Upgrading To SOA Suite 12c:: Tips and Best Practices From Engineering, Customer Projects & A-Team

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Upgrading to SOA Suite 12c:

Tips and Best Practices from

Engineering, Customer
Projects & A-team
Kathryn Lustenberger, Principal Product Manager, Oracle
David Shaffer, Managing Partner, Middleworks
Antony Reynolds, Director, Oracle Integration Product Strategy, Oracle
Danilo Schmiedel, Solution Architect & Oracle ACE Director, Opitz
Deepak Arora, Director, A-team, Oracle

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David Shaffer
Managing Partner, Middleworks

We make middleware work for you | www.middleworks.com

Why Upgrade?

• Many new capabilities:

– Integration Debugger in JDev – SOA Cloud Service (SOACS)
– SCA/BPEL & Service Bus – Enterprise Scheduler
converged design-time / arch – Real-Time Integration Business
– API Management Insight (option)
– Stream Explorer – New SAP, Peoplesoft, JDE, Siebel
adapters (non-OEM)
– Cloud Adapters
– 12.2.1: Continuous Availability,
– Mobile
Circuit Breaker, in-memory SOA
– MFT for file integration options, XSLT debugger, end-to-end
– SOA for Healthcare new REST/JSON

12c Base Upgrade Docs and Presos

• SOA Suite 12.2.1 Upgrade doc:

(tip: can get to a single PDF of doc at

• Upgrade videos:
ӷ ᑀ

• Full PM presentations, plus other content, at:


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Other Useful Upgrade Content

• Support Knowledgebase Documents 1958724.1 & 2084555.1

• Best practices upgrade blogs from Oracle:
• Many other blogs available (e.g. 买Ӽ
suite_from, https://mp3muncher.wordpress.com/2015/07/10/from-aia-
to-soa-suite-12c/, etcJ)

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Upgrade Suggestions from Engineering

• If upgrading from (or before), should go to 12.2.1

– Has many backward compatibility fixes to allow XSLTs
to upgrade without change. Need following two properties
set at startup to turn on backward compatibility mode:

• Perform pre-analysis for upgrade areas of complexity:

– Do you use custom DB scripts for purge, partitioning,
etc? (will have to be re-mapped to 12)
– Custom code using SOA locator APIs
– Do you have significant performance tuning in 11g?
(re-do performance tuning exercise with 12c)

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Surveys: 12c Upgrade and Feedback

• When you upgrade or prepare to upgrade, please fill out:

– www.surveymonkey.com/r/soa-12c-upgrade
• Some interesting trends from responses so far:
– Most people do side-by-side upgrade, go straight to 12.2.1
– Many challenges are around configurations for upgrade (probably
a side effect of aboveJ) and宠SRs
(likely worst for early adopters)
– Easiest things are code migration and new install for side-by-side
– Most common components to upgrade SCA/BPEL, Service Bus
and OWSM, followed by Rules and BAM, smattering of B2B/other

• Please ask questions throughout via chat!

• And after this session, please fill out the feedback survey:
– www.surveymonkey.com/r/12c-upgrade-webinar-feedback

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Product Management
12c Upgrade Best Practices
Antony Reynolds, antony.reynolds@oracle.com
Jay Kasi, jay.kasi@oracle.com

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1 12c Upgrade Basics

2 Upgrade Best Practices

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SOA Suite 11g -> 12c Upgrade Basics
• Choose in-place domain upgrade and re-configuration or side-by-side
upgrade with new install / config / deploy
• For 12c features, open 11g projects in 12c JDeveloper
• Can upgrade to 12.1.3 or straight to 12.2.1

• Prerequisites:
– Starting point: SOA Suite, or or 12.1.3 only
– 64-bit OS and JVM – must be supported version
– Dehydration store DB must be supported version – 11g or 12c
– OPSS must migrate to use DB or LDAP based policy store

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Options for Upgrade
• In-Place Upgrade • Side by Side Upgrade
– Install SOA Suite 12c software in a new – Install SOA Suite 12c software in a
Oracle Home new Oracle Home.
– Upgrade domain and DB in-place – Create new DB schemas
– Rewire domain to new Oracle Home 란α – Create new domain
– No need to redeploy composites – Configure domain and DB from
– See support note 2084555.1 if you scratch
have AIA – Deploy all composites
– Switch clients/load balancer to new

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Upgrade Options Benefits Comparison
In Place Side by Side

