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Question Asked 3 years ago

Nancy Ahmed
0.82 · Animal Health Research Institute

What are the complications associated with oral gavage and cause death in mice?do they include stomach gas
I had 2 mice dead after oral gastric intubation, and after dissection I found huge gas accumulation in the stomach in both of them but also I found in one of
them space lled with pus between muscle bers of its left shoulder (which I don't know its cause also).

In-Vivo Techniques In Vivo Study In-Vivo Research In Vivo Pharmacology Drug Administration Routes Mouse Phenotyping Mouse Handling Mouse Models Oral Gavage


Popular Answers (1)

Juliana Félix-Silva 3 years ago

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

This is a unusual event. I've never seen before. But maybe accidentally you have injected air the animal, and as this air is not sterile, it may have led to an
in ammatory response.

Did you use exible gave tubos or needles speci c for gavage? And a important thing: have you fasted the animals at least 12 h before gavage?

The main complications of oral gavage are:

- Esophagitis (in ammation of the esophagus)

- Perforation of the esophagus or trachea

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- Damage to the cardiac sphincter (upper stomach sphincter)

- Insertion of needle and solution into the lungs

- Lung perforation

- Damage to the oral cavity

- Aspiration of solution into the lungs from regurgitation

- Traumatic injuries related to improper restraint

From these complications, I believe that the most severe is the insertino of needle and solution into the lungs, that kills the animals immediataly (this occurred
with me some times, when I was training in the beginning of my experiments)

If you need some help with gavage, I can send to you some texts and sites that were very helpful to me, in the beginning of my experiment when I was loosing
some animals in the gavage.

Best regards,

Juliana Felix.
5 Recommendations

All Answers (5)

Rink-Jan Lohman 3 years ago

The University of Queensland

Air should never be introduced into a rat stomach following gavage. Rats can't burp or vomit so air can be devastating. Also, pus is a sign of damage and infection
so something has been put into them by gavage that has caused this. What did you administer and how often? 
1 Recommendation

Juliana Félix-Silva 3 years ago

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

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This is a unusual event. I've never seen before. But maybe accidentally you have injected air the animal, and as this air is not sterile, it may have led to an
in ammatory response.

Did you use exible gave tubos or needles speci c for gavage? And a important thing: have you fasted the animals at least 12 h before gavage?

The main complications of oral gavage are:

- Esophagitis (in ammation of the esophagus)

- Perforation of the esophagus or trachea

- Damage to the cardiac sphincter (upper stomach sphincter)

- Insertion of needle and solution into the lungs

- Lung perforation

- Damage to the oral cavity

- Aspiration of solution into the lungs from regurgitation

- Traumatic injuries related to improper restraint

From these complications, I believe that the most severe is the insertino of needle and solution into the lungs, that kills the animals immediataly (this occurred
with me some times, when I was training in the beginning of my experiments)

If you need some help with gavage, I can send to you some texts and sites that were very helpful to me, in the beginning of my experiment when I was loosing
some animals in the gavage.

Best regards,

Juliana Felix.
5 Recommendations

Nancy Ahmed 3 years ago

Animal Health Research Institute

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Thank you Dr.Lohman, my answer to your question I give them whey protein daily for one month, but the pus was inside the muscles.

I attach the picture of the stomach and the pus.

Please tell me your opinion.

Photo0198.jpg · 873.13 KB

Nancy Ahmed 3 years ago

Animal Health Research Institute

Thank you Dr.Juliana , about fasting, I did not know about it at all besides how can I do this daily before gavage. How does this affect on the gavage success?

I would be so grateful if you send me the texts and the sites you mentioned

Danielle A Springer 3 years ago

National Institutes of Health

Perforation leading to an infection is one of the more common complications if this technique is not done carefully with good technique.  I coudn't tell from the
picutre the location of the pus as it was blurry, but that is likely a perforation is the cause of the infection based on the location within the muscles.  I have seen
this in mice when the tip of the gavage needle is pushed too aggressively, and it often ends up causing an infection deep within the neck muscles.

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