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i) For M30 grade concrete and Fe500 grade steel

σ cbc 10 N/mm2
m 9.33

(ii) For Structural member below 225 mm thickness

σ st 130 N/mm2
k 0.42
j 0.86
R 1.80

(iii)On face away from liquid for members 225 mm or more in thickness
σ st 130 N/mm2
k 0.42
j 0.86
R 1.80

Volume Calculation

Cpacity of OHR = 60 kl
Diameter of the cylindrical portion (D1) = 6 m
Height of Water in Cylinderical portion ( h1 ) = 2.4 m

Volume of the tank is given by the following equation :

𝜋𝐷21 3
V1 = h1 = 67.8456 m

Consider freeboard of the cylindrical portion (FB) = 0.5 m

SO total height of the Cylindrical portion (h) = 2.9 m

Effective Dead Storage Calculation :

Height of bottom of Outlet from junction of Cylindrical wall / conical Slab AND Bottom dome (h')
= 0.2 m
Diameter of Bottom Dome a = 6 m

𝜋 3
Volume V2 = h' D12
= 5.65 m
Effective Storage of the Tank V = 62.19 m
Assume the thickness of the dome = 0.125 m
Live load= 1.5 kn/sq. m 0.9

Load per sq metre for the design of dome dome consist of 0.65
i) self wt. of the dome 3.125 KN/m2 1.2
ii) Live load 1.5 KN/m2
iii) finishing load 0.5 KN/m2 6
Total load 5.125 KN/m2
3 3 2.4 2.9
Let R be the radius of the dome Height of wall 2.7
excluding top ring beam

R= 4.35 m
Angle subtended by the dome θ
sinθ = 0.69 Load due to top dome= 102.4425 KN
θ= 43.60281897 Load due to ring beam= 19.468 KN
Load due to cylindrical wall= 229.038 KN
cosθ= 0.72 Load due to water= 819.54 KN


Hoop Tension at spring= ( w x R x( cosθ -1/(1-cosθ ) 3.213 Kn/m height of ventilation 0.65 m
Hoop tension at crown( where θ=0) 11.147 Kn/m Diameter of Ventilation 0.9 m
dead load of ventilation top 15.89625 KN
Required reinforcement for hoop tension = 85.75 mm2 live load 0.476888 KN
Checking the Maximum Stress : TOTAL LOAD 16.37314 KN
Hoop stress at any angle θ = (w x R / t) x (cos2θ + cos θ - 1) / (1 + cos θ) Ventilation roof design
Load Calculatoin-
Max hoop stress occurs at the crown where θ= 0 cos 0 deg= 1 Live load = 1.5 Kn/m
Assume thickness of slab = 75 mm
Max hoop Stress = 89175.00 N/m2 Dead Load Due to Self Wt. = 1.875 Kn/m
0.089 Nmm2 < (σ cbc & σ st) Finishing Load = 0.5 Kn/m
SAFE Total laod = 3.875 Kn/m
Meridional Stres at any angle θ = (w x R / t) x (1 - cosθ) / ( sin2 θ)
= (w x R / t) x (1 ) / (1 + cosθ) max+ve radial Moment= 16
0.147129 kNm

Max. Meridional stress stress occur at base of dome where θ = 43.60281897 Rfequired depth of slab = 0.192027 mm , hence Ok

