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Copyright 0 1992 by the Genetics Society of America

Native American MitochondrialDNA Analysis Indicates

That the Amerind and the Nadene Populations Were Founded byTwo
Independent Migrations

Antonio Torroni,* TheodoreG. Schurr,* Chi-Chuan Yang,* EmokeJ. E. Szathmary?

Robert C. Williams? Moses S. Schanfield? Gary A. Troup,** WilliamC. Knowler,w
Dale N. Lawrence,*$ KennethM. Weisss and Douglas C. Wallace*
*Centerfor Genetics and Molecular Medicine and Departments of Biochemistry and Anthropology, Emory University School of
Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia 30322, +Officeof the Dean, Faculty of Social Science, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario,
Canada N6A 5C2,*Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85281, @AnalyticalGenetic Testing
Center, Inc., Denver, Colorado80231, **Department of Pathology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131,
-Diabetes and Arthritis Epidemiology Section, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK),
Phoenix, Arizona 85014, "Division of Host Factors, Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control,
Atlanta, Georgia 30333, and BDepartment of Anthropology and Graduate Program in Genetics, Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, Pennsylvania 16802
Manuscript received April 19, 1991
Accepted for publication September 13, 1991

Mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) from 167 American Indians including 87 Amerind-speakers
(Amerinds) and 80 Nadene-speakers (Nadene) were surveyed for sequence variation by detailed
restriction analysis. All Native American mtDNAs clustered into oneof four distinct lineages, defined
by the restriction site variants: HincII site loss at np 13,259, AluI site loss at np 5,176, 9-base pair (9-
bp) COII-tRNALYsintergenic deletion and HaeIII site gain at np 663. The HincII np 13,259 and AluI
np 5,176 lineages were observed exclusively in Amerinds and were shared by all such tribal groups
analyzed, thus demonstrating that North, Central and South American Amerinds originated from a
common ancestral genetic stock. The 9-bp deletion and HaeIII np 663 lineages were found in both
the Amerinds and Nadene but the Nadene HaeIII np 663 lineage had a unique sublineage defined
by an RsaI site loss at np 16,329. The amount of sequence variation accumulated in the Amerind
HincII np 13,259 and AluI np 5,176 lineages and that in the Amerind portion of the HaeIII np 663
lineage all gave divergence times in the order of 20,000 years before present. The divergence time
for the Nadene portion of the HaeIII np 663 lineage was about 6,000-10,000 years. Hence, the
ancestral Nadene migrated from Asia independently and considerably more recently than the
progenitors of the Amerinds. The divergence times of both the Amerind and Nadene branches of
the COII-tRNALY"deletion lineage were intermediate between the Amerind and Nadene specific
lineages, raising the possibility of a third source of mtDNA in American Indians.

T HEconsiderablecultural
complexity (SPENCER
diversity, linguistic
et al. 1977) andbiological
variation (NEEL1978; NEEL and THOMPSON 1978;
tongues is disputed (DIAMOND 1990; LEWIN 1990).
Estimates of the time of arrival of the first migrants
have also varied widely (MARSHALL 1990; MORELL
SZATHMARY 1984) of Native Americans has been the 1990). Dating of skeletal remains and Clovis lithic
subject of much speculation. T h e observed diversity artifacts yield values of 13-14,000 years before pres-
has at times been attributed to multiple migrations of ent (YBP) (TAYLOR et al. 1985; NELSONet al. 1986)
Asiatic peoples to the Americas, a few migrations of while archaeological studies have reported North and
ethnically distinct peoples, or in situ differentiation of South American sites which date to more than 33,000
ancestral Native Americans occurring after theinitial YBP (GUIDONand DELIBRIAS1986;DILLEHAYand
colonization of the New World(LAUGHLIN 1988; COLLINS1988), with the best North American sites
SZATHMARY 1991). A recenthypothesis proposes that startingat 20,000-25,000 YBP(ADOVASIO et al.
three waves of migrationpopulated the Americas 1983).
(WILLIAMS et al. 1985; GREENBERG, TURNER and ZE- To further investigate the populating of the Amer-
GURA 1986), corresponding to the tripartite division icas, we have examined the mtDNA variation of Na-
of Native American languages [Amerind, Nadeneand tive American populations. Becauseof its maternal
Eskaleut] (GREENBERG 1987). However, the common inheritance (GILESet al. 1980), the mtDNA accumu-
origin of the numerous Amerind languages and the lates sequential mutations along radiating female lin-
time depthrequired t o develop this plurality of eages. The high mutation rate of the mtDNA
(;enetics 130: 153-162 uanuary, 1992)
154 A. Torroni et al.

