1 1 Complete the words in the sentences.
1 In the North East, it’s cold and i c y . play rain read watch wear
Answers ­student page 2 It’s a very s n o w y area. You can go skiing. 16 It’s cold but she a coat.
3 I can’t see the road. It’s very f o g g y . 17 The sky is cloudy but it .
4 It’s very c l o u d y and the sky is grey. 18 Turn off the TV because you it.
Exercise 2 5 Take your umbrella. It’s very w e t today. 19 You can have this magazine. I it.
6 It isn’t very hot but the weather is w a r m . 20 They football because the weather is bad.
7 The colours in the r a i n b o w are
Answers amazing.
11 are having 4 Write the questions. Use the Present Continuous.
8 Summer is my favourite s e a s o n .
9 In Europe, w i n t e r is from December 21 you / do your homework?
12 is shining Are you doing your homework?
to February.
13 am sitting 10 I like the colours of the trees in a u t u m n . 22 Where / the children / go?
14 is swimming Where are the children going?
Vocabulary / 10 23 it / snow?
15 are shopping Is it snowing?
2 Complete the postcard with the verbs in the 24 What / you / read?
Present Continuous. What are you reading?
Exercise 3 25 Why / they / stop?
Why are they stopping?
Hi Laura,
Answers We’re on holiday in Florida. Grammar / 15
16 isn’t wearing 11
(have) a great
17 isn’t raining time. The sun 12 5 Complete the dialogue in the shop with the words
(shine) and it’s very hot. in the box.
18 aren’t watching the moment, I 13
19 ’m not reading (sit ) Laura Orti z certainly help like much please
on the beach and my brot
14 her
20 aren’t playing (swim) in the sea. 63 Clarke Street A Hello, can I 26 help you?
My mum and dad 15 B Yes, I’d 27 like this magazine, please.
(shop) in town. The shops
York A 28Certainly .
Exercises 4 and 5 great here. B And how 29 much are the packets of peanuts?
Email me soon. A They’re one pound fifty.
Dan B Well, I’d like two, 30 please .
Answers ­student page
Key Expressions /5

3.4 Feedback
• Students listen to the Feedback S udy Help: Learning words
recording to check their 3.4 • Listen and check your answers to the Read the advice. How do you learn words?
answers. Check spelling Language Check. Write down your scores. • Draw pictures of
new words. cloud
where necessary by asking • Look at the table. Check where you made
mistakes. • Say the words aloud.
individuals to write the • Write words on pieces
answers on the board. Wrong answers: Look again at: of paper. Put them on
the walls at home.
• Students look at the table 1–10 Get Ready, Unit 13 –
to see which sections in the Key Words • Make a ‘vocabulary bag’ for your class.
Students’ Book they need to 11–20 Unit 13 – Grammar • Write new words on pieces of paper
look at again. with a translation on the back.
21–25 Unit 14 – Grammar
• Put the words into a bag.
• Give students time in 26–30 Unit 15 – Key Expressions • Every week your teacher can take some
class or at home to do words out of the bag and test you.
Language Check 5 of the
• Now do the exercises in Language Check 5 of
58 the Workbook.

Study Help:  Learning

words Extra
• Remind students of the Divide the class into five groups. Each
advice about learning group makes a vocabulary bag for one
words in the Study Help in of the earlier Modules. The bags can
Module 1 (Vocabulary books) then be used by pairs or small groups
and Module 2 (Picture of students to test each other at suitable
Dictionary). Encourage times during future lessons. The class
students to say how they can make similar vocabulary bags
learn words and to exchange as they finish each of the remaining
ideas on how to remember Modules in the course.
new words.
• Students make a class Module 5 test,
vocabulary bag of new Teacher’s Resources MultiROM
words from Module 5. You
may like to use this as a
revision activity before
starting Module 6.

Module 6
Talk about travel; make suggestions.
Read about a space mission and an adventure. Extra
Listen to a travel survey.
Play the recording again, pausing
Write a short note.
after each speaker to ask further
Learn about the Past Simple.
questions, e.g.
Speaker 1: Does he go to the
east coast of Scotland? (No,
a the west coast.) How long is
his holiday? (one week)
Speaker 2: Does she like
travelling by plane? (No, she
Speaker 3: Does he go with his
family? (No, he goes with his
c youth club.)
Speaker 4: Does she like the
ferry? (Yes, she does.)

Exercise 3
• Elicit one or two complete
sentences from the class

ped o s
before students write their
own sentences.

Exercise 4
Get Ready • Elicit suggestions of places
for expeditions, e.g. a desert,
1 Picture Dictionary page 109. Look at the Key 3 Complete the sentences about you. Tell the
Words. What types of transport can you see in class. a jungle, a rainforest, the
the photos? 1 I usually walk to school/go to school by … Arctic.
2 I usually go on holiday by … • Allow students a maximum
3.5 3 I don’t like travelling by …
4 One day, I want to travel by …
of ten questions to guess
the answer.
4 Game Work in pairs. Imagine you are on an • If there is time, students
expedition. Ask and answer Yes/No questions.
Guess where your partner is. change partners and repeat
3.6 2 Listen to four people and complete the table.
the activity with a new
A Is it hot?
1 2 3 4
B Yes, it is. partner.
Where …? Scotland A Are you travelling by canoe?
How often …? B Yes, I am. Exercise 2  – Audioscript
A Are you in the Amazon?
Why …?
B Yes! Man Every summer I go to
How …? Scotland on holiday. I get the
59 train to the west coast and
spend a week there. I love
walking in the mountains.
Then I get the train back
Ge Ready Answers Woman I often travel around
Europe for my work. Every
1 2 3 4
3.5 Exercise 1 month I get a plane to France,
Where Scotland Europe Summer Ireland Germany, or sometimes
• Students check the meaning of …? (France, camp
the Key Words in the Picture Germany,
Poland. I don’t like travelling
Dictionary. Poland) by plane but it’s part of
• Draw attention to the word my job.
How Every Every Every Every
stress in balloon, camel, canoe often summer month year year Boy Every year I go to a
and ferry. …? summer camp. I go with
Why Holiday / Work To do To visit my youth club and we do
Answers …? walking adventure her adventure sports. It’s great.
a) camel b) sledge c) rocket in the sports family We go by bus.
Girl I live in England but I’m
How Train Plane Bus Ferry from Ireland. Every year I go
3.6 Exercise 2 …?
to Ireland and visit my family
Audioscript ­ end of notes there. We always get the
ferry – it’s a really nice way
to travel.
16 Space S a ion
This Uni Warm-up
Short of time: set some of 1 Look at the Key Words. Are any words
The International Space
the exercises for homework similar in your language? Station – Expedition One
(e.g. Exercises 5, 6, 7, and 11)
3.7 1 When was the first expedition to the space station?
More time: do the extra It was in 2000. The start of the mission was on 31st
activity October. People around the world were excited because
it was an international challenge.
2 Who were the astronauts?
Background There were three men in the crew – American, William
Shepherd, and Russians, Sergei Krikalev and Yuri
The ISS (International Space Reading Gidzenko. Shepherd was the commander.
Station) is, as its name 3 How long was their stay?
suggests, a space station
3.8 2 Read about the International Space The first crew were on the International Space Station for
Station. Match the descriptions (1–5) 136 days, nearly four months.
being constructed by five with the information (a–e). 4 What was life like?
space agencies: NASA, and the 1 the start of the mission b) There was oxygen, water and food, of course, but the
2 the number of astronauts a) station wasn’t very comfortable and there wasn’t a lot of
European, Canadian, Russian room. The men weren’t bored because there was a lot of
3 preparing the station, building
and Japanese space agencies. equipment and doing experiments c) work – preparing the station, building equipment and
doing experiments.
The ISS is being constructed 4 the number of days on the station e) 5 Were there any problems?
principally for the purpose 5 noisy d) Yes, there were. There were some problems with the
of research but also aims to a) three equipment. The crew were often tired. There were only
b) 31st October two beds for the three men! It was very noisy and having
promote related education c) important jobs a shower was impossible!
projects and international d) one of the problems on the station 6 Was the return journey successful?
Yes, it was. There weren’t any big problems and on 21st
e) 136
cooperation. The cost of the March, 2001 the crew of Expedition One were back on
space station is estimated to Earth. People were very interested in their mission.

reach 100 billion euros. It is

the largest artificial satellite
to orbit Earth to date and is
so large that it can, in certain
circumstances, be seen from
Earth with the naked eye.

3.7 Exercise 1
• Check the pronunciation and
spelling of any Key Words
that are similar in English
and in the students’ L1.

3.8 Exercise 2
• Ask students why they think
it was a problem having a 60
shower. (Answer: Because
there is no gravity so the
water floats rather than
Grammar:  was/were Practice
Answers ­student page
Exercise 3 Exercise 5
Answers ­student page Answers ­student page

Exercise 4 Exercise 6
• Ask individuals to write the past
forms on the board. Answers
3 The start of the mission wasn’t
Answers ­student page on 31st March. The start of the
mission/It was on 31st October.
5 The astronauts weren’t bored.
There was a lot of work.


Grammar: was/were 7 Write questions about the mission (1–6). Then

match them with the answers (a–f).
3 Complete the table with was, were, wasn’t
or weren’t.
1 when / the mission / was
When was the mission? f) 2000. 8SUfad8[Uf[a`2
Affirmative 2 they / how many days / on the station / were
3 interested / people / were / in the mission
• Background
I/He/She/It was the commander.
1 4 there / was / food for the three men Musa Khiramanovich
You/We/They 2 were back on Earth.
5 it / was / on the space station / comfortable Manarov was born in
6 nationality / the men / what / were
Azerbaijan in 1951.
There 3 was a lot of work. a) Russian and American. d) 136.
b) Yes, they were. e) Yes, there was. Although the sentence in
There 4 were three men. the Students’ Book is false,
c) No, it wasn’t. f) 2000.
Negative he still spent a total of
I/He/She/It wasn’t very comfortable.
5 Your Turn 541 days in space on two
You/We/They weren’t bored.
8 Write true and false sentences about where spaceflights to the Russian
There 7 wasn’t a lot of room. you were at these times yesterday. space station. The longer
There 8 weren’t any big problems.
tBN tBN tQN tQN of these two spaceflights
9 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions. Guess
was from December 21st,
Yes/No Questions Short Answers
the false information. 1987 to December 21st,
9 Was I/he/she/ Yes, I/he/she/it was. 1988 which made him the
it successful? No, I/he/she/it wasn’t. A Where were you at half past seven?
B I was in the kitchen. first man to spend a whole
Were you/we/they Yes, you/we/they were.
all right? No, you/we/they weren’t.
A False. year in space. During this
B Yes, I was in bed! mission, Manarov tested a
Was there a lot of Yes, there was.
work? No, there wasn’t. 10 Look at the Word Builder. Make adjectives
new invention, a ballpoint
10 Were there Yes, there were.
from the verbs. Find adjectives 2–5 in the text. pen designed to work under
any problems? No, there weren’t. the effects of weightlessness.
Wh- Questions
Who 11 were the astronauts?
When 12 was the first expedition? excited Students work individually
bored or in pairs, choosing another
4 Write the past forms.
tired astronaut and finding
am is are isn’t aren’t information about him/her.
was was were wasn’t weren’t Students write three–five
11 Complete the sentences with words from the sentences about their astronaut.
Practice table. Students read aloud their
5 Complete the sentences about Expedition One 1 I’m very worried because I can’t find my dog. sentences to the class.
2 I’m always really tired after playing football.
with was or were. Are they true (T) or false (F)?
3 I’m bored . Can we go out now? Page 96,
1 F It was the first mission to the Moon. 4 It’s his birthday today – he’s very excited .
2 T William Shepherd was the commander. 5 She’s interested in dance and music.
Exercise 16
3 F The start of the mission was on 31st March.
4 T The astronauts were on the space station
for nearly four months. 8SUfad8[Uf[a`2 Photocopiable activity 17,
5 F The astronauts were bored. The Russian cosmonaut Musa Teacher’s Resources MultiROM
Manarov was in space for
6 Now correct the false sentences in Exercise 5. five years!
It wasn’t the first mission to the Moon. It was the 3`eiWda`bSYW$$$!
first expedition to the International Space Station.
TIM E OUT! Page 96, Exercise 16 61

Exercise 7 Your Turn

• Check students’ question forms
before they match the questions Exercise 8
and answers. • Students write one true and one
false sentence for each of the times.
2 How many days were they on the
station? d)
Exercise 9
3 Were people interested in the • If there is time, students change
mission? b) partners and repeat the activity.
4 Was there food for the three men?
e) Exercise 10
5 Was it comfortable on the space Answers ­student page
station? c)
6 What nationality were the men? a)
Exercise 11
Answers ­student page
17 Chari y Adven ure
This Uni Warm-up 3.9 3 Listen to the text and check your answers
Short of time: set some of to Exercise 2.
1 Match 1–5 with a–e.
the exercises for homework 1 raise money d) a) the border 4 Read the text again. Write the correct things/
(e.g. Exercises 8 and 10) and 2 go on c) b) equipment people.
shorten the discussion in 3 say e) c) a journey Who / What …
4 carry b) d) for charity
Exercise 12 5 cross a) e) goodbye
1 were interested in the girls’ journey?
More time: do the extra News reporters and photographers.
2 was dangerous? .
activity Reading and Listening 3 was called something funny? .
4 were very friendly? .
Background 2 Look at the map. Complete the text with 5 were successful on their journey? .
the names of the places in the box.
Antonia Bolingbroke-Kent Kazakhstan Bangkok Belgium
and Jo Huxster China Brighton Poland
The story of the two friends’
fundraising journey from
Thailand to the United Two girls,
Kingdom really took place. The
money they raised on their three wheels,
expedition was donated to the 12,500 miles
UK charity Mind which was
In 2006, two friends, Antonia Bolingbroke-Kent
celebrating its 60th anniversary
and Jo Huxster, wanted to raise money for
in 2006. Mind is a registered charity. They decided to go on a journey from
charity which helps and 1 Bangkok , the capital of Thailand, to
2 Brighton , on the south coast of England. And
supports people with mental their transport? A pink tuk-tuk called ‘Ting Tong’
health difficulties. – the Thai word for ‘crazy’!
The girls started their journey in Bangkok on
28th May. Their family and friends were there to
Warm-up say goodbye. News reporters and photographers
were interested in their story.
The tuk-tuk carried the girls and their equipment
Exercise 1 from Thailand into Laos and then into
• Explain to students that 3 China . They were worried about the roads Jo and Antonia an
d their tuk-tuk
in the mountains because they were dangerous.
in any language there are But they loved the country and their guide was
patterns of words which brilliant.
often appear together. As The girls crossed the border into 4 Kazakhstan .
There were security guards with guns. They
an example say a cup of … were scared but the guards were very friendly.
and ask them what words Everyone liked the tuk-tuk and asked for a photo
could come next. Elicit tea with the girls!
After Kazakhstan, Jo and Antonia crossed into
and coffee. Tell students that Russia. The people were very friendly and helpful.
the expressions in Exercise 1 The girls continued their journey into Ukraine,
follow this same basic then 5 Poland and the Czech Republic .
In the last part of the journey, the girls travelled
principal of collocation. through Germany, 6 Belgium and France.
They arrived in Brighton on 5th September. The
Answers ­student page streets were full of people and reporters. The girls
looked very tired but happy. They raised £40,000
62 for charity.

Reading and
Exercise 2 Exercise 4 Grammar:  Past Simple (1)
• Students look at the map • After checking answers, explain
and read the article, or encourage students to guess Exercise 5
completing it with the the meaning of any new words • Point out the spelling of travelled
names of the places. in the article. and carried.
• The other examples in the text
Answers of Past Simple regular verbs are:
3.9 Exercise 3 2 the roads in the mountains
• Students listen and check wanted, decided, started, loved,
3 the pink tuk-tuk liked, asked, continued, looked
their answers. 4 the people in Russia and raised.
Answers ­student page 5 the two friends/Antonia and Jo • Make sure that students understand
that not all the words which end in
-ed in the text are Past Simple verbs,
e.g. called, interested, worried.


Grammar:  Past Simple (1) 9 Look at the information about Jo and Antonia’s
trip. Complete the text with the verbs in the
5 Look at the examples in the table. Underline box in the Past Simple.
more examples in the text. Extra
cross hate like receive stay travel
Past Simple regular verbs Write cues on the board. In
They crossed the border.
They arrived in Brighton.
2W)V\WVQIIVL<QVO<WVO pairs, students make sentences
3 They travelled through Germany. .IK\[IVLÅO]ZM[ about an invented visit to a
4 It carried their equipment.
place in their own country:
Number of countries: 12
Distance every day: 240 km
Last weekend, my friends and I
Speed: 95 kph (travel) to …
3.10 6 Pronunciation Listen to the -ed endings of hotels, tents,
the three verbs.
At night: We (stay) …
people’s houses
1 G arrived 2 ́G started 3 W liked Presents: lunches, money, We (visit) …
chocolate We (love) … and we (like) … but
3.11 7 Listen to the verbs in the box and classify the Food: food in China
we (hate) …
endings (1–3). Repeat the verbs. camel’s milk in
Kazakhstan On Saturday/Sunday we (want)
asked carried crossed decided looked to …
loved raised travelled wanted Jo, Antonia and Ting Tong 1 crossed twelve
countries on their adventure. They 2 travelled On Sunday evening, we (arrive) …
240 km every day at a speed of about 95
Practice kilometres an hour. At night they 3 stayed in
hotels, tents or people’s houses. People were Your Turn
8 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the very kind. The girls 4 received a lot of presents
Past Simple. – lunches, money and chocolate. The food was
1 Jo and Antonia carried (carry) all their different in each place. They 5 liked the food
Exercise 11
equipment on the tuk-tuk. in China but they 6 hated the camel’s milk in • Tell students that they
2 They washed (wash) their clothes and then Kazakhstan.
should only use verbs which
dried them on the side of the tuk-tuk.
3 They stopped every two hours and changed have appeared in this unit.
(change) driver. 10 Complete the text with the verbs in the Past
4 They loved (love) the scenery around the Simple. Exercise 12
Great Wall of China.
5 It rained (rain) all the time in the countries In the summer of 2011, I 1 travelled (travel) • If there is time, students
of Western Europe. to New York with my family. We 2 arrived change partners and repeat
6 They cried (cry) when they arrived in (arrive) in New York late. We 3 stayed (stay)
in a hotel. My sister 4 wanted (want) to see the activity.
the UK.
the Statue of Liberty so we 5 decided (decide) • After the pair activity,
to go there. We also 6 visited (visit) the
Empire State Building – it was my favourite
students tell the class two
place. or three things about their
partner’s holiday, e.g.
Your Turn (Maria) travelled to New
11 Write true information about one of your Zealand … She loved the
holidays. people …
1 we / travel to … in …
Page 96,
We travelled to New Zealand in December 2011.
2 we / stay in … Exercise 17
3 we / want to see …
4 we / visit …
5 my / favourite place was … Photocopiable activity 18,
Teacher’s Resources MultiROM
12 Tell a partner about your holiday.

TIM E OUT! Page 96, Exercise 17 63

3.10 Exercise 6 Practice

• Students listen to the -ed endings
and practise saying them. Exercise 8
• Point out the focus in Exercise 7 was
3.11 Exercise 7 on pronunciation but in Exercise 8
the focus is on spelling.
G: carried, loved, raised, travelled Answers ­student page
́G: decided, wanted
W: asked, crossed, looked Exercise 9
• Students read the information and
complete the text.

Answers ­student page

Exercise 10
Answers ­student page 63
18 The Expedi ion
This Uni Warm-up
Short of time: set some of 1 Look at the photo. Who says these things?
the exercises for homework Guess the names.
(e.g. Your Challenge, Exercise 2) 1 ‘I’ve got some photos.’ Jake
More time: do the extra 2 ‘Don’t have Em in the photo!’ Ryan
3 ‘That was a bit silly, Laura.’ Emily
activities 4 ‘My foot really hurts.’ Laura

Background Reading and Listening

The group are now on their
3.12 2 Read and listen to the dialogue. Check your
twenty-five kilometre hiking guesses from Exercise 1.
expedition in Yorkshire as part Laura Hey, why don’t we stop here? Jake can take
of the FACE programme which some photos.
they are participating in. They Emily That’s not a very good idea. I want to
finish the walk before dark.
stop to take some photos and
Jake But it’s early. We can stop for five minutes.
shortly after Laura hurts her
Laura Let’s have a group photo.
foot in a hole on the path.
Emily No, not now. No, we haven’t got time.
Laura suggests that her three
Ryan Don’t have Em in the photo! We don’t
friends continue and finish the want to spoil the view!
expedition without her. Emily I don’t want to be in the photo anyway.
Laura Emily, it was only a joke.
Warm-up Emily Well, I want to go now.
Jake Okay, I’ve got some photos. Let’s go.
Extra …
Jake Be careful here. There’s a big hole in the …
Write on the board:
Laura Ow, my foot!
Ryan Laura! Are you okay?
Go Ape!
Laura Yeah, but my foot really hurts.
Jake Oh, no, Laura. Can you walk?
Yorkshire 3.13 4 What do you think happens next? Talk about
Emily That was a bit silly, Laura. The these answers. Then listen and check.
Encourage students to say what hole was right in front of you.
a) Emily, Jake and Ryan finish the expedition
they remember about each item. Ryan Em, don’t say that! without Laura.
Ask questions if necessary, e.g. Emily Well, this expedition is important. b) Emily, Jake and Ryan help Laura to finish
What is on the programme of the the expedition.
Laura It’s okay. Why don’t you go without
c) They call Mel for help.
FACE scheme? Where is Go Ape? me? You three can finish.
What can you do there? What 3 Answer the questions. Speaking
can you see and do at Jorvik? 1 Why doesn’t Emily want to stop?
What are the characters doing 2 Does Emily think Ryan’s joke is 5 Look at the Key Expressions.
in Yorkshire? funny?
3 Who are a bit worried about Laura?
4 What does Laura suggest after the
Exercise 1 accident?
• Encourage students to give
reasons for their answers
and talk about the picture 64
(e.g. What are the characters
wearing/doing? Are they
happy? How do you think
they’re feeling?). Students
are given the answers in Exercise 3 Speaking
Exercise 2. Answers Exercise 5
1 Because she wants to finish the
• Check that students understand
Reading and walk before dark.
what Let’s is short for (Let us).
2 No, she doesn’t.
Listening 3 Jake and Ryan are worried about
Laura. Exercise 6
3.12 Exercise 2
4 She suggests that they finish the • Tell students they can agree or
• After checking the answers disagree with their partner’s
walk without her.
to Exercise 1, ask students suggestions.
what they think about
Emily’s behaviour during 3.13 Exercise 4
the expedition. Audioscript ­ end of notes
Answers ­student page • Check students understand the
meaning of nasty, teamwork and hop.
64 b)

Your Challenge
Writing: A short note
Each pair of students makes
1 Look at the Sentence Builder. Write four
a magazine Problem Page by
sentences about you, your family and
friends. writing out their problems
and answers.