Max. value of meridional stress = 103443.00 N/m2

0.103 N/mm2 = 0.0261563 So providing Nominal reinforcement 0.3%
<(σ cbc & σ st) SAFE of gross area
provide 8mm Ǿ bars (AǾ= 50.2 mm )
Meridionial thrust = (wxR/(1+cosθ) 12.930 KN/m sapcing required 223.11111 mm
Required reinforcement for meridional thrust= 99.46 mm provide 8mm Ǿ bars @ 200 mm c/c
Providing Area of Steel = 251 mm
Ring Beam Design of ventilation
Since the stress is within the safe limit provide nominal reinforcement @ 0.24%
of the gross-sectional area of concrete Provide 150mm X 150 mm ring beam
Ast= 300 mm Spacing provided in both direction 167.47 mm Gross Area of ring beam= 22500 mm2
Provide 8mm Ǿ bar @ 160mm c/c in both direction minimum reiforcement=
At springing portion at top dome provide 8mm Ǿ bars @ 160 mm c/c Ast= 67.5 mm2
use 10mm Ǿ bar
DESIGN OF TOP RING BEAM nos of bars 0.8598726 nos provide 4 nos bar
Horizontal component of meridional thrust(p)= T. cos θ 9.363375 kn/m Area of steel provided 314 mm2
Provide stirrups of 8mm Ǿ bar @ 150 mm c/c
Total tension tending to repurture the ring beam per metre length of its circumference Ring beam should be provide top & bottom junction of column
Design of column of ventilation
= p.D/2 Provide 4nos Square Column so load distribute in each column 4.093284 KN
= T . Cos θ . D / 2 28.090 kN Provide 150x 150 mm column
Area of each column 22500 mm2
Area of Reinforcement Steel Required Ast = 216.078 mm Provide minimum reinforcement 0.8%
area of Steel(Ast)= 180 mm2
Provide 4 no. of 12ø bar, arae of each bar= 113.076 mm provide 12mmǾ bars nos of bars 1.592357 nos
actual area of steel 452.304 mm2 provide 12mm Ǿ bars 4nos Provide Ast= 452.16 mm2
Provide 4 no. of 12ø bars on the top ring beam stirrups provide 8mm Ǿ bars @ 150 mm c/c
Provide stirrups of 8mm Ǿ bar @ 150 mm c/c
Equivalent area of composite A+(m-1)Ast , So (m-1)Ast = 3769.2 mm

Max. allowable stress in composite section is 1.5N/mm2

hence A= 14957.55 mm2
Provide 200mm x 200mm size of beam
b= 200 mm & d = 200 mm
area= 40000 mm2 SAFE


As per IS-3370, (PART- IV), The magnitude of bending moment and tension at
different height of the circular tank wall can be directly workout by using
appropriate coefficient given tabular form
The coefficient depands on the ratio of= (H^2/Dt)
where D= diameter of tank
H= depth of the water in tank
t= Thickness of the wall

Thickness of the wall(t)= (30H+60)mm

or, 150mm which ever is greater

hence, t= 141 mm , greater than 150mm

Provide thickness of wall= 175 mm
So, coefficient = 8.01
As per table 10 of IS 3370(part iv) 1967 against ratio H^2/Dt co efficient of
H^2/Dt 0.3H 0.7H 1.0H for 8.01
8 0.0002 0.0039 -0.0146 0.3H 0.0002
10 0.0001 0.0028 -0.0122 0.7H 0.003895
Bending moment at 0.3H= 0.049 Kn-m 1.0H -0.014589
bending moment at 0.7H= 0.950 Kn-m
Bending momrnt at 1.0H= -3.558 Kn-m

Max B.M 0.538411886 Kn-m

Thickness of the side wall for bending consideration uncrack section
Thickness of wall = sqrt of M/Qb 44.48 mm
For water retaining structure as per IS 3370 clear cover should be 45 mm
hence effective depth (D-45-bar dia/2) 125 mm check

Vertical Reinforcement
Maximum BM causing tension on inner side at bottom 3.558 Kn-m
Vertical steel at inner face
Vertical steel for bending moment at inner face at bottom of tank
(Mx 10^6)/(j x d x σst) 254.39 mm
percentage of steel at inner face 0.15 %
So Provide 0.24% of gross area of steel = 420 mm
Provide 10 mm Ǿ(AǾ = 78.5 mm2) spacing 186.904762 > Thickness of wall
Hence provide10mm Ǿ bars @175mm c/c inner face of the wall
providing Ast= 448.571429 mm2 0.26 %

Vertical steel at outer face

Vertical steel at outer face of the wall for bending (M x 10^6)/(j x dxσst)
67.92 mm2
Minimum reinforcement required = 0.24% 420 mm2
Provide dia of bar 10 mm
area of bar ast 78.525 mm2
Spacing required= 186.96 mm
Spacing provide= 180 mm > Thickness of wall