Less Work Keeps History Lower Risk

Keeps All Allows

Running Components Topology
Processes (BAM) Change

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SOA 12c Upgrade Process
• Step 1: Pre-Upgrade steps
– Run pre-upgrade check, back-up 11g environment
– Install 12c products along-side 11g
– Any component-specific pre-upgrade steps
• Step 2: Upgrade itself
– Run RCU to create new 12c schemas 穀Ӱ

– Run upgrade assistant (UA) to upgrade 11g component schemas

– Run re-configuration wizard on 11g domain
– Run UA to upgrade product-specific (i.e. SOA in this case) domain configuration
• Step 3: Post-Upgrade steps
– Execute any component-specific post-upgrade manual steps
– For other machines in domain, so pack/unpack to replicate domain configuration
– Start the upgraded servers

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A Few Component-Specific Comments
• Instance Data Upgrade
– UA upgrades active instances to continue execution in 12c
– Purge strongly recommended prior to upgrade
– Stale instances not upgraded, completed instances can be upgraded during upgrade or later, during downtime
• Service Bus 12c Upgrade
– Export project before upgrade and import after upgrade

– Migration from Eclipse to JDeveloper happens with Import/Export – prepare for this change
• BAM 12c Upgrade
– Major architecture changes in 12c – Data Objects migrated but not dashboards/alerts
– Can either create new dashboards and alerts in 12c or keep 11g BAM dashboards running and connect to it via
supported interop between BAM 11g SOA 12c

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Service Bus manual steps in In-Place Upgrade
• Need to export and delete all Service Bus • Benefits:
metadata before upgrade and import – Integrated JDeveloper experience after
after upgrade upgrade
• Need to deploy OWSM before upgrade – Oracle standard ADF UI for console after
• Need to use OWSM policies instead of 獰δ – FMWControl like other Oracle products to
WLS WS-Security policies manage
– WLS policies in wsdl in 11g – Service Bus included in JDev integrated server
for easier development
• Need to use OWSM auth policies instead
of Xacml
– Xacml policies visible in 11g console
• Run time may work without changes, but
not design time
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Side by Side Upgrade – Best Practices
• Need to systematically copy over configurations from • If you already have automation in place
the old domain to the new domain
to create new domain and deploy all the
– JMS artifacts config
config, you could leverage this
– Datasource config
– JCA adapter config
– Work Manager/threads config
– Custom J2EE apps
– WLS config
– SOA config
– SOA shared metadata
– SOA composites/Service Bus projects
– DT@RT customizations
– Custom OWSM Policies
– Custom OPSS policies/roles/keys/certs

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In-Place Upgrade – Best Practices
• Carefully check prerequisites • Test composites thoroughly after
• Run the upgrade readiness check before migrating them in Jdeveloper after
upgrade of test system. Could use
starting (12.2.1)
OjMigrate to bulk Migrate composites
• Plan carefully and thoroughly test
upgrade on a system similar to • Speed up upgrade by purging unneeded
instances before upgrade.
production. Could use T2P to create it.
• Test composites thoroughly without • Make sure enough disk space is available
for upgrade.
redeploying after upgrade of test system
and determine tuning to be applied. • If issues are encountered, potentially long
• BAM upgrade is more complex – read delays for support. Budget enough time.
documentation carefully and plan.

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Upgrade Troubleshooting Suggestions
• Reconfig of domain fails • Composites don’t behave the same after
– Have you read the prerequisites? upgrade
– Have you read the upgrade support notes on – Maximum effort has been expended to
workarounds (example Knowledgebase make everything backwards
Document 1958724.1)
compatible, but there may be corner
– Are you using non standard configurations 獰δ cases.
different from EDG? Focus of upgrade testing
was EDG. – Service Infrastructure API are not all
• Server does not start after upgrade backwards compatible.
– Something went wrong in the upgrade. – Tuning is very different in 12c with use
– Have you read the upgrade support notes on of work managers in SOA
workarounds? – Flow ID changes may impact
– Did you carefully examine logs? composites setting composite title

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Join the Community
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OR connect via the web

Oracle SOA blog Oracle SOA Website

blogs.oracle.com/SOA http://bit.ly/soaotn

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12c Upgrade Experience
Lessons Learned and Best Practices

Danilo Schmiedel
Solution Architect | Oracle ACE Director

Mail: danilo.schmiedel@opitz-consulting.com
Twitter: @dschmied
Blog: http://inside-bpm-and-soa.blogspot.com

