Introduction To Structure: 1.1.1 Multi-Story

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Seismic Analysis &Design of unsymmetrical Commercial building using STAAD.

PRO 2017




As the cities are growing rapidly with fast economy, thus resulting in expansion of the
city. As the population increasing every day, demand for shelter is exorbitantly increasing. It
becomes the responsibility of civil engineers to build structures, ensuring all safety measures
causing no damage to the structure.

An attempt has been made to learn the steps which are involved in the construction
activity. The project mainly deals with analysis and design of Residential building in

Analysis and design has been done for five storied Residential building. The structure
is analyzed using STAAD PRO V8i version software for gravity loads and the results thus
obtained were used for design, which was done manually by incorporating the limits state
method using IS 456:2000 and SP-16 codes.


A multi-storied building is a building that supports two or more floor above ground.
There is no formal restriction on the height of such a building or the number of floors a multi
–story building may contain, though taller building does face more practical difficulties’
multi -story building may be designed as a place of business, such as a hospital, law firm , a
casino, a mall or a government building. Other types of multi-story apartment buildings to
provide adequate housing within the local area, or to meet the housing needs of a growing


A commercial building is a building that is used for commercial use. Types can include office
building, warehouses, or retail (i.e. convenience stores, “big box” stores, shopping mall, etc.)

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Seismic Analysis &Design of unsymmetrical Commercial building using STAAD. PRO 2017


Industrial architecture is the design and construction of building serving industry.

Such buildings rose in importance with the industrial revolution, and were some of the
pioneering structures of modern architecture.


There are three main aims in structural design.

1. The structure must be safe, for society demands, security in structures it inhabitants.
2. The structure must fulfill its intended purpose during its intended life span.
3 The structure must be economical with first cost and to maintenance costs; indeed, the
most design decisions are, implicitly, economic decisions.
A structural project is initiated by client, who states his requirements of the f
structure. His requirements are usually vague because he is not aware of the possibilities and
limitations of the structural engineering. In fact his most important requirements are often not
explicitly stated. For example, he will assume that the structure will be safe and it will remain
serviceable during its intended life.


The purpose of structural design consists of the following:

State I: Planning

This stage involves the determination of the following:

a) Type of structure (like load bearing structure or framed structure)
b) Form of structure (like slab „ beam)
c) Geometry and layout which include the determination of positioning columns, beams etc.
d) Type of material particularly grades of steel and concrete, method of construction Viz.
R.C.C Steel, pre stressed, cast in situ etc.

Stage II: Loading

This stage involves determination of external loads coming on the structure and
design loads.

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Seismic Analysis &Design of unsymmetrical Commercial building using STAAD. PRO 2017

Stage III: Analysis:

It involves analysis of structure for the determination of external design forces in the
members and behavior of the structure under the action of these forces, bending moment,
shear force etc, and structural analysis is done using STAAD PRO software

Stage IV: Section Design

This stage involves determination of sizes of the members, amount and detailing
reinforcement for resisting the design forces calculated.

I. Planning
After getting an architectural plan of the building, structural planning of the building
frame is done. This involves determination of the following
a) Position and orientation of the columns
b) Positioning of the beams
c) Spanning of the slabs
d) Layouts of the stairs
e) Selecting proper type of loading

II. Loading

For designing a continuous beam it is necessary to determine the maximum negative

bending moment and positive bending moments at critical section support and at mid
span by considering various possible loading arrangements. In general loads on beam consist
of dead loads and live loads. Dead loads are permanent and accrue over all the spans. The
arrangements of live load are therefore necessary to be considered which develops maximum
moments and shears in the beam.

III. Analysis

Structural analysis is the determination of internal forces like bending moment and
shear force developed in the members of the structure and to study the behaviors of the

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Seismic Analysis &Design of unsymmetrical Commercial building using STAAD. PRO 2017

structure as whole. In the proposed project the analysis has been done using the software


Design is the process of determination of sized of the members and detailing of the
reinforcement to resists the design forces as obtained by the analysis. Since the inception of
the concept of reinforced concrete towards the last two decades of the 19th century, the
following design philosophy has been evolved for the reinforced concrete structure.
a) Working stress method
b) Limit state method

1.4.1 Working Stress Method

In this method it is assumed that concrete is elastic and both steel and concrete act
together elastically and the relationship between loads and stress is linear right up to the
failure of the structure.
The base of the method is that the permissible stresses for steel are not exceeded
anywhere in the structure when it is subjected to worst combination of working loads.
The permissible stresses are prescribed to provide suitable factors of safety to allow
for uncertainties in the estimation of working loads and variation in properties of materials.
IS 456-2000 uses a factor of safety equal to 3 to obtain the permissible compressive stresses
in reinforcement.


The acceptable limit for the safety and serviceability before failure occurs is called a
limit state. The object of design based on the limit state concept is to achieve an acceptability
that a structure will not become unserviceable in its life time for the use for which it is
intended. i.e. it will not reach a limit state. In this limit state method all relevant states must
be considered in design to ensure a degree of safety and serviceability.

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This is corresponding to the maximum load carrying capacity. Violation of collapse
limit state implies failures in the sources that a clearly defined limit state of structural
usefulness has been exceeded. However, it does not mean complete collapse.

The limit state corresponds to:

a) Flexural
b) Compression
c) Shear
d) Torsion


This state corresponds to development of excessive deformation and is used for checking
member in which magnitude of deformations may limit the rise of the structure of its
a) Deflection
b) Cracking
c) Vibration


Method of analysis of statistically indeterminate portal frames:

1. Method of flexibility coefficients.

2. Slope displacements methods (iterative methods)

3. Moment distribution method

4. Kani’s method

5. Cantilever method

6. Portal method

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In structural engineering, the flexibility method, also called the method of consistent
deformations, is the traditional method for computing member forces and displacements in
structural systems. its modern version formulated in terms of the members’ flexibility
matrices also has the name the matrix force method due to its use of member forces as the
primary unknowns.
The method of analysis is comprises reducing the hyper static structure to a
determinate structure form by: Removing the redundant support (or) introducing adequate
cuts (or) hinges.
Limitations: It is not applicable for degree of redundancy>3


“Methods of three moment equation, and consistent deformation method are

representing the FORCE METHOD of structural analysis, the slope deflection method use
displacements as unknowns, hence this method is the displacement method”.
It is advantageous when kinematic indeterminacy <static indeterminacy. This
procedure was first formulated by axle bender in 1914 based on the applications of
compatibility and equilibrium conditions.
The method derives its name from the fact that support slopes and displacements are
explicitly comported. Set up simultaneous equations is formed the solution of these
parameters and the joint moment in each element or computed from these values.

Limitations: A solution of simultaneous equations makes methods tedious for manual

computations. this method is not recommended for frames larger than too bays and two

Iterative methods: These methods involve distributing the known fixed and moments of the
structural member to adjacent members at the joints in order satisfy the conditions of

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This method over comes some of the disadvantages of hardy cross method. Kani’s
approach is similar to H.C.M to that extent it also involves repeated distribution of moments
at successive joints in frames and continues beams. However, there is a major difference in
distribution process of two methods. H.C.M distributes only the total joint moment at any
stage of iteration.
The most significant feature of kani’s method is that process of iteration is self-
corrective. Any error at any stage of iterations corrected in subsequent steps consequently
skipping a few steps error at any stage of iteration is corrected in subsequent consequently
skipping a few steps of iterations either by over sight of by intention does not lead to error in
final end moments.
Advantages: It is used for side way of frames.


1. The rotational of columns of any storey should be function a single rotation

value of same storey.
2. The beams of storey should not undergo rotation when the column undergoes
translation. That is the column should be parallel.
3. Frames with intermediate hinges cannot be analysis.


