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Science, Technology & Innovation Studies

Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2009
ISSN: 1861-3675

Technology Adoption in Small-Scale Agriculture: The Case of

Cameroon and Ghana

Genesis T. Yengoh (Lund University, Sweden)

Armah Frederick Ato (University of Cape Coast, Ghana)
Mats G. E. Svensson (Lund University, Sweden)

received 5 Sept. 2009, received in revised form 21 Dec. 2009, accepted 20 Jan. 2010


This study explores one of the most important questions for alleviating poverty in
sub-Saharan Africa, why are advancements in agricultural technology not taking
root in this region? Using data from deep interviews of 42 small-scale farmers in
Ghana and Cameroon, a conceptual analysis of drivers and factors of agricultural
technology adoption in this region is made and represented as causal loop diagrams.
Interviews also provide a basis for weighting factors that farmers consider before
adopting a new technology. These weights are then used to run a system dynamics
model with a hypothetical population of 10.000 farmers to see the effects of different
drivers of technology adoption on the adoption rate and number of adopters over a
25 year period. Results show that most farmers have a bet-hedging strategy as they
try to minimize risks of production failures. While certain factors like scale of pro-
duction, long-term considerations, the history of success of past technologies, and
the endorsement of technologies by opinion leaders may be important, many other
factors do influence decisions to adopt new technologies. This limits any silver bullet
strategy towards solving the problem of limited diffusion of agricultural technologies
in this region. Addressing such a problem therefore calls for a much more holistic
112 STI-Studies 2009: 111-131

1 Introduction duction is made (Moser et al. 2006). In

areas where some of these technologies
Small-scale farming forms the back-
exist, the adoption rate has been very
bone of agricultural production in sub-
low and hence their spread has been
Saharan Africa. Historically, productiv-
limited and their intended benefits un-
ity of small-scale farming systems has
achieved (Lado 1998).
been plagued by a number of structural
and policy issues that have led to slow Improving agricultural productivity in
increases in yields and even stagnation the developing world in general and
in some parts and for some crops. The sub-Saharan Africa in particular has be-
absence of technology, limited access to come an urgent need, dictated by pop-
or the use of inappropriate technology ulation growth, uncertainty in global
are among some of the factors blamed food markets, changing consumption
for food deficiency in many parts of patterns of food commodities, as well as
the developing world (von Braun et al. the desire to meet important milestones
2007; McCalla 1999). It seems to be in food and nutrition in the region such
taken for granted that with the right as those of the millennium development
technology in place (better seeds, fer- goals. There is the desire of achieving
tilizers, tools, techniques, and others), this improvement in productivity while
agricultural production will routinely be facing up to the contemporary chal-
increased and challenges of food secu- lenges of global environmental change:
rity overcome in areas with some phys- global warming, land degradation, wa-
ical and social limitations to food pro- ter pollution and scarcity, and biodi-
duction. Such assumptions are based versity loss (World Bank 2007; McCalla
on the expectation that if there is a so- 2001; Blackman 1999). Properly tailored
lution to a problem, then it is rational incentives and policies will be needed
that people who know of the existence to ensure that future efforts to increase
of such a solution, have access to it, and agricultural productivity do not com-
are facing problems for which the so- promise environmental integrity, public
lution is appropriate will use it to find health, and the ability for future gen-
a way out of their problem (Beckford erations not to be over-burned by our
2002). present day actions (Tilman et al. 2002).
Access to and the use of appropriate
International agencies, national gov-
technologies may be one of the tools
ernments, regional authorities and lo-
needed to meet these production chal-
cal concerned groups do attempt at dif-
lenges in sub-Saharan Africa (McCalla
ferent scales to make agriculture more
productive and profitable by introducing
technologies to meet or reduce some
of the constraints of farm production.
2 Study Objectives
These constraints include soil erosion,
depleted soil nutrients, low quality of While technology is constantly being
seeds, over-grazing, the use of rudi- developed at almost all levels of the
mentary farming tools and techniques, food production, distribution and retail
among others. The outcome of these ef- chains, the need to provide small-scale
forts has largely been modest (Ahmed agriculturalists (especially in develop-
2004). Some of the basic technolo- ing countries confronted with problems
gies have not yet reached many of the of food deficiency) with basic appro-
farmers of this region, especially those priate technology needed to improve
of small-scale production (Gallup et al. their production capacity seems to be
2000). Where outside extension agents overwhelmingly supported (World Bank
have introduced new technologies, ini- 2007; Pinstrup-Andersen et al. 1998;
tial adoption rates have been low and McCalla 1999). Understanding the fac-
the low adoption rates have largely tors that influence the adoption or non-
failed to spread spontaneously beyond adoption of technologies at the produc-
the communities into which such intro- tion end of small-scale agriculture can
Yengoh/Ato/Svensson: Technology Adoption in Small-Scale Agriculture 113

therefore have important implications ideas or products only when the ma-
in the planning of technology-related jority is using it), and laggards (tradi-
projects for meeting the challenges of tional and conservative people, slow to
food production for this category of pro- change and critical towards new ideas,
ducers. will only accept or use them if the new
ideas have become mainstream or even
This study aims to explore some of tradition) (see Figure 2).
the insights of the process of decision-
making by some of the most impor- This theory (like the Bass diffusion
tant but vulnerable group of agricul- model (Bass, 1969)) sees technology
tural producers in the world - small- spread as the outcome of two main fac-
scale farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa tors: innovation which refers to the de-
(World Bank 2007). Using tools of sys- sire of people to try out new technolo-
tems dynamics (causal loop diagrams gies, and imitation which refers to the
(CLD)1 and quantitative modeling) the influence of those that have tried out
study seeks to understand the process a technology in drawing in others who
of decision-making from a more holis- have not yet tried this technology to try-
tic perspective. Insights into the pro- ing and using it. The innovation adop-
cess of decision-making may provide tion curve developed by Rogers (1995)
clues to the long-standing question of therefore seems to suggest that trying
why technology-related assistance has to quickly and massively convince the
in many cases failed to take root in this bulk of people of a new idea or product
part of the developing world (Ahmed is useless. It takes time for innovation
2004). to diffuse through a society and it makes
better sense to start with convincing in-
novators and early adopters first before
expecting other groups of adopters to
3 The baseline model and its follow suit.
3.1 Interaction between Actual and
Technology adoption has been investi-
Potential Adopters: the Bass
gated by a number of diffusion of inno-
Diffusion Model
vation theories. The most influential has
been by Rogers (1995) who framed the A well tested theory of the diffusion of
adoption of innovation as a life-cycle technology is the Bass diffusion model
made of five categories of adopters: in- (Bass 1969). This model sees the adop-
novators (brave people ready to take tion of new products as an interac-
risks and try out new things), early tion between a population of would-be
adopters (opinion leaders who are ready users (potential adopters) and the pop-
to try out new things but exercise a ulation currently using the product (ac-
bit more caution than the innovators), tual adopters). Mathematically, the Bass
early majority (people who are care- diffusion model is represented as:
ful but ready to accept change more Equation 1:
quickly than the average), late major- N t −1
ity (skeptical people who will use new N t = N t +1 + p ( m − N t −1 ) + q ( m − N t −1 )

