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Venality susceptible to bribe or corruption

gregarious talkative
impertinent disrespectful or irrelevant
venerate / deferential respectful
Germane relevant
Restive restless
commensurate analogous in size
Harangue long pompous speech/tirade
enervate to sap energy from
ingenuous innocent
upbraid, chastise, castigate to reproach/scold
qualify, mitigate to make less severe
innocuous harmless
undermine to weaken
acrimony bitter/ill will
calumny, vilify say false things to ruin someone's rep
extant still in existence
prevericate speak in an evasive way like politicians
iconoclast someone who challenges beliefs
mercurial changes mood unpredictably
galvanize to excite or inspire someone to action
profligate spend resources wastefully
iaconic use few words
parochial narrow outlook
ambivalent mixed emotions
auspicious favorable
demur reluctance or object to do something
wanting lacking
veracious truthful
parsimonious frugal
platitude p(b)latant remark
lambast criticize severely
eschew avoid
dogmatic highly opinionated, won't agree that he is wrong
chortle to chuckle happily
inexorable impossible to prevent from happening
querulous complaining always
perfidy betray deliberately
culminate reach highest or most decisive point
culpability guilty state
gossamer unusually light or delicate
bucolic good aspects of the country
vociferous offensively loud
reticent not willing to talk or let out thoughts
audacious bold/brave
concede agree to a defeat aka surrender
banal, trite repeated too often that its boring
bane to cause distress
rustic rural and simple
decorous characterized w/ good taste or decorum
mawkish super senti
torpor inactive due to lack of energy
preclude to prevent something from happening
apathetic lacking interest
engender to give rise to something/action
entrenched fixed firmly/securely
volubility talking or writing continuously
diffident reserved/shy and no self confidence
recondite cannot penetrate or unable to understand by a layman
gainsay deny, oppose, contradict
imprudent not wise
impudent overly bold
prescience predict the future
didactic instructive via overly descriptive
fortuitous luckily/happily by chance
gall rude, impertinent, feeling bitterly angry
prediliction strong liking towards something/one
glut excess of
incisive can distinguish fine differences
refractory stubbornly resistant to authority
staunch very loyal or strong supporter
spurious ,specious plausible but false
contrive to be able to pull off something despite its unlikeliness
eminent higher status than others
vehement with intense emotion
languid slow and relaxed
elucidate to make clearer or easier to understand
forlorn hopelessness
apathy no emotion
equivocal ambiguous
unequivocal only 1 meaning
mollify, placate to make an angry person less angry
treacherous betray or dangerous
circumvent to find a way out of one's duty/obligation
heretic person w/ unorthodox opinions
supplant to take the place of or replace
tantamount equal to something
guileless free of deceit
travesty a weird presentation of something
tenacious stubborn to an opinion
disaffected (discontented) not happy with authority
ascetic practicing self denial (gandhi)
jingoism fanatical patriotism
ephemeral lasting a short time
avaricious greedy
insidious subtle but destructive
immutable unable to be changed
quotidian found in every day life like eating/showering
fallacious belief based on false reasoning
magnanimous noble and generous in spirit towards a rival
apocryphal not authentic, questionable authenticity
espouse to adopt an idea
admonitory warning
ingratiate get somebody to like you with effort
intransigent unwilling to change
largess generous
exonerate pronounce not guilty of criminal charge
expound add details, clarify
abstruse, recondite difficult to understand
pedantic focusing on too minute details
myopic lacking foresight
provincial having limited perspective
ignoble dishonorable
underscore give extra importance to a certain idea
hackneyed lacking significance due to overuse
denigrate disparage, criticize unfairly
acerbic harsh tone
unscrupulous without principle
temperance to avoid excess
exalt praise
laudable worthy of high praise
pundit member of scholarly field
forthcoming at ease to talk to others, available when required
soporific sleep inducing
burgeon grow
tempered to bring down to moderate level
repudiate reject b/c untrue
winsome charming like a kid
tractable readily reacting to influence
sycophant please someone just for a favor
precipitous making a decision w/o thinking
poignant emotionaly touching
obsequois ingratiate
inscrutable not easily understood
scrupulous extreme care, principled, knowing right and wrong
inveterate habitual
vacillate to be undecided about a side
intrepid fearless
propituous favorable outcomes
dilettante amateur who pretends to know what he's doin
austere self denial, plain, or harsh in temperment
trite overused
specious deceptive
fastidious overly concerned w/ details and fussy
rebuke lambast
indecorous not following polite protocol
sullen brooding ill manner
esoteric enjoyed by a small amount of people
timorous timid
askance look of suspicioun or disapproval
capricious determined by chance/impulse rather than reason
polemic strong verbal attack on someone/thing
flux uncertainty
dilatory wasting time
posit assume a fact
mendacity untruthful
furtive quiet and secretive
ignominious bringing shame/disgrace
erudite intelligent
nonplussed unsure how to react
maladroit clumsy
pejorative expressing disapproval
edifying enlightening so as to improve moral
craven coward
duress compulsory threat
harried troubled persistently w/ petty annoyances

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