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Chapter IV

Presentation, Interpretation, and Analysis of Data

This chapter presents discussion of the results of the data gathered about the

computer skills as needed in work immersion.

Profile of Respondents

Table 1: Age of Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

17 4 13%
18 24 80%
19 1 3%
20 1 3%
Total 30 100%

This table shows the age of the respondents. 13 % of the respondents are 17 years

old, 80% are 18 years old, 3% are 19 years old, and another 3% are 20 years old.

Theme 1: Majority of the respondents belongs in the age of 18.

Table 2: Sex of the Respondents

Sex Frequency Percentage

M 16 53%
F 14 47%
Total 30 100%
This table shows the sex of the respondents. 53% of the respondents are male and

47% are female.

Theme 2: Majority of the respondents are male.

Microsoft Word Skill

Item No. Mean Scale

1 3.1333333 Neutral
2 3.6 Agree
3 3.6666667 Agree
4 3.9333333 Agree
5 4.0666667 Agree
6 3.6 Agree
7 3.7666667 Agree
8 3.6666667 Agree
9 3.8 Agree
10 3.7666667 Agree
11 3.6666667 Agree
12 3.6333333 Agree
13 3.6666667 Agree
14 3.9333333 Agree
15 3.7666667 Agree
16 3.8 Agree
17 4.1 Agree
18 3.4333333 Agree
19 3.3666667 Agree
20 3.6333333 Agree
21 3.5666667 Agree
22 3.7333333 Agree
23 4.0333333 Agree
24 3.7666667 Agree

25 3.8666667 Agree
26 3.5666667 Agree
27 3.4 Neutral
28 3.5 Agree
29 3.4333333 Agree
30 3.9333333 Agree
31 3.9 Agree
32 3.8 Agree
33 3.5666667 Agree
34 3.7333333 Agree
35 3.9333333 Agree

The item that has the highest mean is splitting the table that has a mean of 4.1, and

the item that has a lowest mean is using the reveal formatting pane that has a mean of

3.1333333. It simply implies that splitting the table is the most familiar Microsoft word

skill for them and the using the reveal formatting pane is the least familiar skill.

PowerPoint Skills

Item No. Mean Scale

1 4.066667 Agree
2 3.8 Agree
3 4.033333 Agree
4 4.033333 Agree
5 2.733333 Agree

The item that has a highest mean is the handouts and the PowerPoints are very

useful, that has a mean of 4.066667 and the lowest mean that this workshop is not useful

to me, has a mean of 2.733333. It simply implies that they agree that PowerPoint is useful

to them.

Social Media Skills

Item No. Mean Scale

1 3 Disagree
2 3.533333 Agree
3 3.266667 Neutral
4 3.3 Neutral
5 3.4 Neutral
6 3.233333 Neutral
7 3.5 Agree
8 3.366667 Neutral
9 3.633333 Agree
10 3.4 Neutral
11 4 Agree
12 3.633333 Agree
13 3.466667 Agree

The item that has a highest mean is social media has improve my reading skills it

has a mean of 4 while the item that has a lowest mean is Comparing my grades before and

after participating on social media networks and after participating on social media network

and I experienced drop in my academic performance as a result it has a mean of 3. It simply

implies that the respondents agree that social media has improve their reading skills.

Blogging Skills

Item No. Mean Scale

1 3.066667 Neutral
2 3.233333 Neutral
3 3.333333 Neutral
4 3.4 Neutral
5 3.333333 Neutral
6 3.3 Neutral
7 3.333333 Neutral

The item that has a highest mean is writing on the blogs made me check my

grammar more carefully that has a mean of 3.4 and the item that has a lowest mean is

writing on the blogs made me more careful about sentence and paragraph structure that has

a mean of 3.066667. It simply implies that the respondents agreed that writing on the blogs

made them check their grammar more carefully.

Spreadsheet Skills

Item No. Mean Scale

1 3.066667 Neutral
2 3.133333 Neutral
3 3.133333 Neutral
4 3.333333 Neutral

The item that has a highest mean is I know how to use a spreadsheet program to

sort data that has a mean of 3.333333 and the item that has a lowest mean is I know how

to use a spreadsheet program that has a mean of 3.066667. It simply implies that the most

of the respondents agree that they know how to use a spreadsheet program to sort data.

E-mail Skills

Scores Frequency Percentage

13 1 87%
11 4 73%
10 3 67%
9 8 60%
8 10 53%
7 1 47%
6 1 40%
5 1 33%
2 1 13%
71 30 4.73

The respondents that has a highest score got 13 that is equal to 87% and the

respondents that has a lowest score is 2 that is equal to 13%. It simply implies that the

respondent who got the highest score is knowledgeable in E-mail.

Work Immersion Performance

outstanding 30
very satisfactory 0
satisfactory 0
fairly satisfactory 0
did not meet expectation 0

100% of the respondents are outstanding on their work immersion performance. It

simply implies that the TVL CSS students are knowledgeable on computer skills and it is

very useful as they apply it during their work immersion.

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