Hence provide10mm dia of bar @175mm c/c

Providing area of steel 448.71 mm2
Similarly from Table 9,of IS 3370 (Part IV)- 1967 against ratio H^2/Dt= 8.01
co efficient of hoop tension
H^2/Dt 0.0H 0.1H 0.2H 0.3H 0.4H 0.5H 0.6H 0.7H 0.8H 0.9H
8 -0.001 -0.001 0.104 0.218 0.335 0.443 0.534 0.575 0.53 0.381 0.131
10 -0.001 0.098 0.208 0.323 0.437 0.542 0.608 0.389 0.44 0.179
Hoop tension at top (0.0H) = -0.087 KN
Hoop tension at top (0.1H) = 9.045514286 KN For 8.01
Hoop tension at top (0.2H) = 18.96185714 KN 0.0H -0.001
Hoop tension at top (0.3H) = 29.14002857 KN 0.1H 0.103971429
Hoop tension at top (0.4H) = 38.53851429 KN 0.2H 0.217952381
Hoop tension at top (0.5H) = 46.46131429 KN 0.3H 0.334942857
Hoop tension at top (0.6H) = 50.03867143 KN 0.4H 0.442971429
Hoop tension at top (0.7H) = 46.05158571 KN 0.5H 0.534038095
Hoop tension at top (0.8H) = 33.17144286 KN 0.6H 0.575157143
Hoop tension at top (0.9H) = 11.41688571 KN ` 0.7H 0.529328571
0.8H 0.381280952
0.9H 0.131228571
Area of steel at 0.3H= 224.154 mm2 at both face
112.077 mm2 each face
provide 8 mm dia bar 50.24 mm2 spacing 448.263116 mm
Spacing provided= 449 mm < but thick. Of wall
Hence provide8 mm dia of bar @ 175 mm c/c
providing Ast= 287.085714 mm2
Area of steel at 0.6H= 384.913 mm2 both face
192.456 mm2 each face
provide 8 mm dia bar 50.24 mm2) spacing 261.046099 mm
Spacing provided= 262 mm >but thick. Of wall
Hence provide8 mm dia of bar @ 175 mm c/c
Providing Ast= 191.7557 mm2
Ares of steel at 0.7H = 354.24 mm2 both face
177.12 mm2 each face
provide 8 mm dia bar 50.24 mm2) spacing 283.647127 mm say 180 mm > but thick. Of wall
Hence provide8mm dia of bar @175mm c/c
Providing Ast= 287.0857 mm2
Check for Shear `
Similarly from Table 11,of IS 3370 (Part IV)- 1967 against ratio H^2/Dt= 8.01
co efficient of shear
H^2/Dt Coefficient
10 0.158 For 8.01 0.158
12 0.145
Shear Force at base V = (Co-efficient x wh^2)
9.10 KN/m
Shear Stress = (S.F/bxjxd)
tv 0.085 N/mm2
Permissibile Shear stress in concrete
Percentage of steel at inner face= 0.26 %
From IS-3370-part -II table -3
tc 0.312 SAFE

Grade of concrete M30
Grade of Steel Fe500
Span of Cantilever= 1000mm 1 m

Self weight= 0.1 x 25 2.5 Kn/m
Live load 5 Kn/m
Finishings 0.5 Kn/m

Total Load 8 Kn/m

Bending Moment= = 4.00 Kn-m

Depth Required= = 31.662 mm Providing depth = 100 mm

Area of steel of required(Ast)= 357.49 mm
Provide 8mm dia of bar(AǾ) = 50.24 mm
Spacing required= 140.535 mm 130 mm
Provide 8 tor in top of walk way @130mm c/c in both ways at top of walkway
Provide minimum reinforcemet , 8 tor @200mm c/c in both way at bottom of walkway
DESIGN OF Circular Slab 4.2

Assume, Thk. of Slab = 200 mm

Span = 4.2 mm
Dead Load = 5 Kn/m 4.2 4.2
Water Pressure = 29.000 Kn/m
Total load = 34.00 Kn/m

From IS 456:2000 Table 26 , case 1 = 1 4.2

-Ve BM = 19.19 kNm

+Ve BM = 14.39 kNm

Required depth = 103.30 mm ,

Provided effective depth = 155 mm , OK
Area of reinforcement required = 1106.63 mm In each way= 553.31
Using 12 mm dia. Astb 113.076 mm Hence Spacing required 102 say 100 mm
Area of reinforcement required = 829.97
Using 12 mm dia. Astb 113.076 mm Hence Spacing required 136

