Sibellus Vox Tech

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Dark Reign | The Unofficial Warhammer 40K Roleplay Site

Vox-Tech and the Scintillan Conclave

Contributed by Reason
Wednesday, 24 December 2008

The masters of the Tricorn in Sibellus have historically been wary of

vox-tech. The ardent listener does not like to imagine his lack of
control over who might be listening to his words, and the Adeptus
Mechanicus, for all their effectiveness once compacted, are far from
trustworthy. Furthermore, the babble of bodiless voices has little
fascination for Inquisitors who can simply abduct, torment, and
question as needs must. Degrees of concern over vox-tech come and go,
waxing and waning like fashions with the influence of one Inquisitor or
another in the Scintillan Conclave. Acolytes, interrogators, and
Inquisitors out in the field make their own arrangements for vox use,
most proving more pragmatic in the face of immediate needs.

At the present time, neither voxlines nor vox-casters are in common use
by Ordos servants within the Tricorn, though the devices and voxlines
exist and are maintained through Mechanicus compact. Even the most
trivial missives travel by scroll and dataslate, servitors and lesser
servants of the Ordos sent hurrying through the vaultways of the
Inquisitorial fortress. Intricate arrays of tradition attend the form
and timing of such missive exchanges, especially amongst savants,
archivites, and correlators.

The Black Companies of Ordos-pledged armor and footsoldiers are

equipped with vox-casters, however, as are the transports and attack
craft of the Black Flights based in the Tricorn’s launch vaults, and
the vessels-orbitus that char the void-plaza before the towers.
Military vox-caster rooms attend the barracks and landing decks of the
Tricorn. Consistency, as said the great Inquisitor Vara Te, is the
daemon that feeds upon the souls of the petty.

It is supposed that the sealed correlation vaults of the Dicasterium

Invisiblis employ vox-tech to eavesdrop upon the endless chatter of the
hive, although this may in fact not be the case, due to the great
effort and expenditure of time required. Vox-stealer emplacements and
great silver-iron vox-auspex grids exist in the heights of the Tricorn,
but they stand unused and out of favor. Powered by Joomla! Generated: 30 June, 2009, 22:39

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