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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Maitha Abdulazeez

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?)

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)
Implementing time management

2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)
I will put a timer for each center in the lesson.

3. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)
At the end I will see if I finished at time or not.

Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):

recognize angles that are less than 90° using a
Grade 4 Math benchmark of 90°

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?)


picture Key vocabulary:

90 angle

Less than 90

More than 90

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Tr: good morning

St: good morning Ms Maitha

Tr: How are you?

Time: 15 min

St Fine thank you, and you teacher


Tr: fine thank you sit down.

Tr: Today we will learn how to recognize angles that are less than 90° using a benchmark of 90°

Tr: who can tell me what is this (the teacher show the students 90 angle) ?

St are waiting for the teacher to explain

Tr: this is 90 angle, we can find 90 angle in our life, for example this board is 90 angle

St are getting excited

Tr: who can find me a 90 angel in the classroom?

Tr: Fatima

St: my book is 90 angle

Tr: Hmm let’s see, everyone what do you think is this 90 angel?

St: Yes

Tr: okey, know I want you to tell me what is this(the teacher show the students less than 90 angel)?

St are waiting for the teacher to explain

Tr: this is less than 90 angle, we can find less than 90 angle in our life, for example this triangle is less
than 90 angle

St are getting excited

Tr: who can find me a less than 90 angel in the classroom?

Tr: Reem

St: this heart is less than 90 angel

Tr: good job Reem

Tr: okey, know I want you to tell me what is this(the teacher show the students more than 90 angel)?

St are waiting for the teacher to explain

Tr: this is more than 90 angle, we can find more than 90 angle in our life, for example this triangle is
more than 90 angle

St are getting excited

Tr: who can find me a more than 90 angel in the classroom?

Tr: Mira

St: this table is more than 90 angel

Tr: Great!
Active Engagement (group working with the teacher):

Teacher will make a 90 angel by stick and she can make it (90 angel, less than 90 and more than 90)

Teacher is modelling for the students and practice with them, after the teacher gave all the students
stick to make (90 angel, less than 90 and more than 90) around the classroom.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Emergent group, the teacher will give the students in this group a picture of house, and students has
to draw all 90 angel in the paper that they have in the picture.

Independent Experience (small group activity 2)

Students in Developing group will create and build a less than 90 and 90 angel by the sticks.

Students have the choice to make anything like house or rocket.

Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

Students in Master group will find three angels in the classroom, and they will draw it and identify
those angels .
Time: 15 min

For example, they will find poster (90 angel), sand clock (less than 90) and the cupboard (more than
90 angel)

The teacher will put the sticks on three angles (90 angel, less than 90 and more than 90) in three
walls, she will put the sticks in the shapes to make it clear for them.

The teacher will ask the students to go to the 90 angel.

St will go where they think 90 angel is, and teacher will ask them why you chose this angel.

In the last, the teacher will make the angles with her hand.

Tr: First for 90 angel, we straight our hands, one up and one to the right or left.

Less than 90, we decrease our hand near to the right or left hand because this angel is small.
15 min

More than 90, we will open our hand like if we want to hug someone.

Know I want you all to make with me less than 90, and she will monitor who is getting it right or



Teacher will use check list to assist the students all in the centers and in closing.

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