Section A March Test Redo

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1. Adam say a few _______________________ in front of a factory.

A. lorry B. lorrys C.lorries D. lorriyes

2. Encik Nasir buys two ___________ at the hardware store.

A. knife B. knives C.knifes D. knifves

3. The boy washes his shoes by _____________________.

A. themselves B.yourself C.himself D.herself

4. A ____________ o fish are swimming in a large aquarium.

A. pack B. team C. swarm D. school

5. There are ____________ books on the table.

A. a bunch of B. a string of C. a loaf of D. a pile of

Choose the most suitable simile.

6. Khairul ran ____________________ in 100 meter race during Family Day event. He won the race.

A. as cool as a cucumber

B. as light as a feather

C. as fast as lightning

D. as busy as a bee

Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.

Last Friday night, a robbery took place at Bachok Bank. Three robbers broke into the bank

_______7_____ the back door. They broke into the bank vault and ______8______ all the money.

Luckily, Mr Bombastic rushed to the scene and stopped the robbers from escaping. He tied the robbers

with a ________9______ and left them to the police.

7. A. through B. along C. under D.over

8. A. steal B.stole C.steals D. stolen

9A. chain B.straw C. whip D. rope

Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.

10. Keluang Man opens his eyes and his bionic vision to shoot lasers to the criminals.

A. sight B. mission C blindness D. inspiration

Mel and his family are going to the swimming pool. As soon as they arrive, Mel and her brother walk

towards the ______11__. Mel has a pair of ____12______ on her forehead and her brother has a

rubber float ___13________ his neck. A lifeguard is sitting near the pool. There is a boy, which is Mel’s

cousin _________14_____ on the water slide.

11. A. lake B. pool C. park D. pond

12. A lenses B. glasses C. goggles d. sunglasses
13. A. against B. around C. under D. over
14.A. slid B. slide C. slides D. sliding

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