Approximate analysis of hyper static structure provides a simple means of obtaining a
quick Solution for preliminary design. It makes some simplifying assumptions regarding
Structural behavior so to obtain a rapid solution to complex structures. The usual process
comprises reducing the given indeterminate configuration to determine structural system by
introducing adequate no of hinges. It is possible to sketch the deflected profile of the structure
for the given loading and hence by locate the print inflection
Since each point of inflection corresponds to the location of zero moment in the
structures. The inflection points can be visualized as hinges for the purpose of analysis. The
solution of structures is sundered simple once the inflection points are located. The loading
cases are arising in multi-storied frames namely horizontal and vertical loading. The analysis
carried out separately or these two cases.

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Horizontal cases: The behavior of a structure subjected to horizontal forces depends upon its
heights to width ratio among their factor. It is necessary ti differentiate between low rise and
high rise frames in this case.

Low rise structures: If height is less than width -It is characterized predominately by shear

High rise buildings: If height is greater than Width-It is dominated by bending action.


The individual elements of frames are oriented in different directions unlike those of
continues beams so their analysis is more complex. never the less the rudimentary flexibility
and stiffness methods are applied to frames stiffness method is more useful because its
adaptability to computer programming stiffness method is used when degree of redundancy is
greater than degree of freedom. However, stiffness method is used degree of freedom is
greater than degree of redundancy especially for computers.


Analysis is an integral property of the design. The primary objective of the structural
engineering is to provide a designed structure. To design structure, one must know how it
will respond to a given loading. The member properties play an important role in analyzing
the response of a given structure. Conversely in the design member properties are chosen to
result in special structure and the designer may often have to readjust his selection of
properties in order to get the desired response from the structure.

Modern method of analysis and design lead us to the level at which various forces,
moments act in the member of a frame are known, and appropriate cross sections are
The building is proposed to construct at Kannur, Kerala and it is planned in keeping
view of the people to provide better opportunity in their area. The design of building is so
planned that is financially viable. The limit state design is more realistic than other
methods and it is safer to use, since it is a more scientific approach for the design of steel

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When an earthquake struck any residential area, Hundreds of people get killed and
many get injured when an earthquake struck any residential area. Tremors can be felt from at
hundreds of kilometers from the epicenter of the earthquake. An earthquake is a phenomenon
in which Earth’s surface shakes due to the release of seismic energy from large blocks of the
crust along a fault. Faults are cracks in the crust. The point under the earth crust on the fault
surface where the process of earthquakes begins, it is the source of earthquake and it is
termed as the focus. Focus is the center from where Seismic waves radiates outward.

Earthquake Epicenters: The point which is directly above the focus on earth surface is
called the epicenter. If we join the entire earthquake epicenter on map it shows a well-defined
regions of the Earth which is long and narrow and sometimes referred to as earthquake belts.

Tectonic plates: Movement of tectonic plates is one of the major reasons of earthquakes.
The lithosphere is divided into many tectonic plates which are moving slowly with respect to
each other. There are 7-8 major plates and many minor plates. Movement of plates varies
between 0 to 100mm per year, these plates float on the underlying hot and viscous mantle.

Measuring the Size of an Earthquake Seismographs: Seismograph is the instrument which

records vibrations of seismic waves generated by earthquakes that travel through the Earth.
Seismographs record a zigzag trace that shows the varying amplitude of ground oscillations
beneath the instrument. Some of high sensitive seismographs can detect strong earthquakes
from sources anywhere in the world by magnifying the ground motions at a great extent. The
time, locations, and magnitude of an earthquake can be known from the seismograph stations.

The Richter scale: Charles F. Richter developed the Richter magnitude scale in 1935 in
California. The magnitude of an earthquake is determined by analyzing the waves recorded
by seismographs. On the Richter scale, the magnitude of earthquake is expressed as whole
numbers in decimal fractions. Because of the logarithmic basis of the scale, each increase in
magnitude represents a tenfold increase in measured amplitude. Earlier, the Richter scale
could be applied only to those records which are from instruments manufactured by same
company. Now, instruments are carefully calibrated with respect to each other. Thus, Richter
scale can be applied to record of any calibrated seismograph.

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Impact of Earthquake: Earthquake has a huge impact on our day-to-day life. The
following things are affected due to earthquake:

1. Life and Society

2. Property (Structures and their content)
3. Civic Amenities (schools, hospitals)
4. Lifeline Amenities (roads, bridges, power)
5. Heritage
6. Economy and development


In order to study the effect of earthquake on a g+10 building a computer aided

designing software namely staad pro v8i has been used. This software is very fast as
compared to manual designing. Input data: The staad pro provides an input file which is a
text file and it consist all the commands executed in a sequence. This text file consist
instructions for analysis and design.

Modeling of structure: The structure is modeled by giving coordinates, by providing

building height, floor height, material constants, supports etc.

Materials: Materials selection was done by the software itself.

Table No: 1.1 Material constants

E Density α
Mat Name (kN/mm2) v (kg/m2) o
(/ C)

1 STEEL 205.000 0.300 7.83E+3 12E-6

2 STAINLESS 197.930 0.300 7.83E+3 18E-6


3 ALUMINUM 68.948 0.330 2.71E+3 23E-6

4 CONCRETE 21.718 0.170 2.4E+3 10E-6

Supports: All the supports provided in the structure are fixed.

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Ho Jung
The Burj Dubai Tower, when completed, will be the world's tallest structure. Whereas
the final height of this multi-use skyscraper is a “well-guarded secret," it will comfortably
exceed the current record holder of 509 meter (1671 ft) tall Taipei 101. The 280.000 m2
(3.000.000 ft2) reinforced concrete tower will be used for retail, an Armani hotel, residences,
and offices. The goal of the Burj Dubai Tower is not simply to be the world's highest
building—it is to embody the world's highest aspirations. Designers purposefully shaped the
structural concrete for the Burj Dubai to be Y-shaped in plan to reduce the wind forces as
well as to keep the structure simple and foster constructability. The structural system can be
described as a buttressed core, as shown in Fig. I and 2. Each wing, with its own high-
performance concrete core and perimeter columns, buttresses the others via a six-sided
central core, or hexagonal hub. The result is a tower that is extremely stiff torsion ally. The
design team purposely aligned all the common central core and column elements to form a
building with no structural transfers.
Each tier of the building steps back in a spiral pattern that causes the tower’s width to
change at each setback. The advantage of this stepping and shaping is to “confuse the wind.”
The wind vortexes never become organized because at each new tier the wind encounters a
different building shape that reduces the overall wind loads on the structure. Due to the
tapering of the tower, the primary demand on the link beams is from gravity load
redistribution, flow from the taller core to the perimeter of the structure. The 280,000 m2
(3,000,000 ft2) tower and 185,000 m2 (2,000,000 ft2) podium structures are currently under
construction. The project is scheduled for completion in 2009.

Gerardo Aguilar, Adolfo B,

In this study, an evaluation was conducted of the behaviour and strength of deep
reinforced concrete beams based on results from the monotonic test of four beam specimens.
The test specimens were designed with two different approaches, which consisted of: 1) the
procedure described in Sections 10.7 and 11.8 of the AC1 318-99 Code (ACI Committee
318 1999);and 2) the Strut-and-Tie Method given in Appendix

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A of the ACI 318-02 Building Code (Cagley 2001).which is intended to replace the
procedure given in Section 11.8 of the ACI 318-99 Code. The behaviour of the deep beams is
described in terms of cracking pattern. Joad-versus-deflection response, reinforcement,
concrete strains, failure load and failure mode. The experimental failure load of each
specimen is compared with the load capacities calculated using the procedures given in the
ACI 318-99 Code, and Appendix A of the ACI 318-02 Building code

ManickaSelvam.V. K,

Approximate solutions for multi-storey buildings subjected to lateral loads are

accepted in lieu of exact analysis by some Engineers. For short building frames in which
panel distortion (shear mode) is predominant, the approximate method used is the improved
portal method. This method has been propounded for finding column shears based on a
principle widely accepted on its intrinsic merit. However, this maxim has a minor defect, i.e.,
it gives rise to zero axial forces in the interior columns which is contrary to the actual
physical lateral deformation behavior of the building.

