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May the Hinges of Friendship Never Rust Editor-Dr.V.


The Official Newsletter of
Association of
41 Clubs of INDIA

Issue-11, AUGUST 2016

In this issue
[Page-2] Club 190 Charter
New Charters
Club 188 Ludhiana Invincibles Chartered

[Page-3] Gurgaon 189 Chartered

[Page-4] Club 184 AGM

Club 190 Dilli Dare Devils Chartered

[Page-5] Club 139 AGM

Send your communications to

Editor: Dr. Sid
May the
lorem Hinges
ipsum dolorof Friendship never Rust August, 2016
issue, date


DILLI DARE DEVILS (23rd July,2016)

The meeting was called to order by to introduce his entire team club.
the secretary of the sponsor club, 41 giving details about their
Club of Moradabad No. 92, Mr. experience, profession and Chairman Mr. Pankuj Vats then
Deepak Bajaj. families. This was followed by briefed about the club formation,
the welcoming of the newly meetings and the objectives to be
He then raised a toast to the inducted chairman by the achieved to each and every one
President, Republic of India and 41 National President of the 41 Club present there.
India. of India, A. Sridharan Chettiar Moreover, the Area Chairman 41 club
Then, he took the time to welcome honoring him with the jewel and Area V, Mr. Amrinder Singh followed
and address the gathering while the lapel pin. by National editor 41 Club magazine
acknowledging their presence. The Area V Chairman Elect Mr. Mr. Prikshit Mehra spoke a few words
Mr. Puneet Aggarwal was called on Ashish Gupta congratulated and with everyone in attendance.
the stage to read upon the aims and conveyed the wishes and
objectives of the 41 club of India. message of the current Area V To bring the ceremony to a close, the
Furthermore, he welcomed and Chairman Dr. Ritesh Bansal. Secretary Mr. Puneet Gupta then gave
introduced the incoming chairman The National President of 41 a vote of thanks to everyone in
of the newly inaugurated 41 club, Clubs of India then took to attendance and the august guests,
Mr. Pankuj Vats, while clearly inaugurating the Charter and acknowledging them for lending their
explaining the latter’s addressed the gathering while time, support and wishes.
achievements, profession and handing over the Charter
credentials. Certificate to
The newly inducted chairman, Mr. Chairman Mr. Pankuj Vats and
Pankuj Vats, then took to the dais the kits to the members of the

Members List:
1. Mr. Pankuj Vats (Chairman) 9810041593
2. Mr. Puneet Kr. Gupta (Secretary) 9810083274
3. Mr. Sameeir Jain 9212010343
4. Mr. Puneet Aggarwal 9811209865
5. Mr. Minish Agarwal 9810040681
6. Mr. Pradeep Mehta 9811138006
7. Mr. Vishal Poddar 9811027896

May the Hinges of Friendship Never Rust August, 2016
lorem ipsum dolor issue, date

The inauguration of Gurgaon 41ers club-189

The inauguration of 41 Club of Gurgaon 189 held on the 24th of July was well attended by the following
National and Area members from the Club 41 and Table GMCRT 217 represented by its Head Board and
The following is a synopsis of the proceedings for the charter ceremony
# Welcoming of the Guests
# Invitation to the following members to take the Head Board
# Chief Guest – National President – Sridharan Chettiar
# Chairman of the sponsoring club – Niraj Sharan (Club 41)
# Past President - Ajit Khullar
# Area 5 Chairman for Club 41 – Amrendra Singh
# IRO - Harsh Sehgal
# National Editor - Parikshit Mehra
# National Archivist - Khushroo Kalyanwala

Meeting call to Order by the Chairman – Sponsoring club followed by the reading of the
Aims and Objectives for Club 41
The 9 members of the Gurgaon 41ers Club were introduced and inducted by the
National President
o Manohar P Venugopal ( Chairman)
o Prashant Mehra ( Vice Chairman)
o Manish Modi ( Secretary)
o Abhishek Singhania
o Rohit Kapoor
o Shobhit Jain
o Pavan Bagadia
o Anil Kumar Jain
o Harsh Saxena

to the issuance of the Charter certificate and presentation of the Jewels to the Chariman
gathering was then addressed by the National President and other members of the
head board welcoming the members as “Members for Life” to the Club 41 movement.

