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Garden Meditation

By- Prof. Dilip Gaikwad (Klatu Lukundu)

I first came across this tool in a Huna book. The
description given in that book was very brief and
precise. I was not satisfied with that and I started
experimenting on myself as well as my clients of
Astrology and my students. My experimentation
yielded powerful results, sometimes they were not
very successful and I learned from feed back. I
researched extensively the works of Freud, Jung,
Assagioli, Erikson, Haley, King, Weiselman,
Castaneda and Hyatt. The research led me to more
refined way of practicing Garden Meditation. This
Garden Meditation is a tool that I use regularly. I
also present this at workshops and it has been
received very well. The participants are
flabbergasted by the magical manifestations. The
concept here is to explore one’s own inner
landscape (subconscious and unconscious
resources and complexes). It is time set aside
to explore our creative imagination. Instead of
looking for patterns using astrology or tarot, or
looking for signs in the outer-world, we can at any
time look inward, finding patterns and symbols,
messages and even omens in our own
subconscious mind, within our own imagination.
We can even plant patterns and symbols from
mythology, Astrology, Wastushastra, Feng
shui, I-Ching, Tarot, playing cards, yantras,
sigils and talismans. In this meditation we
create a garden. It can be any garden and we can
change it at will. It is understood this garden is a
reflection of our own being. It is 100% ours.
Images in this garden represent aspects of
ourselves. This meditation comes from the
Hawaiian Huna tradition but variations of it are
found all around the world.
The garden can be used for a tool for healing as
well, setting patterns in our subconscious mind
that will manifest in our physical being. An
example is this: we may be ill with fever; in our
garden a rock is hot because of hot sun rays; when
we do the meditation, the rock feels hot. During
the meditation we cool out rock by spraying water
and covering it with leaves. We re-envision the
garden rock as cool, smooth and beautiful. Our
mind sees this as the natural order of things and
begins to manifest this in our body. We get

To me, this inner garden doesn't just represent my

physical body. I meet deities, angels, Satgurus,
spiritual guides, magicians, healers, shamans,
technicians, Engineers, Financial and career
consultants, councellors and experts there. I do
shamanic and magickal work.
Within your garden you may have helpers too,
friends, allies, fairies, a human gardener - again, it
doesn't matter. You can tell them what you want
to change and they will do the work. You are all
powerful here as it is yours, totally and completely.
The important thing is to make it feel real. Use
your senses while you are there. Start with
touching some things feeling them, tasting
somethings focusing on the taste, smelling a
few things, and eventually use all your
perceptics with sub-modalities. Infact
experiment with changing and fine tunning sub
modalities. If you don't like any aspect of your
garden transform it to something completely
different. But at first just see what your mind
(subconscious and unconscious) throws out at you.
Do not be overly willful. Imposing too much
conscious and logical thinking may disturb
the ecology of your mind. Let your subconscious
and unconscious mind or higher self show you

I highly recommend keeping a notebook or a

diary about your garden. It is interesting and
can be very insightful to see how the garden
changes and evolves over time. You may also note
down feedback of results achieved. This immensely
helps in fine tunning the projects in the garden

you can use this meditation for the following:

 Psychosomatic healing,
 Relaxation,
 Learning languages,
 Personality Development,
 Behavior modification,
 Energy work,
 Manifestations,
 Subjective communication,
 Interpretation -  as a way to check in with your inner
landscape (subconscious mind, your body, your soul) ;
 Resolution – everything in your garden is a reflection of
what is going on in your life. Your garden can help you
understand this better; you may see relationships that
aren't apparent in your daily work. Here is a place
where you can correct issues and plant seed of change.

The procedure of Garden meditation is as


1.If you are already a spiritual practitioner, it

is important to begin by making prayers to
the Sthan devtas and Wastu devtas ,
expressing gratitude and thanks for the space
you have and asking that your meditation be
undisturbed. Begin the process of bringing
yourself fully into the moment and into the place
where you are. Find yourself comfortable and
relaxed, pay attention to environmental stimuli,
place your feet firmly on the floor, back straight,
root yourself into the Earth. Become aware of
your breath. Don’t force it. Let it flow in and out
without effort. You may become aware of your
nostrils, the in and out flow of air, the unique
sensation of the temperature, or you may pay
attention to the rhythmatic movement of the rib
box, or you may become aware of the abdominal
expansion or contraction; be aware of the process
and feel the movement of the air into your body
and back out into the world. Use your breath to
feel your roots growing deeply into the Earth,
seeking strength and nourishment.
If you are a more rational / logical thinker or may be you are a
non believer you can ignore relevant part and make changes in
your script accordingly.

Think about who you are in this place at this

moment. Feel the edges of your intimate space.
Accept your environment unconditionally, with love
and gratitude. Become fully present. Close your
eyes. Let your breath flow naturally, leading you
into meditation.