1 A characteristic causal-loop (influence or Where N t is the number of adopters at

cause-effect) diagram is used to define posi- time t; m is the market potential (po-
tive and negative causal links (or influences).
tential adopters) or the total number
Positive (+) and negative (-) polarities are
used to define the nature of influence from of people who may eventually use the
one factor to another. A has a positive in- product; p is the coefficient of innova-
fluence or effect on B if A adds to B, or if a tion (external influence) or the proba-
change in A results in a change in B in the bility that someone who is not yet us-
same direction. In the same light, A has a
negative influence or effect on B if A sub-
ing the product will begin using it be-
tracts from B, or if a change in A results in cause of advertisement; q is the coeffi-
a change in B in the opposite direction. cient of imitation (internal influence) or
114 STI-Studies 2009: 111-131

the probability that someone who is not model into stocks, flows and feedback
yet using the product will start using it loops carried out by Sterman (2000).
because of "word-of-mouth" or person- The role of advertisement and word-
to-person communication. of-mouth in influencing adoption rate
is determined by the effectiveness of
It is generally assumed that the timing
advertisement and contact rate respec-
of the first time purchases is somewhat
tively (loop R1). The degree to which
distributed over the general population
these two factors will determine adop-
(meaning the role of the innovators and
tion rate is however limited by the popu-
early adopters is very important in de-
lation of potential adopters (loop B1 and
termining the speed of the adoption pro-
cess and hence the time the innova-
tion adoption cycle will run). Hence the
diffusion rate at time t is generally ex-
Figure 2: A causal loop diagram of
pressed as (Sultan et al. 1990):
the baseline model of technology
Equation 2: adoption that takes into account
the roles of advertisement and
= g (t )[N * − N (t )]
dN (t )  
dt spread by word-of-mouth
Total Effectiveness of
Contact Adoption Advertisement
Where dN(t)/dt is the rate of diffusion at Rate Fraction +
time t, N (t) is the cumulative number of Potential
adopters at time t, N* is the total number + Adopters
Adoption From +
of potential adopters in the population, Word of Mouth
+ B1
and g(t) the probability of adoption for
individuals who have not yet adopted.
R1 Actual
+ +
3.2 Test-runs with the baseline Adoption B2
+ +
The baseline model of technology adop- Adoption from
tion assumes no constraints of purchas-  
ing power, willingness to pay, access  
to information, and access to the new  
technology. The main factors driving Using a hypothetical farming popula-
adoption are the roles of advertisement tion of 10.000 (constituting the popu-
and the word-of-mouth. These factors lation of potential adopters), the initial
are illustrated in the causal loop dia- model is run for 25 years with Euler’s
gram of the baseline conceptual model integration method. The model repli-
of technology diffusion (Figure 2). It cates the role of the influence of inter-
is basically the translation of the Bass nal (word-of-mouth), and external (ad-

Figure 1: Rogers’ adoption/innovation cycle showing the distribu-

tion of different categories of adopters of a new technology over

Late Adopters  Late Majority  
34 % 34 % 

Early Adopters 
13.5 % Laggards  
16 %
2.5 % 


Yengoh/Ato/Svensson: Technology Adoption in Small-Scale Agriculture 115

vertisement) factors on the diffusion of potential users to be influenced by imi-

new technologies are based on Equa- tation to adopt an innovation) are more
tion 1 (Figure 3). important in driving the diffusion pro-
cess. The model g(t)=p is suggested to
explain the singular role of external fac-
Figure 3: The traditional logistic tors in influencing the technology diffu-
curve of the adoption rate of a sion process. Here, p signifies the coef-
new technology ficient of external influence (i.e. the role
of mass media and other forms of ad-

Diffusion of technological change over
a population of potential adopters is of-
ten characterized by two well-known
0 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 facts (Cabe 1991): the length of time
Years of Simulation
required by the diffusion is often sig-
Adopters Adoption Rate nificant and the time often varies con-
siderably among innovations. More-
over, threshold effects are also impor-
The conceptual models represented as tant, where drastic changes can happen
causal loop diagrams (CLDs, see Fig- when a threshold is passed. One exam-
ure 6-13 in Chapter 4) and the weights ple of such a technology spread within
attributed to these factors in influenc- the agricultural sector is drip irrigation
ing technology adoption (Table 1) are (Fichelson et al. 1989).
used to further develop the baseline
model that characterizes the system of
decision-making in the case studies. 4 Methods to improve the
baseline model

3.3 The Importance of Internal and 4.1 Additional factors

External Influences Several factors have been advanced as
determinants of the adoption and diffu-
Different studies have established dif-
sion of technology among small-scale
ferent levels of importance on the role
farmers in developing countries. Earlier
of internal and external factors (q = the
research established the importance of
coefficient of imitation, and p = the coef-
access to financial resources for invest-
ficient of innovation respectively in the
ment and size of farm holdings (Feder
Bass diffusion formula above) in influ-
1980; Feder et al. 1985; Sunding et
encing the process of innovation adop-
al. 2001; Lee 2005). More recently, re-
tion. Mansfield (1961) sees the role
search has also identified the role of
of internal influence (personal commu-
learning in the diffusion of pineapple
nication through word-of-mouth, per-
production technology in Ghana (Con-
sonal recommendations, and experi-
ley et al. 2003), and the role of social
ences of others using and being suc-
networks on hybrid seed adoption in
cessful with an innovation) more im-
India (Matuschke et al. 2009). In de-
portant in determining the rate of dif-
veloping conceptual models for individ-
fusion of innovation. Hence g(t)=qF(t),
ual determinants of technology adop-
where qF (t) is the coefficient of person-
tion and diffusion in the case studies,
to-person (internal or word-of-mouth)
farmers are asked to identify factors that
influence - a function of the number of
would make them adopt a new technol-
previous adopters which increase with
ogy introduced through normal chan-
nels of technology introduction in the
Fourt and Woodlock (1960) on the other communities (using field agents of tech-
hand, believe that the roles of external nology production companies, agricul-
influences (advertisement, mass media, tural extension workers, farmers’ so-
and other forms of outreach that enable cial networks). Through further discus-
116 STI-Studies 2009: 111-131