1987)permits discrimination between even closely 1983).
TLe Navajo are southern Athapaskans who are closely
related populations. In previous studies of Amerind related genetically (SZATHMARY 1983) and linguistically to
mtDNAs, we reported that North, Central and South the northern Athapaskan Indians living in Alaska and Can-
American populations exhibited high frequencies of ada. Their ancestors were hunting-gathering people from
the same set of rare Asian variants which suggested northwestern Canada who migrated to the southwest US
that they derived from a common ancestral populationafter 1000 AD (HASKELL 1987). Having increased to the
present 150,000 from a total of no more than 15,000 people
(WALLACE, GARRISON and KNOWLER1985; SCHURR et in 1868 (SPENCER et al. 1977), theNavajo are now dispersed
al. 1990). Because these mtDNAs represented only a throughout the 30,000 square mile reservation in relatively
small subset of all haplotypes observed in Asia (JOHN- isolated family units (WILLIAMS et al. 1981; TROUP et al.
SON et al. 1983; HORAI, GOJOBORI and MATSUNAGA 1982). The bloodsanalyzed in this study represent two
1984; HORAI and MATSUNAGA1986;HARTHARA, segments of the population, a northern one centeredat the
Public Health Service Indian Hospital inKeams Canyon,
HIRAI andOMOTO1986; CANN, STONEKING and WIL- Arizona, inwhichCaucasian admixture was estimated at
SON 1987; HARIHARA et al.. 1988; STONEKING et al. 1.1% (WILLIAMS et al. 1981; 1985), and a southern one
1990; BALLINGER et al. 1992), we hypothesized that based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where individuals from
all Amerinds derivedfroman Asiatic population a wider region of the reservation were sampled and Cauca-
which experienced a dramatic reduction of its effec- sian admixture was estimated at 5.0% (TROUP et al. 1982).
The Pima of southwestern Arizona are descendants of
tive size and genetic variation before or during its the Hohokam who migrated north from northwestern Mex-
migration to the Americas. We now report a quanti- ico around 300 B.C., and belong to the Uto-Aztecan lan-
tative analysis of mtDNA sequencevariation for some guage family which includes the Papago, Hopi and several
Nadene and Amerind tribeswhich indicates that these northern Mexican tribes (MATSONet al. 1968; HAURY 1976).
two groups derived from distinct populations which Upon entering and settling the area, they are believed not
to have intermingled with the Puebloan peoples who already
originated at very different times. occupied the region, but may have mixed considerablywith
other Southwest Indians (MATSON et al. 1968). In 1977, the
MATERIALS AND METHODS Pima numbered some 8,000 people (SPENCER et al. 1977).
Gm allotype studies indicated that Caucasian admixture in
Samples: Blood cells in the form of lymphoblasts,platelets the Pima was 1.0% (WILLIAMS et al. 1985, 1986). Bloods
or buffy coats were obtained from 167 subjects including were collected atthe Gila River Indian Community in
80 Nadene and 87 Amerinds. * The Nadene were comprised Sacaton, Arizona, by the NIDDK as part of a diabetes study
of 30 Dogrib (NW Canada), 48 Navajo (Arizona and New (KNOWLERet al. 1978).
Mexico) and 2 Tlingits (Alaska), and their bloods represent The lowland Maya occupy parts of Mexico, Guatemala
a random sampling of individuals within each respective and Honduras, and are known to have inhabited the area