guests and a vote of thanks

May the
lorem Hinges
ipsum dolorof Friendship Never Rust August

Chennaiyin 41club-184 AGM 41 Clubs of India

President Chettiar at the
We had our AGM and fellowship on July 2nd at our Chairman's Shafee's house and Meeting of 41 Club No.
The of
most cub
ourwas sponsored
members attended with theirVinay,
spouses.Project Convener
During the AGM Chairman 39 at the home of the
by 41 and
Shafee Club No.requested
I were 87 of to continue -asYV Harikrishna,
Chairman 41 of the club.
and Secretary gracious hosts Rahul &
The greetings of all the birthdays and anniversaries were announced and it was Shruti Nandkeolyar
Vishakhapatnam. India Webmaster-
decided to have a fellowship, with a theme in the next meeting.
The to isSiva
beauty of this club Aanand
the humor in different Khara
forms be it and IROwhimsical,
amusing, -
ludicrous Babji, Area
or preposterous but you have aHarsh Sehgal.
non -stop laughter from time we all meet.
We always have our fellowships with children and the kids enjoy themselves
Chairman-Area 7,
The & Malik,
Chairman requested all the members to attend the national AGM/HYM in
Bangalore on 14th October to 16th October and house parties on the 13thOctober
the driving forces behind
with the Utsav package. I, as a board member apprised them of the activities of the
the formation
Association of 41of theofnew
clubs India and international
My nomination for Vice President 2016-2017 was read, during the AGM and it was
also Charteramong
all the members. All the members are extremely delighted to
see my nomination.
was also accompanied by
the RTI Club
Chairman Shafee92's 700thare amazing hosts with their hospitality and awesome
and Rekha
meeting. very few people can match them. We had one of the best Britani’s and
sweets in their house. The party went on with games and then a surprised followed,
they President Gopalin with a huge garland as my birthday was on July 3rd
my birthday
and followed by the cake cutting ceremony. I profusely thank my friends for that
Chopra handed
wonderful thea very kind Gesture. Yes friends as we went back home I
surprise and
only certificate
had one tomy mind.
thought in
Chairman Rajesh, in the 41 er Rajinder Malhotra
BEING of wife Smita,
RT Area
TRUE Chairman
FRIENDS 9 -PART-Jawahar Nichani
NEVER Round Table & 41
Clubs has on behalf of
Club 39 the honour of
presenting a memory to
President Chettiar & 1st
Lady Rajeswari.

lorem the Hinges
dolor of Friendship Never Rust August 2016
issue, date

The Tangent Blooms of Bangalore!!!

We had just 1 club in Bangalore for ever so long and suddenly there are 3 of them, vying for a place
among the other 2 cities which have 3 clubs each, namely Delhi and Kolkata.
Tangent 10, Bangalore has worked hard to get 2 more clubs active in their region. The have been the
sponsors for the clubs, Nos. 18 and 19 and special mention needs to be made of this fact.

Tangent 18
At the end of June, when the 41ers of Club 116 decided to have their AGM at Colombo, their ladies who
were gearing up to form a Tangent Club, also decided to have their charter alongside . So it came to be
that for the first time we had a Charter of a club of Tangent India on foreign shores. Tangent Club 18,
Bangalore was chartered on the 25th of June, where the members stepped on to the iridescent shores of
Colombo. An unforgettable evening at a glittering ceremony the Charter certificate was presented by
the VP, 41 Clubs of India Gopal Chopra, to Preeti Asher , Charter Chairperson of Tangent Club 18 with
Anju Kesavan, Charter Secretary by her side. Smita Chopra played a leading role in getting and
garnering the members of this young 18 club.

Tangent 19
Once again we saw a 41 AGM bring on a Charter ceremony of a Tangent Club. The gracious gentlemen
of Club 93 need a special word of praise for this great act of generosity. This time it was some of the
members of LC 19 who were getting together to form Tangent Club 19! A real lucky number for them as
on the Charter night of the 16th of July 2016, they had 19 charter members. It is justifiably so that they
call themselves Forever 19!!!
The evening function was held at the Prestige Golf Resorts at Devanahalli. To grace this occasion, a
galaxy of members from the Tangent National Board were present. President Jayshree Thapar, VP
Kalpana Udaykumar and the National Treasurer, Meena Sharma were all present on this momentous
occasion. The Chairperson and Secretary of the sponsor Club, Tangent 10, Sandhya and Divya were also
part of this history in the making, while Sudha Rao the immediate past chairperson of their club was the
MC for the evening. After the preliminary introductions and greetings, President Jayshree Thapar
presented the Charter to Charter Chairperson Raquel Kareem amidst thunderous applause. This Charter
ceremony was followed by the 41ers AGM. Just as this ended, the Rain Gods descended on us making it
a perfect evening for a Rain Dance , for which no one was prepared unfortunately. It was indeed a very
memorable evening in more ways than one!!!