(If you are having a difficult time relaxing, proceed

anyway as the process of doing the Garden
meditation will naturally relax you. Close your eyes
and take a deep breath. Blow the air out and let it
naturally come back into your body. Then just
breath naturally, unforced.)

2. Let an image of a garden come into your mind.

Don't worry if it isn't clear and well developed.
Don't judge what comes into your mind. If you feel
that it is easier to travel to your garden somehow (
going down in an elevator, descending a staircase,
riding magical creatures, flying, using a boat,
whatever), feel free to use that imagery but let the
image arise naturally. In your mind find yourself
inside of that garden. The garden can be anything,
a farm, flower garden, a moghul garden, a
Japanese garden,a Victorian paradise, whatever. It
doesn't matter. Fill it with anything you want, a
sacred well, stone walls, statues, water fountains,
and water gardens, endless flowers, wind chimes,
well maintained lawns, a Zen garden of stone and
sand, anything. It can just be totally natural as
well. Don't judge what comes into your
imagination. It is just your subconscious mind's
creation. It is a place to start and nothing is fixed.
The garden represents your subconscious and your
physical body. It is a place where you can make
change. The garden keeps changing for some

3. Once in your garden bring your senses into play.

Touch some things, smell some things, and hear a
few things (bird song, water falls, rivers and
streams, the wind through the trees, the texture of
a stone, explore it with your senses). If there is a
stream, well, or fruit, smell and taste the water or
fruit. Explore the texture of things. What sounds
are on the wind? Bring as much of your
consciousness into play as you can.

4. Move into and explore your garden. What grows

there? What is the soil like? What is the climate?
What is the time of year? Let your curiosity lead
you around. What are you wearing? How do you
feel in this place? Are you associated or
dissociated? What are the different submodalities?
5. If there is change you wish to make in your
garden, do the work now. If the work is more than
can be done in a moment, express the intention of
the change you seek. If you have helpers in the
garden, let them know the work that needs to be
done. Begin the process of that change. If you
have created a conference hall or communications
room in the garden, send a message to people and
the universe.

6. Within your garden, find a focal point such as a

tree or fountain, or stone. This is an inner
landmark that will help you make get back to your
garden quickly when you need to meditate and
don't have a lot of time. Become familiar with it.
Work with it until it becomes “real”.

7. When you are ready to leave, bless you garden,

bless your helpers. Bring your emotional presence
into play. Feel the gratitude within your own soul
and express the thanks outwardly. This is your
place of beauty and possibility.

8. When you are ready to end the meditation,

do so consciously, not from distraction. A
suggestion like,” I will count one to five and
at the count of five I will be wide awake
feeling great, energetic, confident, peaceful
and alert…and I will be integrated in my
present reality…in the now.” Find yourself
present again on the physical plane. Become
aware again of the spirits of place. Give
thanks that you have had a place of solitude
to do this work. Give thanks that you were
not disturbed. Find your roots again, feeling
the Earth beneath you given you constant
support. When you are ready, move on with
your day.
By- Prof. Dilip Gaikwad (Klatu Lukundu)
A sample script for a

By- Prof. Dilip Gaikwad (Klatu Lukundu)