tribal group. The Amerinds were comprised of 30 Pima continuously for at least 5,000 years (MACNEISH 1983).
(Arizona), 1 Hopi (Arizona), 1 Pomo (California), 27 Maya Bloodsamples were drawn from individualsliving in an
(Mexico) and 28 Ticuna (Brazil). The Pima and Ticuna isolated villagein the central Yucatan Peninsula. Becauseof
individuals from whom blood was taken were known to be the smallsize and remoteness of the village,most of its
unrelated for at least three generations, whereas the Maya inhabitants were related at least at the second cousin level,
represent a random sample of that tribal group. however, only one member per family cluster was analyzed
The Dogrib, speakers of anorthern Athapaskan lan- in this study. These people speak Yucatec, one ofmany
guage, are the largest Indian group in the Canadian North- Maya languages belonging to the Mexican Penutian
west Territories. Their traditional subsistence economywas subgroup (GREENBERG 1987). Ananalysis of blood types
based on hunting and fishing in the boreal forest and adja- and serum proteins in nearby villages revealed approxi-
cent barrenlands. Aboriginally they were subdivided into mately 10% European admixture inthis population (our
several regional bands, ie., socioterritorial groupsthat unpublished data).
moved withinparticular regions for much ofthe year (HELM The Ticuna are a linguisticallydistinct and geographically
1981). The bloods used in this study were obtained from isolated tribe living inthe Amazonian rain forest of western
adult members of the Rae Band (SZATHMARY, RITENBAUGH Brazil (MESTRINER, SIMOESand SALZANO 1980; NEEL et al.
and GOODBY 1987). In 1979 about 1600people (75% of all 1980). A study of blood group markers indicated only 2.2%
Dogrib) were members of this band. Although traditionally non-native admixture in this tribe (NEELet al. 1980). Since
nomadic, by 1960 themajority of the Rae Band had settled 1942 the Brazilian Ticuna population has increased from
into permanent communities located within regional band 2,000 to 1,000
areas. Consanguineal and affinal tiescontinue to link people NEEL 1980), and this recent rapid population growth has
in different settlements. Accordingly the Dogrib form a been accompanied by migrations from jungle to river settle-
recognizable genetic unit among other Athapaskan-speak- ments (LAWRENCE, BODMER and BODMER1980; NEEL et al.
ers, asshown by genetic distance analyses (SZATHMARY 1980;SALZANO, CALLEGARI-JACQUESand NEEL 1980).
1983). The maximum European admixture in the group Blood samples were taken from individuals living in three
was 8.7%, based on blood group, serum protein and red villages located along the Rio Solimoes(LAWRENCE, BODMER
and BODMER 1980).
’ The Native American tribal groups termed “Amerinds”are the descend- For convenience, in someof our analyses we have
ants of the original migrants (ie., Paleoindianderived),not the migrant grouped populations linguistically. Thus, the Amerinds in-
group itself; this term is borrowed from the linguistic classificatory term clude the Pima,Maya, Ticuna, Pomo and Hopi, and the
“Amerind”(GREENBERG 1987). to permit us to group the non-Nadenetribes.
By using “Amerind we do not imply any agreement or disagreement with Nadene include the Dogrib, Tlingit and Navajo.
linguistic issues surrounding the term. Methods: mtDNAs were extracted from blood cells using
Mitochondrial DNA Analysis 155