sions, drivers of these factors are identi- renting farm plots. Results of the inter-
fied and presented as cause-effect rela- views were used to develop a general
tionships in causal loop diagrams of in- conceptual framework of the system
dividual sub-systems. of decision-making concerning agricul-
tural technology adoption in these re-
4.2 Interviews with farmers
Using an example of the new maize
The study develops a theoretical un- seeds that were introduced in both
derstanding of the system of decision- study regions in the early 1990s, farm-
making with regards to agricultural ers are brought in to discuss the impor-
technology adoption through a review tance of different factors to their mo-
of literature and field observations. A tivations for adopting or not adopting
total of 42 small-scale farmers were these seeds. These were seeds de-
questioned in open interviews: 12 in veloped by PANNAR, a South African
the Western High Plateau Region of seed producing company based in the
Cameroon and 30 in the Asebu Kwa- KwaZulu-Natal Midlands. They were
mankese District of the Central Region high yielding maize seeds that began
of Ghana. The farmers were asked entering markets in Central and West
questions with reference to technol- Africa in the early 1990s. An initial
ogy adoption between 1990 and 2009. enthusiasm for high yielding cultivars
These questions were related to the prompted a great deal of trials by many
adoption of improved seeds, inorganic small-scale farmers. This enthusiasm
fertilizers, pesticides, and farm tractors quickly died less than five years later
(technologies that have been introduced due to a number of reasons. Small-
in these communities over the last 19 scale farmers who produce primarily to
years). feed their households complained that
the maize produce from these seeds did
Farmers were selected based on a num-
not have the taste of maize they have
ber of factors. Leaders of local com-
been familiar with. Farmers also com-
munity groups helped identify respon-
plained that the produce was difficult to
dents who must have resided in their re-
manage – the cobs grew longer than the
spective communities for over 15 years
ears, exposing the maize grains to ele-
during which time they must have been
ments of weather. As a result, the maize
practicing farming. They must be prac-
grains became soaked by rain soon after
ticing farming at a small-scale. The
maturation and rotted or molded on the
term “small-scale” used in this study is
farms before they could be harvested.
in line with the definition given by Beck-
Lastly, farmers observed that replant-
ford (2002) which describes such farm-
ing PANNAR maize from previous har-
ing as being labor-intensive and char-
vests as they had been doing with tra-
acterized by a high degree of fragmen-
ditional varieties did not produce good
tation, low resource base, and mixed
harvests. They had to continuously buy
cropping. For the purpose of this study,
new seeds from the seed distributors
the definition further restricted inter-
every planting season. For households
viewees to individuals with farm hold-
who cultivated mainly for consumption,
ings of less than two hectares dedicated
they needed to be able to raise money
mainly to the production of food crops.
for these purchases which was not with-
Even though the study intended to up-
out problem for many.
hold a balanced gender representation,
women proved to be more co-operative
and available for interviews than men 4.3 Factors identified by
and hence we had more women re- interviewees
spondents (24) than men (18). Respon-
dents were aged between 35 - 65 years Farmers identify eight main factors as
and included people who owned their being important when they make the
own farms as well as those who were decision on either to adopt or not to
Yengoh/Ato/Svensson: Technology Adoption in Small-Scale Agriculture 117

adopt a technology (Figure 4). These to the ability of new technology to

factors are: be used with minimal disruptions in
the formalized system of functioning
1. Ability to pay which refers to farmers’ of local agriculture. It includes the
capability of paying for and owning ability for new technology to be flex-
or using the newly introduced tech- ible and adjustable enough to facili-
nology. This depends on farmers’ tate its integration into the local agri-
level of income, access to credit, and cultural system.
other sources of financing for agri- 5. Long-term considerations refer to the
cultural activities. assessment made by farmers of how
2. Vulnerability refers to the susceptibil- sustainable this technology can be.
ity of farmers to adverse conditions It is a consideration of the depend-
that may result from using a new ability of a new technology.
technology or from deviating from 6. Suspicion towards new technologies is
their usual agricultural practice. This born from a history of failed attempts
susceptibility may reduce the farm- at introducing viable innovations in
ers’ ability to turn out the produce small-scale agriculture in the study
they have been relying on for their areas. It refers to a misgiving about
sustenance. There is therefore some the true intentions of the new tech-
threat of production failure (risk) in- nology.
volved in adopting a new technol- 7. Endorsement by opinion leaders refers
ogy. to the backing or approval or the
3. Scale of production refers here to new technology given by people
farmers’ range of production possi- who matter in the communities and
bility. One can distinguish between lives of small-scale farmers.
the physical range of this possibil- 8. Access to information refers to the
ity which will be how much land the ease of having information on the
farmer actually has and can bring to new technology under considera-
production and the range in terms tion. Information here refers to
of diversity, meaning the number of knowledge about the existence of a
different production associations the technology, knowledge of what the
farmer practices at any given time. technology can or cannot do, its lim-
Each of these possibilities is taken to itations, and so on. Information in
refer to farmers’ scale of production can be tainted or biased when small-
in this study wherever applicable. scale farmers receive it (even from
4. Adaptability to local conditions refers

Figure 4: Percentage of farmers advancing different consider-

Considerations for Adopting Improved Maize Seeds In Cameroon and
ations for adopting improved Ghana maize seeds in Ghana and
Cameroon (N=12 in Cameroon and N=30 in Ghana)
% of Farmers

60 Ghana
40 Cameroon



































li t









Figure  1  Percentage  of  Farmers  Advancing  Different  Considerations  for  Adopting  Improved  Maize  Seeds  in 
Ghana and Cameroon (N=12 in Cameroon and N=30 in Ghana). 