Exercise 4  – Audioscript
Laura It’s okay. Why don’t you
go without me? You three can
Jake We can’t do that. We don’t
2 Write a short note to a friend. want to leave you here.
tTell him/her about a problem, e.g. you Ryan Look, it’s only two
failed a test, missed a friend’s birthday, kilometres to the end. Why
argued with your best friend, missed an
important class, etc. don’t we all help you?
tSay when it happened. Jake Yeah, let’s do that. Emily?
tAsk for suggestions.
Emily Erm, yeah. … Laura, I’ve
got your bag. Can you stand
>_@[ddo up? I’m sorry I was nasty to
?\W_b[ZcocWj^ij[ijbWijm[[a$ you.
Cockc_iYheiiWdZ?½c Laura That’s okay. It was a bit
mehh_[ZWXekjj^[d[njj[ij$ stupid. Ow!
M^WjYWd?Ze5 Emily Careful. Put your hand
FWkbW on my shoulder. That’s it.
Laura Thanks, guys.
3 Work in pairs. Read your partner’s note Jake Don’t worry. It’s teamwork.
and write a short reply. Make suggestions.
Ryan And you can’t hop for
two kilometres!
Laura Don’t laugh! It hurts! …
IehhoWXekjj^[cWj^ij[ij Emily Look, there’s Mel, at the
OekYWdWiaoekhj[WY^[h\eh finish.
^[bf$Eh?ic[_i]eeZWjcWj^i$ Mel Oh, great. You’re all here
M^oZed½joekWia^[h\eh^[bf5 … but Laura, are you okay?
Laura Yes, it was just a silly
6 Work in pairs. Use the Key Expressions to make ekhcWj^i^ec[mehaje][j^[h$
suggestions and reply to them. =eeZbkYa
A Why don’t we open the window? @[ddo
B No, we can’t. It’s very cold outside! Extra
tHPIPNF tHPUPUIFDBGÏ TIM E OUT! Page 97, Exercise 18 65 E X P E D I T I O N
TIM E OUT! Page 40, Exercise 7 Students work in pairs or small
groups, writing as many words
as they can using the letters of
expedition. Give them a time
Your Challenge Exercise 2
• Read the note from Paula to Jenny.
limit of two minutes. Check
answers by asking individuals
• Elicit two or three more problems to write words on the board.
Writing:  A short note from the class, e.g. I want to go to Award 1 point for words of 2
the disco on Saturday but my parents letters (e.g. in, it, to); 2 points
Exercise 1 say I can’t. for words of 3 letters (e.g. end,
• Read the sentences with the • Students then work individually pet, tin); 3 points for words of
students. writing their notes. 4 letters (e.g. diet, exit, need);
• Tell students that they should and 5 points for words of 5 or
only use regular verbs which have more letters (e.g. index, oxide,
appeared in this unit.
Exercise 3
• Ask students which of Jenny’s tepee).
• After students have written their
own sentences, they can work in three suggestions they think is the TI M E OUT! Page 97,
pairs or small groups taking turns to best one. Exercise 18
read aloud their sentences. • Students work in pairs, reading and
replying to their partner’s note.
• Each student then reads the reply to
his/her own problem.
Across Cul ures 3
Across Cultures 3
In 2010 Coronation Street, Warm-up 3 Find these adjectives in the texts.
set in the north of England, Are they positive (), neutral (–) or
became the world’s longest 1 Answer these questions as a class. negative () adjectives?
1 Do you know any foreign people in your country?
running TV soap opera. The Where are they from? beautiful cold delicious
first episode was broadcast in 2 Where do people from your country go? fantastic friendly great
happy rainy sad
December 1960. tasty warm
EastEnders is also a TV soap Reading
opera, this time set in the 3.14 2 Read the webpage. What things do the students miss about 4 What things can you describe with
East End of London. The first their country? the adjectives?
episode was broadcast in 1985. tGPPE tQFPQMF tUIFXFBUIFS
family friends weather TV food
food – tasty, delicious …
Warm-up Daniel   5 Write four sentences about your
country. Use the adjectives from
Ebru    Exercise 3.
Exercise 1
• Students use their own Our local soup is delicious.
experience and general Welcome to the UK!
knowledge to answer the
questions. Teach new
vocabulary as necessary,
e.g. names of countries.
Reading jfd\`dd`^iXekZ_`c[i\e%

3.14 Exercise 2 A\c\eX#(-#:ifXk`X <Yil#(,#Klib\p

• If you have a large world @d`jjdp]i`\e[jYlk@Ëd_Xggp%K_\ K_\LB`jm\ip[`]]\i\ek
g\fgc\_\i\Xi\m\ip]i`\e[cp%@ ]ifddpZflekip%@e
map, display it for students Xii`m\[cXjkp\XiXe[dp<e^c`j_ Klib\pk_\jbp`jYcl\Ylk
to find Croatia, Argentina nXjeËkm\ip^ff[%8kÔijk#`knXj _\i\`kËjljlXccp^i\pFek_\
[`]ÔZlckXkjZ_ffcYlkdpk\XZ_\ij Ôijk[Xpf]jZ_ffc#@nXjle_Xggp%
and Turkey. n\i\e`Z\%@c`b\k_\LB%@cfm\k_\ <m\ipk_`e^nXjjf[`]]\i\ekYlkefn@Ëm\
• After checking answers, j\X%K_\i\Xi\jfd\Y\Xlk`]lc ^fkcfkjf]]i`\e[j%@ek_\LB#YfpjXe[^`icj
Y\XZ_\j_\i\%9i`k`j_jZ_ffc[`ee\ij ljlXccp^fkfk_\jXd\jZ_ffc2`eKlib\p
check students’ Xi\fbXpYlk@gi\]\idpdldËj k_\i\n\i\eËkXepYfpj`edpjZ_ffc%
understanding of any new Zffb`e^:ifXk`Xe]ff[`ji\XccpkXjkp K_\i\Xi\cfkjf]^ff[k_`e^j_\i\%K_\
words in the texts. 9lk@d`jjdp]Xd`cp`eKlib\p#\jg\Z`Xccp
Answers ­student page
Exercise 3 @Xii`m\[`eE\nZXjkc\]ifdCfe[feYpYlj%N\
• Note that some adjectives jX[%Efn@k_`eb`kËjX]XekXjk`ZZ`kp%K_\n\Xk_\i
may fit into more than jfd\f]dp]Xmfli`k\KMgif^iXdd\j`e8i^\ek`eX%
one category. If students @c`b\k_\LBYlk@nXekkfc`m\`eJgX`eY\ZXlj\k_\p
66 jg\XbJgXe`j_k_\i\ÆXe[`kËjnXid
disagree, encourage them
to give reasons for their
Suggested answers Exercise 4
Positive: beautiful, delicious,
fantastic, friendly, great, Answers 3.15 Exercise 6
happy, tasty, (warm) Food: cold, delicious,
Neutral: (cold), warm fantastic, great, tasty, warm
Audioscript ­ end of notes
Negative: cold, rainy, sad People: beautiful, cold, • Tell students not to worry about
fantastic, friendly, great, understanding everything in the
happy, sad, warm recording at this stage but to focus
The weather: beautiful, cold, on the things Helen misses about
fantastic, great, rainy, warm the UK and the things she likes
in Spain.
• Check students understand the
Exercise 5 meaning of seafood.
• Students work in pairs or small
groups, reading aloud their Answers
sentences. Misses: television
Likes: the weather, food – especially
3.15 6 Helen is a British girl from Manchester but Work in groups. Make a poster about living in • Elicit suggestions of what
now she is living in Spain. Listen to the your country.
interview. Complete the table. students like and don’t like
about living in their country
before they make their

My Country
• Students can attach pictures
to their posters if they wish.

Exercise 6  – Audioscript
Interviewer Helen, you’re from
She misses her friends, … Manchester, so why are you
In Spain, she likes I like living in my country living in Spain?
because of these things: Helen My dad has got a job
3.16 7 Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or
here for a year, maybe two
false (F)? + love the sea and going to the beach.
years, so all the family is here
1 F She doesn’t have any friends in Spain. The food is really tasty. For example,
2 T She lives near the beach now. + love pasta and ice cream.
with him.
3 T The weather was bad in Manchester. Interviewer What do you miss
4 F She doesn’t like seafood. There are some beautiful cities, for
5 F She watches Spanish TV all the time. example, Rome and Milan. about the UK?
Helen What do I miss about
3.17 8 Listen closely Listen to these sentences from
the UK? Well, I miss my
the interview. Complete each gap with one
word. friends in Manchester, of
1 Why are
you living in Spain? course. My friends there were
2 My has got a job here .
dad great, really crazy! But I’ve got
3 What do you miss about the UK? some new friends here and
4 I miss my friends in Manchester.
5 Do you like the food? they’re good fun.
6 We usually eat British food at Interviewer Do you go out a
lot here?
But I don’t like some things:
3.18 9 Now listen again and repeat the sentences. Helen Yeah, I do … after
The weather is very hot in summer school and at weekends. To
3.19 10 Pronunciation Listen and repeat the words and there isn’t any rain.
with a ‘th’ sound. the beach, which is really
There is a lot of traffic in all the near, just five minutes away,
 ј three ǧ they
big cities.
the cinema, or the shops in
3.20 11 Now listen and repeat these sentences. The trains are usually late! town. The weather is really
1 They like the weather. good here, you know, so we
2 The fog was thick.
3 That’s great, thanks. go out a lot. In Manchester
4 Take these three things. there was rain, rain and, er,
5 I think his birthday is on the thirteenth. more rain! Terrible, really.
Here, it’s a really nice climate.
67 Yeah, the weather in Spain
is great.
Interviewer Do you like the
Helen Er, well, we usually eat
3.16 Exercise 7 3.19 Exercise 10
British food at home. But I
• Play the recording for students to like Spanish food, especially
Answers ­student page listen and repeat the sounds and seafood. Seafood was very
words. expensive in Manchester but
3.17 Exercise 8 here we eat it a lot.
• Give students time to read the 3.20 Exercise 11 Interviewer Tell me, what do
sentences and see if they can guess • Play the recording for students to you really miss about the UK?
the missing words before they listen listen and repeat the sentences. Helen One thing?
to the recording. Interviewer Yes, one thing.
Answers ­student page Helen Er, this is silly, but
After completing the pronunciation I really miss the telly! I
exercises try the following tongue-twister watched TV all the time in the
3.18 Exercise 9 with your group: UK. You know, programmes
• Encourage students to copy the Thanks for these thirty-three theatre like Coronation Street or
speakers’ pronunciation as closely tickets, Arthur! EastEnders. I don’t watch TV
as possible. here, because my Spanish
isn’t very good!
S udy Corner 6
Language Check
Language Check 3 Complete the text with the verbs in the Past
Background 1 What type of transport can you see in the
James Cook 11 was (be) born in 1728 in
James Cook Britain. He first 12 worked (work) in Canada
Exercise 3: James Cook was 1 4 and 13 produced (produce) maps of the St
Lawrence River. Then, in 1768, he 14 started
born in the village of Marton (start) an expedition to the Pacific for the Royal
in Yorkshire, the son of a farm Society and 15 watched (watch) the planet Venus
labourer. He explored the when it 16 crossed (cross) in front of the Sun.
On the return journey, he 17 sailed (sail)
seaways and coasts of Canada 2 around Australia and New Zealand. Cook’s men
in his ship, the Pembroke 5
were healthy because they always 18 received
(1759, 1763–67). He conducted (receive) fresh fruit and vegetables on his
ship. In 1772, Cook 19 travelled (travel) around
three expeditions to the Antarctica and 20discovered (discover) many
Pacific Ocean (1768–71 in the 3 new Pacific islands. On his last expedition, he
21 wanted (want) to sail from the Pacific to
Endeavour; 1772–75 and 1776– 6
the Atlantic around North America but this
79, both in the Resolution). 22 was not (not be) possible. He 23 turned

(turn) south and 24 arrived (arrive) in Hawaii

Exercises 1–4 in January, 1779. A month later the local people
25 killed (kill) him on the beach.
Answers ­student page 1 p l a n e 4 b a l l o o n Grammar / 15
2 b o a t 5 t r a i n
3 b u s 6 s h i p 4 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box.

3.21 Feedback 2 Complete the word in each sentence. can idea let’s now why
• Students listen to the 7 I went to bed early because I was really 26 Why
A don’t we put up the tents?
t i r e d.
recording to check their 8 Are you i n t e r e s t e d in history? B No, not 27 now . 28 Let’s have some food first.
A Okay, that’s a good 29 idea . We 30 can open
answers. Check spelling 9 Is she e x c i t e d about her party?
some tins.
where necessary by asking 10 We were very w o r r i e d because we
were lost. B Right, let’s do that.
individuals to write the Key Expressions /5
Vocabulary / 10
answers on the board.
• After checking answers to
Exercise 4, students work in
pairs reading the dialogue Feedback S udy Help: Homework
• Students look at the table
3.21 • Listen and check your answers to the Read this advice.
Language Check. Write down your scores. • Plan your week – leave some free time.
to see which sections in the • Look at the table. Check where you made • Don’t start homework when you get
Students’ Book they need to mistakes. home from school – have a break!
• Find a quiet place to work. Don’t work
look at again. Wrong answers: Look again at: very late.
• Give students time in
1–6 Get Ready – Key Words • For your English homework, use:
class or at home to do
Language Check 6 of the 7–10 Unit 16 – Word Builder • the Grammar Reference in the Workbook.
• the Picture Dictionary in the Students’
Workbook. 11–25 Units 16 and 17 –
• a dictionary.
26–30 Unit 18 – Key Expressions
Study Help:  Homework
• Now do the exercises in Language Check 6 of
• Students say when is the 68 the Workbook.
best time and where is the
best place for them to do
their homework. If any
students have problems (e.g.
there isn’t a quiet place at
home), encourage other
students to suggest solutions
(e.g. doing homework at the
• Bring some dictionaries to
class for students to look at.
You may wish to recommend
a suitable dictionary.
Module 6 test,
Teacher’s Resources MultiROM

Module 7
Talk about helping; make requests.
Read about animals in danger and young helpers.
Listen to a description of animals in danger.
Boy 1: empties the rubbish bins
Write an email.
Girl 1: recycles things
Learn about the Past Simple.
Boy 2: turns off the lights
Girl 2: does the shopping for
c her neighbour
Exercise 3
• Ask students what other
things they suggested for
item g), e.g. look after a
pet and item j), e.g. pick
up litter.
Exercise 2  – Audioscript
Interviewer How do you help,
then? Are you helpful at home
or in your area?
Boy 1 Well, I help at home …

Interviewer You help your
mum and dad …
Boy 1 Yeah, I tidy my room …
Others … whoa! …
Get Ready
Boy 1 … I do! I tidy my room,
1 Find examples of the Key Words in the photos. 3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. I’m very tidy … and I empty
Is your partner helpful? Check his/her score on the rubbish bins.
3.22 page 111.
Interviewer You empty the
rubbish bins … very good.
F9MCI<9@D:I@ And you? How do you help?

5 save electricity, e.g. turn off the lights, computers, Girl 1 Er, well, I recycle
TVs and DVDs? things …
6 save water, e.g. always turn off the taps?
Interviewer What do you
7 tidy your room?
3.23 2 Listen to two boys and two girls. How do 8 do the dishes? recycle?
they help? 9 help with the cooking? Girl 1 I take bottles to the
: empty the rubbish bins?
bottle bank and paper to the
Boy 1 tidies his room ; do other things to help? (e.g. clean the car)
paper bank. And our local
Girl 1 !BMCIF5F958CMCI

shop collects old batteries …

< help the community?
Boy 2 I recycle old batteries from
= recycle things, e.g. bottles, paper, plastic?
Girl 2 > do other things? (give an example) 69 my camera.
Interviewer Great! And what
about you?
Boy 2 Er, well, er …

Ge Ready 3.22 Exercise 1

• After checking answers, ask students
Interviewer Do you help at
home? Or do you help the
Extra if they do any of the things in the
pictures. Boy 2 Well, I always turn off
Have a sponsored spelling test with the the lights, you know, I save
class. Choose and agree with students Answers electricity.
twenty–twenty-five words from Modules a) turn off the lights/the TV/save Interviewer That’s good …
1–6 for them to learn. Students can refer electricity One more, how do you help?
to the Picture Dictionary when choosing b) recycle bottles/plastic Girl 2 We’ve got a neighbour,
their words. Students decide on a cause c) recycle tins this woman, she’s very old
they want to support related to the d) help animals and she can’t walk very well,
content of the Module. Give them time so I sometimes go shopping
to ask family and friends to sponsor for her.
3.23 Exercise 2
them. Tell students when the spelling Interviewer You go shopping
test will be, e.g. in one or two weeks’ Audioscript ­ end of notes for your neighbour …
time. • Remind students to use the third Girl 2 … yeah, sometimes, you
person singular of the Present know, if she …
Simple, e.g. tidies.
19 Animals in Danger
This Uni Warm-up Listening
Short of time: set some of 1 Picture Dictionary page 110. Look at the map 3.24 3 Look at the photos and listen to descriptions of
the exercises for homework and read about animals in danger. four animals in danger. What are they?
(e.g. Exercises 4 and 7)
Animals in Danger 4 Look at the Sentence Builder. Use the cues and
More time: do the extra write sentences using with.
activities Wildlife zone: Animals in danger
There are thousands of animals in danger
around the world. People hunt them or destroy
Background their homes. Scientists think that between 200
This lesson highlights several and 2,000 species become extinct every year.
animals that are in danger of How can you help?
extinction because of threats Learn about animals in danger. Tell your 1 small animal / big ears
to their local environment. family and friends! 2 large cat / a long tail
Join an organisation, for example the 3 small butterfly / blue wings
The main threat comes from World Wildlife Fund. 4 large bird / colourful feathers
humans, either directly by Don’t buy things made from animals in
danger, for example, souvenirs from
5 small frog / black and yellow skin
destroying natural environments 6 blue fish / big eyes
animal skins.
or indirectly by changing the
world’s climate. The figures 2 What animals are in danger in your country?
quoted in Exercise 5 are taken What do people do to help?
from information on the WWF-
World Wide Fund for Nature
website at
The World Wide Fund for Nature
was formerly known as the Amur tiger (Russia)
World Wildlife Fund.
panda (China)
Warm-up polar bear
(Arctic Circle)

Exercise 1 American
bald eagle
• Check the pronunciation and (United States)
spelling of any words in the
Picture Dictionary that are
similar in English and the
students’ L1.
• Check that students
understand the meaning Irrawady dolphin
of hunt, destroy, extinct, (Bangladesh)
souvenirs and animal skins
by asking them to translate sloth (South America)
the words into their L1.

Exercise 2 gorilla
• Ask students if they can think 70
(West Africa)
of any other ways to help rhino (Africa) blue whale (oceans)
animals in danger. Encourage
them to talk about any local
charities in the area which
help animals. Extra Exercise 4
After checking answers, play the Answers
Listening recording again and pause it after each 1 It’s a small animal with big ears.
section to ask questions, e.g. 2 It’s a large cat with a long tail.
3.24 Exercise 3 Section 1: How long is the whale? (thirty 3 It’s a small butterfly with blue
Audioscript ­ end of notes metres) How heavy is it? (about 200 wings.
tonnes) 4 It’s a large bird with colourful
• Look at the photos with the
Section 2: Where do pandas live in China? feathers.
class. Students repeat the
(in forests) 5 It’s a small frog with black and
names of the animals after
Section 3: How many hours a day do yellow skin.
sloths sleep? (fifteen hours a day) Where 6 It’s a blue fish with big eyes.
Answers do sloths live in South and Central
1 blue whale 2 panda America? (in the rainforest)
3 sloth 4 polar bear Section 4: Can polar bears swim? (Yes, Reading
they can.) Do they have thin fur? (No,
they have thick fur.) 3.25 Exercise 5
• Play the recording for students to
70 listen and read the text.