April 2016
12c Upgrade Experience © OPITZ CONSULTING GmbH 2016 Slide 1
 Oracle Platinum Partner, founded in 1990, Oracle SOA 12c @ Opitz
located in Germany and Poland
 First Oracle SOA / BPEL project in 2006
 Specialized in many products across the Oracle
 Implemented multiple 10g to 11g projects
 Wide knowledge with Side-by-Side
 2 Oracle ACE Directors and 2 Oracle ACEs upgrades based on Enterprise
Deployment Guide
 Recognized as one of the leading Oracle
Fusion Middleware Partners  Experienced with In-Place Upgrades
long running / stateful processes with
 2015 & 2014: BPM Partner Community Award minimal downtime

 Products included in upgraded

2010: Fusion Middleware Award
 Oracle SOA Suite12c
2008 – 2010: EMEA SOA Community Award
 Oracle OSB 12c
 Oracle BAM 12c

12c Upgrade Experience © OPITZ CONSULTING GmbH 2016 Slide 2

Reasons for upgrading to 12c
 Enriched Error Hospital with extensive filters, search panels and bulk recovery facilities

 Improved Business Activity Monitoring with multi-browser support

 Embedded (local) SOA Suite in JDeveloper

 Improved MDS integration to share artifacts within and across applications

 Free choice between XSLT / XQuery

 Version 12.2.1 is based on Java 8

 Out-of-the-box Maven Support

 Increased developer productivity with one unified IDE for OSB & SOA

 New REST / JSON Support

12c Upgrade Experience © OPITZ CONSULTING GmbH 2016 Slide 3

Upgrade Process | Step-by-Step Overview
1. Understand the upgrade process PREPARATION

2. Define a To-Be Topology

3. Decide on an upgrade strategy that fits to your requirements

4. Pre-Upgrade Tasks INFRASTRUCTURE

5. Install 12c Software

6. Create or upgrade schemas

7. Domain (Re-) Configuration

8. Upgrade the projects (and deploy if needed) CODE UPGRADE

9. Post Upgrade Steps

10. Verify Upgrade Results (Test)

12c Upgrade Experience © OPITZ CONSULTING GmbH 2016 Slide 4

Upgrade Process | Step-by-Step – Preparation
1. Understand the upgrade process
 Understand upgrade concepts
 Understand the Basic 12c Upgrade Tasks
 Understand the SOA Cluster Upgrade Topology
 Understand the Oracle Service Bus Upgrade to 12c
 Understand an Upgrade to Business Activity Monitoring in 12c
 Understand SOA Domain Upgrade Restrictions

2. Define a To-Be Topology

 Understand new and changed features of 12c (12.2.1)
 Understand an Enterprise Deployment
 Decide on components (e.g. SOA, OSB, BAM, etc.)
 Shared Weblogic Domain (for OSB / SOA / BAM) vs. separate Weblogic Domains
 Non Cluster vs. Cluster

12c Upgrade Experience © OPITZ CONSULTING GmbH 2016 Slide 5

Upgrade Process | Step-by-Step – Preparation (2)
3. Decide on an upgrade strategy that fits to your requirements
 In-Place Upgrade
 Schemas and domain directory upgrades are performed "in place" (updates existing 11g files)
 Oracle Home binaries are upgraded "out of place" (binaries are installed in a new directory)
 No need to redeploy composites after upgrade
 Suitable for long running instances which should resume after upgrade

 Side-by-Side Upgrade
 New installation of schemas and domains
 New deployment & configuration of the existing 11g projects
 Suitable in stateless & short-running scenarios
 Appropriate if the targeted sytem architecture should be diferent than with 11g or if the current topology is not

12c Upgrade Experience © OPITZ CONSULTING GmbH 2016 Slide 6

Upgrade Process | Step-by-Step - Infrastructure
4. Pre-Upgrade Tasks
 Complete all applicable tasks from the Pre-Upgrade Checklist
 Check if your To-Be Topology is supported

 Perform General Pre-Upgrade Tasks

 Perform the SOA-Specific Pre-Upgrade Tasks
 Perform the Pre-Upgrade Tasks for Oracle BAM
 Perform the Pre-Upgrade Tasks for Oracle Service Bus (OSB)

 Validate your starting point which has to be (PS5) or (PS6)
 Calculate system requirements (Memory, Disk Space, Network, OS)
 Make a complete backup of your existing environment
 Make sure that DB, OS and JVM are supported and apply recommended database parameters on the new
 Save copies of customized start scripts, configuration files, policies

 More details: Upgrade Planning Guide and Interoperability and Compatibility Guide

12c Upgrade Experience © OPITZ CONSULTING GmbH 2016 Slide 7

Upgrade Process | Step-by-Step - Infrastructure (2)
5. Install 12c Software
 Download the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure distribution from the Oracle ADF download page on
OTN or from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud
 Download the production distribution for Oracle SOA Suite and Business Process Management from the Oracle
Software Delivery Cloud
 Download the production distribution for Oracle Service Bus from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud

