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Lewis Wood

Evaluation Question 3 – Magazine Advert Audience Feedback

Questionnaire Analysis
Question and Answers Analysis
More males than females are shown to have
answered the questionnaire, different to the
other questionnaire where there was an equal
amount of males and females that took the
questionnaire. This could imply that overall, the
digipak and magazine advert appeal to males
slightly more than to females.

Similarly to the digipak questionnaire, people

answered ‘Male’, believing that it’s males that
the ancillary texts are aimed towards. This shows
how males would be the most suitable target
audience for the product because that is who
people would think the product is primarily
aimed at.

This graph shows how most people that

answered the questionnaire fall into the 13-18
age group. This shows how it’s this age group that
is most interested in the product.

Also similarly to the digipak questionnaire, people

believe that the product is aimed at the 13-18
year olds, evidenced by the previous question
where most people who took part in the
questionnaire were 13-18. Therefore, it would be
most appropriate to aim the product primarily
towards this age range, conforming to popular

This graph shows how half of people think the

product falls into the indie genre. These are
similar results to the other questionnaire where
again only half of the people thought it was indie.
This shows how the product isn’t entirely clear in
what genre the product is supposed to be.
Lewis Wood

The feedback shows how people like either the

colour or the font or both, or even all of it. This
shows how the magazine advert has obvious
strengths in terms of the design that the
audience picks up on, telling me that the product
looks professionally made with positive elements.
For example, one answer said they liked the large
image with the contrasting colours – I find this
answer useful because it shows that my intention
with the design has come across to the audience.
The answers show how there is different things
that stand out to the audience, showing how
overall this is a very eye-catching product. An
example is people saying they’re drawn to the
image of the artist – I find this positive because
the whole point of the album is to focus on the
artist and the performance, and I have succeeded
in promoting the artist to the audience.

The feedback shows how some people have

spotted elements of the magazine advert that
should be tweaked. One answer mentioned that
the record label seemed out of place, telling me
that instead of having it to the side it should be in
the centre along with other pieces of text.
Another answer said that the bottom text
seemed out of place compared to the rest of the
advert – I believe that they mean that the colour
scheme should match the rest with a vibrant
colour contrasting with the black text.
The feedback shows how some people have
different suggestions to improve the product.
This shows how the magazine advert isn’t perfect
and has flaws that can be picked out when going
in detail, and that there are many ways I can
improve it. One improvement that was
interesting was more colour effects; this implies
that the magazine advert isn’t colourful enough
despite my opinion that it looked vibrant and
stood out. I also found the feedback saying ‘make
the bottom text blend more’ interesting because
it tells me that there shouldn’t be a large contrast
between the text and the background. I will
apply these suggestions to my product so it is
more appealing to my audience. Other than that,
it seems like no one else has any suggestions
because they find it hard to find something that
can be improved. I find this to be positive
because it tells me that many people wouldn’t
have a problem with this magazine advert and it’s
as good as it can get.
Lewis Wood

From this feedback I found that the advert

succeeds in making the audience interested in
the album because the answers were either
‘probably’ or ‘maybe’; this tells me that the
advert peaked their interest so there’s a chance
people will want to find out more.

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