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Student-Teacher: SHAMSA ALHAMELI


Course: EPC 2403

Grade Level: 3

Subject: math


Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):

3MDT2 Identify and explain the relationships between half hours and hours, and between hours and days.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and the Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
students use? Be specific) class?)

puzzle games 1-students in the right groups with there level

Paper plates containing clockwise 2-Number of the worksheet corrected

A cube contains hours and another cube contains minute
3-All the activity is there
Cards contain photos of hours
4-The projector is working
Clothes Clips
Key vocabulary

Half hour • hour • o’clock

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)


5 min

Explanation about the hour and half hour and the difference between them.

Small activity that the students will do matching the picture of clock with the number.

Guided Experience and/or Independent Experience

(group working with the teacher and/or students working independently)

Time: __20__ min

1- ( level 2) Cards containing photo hours with three options the student must be chosen the correct
answers by placing the clips in the correct location.

2- (level 4)A piece containing pictures of the clock and pieces containing the time , The
student should look for the right time for the right picture.
3- ( level 3 )A cube containing an hour and another cube containing minutes, The students
must draw the time they will get when they throws the cubes.
4- ( level 1 )Paper plates containing clockwise, It will be written time in each dish , The
student must put the hour hand on the right time


5 min

Video contains questions to make sure that they understand.

Homework sheet assessment or if there is time we will do it in the class.
MCT/MST Lesson Observation
Feedback to student teacher
Student teacher’s name: Grade Level:
Unit/Lesson: Date:

Competency Area E G S M US
Professionalism and Understanding
Professional growth
Planning for learning
Planning activities and lesson aims
Implementing and Managing Learning
Language and delivery
Classroom management
Communication skills
Monitoring and Assessment

Critical Reflection
Strengths of the lesson:

Areas for development:

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