Reading Grammar: Past Simple (2)

5 Read the text and choose the correct 6 Match the verbs in the box with the
Your Turn
information. past forms.
1 There are now about 125,000 / 225,000 gorillas have buy fall begin see
in the world. make eat go say think Exercise 8
2 The bald eagle is / isn’t in danger now. become take give find
3 There are now about 8,000 / 10,000 more • After the pair activity,
rhinos than in 1997.
Past Simple irregular verbs
students tell the class two
4 Scientists were surprised at the number /
location of the Irrawaddy dolphins.
or three things about their
ate became began bought fell
5 It was / wasn’t legal to hunt tigers in Russia found gave had made said saw partner, e.g. (Maria) had a
before 1947. thought took went pet cat when she was … She
went to a zoo last …
Animals in Danger The Irregular Verbs list on page 111.
Practice Extra
7 Complete the text with the verbs in the Advise students to learn a
Past Simple. few irregular verbs at a time.
Last month we 1 did (do) a wildlife Encourage students to work in
project at school. Our teacher 2 gave
(give) us a lot of information about
pairs and test each other on the
Home Update Pictures Blog Contact FAQ
animals and plants in our area. We also irregular past forms when they
3 found
Wildlife zone: Animal update
(find) useful websites on the have some spare time in class,
Internet. My favourite part 4 was
Many animals are in danger but there are
(be) a trip to a local forest. We 5 met
e.g. at the beginning or end of
also some success stories.
(meet) at midnight and 6 made (make) a lesson or when they finish an
Gorillas In 2008, biologists went to the Republic a video of the animals. It was amazing. exercise early.
of Congo. They found a new group of gorillas in The next day I 7 took (take) photos
and 8 wrote (write) notes about local
the rainforests in the north of the country. They
said there were about 125,000 gorillas in the plants that are in danger. I 9 learnt
new group. This increased the world population
(learn) a lot and I 10 had (have) a
to about 225,000.
good time, too. More fun than learning • Background
Bald eagles The bald eagle is the symbol of the in the classroom! Scientists currently believe
United States but in the 1960s there were only
about 800 birds in the wild. The government that by the year 2022 the
began a protection programme for the birds. It
Your Turn tiger will have become
was very successful and the government took the
bald eagle off the danger list in 2007. 8 Use the cues and write true Past Simple extinct in the wild. The WWF
sentences about your life. Then tell a aims to stop this happening
Rhinos For many years, hunters killed rhinos partner.
and people bought their horns. They thought the and to double the number
horns were medicine. In 1997, the World Wildlife
tTFFBXJMEMJGFQSPHSBNNFPO57 of tigers in the wild during
Fund began its African Rhino Programme. In ten
years, the number of rhinos increased from about tGJOEPVUBCPVUBOBOJNBMJOEBOHFS the same period.
10,000 to more than 18,000. tUBLFBQIPUPPGBOBOJNBM tIBWFBQFU

Dolphins In 2009, scientists found 6,000 I went to a zoo when I was ten. Exercise 3  – Audioscript
Irrawaddy dolphins on the coast of Bangladesh.
They were very surprised. Before this, they One
thought there were only about 300 of these This animal is very big. It’s
dolphins in the world.
about thirty metres long and
Tigers In the 1940s, there were only 30 to There are only about 3,200 it weighs about 200 tonnes.
40 Amur tigers in Russia and China. In 1947,
tigers left on Earth. It lives in the oceans and can
the Russian government gave the tigers full
protection. It became illegal to hunt them and 3`eiWda`bSYW$$$!
also the animals that the tigers ate. Their numbers
blow water fifteen metres high.
increased to about 400.
TIM E OUT! Page 98, Exercise 19 71 Two
This bear is in danger. It is
black and white and lives in
the forests of China.
• After checking answers, explain or Three
Practice This is a large, slow animal
encourage students to guess the
meaning of any new words. Exercise 7 with a small head. It sleeps
about fifteen hours a day! It
• Students can refer to the list of
Answers ­student page lives in the rainforests of South
irregular verbs as they are doing
and Central America.
the exercise.
• If you would like to do more work Four
Grammar:  Past Simple (2) on irregular verbs before moving on This is a large animal with
to the speaking practice, then Time thick, white fur. It has short
Exercise 6
Out! Exercise 19 can be used for legs but very big paws. It can
• Students check their answers in the swim and it lives in the Arctic.
further practice at this point.
list of irregular verbs on page 111
of the Students’ Book. Answers ­student page TI M E OUT! Page 98,
Exercise 19
have – had, buy – bought, fall – fell, Photocopiable activity 19,
begin – began, see – saw, make – Teacher’s Resources MultiROM
made, eat – ate, go – went, say – said,
think – thought, become – became,
take – took, give – gave, find – found 71
20 Change your World!
This Uni
Short of time: set some of
the exercises for homework
(e.g. Exercises 7 and 8)
More time: do the extra

This lesson shows how Naseem
Kahn helped his community
deal with various typical
inner city problems. Although
1 2 3
the character of Naseem is
fictional, the projects he talks
about are based on similar Warm-up Reading
real projects. 1 Match the photos (1–5) with the words (a–e). 3.26 3 Read the interview. Are these sentences true
a) bullying (T) or false (F)?
b) vandalism 1 F Naseem started community work because
Warm-up c) litter he was bored.
d) traffic 2 T Naseem’s work helped children and
Extra e) graffiti teenagers.
3 T At the beginning of the project there
Revise vocabulary from page 69.
2 What problems in Exercise 1 are there in your weren’t many people in the group.
school or area? Are there any other problems? 4 F Naseem’s group met at weekends.
Write verbs on the board: Litter is a big problem in our area. 5 F Everyone in the group came to every
Save … Turn off … Recycle … meeting.
Ask: What can we do to help the
environment? Students answer
using the verbs on the board, Naseem Khan – local hero
e.g. We can save (electricity/ Last month Naseem Khan, 24, won a prize for his
community work. Find out more in our interview.
I Why did you start community work?
N I wanted to help young people. They didn’t have a place to go
Exercise 1 after school and at weekends. They were bored and we had a
• Ask students to translate lot of problems with vandalism, graffiti and litter.
I What did you do?
bullying, vandalism, litter, N We tidied up an area by the station. We collected litter and
traffic and graffiti. broken glass. The council repaired the street lights and
built some seats. We made a play area for children and a
Answers sports area for teenagers. We also raised money to build a
1b) 2d) 3a) 4e) 5c)
I Amazing! Did you have a lot of volunteers at the start?
N No, we didn’t. On the first day, we only had about ten people. I Did you have any problems?
And we didn’t have a lot of equipment. But we went to the N Yes, we did! Some people came just once and then didn’t
Exercise 2 local schools and asked for help. We got a lot of new young return. And some people didn’t work very hard! But
• Teach new vocabulary that volunteers. in general it was great. In three months, we made a big
I And how often did you meet?
students need to talk about N Once a week, on a Saturday morning. We put people into
difference to the area.
I Fantastic! And good luck with your next project.
other problems. groups and they worked on different areas.
72 N Thanks a lot.

3.26 Exercise 3
• When checking answers, ask Grammar:  Past Simple (3) Exercise 6
students to correct the false • Students work individually finding
sentences. Exercise 4 examples of Past Simple negatives,
• Make sure students understand questions and short answers in
Answers ­student page that the negatives for both regular the text.
and irregular verbs are formed with
didn’t. Practice
Answers ­student page
Encourage students to give Exercise 7
their opinions about Naseem’s
community work. Ask them Exercise 5 Answers
what they think would be the 2 They didn’t have a lot of problems
• Check that students understand
priorities in the area where they with bullying. They had a lot of
that did and didn’t are used with all
live. Find out how many students problems with vandalism, graffiti and
persons unlike the Present Simple
would be prepared to help with litter.
which uses do and don’t but does
a community work scheme 3 The council didn’t repair the traffic
and doesn’t for third person.
like this. lights. The council repaired the street
Answers ­student page lights.

Exercise 9
• Students work in pairs
asking and answering the
questions. Tell them to cover
the text and the answers
4 5 they have written and to
look only at the question
Grammar: Past Simple (3) 8 Write questions and answers about Naseem prompts in Exercise 8.
and his work.
4 Complete the table with work, worked, have
or had.
1 he / win / a prize?
Did he win a prize? Yes, he did.
Your Turn
Affirmative Negative 2 who / he / help?
3 what problems / young people / have? Exercise 10
I/You/He/She/It/We/ I/You/He/She/It/We/ 4 where in the town / Naseem / work?
They 1 worked on They didn’t 2 work • Remind students of the use
5 the council / help / on the project?
different areas. very hard. 6 the group / have / a lot of equipment? of but to join a positive
I/You/He/She/It/We/ I/You/He/She/It/We/ 7 they / get / the same volunteers / every week? and a negative idea in a
They 3 had a lot They didn’t 4 have 8 how long / they / work on the area? sentence. Tell students
of problems. a place to go. they can include time
9 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
Exercise 8. expressions, e.g. on Sunday
5 Choose the correct words in a) and b).
morning, if they wish. Tell
Yes/No Questions Short answers
Your Turn students to write five–six
a) Did I/you/he/she/it/ Yes, I/you/he/she/it/ 10 Write affirmative and negative sentences about sentences and include one
we/they have/had any we/they did. your weekend. Include one false sentence. false sentence.
problems? I helped Mum at home. I didn’t go shopping.
No, I/you/he/she/it/we/
they didn’t.
11 Read the sentences to your partner. Guess the
Exercise 11
Wh- Questions false sentence. • Students should listen to
b) What did I/you/he/ We tidied up an area A I helped Mum at home. all the sentences before
she/it/we/they do/did? by the station. B False! deciding which one is false.

6 Underline the Past Simple negatives, questions 12 Work in pairs. Use the cues to ask questions
Exercise 12
and short answers in the interview. about yesterday.
A Did you send any texts yesterday? • Elicit the question forms
Practice B Yes, I did. from the class before
A How many did you send? students work in pairs.
7 Correct the sentences about Naseem and his
B I sent ten!
work. Answers
1 send any texts? (how many?)
1 Naseem wanted to help animals. 2 Did you play computer
2 play computer games? (what games?)
Naseem didn’t want to help animals. He wanted to 3 play any sport? (what sport?) games? What games did
help young people. 4 watch TV? (what programmes?)
2 They had a lot of problems with bullying. 5 use the Internet? (why?) you play?
3 The council repaired the traffic lights. 6 meet any friends? (who?/when?) 3 Did you play any sport?
4 Naseem had a lot of volunteers on the first day. 7 go shopping? (where?/what?) What sport did you play?
5 Naseem went to local shops to ask for help. 8 go to bed early? (what time?)
6 Naseem’s group met on a Sunday. 4 Did you watch TV? What
programmes did you
TIM E OUT! Page 98, Exercise 20 73
5 Did you use the Internet?
Why did you use the
Answers (continued) Answers (continued) 6 Did you meet any friends?
4 Naseem didn’t have a lot of 4 Where in the town did Naseem work? Who did you meet? When
volunteers on the first day. He had Naseem worked in an area by the did you meet them?
about 10 people. station. 7 Did you go shopping?
5 Naseem didn’t go to local shops 5 Did the council help on the project? Where did you go? What
to ask for help. The group went to Yes, they did. The council repaired did you buy?
local schools. the street lights and built some seats. 8 Did you go to bed early?
6 Naseem’s group didn’t meet on Sunday. 6 Did the group have a lot of What time did you go to
They met on Saturday morning. equipment? No, they didn’t. bed?
7 Did they get the same volunteers
every week? No, they didn’t. Some TI M E OUT! Page 98,
Exercise 8 people came just once and then Exercise 20
Answers didn’t return.
2 Who did he help? He helped young 8 How long did they work on the area? Photocopiable activity 20,
people. They worked on the area for three Teacher’s Resources MultiROM
3 What problems did young people months.
have? They didn’t have a place to go
after school and at weekends. They 73
were bored.
21 Communi y Work
This Uni Warm-up Speaking
Short of time: set some of 1 Look at the photos. What problems can you 5 Look at the Key Expressions.
the exercises for homework see? What jobs is each person doing?
(e.g. Your Challenge, Exercises
3 and 4) Reading and Listening
More time: do the extra 3.27 2 Read and listen to the dialogue. Check your
activities answers to Exercise 1.
Mel Thank you for coming today. We’ve got
Background a lot to do, collecting litter and cleaning
graffiti. So, Laura, can you work with Emily
In this episode, the characters on the litter?
start doing community Laura Okay, great.
service as part of the FACE Mel And, Ryan, work on the graffiti with Jake.
programme. They are But can you help me with these tins of
responsible for collecting litter paint, please? They’re very heavy.
and cleaning graffiti. During Ryan Okay, just a second.
the course of the conversation …
Jake admits that he did some Laura Can you pass me a plastic bag, please, Emily?
of the graffiti which he and Emily Sure. Here you are.
Ryan are now cleaning. Laura Thanks. Look at all this litter. It’s awful.
Why don’t people use the bins?
Emily I don’t know. I don’t get it.
Warm-up …
Mel So, can you help me clean this area?
Extra Ryan Sure, no problem. Some of this graffiti is
quite good.
Revise city problems vocabulary. Mel Well, it can be quite artistic, but it is a
Ask the class: What problems are problem for the city.
typical in cities? What are the Jake Mel, I don’t want to do this. Can I collect
particular problems where you some litter, please?
live? Mel No, I’m sorry, you can’t. You and Ryan
work on this, please.
Ryan This section is difficult to clean.
Exercise 1
Jake Mmm, it was quite difficult to paint, too,
• Students look at the pictures but don’t tell Mel.
and answer the questions. Ryan What? You? Did you do this graffiti, Jake?

3 Write the correct names. Who …

Reading and 1 feels sad about the problems in the area?
2 asks for help to carry something?
Listening 3 has a secret about their past?
4 thinks some of the graffiti is good?
3.27 Exercise 2 5 wants to change jobs?
• Play the recording once for 3.28 4 Why did Jake do the graffiti? Talk about
students to listen and read these answers. Then listen and check.
for gist understanding and a) He’s a good artist.
to check the jobs for each b) Bullies made him do it.
74 c) He was bored.
collecting litter – Laura/Emily
cleaning graffiti – Ryan/Jake Extra Speaking
• After checking answers, Students work in groups of five, reading
Exercise 5
explain or encourage the dialogue aloud and taking turns to
• Ask students to repeat the Key
students to guess the be Mel, Laura, Ryan, Emily and Jake.
Expressions after you. Point out
meaning of any new words.
3.28 Exercise 4 the use of Can and please in polite
Exercise 3 requests.
Audioscript ­ end of notes
Answers • Students talk about the possible Extra
1 Laura answers before listening to the
Play the recording of the dialogue in
2 Mel recording to check.
Exercise 2 again for students to listen for
3 Jake
Answer the Key Expressions.
4 Ryan
5 Jake Exercise 6
• Remind students to use please at
the end of their requests.


6 Work in pairs. Use the Key

Expressions to make and
Your Challenge
reply to requests about Speaking:  Phone call
these things. Writing: An email
1 Can I use your pencil/your 1 Look at the Sentence Builder. Exercise 1
pen/your dictionary?
2 Can I have a sweet/some
• Ask two students to read
chocolate/some water? aloud the example phone
3 Can you pass me some call. Elicit suggestions for
paper/that book/
a sandwich?
how the call might continue.
4 Can you help me with this • Make sure students
exercise/my homework/this understand that they should
pile of books?
2 Complete the email with then or after.
talk about a day in the past.
• Students work in pairs,
)URPLaura Ortiz DWWDFK acting out their phone calls.

Hi Dan, Exercise 4 – Audioscript

Thanks for your email. I’m back in York now. Last weekend, we did some
community work in a problem area of the city. 1 After breakfast, I Ryan What? You? Did you do
met Jake, Emily and Ryan, and 2 then our monitor explained the
this graffiti, Jake?
work. The weather was okay but 3 then it got quite cold. My friend
Emily and I collected a lot of litter and 4 then we had lunch. Jake Erm, yes.
5 After that, we cleaned some graffiti and painted the walls. We got
home 6 after dark but it was a really good day.
Ryan Why? You’re a good artist.
Write soon with your news. You can paint and draw on
Laura paper, so why did you do this?
Jake Ryan, you don’t
3 Think of ideas for a day’s community work.
Answer these questions.
1 Who was in your group? (the names of your monitor Ryan No, I don’t understand.
and friends) Did you want to show your
2 Where did you meet? (in a forest/at an animal centre/ art? Why didn’t you have an
at a children’s home)
3 What was the weather like? (foggy/rainy/snowy) exhibition at school?
4 What did you do? (tidy up/clean/feed animals/raise money/ Jake Ryan, I did the graffiti last
read to the children)
5 What was the work like? (interesting/hard work/boring/fun)
year and I don’t do graffiti
6 When did you get home? (in the afternoon/after 6 p.m./late now. I’m very sorry about it.
in the evening) Ryan Yes, but why did you do
4 Use your ideas to write an email to a friend about your day. it? Were you just bored?
Jake It was a difficult time for
Speaking: Phone call me. There were some bad
1 Work in pairs. Imagine you call a friend about your day.
kids in my class. I thought
Ask and answer questions from Exercise 3. they were my friends but
A Hi, Magda, how are you? they were bullies. They made
B I’m fine. I did a day’s community work with a me do the graffiti. And I feel
group of friends yesterday! really sorry about it. It was a
A Really? Who was in your group? stupid thing to do.
Ryan Yeah, you’re right there.
TIM E OUT! Page 98, Exercise 21 75 And you’re not a graffiti artist
TIM E OUT! now?
Jake Of course I’m not. This is
my city and I don’t want to
make problems for the people
Your Challenge Exercise 2
• Check that students understand the
Ryan Right, here’s a brush
sequence of events. and here’s some water. Start
Writing:  An email
Answers ­student page cleaning!
Exercise 1 Jake Okay, right.
• Point out the use of the comma in Mel Oh, this wall looks great,
the sentence beginning After …
Exercise 3 Jake. It’s really clean. Well
• Tell students to make notes rather done, both of you.
Extra than writing complete sentences.
TI M E OUT! Page 98,
Write pairs of cues on the board: Exercise 21
Exercise 4
1 lunch 2 met my friends
• Advise students to refer to Laura’s
1 my guitar lesson 2 went to the gym
email in Exercise 2 as a guide when
1 a shower 2 did my homework
writing their own emails. Remind
Students make sentences, e.g.
students to write in complete
I had lunch and then I met my friends.
sentences and to use Past Simple
After lunch, I met my friends.
verb forms.
S udy Corner 7
Language Check
Language Check 4 Complete the sentences.
Exercises 1–4 16 I watched TV but I didn’t read (not read) my
1 What are these animals?
17 We went to China but we didn’t see (not
Answers ­student page see) any pandas.
18 She went shopping but she didn’t buy (not
1 whale 4 polar bear buy) anything.
Exercise 5 19 I made a cake but she didn’t eat (not eat) it.
20 They played football but they didn’t win
Answers (not win).
21 Where did you 2 tiger 5 panda
5 Complete the dialogue with Past Simple
22 How did you questions.
23 What did you A 21 go?
24 Did you enjoy B I went to Paris.
3 gorilla A 22 travel?
25 When did you B We went by train.
2 Complete the word in each sentence.
A 23 see?
6 Don’t drop l i t t e r in the street, please. B We saw the Eiffel Tower.
Exercise 6 7 In our house, we r e c y c l e glass and A 24 it?
paper. B Yes, we really enjoyed it.
8 I always turn off the lights and s a v e A 25 come back?
Answers ­student page electricity. B Last weekend.
9 We’ve got a problem with g r a f f i t i
in our city. Grammar / 15
10 I usually empty the rubbish b i n s at home.
3.29 Feedback 6 Complete the dialogues.
Vocabulary / 10
• Students listen to the Pat Can I use your mobile, 26 p l e a s e?
Sue No, I’m 27 s o r r y , you can’t.
recording to check their 3 Write the Past Simple irregular forms.
took Tim Can you 28 h e l p me with my homework?
answers. Check spelling 11 take –
Rob Sure, no 29 p r o b l e m.
where necessary by asking 12 go – went
13 give – gave Dan Can you pass me the dictionary?
individuals to write the 14 think – thought Pete Okay, just a 30 s e c o n d .
answers on the board. 15 have – had
Key Expressions /5
• Students look at the table
to see which sections in the
Students’ Book they need to
look at again. Feedback S udy Help: Classroom Language 3
• Give students time in 3.29 • Listen and check your answers to the Always try to make requests in English.
class or at home to do Language Check. Write down your scores. 1 Can you repeat that, please?
Language Check 7 of the • Look at the table. Check where you made 2 Can you write that on the board, please?
Workbook. mistakes. 3 Can you explain that again, please?
4 Can you play the recording again, please?
Wrong answers: Look again at:
Study Help:  Classroom 1–10 Get Ready and Units 19 • Work in pairs. Practise making requests
with these:
and 20
Language 3 • correct homework • check spelling
11–15 Unit 19 – Grammar • translate that • open the window
• Ask students to repeat the
16–25 Unit 20 – Grammar • spell that
requests after you.
• Note that students need to 26–30 Unit 21 – Key Expressions A Can you translate …?
B Yes, of course.
add words to the first two • Now do the exercises in Language Check 7 of
requests in the pair activity, 76 the Workbook.
e.g. Can you correct my/
this homework, please? Can
you check my spelling/the
spelling of this, please?
• Encourage students to make
requests in English in future
Module 7 test,
Teacher’s Resources MultiROM

Module 8
Talk about TV and film stars.
Read a TV review and an interview with an actress. Extra
Listen to TV programmes.
Write an invitation.
Play each section of the
recording again and ask
Learn about comparatives and superlatives, and going to.
further questions, e.g.
Section 1: What three animals
are there? (elephants, zebras,
Section 2: Where is Lena Davis
from? (New York)
Section 3: Which song is number
one? (Ke$ha, ‘Tik Tok’)
c Section 4: How much can Sally
win with the correct answer?
(one million pounds)

Exercise 4
• Students find out if they are
a TV addict.