118 STI-Studies 2009: 111-131

Table 1: Summary of the Qualification of Different Factors of Agri-

cultural Technology Adoption Derived from Interviews
Factor % Ghana % Cameroon % used in
the Model
Access to information 25 {Low} 30 {Low} 30 {0.30}
Endorsement by opinion leaders 24 {Low} 49 {Average} 49 {0.49}
Scale of production 63 {Average} 69 {Average} 69 {0.69}
Ability to pay 68 {Average} 60 {Average} 68 {0.68}
Adaptability of technology to local 28 {Low} 24 {Low} 28 {0.24}
Vulnerability and risk 63 {Average} 76 {High} 76 {0.76}
Suspicion towards new 20 {Low} 34 {Low} 34 {0.34}
Long-term considerations 72 {Average} 83 {High} 83 {0.83}
Factors are qualified as low <40%, average 40-75%, and high >75% (columns
2 and 3). They are used in converting the conceptual model into the quan-
titative model. The higher percentage for each factor from either Cameroon
or Ghana is used as a weight for the influence of the factor in determin-
ing rates of adoption in the model (last column with weights represented in
curly brackets where the maximum is 1 and the minimum 0).

their trusted sources – agricultural bold in Figure 5), individual sub-systems

extension workers and other opinion (which comprise other factors identified
leaders) for a variety of reasons. by farmers as being important in con-
sidering the adoption of new technolo-
Four of these factors stood out as im-
gies) are in boxes and are connected to
portant factors considered by farmers
the baseline model (in bold) with dotted
when they make decisions to adopt a
lines. These boxed variables are differ-
new technology. These are: farm-
ent from the non-boxed variables in that
ers’ ability to pay for the new technol-
they are the outcome of cause-effect re-
ogy, their assessment of the degree of
lationships of smaller sub-systems. The
vulnerability and risk associated with
absence of polarity (+ or – signs) in the
adopting the new technology, farmers’
arrows that link them to the baseline
scale of production, and long-term con-
model (in bold) indicates that they can
siderations. Less prominent factors
have both a positive and negative influ-
were the adaptability of the new tech-
ence on the Adoption Rate and Adop-
nology to local conditions, suspicion of
tion from Word-of-mouth in the base-
the technology, endorsement by opin-
line model.
ion leaders, and access to information.
The percentages of farmers who iden- R1 represents the reinforcing effect of
tified different factors as important are the adoption of the technology from
represented in Table 1. word-of-mouth and from advertise-
ment. This reinforcing loop give rise to
4.4 The refined model of systems the rising limb of the traditional logis-
dynamics tic growth curve of technology diffusion
Other factors that affect the adoption (see the adopters curve in Figure 3; and
of new technologies (besides advertise- also Morecroft 2007; Sterman 2000; and
ment and word-or-mouth) are incor- Bass 1969). R1 therefore represents the
porated into the conceptual baseline potential of an unlimited growth in an
model to give a more integrated system infinite number of potential adopters.
that illustrates the system of decision-
However, the population is always a
making among small-scale farmers
limiting factor to the number of po-
(Figure 5). In the baseline model of the
tential adopters, hence the flattening
diffusion of new technologies (shown in
Yengoh/Ato/Svensson: Technology Adoption in Small-Scale Agriculture 119

top of the curve of adopters (Figure 3). that some factors of technological adop-
In the small-scale farming system of tion in one system become drivers of
sub-Saharan Africa, the effectiveness of factors in other sub-systems.
advertisement, adoption from word-of-
Given that the baseline model takes
mouth, and the adoption rate also have
the role of advertisement and word-of-
limitations (shown in the boxes accom-
mouth in the spread adoption of tech-
panied by dotted arrows) which deter-
nology for granted, the role of other
mine the eventual speed of technologi-
factors in determining the process and
cal adoption and shape of the adoption
speed of technology spread are dis-
rate curve.
cussed. Results of the quantitative mod-
eling are an application of the under-
standing of the decision-making pro-
5 The Role of Other Factors
cess to a hypothetical population of
from Conceptual Analysis
farmers to see the effects of individual
We discuss here the results of both in- factors on the rate of adoption of a new
terviews and quantitative modeling of technology.
the decision-making process of agricul-
tural technology adoption among small-
5.1 Access to Information
scale farmers in the case studies. The
results of interviews are represented as Farmers need knowledge about the
causal loop diagrams which represent benefits of a pice of technology to be
feedback processes of individual factors able to make decisions on whether or
of decision-making in agricultural tech- not to adopt it (Beckford 2002). In many
nology adoption. These can be illus- parts of sub-Saharan Africa, the avail-
trated in a three-stage model of drivers ability of this knowledge to farmers may
of factors that determine adoption, the be constrained by a number of chal-
factors that determine adoption, and the lenges: the remoteness of an area may
decision to adopt the new technology limit the availability of information on
(Figure 6). The decision to adopt a new a piece of technology; and limited eco-
technology is determined by a number nomic resources may mean that farm-
of factors which are themselves the out- ers or farming communities may not
come of several drivers. The main fac- have access to information through cer-
tors of adoption in the baseline model tain forms of mass media like televi-
(advertisement and spread by word-of- sion, print media, internet, and oth-
mouth) are omitted. It must be noted ers. In many cases, the literacy rates

Figure 5: A more integrated CLD illustration of the system of
Access to
Information on a
New Technology Total Effectiveness of
Contact Adoption Advertisement
Endorsement by Rate Fraction
Opinion Leaders +

+ Potential
+ Adopters
Scale of Production
Adoption From +
Word of Mouth
+ B1
Ability to Pay for
New Technology

Adaptability of a R1 Actual
New Technology Adopters
+ +
Adoption B2
Vulnerability and Rate
+ +
Suspicion Towards Adoption from
New Technologies Advertisement


120 STI-Studies 2009: 111-131

are low and potential users may not be

able to access needed information even Figure 7: CLD of drivers of access
if it is available (Figure 7). This form to information on a new technol-
of knowledge about a piece of tech- ogy on its adoption
nology which allows potential users to Level of Literacy
+ Access to
Information about a Decision-making
+ Power
be able to make decisions on whether - New Technology

to adopt it is termed by Abdulai et al. Remoteness of R
(2005) as “schooling”. Some of the com- -
mon means through which informa- + Access to Mass +
tion is brought to small-scale farmers
in developing countries is through farm-
ers’ cooperatives and common initiative
groups, rural development field staff, 5.2 Scale of Production
churches, farmers’ representatives, and
In sub-Saharan Africa where agricul-
extension staff of the Ministry of Agri-
ture employs more than 60 percent
of workforce, and contributes to more
than 35 percent of the gross domes-
tic product, small scale farming con-

Figure 6: A three-stage model of the adoption of a new technology

based on studies of the adoption of maize seeds in the case study
Drivers Factors Adoption Decision
Level of literacy
Remoteness of locality Access to information on
new technology
Access to mass media

Inputs of capital
Access to investment capital
Scale of production
Size of farm holdings

Non-agricultural sources of income

Scale of agricultural production
Ability to pay
Size of farm holding
Access to credit

Integration of indegenous knowledge

Developed through farmer-researcher collaboration
Adaptability to local
Responds to local problems conditions
Based on affordable local resources

Decision to
Vulnerability of production
Adopt a New
Scale of production. Long-term considerations

Non-agricultural sources of income.