In this paper, a new approach is put forward for the determination of shear in
columns, which eliminates the flow of the improved portal method and at the same time
yields results close to that of the improved portal method. The proposed method is scientific
as it is founded on a principle depending on the principal flexibility influence co-efficient. It
is a valid and useful addition to the improved portal method.

STAAD PRO and ETABS are the present day leading design software’s in the
market. Many design companies use these software’s for their project design purposes. So,
this project mainly deals with the comparative analysis of the results obtained from the design
of a regular and a plan irregular (as per IS 1893) multi storey building structure when
designed using STAAD PRO and ETABS software’s separately. These results will also be
compared with manual calculations of a sample beam and column of the same structure
designed as per IS 456.

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Ms. Nivedita N. Raut.

A large number of multi-storey reinforced concrete (R/C) framed building structures in urban
India are constructed with masonry in fills for architectural, aesthetic or economic reasons.
We have investigated the effect of the layout of masonry infill panels over the elevation of
masonry in filled R/C frames on the seismic performance and potential seismic damage of the
frame under strong ground motions using nonlinear static push-over analysis based on
realistic and efficient computational models. From output non-linear analysis, we compare
Base shear and Displacement in bare frame, in fill wall frame and ground, it seen that at roof
level, displacement in bare frame is more than other two frames and displacement at ground
floor in weak story is more than other two frames. Mostly hinges are formed in beam than in

M.A. Javed.

A study has been carried out to determine the optimum configuration of a multi-storey
building by changing shear walls location. Four different cases of shear wall position for a 25
storey building have been analyzed as a space frame system using a standard package ETAB
subjected to lateral and gravity loading in accordance with UBC provisions. It is found that
columns and beams forces are found to increase on grids opposite to the changing position of
shear wall away from the centroid of the building. Twisting moments in members are
observed to be having increasing trend with enhancement in the eccentricity between
geometrical centroid of the building and shear wall position. Stresses in shear wall elements
have more pronounced effect in elements parallel to displaced direction of shear wall as
compared to those in perpendicular direction. The lateral displacement of the building is
uniform for a zero eccentricity case. On the contrary, the drift is more on grids on one side
than that of the others in case of eccentric shear wall position. It is concluded that the shear
wall should be placed at a point by coinciding centre of gravity and centroid of the building.

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• From the literature reviewed we can conclude that using the STAAD Pro. software we
can analyze and design an economical section .

The researches have made a point that:

1. It is easy to operate fast and 99% accurate result is obtained

2. Conformation with the Indian standard codes

3. Versatile in solving any type of problems

4. Accuracy of solution

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Seismic Analysis &Design of unsymmetrical Commercial building using STAAD. PRO 2017


Staad is powerful design software licensed by Bentley. Staad stands for structural
analysis and design Any object which is stable under a given loading can be considered as
structure. So first find the outline of the structure, whereas analysis is the estimation of what
are the type of loads that acts on the beam and calculation of shear force and bending moment
comes under analysis stage. Design phase is designing the type of materials and its
dimensions to resist the load. this we do after the analysis.

To calculate S.F.D and B.M.D of a complex loading beam it takes about an hour. So
when it comes into the building with several members it will take a week. Staad pro is a very
powerful tool which does this job in just an hour’s staad is a best alternative for high rise
buildings. Now a day’s most of the high rise buildings are designed by staad which makes a
compulsion for a civil engineer to know about this software. This software can be used to
carry rcc, steel, bridge, truss etc. according to various country codes.


AutoCAD is powerful software licensed by auto desk. The word auto came from auto
Desk Company and cad stands for computer aided design. AutoCAD is used for drawing
different layouts, details, plans, elevations, sections and different sections can be shown in
auto cad. It is very useful software for civil, mechanical and also electrical engineer. The
importance of this software makes every engineer a compulsion to learn this software’s. We
used AutoCAD for drawing the plan, elevation of a residential building. We also used
AutoCAD to show the reinforcement details and design details of a stair case. AutoCAD is a
very easy software to learn and much user friendly for anyone to handle and can be learn
quickly Learning of certain commands is required to draw in AutoCAD.

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The GUI (or user) communicates with the STAAD analysis engine through the STD
input file. That input file is a text file consisting of a series of commands which are executed
sequentially. The commands contain either instructions or data pertaining to analysis and/or
design. The STAAD input file can be created through a text editor or the GUI Modeling
facility. In general, any text editor may be utilized to edit/create the STD input file. The GUI
Modeling facility creates the input file through an interactive menu-driven graphics oriented

Fig. 3.1 STAAD input file


A STRUCTURE can be defined as an assemblage of elements. STAAD is capable of
analyzing and designing structures consisting of frame, plate/shell and solid elements. Almost
any type of structure can be analyzed by STAAD.
A SPACE structure, which is a three-dimensional framed structure with loads applied
in any plane, is the most general.
A PLANE structure is bound by a global X-Y coordinate system with loads in the
same plane.

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A FLOOR structure is a two or three-dimensional structure having no horizontal

(global X or Z) movement of the structure [FX, FZ &MY are restrained at every joint].

The floor framing (in global X-Z plane) of a building is an ideal example of a FLOOR
structure. Columns can also be modeled with the floor in a FLOOR structure as long as the
structure has no horizontal loading. If there is any horizontal load, it must be analyzed as a
SPACE structure.


The structure may be generated from the input file or mentioning the co-ordinates in the
GUI. The figure below shows the GUI generation method

Fig. 3.2 Model developed in STAAD PRO

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Fig.3.3 3D of structure


The material constants are: modulus of elasticity (E); weight density (DEN);
Poisson's ratio (POISS); co-efficient of thermal expansion (ALPHA), Composite Damping
Ratio, and beta angle (BETA) or coordinates for any reference (REF) point. E value for
members must be provided or the analysis will not be performed. Weight density (DEN) is
used only when self-weight of the structure is to be taken into account. Poisson's ratio
(POISS) is used to calculate the shear modulus (commonly known as G) by the formula,

G = 0.5 x E/ (1 + POISS)

If Poisson's ratio is not provided, STAAD will assume a value for this quantity based
on the value of E. Coefficient of thermal expansion (ALPHA) is used to calculate the
expansion of the members if temperature loads are applied. The temperature unit for
temperature load and ALPHA has to be the same.

Supports are specified as PINNED, FIXED, or FIXED with different releases (known
as FIXED BUT). A pinned support has restraints against all translational movement and none

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against rotational movement. In other words, a pinned support will have reactions for all
forces but will resist no moments. A fixed support has restraints against all directions of
movement. Translational and rotational springs can also be specified. The springs are
represented in terms of their spring constants. A translational spring constant is defined as the
force to displace a support joint one length unit in the specified global direction. Similarly, a
rotational spring constant is defined as the force to rotate the support joint one degree around
the specified global direction.

Loads in a structure can be specified as joint load, member load, temperature load
and fixed-end member load. STAAD can also generate the self-weight of the structure and
use it as uniformly distributed member loads in analysis. Any fraction of this self-weight can
also be applied in any desired direction.