Exercise 3  – Audioscript
Man … and the animals are

e ev s o
coming down to the water
now … there’s a family of
elephants … and there’s
a zebra with her baby, it’s
looking and listening for
Get Ready danger … and here are some
1 Look at the Key Words. What are the 4 Read the questionnaire. Check your score on
giraffes …
programmes in the photos? page 111. Man Hello, and good evening.
My first guest on tonight’s
Are you a TV addict? show is from New York. Her
1 What do you do when you get up at the weekend? first job was in a TV advert
a) Read a book for chocolates! Now, she’s a
b) Turn on the TV
c) Have breakfast and watch TV famous Hollywood actress.
2 What do you do on a summer evening when your Give a warm welcome, please,
2 Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions. favourite programme is on?
a) Stay at home and watch it
to Lena Davis! … Thanks for
1 What kinds of TV programmes do you like? b) Go out and meet your friends coming on the show, Lena.
c) Go out but record the programme
2 What kinds of TV programmes don’t you like?
3 What are your three favourite programmes at 3 What would you like for your next birthday? Lena It’s a pleasure, Gary, and
the moment? a) A new flat-screen TV for your bedroom
b) A new bike/skateboard/tennis racket
it’s great to be in London
c) DVD collection of your favourite TV programme again …
3.31 3 Listen to four TV programmes. What are they?
77 Woman … and at number
three is the Black Eyed Peas
with I Gotta Feeling, and at
number two Lady GaGa with
Bad Romance but still at
Ge Ready 3.30 Exercise 1 number one, it’s three weeks
Answers now, is Ke$ha with Tik Tok.
Background Man And now the final
a) music programme b) chat show
Game show refers to any show in question, Sally … are you
c) film
which contestants perform tasks to sure you want to do this?
win prizes (this includes quiz shows). Woman Yes, Chris, sure.
Series refers to a sequence of Exercise 2
Man Okay. Answer this
programmes, e.g. a drama series or • After the pair activity, students can question correctly and you’ve
a comedy series. find out the three favourite TV got one million pounds. Get it
Soap or soap opera refers to programmes for their class. wrong … well, let’s not think
programmes dealing with the lives of about that! … Sally, here’s the
ordinary people. These programmes 3.31 Exercise 3 one-million pound question.
were originally sponsored in the USA What is the correct name for
by manufacturers of soap powder. Audioscript ­ end of notes
the fear of the number 13 …
1 (nature) documentary 2 chat show
3 music programme 4 game show
22 Las Week on TV
This Uni Warm-up 3 Complete the Word Builder with -ing adjectives
Short of time: set some of from the text.
1 Copy and complete the table with information
the exercises for homework about the TV programmes you watched last
(e.g. Exercises 4, 7 and 11) week. Then tell the class.
More time: do the extra I watched a film on Saturday evening. It was very bad!
activities boring
1 number of hours of TV you watched
2 a good programme interesting
3 a bad programme
Extra 4 Write sentences with the -ing adjectives from
Reading the Word Builder about TV programmes you
Write gapped words on the watched yesterday.
3.32 2 Look at the photos and read the TV review.
I watched a film about space last night. It was very
board for students to complete Answer the questions.
with vowels to make kinds of TV exciting!
1 Where was the cycling competition?
programme: 2 How much did the film Avatar cost?
3 Who was Aimee?
1 F _ L M (film) 4 Where did the teenagers go on Challenge for
2 S _ _ P (soap) Change?
3 C _ R T _ _ N (cartoon)
4 N _ W S (news)
TV Review
5 D_C_M_NT_RY Battle of the bands, Channel 7.
This week’s programme was a lot better than last week.
(documentary) The bands were more exciting and the songs were more
6 S _ R _ _ S (series) Sport interesting, too. The best singer on the show was Aimee. Her
A week in sport, Sport
band didn’t win but she had a nicer voice than the winner.
Exercise 1 It was a bad week for
the England football
• Each student tells the class team but a worse week
how many hours of TV they for our tennis players!
We had better results
watched and about one good
from our cyclists. They
programme and one bad had the fastest times of
programme they watched. all the teams and they
won the competition in
Films Reality TV
3.32 Exercise 2 Avatar, Movie Channel. Challenge for Change,
• After checking answers, Avatar was one of the Channel 9.
most expensive films in This was an interesting
explain or encourage programme about
the world ($300 million!)
students to guess the and one of the longest teenagers with
meaning of any new words. (two and a half hours!). problems. They went
on an expedition across
• Ask students which of these But I didn’t enjoy it very
the desert and faced
much. The special effects
four programmes they think were amazing but the difficult challenges.
were interesting and which story was really boring. At the end of the
programme, they were
were boring. I thought it was the worst
science fiction film of all slimmer, fitter and
78 happier!
Answers the year!

1 The cycling competition

was in Manchester.
2 Avatar cost $300 million.
3 Aimee was the best singer Grammar:  Comparatives Practice
on Battle of the bands.
4 They went on an expedition and superlatives
Exercise 7
across the desert. • Make sure students understand
Exercise 5
• Students look at the four texts in that this exercise is to practise
Exercise 3 Exercise 2 and complete the table comparatives.
with the correct forms.
Answers ­student page Answers ­student page
Answers ­student page
Exercise 4
• Students use the sentence Exercise 6
patterns as in the example
sentence, e.g. I watched a Answers ­student page
(nature documentary/football
match) last night/yesterday. It
was (amazing/very interesting).


Grammar: Comparatives and 8 Write questions with superlatives. Use the

superlatives cues.
1 Who / funny / actor / in films? Exercise 11
5 Complete the table with comparatives and
Who’s the funniest actor in films?
superlatives from the text.
2 Who / good / European football team? • Students complete the
Adjective Comparative Superlative 3 What / exciting / game show / on TV? sentences individually before
4 What / bad / TV channel / for teenagers? working in pairs.
one syllable 5 Who / young / actress / in films?
fast faster the fastest 6 What / popular / programme / on TV?
long longer 1 the longest
nice 2 nicer the nicest
9 Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 8 1 best 2 most exciting
3 about your country. 3 most popular 4 most
slim slimmer the slimmest
two syllables ending in -y boring 5 most expensive
Your Turn
easy easier the easiest
6 safest 7 worst 8 fastest
happy 4 happier the happiest 10 Work in groups and compare actors.
1 Write the name of an actor/TV star on a piece
two or more syllables of paper and put it on the desk. Extra
boring more boring the most boring 2 Choose two pieces of paper. Compare the
expensive more expensive 5the most expensive people using the adjectives in the box. Organise a Picture Dictionary
6more interesting the most
attractive bad boring funny good competition. Students work in
interesting old popular slim tall teams of four or five, finding the
irregular words you say in their Picture
7 the best Ben Stiller is funnier than Jim Carrey.
good better Dictionary. The first team to
bad 8 worse the worst 11 What’s your opinion? Complete the sentences find the word gets one point.
with superlatives. Then compare with a Demonstrate the game and, if
6 Choose the correct words. partner.
necessary, write question and
I think … answer prompts on the board.
a) We use comparatives to compare two / three
1 the (good) things on TV are …
people, places or things. We use that / than
2 the (exciting) sport is … You ask: Where is a doctor?
after a comparative adjective.
3 the (popular) singer in the world is … Students answer: There’s a doctor
b) We use superlative adjectives to compare 4 the (boring) programme on TV is …
two / three or more people, places or things.
on page 106. and point to the
5 the (expensive) city in Europe is …
6 the (safe) form of transport … picture of a doctor. Suggested
7 the (bad) song of this year … questions: Where is …
Practice 8 the (fast) animal in the world … 1 a big man and a small girl?
7 Complete the sentences with comparatives. (page 101)
1 The second half of the chat show was 8SUfad8[Uf[a`2 2 the word opposite? (page 109)
more interesting (interesting) than the first. 3 a girl ice skating? (page 105)
2 The young singer had a nicer
(nice) voice than the winner. 4 some trousers? (page 100)
3 The last documentary in the series was 5 a bath? (page 102)
better (good) than the others. 6 a boy having lunch? (page 107)
4 Children younger (young) than
twelve can’t watch this horror film. 7 a tortoise? (page 110)
5 The questions in the game show were 8 an uncle? (page 100)
easier (easy) than in other
competitions. Americans watch an average of 9 some rice? (page 103)
6 The new cartoon on Channel 6 was nine years (80,000 hours) of TV 10 a window cleaner? (page 106)
worse (bad) than The Simpsons. before they are 65 years old.
11 a bowling alley? (page 108)
12 the word nose? (page 101)

TIM E OUT! Page 99, Exercise 22 79 8SUfad8[Uf[a`2

• Background
This ‘nine year statistic’ is
taken from a study carried
Exercise 8 Exercise 9 out by A.C. Nielson & Co. In
• Remind students that they should • Students work in pairs, asking and the same survey it is also
use the definite article the with answering the questions about their estimated that an average
superlatives. country. American youth spends 900
• If there is time, students change hours per year in school
Answers partners and repeat the pair activity. and 1500 hours per year
2 Who is the best European football watching television.
3 What is the most exciting game Your Turn TI M E OUT! Page 99,
show on TV? Exercise 22
4 What is the worst TV channel for
Exercise 10
teenagers? • Students complete various pieces Photocopiable activities 21
5 Who is the youngest actress in of paper with names and put them and 22, Teacher’s Resources
films? face down on the desk. MultiROM
6 What is the most popular • Demonstrate the activity with one
programme on TV? group of students. Choose two
pieces of paper and ask students
to compare the names using the
adjectives in the box.
23 A Cha Show
This Uni Warm-up Reading
Short of time: set some of 1 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. 3 Read the interview with Emma Watson. Are
the exercises for homework 1 Do you have chat shows in your country? these sentences true (T), false (F) or is there no
(e.g. Exercises 5, 6 and 7) 2 Do you like watching them? Why/Why not? information (NI)?
and shorten the discussion in 3 Who would you like to interview on a chat 1 F Emma is making another Harry Potter film.
show? 2 NI Emma loved acting in the Harry Potter films.
Exercises 1 and 2 3 T People Tree wants to make life better for
More time: do the extra 2 Look at the photo. What do you know about people in poor countries.
the actress? Tell the class. 4 F People Tree isn’t very environmentally friendly.
activities 5 T Emma hasn’t got any plans for after university.
Emma Watson was in the Harry Potter films. 6 NI Emma often sees the actor Daniel Radcliffe.
Emma Watson played the role
of Hermione Granger in the
first Harry Potter film at the Interview with...

age of nine. She repeated the
role in all the Harry Potter
films, making an estimated Emma
£10 million. Since Harry
Potter, she has appeared in
various other films and has
I Please welcome Emma Watson!
become increasingly involved
E Thank you.
in the world of fashion and
I So, Emma, first question – are you going
modelling. to be in another Harry Potter film?
E No, I’m not. All the Harry Potter films are
Warm-up I But are you going to act again?
E I’m not sure. I’m not going to make a film
Extra soon because of my studies. I’m going
to go to university in the United States.
Students work in pairs to make I’m also working with a clothes company
comparative and superlative called People Tree.
sentences about people and I Oh? That’s interesting.
objects in the classroom: e.g. E People Tree is a great company. It makes
Maria is older than Teresa. Isabel Fair Trade clothes. I helped with a range
for teenagers.
is the oldest. Your bag is newer
I So, are you going to be a fashion
than mine. Sara’s bag is the designer?
newest. E No, I’m not. But I’m interested in fashion
and in Fair Trade. People Tree is going
to help workers in Bangladesh, India and I And after university? What are you going
Exercise 1 Nepal. And the clothes aren’t going to to do then?
• After the pair activity, damage the environment. E I’m not sure. But I’m not going to worry
students tell the class who
they would like to interview
on a chat show.
I That’s brilliant. And who is going to buy
the clothes?
E Young people who are into fashion! The
clothes are comfortable and fun. We have
a T-shirt with a message ‘Please don’t
panic, I’m organic’!
about the future.
Okay, and, sorry but just one more Harry ¹
Potter question … what is Harry, er, Daniel
Radcliffe going to do next?
E I don’t know. Invite Daniel to the show
and find out!
Exercise 2
• If students disagree about
what they know about
Emma Watson, ask them
to check information (using Reading Grammar:  going to
the Internet or magazines)
and report back in a later Exercise 3 Exercise 4
lesson. • Students read the text and decide • Students look back at the text in
if the sentences are true, false or if Exercise 3 and find and read aloud
there is no information. more sentences with going to.
• After checking answers, explain or
encourage students to guess the Answers ­student page
meaning of any new words.

Answers ­student page


Grammar: going to 6 Write questions for these answers. Use the words
in brackets.
4 Complete the table with am, is, isn’t, are or
1 I’m going to study literature. (What)
What are you going to study? Your Turn
Affirmative 2 She’s going to go to university in the USA. (Where)
I 1 am 3 No, I’m not going to make a film soon. (Are / Exercise 7
be in a new film)
He/She/It 2 is go to 4 Yes, the owners of People Tree are going to
• Read the sentences with the
going to
You/We/ 3 are university. open a shop in London. (Are / open a new shop) students.
They 5 I’m going to be at university for four years. • Encourage students to use
(How long)
Negative other appropriate time
I ’m not
Your Turn expressions if they wish,
He/She/It 4 isn’t e.g. next July/Saturday, this
going to worry.
You/We/ aren’t 7 Look at the Sentence Builder. Write five
afternoon/evening, after
sentences about you and your family.
school, at 7.30.
Yes/No Questions
Am I be a
6 Is he/she/it designer? Exercise 8
you/we/ going to
7 Are be • Students complete the
designers? column Your plans for
Short Answers their own plans. Help with
Yes, I am. No, I’m not. vocabulary, if necessary.
Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t. Encourage students to ask
Yes, you/we/they are. No, you/we/they aren’t. 8 Copy and complete the table with your plans
you: Can you translate …,
for the next school holidays.
Wh- Questions please?
Example Your Your
am I plans partner’s
is he/she/
it going to
do plans Exercise 9
next? Where / go? Ireland
9 are you/we/ • Check question forms before
they When / go? this summer students work in pairs.
Who / go with? my family • Remind students to use the
Practice correct forms of going to in
Where / stay? in a hotel
5 Look at the cues. Write true sentences about
What / do? visit Dublin their questions and answers.
the people in the interview. Use is/isn’t going
to or are/aren’t going to.
9 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about Exercise 10
1 Emma / be a student your plans. Complete the table with your
Emma is going to be a student. partner’s plans. • Students can see how many
2 Emma / go to university / in the UK different places they are
3 Emma / work / in fashion
A Where are you going to go?
4 The workers / look after / the environment B I’m going to go to Ireland. going to go to for their
5 Emma and Daniel / make another film holidays.
10 Tell the class about your partner’s holiday plans.
Yolanda’s going to go to Ireland this summer. She’s Extra
going to go with her family. She’s going to stay in a
hotel and she’s going to visit Dublin. Ask students what the favourite
holiday places for people in their
country are. Then ask students
what the favourite holiday places
TIM E OUT! Page 99, Exercise 23 81 for visitors are.
TI M E OUT! Page 99,
Exercise 23

Practice Exercise 6 Photocopiable activity 24,

Teacher’s Resources MultiROM
Exercise 5 Answers
2 Where is she going to go to
Answers university?
2 Emma isn’t going to go to 3 Are you going to be in a new film?
university in the UK. 4 Are the owners of People Tree
3 Emma isn’t going to work in going to open a new shop in
fashion. London?
4 The workers are going to look after 5 How long are you going to be at
the environment. university?
5 Emma and Daniel aren’t going to
make another film.

24 Par y Time
This Uni Warm-up
Short of time: set some of 1 What is important for a good party? Number these
the exercises for homework things (1 = most important). Then tell the class.
(e.g. Your Challenge, food and drink
Exercise 2) good music
your friends
More time: do the extra the place
activities the time of day
a good DJ
Background Good music is the most important thing.
In the last episode, the
characters hold a party to Reading and Listening
celebrate the end of stage 1 3.33 2 Read and listen to the dialogue. Match the
of the FACE programme. people with their plans for the summer.
Laura is going back to 1 Ryan and Emma a) stay with family abroad
2 Jake b) go back to Argentina
Argentina and doesn’t know 3 Laura c) stay with family in the UK
when she will see her friends Emily I can’t believe it’s the end of the
again. Jake is going to visit programme.
his family in Jamaica. Before Laura Oh, don’t say that. I’m going to go back
Laura and Jake leave, Ryan to Argentina soon.
suggests the three friends Emily When are you going to be back in York?
take Laura to London. They Laura I don’t know. I’m going to miss all of you.
invite Mel to London too but Ryan But you’re going to miss me the most.
she can’t go. Emily What are you going to do in the summer?
Laura I’m going to see my family, of course. But
our summer is December, January and
Warm-up February. I’m going to be at home in winter!
What about you?
Extra Ryan Emily and I are going to stay with our cousin
in Bristol.
Revise food and drink Jake And I’m going to see my family in Jamaica.
vocabulary. Ask students what Mel Lucky you! Can I come, too?
people in their country like to All Oh hi, Mel! Speaking
eat and drink at different types Mel Hello, and congratulations! You passed
FACE stage 1! 3 Look at the Key Expressions.
of party, e.g. a children’s party
Laura Why don’t we celebrate next week?
in the afternoon, a New Year’s
Ryan Yeah, what about a trip to London? Would
party in the evening, an end-of- you like to see the capital?
year party at school. Laura I’d love to. Mel, do you want to come
with us?
Exercise 1 Mel Sorry, I can’t. I’m going to be in meetings. 4 Work in pairs. Use the Key Expressions to
Laura Oh, no. invite your partner to:
• After discussing what is t play a new computer game at your house
Mel But we can celebrate now. Let’s have a
important for a good group photo. t stay at your house for the weekend
party, ask students to tell t go to the cinema
Jake Okay, say ‘Cheese’ everyone. t watch a DVD at your house
the class about a good Mel No, say ‘FACE’! t play basketball after school
party they went to: What 82
sort of party was it? (e.g.
a birthday party/a fancy
dress party) Where was it?
Who was there? What did Reading and Listening Speaking
they do at the party?
3.33 Exercise 2 Exercise 3
• Elicit two or three more responses
Answers to the invitations, e.g. Yes, please./
In groups, students plan a
1c) 2a) 3b) Yes, okay./I don’t know. Can I phone
party. Write example questions
on the board, e.g. Where is the you tomorrow and let you know?/I’d
party going to be? When is the Extra like to, but (I’m away then).
party? Who is going to come?
What food and drink are you Play the recording for students to listen
carefully to pronunciation, stress and
Exercise 4
going to have? What music are • If there is time, students change
you going to play? The class intonation patterns.
Students then work in groups of partners and repeat the activity with
votes for which party is going a new partner.
to be the best. five, reading aloud the dialogue and
changing parts.


Your Challenge
Speaking:  A party
Writing: An invitation
1 Read the invitation and the reply.
Exercise 1
7R[] DWWDFK • Read the instructions with
From: Simon Jones students. Give students time
[] to think what they’re going
Hi, I’m going to have a birthday party at
the youth club next Saturday night. Do to say about their holiday
you want to come? Text or email me. plans and their interests.
• If there is time, students
From: Chris Thomas repeat the activity with
[] different partners.
That’s great. I’d love to. What time does it
start? Can I bring some music?
Chris Extra
Students look at page 110 of the
2 Write an invitation to a friend. Include Picture Dictionary. Demonstrate
the reply.
the activity. Cover the page with
3 Work in pairs. Exchange or email a sheet of paper and then reveal
invitations and reply to them. each row of pictures in turn and
then the words as you move the
Speaking: A party roleplay
paper down the page. Students
1 Work in pairs. Imagine you meet a work in pairs, saying the names
person at a party. Do these things:
of the animals in the pictures
t Say hello and give your name.
in the top row and then moving
Hi, my name’s Adam. What’s your name?
the paper down to show the
t Talk about plans for the holidays.
Where are you going to go in the words and check their answers.
holidays? Ask and answer questions Students work through other
about hobbies. pages of the Picture Dictionary
A What are your hobbies and interests? in the same way and see how
B I love films. many words they remember.
t Invite the person to do a thing they
are interested in (e.g. go to the TI M E OUT! Page 99,
cinema/play football/go dancing).
Exercise 24
A Would you like to come to the cinema on
Friday night?
B I’d love to.

TIM E OUT! Page 99, Exercise 24 83

TIM E OUT! Page 40, Exercise 7

Your Challenge Exercise 3

• Tell students to ask at least one
question in their reply to their
Writing:  An invitation partner’s invitation.
Exercise 1 Extra
• Elicit one or two more questions
students can ask in their reply, e.g. After reading their partner’s reply,
Where is it? Can I bring (some food)? students write another email answering
their partner’s question(s).
Exercise 2
• Students can use the ideas from
Exercise 4 if they wish, or their own
ideas for the invitation, e.g. to go
bowling, to have a pizza.
• Students write their invitation
and reply.
Across Cul ures 4
Across Cultures 4
3.34 Exercise 1 New Year Celebrations
1 How many Key Words can you
• Draw students’ attention see in the photos?
to word stress in the Key
Words as they listen to the 3.34

decorations, dragon, lamp,
parade Reading
3.35 2 Read the information. Which
celebration is the most
Reading exciting? Why?