provide12mm tor bars @100mm c/c squiremesh at Bottom & alternet bentup bar @0.25L from center of support
Provide 12mm tor bar @200 mm c/c extra bar upto 0.3L from face of support & 3rdbar will be continious at to of slab
Ast provided at top of slab at support 1130.76 mm OK
Ast provided at bottom at midspan of slab 1130.76 mm OK
Hoop in base slab = 3 no of 10mm dia. @230 c/c distance top & bottom
Check for vertical deflection
100x Ast /bd = 0.73 %
fs = 283.811
From Fig (3) , IS 456/2000 , Modification factor = 1.1 4.2
From IS 456 : 2000 clause 22.2.1 , Basic Span / depth ratio = 26 A
From IS 456 : 2000 clause 22.2.1 , Span / depth = 28.6
Provided Effective pan /Depth = 21 OK
BASE BEAM : c 𝐷 4.2
Assume the width & depth of the baeam , b = 400 mm , D = 650 mm, d = 600
Total load due to water at the section abc = 77.060 Kn
50% of the Load is = 38.530 kN B
Laod per meter length = 9.17 kN/m
Laod for triangular portion ABD = 47.60 kN/m Span = 4.2 mm
Udl due to self weight = 6.5 kN/m
total 63.27 kN/m
Sf = 132.875 kN
Bending moment at support 93.01 kNm
Bending moment at mid sapn 46.51 kNm

At support Required area of steel for -ve moment = 1385.47 mm
Required area of steel for +ve moment = 692.73 mm
Provide 20 mm dia. Bar so ASTB = 314.1 mm2
Nos of Bar required at support = 5 nos
Nos of Bar required at midspan = 3 nos
provide3nos of20mm dia. Cont. bar at top & bottom
provide2nos of20mm dia. extra. bar at top up to (0.3*L) from support
Ast provided at support == 0.65 %
tv = 0.511
tc = 0.327
So shear reinforcement required
Using 8 mm 2legged striup , so spacing such as
Asv= 50.256 mm
Sv =Asv x σ sv)/(τv-τc) x b = 283.36 mm say 250 mm

Provide8tor strriup @250mm c/c spacing

Grade of concrete M30
Grade of Steel Fe500
Assume size of beam Depth D = 650 mm & B = 400 mm
c/c distance of beam= 6 m

Total Loads on the Circular girder are

Weight due to top dome, top ring beam & cylindrical wall = 350.95 Kn
Weight due to walk way = 62.8 Kn
50% Load from exta poprtion of slab = 154.121 kN
Self wt of bottom ring beam= 122.50 Kn
Total Weight = 690.4 KN

Hence total Weight per running metre W2= 36.63 Kn/m

Bending Moment and Shear Forces

No of Support at ring beam =4 763.2959
From IS 4995.2-1974
70.83 Kn-m 1.555267
36.45 Kn-m

10.98 Kn-m

Max shear force 𝑊𝑟

V = 8 [ as per Is 4995 - 1974 (part II) ] 86.30 Kn
Shear force at support = {W2 x r x( π/4)} /2 43.15 Kn

Design of supporrt section

M= 70.83 Kn-m
V= 43.15 Kn
d=sqrt(M/Q x b) Q= (0.5 x σcbc xk x j) 1.798
d= 295.84 mm
Provide overall depth of beam= 650 mm
Ast =(M/σast x j x d) 1055.11 mm2 d= 600 mm
Provide 16 mm Ǿ dia bar (Ast of bar = 201.024 )
nos of bar required= 6.00
provide Ast= 1206.14 mm2 100Ast/bd τc
τv =(V/bd) 0.18 N/mm2 0.25 0.23
(100 x Ast)/bd= 0.50 % 0.5 0.31
For 0.50 0.311
τc= 0.311 N/mm2
Shear reinforcement area not required.
Provide nominal shear reinforcement use dia of bar 8 mm 2legged spacing= 136.6335 mm say 130
Provide8mm 2legged striup @130mm c/c spacing
Design of Mid span
Max. +Ve BM = 36.45 Kn-m
Ast =(M/σast x j x d) 542.98 mm2
But minimum area of steel is given by
As=(0.3 x bd)/100 780 mm2 > Required Area
Provide 16 mm Ǿ dia bar (Ast of bar = 201.024 nos of bar required= 4
Provide 3-20 tor CONT. bar at BOTTOM
804.096 mm2