-Jayashree, President Tangent Club of India

May the
lorem Hinges
ipsum dolorof Friendship Never Rust August

The 41er wearing the jewel is

Ajay Raman of Club 5. He was
Charter Chairman of NDRT 24
and yesterday the Table
facilitated the 4 Charter
members who were invited to
their 44th AGM. The outgoing
Table C'man made him were
the same jewel which he wore
for the first time in Feb 1972
on the Table Charter day 44
years back. A heavy collar
with 44 lapels. 3 Tablers
President Sridharan and I drove down to Pondicherry for the AGM of 41 Club
retired and instant connect was
Pondicherry Elite 139 on June 29th. We had taken GST road and got stuck in
made with them too. Another
traffic and it took almost 4 hrs. to reach Pondicherry. After the AGM we had a
initiative staring an annual
wonderful fellowship and I must confess that this is one of the best clubs in
dinner get together of all 41 er
the area as not only they meet every month but with new concept of
/ Sq legs with Tablers.
fellowship. They give fellowship a new meaning. The members are very
A Reconnect- Ajit warm and their hospitality is at its peak.
41 er Chairman Shivaraj and Secretary Prem Raja had a very fruitful year
Khullar and handed over to the 41er new Chairman Harish Nanwani and Secretary
AGM of club 101 at Vistara Anand. 41 er Prem Raja and 41er Chairman Shivaraj honoured us and gave us
resort at Wayanad...Nitin tremendous welcome. President Sridharan and I highlighted the activities of
Kammath takes over as the the Association of 41 Clubs of India. We also apprised the members to attend
new Chairman. the national AGM/HYM at Bangalore on October 14th, 15th and 16th. We
also gave them the insight of attending the national and international AGMs
and how it enhances the friendship and fellowship.
After the AGM They had a new variation of Karaoke where the original tune
was played, the members and the guests had to inform the song which was
copied from the original music.41er Prem Raja as we know from the tabling
days is an asset to this 41 club and along with 41er Shiva raj have taken this
club to greater heights and I am proud of this club . "You can never cross the
The Yaps with city ocean unless you have the courage to lose the sight of the shore."
coordinator Satyanarayana There are 5 Honorary Members of Pondicherry Elite 41 Club No: 139:
and Yaps convenor Naresh 1. Mr. Rheeman S.J (Leading Architect) 2. Mr.Ravichander K.V (Owner of
at Hyderabad. Distilleries) 3. Mr.Chandran.V.J (Senior Superintendent of Police, Govt.of
Puducherry) 4. Zeganadin Paul (French Pensioner) 5. Mr.Vaithianathan.K
(Jeweler & Bus Transporter). These 5 honorary members are the key in
propelling the fellowship in this wonderful club. They really enjoy the
fellowship and it is a pleasure to meet them. I remember when Past President
Manoj Kapoor had visited Pondicherry we had a extensive fellowship at
Zeganadin paul's house. Some of them were also honorary members in RTI in
the yester years.

Report on Area 5 -expansion and extension

After the lull of the summer months there has been a sudden spurt in the activities of Area5. It has sprung back to
hectic activities and the month of July has been most productive from the angle of expansion and extension
3 new clubs have been chartered- Ludhiana Invincibles no 188; Gurgaon 41 no 189 and Diili Dare Devils, New
Delhi no 190.
Ludhiana has brought in 16 new members lead by Chairman Narender Agarwal and Secretary Sudeept, which has
great potential to become the nucleus of our 41 movement in the Punjab and Haryana.
With Gurgaon 41 we have opened our account in the state of Haryana under the able leadership of Chairman
Manohar Venugopal Vice Chairman Prashant Mehra and Secretary Manish Modi. All nine members have great RT
experience and professional credentials which will hold them in solid stead and expectedly take our movement to a
long and prosperous future. This club has been mentored by able member of Club no 41 Niraj Sharan and both
clubs have been sponsored by Club no 41- NB member Khusroo Kalyanwal and Niraj Sharan.
The third feature in the cap of Area 5 was Dilli Dare Devils Club no 190 which was chartered on 23rd July by the
President Sridharan Chettiar under the leadership of Chairman Pankuj Vats and Secretary Vineet Gupta, with total
membership of 7, with the assurance that they will increase to health no of 12. Here again the seven samurais as
they call themselves is a very talented lot with vast experience in the art of tabling and will be a valuable support
to our movement.
All these Charters were blessed by no other than our caring and able President Chettiar, who has visited our Area 5
for the 3rd time on our invitation. He has been a Great inspirational source to our Area and we are extremely
thankful to him and the First Lady Rajeshwari.
Moreover I take this opportunity to proudly declare that Area 5 has led the process of extension by adding 5 new
clubs- Udaipur -12; Bhilwara -10;Ludhiana -16; Gurgaon - 9 and Delhi -7 in the year 2015-16. A total of 54 new
members. Besides another 5 members have been added to clubs nos 5, 28, 39 & 41Targeted cities are Amritsar,
Varanasi and Chandigarh for the near future- Amrendra Singh
1. Name the 3 International Past Presidents from India.
2. Which Indian 41er served as 41 International Editor from 2009 to 2012
3. How many countries are members of 41 International as of now?
a) 25 b) 22 C) 30
4. Name the only Indian who has been made Life Honorary Member of
41 International
5. When was 41 International formed?
a) 1976 b) 1957 c) 1975
6. 8 countries have their National AGM during September/ October
Right or Wrong
7. Who founded the YAP (Young Ambassador Program) of
41 International
8. Do all the member countries having two voting rights have two IROs
a) Yes b) No
9. Where is the next Half Yearly Meeting of 41 INTERNATIONAL going
to be held?
10. Which is the correct, registered logo of 41 International?

a) b) c)
6, Right. 7) Indu Chandok. 8, b. 9, Bangalore, India. 10, a.
Correct Answers: 1. Indu Chandok, Sampath, Krishna Kumar. 2. Rajan Mittal 3, 25 4, Indu Chandok. 5, c

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