Access to insurance
Scale of production,
Price uncertainties Vulnerability and risk
Production failures

Influence of opinion leaders

History of success of past technologies
Credibility of opinion leaders Endorsement by opinion
Cost considerations leaders
Risk considerations
Long -term considerations

History of success of past technologies.

Access to information. Suspicion of new
Endorsement by opinion leaders.
Yengoh/Ato/Svensson: Technology Adoption in Small-Scale Agriculture 121

tributes more than 80 percent of to- savings, or be approved for bank loans
tal agricultural outputs (FAOSTAT 2009; which they have no adequate collateral.
Gallup et al. 2000). Small-scale agri- Their limited farm-sizes and limited ac-
culture here is characterized by small cess to credit imposes a small-scale of
farm holdings, low capital inputs, low production which sustains a state of in-
outputs, and vulnerability to production ability to pay for new technology (Fig-
failures, price shocks, and loss of in- ure 9; also see Abdulai et al. 2005).
come. The low outputs implies a lim- In many parts of the continent, farm-
ited ability to raise investment capital ing has therefore remained underdevel-
through savings, while the vulnerabil- oped, labor intensive, and producing
ity of farmers prevents them from tak- comparatively low yields per capita for
ing production risks that may otherwise almost all of the major cereals and oil
be profitable. The small and fragmented crops (FAOSTAT 2009; UNDP 2007). It
nature of their farm-holdings also pre- is reported that in cases where farm-
vents them from investing in and us- ers may have land but lack the finan-
ing technologies (especially machinery) cial means to develop it for agriculture,
that may save labor and increase output they tend to lease it out and even sell
and productivity (Figure 8). By increas- some of the little inputs they have to the
ing access to capital, a number of rein- few non-financially constrained farmers
forcing processes (R1, R2, and R3 in Fig- who can buy (Ahmed 2004).
ure 4) are set in motion, that can lead to
a sustained increase in the scale of pro-
duction in different ways. Figure 9: CLD of drivers of ability
to pay for a new technology in
the adoption of that technology
Figure 8: CLD of drivers of scale of Non-agricultural
production in the adoption of a Sources of Income
new technology
Inputs of + +
+ Scale of Ability to Pay for
Production + New Technology
+ + +
+ +
Access to + Scale of Size of
Investment Capital + Production Farm-holdings
+ +

+ Access to
Size of Farm

+ 5.4 Adaptability of New

Output Technologies to Local

5.3 Ability to Pay The adaptation of new technologies to

Most of the small-scale farmers in sub- reflect farming practices and traditions
Saharan Africa are subsistent producers of a community requires recognition of
with small farm holdings ranging from existing indigenous know-how, skills
0.5 hectare to about 4 hectares, and and technologies (Norton et al. 2003;
producing food mainly for their house- Lado 1998). When new technology is
hold with little surplus for sales in lo- adapted to local conditions, it builds
cal community markets (UNDP 2007). on such existing skills and technolog-
Although all farmers interviewed may ical capacities as well as maximising
like to invest in new technologies that use of local resources (Figure 10). This
may save labor and increase produc- gives farmers the opportunity of expe-
tivity, they can neither raise the nec- riencing a less steep learning curve as
essary capital to do so through meager they attempt to familiarize themselves
122 STI-Studies 2009: 111-131

with the new technology. It also re- made by the farmer from other sources
duces the level of dependence of farm- (non-agricultural income). When non-
ers on external sources of inputs, spare agricultural activities provide more in-
parts, and other resources that are as- come to farming households, they can
sociated with the use of this technol- afford to try out new technologies, safe
ogy. Lastly, locally adapted technology in the knowledge that if such technolo-
should strive towards solving vitel prob- gies should fail, they may not be entirely
lems (Figure 10). This calls for a revision out of income or livelihood.
of the paradigm of science being devel-
oped by experts at international or na-
Figure 11: CLD of drivers of long-
tional levels, and then disseminated for
term considerations on the
use by farmers at local scale (Tilman et
adoption of new technologies
al. 2002).
Vulnerability and
- Risk
Figure 10: CLD of drivers of the R
adaptability of new technologies Scale of Long-term
to local conditions Production - Considerations
Integration of Indegenous -
Knowledge & Skills
+ Sources of Income
Technology Developed Through Adaptability to Local
Farmer-Researcher Collaboration + Conditions

5.6 Vulnerability and Risk
+ Most farming in sub-Saharan Africa (es-
Technology Responds Technology Based on pecially small and middle-scale farm-
to Local Problems Affordable Local
Resources ing) is not covered by any form of insur-
  ance against production failures. Farm-
  ers are therefore fully responsible for
every one of their decisions, which may
mean a total loss of food, income, and
5.5 Long-term Consideration
livelihood in times of poor harvest. They
Farmers interviewed were unanimous therefore tend to be more risk-averse
in the belief, that they take into ac- and will question the level of their expo-
count the long-term effects of their ac- sure to risk more, before deciding on the
tions when they make decisions regard- adoption or rejection of new technology
ing the adoption or non-adoption of (Feder et al. 1985). To estimate the ex-
new technology. Farmers’ vulnerability tent to which new technology may ex-
to risk (discussed abovebelow) is an im- pose them to production risks, farmers
portant factor when assessing the long- would generally ask the following ques-
term implications of adopting new tech- tions:
nology. Farmers who are more vulner-
able to risks prefer taking less risk and 1. Would the adoption a new piece of
so will tend to be the late adopters of technology make them dependent
laggards in Roger’s innovation adoption on another subsidiary of this tech-
cycle (Figure 11). The scale of produc- nology which they may not be able
tion is also an important consideration. to afford?
The smaller the scale of production, the 2. Is the new technology going to sub-
more risk averse the farmer is (Figure stantially change their production
11). This is because a decision that system in such a way that they may
leads to bad harvests will have a larger have to undergo a major adaptation
negative impact on small scale farmers process to cope with the change?
than on large scale farmers. The last 3. Will they be able to continue with
important factor taken into long-term production as before if this technol-
consideration is the amount of income ogy ceases to be available?
Yengoh/Ato/Svensson: Technology Adoption in Small-Scale Agriculture 123