 Roadmap for Installing and Configuring the Standard Installation Topologies

 Verify the Installation Checklist
 Install Infrastructure distribution and the appropriate components
 Verify the Installation

 For a development or evaluation distribution, see "Downloading Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c (12.2.1)
Development Distributions“

12c Upgrade Experience © OPITZ CONSULTING GmbH 2016 Slide 8

Upgrade Process | Step-by-Step - Infrastructure (3)
6. Database Schemas
 Create the required Database Schemas
 Preparing to Upgrade SOA Schemas (In-Place Upgrade only)
 Upgrade Schemas with the Upgrade Assistant (In-Place Upgrade only)

7. Domain (Re-) Configuration

 Configure the Domain (Side-by-Side Upgrade)
 Reconfigure the Domain using the Reconfiguration Wizard (In-Place Upgrade)
 Upgrade the Domain Component Configurations using the Upgrade Assistant (In-Place Upgrade)

12c Upgrade Experience © OPITZ CONSULTING GmbH 2016 Slide 9

Upgrade Process | Step-by-Step - Code Upgrade
8. Upgrade the projects (and deploy if needed)
 Open projects in JDeveloper 12c, the Migration Assistent migrates the project files
 or Upgrade JDeveloper Projects in Bulk
 Migrate Oracle Service Bus Resources from Previous Releases
 Deploy Applications (Side-by-Side Upgrade)

9. Post Upgrade Steps

 General Post-Upgrade Tasks
 Post-Upgrade Tasks for Oracle Service Bus
 Post-Upgrade Tasks for Clusters
 Post-Upgrade Tasks for BAM

12c Upgrade Experience © OPITZ CONSULTING GmbH 2016 Slide 10

Upgrade Process | Step-by-Step - Code Upgrade
10. Verify your results (Test)
 Testing before and after the upgrade is the key to success!
 Define and document all testcases in advance
 Make sure that you have a complete test approach in place bevore you start your upgrade
 Esablish a test approach that covers all relevant test layers (Elementary Unit Tests, Component Tests, End-to-
End Tests)

 We decided to build our own OC testing framework based on JUnit Standard and SOA Suite APIs to integrate
it within other implementations and to establish a proper test-driven development

 This allows us to
 use the same test approach for BPEL, BPMN, OSB, Java, Human Tasks, XSLT and XQuery…
 re-route external references to a mock service implemented in the same framework (in Java) including
changing references to standard web services so that database or file adapters can also be mocked
 Human task handling (finishing the human task with a predefined outcome and predefined values)
 Smooth integration into continuous integration environment

 More details will be published on http://thecattlecrew.net

12c Upgrade Experience © OPITZ CONSULTING GmbH 2016 Slide 11

What we‘ve learned…
Straight Forward Prepare for more complexity
 Code upgrade with standard composites (using  Upgrading from Oracle BAM 11g to BAM 12c cannot be
BPEL, Database and File adapters)  Testcases handled with the standard upgrade procedures
successfully completed without any manual rework  OWSM / JDeveloper and Custom Policies because of
deprecated functions
 Database Adapter for stored procedure calls
performed well after upgrade  HA Infrastructure setup took longer than our code
 Successfully transferred config changes like JTA
 Namespaces / Prefixes of some ext. XPath functions
Transaction Timeout, Transaction Timeout of Beans
have changed (solved via search & replace)
and SyncMaxWaitTime
 Challenges while upgrading large composites  fixed in
 Enabling of new Auto Purge function to avoid Doc ID 2021736.1
Database growth
 Version 12.2.1 runs under JDK8 which can result in
 Deployment via Maven additional work

12c Upgrade Experience © OPITZ CONSULTING GmbH 2016 Slide 12

Best Practices
 High test coverage: define testcases well in advance and compare results before and after the

 Use a test framework that allows efficient (re-)execution of testcases for OSB and SOA -
including Mocks, Component and End-to-End Tests (e.g. OC Testframework)

 Testing and pre-upgrade steps are the key points of success

 Documentation about changed configuration parameters is important (document before


 Plan the Infrastructure upgrade well in advance

 Install BAM on a separate WLS domain to decouple runtime and monitoring cmponents from
patching cycles (reduce downtimes)

 Consider BAM Best Practices from the beginning

12c Upgrade Experience © OPITZ CONSULTING GmbH 2016 Slide 13

 Presentation: What's Stopping You from Upgrading to Oracle SOA Suite 12c?