3.35 Exercise 2 3 Read the texts again. Answer People all around the world celebrate the start of a new year. They do
the questions. it at different times because their calendars are different.
• Tell students not to worry 1 When did 1st January become The Romans celebrated New Year on the 1st March. Then, in 46 BC,
the date moved to 1st January when Julius Caesar changed the old
about understanding every New Year in Rome?
lunar calendar to a new solar calendar. The Romans put up decorations
2 Why did the date change?
word at this stage but to 3 When is the Chinese New
in their homes and gave presents. Slaves and masters ate together.
focus on which celebration The Chinese use a lunar calendar and their New Year is in January
Year? or February. Families put up paper decorations at home, have special
they think is the most 4 What dance is part of the meals and give presents. There are fireworks and big parades in the
Chinese New Year? streets and people carry big paper dragons in the famous ‘dragon
exciting. 5 What do people put in their dance’.
• Remind students to give windows in Diwali? Hindus celebrate Diwali, the New Year Festival of Lights, after the end
reasons for their choice of 6 Where do Japanese people of the monsoon in October or November. People light small lamps and
put decorations at New Year? put them in their windows. They visit their friends and family and have
exciting celebrations. 7 Why do Japanese people a special meal. On the night of Diwali there are fireworks.
laugh after midnight? The Japanese New Year is on the 1st January. People buy decorations
8 Why do people in Spain eat and put them on their doors and windows for good luck. Families
Exercise 3 grapes at New Year?
make rice cakes and give presents of money and clothes. At midnight,
Buddhist priests ring bells 108 times. Then Japanese people laugh – this
• After checking answers, brings them luck in the New Year.
explain or encourage At midnight on the 31st December, Spanish people eat twelve grapes
– one grape for every month of the new year. Every grape brings
students to guess the good luck.
meaning of new words in
the text.
1 46 BC
2 Julius Caesar changed the
lunar calendar to a new
solar calendar.
3 January or February
4 the ‘dragon dance’
5 small lamps
6 on their doors and windows
7 Because it brings them
good luck in the New Year.
8 Because the twelve grapes
bring them good luck for • After checking answers, write on the 3.37 Exercise 5
each month in the New board Auld Lang Syne. Tell students
Year. that this is a traditional Scottish Answers ­student page
song about the good old times.
People hold hands and sing it in
Listening Scotland and other countries on 3.38 Exercise 6
New Year’s Eve. • Play the recording for students
3.36 Exercise 4 to listen and repeat.
Audioscript ­ end of notes Answers
Weather Special After 3.39 Exercise 7
• Tell students not to worry dinner dinner • Check that students can hear
about understanding every and produce the stress patterns
Scotland very cold, at home go into
word but to listen for the snow the town in the example words in the
specific information they centre table before they write the
need to complete the table. Australia hot barbecue friends words in the columns.
in the visit

• Read the questions with
Listening Speaking students. Elicit answers
for one of their suggested
3.36 4 Listen to two descriptions of New Year’s Eve. 9 Think about New Year’s Eve. Work in pairs. Ask festivals.
Copy and complete the table. and answer questions about what you eat and
what you do. • Help with any new
Weather Special After
A What’s the weather like? vocabulary students need
dinner dinner
B It’s usually cold. What do you have for dinner? to write about their festival.
Scotland at home A We have … Encourage students to
Australia illustrate their poster with
pictures or drawings.
3.37 5 Listen closely Listen to the first part of the
description again. Complete the sentences
with these words (a–g). Work in groups. Make a poster about a Exercise 4  – Audioscript
festival in your country. Use the questions
a) it’s more e) really love to help you. Woman Well, I really love
b) It’s very f) it’s my New Year. It’s very cold and
c) with our friends g) good fun t When is it? Where is it?
d) great time t What is it for? it sometimes snows. But I
t What events do people organise in your think that it’s my favourite
1 Well, I e) New Year. town?
2 b) cold and it sometimes snows. t What traditions are there?
time of year. We usually
3 But I think that f) favourite time of t What do your family usually do on the day? have parties with our friends
year. t What things do you like about the festival? and have good fun. Here in
4 We usually have parties c) .
5 … and have g) . Scotland it’s more important
6 Here in Scotland a) important than than Christmas really. We
Christmas really. really celebrate the night of
7 We have a d) .
the thirty-first December. We
3.38 6 Listen again and repeat the sentences. have a great time. We have
a special meal at home and
3.39 7 Pronunciation Listen and put the words in
the correct column. then, after dinner at about
eleven, we all go out into
adventure calendar celebrate fantastic
February holiday important January
the town centre. There are
magazine musician November October millions of people in the
Portuguese teenager tomorrow street and the town is one big
party. At twelve o’clock we all
1 2 3 sing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ and we
ttt t t t tt t 3QZ]VI;VW_.M[\Q^ITQV;_MLMV kiss people! Then there are
holiday adventure some fantastic fireworks at
oftheArcticCircle. the castle. January the first
3.40 8 Listen again and check your answers. Then
Peoplebuildsnowsculpturesandhavea and the second are holidays
listen and repeat the words. competitiontoÞndthebestone. in Scotland – so we visit
Familiesdowintersportsandhaveaparty friends and family.
Man In Sydney, it’s really hot at
reindeerraces. New Year so our celebrations
Myfavouritethingaboutthefestivalis are different from those in
theicesculptures. Europe. But some things are
85 the same. In the evening,
we have a barbecue in the
garden with the family. After
dinner, friends usually visit
and we have a great time.
3.40 Exercise 8 Speaking Then at midnight we sing
‘Auld Lang Syne’. Sydney is
Answers Exercise 9 the first big city in the world
• Elicit more questions for students
••• •
• • •• • to ask about New Year celebrations,
to celebrate the New Year.
Did you know that? Anyway,
holiday adventure magazine e.g. What do you do before/after after midnight we watch the
calendar fantastic Portuguese
celebrate important
dinner? Who do you see at New fireworks. The fireworks are
February musician Year? What time do you go to bed on over Sydney bridge but it’s
January November New Year’s Eve? What do you do on impossible to get into the
teenager October the first of January? Do you like New centre of Sydney – so we
tomorrow Year? (Why/Why not?) watch them from our garden.
The fireworks in Sydney are
really great! On January the
first we just relax at the
swimming pool or go to the
• Elicit suggestions of two or three beach.
festivals in the students’ own country.

S udy Corner 8
Language Check 14 The last programme was (funny)
Language Check
in the series.
Exercises 1 and 2 1 Complete the words. They are all TV 15 The Harry Potter books are
programmes. (interesting) than the films.
Answers ­student page 1 I watched an interesting nature
16 That was (bad) film of the year!
17 Science fiction films are (exciting)
d o c u m e n t a r y about tigers.
than comedies.
2 My favourite c a r t o o n is The Simpsons.
Exercise 3 3 Did you see the nine o’clock n e w s ? 4 Complete the sentences about plans. Use the
4 Lady Gaga was on my favourite c h a t words in brackets and going to.
Answers s h o w last night. She’s great!
5 My favourite s o a p is EastEnders. It’s about 18 What (you / do) in the summer?
11 better people in the East of London. 19 They (not / come) to the party.
12 nicer 20 She (study) very hard for the
13 the biggest 2 Complete the sentences with -ed or -ing exams.
adjectives. 21 (we / watch) a DVD tonight?
14 the funniest 6 The special effects were really amazing !
22 I (go) sightseeing in London this
15 more interesting year.
23 (she / stay) at home this summer?
16 the worst 7 The film wasn’t very interesting (interest).
bored (bore). 24 We (not / go) to the beach
8 I was very
17 more exciting 9 I am interested in films and drama.
25 (you / see) Mark later?
10 She was very excited because she won a Grammar / 15
Exercise 4 prize on the game show. (excite)
Vocabulary / 10
5 Complete each gap with one word.
Answers A 26 W o u l d you like to go to the cinema on
18 are you going to do 3 Put the adjectives in the correct form – Friday?
comparative or superlative. B Great. I’d 27 l o v e to!
19 aren’t going to come
11 I think Kirsten Dunst is a (good) C Do you w 28 a n t to go to the disco
20 is going to study actress than Keira Knightley. tomorrow?
21 Are we going to watch 12 The new cinema is in a (nice) D 29 S o r r y , I can’t. But I 30 c a n go on
22 am going to go place than the old cinema. Friday.
13 Johnny Depp is one of (big) stars
23 Is she going to stay in the world.
Key Expressions /5

24 aren’t going to go
25 Are you going to see

Exercise 5 Feedback S udy Help: Revising for exams

3.41 • Listen and check your answers to the Use the following from this book to help you
Answers ­student page Language Check. Write down your scores. revise:
• Look at the table. Check where you made • Grammar Tables • Key Words
mistakes. • Word Builders • Sentence Builders
• Key Expressions • the Picture Dictionary
3.41 Feedback Wrong answers: Look again at:
• Students listen to the • Now do these things:
1–5 Get Ready – Key Words • Find the most difficult text for you –
recording to check their read it again and check the vocabulary.
6–10 Unit 22 – Word Builder
answers. Check spelling • Look at your writing. List your typical
11–17 Unit 22 – Grammar mistakes.
where necessary by asking
18–25 Unit 23 – Grammar • Look at your scores from the Language
individuals to write the Check. What grammar do you have
answers on the board. 26–30 Unit 24 – Key Expressions problems with?
• After checking answers to • Now do the exercises in Language Check 8 of
Exercise 5, students work in the Workbook.
pairs, reading the dialogue
aloud. Correct any serious
pronunciation errors.
• Students look at the table
Study Help:  Revising for • Give students time in class or at
to see which sections in the
home to do the activities based on
Students’ Book they need to exams the most difficult text. They then
look at again. • Read the advice with students. check their writing mistakes and
• Give students time in Encourage students to say what their scores from the Language
class or at home to do other things help them to revise. Check.
Language Check 8 of the • Ask students to look at Module 1 • Go over common grammar
Workbook. again and find examples of the problems and typical mistakes with
different elements, e.g. Grammar the class.
Tables (page 17 Ex 4), Key Words
(page 14 Ex 1), Word Builders (page Module 8 test,
18 Ex 1), Sentence Builders (page Teacher’s Resources MultiROM
17 Ex 11), Key Expressions (page
21 Ex 5) and the Picture Dictionary
(page 14 Ex 1).

Student A and B answer keys

S uden A S uden B
Unit 1, Exercise 10, page 17 Unit 5, Exercise 10, page 27 Unit 1, Exercise 10, page 17 Unit 5, Exercise 10, page 27
Ryan Laura Ask your partner questions 1, 3, 5 and 7 and write the Jake Emily Ask your partner questions 2, 4, 6 and 8 and write the
people’s favourite food. What new word can you find? people’s favourite food. What new word can you find?
paint   paint  
1 Kate – fruit? 1 Kate – fruit?
play the piano   play the piano   A P P L E S
What is Kate’s favourite fruit? 2 Mike – vegetables?
use a computer   2 Mike – vegetables? C A R R O T S use a computer   What are Mike’s favourite vegetables?
take photos   3 Bob – food? take photos   3 Bob – food? P A S T A

play chess   4 Lucy – meat? S T E A K play chess   4 Lucy – meat?

5 James – drink? 5 James – drink? W A T E R

ride a bike   ride a bike  
6 Charles – breakfast? T O A S T 6 Charles – breakfast?
7 Susan – meat? C H I C K E N
7 Susan – meat?
8 Helen – fruit?
Unit 14, Exercise 8, page 55 8 Helen – fruit? K I W I S Unit 14, Exercise 8, page 55
1 Look at the picture for one minute. 1 Look at the picture for one minute.

2 Now ask and answer questions about the 2 Now ask and answer questions about the
picture to test your partner’s memory. picture to test your partner’s memory.

87 88

Questionnaire scores and answers
Fact or Fiction?
Are you safe in cyberspace? Exercise 3, page 36
Unit 2 page 19 fact
1 a 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 a 6 a 7 b
8 a 9 b 10 a Unit 5 page 27 fiction
Unit 7 page 35 fact
Are you an outdoor or indoor person?
Exercise 6, page 43 Unit 8 page 37 fact
Scores: Unit 11 page 45 fiction
a = 0 points b = 1 point
c = 2 points d = 3 points Unit 13 page 53 fact
Answers: Unit 14 page 55 fiction (there are not a
0–6 You live your life at home! Don’t forget to hundred tornadoes a year
enjoy the outdoors sometimes! but there are over thirty
7–12 You have fun indoors and outdoors.
That’s great!
13–18 You are never at home! Remember to relax Unit 16 page 61 fiction (he was in space
with your family sometimes. for 365 days, 39 minutes
and 47 seconds)
Are you helpful? Exercise 3, page 69
You get one point for all ‘yes’ answers! Unit 19 page 71 fact
8–10 you are really helpful! Unit 22 page 79 fact
3–7 you are helpful
0–2 you are not very helpful!

Are you a TV addict? Exercise 4, page 77 Irregular Verbs

1 a = 0 points b = 3 points c = 2 points Present Past Present Past
2 a = 3 points b = 0 points c = 2 points Simple Simple Simple Simple
3 a = 4 points b = 0 points c = 2 points become became learn learnt
Answers begin began make made
0–4 you are not a TV addict build built meet met
5–7 you watch a lot of TV!
8–10 you are a TV addict! buy bought put put
come came say said
do did see saw
drink drank send sent
eat ate sing sang
fall fell speak spoke
find found take took
get got tell told
give gave think thought
go went win won
have had write wrote


Running head

2 Bnb{joh!cvu!usvf
What sentence is not true?

1 Felix, a cat from

London, can play
the piano.

2 Penguins can swim

at 27 kilometres per hour.

5 Two monkeys at Columbia 6 Ostriches can run at 72

3 Cinderella, a dog from kilometres per hour.
4 Koko, a gorilla in University can do simple
Florida, can jump
California, can mathematics.
1.67 metres.
understand 1,000 words.

2 The UK quiz
Look at the map.
Complete the questions with
these words.

who / how many / what / where / how old

1 ............. countries are in the United Kingdom?

a) three b) four c) five d) six

2 ............. is Cardiff?
a) in England c) in Scotland
b) in Northern Ireland d) in Wales

3 ............. is the capital of Scotland?

a) London b) Cardiff c) Edinburgh d) Belfast

4 ............. is the man on the map of England?

a) Winston Churchill c) William Shakespeare
b) Charles Darwin d) Tony Blair

5 .............. is the city of London?

a) 1,000 years old c) 2,000 years old
b) 500 years old d) 200 years old


! AB=@G ?C7H ((32)398
Read the sentences about Ryan, Emily, Jake and Laura. 5
Which three sentences are true?
1 Jake is interested in chess.
2 Ryan is fifteen.
3 Laura can ride a horse. Example
4 Jake is interested in football. 1 b) 438%83)7 (the others are fruit!)

1 a) %440)7 c)831%83)7 4 a) &3387 c) 73'/7

b) 438%83)7 d) &%2%2%7 b) 8%8833 d) 86397)67
5 The FACE programme is for
students and young people. 2 a) 7;-11-2+ c) *338&%00 5 a) &032( c) 6)(
6 Ryan is into swimming and computers. b) &%7/)8&%00 d) 8)22-7 b) &63;2 d) +6))2
7 Emily is interested in fashion.
8 Laura is from Canada. 3 a) 432=8%-0 c) 032+,%-6 6 a) ;%8)6 c) 36%2+).9-')
b) 7,%:)(,)%( d) &63;2)=)7 b) 4->>% d) 1-0/

4 Test your memory!
Have you got a good memory? Find out!
Read the descriptions of the people.
Who are they? Use photos from Module 1
1 Look at Tim’s suitcase. What things i s it? to help you.
has he got? Memorise the objects.
You have got two minutes. Don’t write 6 W h o
down the objects.
2 This person has got
short brown hair.
2 Close your book and write down the
This person has got
objects you can remember. 1 This person has a blue T-shirt.
got black hair. This
3 Look at the table. How good is person has got a
your memory? green and white
? ?
4 This person has got
Objects Memory
long dark curly hair.
You have not got a very good memory.
Your memory is okay.
You’ve got a very good memory!
Your memory is fantastic!
3 This person has got
blond hair. This person
has got a yellow T-shirt
and jeans.
This person has got
a blue and white

90 91
8 ;OUWQÚ 9 Find these adjectives:

boring, dangerous,
difficult, easy, safe,
8 Xip!bn!J@
young, short, nervous,
r d o Find the happy, scared, thin, tall,
old, small
Jack Emma Simon Karen Ali Patricia n a s words
get up e u g D A N G E R O U S
Find one nine-letter word in the square: F R S S Y E A S Y
breakfast I I M A S R P C T
d C N A F H V P A H
Make words from the letters. U G L E O O Y R I
Example dog L A L S R U N E N
favourite subject PE art history science art science 1–3 words: good
4–6 words: very good
7+ words: brilliant!

n in the table. Write the person’

ubbles and informatio s name i
n t he g
eech b aps.
the sp
10 Crossword
2 Complete the crossword and find the ‘mystery word’.
My name is .
I get up at half past seven.
1 I have milk and toast for breakfast. 3 1 I love dancing at a with my
My name is . I play football in the evening. My name is . friends.
I get up at eight o’clock. I get up at eight o’clock. mystery word 2 My sister goes skating at the ice
I have cereal for breakfast. My favourite lesson is art. on Saturdays.
My favourite subject is science. I watch TV in the evening.
I read in the evening. 3 I sometimes play computer games in an
Internet .
2 4 I go to the shopping with my
mum once a week.
5 We watch a new film at the
4 once a month.
My name is . 5
6 We sometimes have a drink in the snack
I get up at seven-thirty and .
have milk and toast for 5 6 6 7 He likes reading history .
breakfast. I watch TV in the My name is . 8 He plays in the school team on
evening. At school my favourite My name is . I get up at eight and I have Saturdays.
subject is science. I get up at half past seven. cereal for breakfast. My favourite 8
9 I play tennis at the centre on
I read books in the evening. subject is PE. In the evening
I play football. 9 Thursdays.
My favourite subject is history.
10 I love at parties.

92 93

s The words in red are in the wrong
sentences Ð put them in the right sentences! 14 Get it right! Look at the picture and read what
11 Notice the reporter is saying.
1 ile phone in the ice rink
Please don’t use your mob
Find five differences.
Don’t give food or drinks to the animals in the
Internet café. I’m standing in front of
the theatre. It’s a lovely day. There are
hundreds of people here. They’re waiting for the
2 The computers are £5 an hour in the museum. 4 stars. Some people are watching from windows in the
Wear a helmet in the cinema.
bank. And here is the first car. People are moving. The police are
stopping them. And here is Julia Palmer, the star of the film.
0LEASEDONOTTAKEPHOTOSINTHEZOO She’s wearing a long black dress ... beautiful. And
she’s carrying some white flowers, I think.
The photographers are taking photos
and now I can see ...

  /\W[OZ X]YSa
Match the questions (1–4) with
the answers (a–d).

1 What is white and green and jumps?

2 What is black and white and goes up and down?
3 Why do mother kangaroos hate rainy days?
4 What is a snake’s favourite school subject?

a) Because the kids play at home!

b) A frog sandwich!
c) Hiss-tory!
d) A penguin in a lift!

Read the information. One thing 15 Jake in York

24 Bnb{joh!! is false – which one?
cvu!usvf" Every Saturday Jake goes to the town centre with He goes by bus. He always has a pizza
2 The Amazon rainforest his friends. He takes £20. for lunch and he always buys a CD for his
1 All polar bears are left-handed! produces about 40% of 3 Dolphins sleep with collection. His friends like the Internet café
the Earth’s oxygen! one eye open! 60p – it’s £2 per hour, but Jake doesn’t use the
bus ticket
£3.20 computers. He buys a can of cola and talks
to his friends. He always gets the 5 o’clock
cola 60p
bus home.
4 The sea at the £8.99
poles changes 5 There are 700 types of tree in North America. But there CD
to ice at 0ºC. are 10,000 different types of tree in tropical rainforests! How much has he got when he
Internet café £2
94 gets home? 95
Running head
Read the end of the story.
18 Order the parts of the story (a–f).

a ‘You ask ME for help?!’ the emperor shouted. ‘Take them to the killer lizards! They are
very hungry.’
Look at the picture on the right and read ‘Emperor, please help us!,’ replied Dr Novak.
16 the story. Find six mistakes in the story. ‘Okay. You’ve got one chance. Answer three questions about Quark. One wrong
answer and you are lunch for the lizards! Question one. “What is this?”’ He pointed
t was 7.45 in the morning on the Challenger. Commander
to his helmet.
I Church was in bed, Engineer Datum was in the kitchen and
Lieutenant Riker and Dr Novak were at the controls. There b ‘Correct. Final question. What are those?’ The emperor pointed at the walls.
was a big explosion in the spaceship’s computer! There was a
‘They are not walls,’ answered Datum. ‘They are TV screens. The emperor can watch
fire and the astronauts were scared. But the planet Quark was
his planet on them.’
near. The journey to Quark was not easy but the astronauts
The emperor smiled. ‘That is right. You are lucky! Help these strange
were safe. The planet was strange but it was okay because
astronauts. Goodbye.’
there was oxygen. The plants were strange – there were big
blue cactuses with red flowers. There were some big black c The astronauts were silent. Then Engineer Datum replied,
snakes on the plants. The sky was yellow and there were
‘It is the famous gold helmet of Quark. It was the first emperor’s when he
black clouds. It was very cold on the planet. Then there was a
discovered Quark. ’
signal on Dr Novak’s radio. There was life on Quark!
‘Correct. Second question.
What is this?’
The emperor pointed
to his pet lizard.
Read the story. Draw the astronauts’
17 route on the map.

The astronauts wanted to find life on the planet. They The next morning, they passed an d That afternoon, the aliens walked with them
started their journey to the west and crossed a desert oasis with fruit trees. Then they to the Challenger and repaired the
with giant cactuses. On the journey there were some arrived at a big river. There were spaceship. Then the Challenger departed
red and yellow zebras. The zebras were friendly and the two boats so the astronauts sailed the planet Quark.
astronauts decided to stay the night there. south. In the river there were some ‘How do you know about the planet
dolphins but they were not friendly. Quark?’ Dr Novak asked Datum.
Three killer dolphins attacked the ‘I studied the history of Quark at
boat but Lieutenant Riker killed my robot school!’ replied Datum.
them. The weather was very bad
and there was a big tornado but e Ten aliens arrived and carried the
the astronauts were okay. Then astronauts to the great hall of the
they arrived at a beautiful bridge. palace. The emperor was there.
They travelled for two days. They ‘Why are you here?’ he asked.
were very tired and scared. But ‘There was an explosion on our
then they walked into a spectacular, spaceship,’ explained Commander
modern palace. It was the palace of Church. ‘Can you help us?’
the Grand Emperor of Quark. This
emperor was famous – he was a f ‘That is a young Quark lizard,’
space pirate and he wasn’t very replied Datum. ‘They eat meat and
friendly to visitors! can fly at 97 kilometres per hour.
96 They are very dangerous.’ 97

'/\W[OZa W\ 2O\US` ! 6]ZWROg
:fdgc\k\k_\hl`qn`k_k_\m\iYj`ek_\GXjkJ`dgc\%8i\k_\j\ek\eZ\jkil\K fi]Xcj\= 6 22 Word search
N_Xk[fpflbefnXYflkXe`dXcj`e[Xe^\i6 ^ZO\a
Find eight more kinds of TV programmes. Look Complete the holiday plans. What are the anagrams?
(  K_i\\jg\Z`\jf]k`^\i Y\Zfd\  +  @ek_\(0,'j#jZ`\ek`jkj kXb\ <lifg\XeY`jfe
]ifdqffjkfc`m\n`c[`ek_\]fi\jkjf]=iXeZ\% Example 1 In July …
)  K_\Le`k\[EXk`fej dXb\ )'('k_\ ,  @ek_\(0/'j#jZ`\ek`jkj k_`eb k_\i\n\i\fecp C H A T S H O W 1 In yjlu ...... I am going to go daobar
@ek\ieXk`feXcP\Xif]9`f[`m\ij`kp% XYflk0-'gXe[Xj`ek_\n`c[%9lk`e)''+k_\pZflek\[(#-''% A D F G E C V W with my mum and dad.
*  K_\nfic[ cfj\ k_i\\d`cc`fe -  @ek_\)'k_Z\eklip#k_\eldY\if]Ycl\n_Xc\j`ek_\nfic[Ëj R S P O R T S C 2 My brother and I are going to stay in a ntet
on the tsoca .
_\ZkXi\jf]]fi\jkj\m\ipp\Xi]ifd)'''kf)'('% fZ\Xej ]Xcc Yp,'% T O C Z I D D T
3 She is going to stay with her anhrerdgfta
O A A F E B L J in his house in the ynotucr .
O P M U S I C L 4 They are going to go on an tdueavenr
N E W S F I L M holiday in the suimannot .
Who was 2) Ruth Gordon (43): ‘I am from the G A M E S H O W 5 I am going to go on a summer apmc
village. This morning it was sunny and I and I’m going to go glcicyn and
went out with my dog, Gelert. I saw two wmsimgni in the river.
men in the distance. They walked up the
20 the killer?
Read the news story and the people’s mountain.’
answers. Who was the killer?
How do you know? 3) Sam Smithers (16): ‘It was foggy
24 River crossing puzzle
yesterday and I got lost. I stayed the 1 Look at the picture and guess the solution to this puzzle.
night on the mountain in my tent. I was
cold and scared. This morning I woke up
because it was hot in my tent. I heard How can the farmer take the wolf, the goat and the cabbage
two men. They had a fight.’ across a river? He can only take one thing in his boat.
He can’t leave the wolf with the goat or the goat with
4) Kylie Johnson (19): ‘I love taking the cabbage.
photos and today it was a lovely day. I
went up the mountain this morning. I
saw a woman with her dog and a boy
This morning, police in North Wales 1) Stanley Banks (61): ‘I stayed the in his tent. Then a man walked past me.
found the body of a man of about fifty night in the campsite in the village. This He looked very nervous. He was about
on the top of a mountain. The police morning I went up the mountain. I didn’t sixty.’
are now interviewing people in the see the man there because it was very
area at the time. foggy.’