Joint loads, both forces and moments, may be applied to any free joint of a structure.
These loads act in the global coordinate system of the structure. Positive forces act in the
positive coordinate directions. Any number of loads may be applied on a single joint; in
which case the loads will be additive on that joint.


Three types of member loads may be applied directly to a member of a structure.
These loads are uniformly distributed loads, concentrated loads, and linearly varying loads
(including trapezoidal). Uniform loads act on the full or partial length of a member.
Concentrated loads act at any intermediate, specified point. Linearly varying loads act over
the full length of a member. Trapezoidal linearly varying loads act over the full or partial
length of a member.

Trapezoidal loads are converted into a uniform load and several concentrated loads.
Any number of loads may be specified to act upon a member in any independent loading
condition. Member loads can be specified in the member coordinate system or the global
coordinate system. Uniformly distributed member loads provided in the global coordinate
system may be specified to act along the full or projected member length.

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Fig 3.4 Member load


Many times a floor (bound by X-Z plane) is subjected to a uniformly distributed load.
It could require a lot of work to calculate the member load for individual members in that
floor. However, with the AREA or FLOOR LOAD command, the user can specify the area
loads (unit load per unit square area) for members. The program will calculate the tributary
area for these members and provide the proper member loads. The Area Load is used for one
way distributions and the Floor Load is used for two way distributions.


Load effects on a member may also be specified in terms of its fixed end loads. These
loads are given in terms of the member coordinate system and the directions are opposite to
the actual load on the member. Each end of a member can have six forces: axial; shear y;
shear z; torsion; moment y, and moment z.


Beams are designed for flexure, shear and torsion. If required, the effect of the axial
force may be taken into consideration. For all these forces, all active beam loadings are pre
scanned to identify the critical load cases at different sections of the beams. For design to be

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performed as per IS: 13920 the width of the member shall not be less than 200mm. Also the
member shall preferably have a width-to depth ratio of more than 0.3.


Design procedure is same as that for IS 456. However, while designing following
criteria are satisfied as per IS-13920:

1. The minimum grade of concrete shall preferably be M20.

2. Steel reinforcements of grade Fe415 or less only shall be used.

3. The minimum tension steel ratio on any face, at any section, is given by:

ρmin = 0.24√fck/fy

The maximum steel ratio on any face, at any section, is given by ρma0.025

4. The positive steel ratio at a joint face must be at least equal to half the negative steel at that

5. The steel provided at each of the top and bottom face, at any section, shall at least be equal
to one-fourth of the maximum negative moment steel provided at the face of either joint.


The shear force to be resisted by vertical hoops is guided by the IS 13920:1993
revision. Elastic sagging and hogging moments of resistance of the beam section at ends are
considered while calculating shear force. Plastic sagging and hogging moments of resistance
can also be considered for shear design if PLASTIC parameter is mentioned in the input file.
Shear reinforcement is calculated to resist both shear forces and torsional moments.


Columns are designed for axial forces and biaxial moments per IS 456:2000.
Columns are also designed for shear forces. All major criteria for selecting longitudinal and
transverse reinforcement as stipulated by IS: 456 have been taken care of in the column
design of STAAD. However following clauses have been satisfied to incorporate provisions
of IS 13920:

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1 The minimum grade of concrete shall preferably be M20

2. Steel reinforcements of grade Fe415 or less only shall be used.

3. The minimum dimension of column member shall not be less than 200 mm. For columns
having unsupported length exceeding 4m, the shortest dimension of column shall not be less
than 300 mm.

4. The ratio of the shortest cross-sectional dimension to the perpendicular dimension shall
preferably be not less than 0.

5. The` spacing of hoops shall not exceed half the least lateral dimension of the column,
except where special confining reinforcement is provided.

6. Special confining reinforcement shall be provided over a length lo from each joint face,
towards mid span, and on either side of any section, where flexural yielding may occur. The
length lo shall not be less than a) larger lateral dimension of the member at the section where
yielding occurs, b) 1/6 of clear span of the member, and c) 450 mm.

7. The spacing of hoops used as special confining reinforcement shall not exceed ¼ of
minimum member dimension but need not be less than 75 mm nor more than 100 mm.


After getting an architectural plan of the buildings, the structural planning of the
building frame is done. This involves determination of the following:

(a) Positioning and orientation of columns.

(b) Positioning of beams

(c) Spanning of slabs

(d) Layout of stairs

(e) Selecting proper type of footing

The basic principle in deciding the layout of component members is that the loads should be
transferred to the foundation along the shortest path.

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Following are some guiding principles which help in deciding the column positions.

1. Columns should preferably be located at or near the corners of the building and at the
intersections of the beams/walls.
2. Since the basic function of the columns is to support beams which are normally placed
under the walls to support them, their position automatically gets fixed. The commercial
buildings have normally rectangular pattern of grid type but especially for residential
buildings. The said type of pattern for columns does not become possible.
3. Select the position of column so as to reduce the bending moments in beams, when the
location of two columns are very near then one column should be provided instead of
two at such a position so as to reduce beam moment.
4. Under certain rare circumstances to satisfy the functional requirements, it may not be
possible to provide upper storey columns above the columns at the parking level. Then
the column at parking level is required to support the eccentric columns at the upper
stories. In such a case the column S at parking level is splayed or provided with a bracket
to support the columns at the upper stored. However, the column at parking level will be
subjected to heavy concentrated loads transferred from the columns of the upper stories.
Avoid larger spans of beams. 3D Analysis and Design of a multi storey building
5. When the center to center distance between intersections of walls is large or where there
are no cross walls, the spacing between two columns is governed by limitations on spans
of supported beams, because spacing of columns decides the span of the beam. As the
span of the beam increases, the required depth of the beam, and its self-weight, and total
load on beam increases. It is well known that the moment governing with the increase in
span, there is considerable increase in the size of the beam.
6. On the other hand, in the case of column, the increase in total load due to increase in
length is negligible as long as the column is short. Therefore, the cost of the beam per
unit length increases rapidly with the span as compared to that of column. Columns are,
therefore in general, always cheaper compared to beams on the basis of unit cost.
Therefore, large spans of beams should preferably be avoided for economy reasons. In
general, the maximum spans of beams carrying live loads up to 4 KN/m2 may be limited
to following values. Avoid large center to center distance between columns.
7. Larger spacing of columns not only increases the span and the cost of beams but it
increases the load on the column at each floor posing problem of stocky columns in

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lower stored of a multi-stored building. Heavy sections of column lead to offsets from
walls and obstruct the floor area.


The columns on property line need special treatment. Since column footing requires
certain area beyond the column, difficulties are encountered in providing footing for such
columns. In such cases, the column may be shifted inside along a cross wall to make room for
accommodating the footing within the property line. Brackets may be taken out from the
column in continuation of cross beams to support walls along the boundary line.
Alternatively, a combined footing or a strap footing may be provided.


1. Avoid projection of column outside wall.

2. According to requirements of aesthetics and utility, projections of columns outside the
wall in the room should be avoided as they not only give bad appearance but also
obstruct the use of floor space, and create problems in placing furniture flush with the
wall. 3D Analysis and Design of a multi stored building.
3. Provide depth of the column in the plane of the wall to avoid offsets. The problem of
projection of column normally occurs in the internal walls since they are usually
thinner. Now-a-days 150 mm thick walls are provided to get more floor space. This
has posed problem for external walls too, because the width of wall is required to be
kept not less than 200 mm to be to prevent column from being slender.
4. Use L shaped columns at the corners or T shaped corners at the intersection of
intermediate cross walls. Alternatively spacing of the columns should be considerably
reduced so that the load on column at each floor is less and the necessity of large
sections for columns does not arise.
5. Orient the column so that the depth of the column is contained in the major plane of
bending. Bearing in mind the guiding points given above, the principles governing
orientation of columns given below can easily understood.