 Slideshare: Road to SOA Suite 12c


 Video: 2 Minute Tech Tip


 Troubleshooting the Upgrade


 Oracle® Fusion Middleware Upgrading to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure


 Oracle® Fusion Middleware Upgrading SOA Suite and Business Process Management

12c Upgrade Experience © OPITZ CONSULTING GmbH 2016 Slide 14

Contact Details

Danilo Schmiedel
Solution Architect | Oracle ACE Director


Tempelhofer Weg 64, 12347 Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49 173 7279001

Mail: danilo.schmiedel@opitz-consulting.com


http://inside-bpm-and-soa.blogspot.com & http://thecattlecrew.net

12c Upgrade Experience © OPITZ CONSULTING GmbH 2016 Slide 15

12c upgrade tips

Deepak Arora
Cloud Solution Architects Team, “The A-Team”
April 2016

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Safe Harbor Statement
The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for
information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a
commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon
in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or
functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

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Program Agenda

1 Code upgrade
2 Side by Side upgrade do’s and don’ts
3 Tuning differences in 12c

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Program Agenda

1 Code upgrade
2 Side by Side upgrade do’s and don’ts
3 Tuning differences in 12c

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Code upgrade

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Code upgrade

• There are no changes to the BPEL, BPM, Rules, HWF and other components
from a development perspective
• No need to redevelop or rewrite code as was the case in a 10g-11g upgrade
• Import BPEL and OSB projects into 12c Jdev and projects will be converted
to 12c SCA projects
– OSB projects while in a SCA are still considered independent OSB projects (i.e. at the
moment cannot have other components in the SCA project)
– No impact on BPEL projects

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Program Agenda

1 Code upgrade
2 Side by Side upgrade do’s and don’ts
3 Tuning differences in 12c

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Side by Side upgrade do’s and don’ts

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Side by Side upgrade do’s and don’ts
• Define a cutover strategy and make sure the business is aligned with the cutover
• Plan your upgrade cutover meticulously with the operations team
– Play out the cut over with proper fallback scenarios in case of a failed cutover
– Keep backups of the older system
– Define how long the 11g system will be up and running (how long will it take to shut
down 11g). This will help plan how much operational support is required
– Can shut down some managed servers (reduce the 11g cluster) since most of the load
will be on 12c
– Learn 12c from an operational standpoint!! (best way is to play with it and learn the
differences in the UI)

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Side by Side upgrade do’s and don’ts
• Make sure your 12c cluster is set up correctly using all the proper EDG best practices:
• If you are using a 12c DB, make sure DB is tuned properly before going live (use 11g DB
performance tuning guide as a starting point
1919499.pdf )
• Use DB partitioning if appropriate (12c large profile sets up DB partitioning OOTB)
• Conduct a full functional regression exercise
• Conduct a full performance exercise (since 12c tuning is different to 11g)
• Test, Test, Test!! (https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1213/soasuite/soasuite-

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Side by Side upgrade do’s and don’ts

• Presume that 11g and 12c work the same way – operationally and
performance wise (tuning knobs are different) they are different
• Don’t set up 11g and 12c on the same DB (unless the DB machine has a lot
of CPU)
• Don’t forget to train the operational team on the benefits of the EM
console – introduction of FLOW_ID, new search, new ESS feature –
important to learn these new features

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Program Agenda

1 Code upgrade
2 Side by Side upgrade do’s and don’ts
3 Tuning differences in 12c

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Tuning differences in 12c

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Tuning differences in 12c
• Note that in 12c both OSB and BPEL use Work Managers now
– https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1221/core/ASPER/soa_infra.htm#ASPER99940
– Thread pooling and performance tuning more inline with traditional WLS tuning
– This implies that 12c tuning has to be done independently of 11g tuning
– If using the OOTB WM scheme SOADataSource datasource sizing needs to be closely
monitored and tweaked (note that this can be tweaked independently as well by
playing with the SOAMaxThreadsConfig parameter in EM)
• Tuning process is simplified in 12c
• In most cases, the default settings will work and, if needed, only the size of the
SOADatasource or the ratio of the thread pool sizes will need to be adjusted
• JVM, GC, Adapter, OSB and DB tuning stays unchanged

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• Ask questions via chat – send to Everyone
• Please fill out the webinar feedback survey:
– www.surveymonkey.com/r/12c-upgrade-webinar-feedback
• Session recording, all slides and useful links will be available
within a couple days at:
– www.middleworks.com/soa-expert/
• Feel free to follow up with me at: dave@middleworks.com
• And thanks!!!

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