4. How easy is the process of procure- technology diffusion is therefore greater

ment, and how reliable is the source than just being risk-takers and inno-
of the new technology? vators in the Rogers’ cycle of technol-
ogy/innovation growth. Their decisions
These questions and others make
on the adoption of new technology are
small-scale farmers in the developing
usually determined by cost, risk and
world, and sub-Saharan Africa in partic-
long-term considerations, and the effec-
ular, generally more conservative and
tiveness of their position is determined
less enthusiastic in adopting new tech-
especially by the history of the suc-
nologies (Beckford 2002). When asked if
cesses or failures of previous technolo-
farmers may be willing to receive a new
gies which they supported (Figure 13).
piece of technology, of which payments
The communities view them as lead-
can be made after they sell their pro-
ers who can assess, understand, explain
duce, they seem to be less enthusiastic,
and diffuse the content and understand-
arguing that the prices of farm produce
ing of new technologies to others. Their
are not stable. If such prices fall (given
endorsement or non-endorsement of an
that they are usually quite volatile) they
innovation is taken seriously by the
may be left with a burden of debt that
farmers, and can influence the effective-
may strain their livelihoods in the fu-
ness of the diffusion of the information
ture (Figure 12). It seems by increas-
through word-of-mouth and even of ad-
ing the scale of production, and giving
vertisements (see Figure 5).
farmers access to some form of insur-
ance against production failures, their
vulnerability to risks would be reduced. 5.8 Suspicion Towards New
This means increasing the reinforcing Technologies
effect of the loop R 1 and R2 in Figure In certain parts of the region, past in-
12. novations in agriculture brought dis-
tress to farmers and have sown seeds
of suspicion towards new technologies.
Figure 12: CLD of drivers of vul-
Some of these innovations include the
nerability and risk on the adop-
structural adjustment programs in sub-
tion of a new technology
Saharan Africa, and the introduction
Scale of
Production of genetically modified strains of cot-
- ton from Monsanto in India (McGregor
Price R2 2005; Shiva et al. 2000). In such cases,
Uncertainties - + new technologies or other forms of in-
+ Vulnerability - Access to Production
and Risk Insurance Scemes novations in agriculture are viewed with
+ distrust and farmers would prefer to
  adopt a wait-and-see attitude towards
them. This could be especially pro-
nounced when information about these
5.7 Role of Opinion Leaders new technologies is insufficient to en-
able farmers and opinion leaders to
In the rural communities, which are
make a judgment with regards to the
homes to the small-scale farmers stud-
different considerations that would suit
ied, the traditional rulers, educated
the farming community (Figure 14).
elites, church leaders, and others still
play the role of opinion leaders in their
communities. These are generally peo- 5.9 Interim conclusion
ple with access to the media, and have The covariates discussed above do not
a better understanding of media con- function in isolation. Instead, they
tent. They are therefore regarded as form part of a more complex decision-
the group that can understand the ben- making process in the lives and com-
efits and dangers of innovations though munities of small-scale farmers (Beck-
their greater awareness and experience. ford 2002; Wigley 1988). The decision
The role that they play in the process of to adopt any specific new technology at
124 STI-Studies 2009: 111-131

Figure 13: CLD of drivers of the endorsement of a new technology

by opinion leaders in the adoption of that technology
Access to Information
on a New Technology

Position of Influence of
Opinion Leaders +
+ Cost
+ +
History of Success or +
Endorsement by Risk Number of Opinion
Failure of Past
+ Opinion Leaders Considerations Leaders
Technologies +
Credibility of Endorsement
by Opinion Leaders +

  duction, and a limited socio-economic

Figure 14: CLD of drivers of suspi- power to change their production sta-
cion of a new technology in its tus or their level in the agricultural pro-
adoption duction value chain. This explains why
flexibility and adaptability in decision-
Endorsement by
+ Opinion Leaders making is often a necessary approach to
Access to History of Success or
permit farmers to cope with the habit-
Information Failures of Past Technologies
ually changing economic and physical
- Suspicion Towards
New Technologies conditions (Davis-Morrison et al. 1997).
-   The production decisions (including de-
  cisions of adopting or not adopting new
technologies) of small-scale farmers are
any given time is unique, dependent on therefore much more complex and can-
the outcome of the analysis of these fac- not be evaluated on the same scale of
tors at that particular time and place. rationality as those of farmers in the de-
Hence farmers may take the decision to veloped world.
adopt new technology today based on
the circumstances of the time, but the
6 Results of Simulations
same technology at a different time or
When different weights are attributed to
place with a different state of covari-
factors identified by farmers as being
ates may be rejected. The adoption of
important in driving their adoption or
each new technology therefore has to
non-adoption of a new technology and
find a perfect balance of the combina-
included in the baseline model of tech-
tion of individual covariates that suit the
nology adoption, three groups of fac-
tors emerge (Table 2). These groups
are derived on the basis of how heavily
The socio-economic realities of sub-
they decrease the adoption rates of new
Saharan Africa and other parts of the
technologies among small-scale farm-
tropical developing world gives small-
ers in the case studies.
scale farming a unique character which
unlike large-scale farming (especially in
the developed world), is influenced by 6.1 Factors that heavily decrease
factors more important than the mar- adoption rates
ket (Wigley 1988). However, their prob- Long-term considerations stand out as
lems can be summarized into two main the most important factors that may de-
categories over which they have little or crease the desire to adopt new technol-
no control: natural constraints to pro- ogy (Figure 15). With a generally small
Yengoh/Ato/Svensson: Technology Adoption in Small-Scale Agriculture 125

