Termly Overview Term 5

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As Theologists, we will be answering the

key questions—
Year 1 & 2
What is the good news that Jesus brings?
Celebration of Learning— Presentations to parents.
Term 5 Children will be learning to understand
WOW Event— Children will be visiting the SS Great that Christians believe that Jesus brings
Britain on 21st May
Brilliant good news for all people.

As Musicians, children will be learning A Friend- Brunel As Artists, we will be exploring

Collage. The children will be basing
ship song by Joanna Mangona and Pete Read- their work on the Belgium artist

As Technologists, we will be exploring

As Athletes, Year 2 children will be learning to use ball skills and team work.
media. The children will be taking digital pho-
Year 1 children will be having multiskills lessons based around tag rugby with the sports
tos and uploading them to create an anima- coaches.

As Historians, we will be learning about Brunel through the following key questions.

Can I explain who Brunel was?

Can I research one of Brunel’s structures?
Can I explain how Brunel’s inventions changed peoples lives?
All Year 2 children will work in groups to make a powerpoint presentation about Brunel. Parents will be invited into school
at the end of term to view these presentations. Year 1 children will also make poster presentations to share with parents.
As Mathematicians, this term we will be focusing on

Year 2 children will be taking their SATS during the

month of May.
As Writers, this term we will be focusing on  Naming, describing and comparing the properties of
2D shapes and 3D shapes.
In all writing we will be expecting children to use
cursive writing neatly and to take pride in the  Revisiting strategies taught to multiply, divide, add
presentation of their work. and subtract.
 This term we will be going over previously  Solving problems and reasoning questions involving
taught objectives mainly focusing on using con- addition, subtraction, ,multiplication and division.
junctions correctly and using correct punctua-  Read a variety of scales including rulers, measuring
tion. cylinders, balances and analogue clocks.
 We will be writing alternative versions of Little
Red, writing recounts and writing an infor-
mation text about Brunel. As readers, we are focusing on answering questions
about a text. Children will need to use inference
 We will also continue to work on spelling of
(reading between the lines), retrieval and prediction.
common exception words so please keep prac-
Please use the question ideas on the book marks
tising these with your child.
handed out in Term 3 when reading with your child.

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