The practitioner may wear loose and comfortable

clothing as per his individual needs; s/he may sit
on a kitchen chair with straight back and firm sit.
The time and place should be calm and peaceful.
Approximately one hour before or after any type
of food intake is advisable. I practice it at 5a.m /
4p.m. / 10p.m. at least once in a day. You may
keep your feet flat on the ground, back straight,
chin parallel to floor, and palms upturned on
your thighs. If you are an expert in meditating
follow you own practice.
Script: As I sit here comfortably…I am aware of
my environment…I accept my environment with
love and gratitude…now I am closing my eyes…
Now I am aware of the darkness… now I am
aware of the sound of--------… now I am aware of
the sound of--------… now I am aware of the
sound of--------… now I am aware of the sound
of--------… now I am aware of my own
breathing… now I am aware of my nostrils…
now I am aware of the movement of air through
my nostrils… now I am aware of the unique
temperature of the air… now I am aware of the
rhythmatic movement of my rib box…up…
down…up…down …now I am aware of my
abdomen…the movement… now I am aware of
my mental screen …as I visulise number three in
yellow color…in three dimension…and my body
is becoming pleasantly relaxed …and pleasantly
heavy…and pleasantly limp… now I visualize
number three in red color…and in three
dimension…and my whole body is completely
relaxed…a pleasant feeling pervades my whole
body… now I visualize number three in green
color…and I experience unity of my body and
mind… now I visualize number two in red
color… and in three dimension…and mind is
becoming calm and peaceful… now I visualize
number two in yellow color… and in three
dimension …and my mind is becoming clear and
still like a beautiful lake…now I visualize number
two in green color… and in three dimension…
and I am entering in a meditative trance… now I
visualize number one in yellow color… and in
three dimension …and I am going deeper and
deeper…deeper and deeper…in trance…now I
visualize number one in green color… and in
three dimension… and I am going deeper and
deeper…deeper and deeper…in trance… and I
am going deeper and deeper…deeper and
deeper…in trance… now I visualize number one
in violate color… and in three dimension… and I
am going deeper and deeper…deeper and
deeper…in trance… and I am going deeper and
deeper…deeper and deeper…in trance…now I
am at the programming level…now I use ten to
zero method to deepen the trance…I imagine
myself…standing at a lift(in an associated state)
…on tenth floor of a building…now I am looking
at the push button…and now I am pressing the
button…I feel unique pressure in my finger…
and I am listening to the sound of the lift…I
touch the door of lift…and I feel metallic
coolness…and I open the doors of the lift…and I
hear the sound of doors…I am inside the lift…I
see number ten in the indicator…I feel the breeze
of overhead fan…I hear the mild music and the
sound of fan…I smell the perfume I am
wearing…I feel sweet taste in my mouth…I push
the button…the lift is descending…I am aware of
vibrations…I am going deeper and deeper…I am
entering in deeper layers of my sub conscious
mind… I see number nine in the indicator…I feel
the breeze of the fan…I hear the mild music and
the sound of fan…I smell the perfume I am
wearing…I feel sweet taste in my mouth…the lift
is descending…I am aware of vibrations…I am
going deeper and deeper…I am entering in
deeper layers of my sub conscious mind…I see
number eight in the indicator…I feel the breeze
of overhead fan…I hear the mild music and the
sound of fan…I smell the perfume I am
wearing…I feel sweet taste in my mouth…the lift
is descending…I am aware of vibrations…I am
going deeper and deeper…I am entering in
deeper layers of my sub conscious mind… I see
number seven in the indicator…I feel the breeze
of the fan…I hear the mild music and the sound
of fan…I smell the perfume I am wearing…I feel
sweet taste in my mouth…the lift is descending…
I am aware of vibrations…I am going deeper and
deeper…I am entering in deeper layers of my sub
conscious mind…I see number six in the
indicator…I feel the breeze of overhead fan…I
hear the mild music and the sound of fan…I
smell the perfume I am wearing…I feel sweet
taste in my mouth…the lift is descending…I am
aware of vibrations…I am going deeper and
deeper…I am entering in deeper layers of my sub
conscious mind… I see number five in the
indicator…I feel the breeze of the fan…I hear the
mild music and the sound of fan…I smell the
perfume I am wearing…I feel sweet taste in my
mouth…the lift is descending…I am aware of
vibrations…I am going deeper and deeper…I am
entering in deeper layers of my sub conscious
mind…I see number four in the indicator…I feel
the breeze of overhead fan…I hear the mild
music and the sound of fan…I smell the perfume
I am wearing…I feel sweet taste in my mouth…
the lift is descending…I am aware of vibrations…
I am going deeper and deeper…I am entering in
deeper layers of my sub conscious mind… I see
number three in the indicator…I feel the breeze
of the fan…I hear the mild music and the sound
of fan…I smell the perfume I am wearing…I feel
sweet taste in my mouth…the lift is descending…
I am aware of vibrations…I am going deeper and
deeper…I am entering in deeper layers of my sub
conscious mind…I see number two in the
indicator…I feel the breeze of overhead fan…I
hear the mild music and the sound of fan…I
smell the perfume I am wearing…I feel sweet
taste in my mouth…I push the button…the lift is
descending…I am aware of vibrations…I am
going deeper and deeper…I am entering in
deeper layers of my sub conscious mind… I see
number one in the indicator…I feel the breeze of
the fan…I hear the mild music and the sound of
fan…I smell the perfume I am wearing…I feel
sweet taste in my mouth…the lift is descending…
I am aware of vibrations…I am going deeper and
deeper…I am entering in deeper layers of my sub
conscious mind…I see number zero in the