Table 2: The effect of different factors in decreasing the rate of

adoption of a new technology
Factor Adopters Adopters Effect on Adop-
in Year in Year tion Rates
15 25
Long-term considerations 1071 3814
Heavily decrease
Vulnerability and risk 1620 5645
adoption rates
Scale of production 2541 7668
Adaptability of technology to 3444 8291
Decrease adoption
local conditions
Ability to pay 4332 8940
Endorsement by opinion lead- 8482 9976
Have minor effects
Suspicion towards new tech- 8487 9979
on adoption rates
Access to information 9917 9999

scale of production, limited financial especially farmers’ access to insurance

means, and low credit opportunities, against production failures (Figure 6
farmers would tend to consider long- and 12). When farmers are exposed
term implications in their decisions to to a high vulnerability and risk (76%),
adopt new technology. Including long- the result is an adoption rate that starts
term considerations in the model gives late and grows steadily (Figure 16). The
rise to a delayed start of adoption which number of adopters correspondingly re-
eventually is sustained at a rate lower mains very low for a long time before
than that resulting from the effect of vul- increasing.
nerability. It seems most of the potential
adopters may adopt a wait-and-see at-
titude to the new technology, but once Figure 16: The effect of vulnerabil-
they are sure that its long-term creden- ity and risk on the adoption rates
tials are good, the adoption process may of new technology. Concern
then accelerate. over greater vulnerability and
risk from adopting new technol-
ogy heavily decreases its rate of
Figure 15: The effect of long-term adoption.
considerations on the adoption 12000

rates of new technology. Long- 10000

term considerations heavily de- 8000


crease the rate of adoption. 6000

12000 4000

10000 2000

8000 0

0 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 25
Years of Simulation
4000 Adopters Adoption Rate


0 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 25
Years of Simulation While long-term considerations, vulner-
Adopters Adoption Rate
ability and risk may be important fac-
tors that may decrease the adoption
of any new technology, their impor-
The level of vulnerability and risk is de- tance in this case must be seen in the
termined by farmers’ scale of produc- light of the example of technology be-
tion, price uncertainties, the frequency ing studied. The maize seeds being in-
and number of production failures and troduced were affordable – farmers with
126 STI-Studies 2009: 111-131

small production scales and limited in-

comes could buy as little as half a kilo- Figure 17: The effect of scale of
gram and try it out in a small por- production in decreasing the
tion of their farms. Therefore financial adoption rates of new technol-
burden and production scale were no ogy. When the scale of pro-
longer an issue. Information on the ex- duction is small, farmers tend to
istence and benefits of the new seeds be less inclined to adopting new
was spread by agricultural extension technology.
workers (present in most local commu-
nities), hence knowledge of the prod-
uct in question increased. It had to take

time (several seasons of cultivation) for
the farmers to assess whether the maize
seeds were adapted to the local condi-
tions. Given that the seeds were actively 0 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 25
Years of Simulation
being promoted by agricultural exten-
Adopters Adoption Rate
sion workers (who are opinion leaders
in the small-scale farming world of both
case studies and whom the farmers ex-
pect to know what is good for agricul- The ability to pay decreases the adop-
ture) the importance of suspicion to- tion rates of new technology among
wards the new technology and effect small-scale farmers in the case studies
of endorsement by opinion leaders in (Figure 18). This means that the greater
decreasing the adoption rate declined. the affordability of a pice of technol-
The adoption of other technologies that ogy, the greater the tendency for famers
influence the lives of small-scale farm- to adopt the technology. As discussed
ers through different channels, which earlier, some farmers may not like to
are promoted in different ways, may take loans to purchase new technology.
have different acquisition costs (much They prefer investing for such technolo-
higher or much lower) and may there- gies with their own income. The rate
fore be heavily influenced by different of adoption, when the ability to pay is
factors. average, peaks in about 16 years into
the simulation period (Figure 18). Most
technology has to be bought and there-
6.2 Factors that decrease adoption
fore entail the availability and accessi-
bility of money to small-scale farmers.
Farmers’ scale of production is a fac- Most small-scale farmers in developing
tor which decreases the adoption rate of countries however have low purchasing
new technology. It leads to a late start power and limited access to credit fa-
of adoption with a rate which peaks cilities which make them unable to af-
about 20 years into the simulation pe- ford many of the types of technology
riod (Figure 17). Given that about 80% that are introduced. In the case of the
of farming in the case studies are small- maize seeds farmers could not rely on
scale farmers and the backbone of na- continually paying for new seeds every
tional food security in developing coun- planting season. It however seems that
tries is the small scale farmer (Khor the ability to pay is not as important a
2006), the influence of scale on technol- factor as long-term considerations and
ogy adoption is very important. Scale farmers’ vulnerability and risk of pro-
of production is not as important in de- duction failures. This may partly be ex-
creasing adoption rates as long-term plained by the fact that the maize seeds
considerations and vulnerability partly that are used as a case study is compar-
because of the production under study atively affordable (at least in the short-
(maize seeds) can be bought in quanti- term). Hence farmers can at least afford
ties small enough to be tested on small them on retail basis for trial. The out-
patches of farmland. come may be different if the new tech-
Yengoh/Ato/Svensson: Technology Adoption in Small-Scale Agriculture 127

nology were a more expensive piece of 6.3 Factors with only minor impact
machinery or other technology. on adoption rates
The adaptability of the new technology While present, other factors seem to
to local conditions leads to a decrease play a less important role. They include
in rates of adoption of almost the same access to information, suspicion of new
magnitude as scale of production and technologies, and the effect of endorse-
ability to pay (Figure 19). Adaptability ment by opinion leaders.
here could be in terms of the system of Access to information is seen to play
farming, method of storage, manner of a minimal role in decreasing the adop-
storage, preparation, etc. In the case of tion rate. The peak of the adoption
the maize seeds, they were ill-adapted rates is easily attained in about 5 years
to their environment in terms of not be- and about 9.000 adopters in a total pop-
ing harvestable and storable in ways ulation of 10.000 potential adopters is
farmers were familiar with. They were reached by the 7th year (Figure 20). In
also ill-adapted in terms of their taste terms of the maize seeds under study,
(see Section 4.2). information on the seeds was spread by
agricultural extension workers whose
Figure 18: The effect of the ability operations reach some of the most re-
to pay for new technology in de- mote areas of the case study. Knowl-
creasing the adoption rate of that edge about what the new technology
technology. The ability for farm- intended to accomplish had been dis-
ers to pay for new technology seminated through people whom the
decreases their adoption rate of farmers apparently trust to deliver cor-
the technology. rect news and information on innova-
12000 tions. Farmers therefore had the nec-
10000 essary knowledge to guide their deci-
8000 sions on whether to adopt or not to

6000 adopt the technology. Access to infor-

4000 mation therefore had a minimal impact
2000 on the adoption rates of the technology
0 in questions. The absence of informa-
0 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 25
tion may seed doubts in farmers minds
Years of Simulation
Adopters Adoption Rate as to what exactly the new technol-
ogy may stand to benefit them, thereby
reducing adoption rates. In the same
light, access to sufficient information
may also reveal weak points about a
Figure 19: The effect of adaptabil-
new technology and reduce its adoption
ity of new technology to lo-
rates. The information disseminated to
cal conditions in decreasing its
farmers in the case of the maize seeds
adoption rate. When a technol-
for example was more focused on the
ogy is not adapted to local con-
higher yields per hectare. Farmers were
ditions, it decreases the adoption
to discover problems with taste, storage
rate of the technology.
and seed preservation later. Figure 20
should therefore be understood within
the context of the case study in ques-


