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Lesson Plan Template

Student-Teacher: Ms. Brid

Date: 26.2.2018

Grade Level: Grade2/b

Subject: Science

Strand: E-CO systems and habitats

Learning Outcome: To make the students able to recognize plant's parts.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and the Preparation (what do you need to make or check before class?)
students use? Be specific)
-I need to make sure all the materials are available
-Computer and data-show to display the PowerPoint
-I need to make sure the computer and the data-show are
- 'Sort the words' Lesson PlanforTemplate
worksheet each student working

- colorful papers to do the flower parts in pairs

-'Parts of flower' sheets for each student. This sheet will Key vocabulary
be given at the end of the lesson to assess students'
-Scissors for cutting the words and sort it into the correct
box. -Oxygen
-Glue for gluing the words and sort it into the correct -Carbon Dioxide
-Animals, people

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

-The teacher is going to ask the student a hypothetical question 'Imagine the world without plants, what would
Time: 10 minutes
Whole Class

-The teacher is going to choose the student who will answer, and all of the students should use their voices.

-After they answered the hypothetical question, the teacher is going to tell them the importance of the plants.

For example; it give us Oxygen and some of the animals are eating it, also as a human being's we use it as food.

Independent Experience:

-In this independent activity the teacher is going to give each student 'sort the words into the correct box' sheet.
Time: 10 minutes
Individual work

-The sheet will have to parts; plant parts and plant needs.

-At the below, they're going to be many words and the students should cut all the words and stick it into the correct

-The teacher should go around and give the students some kinds of help.

-The teacher is going to give each pair all the different parts of the flower (They'll be colorful and shaped).
In pairs work

Time: 15 mintures

-The teacher is going to ask each pair to stick all the flower parts together.

-The teacher is going to use the positive reinforcement to encourage the students to do their work quickly. (The
teacher will tell the students: the first pair who will finish their work, they'll get yellow slips).


-The teacher is going to assess the students' knowledge about this lesson by giving them worksheet to do it individually.

-The assessment sheet will be about the parts of a flower.

-The students will be writing the flower parts on the correct line.

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