Complete the poem with 2 Order these steps and find the solution to the problem!
these words. )NTHELOCALZOO
bear fly hair THERE´SABLACKPOLAR3 a) He comes back and takes the cabbage across the river. He leaves the cabbage
swim thin why ANDAFASTSLOTH there and takes the goat back across the river.
ANDAPANDAWITHCOLOURFUL4  b) He comes back and takes the goat across the river. Now the wolf, the goat and the
Think of another animal for the zoo. cabbage are on the other side of the river!
Example a leopard without spots )NTHELOCALZOO c) He leaves the goat there and takes the wolf across the river. He leaves the wolf and
ANDAVEGETARIANTIGER¯ d) The farmer takes the goat across the river. He leaves the goat there.
98 )DON´TKNOW6  99
Time Ou Answer Key 18
1e) 2a) 3c) 4f) 5b) 6d)
1 became T 2 made T 3 lost F 4 took F 5 thought T
1 1 is not true 6 fell F
2 1 How many b) four 2 Where d) in Wales 3 What c) Edinburgh 20 Killer: Stanley Banks. Reasons: a) It wasn’t foggy – it was sunny.
4 Who c) William Shakespeare 5 How old c) 2,000 years old The others say this. b) He was with a man on the mountain. c) Two
3 3, 5 and 6 are true men had a fight. d) A sixty-year-old man came down the mountain.
5 2 a) swimming (the others use a ball) 3 d) brown eyes (the He looked very nervous.
others describe hair) 4 b) tattoo (the others are clothes) 5 d) green 21 1 thin 2 swim 3 bear 4 hair 5 fly 6 why
(the others are hair colours) 6 b) pizza (the others are drinks)
6 1 Jake 2 Ryan 3 Emily 4 Laura C H A T S H O W
7 1 Karen 2 Ali 3 Emma 4 Patricia 5 Simon 6 Jack
8 DANGEROUS other words: sad, dogs, run, ran, red does, so, do, as, A D F G E C V W
are, go
C N A F H V P A H 23 1 abroad 2 tent, coast 3 grandfather, country
4 adventure, mountains 5 camp, cycling, swimming
24 d, a, c, b
10 1 disco 2 rink 3 café 4 centre 5 cinema 6 bar
7 books 8 football 9 sports 10 dancing
Mystery word SKATEBOARD
11 1 Please don’t use your mobile phone in the cinema.
2 The computers are £5 an hour in the Internet café. 3 Don’t give
food or drinks to the animals in the zoo. 4 Wear a helmet in the
ice rink. 5 Please do not take photos in the museum.
12 1 b) 2 d) 3 a) 4 c)
13 4 is false – the sea freezes at −2°c.
14 It’s a lovely day (It’s night time), There are hundreds of people
(There are about 20 people.), … from windows in the bank (They’re
watching from the hotel.), … a long black dress (It’s a red dress.), …
some white flowers (It’s a white handbag.)
15 £6.01
16 1 There were blue cactuses (black cactuses) 2 with red flowers
(yellow flowers) 3 there were some big black snakes (blue snakes)
4 the sky was yellow (red) 5 there were black clouds (yellow)

Picture Dictionary
Pic ure Dic ionary Appearance

Family grandmother/grandma grandfather/grandad

old young

uncle father/dad mother/mum aunt uncle

grandson granddaughter short tall

son (child) daughter
fat thin
nephew niece dark, medium-length hair, fair hair, ponytail, red, straight,
dark, shaved head, long hair
blue eyes green eyes
(children) blond, short hair,
brown eyes
brother sister cousin



dress head hand

coat eye
boots finger

elbow nose

jeans shorts arm

trainers back
leg knee
skirt toe
100 socks 101
foot (feet)
Picture Dictionary

chimney Food and Drink


carrot cereal chicken chips


Bedroom Bathroom

curtains nuts
CD player shower eggs fish kiwi milk
bookshelf mirror
door tea
upstairs magazine
wardrobe toilet potato steak
desk orange juice pasta
washbasin toast

bread cheese hot dog
carpet CDs hamburger

Kitchen Living Room
microwave ice cream
lemon melon
orange pizza
armchair window
rice tomato red kidney beans salad

downstairs washing television
machine chair packet of
bottle of
packet of packet of packet of
can of cola carton of crisps biscuits sweets
orange juice

The Weather

cloudy cold
foggy hot icy

102 103
spring summer autumn winter rainy/wet snowy sunny windy

Picture Dictionary

Interests and abilities

cook dance

football gymnastics
cycling / ride a bike

play chess
paint play a musical instrument

horse riding ice skating


play computer games use a computer write stories

judo running

speak Chinese take photos/photography


104 105
fashion films pottery reading tennis walking
Picture Dictionary


brush your teeth do the dishes do some exercise do your homework

builder dentist
cook doctor

do the housework
empty the rubbish bins get up go shopping

electrician farmer fire fighter footballer football manager

go to bed
have breakfast/lunch/dinner have a shower make your bed

journalist mechanic model nurse

play cards tidy your room wash your clothes watch TV


racing driver secretary

police officer scientist singer

excited happy hungry nervous relaxed


tennis scared unhappy

player sick tired worried
106 vet 107
teacher waiter/waitress window cleaner

Picture Dictionary
Directions Transport

amusement park bank bowling alley car park go out of (a station, a shop)
bicycle (bike)

church cinema coffee bar/snack bar hospital

turn right turn left

Internet café library

hotel ice rink
go down (a street) cross (a bridge, a street)

canoe car

park police station post office


go past (a place) on the corner

railway station river shopping centre

on the left on the right

plane ship
Compass Points rocket
swimming pool theatre
skatepark sports centre
north west north east

west east

sledge train

south west south east

108 tourist information under-16s’ club water park zoo 109
bear bird buffalo butterfly camel

cheetah cow crocodile dog

duck elephant
fish fox

frog goat
giraffe hippo
gorilla hen (hippopotamus)

