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Rating Point System for Individual Performance Commitment and Review (IPCR)

The rating of individuals shall be in accordance with the following:


A. Performance Indicator 90%
B. 1. Punctuality at Work
2. Attendance to Agency-wide Activities, Flag Raising
Ceremony and Confirmed Trainings

B.1 Attendance at Work:

Attendance at Work shall be computed by the actual total number of working days
of employees less total incurred late/undertime divided by the total number of
expected number of working days of employees for each rating period. Official leave
of absence shall not be deducted from the attendance record. HRD shall provide a
certified attendance record to each department for verification.

Table 1. Sample Computation of Attendance at Work:

Given: 22 days in a month x

6 months = 132 8 hours = 1 day
Employee incurred 30
minutes late from Jan to June
2017 = 0.0625 480 min = 1 day

Total actual working days of

employee present at work 132 - .0625 131.94
LESS total incurred late = Attendance% = 99.95%
Total number of expected
132 132
work days

B.2 Attendance to Agency-wide activities, Flag Ceremony and confirmed


Attendance at AFAB activities shall be computed by Total actual number of AFAB

activities LESS Total number of absences incurred by employee (Contract of Service
Employees are not included) Divided by the Total number of activities. Human
Resource Division shall provide a certified attendance record of AFAB Activities to
each department for verification.
Employees who have not submitted a valid written justification endorsed by
Department Manager and approved by respective Deputy Administrator (copy
furnished HRD) shall be considered absent.

Table 2. Sample Computation for Agency-wide activities

Number of AFAB Activities 8
Employee incurred 2 absences

Total number of AFAB agency-wide

activities attended LESS total 8 activities - 2 8-2 6
incurred absences = Attendance% absences = = 75%
Total number of AFAB activities 8 8 8

Table 3. Sample Computation of attendance during FRC:

Number of mondays with FRC 22
Employee incurred 2 absences

Total number of FRC in a semester 22 - 2 20 90.91%

LESS total incurred absences = Attendance% absences =
Total number of FRC 22 22

Table 4. Sample Computation of attendance for confirmed trainings (internal and

external) and submission of required post training documents:
Number of trainings 4
Employee failed to attend 1 internal
training and failed to submit 1post
training doc on time

Total number of training LESS total

incurred absences and non- 2 50%
submissions = Attendance% 4-2 =
Total number of trainings 4 4
Table 5. Summary of Agency-wide activities, Flag Raising Ceremonies and
confirmed Trainings

Computed Average

Attendance to Agency-wide activities

Attendance to Flag Raising Ceremonies

Attendance to confirmed trainings (internal and external) and
submission of required docs
TOTAL 71.97

Table 6. Rating Scale for Attendance at Work, Agency-wide activities and Attendance
during Flag Raising Ceremony (FRC) and confirmed trainings:
Score Description
5 No late within the rating period. 100%.
4 76 – 99.99%
3 51 – 75.99%
2 26 – 50.99%
1 1 – 25.99%

Table 7. Sample Computation of IPCR

Based on
Rating Scale %
Performance Indicator 4.53 0.90 4.077
Attendance at Work 99.95% 4 0.05 0.2
Attendance at Agency-wide activities,
71.97% 3 0.05 0.15
FRC and confirmed trainings

Rating Description
Range Numerical Adjectival
Performance represents an extraordinary level
5.00 5 Outstanding
of achievement.
4.00 – 4.00 4 Very Satisfactory Performance exceeded expectations.
3.00 – 3.99 3 Satisfactory Performance meets expectations.
Performance failed to meet expectations,
2.00 – 2.99 2 Unsatisfactory and/or one or more of the most critical goals
were not met.
Performance was consistently below
0.00 – 1.99 1 Poor

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