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6. When a column is rigidly connected to beams at right angles it is subjected to

moments in addition to the axial load. In such cases column should be oriented that
the depth of the column is perpendicular to major axis of bending so as to get larger
moment of inertia and hence greater moment resisting capacity it will also reduce
Lefts/D ratio resulting in increase in the load carrying capacity of the column.
7. It should be born in mind that increasing depth in the plane of bending not only
increase the moment carrying capacity but also increases its stiffness, thereby more
moment is transferred to the column at the beam column junction. However, if the
difference in bending moment in two mutually perpendicular directions is not large as
the depth of the column has sufficient strength in the plane of large moment. This will
avoid offsets inside the rooms.


Following are some of the guiding principles for positioning of beams.

1. Beams, shall, normally be provided under the walls to avoid the loads directly coming

on slabs.

2. Since beams are primarily provided to support slabs, its spacing shall be decided by
the maximum spans of slabs. Slab requires the maximum volume of concrete to carry
a given load. Therefore, the thickness of the slab is required to be kept minimum. The
3DAnalysis and Design of a multi storey building maximum practical thickness for
residential/office/public buildings is 200 mm and minimum is 100 mm.
3. Avoid maximum spacing of beams from deflection and cracking criteria.
4. It is well known that the deflection varies directly with the cube of the span and
inversely proportional with the cube of depth i.e. L3/D3. Hence larger span may be
5. However for larger spans, normally higher L/D ratio is taken to restrict the depth from
considerations of headroom, aesthetics and psychological effect. Therefore, spans of
beams which require the depth of beam greater than one meter should as far as
possible be avoided.

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1. When the rectangular slab is supported at its four edges, it acts as one-way slab when
(ly/lx)>2 and two-way slab for (ly/lx) <2. However, the two-way action of slab not
only depends on the aspect ratio (ly/lx) but also on ratio of reinforcement in the two
2. A slab with (ly/lx)>2 is designed as one way, since in that case one-way action is
predominant. In one-way slab, main steel is provided along the short span only and load
is transferred to two opposite supports only. The steel along the long span just act as
distribution steel and is not designed for transferring the load but to distribute the load.
3. A two-way slab having aspect ratio (ly/lx) <2 is general economical compared to one
way slab because steel long both the spans acts as main steel and transfer the load to all
its four supports.
4. The two-way action is advantageous essentially for large spans and for live loads
greater than 3 KN/m2. For short spans and light loads, steel required for two-way slab
3D Analysis and Design of a multi storey building does not differ appreciably as
compared to steel for one-way slab because of the requirement of the minimum steel.

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In every aspect of human civilization, we needed structures to live in or to get what

we need. But it is not only building structures but to build efficient structures so that it can
fulfill the main purpose for what it was made for. Here comes the role of civil engineering
and more precisely the role of analysis of structure. The design consists of G+2 commercial
building. The building is designed for the three residential flats. Residential flat consists of
1BHK and three 2BHK. The floor to floor distance is 3m. There are many classical methods
to solve design problem, and with time new software’s also coming into play. Here in this
project work based on software named “STAAD. Pro” has been used.
Few standard problems also have been solved to show how “STAAD. Pro” can be
used in different cases. These typical problems have been solved using basic concept of
loading, analysis, condition as per IS code. These basic techniques may be found useful for
further analysis of problems. The design and analysis of multi storied G+3 building at Kannur
and slabs by using well known civil engineering software named as STAAD.PRO. Nowadays
the house building is major work of the social progress of the county. Daily new techniques
are being developed for the construction of houses economically, quickly and fulfilling the
requirements of the community engineers and architects do the design work, planning and
layout, etc., of the buildings. Draughtsman are responsible for doing the drawing works of
building as for the direction of engineers and architects. The draughtsman must know his job
and should be able to follow the instruction of the engineer and should be able to draw the
required drawing of the building, site plans and layout plans etc., as for the requirements.
A building frame consists of number of bays and storey. A multi-storey multi paneled
frame is a complicated statically intermediate structure. A design of R.C building of G+2
storey frame work is taken up. The building in plan consists of columns built monolithically
forming a network.
The design is made using software on structural analysis design (staad-pro). The
building subjected to the vertical loads. The vertical load consists of dead load of structural
components such as beams, columns, slabs etc. and live loads. Thus building is designed for
dead load, live load as per IS 875. The building is designed as two-dimensional vertical frame

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and analyzed for the maximum and minimum bending moments and shear forces by trial and
error methods as per IS 456-2000. The help is taken by software Staad pro and the
computations of loads, moments and shear forces and obtained from this software.

To perform an accurate analysis a structural engineer must determine such

information as structural loads, geometry, support conditions, and materials properties. The
results of such an analysis typically include support reactions, stresses and displacements.
This information is then compared to criteria that indicate the conditions of failure. Advanced
structural analysis may examine dynamic response, stability and non-linear behavior.

The aim of design is the achievement of an acceptable probability that structures

being designed will perform satisfactorily during their intended life. With an appropriate
degree of safety, they should sustain all the loads and deformations of normal construction
and use and have adequate durability and adequate resistance to the effects of Structure and
structural elements shell normally be designed by Limit State Method. Account should be
taken of accepted theories, experiment and experience and the need to design for durability.
Design, including design for durability, construction and use in service should be considered
as a whole. The realization of design objectives requires compliance with clearly defined
standards for materials, production, workmanship and also maintenance and use of structure
in service.

The design of the building is dependent upon the minimum requirements as

prescribed in the Indian Standard Codes. The minimum requirements pertaining to the
structural safety of buildings are being covered by way of laying down minimum design
loads which have to be assumed for dead loads, imposed loads, and other external loads, the
structure would be required to bear. Strict conformity to loading standards recommended in
this code, it is hoped, will not only ensure the structural safety of the buildings which are
being design.

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4.2 PLAN

The auto cad plot represents the plan of a G+2 building. The plan clearly shows that it
is a combination of apartments and shops in the ground floor. We can observe there is a
combination between apartments in the first and second floors of the building. The building
located at Kannur city which is surrounded by many apartments.

Fig 4.1 Plan for ground floor

Fig 4.2 Plan for first floor

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Fig 4.3 Plan for second floor

The plan shows the details of dimensions of each and every room and the type of
room and orientation of the different rooms like bed room, bathroom, kitchen, hall etc... All
the shops and apartments have different room arrangement.

There is some space left around the building for parking of cars. The plan gives
details of arrangement of various furniture like sofa, table etc. The plan also gives the details
of location of stair cases in different blocks. we have stair cases for each block and designing
of stair case is shown in AutoCAD plot in the middle we have a small construction which
consists of lifts and those who want to go through lift can use this facility and we know for a
building with G+2 floors should compulsory have lift and the charges for the facilities is
collected by all the members. At that junction we have a club for our enjoyment and charges
are collected by all the building occupants every month. So these represent the plan of our
building and detailed explanation of remaining parts like elevations and designing is carried
in the next sections.


AutoCAD Fi 1.2 represents the elevation of building. It shows the elevation of a G+2
building representing the front view which gives the overview of a building block. Each floor
consists of height 3m which is taken as per GHMC rules for commercial buildings. The
building is not designed for increasing the number of floors in the number of floors

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is fixed for future also for this building due to unavailability of the permissions of respective
authorities. Also special materials like fly ash and self-compacted concrete were also used in
order to reduce the dead load and increase life of the structure and also improve economy.
But these materials were not considered while designing in staad to reduce the complexity
and necessary corrections are made for considering the economy and safety of the structure as
it is a very huge building with shops and apartments.

This is regarding the plan and details of the site and next section deals with the
design part of the building under various loads for which the building is designed.