indicator…I feel the breeze of overhead fan…I
hear the mild music and the sound of fan…I
smell the perfume I am wearing…I feel sweet
taste in my mouth… the lift stops…now the door
is opening…I am witnessing a beautiful garden…
as I step out of the lift on a marble floor… I am
watching a vast vista of my beautiful garden…
and I feel cool breeze on my body…the birds are
singing…I can smell the perfume of flowers…and
I am completely safe in my garden…and I see
trees, plants and creepers…and I see colorful
flowers…clean roads…I hear the musical sound
of colorful birds…and I feel firmness of road
beneath my feet…and now I am at a small tree…
and now I am smelling the flower…and I am
observing the flower…the color…the
arrangement of petals…the stem…the leaves…
now I am moving on…I see dragon flies…some
are yellow…a few are green…and others are
red…and now I hear the singing of a cantabill…I
am enchanted… I am feeling in synchronicity…I
keep moving…I see a guava tree… I spot a big,
ripe, yellowish green guava…I grab the fruit…I
am feeling the soft yet firm texture… and I am
biting the fruit…and I feel the sweet juicy taste…
I smell the mouth watering aroma … I feel the
seeds in my mouth…I continue till I finish… Now
I am walking towards a natural water fountain…
and see a beautiful rock formation…I can smell
the freshness of water…I touch the flat surface of
rock…now I am sitting on the rock…now I am
putting my hands in the cool water…now I am
tasting the sweet water…now I am watching my
garden…and at a certain distance…I am seeing a
two storied garden house…and I can see a part of
terrace…and a basement…I am also watching an
electronics tower…and a dish antenna… now I
am getting up from the rock…and now I am
walking towards the house…I am listening the
singing of birds…I am watching a blue sky… I
can see rising sun…and I am feeling the warmth
of sunshine…and I am feeling happy…and a
beautiful butterfly sits on my shoulder…I am
observing its colors…and I feel connected with
the butterfly…and it flies away…and now aware
of rainbow in the sky…a beautiful peacock flies
in the bush…and I am listening its voice..and I
am moving towards the house…and I see a
unique pattern of a medicine wheel made of
natural stones…the stone circle is made up of
beautiful white marble like stones…the whole
circle is made up of lawn like vegetation…and the
circle is divided in twelve equal parts…and I am
looking at the partitions…and the east side is
for…my identity…now I am moving clockwise to
the 12th part…and this is about spirituality…now
I am moving to the 11th part…this is my friend
circle and…now I move to 10th part this is career
and business I am in 9th area this is
area of long travels and safaris…now I am
moving to 8th part…and this is about sexual
pleasures…now I am moving to the 7th area…
these are mu marital relationship…and now I
am in the 6th sector…this is healing area…now I
am moving to 5th part …and this is my sons
area…I move to the 4th area…and this is my
Happiness…I am moving to 3rd area and it is my
relatives and communications…I am moving to
2nd sector I t is about money and family…and my
Ishta devta… Some times I move clock wise…
sometimes anticlockwise…now I am moving to
the house…and its a beautiful and aesthetic
construction…and It is very safe here…nobody
can enter here without my permission…now I am
looking at the glass door {…In these brackets you
can describe your garden house, its different
levels, its different rooms, be careful of the
basement. All conscious and logical events are
done here on ground floor and first floor.
Basement work is strictly for subconscious issues.
In my basement there is porthole that connects to
the lower garden or unconscious. The open
terrace, tower and dish antenna are connections
to higher self and super conscious and collective
consciousness. For example my garden house has
a big library on second floor and a conference
hall where I meet people. }…now I am opening
the door…I am entering the hall …I am looking
at the sofa…I am feeling the soft and warm touch
of carpet beneath my feet…and I am smelling the
exotic perfume of room freshener…and I am
hearing the twitting of birds…I am rally at peace
here…and there is packet of Lindt chocolates…
and I taste a chocolate…the soft sweetness on my
tongue…and I am moving towards the strong
room…and I am looking at machine that records
thumb impression…I press thumb in the slot…
and the door opens…now I am entering in the
strong room… I am looking at the vaults and
coffers…I am opening a drawer… I am looking
at notes of various denomination…and I am
picking a stack of Rs.1, 000/-notes… I feel the
notes…and I am smelling the notes…and I am
hearing the sound of notes…and I am stuffing the
notes in my pocket…and I smell the lather of my
wallet…now my wallet is full of money…now I
am wealthy…now I am feeling the satisfaction…I
close the drawer…I am out of the room…I am
back in the hall…Now I want to return…I am
coming out of the house…now I am walking
back…a falcon is circling in the blue sky…the
leaves and birds are singing… I am feeling the
firmness of the road…and the taste of Lindt is
still on my tongue…I am at the lift..I press the
button… the door opens… and I am in the lift
now…and I press the button to 10th floor I am
ascending…I express thank s and gratitude to
sthan devta and ishta devta for protecting me…
the music…the vibrations …the numbers are
changing…When I will be on 10th floor I am
feeling wide awake fully integrated in the present
NOW, I am feeling calm and peaceful, and I am
ready to face the world with confidence and self
assurance, I am energetic…zero…one… two…
three…four…five…six…When I will be on 10th
floor I am feeling wide awake fully integrated in
the present NOW, I am feeling calm and
peaceful, and I am ready to face the world with
confidence and self assurance, I am energetic…
seven…eight…nine…TEN…I am in the NOW.
By- Prof. Dilip Gaikwad (Klatu

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