4000 Suspicion towards the new technology

2000 is seen to be a minor factor in decreas-
0 ing adoption rates. As discussed ear-
0 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 25
Years of Simulation
lier, the maize seeds under considera-
Adopters Adoption Rate tion benefited from positive “public re-
lations” through agricultural extension
workers who are seen as trusted and
128 STI-Studies 2009: 111-131

Figure 20: The effect of access to Figure 21: Effect of suspicion of

information in decreasing the new technology in decreasing
adoption rate of new technology. its adoption rate. Suspicion of
Access to information is seen to a new piece of technology has
have a minor impact in decreas- only limited impact in decreas-
ing adoption rates. ing its adoption rate.
12000 12000

10000 10000

8000 8000


6000 6000

4000 4000

2000 2000

0 0
0 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 0 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 25
Years of Simulation Years of Simulation
Adopters Adoption Rate Adopters Adoption Rate

knowledgeable agents of agricultural Figure 22: The effect of endorse-

change in rural areas of the case stud- ment of new technology by opin-
ies. Being agricultural opinion leaders ion leaders in decreasing its
in their own right, the endorsement of adoption rate. The endorsement
the technology by agricultural extension of new technology by opinion
workers co-opted other opinion leaders leaders has only a minor impact
(village elders, leaders of agricultural in decreasing adoption rates of
common initiative groups and cooper- the new technology.
atives, and others) into their ranks. This 12000
decreased the role that endorsement by 10000
opinion leaders would have played in 8000

decreasing adoption rates of the maize 6000

seeds. Like the effect of suspicion to- 4000
wards new technologies, of the en- 2000
dorsement by opinion leaders generates 0
a peak adoption rate by the 12th year 0 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 25
Years of Simulation
and a total of about 9.000 adopters in Adopters Adoption Rate

a potential population of 10.000 by the

15th year (Figure 21 and 22). The close
resemblance of the adoption rates re-
poverty, and contributing to global food
sulting from the effects of endorsement
security (World Bank 2007; Pinstrup-
by opinion leaders and the suspicion of
Andersen et al. 1998; McCalla 1999).
new technology results from the rela-
The challenges for policy makers are
tionship between the two factors. When
many and stem from the social and eco-
opinion leaders endorse a technology,
nomic realities of alot of sub-Saharan
suspicion farmers may have over this
Africa’s rural landscape. Besides low
technology is allayed. The two factors
levels of literacy, limited access to in-
are therefore closely coupled.
formation, and low purchasing power,
these areas have fewer agricultural sup-
port services than they had 25 years
7 Policy Implications
ago, and have tended to distrust some
The transfer of technology to encour- of the advice and innovations being
age development of Africa’s agriculture proposed by decision makers in the
is seen as an essential ingredient in at- sector (Blackman 1999; Ahmed 2004;
taining sustainable rural development World Bank 2007). To meet these chal-
in the continent, raising many of the lenges agricultural development policy
agriculture-dependent population out of may have to streamline their efforts to:
Yengoh/Ato/Svensson: Technology Adoption in Small-Scale Agriculture 129

• Improve basic education which nology and innovations that may re-
raises the level of literacy and im- sult from this effort.
proves farmers’ ability to access
needed information (Figure 7). Ac- To attain the above objectives, the pro-
cess to information then empow- cess of technology transfer may require
ers farmers in that they are able to an integrated approach which brings
make informed choices offered by together all sectors related to agricul-
new technologies. tural development rather than offer a
• Improve agriculture-related infras- piecemeal solution to the introduction
tructure (farm-to-market roads, and of technology in improving agricultural
other communications infrastruc- production. This is because, while tech-
ture) which can enable farmers to nologies may be important in promot-
have affordable access to farm tech- ing the development of agriculture in
nology, agricultural inputs and mar- sub-Saharan Africa and other parts of
kets for their products. This en- the developing world, it has not been
hances mobility of people and prod- very successful so far in achieving this
ucts and can affect the adoption of change (Ahmed 2004). In few areas
technology in a number of ways: in- where they have succeeded on the con-
formation on new technology can tinent, efforts have been made to adapt
easily reach areas remote from cities such technologies to new settings (Nor-
at lower costs if mobility were lim- ton et al. 2003). Sound decision-making
ited; mobility of farmers to structures with regards to appropriate technology
and services that can be useful in that can meet some of the sustainabil-
meeting their production needs is in- ity challenges faced by agriculture in
creased, e.g. financial structures for sub-Saharan Africa, has to therefore be
investment capital (Figure 3 and 4). a bottoms-up approach where technol-
• Provide basic protection and mini- ogy that enhances decision-making for
mum standards for agriculturalists small-scale farmers is derived through
(especially small-scale farmers) with an active interaction between scientists
a low capacity to compete with and farmers at a basic level (Tilman
large-scale subsidized agriculture et al. 2002). Therefore participatory
from many parts of the developed research and collaborative initiatives
world. This can reduce the vulner- among relevant stakeholders at the lo-
ability of small-scale farmers to pro- cal level, should serve as a forerunner
duction risks and empower them to to the introduction of new technologies
venture into increasing their scales within the small-scale agricultural sec-
of production (Figure 6). Small-scale tor in order to stimulate better policy
farmers would be more willing to try outcomes.
new technology, knowing that they
have some protection in the event
of a production failure resulting from 8 Conclusion
the new technology. When the baseline factors, used in
• Recognize the importance of indige- many models of diffusion of innovation
nous skills and technology and inte- (the role of advertisement and spread of
grate their beneficial traits into new technology by word-of-mouth), are ap-
technology solutions at local level. plied to small-scale farmers in the Sub-
Adapting new technologies to local Saharan Africa, the result is the tradi-
level realities may involve the devel- tional logistic S-shaped curve of growth
opment of technology that is based of adopters which is the same as with
on affordable local resources, re- the spread of other technology in dif-
sponds to local problems, and is de- ferent sectors around the world. How-
veloped through farmer-researcher ever, there are some important fac-
collaboration (Figure 5). Small-scale tors which need to be considered to
agriculture should be part of the ben- get a more complete picture of the
eficiaries of the resulting new tech- drivers of innovation diffusion among
130 STI-Studies 2009: 111-131

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