Fig 4.4 Elevation of the building

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As an integrated system, all the structural elements must resist and transmit all the
effects of gravity loads and lateral loads acting on it to the foundation and ground below. The
various loads to which the building is designed are discussed in the following sections.


Dead load is calculated as per IS875-1987(Part 1)

The dead load in a building shall comprise of the self-weight of all the frames, walls,
partitions, floors and roofs and shall include the weight of all other superimposed loads which
are permanently attached to the structure.

Fig.5.1 Assigning dead loads to the structure

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Live loads comprise of those loads whose position or magnitude or both may change
with respect to time. Live load is expressed as a uniformly distributed static load.

Floor load various type of building have been categorized into different classes and
live load corresponding to them have been specified in the code: IS: 875-1987(Part 2).

Fig5.2.Assigning live load to the structure


Seismic load is one of the basic concepts of earthquake engineering which means
application of an earthquake-generated agitation to a building structure or its model. It
happens at contact surfaces of a structure either with the ground, or with adjacent
structures, or with gravity waves from tsunami.

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• The load combination between dead load , live load , and seismic load are auto
generated in

• As per IS 875( part 5 ) , the load combinations are

1. 1.5(DL+LL)
2. 1.2(DL+LL+EQX)
3. 1.2(DL+LL-EQX)
4. 1.2(DL+LL+EQY)
5. 1.2(DL+LL-EQY)
6. 1.5(DL+EQX)
7. 1.5(DL-EQX)
8. 1.5(DL+EQY)
9. 1.5(DL-EQY)
10. 0.9DL+1.5EQX
11. 0.9DL-1.5EQX
12. 0.9DL+1.5EQY
13. 0.9DL-1.5EQY
14. DL+0.5LL
15. 1.5DL+0.75LL
DL - Dead load
LL - live load
EQX - earthquake load in X direction
EQ-X – Earthquake load in (-X) direction
EQZ – earthquake load in Z direction
EQ-Z – earthquake load in (-Z) Direction


All reinforcement shall confirm to IS: 1786-1985 having minimum yield strength of
500 N/mm2.

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Based on practical constraints and with due regard to structural behaviour as outlined
in the next section, the dimension as listed in the following table are adopted for analysis.

Table 5.1 Dimensions

Sl.No Structural element Dimension(mm)

1 Slab 125 thick

2 Beam 230x300


3 Column 230x300



A multi- storied frame consists of beams and columns whose degree of indeterminacy is
very high. The design of various members such as beams, columns trusses requires
bending moment, shear force and direct thrust at all sections. The bending moment at all
sections of beams or columns are obtained by analysis of frames. Frames are analyzed for vertical
and final moments are obtained by super imposing.

Fig 5.3 Deflection in structure

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Reinforced concrete solids are constricted as one of the followings:

 One way slabs

 Two way slabs
 Flat slabs
 Flat plates
Slabs are plate elements forming floor and roof of building and carrying distributed loads
primarily by flexure. A slab is a flat, two-dimensional planar structural elements having a
smaller thickness compared to its other two provides a working flat surface or a
covering shelter to supports mainly transverse loads and transfers them to
supports primarily by bending action in one or more directions. Though a RC slab is
essentially a bending element, it differs from beam in the following aspects.

 The bending cannot be only in one vertical plane as in case of a beam.

 The slab is usually analysed and designed, considering a strip of uniform width.

 Shear stresses are usually low and shear reinforcement is usually avoided.

 Preference is given to increase in depth over the region critical in shear. However
shear becomes a controlling factor in a slab without a beam.

 Distribution steel is provided at right angles to main steel in both the directions.

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The procedure of design of one way slab is to consider them as beams of one meter
width in shorter direction. The various steps in design are as follows:

Assume depth to taken care of deflection and design of steel.

Step 1

Assume a suitable overall thickness for the slab , calculate the factored loads (DL & LL) for
design. This initial guess for thickness of slab may be made from empirical relation between
depth and span. The allowable span/ overall depth ratio of slabs may be taken as given
earlier. The minimum depth for ease of construction is 100mm.the factored load is
(1.5DL+1.5LL).A suitable cover depending on exposure condition should be assumed.

Step 2

Considering the slab as beam of one meter width and using effective span, determining the
maximum bending moments M for the ultimate factored load. For continuous slabs,
coefficient of slab below (is 456:2000 Table 7) may be used for this purpose. Otherwise any
established elastic analysis may be latter case redistribution of moment is also

Step 3

Using the formula Mu=Kfck bd2 and b=1000mm, find the effective depth required as in
beams. Add cover and find the total depth of slabs from strength consideration. Check the
depth with the width assumed in step 1 generally. The depth from step 1 will be more the
obtained from the strength formula.

Step 4

Check the depth used for shear. As the actual percentage of steel at support is not known, the
check is only approximate.

Step 5

As the depth is usually greater than the minimum depth d, the tension steel required will be
less than balanced amount for the section. Determine the steel required by a suitable formula
or by use of SP 16 chart and tables.

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Design of one way simply supported slabs


3*9 m
Clear dimension
Longer span ly 3.25 M
Shorter span lx 1.47 M
wall thickness w 230 mm
take breath as b 1000 mm
Live load on the slab 2 kN/m2
floor finish load 1 kN/m2
Grade of concrete fck 20
Grade pf steel fy 415
Factor of safety 1.5
Density of concrete 25 kN/m3

Design of slab
Length by width ratio ly/lx 2.2108844
Hence it will be designed as one way slab

Depth of slab
(1/25)*span 58.8 mm
Let us select d 125 mm

Effective cover d' 25 mm

over all depth D 150 mm

Bending Moment and Shear Force per

meter width of slab
DL = D*1*1*Density of concrete 3.75 kN/m2
Total load W = DL + live load + floor finish 6.75 kN/m2
Factored load Wu = F S * W 10.13 kN/m2

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Effective span is smaller of the following two

3000 + d 3.125
3000 + w 3.23
effective span l 3.125
Mu = Wu*(l2/8) 12.36 kN-m
Vu = Wu*(l/2) 15.82 kN

Design for Mu

Xu lim = 0.48*d 60 mm
Mu lim = 0.36fckbXu lim(d-0.42Xu lim) 43.11 kN-m
Hence Mu < Mu lim
Singly reinforced section can be designed
Mu = 0.87*fy*Ast*d*(1-((Ast/bd)*(fy/fck)))
x = Mu/(0.87*fy*d) 273.86
y = 1/(fy/(b*d*fck)) 6024.10
Ast = (y-√(y2-(4*x*y))/2 287.59 mm2

Main Reinforcement
Using bars of dia φ1 10 mm
Spacing S =(((π/4)*φ2 )/Ast)*b 273.21 mm
Spacing provided S 250 mm

Hence provide 10 mm bars at 250 mm c/c

Check for Shear
τv = Vu/(b*d) 0.1266 N/mm2
pt = (((π/4)*φ1^2)/(S*d))*100 0.2514
τc for beams from Table 19 IS 456 0.375 N/mm2
τc for slab 0.4875 N/mm2
τv < τc, Hence Safe

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Check for Deflection control

fs = 0.58*fy from Fig 4 IS 456 240.7 N/mm2

F1 from Fig 4 IS 456 1.5

l/d max = F1*20 30
l/d provided = l/d 25
l/d max > l/d provided
Hence Deflection control is Satisfactory

Distribution Steel
As =( 0.12*b*d)/100 150 mm2
use bar dia of φ2 8 mm
Spacing S = (((π/4)*φ2^2)/D)*b 335.24 mm

Provide spacing 300 mm

Hence provide 8 mm bar at 300 mm c/c

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The beam is a very commonly used structural may exist independently or
may form an equipment of a structural framework as in “grids” and “rigid frames”. A beam is
normally horizontal member, which provides support to the slab and the vertical walls. A
reinforced concrete beam should be able to resist bending moment, tensile, compressive and
shear stress induced in it by the loads on the beam.

