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Tutorial 3 : Probability

Probability and Statistics 1

J. Chambers, J. Crawshaw, P. Balaam

Tutorial 3.1 Probability

Exercise 3a (Page 102) : Q4, 6, 10, 11

Tutorial 3.2 Two or more events

Exercise 3c (Page 113) : Q3, 9, 11, 12

Tutorial 3.3 Mutually exclusive events

Exercise 3c (Page 113) : Q10, 15

Tutorial 3.4 Conditional probability and independent events

Exercise 3d (Page 121) : Q5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12

Tutorial 3.5 Probability Trees

Exercise 3e (Page 131) : Q8, 9, 11, 13, 15

Mixed exercise 3e (Page 135) : Q8, 13, 14, 17

Tutorial 3.6

1. SEM I P6 June04

[5/8; 3/5]

Mathematics/ P6/Tutorial 3 Probability Page 1

2. SEM I P6 Dec07

[1/20; 5/12; 3/10; 2/5; not ME; not independent]

3. SEM I P6 June 12

[ ;  ;  ; ]

Mathematics/ P6/Tutorial 3 Probability Page 2

4. SEM I P6 June 14

[ ; ; ]

5. SEM I P6 Dec 14

[R and S are ME ; ;  ; ]

Mathematics/ P6/Tutorial 3 Probability Page 3

6. SEM I P6 Dec 14

[ ,  ,  ;  ,  ,  ;  ;  ; ]

Mathematics/ P6/Tutorial 3 Probability Page 4

7. SEM I P6 Dec 15

[0.0105 ; 0.0455 ; 0.440]

8. SEM I P6 June 16

[ ; .  ; . ]

Mathematics/ P6/Tutorial 3 Probability Page 5

9. SEM I P6 Dec 16

[3 , 9 , 5 , 14 , 22 ;  ; ]

Mathematics/ P6/Tutorial 3 Probability Page 6

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