Nixie Radio Clock en

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The IN-14 / IN-8-2 / IN-8 / IN-12

Nixie Tube Clock

This clock includes old Nixie Tubes for displaying time and date and each indicator can display
any decimal number. Those tubes are working on the basis of the same principle as neon signs and it
means that their energy consumption is low and they are not practically warming up. For work of the
tubes high voltage is necessary (up to 200 V) and it means that they should be protected from water
and you should be careful while handling lamps.
In basic mode tubes display the time (hours, minutes and seconds) and during last three
seconds of each minute the date (date, month and two last digits of the year). Also you can set two
independent alarm clocks. The clock is high precision device: maximum deviation is 5 minutes in a
Additionally you can set time period when the clock will be switched to sleep mode and tubes
will be switched off. Time can be displayed by pushing any button and after that the tubes will be
swithed on for a minute. You can save resources of tubes by sleep mode; under favourable
conditions the tubes can be used up to 20-30 years.
In this clock algorithm for “training” of cathodes is integrated: at the end of each tenth minute
digits of all tubes are running from 0 to 9. It allows to avoid “poisoning” of cathodes and to increase
lifetime of tubes.
Note that those tubes are not manufactured during last 20 years and their stock is limited.

Included components
The clock and power adapter.

The clock can be set by two buttons located on the back side of the case.
№ Mode Display Push the left Push the right Holding one of
button button the buttons for
2 seconds
1 Basic Time: Setting of other Switching to the Holding the right
HH-ММ-SS brightness level setting of alarm button: on/off
Date: DD-ММ-YY (4 levels) clocks (mode 17) LED
Holding the left
button: switching
to the next mode1
Setting of time and date
2 Setting of time
HH-ММ-SS2 Zeroing of seconds
3 Setting of time
4 Setting of time
(hours) Switching to next
Increasing Decreasing in mode
5 Setting of date (year) DD-ММ-YY in steps of 1 steps of 1
6 Setting of date
7 Setting of date
Setting of sleep mode
8 Setting of start for
sleep mode HH-ММ
9 Setting of start for
sleep mode (hours) Increasing in Decreasing in Switching to the
Setting of end for steps of 1 steps of 1 next mode
10 sleep mode HH-ММ
11 Setting of end for
sleep mode HH-ММ
Correcting accuracy of the clock
12 Type of correction Increasing in Decreasing in Switching to the
(forward/ backward) steps of 1 steps of 1 next mode

The clock is automatically returned to mode 1 from any mode after 15 seconds of downtime.
Underline means that underlined item is being set.
To switch off displaying of date you should set date as 00.
X: inactive. S: status. Possible meanings: 1 (correction forward to the predetermined number of seconds) or 0
(correction back to the predetermined number of seconds).
13 Frequency of
correction (days) Increasing in Decreasing in Switching to the
14 Correction value steps of 1 steps of 1 next mode
Setting of time and date display
15 Time mode Selection of 12 or 24 hour
15-XX-SS Switching to the
(12 or 24 hour) mode
next mode
16 Date mode 16-XX-XS Selection of 1 or 25
Setting of alarm clocks6
17 Activation /
deactivation of alarm HH-ММ-ХS7
clock 1
18 Setting of
Switching to next
alarm clock 1 HH-ММ-ХS
Increasing in Decreasing in
19 Setting of
steps of 1 steps of 1
alarm clock 1 HH-ММ-ХS
20 Activation /
deactivation of alarm HH-ММ-ХS
clock 2
21 Setting of alarm
clock 2 (minutes)
22 Setting of alarm Returning to
clock 2 (hours) mode 1

Battery CR2032 (which is maintaining work of the clock during failure of power supply) should be
replaced approximately after 3-5 years of operation. To do this the clock should be dismounted releasing all
screws securing lower cover of the case. The clock should be plugged off the network before dismounting.
Remember about high voltage inside the clock!
Warranty information
The clock (including tubes) has 2 year warranty from the moment of purchase. If the clock has signs
of moisture penetration, mechanical damages and other signs of improper and careless handling it is not
covered by warranty. Manufacturer gives warranty to availability of spare lamps in sale during the period
of 2 year from the moment of purchase of the clock.

1 is European date mode (DD-MM-YY); 2 is American date mode (MM/DD/YY).
Alarm is turned off by pressing any button or after 10 minutes of working it will turn off by itself.
X: inactive. S: status of the alarm clock. Possible values of the status indicator: 0, 1, or 2, where 0 means that the
alarm is off, 1 - alarm is on and will only work once, and 2 - alarm is on and will work every day at a specified time.
Workshop “Past Indicator”
+7 (964) 536-00-33 (Мoscow)

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