In all such cases, the beam is treated as a one-dimensional (line) element with known
material and geometric properties for the purpose of structural analysis.

 Balanced section
A RC section in which maximum compressive strain in concrete reaches its ultimate
value 0.0035 and maximum tensile strain in reinforcement reaches its yield value
simultaneously is known as a balanced or critical section.

The percentage of steel in this section is known as critical percentage of this
case failure occurs by yielding of steel in tension and crushing of concrete in compression

 Under reinforced section

A section having percentage of steel less than the critical percentage is known as under
reinforced section. Since steel is insufficient to balance compression in concrete, the tensile
strain in steel reaches yield value while the maximum compressive strain in concrete is less
than its ultimate crushing value.

The section undergoes large rotational deformation from the initial stage(yielding of
steel),to final stage(crushing) and impending failure. Since the failure is initiated by yielding
of steel in tension, it is known as primary tension failure.

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 Over reinforced section

A section having percentage of tensile steel greater than the critical percentage is known
as over reinforced section. Since the concrete in this section is relatively in sufficient to
balance the tension in steel, the maximum compressive strain in concrete reaches the ultimate
crushing value before the tensile strain in steel reaches the yielding value.

This causes sudden failure of the section due to crushing of concrete in compression,
without giving any warning. Since this failure initiated by compression in concrete, it is
known as primary compression failure. No over reinforced sections are preferred in limit state


Reinforced concrete beams provided with steel reinforcement in the tension and
compression zones are called doubly reinforced beams. It is essential to put steel in
compression are also when the area of the concrete in the induced moments. This becomes
necessary under the following states:

1. When the construction depth is restricted and the movement the beam has to carry is
greater than the movement capacity of the beam in concrete failure.

Mu=K fcdbd2
This usually occurs at supports of continuous beams and in beams where the

Depth is controlled by architectural considerations.

2. When the bending moment in the section can charge in sign(as many occur in a
section in the span of a continuous beam with moving loads) so that the
compression zone with one sign of the movement become the tension zone with the
opposite sign of the movement, as in continuous bridge girder.

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3. When the compression steel can substantially improve the density of the beam and its
use is Therefore advisable in member when large amount of tension steel becomes
necessary for the strength.
4. Compression steel is always used in structure in earthquake regions to increase their
5. Compression reinforcement will also aid significantly in reducing the long term
deflection of beams.


Size of beam
B 230 mm
D 500 mm
Fck 20 N/mm2
fy 415 N/mm2
d' 40 mm
Effective depth
d=D-d', d= 460 mm
Ultimate moment, Mu 49 kN-m
Shear force, Vu 47.6 kN

Calculation of Ast
Mu = 0.87*fy*Ast*d*(1-((Ast/bd)*(fy/fck)))
x = Mu/(0.87*fy*d) 295.03
y = 1/(fy/(b*d*fck)) 5098.80
Ast = (y-√(y2-(4*x*y))/2 314.42 mm2
Dia of bar 16 mm
ast=(∏*d2)/4 201.09 mm
No of bars required 2 No's
Hence provide 3 No of bars 2 No's
Ast (pro)=No of bars*ast
Ast(pro) 402.18 mm2

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Shear Reinforcement
Τc 0.450 N/mm2
Percentage of steel,Pt=(Ast(Pro)*100)/(b*d) 0.380
From table 19 of IS 456,
Xu lim = 0.48*d, 0.422 N/mm2
Vc 44612.7 N
Vus 2987.31 N
Diameter of bar 8
Provide mm dia of 2LVS
Asv 100.53 mm
Sv 307.00 mm
Max Spacing
0.75*d 345 mm
Spacing required 300.00 mm
provide spacing 100.00 mm
Hence provide mm dia 2LVS@ mm

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Columns such as external columns of framed buildings or columns carrying crane
loads through corbels of a column are subjected not only to direct loads (P), bur also moment
(M) due to eccentricity in the application of load. In the above column of eccentricity is
respect to one axis only and these columns are said to be under uniaxial bending , on the
other hand , corner column of the building is subjected to eccentric load along X and Y axis.
Such columns are said to be under biaxial bending.


The three methods that are commonly used to design the column are:

1 Use of design charts

2 .Use of equilibrium equation to determine the minimum steel required

3 .A simplified approximate method considering the section as a doubly reinforced beam


In eccentric load columns the strain distribution across the section will not be uniform
as in case of centrally loaded there is bending in addition to direct load , the strain
distribution will vary linearly across the section as in case of beam. The following
assumption as given in IS 456, clause 39.1 (b) are used to calculate the value of Pu and M u of
given section.

1 .Plain section remain even after bending

2 .The strains at different point in section will be different

3 .The maximum compressive strain in concrete at failure is a governing criteria for ultimate
failure. The magnitude of this failure strain is given by the equation ɛc=0.0035-0.75ec.

Where ɛc is the maximum strain in compression in the section at failure and ɛc is the
minimum strain in compression in the sectional failure .the minimum compression strain in

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beam ec is equal to zero so that ɛ axially loaded column, ɛc= ɛ that ɛc at failure
is equal to 0.002.

It is interesting to note that the above expression is also equivalent to assuming that
the strain distribution diagram rotates around a fulcrum at a distance 3D/7 from the highly
compressed edge. this fulcrum point is the same point where the concrete strain will be
0.002at failure with neutral axis at far edge of the section.


Size of beam
B 230 mm
D 450 mm
Fck 20 N/mm2
d' 50
fy 415 N/mm2
L 3000 mm
Pu 756 kN
Mu 72.644 kN-m
L/D 6.67
e=Mu/Pu 96.09 mm
e min=(L/500)+(D/30) 21.00 mm
Pu/fck*b*D 0.365
Mu/fck*b*D^2 0.08
d'/D 0.11

Reinforcement on two faces only

reffering SP 16 chart No.33
p/fck 0.040
P 0.8
Asc 828 mm2
diameter of bar 16 mm
Number of bars 6
Provide numbers of mm dia bars0 on each face

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Asc provided 1206.37 mm2

Design of lateral ties

Diameter of bars 8 mm
Max spacing(dia*16) 256.000
Least lateral dimension 300.000 mm
Hence provide8mm lateral ties @ 300mm c/c

Reinforcement on all four faces

from chart 45,pg no 118
Pu/fck*b*d 0.365
Mu/fck*b*D^2 0.08
p/fck 0.02
P 0.4
Asv 414.00 mm2
Ast min=(0.8*b*D/100) 828.00
provide 8 bars of 25mm diameter
Ast provided 1608.50 mm2

Provide 8mm lateral ties @ a spacing of 300mm


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The foundations of a structure transfers the load to the soil on which it rests .It forms a
very important part of the structure. Foundation should be designed.

To transmit the load of the structure safely onto a sufficient area of the soil so that
stresses induced in the soil are within safe limits.

To ensure uniform settlements, the intensity of soil reaction should be the same under
all the footings of a structure.

The foundation area should be designed such that the C.G of loads in plan coincide
with the C.G of the foundation area.

Footings under wall are one way footings and those under columns, two way footings.
The first step in design of footing is to calculate the necessary area from the formula.

Area of footings=(service load on column or wall above)/(SBC of soil below)

Having the determined the size of the footing, its structural design is carried out by
using factored load and principles of limit state design as already discussed in the case of
other RC members. The main items to be designed are the thickness of the footings and its
reinforcements. The thickness should be sufficient to resist the shear force without shear steel
and the BM without compression steel.

