LP Possessive Pronouns

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

I. Objectives - At the end of this lesson, 75% of the pupils will be able to:

a. identify the appropriate possessive pronoun to be used to replace nouns.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Possessive Pronoun


Materials: Manila paper, Cartolina, Pictures, Pentel pen

Value Focus: Develop sense of responsibility

Concept: Possessive pronouns are pronouns that shows ownership

III. Procedure

Teacher's Activity Pupils' Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

a. Mood-setting

Good morning, class! Good morning, teacher!

How are you feeling today? Fine/Good

b. Review

Before we discuss our lesson for this morning,

we will first go back to our previous lesson
which is about sequencing pictures.

Who can still remember what sequencing

(Volunteer) Sequencing is picture is ??? (ask
picture is?

Very good. Now let's see how well you have

understand our previous lesson.

Everybody, eyes on the board. Let us all read

the directions.
Arrange the pictures below according
to their sequence. Directions: Arrange the pictures below
according to their sequence.
Now, let us answer the following items.

What picture comes first, second, third and


B. Developmental Activities

a. Motivation

Everyone, eyes on the board.

Mara Clara

What can you see in the picture?

Aside from the two girls, what else can you see
There are two girls talking to each other.
in the picture.
There is also a cat.
Yes, there's also a cat.

So, what do you think are the girls talking


(1 or 2 pupil will guess)

b. Presentation of the topic

Okay, later we will see if your guesses are

correct. But first I will divide you into two
groups. The group 1 will be Mara, while the
group 2 will play the role of Clara, understood?
Yes, teacher.
I will read the conversation first. Later, it will
A. Mara: Is this cat yours?
be your turn to read.
B. Clara: No, it is not mine.
(Reads the entire conversation)
C. Mara: Maybe it is Milton's cat.
Now, your turn.
D. Clara: No, it is not his.

E. Mara: Let us ask Ana.

F. Clara: Sure, maybe the cat is hers


Very good.

Now, if you have noticed, some words in the

conversation have underline.

What are these words?

The words with underline are yours, mine, his

Do you have any idea what these words are? and hers.

These words are called possessive pronouns;

and that is our lesson for today. No, teacher.

c. Discussion - Analysis

Are you familiar with the word possessive?

Possessive means to show ownership.

Always remember that. No, teacher.

For the meantime, let us go back to the

conversation of the two girls. What are they
talking about?
They are talking to find out who is the owner
That's right. Let us look at sentence A and read
of the cat.
it altogether.
- Is this cat yours?

So in sentence A, Mara is asking a question.

Who is she talking to?
- Is this cat yours?
What did Mara asked from Clara?

She is talking to Clara.

What word or possessive pronoun did Mara
used to refer to Clara as the owner? Mara is asking if Clara is the owner of the cat.

Very good, and besides Clara is the only one

Mara is talking to; meaning, we use the Mara used the word or possessive pronoun
possessive pronoun yours if we are referring to "yours" to refer to Clara as the owner.
the person we are talking to.

Now, let's read Clara's reply altogether.

- No it is not mine.

So, is Clara the owner of the cat?

Clara used a possessive pronoun to refer to

- No, it is not mine.
herself. What is it?
Very good. We use the possessive pronoun
mine if we are referring to one's self. Clara used the possessive pronoun "mine to
refer to herself.
Let's proceed to sentence C.

- Maybe it is Milton's cat.

Is Milton a name of a boy or a girl?

Okay, let's continue. Everybody please read

sentence D altogether. - Maybe it is Milton's cat.

Milton is a name of a boy.

- No, it is not his.

Who is Clara referring to?

What possessive pronoun did Clara used to

- No, it is not his.
refer to Milton?
Clara is referring to Milton.
That's right. But why do you think Clara used
the word his to refer to Milton? Clara used the possessive pronoun "his" to
refer to Milton.
Very good. So we use the word his to refer to a
boy. Because Milton is a boy.
Next, sentence E. Everybody please read.

- Let us ask Ana.

So who are they going to ask?

Is Ana a name of a boy or a girl? -Let us ask Ana.

Okay, let's continue. Everybody please read They are going to ask Ana.
sentence F.
Ana is a girl's name.
- Sure, maybe the cat is hers.

Who is Clara referring to?

But Clara did not mention Ana's name, so how - Sure, maybe the cat is hers.
did you know that Clara is referring to Ana?
Clara is referring to Ana.
Yes, very good. Clara used the possessive
pronoun hers to refer to Ana as the owner.

But why did Clara use the possessive pronoun Because of the possessive pronoun "hers".
hers to refer to Ana? Why not use the
possessive pronoun his?

Clara used the possessive pronoun hers to refer

That's right. If the possessive pronoun his is to Ana because Ana is a girl. The possessive
used to refer to boys, the possessive pronoun pronoun his is used to refer to boys.
hers is used to refer to girls.

(The teacher will review the functions of the

given possessive pronouns for a brief moment)

d. Generalization

So class, do you already know what possessive

pronouns mean?

Who can give me the meaning of possessive

pronouns? Yes, teacher.
Very good. And what are the examples of (Volunteer) Possessive pronouns are pronouns
pronoun that shows ownership? that show ownership.
That's right. These are yours, mine, his and hers.

 Valuing

Earlier, we have read the conversation of Mara

and Clara. They are talking to find out who is
the owner of the cat.

Do you think they did the right thing?

So if for example you saw a lost puppy, and

found out that the owner of the puppy is your
classmate, what will you do? Yes.

Very good. So if ever you see a lost puppy, the

right thing to do is return it to the owner. (Volunteer) I will return the puppy to my

e. Application

Have you been to a lost and found area?

The lost and found area is where we deposit

lost things or things that do not belong to us.
The lost and found area is built so that the
owners can easily find their lost belongings.

Now, everybody eyes on the board.

The lost and found area has two areas. We have

the lost area and the found area.



The lost area contains lost things while the

found area contains the owners of the things
that are present in the lost area.

The person being

The speaker spoken to
Now for the owners to get back their personal
belongings, we have to answer the following
items on the board.

Directions: Read the first sentence in each

number. Complete the second sentence by
underlining the correct possessive pronoun.
Choose from the possessive pronouns inside
the parentheses.

Example: Directions: Read the first sentence in each

 Ariel owns this seashell. number. Complete the second sentence by
This seashell is (his, hers). underlining the correct possessive pronoun.
Choose from the possessive pronouns inside
1. Alladin owns this magic lamp. the parentheses.
This magic lamp is (his, hers). Example:
2. The doll belongs to me.  Ariel owns this seashell.
This seashell is (his, hers).
The doll is (yours, mine).
1. Alladin owns this lamp.
3. The cellphone belongs to you.
This lamp is (his, hers).
The cellphone is (yours, mine).
2. The doll belongs to me.
4. Cinderella owns this shoe.
The doll is (yours, mine).
This shoe is (hers, his).
3. The cellphone belongs to you.

The cellphone is (yours, mine).

IV. Evaluation
4. Cinderella owns this shoe.
Since, you've been very responsive, we will This shoe is (hers, his).
have a test this time. Please read the directions

Directions: Read the first sentence in each

number. Complete the second sentence by
underlining the correct possessive pronoun.
Choose from the possessive pronouns inside
the parentheses.

1. Ron owns this pen.

This pen is (his, mine) pen.

2. Letty owns these ribbons.

These ribbons are (hers, yours).

3. I own this land.

This land is (yours, mine). (Activity takes place)

4. This flower belongs to you.

This flower are (mine, yours).

V. Assignment

For your assignment,

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