iguana lizard
komodo lion

monkey ostrich
parrot penguin pig

polar bear seal

rabbit shark sheep

tortoise whale
sloth tiger
110 wolf

change f to ves: wives, bookshelves
Answer Key Workbook 1 irregular: women, men, people, children
Exercise 3 2 can play chess 3 can use
a computer 4 can sing 5 can’t ride a bike
Get Ready A Exercise 4 2 in front of 3 on 6 can’t take photos
Exercise 1 2 Portugal 3 the United 4 behind 5 in 6 next to 7 between Exercise 4 1 b 2 c 3 a
Kingdom 4 Argentina 5 Greece 6 Russia Exercise 5 2 bookshelf 3 board Exercise 5
7 the United States 8 Turkey 9 Canada 4 ruler 5 bin
Andy Josh Emma
Exercise 2 Get Ready D
-ese: –, Portuguese write stories 
Exercise 1 b geography c English
-ish: Turkish, British act  
d Physical Education e maths f science
-an / -ian: Argentinian, Russian, American, play the guitar 
g history h music i Chinese
j information technology sing  
other: Greece
Exercise 3 2 Spain 3 Australian Exercise 2 Answers will vary. draw 
4 China 5 Italian 6 Poland Exercise 3 2 ten to four, 3.50 3 quarter paint 
Exercise 4 2 isn’t 3 am 4 Is to two, 1.45 4 twenty-five past seven, 7.25
take photos 
5 aren’t 6 are 7 are 8 I am 5 two o’clock, 2.00 6 quarter past eight,
8.15 7 half past eleven 11.30 play chess 
Exercise 5 2 ’m 3 ’s 4 ’m 5 Are 8 twenty to nine, 8.40 play a musical  
6 ’m not 7 ’m 8 are 9 aren’t 10 is
Exercise 4 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday instrument
11 is 12 are 13 ’m
4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday
Exercise 6 2 c 3 e 4 a 5 d 7 Sunday
Exercise 6 2 can 3 can’t 4 Can
Exercise 7 Answers will vary. 5 can 6 can 7 can 8 can’t 9 can
Exercise 5 Answers will vary. 10 can 11 can
Exercise 8 Exercise 6 Answers will vary.
Dialogue should be in the following order: Exercise 7 3 Andy can’t play the piano
1 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 6 – 3 Exercise 7 2 Listen to 3 Don’t write but he can play the guitar. 4 I can’t cook
4 Don’t speak 5 Open 6 Don’t sit down and I can’t use a computer. 5 You can sing
Get Ready B Exercise 8 Speak, Read, Don’t speak, and you can act. 6 We can speak Spanish
Exercise 1 b 11 c 24 d 79 e 52 Listen to, Write but we can’t speak Italian.
f 99 g 1 h 46 i 13 j 30 k 87 l 5 Exercise 9 2 them 3 me 4 her Exercise 8 Answers will vary.
Exercise 2 40 forty 19 nineteen 5 him 6 us 7 it
90 ninety 70 seventy 15 fifteen 2 Vocabulary and Grammar
Exercise 10 2 it 3 her 4 me 5 her Exercise 1
60 sixty 18 eighteen
Exercise 3 2 grandmother 3 sixty-one Get Ready E Words should be grouped as follows:
4 grandfather 5 father 6 thirty-eight Exercise 1 2 wardrobe 3 carpet use: a computer, a mobile phone, social
7 brother 8 twelve 9 uncle 4 computer 5 CDs 6 magazine networking sites, the Internet
10 cousin 11 twelve 7 CD player 8 lamp write: a blog, emails, stories
Exercise 2 Answers will vary. take: photos
Exercise 4 2 Claire 3 Tim 4 Angela
speak: English, Spanish
Exercise 5 Answers will vary. Exercise 3 2 white 3 pink 4 red ride: a bike, a horse, a motorbike
Exercise 6 second, seventh, tenth, 5 orange 6 blue
play: computer games, football, the piano,
fifteenth, twentieth, twenty-ninth, thirty-first Exercise 4 Answers will vary. tennis, the guitar
Exercise 7 Exercise 5 2 These 3 That 4 Those Exercise 2 2 paint 3 sing
Across Down Exercise 6 2 computer 3 these 4 CDs 4 play the piano 5 play the guitar
6 July 1 October 5 this 6 book 7 those 8 posters 6 ride a bike 7 play tennis 8 cook
9 September 2 May Get Ready F 9 use a computer
10 January 4 March Exercise 1 1 small 2 old, young Exercise 3 2 Where 3 old 4 What
11 November 5 August 3 fat, thin 4 tall, short 5 dark, blond 5 Who 6 many
7 February Exercise 4 2 b 3 e 4 c 5 f 6 a
8 April
Exercise 2
This is a photo of my sister brother. He’s Exercise 5 2 How many 3 What
10 June 4 Who 5 Where 6 What 7 Who
short tall and fat thin, and he’s blond dark.
Exercise 8 2 its 3 Their 4 Our He’s in the kitchen park. He’s the captain of 8 How many
5 His 6 your 7 Her the school basketball football team. Answers will vary.
Exercise 9 2 her 3 His 4 Our Exercise 3 Answers will vary. Exercise 6 Answers will vary.
5 Their 6 Her
Exercise 4 2 an 3 the 4 the 5 a Exercise 7 computer
Exercise 10 3 is 4 possessive ’s 6 an 7 a 8 the 9 an
5 is 6 possessive ’s 3 Skills
Exercise 5 2 the 3 an 4 a Exercise 1
Exercise 11 3 S 4 P 5 P 6 S 5 The 6 the 7 the 8 a 9 the Words that should be circled:
Exercise 12 Answers will vary. Exercise 6 2 This is a new computer BORING
Get Ready C from Japan. 3 Miss Brown is an old teacher BRILLIANT
Exercise 1 2 cupboard 3 plant at my school. 4 She is an Australian COOL
4 bookshelf 5 books 6 DVD player student from Sydney. 5 He is a great GREAT
7 desk 8 ruler 9 dictionary basketball player from New York. NICE
10 chair 11 bin 12 pen NOT BAD
Exercise 2
Module 1 The Challenge OKAY
Get Ready PRETTY
Exercise 1 2 cycling 3 computers SILLY
10 C H A I R
4 music 5 pottery 6 fashion 7 reading Exercise 2 1 c 2 c 3 a 4 a 5 a
2C U P B O A R D
8 films Exercise 3 Answers will vary.
3P L A N T Exercise 2 1 fifteen 2 Italy 3 fashion Exercise 4 2 g 3 h 4 a 5 c 6 d
11 B I N 4 Makoto 5 Japan 6 films 7 Clarke Exercise 5 2  3  4  5  6 
5B O O K S 8 fourteen 9 singing 10 swimming
Exercise 6
12 P E N Exercise 3 1 d 2 a, b 3 e First name: John Ellis
1B O A R D Exercises 4 & 5 Answers will vary. Surname: Ellis
8R U L E R 1 Vocabulary and Grammar Age: thirteen
Exercise 1 2 cook 3 draw 4 paint Nationality: Australian
6D V D P L A Y E R
5 play a musical instrument 6 play chess City/Town: Melbourne
7 ride a bike 8 sing 9 speak Chinese School: Lake City High School
Exercise 3 Teacher: Mr Williams
add s: walls, windows, pens 10 take photos 11 use a computer
12 write stories Skills: use a computer,
add es: classes, watches, boxes ride a bicycle
102 change y to ies: dictionaries Exercise 2 Answers will vary. Interests: films, fashion
Exercise 7 Exercise 8 2 You are short and slim. Exercise 4 2 fire fighter 3 model
First name: Sam 3 My cousin is tall and pretty. 4 My mother 4 waiter
Surname: Harper has got dark hair and brown eyes. 5 We Exercise 5 Answers will vary.
Age: 14 have got blue eyes and blond hair.
Nationality: Canadian 7 Vocabulary and Grammar
5 Vocabulary and Grammar Exercise 1 b brush your teeth c make
City/Town: Toronto
School: Fairfield High School Exercise 1 your bed d go to bed e have a shower
Teacher: Mr Andrews 1: 2 salad 3 apple 4 orange 5 water f do your homework g watch TV
Skills: ride a horse, play chess, 2: 1 pasta 2 cheese 3 biscuits h have lunch, have dinner i play cards
use a computer 4 crisps 5 cola j do some exercise
Interests: music, films, photography Exercise 2 2 chicken 3 fish Exercise 2 Answers will vary.
4 biscuits 5 cola Exercise 3 2 clean 3 do 4 do
Language Check 1
Exercise 3 Answers will vary. 5 empty 6 wash 7 go 8 tidy
Exercise 1 1 photography 2 tennis
3 music 4 chess 5 cycling 6 films Exercise 4 Exercise 4 2 tidies 3 does 4 go
7 horse riding 8 fashion 9 computers Countable: crisps, nuts, orange 5 watch 6 goes 7 washes 8 get up
Uncountable: cheese, milk, pasta Exercise 5 2 doesn’t 3 don’t
Exercise 2
Cross out the following words: Exercise 5 2 Circle: vegetables, 4 don’t 5 study
1 computers 2 the Internet 3 China Underline: fruit 3 Circle: glass, Underline: Exercise 6 2 doesn’t go 3 doesn’t work
4 computer games 5 pretty 6 not bad milk 4 Circle: sweets, Underline: money 4 doesn’t have 5 does 6 doesn’t sing
5 Circle: pizza, Underline: cheese 7 doesn’t dance 8 learns
Exercise 3 1 can 2 can’t 3 Can 6 Circle: salad, Underline: fish
4 Can 5 can’t 6 can’t 7 can’t 8 can William is an: actor
7 Circle: guitar, Underline: music Exercise 7 2 get up 3 have a shower
Exercise 4 1 How 2 How many 8 Circle: exercises, Underline: homework
3 What 4 Who 5 Where 6 What 4 makes breakfast 5 does the dishes
Exercise 6 2 meals 3 some, any 6 don’t do homework 7 go shopping
7 How many
4 any 5 some 6 some 7 any 8 any
Exercise 5 1 are 2 in 3 about Exercise 8 Answers will vary.
Exercise 7 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 a 6 b
4 cool 5 Are Exercise 9 Answers will vary.
Exercise 8 2 an 3 any 4 some
Module 2 Exercise 5 Some 6 a 7 any 8 a 9 some 8 Vocabulary and Grammar
Exercise 9 Answers will vary. Exercise 1 2 chat 3 download 4 save
Get Ready 5 delete 6 use
Exercise 1 1 walk 2 basketball 6 Skills Exercise 2 2 d 3 i 4 a, j 5 c, g
3 athletics 4 cycle 6 football Exercise 1 Cross out the following: 6 h 7 f 8 b
7 dance 8 run 9 judo 10 swim 2 It’s easy 3 It’s difficult 4 She’s funny
5 I’m really hot.
Exercise 3
11 tennis 12 gymnastics
Answers will vary. It is suggested that ‘wear
The mystery sport is skateboarding Exercise 2 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 c 6 c a helmet’ come first and ‘smoke cigarettes’
Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Answers will vary. come last.
do: athletics, judo, gymnastics Exercise 4 2 d 3 g 4 h 5 a 6 i Exercise 4 2 every day 3 every
play: basketball, football, tennis 7 j 8 f 9 c 10 b weekend 4 every year 5 every week
– : cycle, dance, run, swim, walk Exercise 5 2 b 3 a 4 e 5 c Exercise 5 Answers will vary.
Exercise 3 2 swimming 3 basketball Exercise 6 Suggested answer:
4 running 5 cycling 6 skateboarding Exercise 6 2 Does David wear a helmet?
Hi! My judo and dance classes are great. No, he doesn’t. 3 Do Tim and Joe smoke
Exercise 4 Picture b is Kelly I’ve got classes today at 5 o’clock. cigarettes? No, they don’t. 4 Does Sue go
Exercise 5 Answers will vary. How are things? Are your classes OK? skateboarding? Yes, she does. 5 Does Sue
Text me back. wear safety clothes? Yes, she does. 6 Do
4 Vocabulary and Grammar
Claire Alison and Linda play football? Yes, they do.
Exercise 1 Exercise 7 2 happy 3 is 4 has 7 Do Alison and Linda play in a safe place?
Richard’s bag: cap, jeans, shirt, shorts, socks,
5 five No, they don’t.
T-shirt, tracksuit, trainers
Rachel’s bag: boots, jacket, trousers, skirt, Exercise 8 Answers will vary. Exercise 7 Tim, Joe and Sue are safe.
shoes, dress Reading Corner 1 Exercise 8 2 How many hours do you
Exercise 2 Exercise 1 1 b 2 c 3 a use the Internet every day? 3 Where does
Hair colour: blond, dark, fair, red your mum work? 4 What time do your
Exercise 2 1 b 2 a 3 d 4 c
hairstyle: curly, long, ponytail, shaved head, parents go to bed? 5 When do you watch
Exercise 3 DVDs? 6 What do you download off the
short, straight The real Jeremy King is: Jeremy 3
eye colour: blue, brown, green Internet?
other: earring, tattoo Exercise 4 Answers will vary. Exercise 9 1 Do you wear a helmet on
Exercise 3 2 sports star 3 hairstyle Language Check 2 your bike? 2 How many streets do you
4 earring 5 tennis player 6 tracksuit Exercise 1 1 play 2 do 3 play cross every day? 3 How do you contact
7 fashion magazine 8 computer game 4 Do 5 play 6 swim 7 apples 8 milk your friends, by mobile or email? 4 Do
9 ponytail 9 orange 10 vegetables you give people your home address on the
Internet? 5 Where do you play sport, in
Exercise 4 2 She hasn’t got blond hair. Exercise 2 1 thin 2 hair 3 ponytail
the street or in the park? 6 What time
She’s got a long, dark ponytail. 3 He hasn’t 4 trousers 5 shoes/earrings
do you see your friends in the evening?
got long hair. He’s got short, dark hair. Exercise 3 1 haven’t got 2 have, got Answers will vary.
4 He hasn’t got a shaved head. He’s got long, 3 has got 4 hasn’t got 5 have got
curly hair. 5 They haven’t got blond hair. 6 Have, got 7 have, got 8 haven’t got 9 Skills
They’ve got long, dark hair. Exercise 4 1 any 2 some 3 any Exercise 1 2 relaxed 3 scared
Exercise 5 1 b 2 e 3 a 4 c 5 d 4 any 5 water 6 some 7 any 4 excited 5 unhappy 6 nervous
Exercise 6 2 ’s 3 ’s 4 isn’t 5 ’s Exercise 5 1 too 2 is 3 difficult Exercise 2 Answers will vary.
6 hasn’t 7 isn’t 8 ’s 9 ’s 10 ’s 4 tired 5 fantastic Exercise 3 2 I like Italian food.
11 ’re 3 I don’t mind heights. 4 I don’t like
He is: Lionel Messi Module 3 Risk football 5 I hate swimming
Exercise 7 1 Have you got blond hair? Get Ready Exercise 4 1 c 2 a 3 c 4 b
No, I haven’t./Yes, I have. 2 Has your Exercise 5 Answers will vary.
Exercise 1 2 builder 3 model
teacher got dark hair? No, she hasn’t./Yes,
4 doctor 5 pilot 6 waiter 7 scientist Exercise 6 1 two 2 sports magazines
she has. 3 Has your mother got a ponytail?
8 teacher 9 electrician 10 nurse 11 vet 3 Yes. Three. 4 every weekend
No, she hasn’t./Yes, she has. 4 Have you
got a tattoo? No, I haven’t/Yes, I have. Exercise 2 2d police officer 3a racing Exercise 7
5 What colour eyes have your parents got? driver 4b window cleaner Three Two people in our group like cook
Answers will vary. 6 What hairstyle have Exercise 3 interesting – boring, cooking. Four people not don’t like it and
you got? Answers will vary. dangerous – safe, easy – difficult two people hate. hate it
Exercise 8 Exercise 5 Answers will vary. Exercise 2
Seven people love watching films. Five people Exercise 6 Answers will vary. Cross out the following words:
like it and one person doesn’t mind it. 2 snowy 3 wet 4 sunny 5 windy
Six people like taking photos and three 12 Skills 6 hot
people don’t like it. Exercise 1 2 police station 3 car park
Exercise 3
Ten people love playing computer games. 4 hospital 5 post office 6 church
Manchester: snow symbol
Five people like it and one person hates it. 7 railway station 8 hotel 9 tourist
London: foggy symbol
Watching films and playing computer games information 10 river 11 theatre
Midlands/Birmingham: rainy symbol
are popular in our group. Exercise 2 2 Go out of, turn right, on the Scotland: -5 symbol
right 3 on the corner of 4 Go past, cross, Wales: sunny symbol
Language Check 3
turn left 5 Go down, on the left
Exercise 1 Exercise 4 Answers will vary.
Exercise 3 2 d 3 b 4 f 5 a
Jobs: electrician, fire fighter, nurse, vet, 13 Vocabulary and Grammar
waiter Exercise 4 A Tourist office B Car
park C Railway station Exercise 1 1 winter 2 spring
Feelings: bored, excited, relaxed, scared, 3 autumn 4 rainbow 5 sky 6 mountain
unhappy Exercise 5 2 the under-16s club
3 needs 4 walk 5 one 6 can Exercise 2 2 rain 3 sunny 4 snow
Exercise 2 1 brush 2 do 3 watch 5 foggy 6 windy
4 go 5 have Exercise 6
Correct order is: b – d – a – c Exercise 3 4 doing 5 carrying
Exercise 3 1 gets up 2 make 3 tidies 6 writing 7 running 8 making
4 doesn’t do 5 do 6 does 7 watches a –, Then cross Palace Square. b First,
go out of the shopping centre and cross Exercise 4 2 is making 3 are swimming
Exercise 4 1 do 2 do 3 don’t 4 are riding 5 is having 6 are listening
the High Street. c The Palace Theatre is
4 How 5 What 6 do 7 Does 8 doesn’t 7 am dancing
opposite St Mark’s church. You can’t miss it.
Exercise 5 1 like 2 don’t mind d Go down the High Street and then turn left Exercise 5 2 ’m not feeling 3 ’m not
3 don’t like 4 hate 5 love into King Street. enjoying 4 isn’t raining 5 ’m not doing
Exercise 7 Answers will vary. 6 isn’t working 7 ’s visiting 8 ’s making
Module 4 Out and About 9 are playing 10 are having
Get Ready Reading Corner 2
Exercise 6 2 aren’t running for the bus,
Exercise 1 2 bowling alley 3 ice rink Exercise 2 ’re standing under a tree 3 isn’t carrying
4 Internet café 5 skatepark 6 water park Insert in the following order: an umbrella, ’s putting on his jacket 4 isn’t
7 shopping centre 8 amusement park 1 Who has got a very long nose. walking across the park, ’s running for the
Exercise 2 2 Go to the cinema. 3 Go to 2 When she walks down the street, bus 5 isn’t waiting at the bus stop,
the swimming pool. 4 Go to the zoo. 3 And she often has very cold toes. ’s getting into a taxi 6 aren’t going home,
5 Go the sports centre. 6 Go to the Exercise 4 ’re working in the garden/park
museum. Line 1: is, Brett Exercise 7 Answers will vary.
Exercise 3 2 d 3 e Line 2: a, is
Exercise 8 2 Why is it cold in here?
Line 3: got, teeth
Exercise 4 Answers will vary. 3 Why don’t you want to go out? 4 Why is
Line 4: ever
the dog under the bed? 5 Why do you want
10 Vocabulary and Grammar Line 5: vet
to go to the shopping centre? 6 Why do
Exercise 1 2 go to the shopping centre Exercise 6 you need to use the computer?
3 go to the cinema 4 play basketball Line 1: young
5 surf the Internet 6 ride my bike Line 2: think, crazy 14 Vocabulary and Grammar
7 spend time with my family 8 hang out Line 3: spends, in Exercise 1 2 Why are they looking at the
at the local park Line 4: bread sky? 3 Who are you waiting for? 4 Where
Exercise 2 Answers will vary. Line 5: says, not is your friend going now? 5 What is Dad
making for dinner? 6 Why is she wearing a
Exercise 3 often usually sometimes Exercise 8
hat in the house?
hardly ever never Who likes doing things that you just hate.
He does homework and tests, Exercise 2 2 Is you sister studying
Exercise 4 2 I always listen to CDs after English? 3 Are your friends staying in
school. 3 My parents sometimes go to the So that you have a rest,
And go out and about with your classmates. York? 4 Is Dad waiting for us at home?
sports centre at weekends. 4 You never
5 Are you using your computer now?
play tennis with me. 5 My sister usually Exercise 10 6 Is it snowing in the mountains?
reads in the evening. 6 I often go to the Line 1:
There is a young lady from Rome,
skate park at weekends. Line 2:
Who is hardly ever at home. Exercise 3 2a Where are you going?
Line 3:
She skateboards in the park, 3d Are they playing tennis? 4c Are you
Exercise 5 1 Tim 2 Martin 3 Rachel enjoying the film? 5f Is he doing his
Exercise 6 2 sometimes watches Line 4:
And goes swimming in the dark,
Line 5:
And she never remembers her comb. homework? 6e Why are you running?
3 sometimes surfs 4 never reads
Exercise 12 a 3 b 1 c 5 d 2 e 4 Exercise 4 2 are your friends doing
5 usually listens 6 hardly ever plays
3 is she wearing 4 are you going
7 sometimes goes 8 never watches Language Check 4 5 are they watching 6 is she crying
9 usually reads 10 sometimes writes Exercise 1 1 Internet cafe
11 hardly ever goes Exercise 5 2 d 3 c 4 g 5 a
2 amusement park 3 sports centre Exercise 6 2 What are you wearing?
Exercise 7 Answers will vary. 4 railway station 5 post office 3 Are you and your friends sitting in your
Exercise 8 2 We hardly ever go to the 6 shopping centre 7 under-16s club classroom? 4 Where are you sitting?
cinema. 3 John always goes to bed late. 8 museum 9 bank 10 snack bar 5 Is your best friend studying with you?
4 Dad is never at home on Saturdays. Exercise 2 1 at 2 out 3 down 6 What are you writing with? 7 Is the sun
5 My friend is usually happy. 6 I often go 4 to 5 in shining? 8 What are your parents doing?
to the bowling alley at weekends. Exercise 3 1 You often arrive late. Answers will vary.
11 Vocabulary and Grammar 2 He is usually happy. 3 We never go to Exercise 7 My family and I are at the
Exercise 1 2 Find out 3 Get in the cinema. 4 My parents sometimes use beach. 1 My family and I We are enjoying
4 Look at 5 Talk to, Listen to 6 Sit down the Internet. 5 I am always at home in the the good weather. 2 The weather It is hot
Exercise 2 2 are 3 some 4 is mornings. and sunny. My sister is sitting near the water.
5 aren’t 6 are 7 any 8 are 9 isn’t Exercise 4 1 any 2 are 3 ’s 4 some 3 My sister She is reading a magazine. Mum
Match: 1 c 2 a 3 b 5 aren’t 6 ’s 7 isn’t 8 are 9 any and Dad are sitting under an umbrella with
Exercise 3 2 is 3 there 4 any 10 isn’t my little brother. 4 Mum and Dad They are
5 aren’t 6 are 7 some 8 any 9 is Exercise 5 1 down 2 turn 3 on playing with 5 my brother him. Our dog has
10 isn’t 11 is 4 past 5 miss got a ball. He is running after 6 the ball it.
Exercise 4 1 Are there any good music 15 Skills
shops? Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.
Module 5 The Weather
Exercise 1
2 Is there a cinema? Yes, there is./No, there Get Ready a bottle of: water, sun cream, lemonade
isn’t. 3 Are there any skateparks? Yes, there Exercise 1 2 windy 3 hot a packet of: sweets, peanuts, biscuits,
are./No, there aren’t. 4 Is there an ice rink? 4 sunny 5 warm 6 cold 7 cloudy batteries, crisps
104 Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. 8 foggy 9 snowy 10 icy a carton of: orange juice
Exercise 2 2 89p 3 £1.35 4 £7.99 Exercise 5 2 was 3 were 4 was Exercise 2 1 weren’t 2 was 3 wasn’t
6 five pounds seventy-five 7 forty-nine 5 were 6 were 4 Was 5 was 6 was 7 were 8 were
pounds sixty-three 8 a hundred and Exercise 6 2 weren’t 3 wasn’t Exercise 3 1 travelled 2 walked
nineteen pounds ninety-nine 4 wasn’t 5 weren’t 6 wasn’t 3 climbed 4 crossed 5 carried
Exercise 3 Exercise 7 2 Where were, a 3 Who 6 cooked 7 played
7 How many would you like? was, g 4 What, was, e 5 When was, c Exercise 4 1 Let’s 2 can’t 3 don’t
10 Thank you very much. 6 How many, were, f 7 Who were, b 4 now 5 That’s
5 Yes, here you are. That’s five pounds sixty, Exercise 8 2 I was/wasn’t at school
please. yesterday. 3 It was/wasn’t cold yesterday. Module 7 Helping
2 Yes, I’d like these biscuits, please. 4 My friends were/weren’t at my house last Get Ready
11 Thank you. Bye. night. 5 I was/wasn’t worried about my last
8 Two, please. And how much are the big
Exercise 1 2 animals 3 environment
exams. 6 My friends and I were/weren’t in 4 Recycle 5 tins/bottles 6 bottles/tins
packets of crisps? town last weekend. 7 Turn off 8 taps 9 save 10 water
3 Certainly. Exercise 9 2 Were you late for school
6 And have you got any cans of cola? Exercise 2 2 d 3 a 4 f 5 b 6 c
yesterday? Yes, I was./No I wasn’t. 3 Were
9 They’re one pound fifty. Exercise 3
you and your family on holiday last July?
4 Can I have two packets? Answers should include:
Yes, we were./No, we weren’t. 4 Was your
1 Hello. Can I help you? 2 empty the bins 3 clean the car
mum at work last weekend? Yes, she was./
Exercise 4 2 phone card, £7.20 4 do the washing-up 5 save electricity
No, she wasn’t. 5 Was there an English
3 peanuts, £1.25 4 three, orange juice, £11.90 6 recycle paper
test last week? Yes, there was./No, there
Exercise 5 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 c wasn’t. 6 Were you in bed at 8 a.m. this 19 Vocabulary and Grammar
Exercise 6 2 don’t aren’t 3 are aren’t morning? Yes, I was./No, I wasn’t. Exercise 1 2 g 3 h 4 f 5 d 6 a
4 snows snow 5 fogy foggy 6 wears 17 Vocabulary and Grammar 7 f 8 c 9 b
wearing Exercise 2 2 It’s a small mobile phone
Exercise 1 2 cross 3 go on 4 carry
Exercise 7 Answers will vary. 5 say with a camera. 3 It’s a comfortable hotel
Language Check 5 with a swimming pool. 4 It’s a new
Exercise 2 2 We enjoyed our holiday
shopping centre with a café. 5 She’s a
Exercise 1 1 summer 2 autumn in Argentina. 3 They loved travelling by
tall girl with dark hair. 6 He’s a young
3 winter 4 bottle 5 packet 6 carton plane. 4 It rained a lot in the autumn.
footballer with great skills.
Exercise 2 1 icy 2 hot 3 sun 5 The ferry crossed the sea three times a day.
4 cloudy 5 foggy 6 wind 7 warm 6 You started the journey in New York. Exercise 3
Regular verbs: ask, help, increase, kill,
8 rain 9 snowy Exercise 3 2 travelled 3 carried save, work
Exercise 3 1 writing 2 going 3 is 4 liked 5 crossed 6 wanted 7 arrived
Irregular verbs/Irregular Past Simple:
4 Are 5 not 6 Are 7 Is Exercise 4 2 travelled 3 arrived buy/bought, give/gave, go/went, have/had,
Exercise 4 1 is 2 doing 4 started 5 walked 6 watched see/saw, take/took
3 ’re shopping 4 ’m listening 5 are 7 returned 8 wanted 9 crossed
Exercise 4 3 cames came 4 wroted
6 doing 7 aren’t enjoying 8 ’s raining 10 stayed 11 loved
wrote 5  6  7 putted put
Exercise 5 1 Can I help you? 2 I’d like Exercise 5 2 wanted 3 travelled Exercise 5 2 thought, found 3 began
these sweets, please. 3 Have you got any 4 described 5 crossed 6 climbed
4 met 5 said, fell
stamps for the United States? 4 How many 7 landed 8 was 9 lived 10 arrived
would you like? 5 That’s five pounds sixty-
Exercise 6 2 became interested
Exercise 6 2 was 3 rented 3 went to the zoo 4 read a lot of books
five, please. 4 sunbathed 5 tried 6 explored
5 came to Alaska 6 spent two months
7 walked 8 enjoyed
Module 6 Expeditions 7 did some research 8 began to work
Exercise 7 Answers will vary. 9 caught young bears
Get Ready 18 Skills Exercise 7 Answers will vary.
Exercise 1 Exercise 1 2 e 3 d 4 a 5 c 20 Vocabulary and Grammar
1s Exercise 2 2 don’t we check the map Exercise 1 2 Graffiti 3 Litter
3 can phone for help 4 change the batteries 4 Bullying 5 Vandalism
l 5 don’t you put on some sun cream
Exercise 2 c
i k e Exercise 3 2 f 3 d 4 e 5 a Exercise 3 2 didn’t want, e 3 didn’t
d Exercise 4 2 Tom 3 Lucy 4 Mike meet, f 4 didn’t drive, a 5 didn’t ride, d
3p 4b 5s 6t
5 Mike 6 didn’t start, b
u g
Exercise 5 2 I visited my grandparents Exercise 4 2 didn’t work in town. They
l a 7h o r s e yesterday. 3 We watched a good film last worked in City Park. 3 didn’t collect litter.
8c night. 4 I enjoyed my holiday in Italy last They cleaned graffiti off walls. 4 didn’t
a m e l i a
year. 5 We studied for an English test last collect money. She planted flowers.
n l p i week. 6 I stayed in bed late this morning 5 didn’t plant flowers. He collected money
e o n Exercise 6 Answers will vary. for charity. 6 didn’t build bird boxes. They
Exercise 7 Answers will vary. collected litter. 7 didn’t clean graffiti off
Reading Corner 3 walls. She built bird boxes.
9c a n o e
Exercise 1 b Exercise 5 2 did, do 3 did, do 4 did
a 5 did, help 6 Did, work 7 didn’t
Exercise 3 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T 6 F
8 did, do 9 did, collect 10 Did, help
10 f e r r y Exercise 4 2 b 3 f 4 a 5 d 6 c 11 didn’t
Exercise 5 Exercise 6 3 Did your team win their last
Exercise 2 In the order they appear in the text:
on land: bike, bus, camel, car, horse, train match? 4 Where did your family go last
1 hot, clouds, cold, rain summer? 5 Did your best friend text you
in the air: balloon, plane 2 black rhinos, snakes, scorpions, camels
on water: canoe, ferry, ship last night? 6 What subjects did your class
Exercise 6 1 rare 2 ropes 3 tracked study yesterday? 7 Did your teacher give
Exercise 3 2 d 3 a 4 equipment 5 dunes you a lot of homework last week?
Exercise 4 Answers will vary. Exercise 7 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 b 6 a Answers will vary.
16 Vocabulary and Grammar Exercise 8 Answers will vary. Exercise 7 Answers will vary.
Exercise 1 2 crew 3 oxygen Language Check 6 21 Skills
4 astronaut 5 equipment 6 Earth Exercise 1 1 camel 2 ferry 3 balloon Exercise 1 2 tortoise 3 cow 4 goat
Exercise 2 2 c 3 g 4 f 5 b 6 h 4 train 5 sledge 6 space station 5 horse 6 pig 7 sheep 8 duck 9 fox
7 a 8 i 9 e 7 astronaut 8 crew 9 experiment 10 dog 11 cat 12 rabbit 13 hen
Exercise 3 2 worried 3 tired 10 Earth 11 raise money 12 say goodbye Exercise 2 2 e, i 3 a, vi 4 b, iii
4 excited 5 interested 13 tired 14 excited 15 worried 5 c, v 6 d, ii
Exercise 4 Answers will vary.
Exercise 3 2 biscuits 3 can’t 23 Vocabulary and Grammar Exercise 5 1 five 2 angry 3 have
4 school 5 wants 6 can’t Exercise 1 2 worry about 3 help 4 are
Exercise 4 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T 6 T 4 make 5 be Exercise 6 1 Sally 2 Sally 3 Stephen
Exercise 5 2 After 3 After 4 Then Exercise 2 2 August 3 beach 4 home and Catherine 4 people in the town
Exercise 6 Answers will vary. 5 family 6 month 7 driving 8 small Exercise 8 1 d 2 b 3 a 4 f 5 g
Exercise 7 village 9 build 10 English 6 c 7 e
Thanks for you your message. You asked Exercise 3 2 They aren’t going to go Language Check 8
for about our Charity Day. Well, it was last shopping every day. They’re going to go to Exercise 1 1 film 2 documentary
Saterday Saturday at our school. The day the beach every day. 3 She isn’t going to 3 cartoon 4 chat show 5 drama series
begin began with a football match between stay with her grandparents. She’s going to 6 game show 7 sports programme
parents and teachers. After Then there stay with her mum and dad. 4 She isn’t 8 reality show 9 soap 10 music
were was a painting competition and my going to buy a car in September. She’s going programme
friend winned won a prize! We haved had a to take a driving test in September. 5 They
Exercise 2 1 ed 2 ed 3 ed 4 ing
gymnastic display and then lunch. … aren’t going to work in a city in Peru. They’re
5 ing
Exercise 8 Answers will vary. going to work in a small village in Peru.
6 They aren’t going to help build a hospital. Exercise 3 1 are, going to stay
Language Check 7 They’re going to help build a school. 2 are, going to do 3 ’m going to go surfing
Exercise 1 4 are, going to go 5 ’m not going to go
Exercise 4 2 are going to be 3 are,
Recycle: bottles, plastic, tins 6 are, going to work 7 ’m going to buy
going to use 4 we are 5 are going to
Save: electricity, water 8 ’m going to give
make 6 Are, going to have 7 is going to
Turn off: lights, taps happen 8 Are, going to do 9 am 10 are Exercise 4 1 happier 2 best
Help: the community, the environment going to try 11 ’m not going to continue 3 the tallest 4 most boring 5 worse
Exercise 2 1 iguana 2 dolphin 12 are, going to stop 13 going to go 6 more difficult 7 funniest
3 goat 4 crocodile 5 gorilla 6 sheep Exercise 5 1 What are you going to do Exercise 5 1 to come 2 love 3 Do
Exercise 3 1 didn’t come 2 didn’t go next? 2 Who are you going to work with? 4 invite 5 can’t
3 didn’t see 4 didn’t send 5 didn’t watch 3 When are you going to make a new film? Grammar Practice Exercises
6 didn’t eat 4 Are you going to be on a reality TV show? Answers in the Workbook for students to
Exercise 4 1 Did, have 2 did 3 did, 5 Are you going to do some charity work? self-check
raise 4 Did, go 5 didn’t 6 did, go Exercise 6 2 are going to fly
7 did, see 8 did, think 3 are going to spend 4 are going to go
Exercise 5 1 Here 2 help 3 second sightseeing 5 is going to take 6 are going
4 sorry 5 can’t to spend 7 are going to go walking
8 are going to go 9 is going to try
Module 8 Television Exercise 7
Get Ready In no particular order:
Exercise 1 2 reality shows 3 cartoons Are you going to practise your English?
4 documentaries 5 news 6 sports Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
programmes 7 films 8 game shows Are you going to take a lot of photos?
9 sitcoms 10 chat shows 11 music Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
programmes 12 drama series Are you going to go sightseeing?
Exercise 2 Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Name Fiona Mike Are you going to stay with friends?
Number of hours 1.5 3 Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
of TV a day Are you going to travel by car?
TV in bedroom? no no Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Favourite kinds chat shows, reality shows, Exercise 8 Answers will vary.
of programmes films cartoons Exercise 9 Answers will vary.
Never watch soaps, sports documentaries,
programmes game shows
24 Skills
Exercise 1 2 celebrate 3 holidays
Exercise 3 Answers will vary. 4 invited 5 under-16s club 6 food
22 Vocabulary and Grammar 7 DJ 8 danced 9 took 10 group photo
Exercise 1 2 amazing 3 bored Exercise 2 2 d 3 a 4 g 5 f 6 e
4 exciting 5 boring 6 interesting Exercise 3 2 13th 4 15th
Exercise 2 Answers will vary. 5 Adventures 6 7.30 p.m.
7 hip hop and rap CDs
Exercise 3 2 longer 3 bigger 4 easier
5 funnier 6 most 7 more interesting Exercise 4
8 better Tick: 4 and 5
Exercise 4 2 101 cm 3 brilliant Exercise 5 b 2 c 4 d 1
4 bad 5 no 6 £649 7 £799 Exercise 6 2 play watch 3 Dan Andy
Exercise 5 2 it’s worse than the AV1 4 Sue invites Nick Nick invites Sue
3 it’s better than the AV1 4 it’s easier than 5 museum school 6 hasn’t has
the HDZ 5 it’s more expensive than the AV1 Exercise 7
Exercise 6 Answers will vary. Hi there,
Thanks for your invitation. I’d love to see
Exercise 7 2 the most popular, e 3 the
your pictures – you’re a very good artist.
best, b 4 the longest, f 6 the earliest, a
Uncle John, Adam and Maria want to come
7 the youngest, d
too. What day is it on and what time does it
Exercise 8 2 younger 3 better start? Can you send me directions, please?
4 faster 5 the most successful 6 funniest See you at the weekend.
7 the most talented
(Replies to invitation 3)
Exercise 9 2 better 3 most difficult
4 funnier 5 more interesting 6 worst Exercise 8 Answers will vary.
7 safer Exercise 9 Answers will vary.
Replies to opinions will vary. Reading Corner 4
Exercise 10 Exercise 1 b
Answers will vary.
Exercise 3 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T
5 F 6 F
Six Two
Workbook 1 Audioscrip SFX SKATEBOARDING Eddie We’ve got a new adventure park in
Module 1. Get Ready. Exercise 2. town. Do you want to go?
Module 2. Get Ready. Exercise 4. Liz Erm, sorry but I hate heights, so
Answerphone Hello. This is the office of
Kelly Hi. I’m Kelly and I’m fourteen. Don’t I don’t really want to go there. I prefer
the FACE activity programme. Please give
sit and watch TV all day – do some exercise skateboarding. Can we go to the skatepark?
us your name, age, interests and a phone
number. Thank you. or play a sport. It’s good fun. I’m really into Eddie Er, I’m not really into skateboarding.
sport and exercise. I can swim and I can run. I like swimming. What about the water park?
Angela Hi, my name’s Angela Lazzeri – you
I’m not into dance. It’s really boring. My It’s got a brilliant water slide.
spell my second name L-A-Z-Z-E-R-I. I’m from
favourite sport is football! I’m the captain of Three
Milan in Italy. My dad is English but my mum
the girls’ football team at my youth club.
is Italian. We’re in York for a year. I’m fifteen Dan Hi, Kelly.
and … my interests? Well, fashion and music Module 2. Unit 6. Exercise 2. Kelly Oh, hi, Uncle Dan.
of course. My phone number is … Dan You don’t look very happy. How are
Tim Hi, Linda.
Ben Hi, my name’s Ben Makoto – that’s things?
M-A-K-O-T-O. I’m from Kyoto in Japan but I’m Linda Oh, hi, Tim.
Kelly Okay, but it’s the first day at my new
at school in York now. My mum is English Tim How are things? school today.
but my dad is Japanese. I’m thirteen and my Linda Not bad, but I’m really tired. Dan Don’t be sad, Kelly. Going to a new
interests are computers and films. Computers Tim Tired? school is exciting.
are my favourite – they’re fantastic. My Linda Yes, my lessons at school are hard
phone number is … Four
work. My classes at the youth club are really
Susannah Hello, I’m Susannah Clarke – difficult, too. Adam Bye, Mum.
that’s C-L-A-R-K-E. I’m fourteen and I’m from Tim Are you in the judo class at the youth Mum Wait a second. You haven’t got your
York. My interests are singing, horse riding club? helmet on.
and swimming. I think my favourite thing is Linda No, I’m not. I’m in the gymnastics Adam Don’t worry, it’s fine. I wear a
horse riding – it’s great! and running classes – that’s ninety minutes helmet for skateboarding but cycling isn’t
of exercise every day. dangerous.
Module 1. Unit 1. Exercise 5. Tim Wow! That is hard work. Mum No, you need a helmet for your bike.
Josh Hi! My name’s Josh and I’m sixteen. The roads are very busy in town.
Linda Mm, but how are things with you?
I’m from Manchester and I’m in a theatre Adam Mum!
Tim Great. My new school is fantastic. I’ve
group. I can write stories, and I can act. I can got a lot of new friends. Mum Put it on. Or come with me in the car.
play the guitar too but I can’t sing. Listen … Adam Okay.
Linda And how are your lessons?
Emma Hello, I’m Emma. I’m fifteen and
Tim They’re really interesting and the Module 4. Get Ready. Exercise 3.
I’m from Manchester. My interests? Well, my
teachers are really nice. I’m in the school
favourite subject at school is art. I can draw Hannah It’s my birthday on Friday. My
football team, too. We’ve got a match on
and paint. And I can take photos. I can’t play friends want to go to the ice rink, but I can’t
chess and I can’t play the guitar. skate. I’m scared to go on the ice. I want to
Linda Oh! Well, here’s some advice: drink
Andy Hi there. I’m Andy. I’m from go to the bowling alley but my sister hates
a lot of water during the match but don’t
Manchester and I’m thirteen. Music is my bowling.
eat fruit.
favourite thing. I can sing and I can play the Tom Today is Saturday. My friends want
Tim Okay, thanks for the advice. See you
guitar. I can’t act but I’m in a music group at to go to the shopping centre but I’m not
soon, Linda.
my school. into shopping. I want to go to the cinema
Linda Yes, see you.
to see the new Iron Man film. I love Robert
Module 1. Unit 3. Exercise 4. Downey Jr.
Module 3. Get Ready. Exercise 4.
Leo Here’s the list of students on the FACE Sarah I’m bored. My brother is at the
programme. Host Hello and welcome to What’s my job? amusement park but I don’t like it there. I’m
Here are four people with different jobs. Can scared of heights. I want to go to the new
Mel Thanks, Leo. Can you tell me about
you guess them? water park with my friends. It looks fantastic.
their interests?
One Hello. My name’s Ann. My job? Well, it
Leo Okay. Well, I’m into music. I can play
isn’t very dangerous. It’s very interesting and Module 4. Unit 10. Exercise 5.
the guitar.
it’s sometimes difficult. Important things in
Mel Okay, and Helen? Rachel Hello. I’m Rachel and I’m thirteen.
my job are books, computers and children,
Leo Helen? Oh, yes. She’s interested in I like different activities but my favourite
of course.
painting and drawing. thing is sport. I play sport for about half of
Two Hi. I’m Joe. My job is dangerous, but my free time – that’s tennis, basketball and
Mel Right, and is David into art, too? it’s also very interesting. It’s good to help
Leo No, he’s interested in animals. swimming. The other half of my time? Well,
people. Important things in my job? Well, the I sometimes watch TV and I sometimes surf
Mel Uh-huh. And what is Rani interested in? people in my team. A very important thing the Internet. You can find lot of interesting
Leo Oh, photos. She can take fantastic is water. information online. But I never read
photos. Three Hello, my name’s Helena. My job is magazines – they’re boring!
Mel Good. And sport? Who is interested in great. It’s very safe. For me it’s easy and it’s Tim Hi, my name’s Tim and I’m fourteen.
sport? never boring. Important things – clothes, I’m really into music. I usually listen to
Leo Well, Sarah is really into tennis, but clothes and more clothes. CDs or my MP3 player in the evening. My
her brother James isn’t. He’s interested in Four Hello, everyone. My name’s Frank. favourite music is rap. I’ve got a guitar but
fashion. My job is interesting but it’s also difficult I hardly ever play it. And I never sing. I’ve
Mel Right, Sarah is interested in tennis and sometimes. It’s hard work when we’ve got a got a terrible voice! I sometimes go to music
James is into fashion. Thanks, Leo. lot of people. The important things in my job shops with my friends at the weekends.
Leo That’s okay. are food and drinks. Martin Hiya. I’m Martin and I’m fourteen.
Host Okay. So, what are their jobs? Number Well, I’m different from other teenagers. I
Module 2. Get Ready. Exercise 3. 1… never watch TV and I never hang out with
One people from school. My favourite thing is
Module 3. Unit 9. Exercise 4. reading and writing. I usually read books in
Two One my free time – after school and at weekends.
SFX SWIMMING Ben Go on, Jane. Don’t be nervous. It’s I sometimes write stories and poems. I don’t
great. mind watching DVDs at home but I hardly
Jane But it’s very high up here and I’m ever go to the cinema.
Four Module 4. Unit 12. Exercise 4.
Ben Just close your eyes and jump. It’s fine.
Jane No, I don’t like being up here. I want
Five Lucy Excuse me. Can you tell me how to
to come down.
SFX CYCLING get to the tourist office, please?
Passer-by Sure. Go out of the shopping
centre and turn right. Go down the High 107
Street and turn left into Park Street. The roads are dangerous so please don’t eleven pounds eighty. No sorry, eleven
Lucy Left into Park Street? drive your car if possible. That’s very wet pounds ninety.
Passer-by Yes, that’s right. The tourist weather in the Birmingham area. And now Customer Eleven pounds ninety. Thanks.
office is on the right opposite the cinema. back to …
Lucy Thanks a lot. Andy Oh, I hate this weather. Why is it Module 6. Get Ready. Exercise 3.
always cold in Scotland? I’ve got a jacket and One
a coat today. Amy We go to London a lot. Both my mum
William Excuse me. Can you tell me how to
Penny I know. In Wales today, it’s sunny. and dad have a car but I like travelling by
get to the car park, please?
My friend is there on holiday. train. You can walk around, eat lunch, and
Passer-by Yeah, sure. Go out of the
Andy Sunny in Wales! We never see the play games. Modern trains are really fast, too.
shopping centre and cross the High Street. Go
sun here. Two
down Palace Road, turn left and then turn
right into Lake Street. Module 5. Unit 13. Exercise 4. Joe We go on holiday to the USA every
William Turn left and then right into Lake year. We get a bus to the airport. That’s really
One boring but I love travelling by plane. You can
Boy 1 To me! be in Florida in just eight hours!
Passer-by That’s right. The car park is on
the corner on the left. Boy 2 Pass me the ball! Three
William Thanks a lot. Two Daniel People think I’m crazy but I’m into
Three Man Some chicken and some vegetables. walking. When you travel by car or train you
Lovely! don’t see anything. But when you go on foot,
Rachel Excuse me. Can you tell me how to
get to the railway station, please? Three you find lots of interesting places.
Passer-by Sure. Go out of the shopping Young Girl Oh! This water is cold!
Module 6. Unit 18. Exercise 3.
centre and turn left. Then turn left down the Four Sally Leo, the expedition is on Sunday. Let’s
first street. Girl Let’s go down this road. make a list of equipment to take with us.
Rachel Clarke Street?
Five Leo Okay, Sally. That’s a good idea.
Passer-by Yes – no, sorry New Street. Cross
Woman Liz! Dinner! Sally Right, I’ve got a big tent, so I can take
King’s Square and then go past the bank. The
Girl I’m in the bathroom! that.
station is under the railway bridge. You can’t
miss it. Six Leo And I’ve got a compass.
Rachel Thanks a lot. Boy 1 Listen to this. Sally Great! Have you got a torch, too, Leo?
Boy 2 That’s cool. Leo No, I haven’t but let’s ask Anne. She’s
Module 4. Reading Corner 2. got a really good torch.
Exercise 3. Sally Good. So, I take the tent, you take
Girl One, two, three, turn. the compass and Anne takes the torch. Now,
There is a young girl they call Rose
what else?
Who has got a very long nose Module 5. Unit 15. Exercise 4.
She can’t see her feet Leo What about sun cream?
When she walks down the street Sally Erm, I don’t think we need sun cream
Customer Hi. in November!
And she often has very cold toes. Shop assistant Hello. Can I help you? Leo Okay, but we need a map. Hasn’t Jim
Module 4. Reading Corner 2. Customer Yes. I’d like some stamps for got one?
postcards, please. Sally No, but he’s got some great cooking
Exercise 5.
Shop assistant Certainly. How many would equipment. That will be useful.
There is a young student called Brett you like?
And a huge dinosaur is his pet Leo Okay. We used Sue’s map last time, so
Customer Four, please. How much are they? we can ask to borrow it again.
It’s got very sharp teeth
Shop assistant They’re 45p each, so that’s Sally Right, let’s do that. So, Jim takes the
But it’s ever so sweet
one pound eighty, please. cooking equipment and Sue the map.
And it doesn’t like seeing the vet.
Two Leo Great! I’m really excited about the
Module 4. Reading Corner 2. Shop assistant Hello, can I help you? expedition …
Exercise 7. Customer Yes, can I have these postcards,
please? Module 7. Get Ready. Exercise 2.
There is a young student called Daisy
Her friends all think she is crazy Shop assistant That’s two pounds twenty, One
She spends all day in bed please. Emma I don’t need the computer now,
Eating chocolate and bread Customer Oh, and I’d like a five-pound Mum.
And then says, ‘I’m not really lazy!’ phone card, too. Mum Well, turn it off, please, Emma. It’s
Shop assistant Here you are. That’s seven important to save electricity.
Module 4. Reading Corner 2. pounds twenty, please. Two
Exercise 9. Customer Thanks very much. Joe I’m changing the batteries in the torch.
There is a new robot called ‘WorkMate’ Three Where’s the bin?
Who likes doing things that you just hate Customer Hi. I’d like two packets of Tim No, Joe. Don’t put them in the bin.
He does homework and tests peanuts, please. You can recycle batteries.
So that you have a rest Shop assistant Certainly. That’s one pound Three
And go out and about with your classmates. fifty, please. Dad Sally?
Customer No, sorry! Can I have one packet Sally Yes? I’m brushing my teeth.
Module 4. Reading Corner 2. of peanuts and one packet of crisps?
Exercise 11. Dad Turn the tap off, please. We’re trying
Shop assistant Yes, here you are. That’s to save water.
There is a young lady from Rome one pound twenty-five, please. Sally Okay, Dad.
Who is hardly ever at home Customer Thanks a lot. Bye.
She skateboards in the park Four
Four Mr O’Connell Hello, Eddie.
And goes swimming in the dark
Shop assistant Good afternoon. Can I help Eddie Hi, Mr O’Connell. That bag looks
And she never remembers her comb.
you? heavy. Can I carry it for you?
Module 5. Get Ready. Exercise 3. Customer Yes. Can I have these magazines, Mr O’Connell That’s kind of you, Eddie.
please? Thanks.
Jane Hi, Sam. It’s really snowy here in
Manchester. Is it the same in London? Shop assistant Certainly.
Sam No, it isn’t snowy in London but it’s Customer And have you got any orange
Kelly That dog is very hot. Can I give it
very foggy. It’s really difficult to drive or ride juice?
some water, Mum?
a bike. Shop assistant Yes, we’ve got bottles and
Mum Yes, Kelly. That’s a good idea.
Announcer We have some important cartons.
weather information for you. The weather in Customer I’d like three cartons, please.
108 the Midlands and Birmingham is very wet. Shop assistant Here you are. Okay, that’s
Six Mike I love reality shows. The people are Adele Yes, we’re going to help them build
Greg Bye, Sir. really funny. I also like cartoons. a school. And we’re also going to help the
Teacher Wait a second, Greg. Interviewer Fiona, do you like reality teachers and students with their English.
Greg Sir? shows and cartoons, too? Interviewer That’s amazing. Please come
Teacher What do we do at the end of a Fiona No, I don’t. I like chat shows and back and tell us all about it. Now, what
class to save electricity? films. I want to be an actress. about …
Greg Oh, yes, I forgot. Interviewer Chat shows and films. That’s
interesting. Okay, last question: What kind of Module 8. Unit 24. Exercise 3.
Teacher That’s it, well done. See you
tomorrow. programmes do you never watch? Fiona? Part 1
Fiona I hate soaps and sports programmes. Leo Mum, I’m going to design my party
Module 7. Unit 21. Exercise 3. Interviewer And you, Mike? invitations on the computer.
One Mike I don’t like documentaries or game Mum Okay, Leo.
Mum Jane, can you help me with the shows. They’re really boring. Leo Okay, let’s start. Please come to Leo’s
dishes, please? Interviewer Okay, no soaps, sports thirteenth birthday party on Saturday the
Jane Sure, Mum, no problem. programmes, documentaries or game shows fifteenth May at the Adventures Youth Club.
in your house. Erm, how do you spell ‘adventures’? A-D-V-
Mum Thanks. Please wash the breakfast
E-N-T-U-R-E-S. The party starts at half past
Module 8. Unit 22. Exercise 4. seven to eleven o’clock. Please bring some
Two hip hop and rap CDs. Okay, I need to just
Eve I can’t wait to get our new TV. Mum
Jim Can I have a packet of crisps, please? and dad like these two: the AV1 and the check the details …
Paula Sorry, Jim. There aren’t any crisps, HDZ. What do you think?
but there are some biscuits in the kitchen. Module 8. Unit 24. Exercise 4.
Will The AV1 is a bit small – the screen is
Jim Great! Do you want a biscuit, Paula? only 82cm, but the HDZ is 101cm. It’s bigger Part 2
Paula Mm. Thanks. and better for watching films. One
Three Eve That’s true, but the colour on the AV1 Leo Hello?
Kelly Dave, can I use your skateboard? is brilliant. It’s just like real life. The colour Joe Hi, Leo. It’s Joe. Thanks for the
Dave No, I’m sorry, Kelly, you can’t. It’s on the HDZ is good but not brilliant. invitation to your party. I’d love to come.
broken. Will What about the sound on the two TVs? Leo Okay, great. See you on Saturday.
Kelly Oh, no. I want to try the new Eve Well, the review says the sound on the Two
skatepark. AV1 isn’t bad but on the HDZ it’s excellent. Answerphone Please leave a message after
Dave Why don’t you ask Ian? He’s got a All the dialogue and music is very clear. the tone.
skateboard. Will Oh, cool. Sound is important. Milly This is a message for Leo from Milly.
Four Eve Mmm. But look, it says here that the Thank you for your invitation, but I’m sorry
AV1 is very easy to use. I can’t come. I’m going on holiday on the
Teacher Rachel. Can you help me with
these books? They’re very heavy. Will And the HDZ? fifteenth. Have a great party and happy
Rachel Yes, Miss. Where do I put them? Eve Erm, no, it’s very complicated. Lots of birthday. See you soon.
people had problems learning how to use it. Three
Teacher Put them in the cupboard under
the board, please. Will Oh, that’s not very good. What about Eddie Hello, is Leo there?
the price? How much is the AV1? Leo Hi, Eddie, it’s Leo here.
Rachel Is that okay, Miss?
Eve It’s £649. Eddie Oh, hi. I’m calling about your party.
Teacher Yes, that’s great, Rachel, thanks.
Will And the HDZ? I’m sorry I can’t come because I’m going to a
Eve The HDZ is £799. football match with my dad.
Dad Liz, Mr Harris from number 12 isn’t
Will So, the HDZ is more expensive. Leo Okay, no problem.
well. Can you go shopping for him?
Eve Yes, and I’m not sure it’s better. Which Eddie Enjoy the party.
Liz Okay, Dad. No problem.
TV do you prefer …? Leo Yes, thanks, and you have fun at the
Dad Here’s a shopping list. Go to the shops
and then take the food to Mr Harris’s house. match.
Module 8. Unit 23. Exercise 2.
Liz Sure. See you later. Four
Interviewer Please welcome the actors
Six Leo Hello?
from the funniest sitcom of the year – Josh,
Vicky Paul, can you pass me that Spanish Maya, Rob and Adele! Okay, the first series of Helen Hi Leo. It’s Helen. I’m really excited
book? I want to check something. Best of Friends is finished, so what are your about your party. Thanks for the invitation.
Paul Sure, Vicky, here you are. plans now? Josh? Leo That’s okay. Can you come?
Vicky Oh, sorry. This isn’t right. I need Josh Well, first, I’m going to go on holiday. Helen Oh, sorry, yes, I’d love to.
Level 2. Can I have your book for a second? Acting is great fun, but it’s also hard work. Leo Great. Don’t forget to bring your CDs.
Paul Sorry, but I’m using it. I need to finish My girlfriend and I are going to go to Jamaica Helen Okay, no problem.
this exercise. in August. We’re going to go to the beach Five
Vicky Don’t worry. I can ask the teacher. every day and just relax. And after that, I’m Answerphone Please leave a message after
going to be at home in London. the tone.
Module 8. Get Ready. Exercise 2. Interviewer Well, enjoy your holiday. And Paul Hi Leo, this is Paul. Thanks for the
Interviewer So Fiona and Mike, you are what about you, Maya? invitation to the party. I’d love to come.
brother and sister? Maya Er, I’m not going to go on holiday. Can I bring my cousin, too? He’s really good
Fiona/Mike Yes/That’s right. I’m going to spend time with my family. Life fun and he can bring some good CDs. See
is very busy and I don’t see my mum and you soon.
Fiona But we have different opinions
dad much. I’m going to stay with them for a
about TV.
month. And then, in September, I’m going to
Interviewer Okay. So, Fiona, how many take my driving test.
hours of TV do you watch a day?
Interviewer Really?
Fiona I watch about an hour and a half, I
Maya I know, it’s crazy but I failed my last
test, so I’m going to try again.
Interviewer And you Mike?
Interviewer Well, good luck with that! Now,
Mike I watch about three hours a day. Rob?
Fiona Yes, Mike is a TV addict! Rob Well, Adele and I are going to be
Interviewer And have you got a TV in your together this summer.
bedrooms? Interviewer Oh, yes? Are you going to give
Mike No, we haven’t. us some romantic news?
Fiona We’ve just got one TV, in our living Rob No, nothing like that. We’re going to
room. go abroad but not for a holiday. We’re going
Interviewer Okay, so no TV in your to work in a small village in Peru. The people
bedrooms. Now, what are your favourite there need help with education.
kinds of programmes? Mike, you first. 109


