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Note: -This is a model draft and may be customized according to

requirements of individual cases


STAMP DUTY @ ……………….Rs.

This Lease Deed is executed at New Delhi, on this

………………… of…………………….between:- Sh
R/o…………………………………………………, hereinafter called


Shri ……………………………………S/o
R/o …………………………………………, hereinafter called “THE
The expression of the Lessor and Lessee shall mean and include
them, their legal heirs, legal representatives, administrators, successors,
executors, nominees and assignees.

Whereas the Lessor is the owner of property bearing NO

……………… …………..………………
And whereas the Lessor has agreed to give the said property on
rent and the Lessee has agreed to take the same on rent at a monthly rent of
exclusive of electricity and water charges.


1. That the lessor has given the said property on rent and the Lessee
has taken the same on rent at a monthly rent of Rs.
Excluding the electricity and water charges.
2. That the Lessor has handed over the physical vacant possession of
the said property to the Lessee on the execution of this Lease
3. That Lease has been granted for a period of
……………………… years, which is effective w.e.f.
……………………………………. However, the said period
can be further extended as mutually agreed between the parties
subject to the increase of ……………..% rent on each subsequent
renewal at the last rent paid otherwise the premises will be vacated
by the Lessee after the expiry of the said lease period.
4. That the Lessee has paid a sum of Rs. ……………………../-
(Rupees ……………………………………….only) as security,
which is interest free, the receipt of which is hereby admitted and
acknowledged by the Lessor. The security shall be refunded by the
Lessor to the Lessee at the time of receiving back the vacant
possession of the said property.
5. That the Lessee shall pay the said monthly rent to the Lessor by
the ------ of each English Calendar month, in advance.
6. That the Lessee shall pay the electricity and water bill as per
consumption to the concerned authorities.
7. That the Lessee has seen before occupying the said property that
all the sanitary and electric fittings and fixtures are in good
working condition and is satisfied that nothing is broken or
missing and the Lessee on vacating the lease premises shall
restore them, in the same condition, subject to normal wear and
8. That the Lessees shall not sublet, assign or part with the possession
of the aforesaid rented property in whole or in part, under any
9. That the Lessee shall use the said property as per byelaws of
DDA/L&DO/ MCD or any other concerned authority.
10. That the Lessee shall comply with all the rules and regulations of
the local authorities.
11. That the Lessee shall not carry out any additions or alterations in
the structure or otherwise under any circumstances.
12. That day-to-day repairs such as replacement of fuses and elements
setting right, leakages in water taps etc. are to be carried out by
the Lessee at his own costs. However, the major repair shall be
carried out by the Lessor at his own costs and expenses.
13. That the Lessee shall permit the Lessor or his agents or
representatives to enter upon the lease premises for inspection
and to carry out the repairs etc. at reasonable time as and when
14. That the Lessee shall maintain and keep the premises along with
all the electrical wood and sanitary fittings and fixture in good
working condition.
15. That on the expiry of the Lease, the Lessee shall hand over the
vacant possession of the leased premises to the Lessor with all
the fittings and fixtures intact and in working order, normal wear
and tear accepted.
16. That in case, the Lessee wants to vacate the premises then he will
give……….. month notice to the Lessor vice-versa, if the Lessor
wants to get the premises vacated then he will also give
……………… month notice to the Lessee.
17. That in case, if the period of lease is extended for a further period
as mutually agreed between the parties on the terms and conditions
as given above then the fresh Lease Deed shall be executed.
18. That the Lessee has satisfied himself regarding the title of the
Lessor to give the said property on lease.
19. That in case the Lessee fails to vacate and give the physical
vacant possession of the said rented property within the said
stipulated period, then the Lessee shall pay the damages @
Rs……………………./- per day till the possession is given by the
Lessee to the Lessor.
20. That the Lessor shall pay the house tax and other dues and
demands to the concerned authority.
21. That the Lessee has paid the stamp duty and registration fee on this
Lease Deed.
Witness whereof the Lessor and the Lessee have executed this
Lease Deed at the place, day, month and year as first above written in the
presence of the following witnesses.


1.___________________ ( _________________ )


2. ___________________ ( _________________ )

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