Design of section subjected to maximum Torsion and Shear

T= 10.98 Kn D= 650 mm
V= 86.30 Kn b= 400 mm
M= 0
Mt =T[1+(D/b)]/1.7 16.95 Kn-m
Me1=M + Mt 16.95 Kn-m
Area of steel required = ( Mu/ j x d x σst ) 252.48 mm2
Provide 12 mm dia of bar ast= 113.076 mm2
nos of bar required= 2.23 Say= 4 nos
Provide 4nos bar (Ast= 452.304 mm2
Equivalent Shear =Ve =(V+ 1.6 x (T/B)) 154.099 Kn
τv =(V/bd) 0.64 N/mm2
100Ast/bd 0.19 100Ast/bd τc
Shear reinforcement area required. 0.15 0.28
Using 8mm 2 legged stirups, the spacing is 0.25 0.36
Asv= 50.256 For 0.19 0.311
Sv=Asv x σ sv)/(τv-τc) x b 157.377 mm τc= 0.31 N/mm2
Provide 4nos of 16 mm dia cont. bar @ top of the beam
Provide 4 nos of 16 mm dia cont bar @ bottom of the beam
Provide 2 nos of 16 mm dia bar at top of the beam upto 0.3L from support
Provide2nos 12 mm dia bar at each face of beam


(From Landing level 0.000 TO 1.510 m)
Code Used :
1. IS : 456 - 2000 Plain and Reinforced concrete - code of practice.
2. SP:16 Design aids for reinforced concrete
3. IS : 875 - 1987(Part I - II ) - Design loads for buildings and structures.

Total height of the staircase = 1.875 m
Width of stairs = 900 mm
Dimension of tread, T = 300 mm
Dimension of rise, R = 150 mm
Height of flight (Max) 1875 mm
Unit weight of concrete 25 Kn/m3
Unit weight of floor finish 20 Kn/m3
Grade of concrete 25 n/mm2
Grade of steel ( Fe 500 grade ) 500 n/mm2
Waist slab thickness 150 mm
Thickness of landing slab 150 mm
Thickness of floor finishing 50 mm
Width of landing 900 mm
Depth of landing 150 mm
Max bar diameter 12 mm
Effective depth = D-clear cover-(bardia/2)
Effective depth of landing slab 119 mm
Effective depth of waist slab 119 mm


Grade of concrete M30
Grade of Steel Fe500
Number of rises per flight = 13
Say rise=trade 13
Exact dimension of rise = 150 mm
squareroot(175^2+240^2) 335.410 mm
Effective span of the flight :
Length for the flight = 4360.3 mm
Effective span of the flight = 3960.3 mm
Dead load of waist slab on slope 3.75 Kn/m2
Dead load of waist slab on plan = 4.193 Kn/m2
Depth of landing 150 mm
Dead weight of landing 3.75 Kn/m2
Weight due to steps 1.80 Kn/m2
Self weight of floor finishing 1 Kn/m2
Live load 5 kN/m2
from table 1 of IS : 875 (part 2)
Load combination
1.5 dead load + 1.5 live load

Design loads for waist slab per m2 of plan area :

Total load 11.99 kn/m2
Design load per sq. m of landing slab :
Total load 9.75 Kn/m2
11.99 Kn/m
Reaction Ra = 25.2 kN
Rb = 25.2 kN
Point of maximum bending moment at midpoint (unfactored) 2.1 m Ra 4.2 m Rb
Maximum bending moment 26.4 kNm 25.2 25.2
Maximum shear force 25.18 KN

Check for effective depth

Effective depth required d =sqrt(M/0.133 x fck x b)
Effective depth 109.22 mm
119 mm Hence, Ok
REINFORCEMENT (along the span)
Mu / bd2 2.80
From table 4 of SP 16
pt = 0.76
Ast= 904.40 mm2
Provide 12 mm dia bar((AǾ = 113.076
spacing required= 125.029 mm 120 mm
Distribution bar = 0.12% of gross area = 180 mm2
Provide 8 mm dia bar((AǾ = 50.256
spacing required= 279.200 mm
provide 12mm dia bars @120 mm c/c
Provide 8mm dia bar @200mm c/c
Ast provided 942.300 mm2 Design OK
Check for shear
τv= Vu/bd
τv= 0.32 N/mm2

From table 19 of IS 456 for pt

100Ast/bd 0.76
τc= 0.592 N/mm2 100Ast/bd τc
0.50 0.5
which is safe 0.75 0.59
1 0.64

Check for Deflection :

Percentage of tensile reinforcement @ midspan 0.76
fs=0.58 x fy x (area of steel required/ area of steel provided) 278.34 N/mm2
Basic span/eff depth ratio 29.07
Modification factor 1.15
Coefficient for max ratio of span/eff depth [ from IS 456-2000 Fig-4]
Span / Effective depth = 28 OK

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