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the Problem and Its Background


Computer literacy is the ability to use computers and related technology efficiently,

with range of skills covering levels from elementary use to programming and advanced

problem solving. Computer literacy can also refer to the computer level someone has with

using computer programs and other applications that are associated with computers.

Another valuable component is undersntanding how computer works and operate.

Computer literacy maybe distinguished from computer programming which is design and

coding of computer programs rather than familiarity and skill in their use. (Babylon


Computer skills are essential in order to utilize computers and related technology

efficiently. After you've mastered the basics, this course will help you learn about Internet

and email, computers, word processing, multimedia, and spreadsheets.

Work Immersion is one of the requirements for graduation. A Senior High School

student has to undergo Work Immersion in an industry that directly relates to the student’s

goal. According to Work Immersion 2017, through work immersion, the students are

exposed to and become familiar with work-related environment related to their field or

specialization to enhance their competence.

Work Immersion refers to the part of the Senior High School (SHS) Curriculum

consisting of 80 hours of hands-on experience or work simulation which the Grades 11 and
12 students will undergo to expose them to the actual workplace setting and to enrich the

competencies provided by the school under the supervision of the School Head and the

designated personnel of the Partner (Trade Union Congress of the Philippines).

According to Trade Union Congress of the Philippines, Immersion is done outside

the school campus in a “Workplace Immersion Venue,” defined as “the place where work

immersion of students is done. Examples of work immersion venues include offices,

factories, shops and project sites.”

Students are able to enhance their technical knowledge and skills, enrich their skills

in communication and human relations, and develop good work habits, attitudes,

appreciation, and respect for work (Work Immersion 2017).

According to (Mehrmet, 2010) as innovation propels, its effects on individuals'

lives have turned out to be more obvious. Hence the reliance on innovation has expanded

in time. PCs are of the most extraordinary ones of the innovative gadgets which turn out to

be a piece of day by day schedules. To have the capacity to make utilization of such an

office, perceiving the potential part of PCs and being mechanically educated are basic. PC

abilities must be enhanced to turn into mechanically capable and to keep the prospect

negative circumstances in the profession. In the current years, instruction has begun to be

one of the fields which utilizes PC based innovation seriously. Hence, having PC aptitudes

and utilizing PC based innovation successfully amid the classes have begun to turn into

vital perspectives for instructors. In this investigation, it was attempted to discover the PC

aptitudes of college understudies and their experience levels of utilizing characterized

programming. The present innovation ceaselessly enhances our lives, regardless of whether

it's identified with individual, business, or instructive issues. For a great many people,

innovation is as of now an essential piece of their lives and can't complete a day's

assignment without it. This advances the thought that, when all is said in done, individuals

need to find out about the most well-known innovation that they encounter - PCs. A great

many people concur that there is a requirement for the more youthful age to see how PCs

function for them. Be that as it may, there is as yet a slight detach with reference to what

PC abilities are should have been implemented on secondary school understudies and what

they have to ace to guarantee survival once they are out individually. There are still

inquiries and correlation about measuring a secondary school understudies competency or

PC abilities. Can an understudy be viewed as knowledgeable in PCs on the off chance that

they can play PC amusements, talk on the web, or surf the web? Is it important to have

secondary school understudies figure out how to work a word processor, a spreadsheet, or

an introduction maker? What are the adequate aptitudes required for secondary school

understudies to set them up in entering school or the working environment?

In a few cases, the PC aptitudes that secondary school understudies need to ace are

misjudged, and that figuring out how to utilize the PC in a beneficial way is frequently

dismissed in contrast with knowing how to utilize a PC for web and social purposes. Just

a minor number of secondary school understudies know how to utilize PCs for their tasks,

introductions, and calculation. Understudies need to figure out how to be more PC educated

regarding the last mentioned; on the grounds that this is the thing that they'll be doing the

vast majority of time once they graduate secondary school. It doesn't mind the work or

profession that they will participate in on the grounds that being having PC abilities for

efficiency is the thing that issue most. (Teach-nology)

In this technology intensive society, most students are required to be proficient in

computer skills to compete in today’s global job market. These computer skills usually

consist of basic to advanced knowledge in word processing, presentation, and spreadsheet

applications. In many U.S. states, students are required to demonstrate computer

proficiency early in their educational experience by means of passing an assessment test.

(Journal of Information Technology Education)

This study will show the effectiveness of student’s computer skills during

immersion particularly TVL CSS students in Bataan National High School. The focus of

this study aims to improve the computer skills of TVL CSS students to help them perform

well in their workplace. The researchers aim to know on what extent that computer skills

affects the performance of TVL CSS students during work immersion.

Researchers conduct this study because of the students that are struggling in their

chosen work or course during their work immersion. This study motivate us because having

a computer skills is very important to the TVL CSS students as their work immersion. A

lot of them need this study to help and guide them during their immersion

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of the study is: how to improve the computer skills of TVL

CSS students to help them in their work immersion. Specifically, the study sought answers

to the following questions:

1.) What is the profile of students in terms of?

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Financial Status

2.) How will the TVL CSS students be described in terms of their computer literacy skills?

2.1 Microsoft Office Skills

2.1.1 Spreadsheets

2.1.2 PowerPoint

2.1.3 Word

2.2 Web and Social Skills

2.2.1 Email

2.2.2 Social Media

2.2.3 Blogging

3.) How will the Grade 12 TVL CSS students be described in terms of their work

immersion performance?

4.) What specific activities may a school offer to enhance the computer literacy?

Significance of the Study

This study contributes in the effectiveness of having a computer skills in work

immersion of Grade 12 TVL CSS students. In particular, the following stakeholders will

benefit from this research undertaking.

Students. It will give benefits to the students. They will have new knowledge. It

can increase their skills also they will know the importance of having a computer skills.

Parents. The study will serve to the parents as an eye opener to support their

children for their future career and upcoming opportunities.

Teachers. The study helps the teacher give focus and full attention on the

enhancement of student on their computer skills.

School. It will give benefits to school. Through this study, they will focus on those

students who have high computer skills. They can help the students, who don’t have

computer at home. They can let them use computer at school to practice their computer

skills. The students can help the teachers for their computer works.

Stakeholders. The stakeholders will benefit by knowing who will they give their

sponsors to, and also they will know if their help be worth it or not by seeing the

performance of every students.

Future Researchers. Through this study, future researchers can benefit the study.

It can give them more information, learnings, and strategies.

Scope and Delimitations

The study focuses on improving the computer skills of TVL CSS students in work

immersion. The scope includes the information of the student respondents in terms of Age,

Gender, and Average.

The researchers will determine the effectiveness of having a computer skills

specifically the importance of computer skills from the TVL CSS students of Bataan

National High School. 30 students will be taken as a respondents.

Definition of Terms

Literacy- the quality or state of being literate, especially to ability to read and write.

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