procedures in SCHURR et al. 1990 or a modification of those. 000 ooo-o-

In the modified method, buffy coats or platelet pellets were 000 ooo-o-
incubated in a 50O-pl digestion solution containing 100 mM
000 00000000
NaCI, 10 mM Tris-CI, pH 7.4, 5 mM NaZEDTA, pH 8.0,
0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate, and 500 pg/ml proteinase K, 0 0 0 oooocvmc
at 55" for 10-1 6 hr, mixed with 250 pl cold 5 M KOAc 0 0 0 oooo-r*
with vigorous shaking for 5 min, then incubated at 0" for 0 0 0 0000--

10 min, and thelysed celldebris pelleted through microcen- 0 0 0 oo-o*m

trifugation. The supernatant was then twice extracted with
phenol-chloroform, and genomic DNA within the aqueous 0 0 0 o o o m o m
phase ethanol precipitated. 0 0 0 oooomm
All mtDNAs were polymerase chain reaction (PCR) am- 0 0 0 o o o o m m
plified (SAIKIet al. 1985)in nine overlapping segments which
0 0 0 00000000
encompassed the entiremtDNA genome (APPENDIX A). Each
0 0 0 o-ooo-
PCR segment was independently digested with 14 restric-
tion endonucleases ( A M , AvaII, DdeI, HaeIII, HhaI, HinfI, 0 0 0 o-ooo-
HpaI, HpaII, MboI, RsaI, TaqI, BamHI, HaeII, HincII), and 0 0 0 00000000
the resulting fragments resolved by electrophoresis in 1 .O- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -

2.5% NuSieve 1.0% SeaKem agarose (FMC BioProducts) 0 0 0 omooom
gels and detected by ethidium bromide fluorescence. The 0 0 0 o-ooo-
fragments observed for each PCR segment were restriction 0 0 0 o-ooo-
mapped by the sequence comparison method (JOHNSON et 0 0 0 o-ooo-
al. 1983; CANN,BROWN and WIJSON1984), the composite
0 0 0 ooo-o-
restriction maps of these sets of segments representing in-
0 0 0 ooo-o-
dividual haplotypes is given inAPPENDIX B. The distribution
and frequency of haplotypes among tribal groups is shown o o m ooooom
in Table 1.
0 0 0 ooo-o-
Sequence divergences: Mean intra- and intergroup se-
quence divergences were estimated with NEI and TAJIMA'S 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 -
(1983) maximum likelihood procedure using the computer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m
program DREST (graciously provided by L. JIN). This pro-
0 0 0 o-ooo-
cedure considers the ratioof shared sites to the total number
of sites between two haplotypes, and the mean length of the 0 0 0 o-ooo-
restriction enzyme recognition sequences to calculate an 0 0 0 omooom
initial estimate of x (the probability that the two mtDNAs 0 0 0 o-ooo-
have different nucleotides at a given nucleotide position). 0 0 0 ooo-o-
Using this initialestimate, A is solved iteratively using equa- 0 0 0 o-ooo-m
tion 28 and the sequence divergence (6) is estimated by 0 0 0 o-ooo-
equation 21 (NEI and TAJIMA 1983). 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 -
Sequence divergence values within and among the tribal 0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 -
groups are presented in Table 2. Divergence values shown
0 0 - ooooom
in standard type represent interpopulational comparisons,
0 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 -
those underlined represent intrapopulational comparisons,
and those inbold type represent interpopulation diver- o o m ooooom

gences corrected for intrapopulational variation, 6 = 6, - oo= o m o m o -

0.5(6, + 6J, where 6, is the mean pairwise divergence be-
tween individuals within a single population ( X ) , 6, is the
corresponding value for a second population (Y),and 6, is 0 0 0 ooo-o-
the mean pairwise divergence between individuals belong- 0 0 0 ooo-o-
ing to the two different populations ( X and Y) (NEI and 0 0 0 ooo-o-
TAJIMA 1983). The Tlingit, Hopi and Pomo samples were
too small in number to be used as separate units for diver-
coo* -
o o o m m -

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -
gence calculations among tribal groups, but were included
in estimates of overall Nadene and Amerind divergences. 0 0 0 o o o o m m

Phylogeneticanalysis: The evolutionary relationships - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - *

among the 50 Native American haplotypes were inferred

using parsimony analysis (PAUP 3.0m; SWOFFORD1989).
p"m - 0 0 0 0 0 -
0 0 0 o o o m o m
All but two haplotypes(28 and29) segregated into fourwell
0 0 0 o o o m o m
defined clusters, A, B, C andD, each of whichwas delineated
0 0 0 o m o o o m
by a distinctive genetic marker (Table 1; Figure 1). The
dendrogram presented in Figure 1 is rootedfrom HYP-
ANC, "hypothetical ancestor a"(CANN, STONEKING and
2" - o o o m o m

