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1 2018 5
1.1 March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Home (2018-03-27 10:13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Contact (2018-03-27 10:13) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
5 Major Tips To Succeed In Anything (2018-03-27 12:22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1. 2018

1.1 March

Home (2018-03-27 10:13)

Michael’s [1]Success Principles coaching is a counsel that gives you the feel of home and helps in making your life
easier to lead by not only giving the insight to contemplate your own life but also by helping to build strength and
channel your me and energy to make you realize your right path.


Contact (2018-03-27 10:13)

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5 Major Tips To Succeed In Anything (2018-03-27 12:22)

Do you want to succeed in life? Who does not, right? We all want to reach our goals and thrive but, what we lack is
[1]life coaching training that answers “how” making us wander around looking for [2]the success principles. So, how
do you turn it into a reality? Succeeding is definitely not easy but if you have a strong determina on, who is going to
stop you? If you are one looking for an answer on how to succeed, we have listed 5 major ps from our [3]success
principles coaching guide to help you achieve any goals of your life.

1. Stay commi ed, mo va on will follow

A strength of your commitment paves the path for your mo va on to follow. Just stay commi ed keeping its
importance in mind and sacrifices you are willing to make for it. How to stay commi ed? Jump to number 2.

1. Focus on process, not product

If you just keep on thinking about the result without enjoying the journey, the excitement is going to fade away and
the mo va on will be long gone before you even meet your goals. So, focus on the process where you improve,
explore, and discover with excitement rather than expec ng the results. How to focus on process? See no. 3.

1. Work in an interes ng way

Till the me the journey is fun, the enthusiasm to work for it is going to be there. The moment it is gone, you are
going to feel burdened and overwhelmed by everything you have to do and get stuck. Make sure to keep your work
interes ng but, how to do it? Read the next point.

1. Keep your thoughts flexible

Keep posi ve and flexible thoughts in your head that pushes you forward and shoo away stagna ng ones that bore
you and makes you emo onally stuck. Always keep yourself mentally prepared to break your boundaries, experiment,
and step out of the comfort zone. It keeps the passion for work alive. But, how to keep it flexible? Move on to the
next p.

1. Be as imagina ve as possible

Nega ve thoughts are what keep you from being flexible. Get rid of it and use your imagina on to solve your
problems posi vely whether the things go right way or wrong. If you keep on repea ng you hate something, you are
definitely going to hate it. So, the main mantra is the stay posi ve and say posi ve things even in the worst outcomes
because we learn from the experience, right?

These are our five ps towards success, however, this is not all. If you want to learn more about it or about
[4]professional development or [5]self development coaching we offer in Melbourne, send us an email at


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Edited: April 11, 2018

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