Student’s name
– with difficulty
Class evaluation shee
New Challenges 1

Talk about your abilities and interests.

Read about talented young people.
Listen to an interview.
Complete a form.

Module 1
Learn about can and question words.
Talk about exercise, food, appearance.
Read about fashion in sport.
Listen to sports advice.
Write a text message.
Module 2

Learn about have got and countable/uncountable nouns with some/any.

Talk about jobs, routines and likes/dislikes.
Read about a risky job.
Listen to a survey about safety on the Internet.
Write a short report.
Module 3

Learn about the Present Simple.

Talk about places and free time, and give directions.
Read about where teenagers go, and a place to visit.
Listen to a survey.
Write a note with directions.
Module 4

© Pearson Education Ltd. 2012

Learn about adverbs of frequency, there is/there are, some and any.


Student’s name
– with difficulty
Class evaluation shee
New Challenges 1

© Pearson Education Ltd. 2012

Talk about the weather; use shopping expressions.
Read about the weather and tornadoes.
Listen to a weather report and the news.
Write a postcard.
Module 5 Learn about the Present Continuous.
Talk about travel; make suggestions.
Read about a space mission and an adventure.
Listen to a travel survey.
Write a short note.
Module 6

Learn about the Past Simple.

Talk about helping; make requests.
Read about animals in danger and young helpers.
Listen to a description of animals in danger.
Write an email.
Module 7

Learn about the Past Simple.

Talk about TV and film stars.
Read a TV review and an interview with an actress.
Listen to TV programmes.
Write an invitation.
Module 8

Learn about about comparatives and superlatives, and going to.


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