Muga Reeling Sonalika Machine

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Sonalika Muga Reeling Machine

 With minimum decibel running noise, suitable for con nuous & rou ne
opera ons.
 Easily portable to any convenient working place.
 Minimum maintenance since motor and gears are concealed. Smooth
slippage free drive through PU belts.
 Spares required are easily made available.
 Training on running of machine and rou ne cum break-down maintenance
is easily imparted during machine supply/installa on.
 A perfect and compact subs tute appliance for replacement of Bhir reeling
prac ces in Muga silk sector.
Way Forward:
Sonalika reeling machine will improve quality and produc vity of Muga silk
yarn and reduce the drudgery. The main purpose of this machine is to fully
replace the unhygienic Bhir reeling with women friendly improved Sonalika
reeling machine by 2020. The clean technology ensures be er working
environment and higher income for the poor women.

For more details please contact:

The Director,
Central Silk Technological Research Institute
Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. Of India
BTM Layout, Madiwala, Bengaluru-560 068
Ph : +91-80-2668 5238 Fax : +91-80-26680435
Website : Central Silk Technological Research Institute
Email : Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textiles, Govt. Of India
BTM Layout, Madiwala, Bengaluru-560 068
Introduc on to Muga Silk Sector pose different sort of challenges such as low yarn strength, low rate of silk
Muga silk is unique for its natural golden colour and luster. Muga culture is a filament extrac on, denier varia on in the yarn and low cohesion between the
semi domes cated silk industry confined only to the North Eastern regions. The filaments. Due to these limita ons, scope of u lity of Bhir reeled yarn restricted
silkworm Antheraea assamensis feed on the aroma c leaves of Som and Soalu to only handloom sector as we .
plants and are reared on trees similar to that of Tasar. Muga culture is specific to In order to replace the Bhir reeling prac ce in Muga silk sector and to ensure
the state of Assam and being recognized as integral part it's tradi on and righ ul earning to the women reelers, Central Silk Technological Research
culture. The various opera ons of Muga produc on are carried-out in villages, Ins tute, CSB has developed a machine named as 'Sonalika' on the concept of
only with specialized skills. Muga produc on not only offers rural popula on an false twis ng mechanism for produc on of be er quality of Muga we yarn.
a rac ve source of income, but also helps arrest their migra on to urban areas, CSTRI - Sonalika Reeling Machine:
thereby preserving their tradi onal skill and way of life. Muga culture also
The term “Sonalika” literally means 'Golden Touch' in Assamese. Concept of
simultaneously permits conserva on and reclama on of forests. During 2016-
'Sonalika' reeling machine aims to enhance the basic living condi ons of the
17, 170 MT of Muga silk is produced in India. North Eastern region of India with
Bhir reelers by inculca ng improved reeling prac ces for remunera ve and
tropical to temperate climate holds indomitable posi ons in the global
hygienic working condi ons with elimina on of drudgery. Sonalika reeling
sericulture map having all the four varie es of silk which provides gainful
machine is designed on a very simple reeling mechanism of false twist
occupa on to nearly 1.80 lakh families. Muga culture is mainly distributed in the
inser on.This machine can be con nuously put-in for use with minimal
districts of Kamrup, Goalpara, Udalgiri, Kokrajhar, Tinsukia, Dibrugarh, Sibsagar,
maintenance and has op on of running with three different speeds.
Jorhat, Golaghat, Lakhimpur and Dhemaji of Assam State including BTC.
A tradi onal Muga Bhir reeler earns approximately Rs 100 per day while a
Presently, warp quality Muga yarn is produced using Motorized Reeling cum
Muga reeler using 'Sonalika' reeling machine can earn Rs.260 per day. Bhir
Twis ng Machine developed by CSTRI which is very popular. Muga we yarn is
reeler can produce one kg of Muga silk yarn in about 12 days, whereas a Muga
produced using Bani machines and tradi onal Bhir reeling appliances. About 35
reeler using 'Sonalika' reeling machine can produce 1 kg of Muga silk yarn in four
% of the Muga silk produced in India is by Bhir reeling prac ces and the same is
used as we due to its bulkiness characteris cs. “Bhir Reeling” is usually
prac ced during spare me by womenfolk, who are marginal entrepreneurs. Salient features of “Sonalika Reeling machine”
Women use their hands to rub & Bhir to wind reeled silk yarn during Bhir reeling  Easily adoptable by Muga Bhir reelers
(unwinding of silk from cocoon) process carried out simultaneously by two  Runs on the principal of “Reeling with false twist mechanism”
reelers. Silk filaments drawn from 10-12 Muga cocoons are skillfully false  Operates on 25 wa s, 12 volts DC Motor .
twisted by the women rubbing on their arm to form Muga silk yarn, which is
 Produc on (at 80 % efficiency) for 55 denier Muga Silk will be 240 grams per
w o u n d on a small package made up of bamboo known as ' Korasunga'. On an
average, in a day, a Bhir reeler produces 80 gram s of 55
denier Muga Silk yarn.  0.68 meter easy detachable nylon reel ensures uninterrupted reeling
Bhir reelers are given cocoons on weekly basis
by master weavers to convert into Muga silk yarn to  Op mized speed and produc vity based on Muga NBFL.
be used as we . Bhir reeling prac ces are unhygienic,  Easy cas ng due to the presence of je ebou e.
labour intensive involves drudgery, unproduc ve,  Higher quality Muga silk yarn produced on 'Sonalika' reeling machine can be
low income genera ng and cumbersome process of used as we to weave fabrics on power-looms and shu le-less looms.
reeling Muga silk yarn. Bhir reeling of Muga silk even

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