Give the structure the required structural rigidity so that the foundation reaction below
can be assumed.

Withstand the corrosion that can be caused from the ground.(This min. cover
required is not less than 75 mm when the concrete is cast against the ground and not less than
40mm when it is cast against the ground , and not less than 40mm when it is cast against a
layer of binding concrete of 75 to 80mm thickness).The min. Cover specified in IS 456:2000
For footings is 50mm.It is also important to remember that the percentage steel provided
should not be less than 0.15 for Fe250 and 0.12 for Fe415 steel as specified for slabs in IS

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Therefore FL on going per meter horizontal width =16.8 KN/m and on landing slab
per meter width total load=13.5 KN/m.


Load on column p 776.66 kN
Column width 230 mm
Column Length 450 mm
Grade of concrete M20 fck 20
Grade of steel Fe 415 415
Safe bearing capacity of soil SBC 180 kN/m2
factor of safety 1.5

Size of footing
Self-weight 10% of column load p/10 77.666 kN
Total load P 854.326 kN
Area of footing (total load/SBC) 4.7463
Size of footing (√area) 2.1786 m
Provide width of footing B 2200 mm
Provide length of footing L 2420 mm
Area provided 5.324 m2
Soil reaction for the factored load
0.219 kN/mm2

Depth of footing
Vu = qu*B((B-b)/2-d) = L(M-d)
qu*B = L 481.40
(B-b)/2 = M 985.00
Assuming 0.2% steel, for M20 concrete τc 0.32 N/mm2
Minimum depth required (τc*B*d) = N*d
τc*B = N 704
Depth required 345 mm
Depth provided d 375 mm

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Provide effective cover 75 mm

Depth of footing, D 450 mm

Check for Bending

Mu lim = 0.36fckBXu lim(d-0.42Xu lim)
Xu lim / d 0.48
Mu lim = 0.138fckBd^2 853.875 kN-m
Mu = qu*B*((B-b)^2/8) 233.534 kN-m
Mu lim > Mu
Depth provided is sufficient

Check for two way shear

Perimeter of critical section = 4(b+d) 2420 mm
Area of critical section = perimeter * d 907500.00 mm2
upward pressure in shaded area = qu(B2-P2) 899372.0799
Two way shear = (upward pressure in shaded
area/area of critical section) 0.991 N/mm2
Maximum shear stress permitted = 0.25√fck 1.118
Depth sufficient for two shear

Design of reinforcement
Mu = 0.87*fy*Ast*d(1-(Ast/(B*d))*(fy/b))
x = Mu/(0.87*fy*d) 1724.85
y = 1/(fy/(b*d*fck)) 39759.04
Ast = (y-√(y2-4*x*y)/2 1806.97 mm2
Using 12mm bars 12 mm
Spacing S =(((π/4)*φ^2 )/Ast)*b 137.75 mm
Provide spacing of 125.00 mm
Provide 12 mm bars at 125 mm
pt provided = ((π/4*122)/spacing*d)*100
τc from table 19 of IS 456 pg. no. 73 0.2414
vu = qu*B*(((B-b)/2)-d) 0.749 N/mm2
τv = Vu/(B*d) 293654.5

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τv < τc hence OK 0.356 N/mm2

Development length
τbd for M20 concrete and Fe 415 steel (1.2*1.6) pg. no.
43 IS 456 1.92
Ld = 0.87*fy*φ/(4*τbd ) 564.141 mm
Provide 575 mm
Provide development length of 575 mm

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Functionally, staircase is an important component of a building, and often the only
means of access between the various floors in the building. It consists of flights of steps,
usually with one or more intermediate landings provided between the floors levels .The
horizontal top portion of a step is termed tread and the vertical projection of the step is called

Dog-legged staircase

Open well staircase

Tread-riser type staircase

Isolated cantilever type staircase


a. Tread or Going: horizontal upper portion of a step.

b. Riser: vertical portion of a step.

c. Rise: vertical distance between two consecutive treads.

d. Flight: a series of steps provided between two landings.

e. Landing: a horizontal slab provided between two flights.

f. Waist: the least thickness of a stair slab.

g. Winder: radiating or angular tapering steps.

h. Soffit: the bottom surface of a stair slab.

i. Nosing: the intersection of the tread and the riser.

j. Headroom: the vertical distance from a line connecting the nosings of all treads and
thesoffit above

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Size of beam
R 165 mm
T 275 mm
Fck 20 N/mm2
fy 415 N/mm2
Floor Height 2970 mm
thickness of wall 0.23 m
Clear Span, L 3600.00 mm
Cover 20 mm
B 1295 mm
height of one flight 1485 mm
Number of rises 9 No
Rise Provided, R 165 mm
Number of tread=(Number of rises-1) 8 no
Width of stair 1.295 mm
For 8 tread we need a length =(8*T) 2200 mm
Effective span=c/c distance of walls 3.725 m
Load Calculation
0.19 to
thickness of waist slab=(1/20)th to(1/25)th span 0.14 m
T 0.130 m
D 0.150 m
Weight of waist slab=D*SQRT(1+(R/T)^2)*25 4.37 KN/m
Weight of steps=(0.5*(R*T/T)*25) 2.0625 KN/m
Dead load 6.44 KN/m
Finishing load (0.5 to 1.5KN/m) 0.8 KN-m
Total Deal Load 7.24 KN-m
Landing portion DL=D*1*25 3.75 KN-m
Finishing load 4.75 KN-m
Live Load 3 KN/m2
Factored load=(DL+LL)1.5 15.354 KN/m
Landing slab per meter width total load=1.5(floor finishing material+LL)

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Design moment 594.83

RA 1.41
RA=RB=(0.5*total load) 33.28 KN
Mu=(RA*(L/2)-Landing width*RA(L-RA/2)-(Tread/2)*(FC*(Tread/4)
Mu lim=0.36*fck*b*xu lim(d-0.42*xu lim) mm2
xu lim=0.48*d
Mu=0.138*fck*b*d2 172.5 N-mm


Mu = 0.87*fy*Ast*d*(1-((Ast/bd)*(fy/fck))) mm
x = Mu/(0.87*fy*d) 373.61
y = 1/(fy/(b*d*fck)) 12048.19 mm
Ast = (y-√(y2-(4*x*y))/2 385.97
Using 12mm bars, spacing
Spacing 293.02
provide 12mm dia bars @275mm c/c(main bar)
Distribution steel
Ast=0.12% of gross sectional area 336 mm2

S 233.75 mm
provide 10mm bars @230 mm c/c

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Among the various branches of civil engineering, Construction Engineering is also one of the
important branches which mainly comprises of a set of procedures which includes site
survey, soil Investigation, planning, analysis, and design.

Analysis and design of the building is not only the main criteria. In addition, the cost of the
construction should be reduced. In order to achieve this, proper method of analysis and
design are very important.

Seismic analysis is done for each members such as slab, beam, footing, column and stair and
design is done for these members

An attempt was made to understand the analysts and design of commercial building. An in-
depth understanding the analysis and design of commercial building can be obtained by tool
called STAAD Pro.

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[1.] D S Prakash Rao ―Design principles & detailing of concrete structures
[2.] S S. Bhavikatti ―”Design of RCC structural Elements”, New age International
[3] Bureau of Indian standards ―Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete‖ IS
456:2000, July 2000 New Delhi.
[4.] Bureau of Indian standards,” SP 16”Design Aids for IS 456
[5] Bureau of Indian standard,” Code of practice for design load (other than earthquake) for
Buildings and structures, “IS 875(Part 1):1987, New Delhi.
[6]Bureau of Indian standards, “Code of practice of design of load (other than Earthquake)
for Building and structures, “IS 875(Part II): 1987, New Delhi

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