WILSON1987), and is 77 mutational steps in length with a

consistency index of 0.833. When mtDNA haplotypes from
modern Africans (our unpublished data) were substituted
from HYPANC and used as outgroup, the branching order
did not change. This dendrogram represents a tree gener-
ated by the subtree pruning and regrafting (SPR) branch
156 A. Torroni et al.
mtDNA divergences of Amerinds and Nadene

Population Dogrib Navajo Pima Amerinds

Maya Nadene Ticuna

Dogrib 1.6 -C 1.5 5.2 f 3.5 13.3 -t 6.5 8.0 f 4.7 17.4 f 7.4
Navajo 1.3 f 0.9 6.2 f 3.8 13.2 -t 6.3 9.0 f 5.0 17.9 2 7.3

Pima 6.0 f3.6

2.8 f 1.4 13.0 -t 6.0 14.9 f 6.8 16.8 f 7.3
Maya 2.0 k 1.4 0.7 f 3.2
0.3 k 1.3 10.4 f 5.1 17.9 f 7.5
Ticuna 9.7 25.8
3.6 f3.4
2.3 2 1.2 5.8 f 1.9 13.8 -t 6.2

Nadene 5.0 f 3.3 13.3 f 6.3

Amerinds 3.3 +: 1.3 15.1 f 6.7
Intrapopulation divergences are along the diagonal (underlined), interpopulation divergence above the diagonal in standard type, and
interpopulation divergences corrected for intrapopulation variation (NEI and TAJIMA 1983) below the diagonal in bold type. Divergence
values and standard errors are presented X lo4. The Nadene include 2 Tlingit, and theAmerinds include 1 Hopi and 1 Pomo.

swapping method. Although no shorter trees were found,

they could exist and the numberof trees equal in length to
Figure 1 is probably large.
Bootstrap analysis of the branching order of the dendro-
gram was also performed. However, most American Native
haplotypes are separated by a few site differences. Hence,
the resampling of haplotypes for tree-building did not create
enough definition in the branching order ofall trees to
permit a statistically significant test of their relationships
and the analysis could not be completed unless the MUL-
PARS (multiple parsimony) option was turned off. This
meant that branch swapping was carried out on only one
randomly chosen tree of minimum length at each resam-
pling of the data. Nevertheless, given this reduced level of
robustness of testing, 100 bootstrap replications produced
a consensus tree nearly identical to Figure 1 with a consist-
ency index of 0.844 and a length of 77 mutational steps.
The major internal nodes distinguishing each cluster were
present in 63-78% of the treesgenerated.Hence, even
- IO M though no statistically significant levelof association of
31 haplotypes could be obtained, the bootstrap analysis sup-
0% ported the segregation of mtDNAs into the observed clus-
0 35 ters.
-C 0% Intragroup sequence divergence for each cluster were
032 73.1 a
. calculated according toNEIand TAJIMA (1983). Divergence
I 0 39 times for each group were estimated using a mtDNA evo-
om lutionary rate of 2.0-4.0% per million years (MYR), a range
J 042
0 41
which encompasses most estimates of the average mtDNA
0 45 evolution rate2 (BROWN1980; MIYATAet al. 1982; STONE-
D ’
044 ,046 0 47 WILSON1987; WALLACE et al. 1987; STONEKINC et al. 1990)
048 (Table 3).
I 1.49
“HYPANC HYPOTHETICAL ANCESTOR Restriction analysis: A total of 67 polymorphic
A = +Haell1 np 663 B = 9-BPDeletion C = -H/ncilnp13259 D = - A M np 5176
Haplotypes 5 and 6 have theRsal np 16239 siteloss characteristicof the Nadene
sites and the 9-base pair (9-bp) COII/tRNALYs inter-
genic deletion (CANNand WILSON1983; HORAIand
FIGURE1 .-A phylogenetic tree of 50 Native American mtDNA MATSUNACA1986; WRISCHNIKet al. 1987; HERTZ-
haplotypes, A, B, C and D indicate the four haplotype clusters or BERG et al. 1989; SCHURR et al. 1990) were observed
lineages, with the key below the dendrogram indicating the char-
acteristic mutation of each one. The numbers at the end of each in this analysis. These defined 50 haplotypes (Table
branch refer to distinct mtDNA haplotypes, with black circles
For themtDNAcodingregions, WALLACEel al. (1987) estimateda
indicating those present in Amerinds, white circles those present in
replacement mutation rateof about 1.8 X lo-’ substitutions/site/year (SSY),
Nadene, grey circles those present in both groups, and“HYPANC” or 0.18%/myr, and a synonymous mutation rate of about 32.3 X lO-’SSY,
the hypothetical ancestor. Individual branch lengths are propor- or 3.2%/myr. The non-coding D-loop sequence, which represents approxi-
tional to the number of mutational steps between haplotypes. mately 7.0% of the total mitochondrial genome, evolves much faster, about
8.4%/myr (GREENBERG, NEWFJORD and SUGINO1983; VIGILANT et al. 1989;
Mitochondrial DNA Analysis 157
TABLE 3 be closer to the Nadene (0.080-0.090%) than they
Sequence divergence (SD) and divergence time (DT) of Native are to the Pima (0.149%)and Ticuna (0.179%).The
American mtDNAhaplotype clusters reduced divergence between the Maya and the Na-
dene groups is primarily due to their sharing haplo-
Population n N S D (XlO‘) D T (YBP) type 1 . This haplotype was present in 38.8% of the
A Amerinds 10 21 7.1 k 4 . 2 17,750-35,500 Nadene and 18.5% of the Maya but is not found in
Nadene 4 60 2.1 f 2.05,250-10,500 either the Pima or the Ticuna. This result could be
B Amerinds 10 22
3.7 f 3.0
9,250-18,500 explained by either gene flow from the Nadene to
Nadene (Navajo) 6 18 3.2 k 2.5
8,000-16,000 some Amerind populations, the loss of haplotype 1 in
C Amerinds 14 10.2
26 f 25,500-51,000
5.2 the Pima and Ticuna or admixture with a third mi-
D Amerinds 7 17 7.3 f18,250-36,500
4.2 gratory group.
Evolutionary relationships: Analysis of the phylo-
For each population, n = the number of haplotypes in each
cluster; N = the total number of mtDNAs observed in each cluster; genetic relationships among Native American haplo-
SD = sequence divergence presented X104; and DT = divergence types revealed four well-defined mtDNA lineages,’
time in YBP calculated by using the evolutionary rate of 2-4%/ designated clusters A-D (Figure 1).
myr. I f all cluster B haplotypes are considered to have derivedfrom
a single migration and are pooledtogether, the corresponding The haplotypes in cluster A are associated with the
values are: n = 15; N = 40; SD = 3.8 k 3.0; and D T = 9,500- Hue111 np 663 site. This site has previously been
19,000 YBP. observed at low frequencies in mtDNAs of East Asians
[Han Chinese and Koreans (BALLINGER et al. 1992)]
1). T h e 14 restriction endonucleases used in this sur- and Chicanos4 (CANN,STONEKINC and WILSON1987).
vey screened an average of 373 sites/genome or over ClusterA is divided into two subclusters radiating
10% of the mtDNA sequence per individual. from haplotypes 1 and 9. Haplotype 1 was found in
Genetic variation within Native American popu- 38.8% of the Nadene, 18.5%of the Maya and 5.0%
lations: Intra- and intergroup sequence divergences of Taiwanese Han (haplotype 56 in the Asian phylo-
divide the populations into two groups that parallel
geny of BALLINCER et al. 1992). Haplotype 9 differs
the postulated linguistic divisions (Table 2). The mean
fromhaplotype 1 by the presence of a HaeIII np
intragroup divergence value for the
Nadene is
16,5 17 site and was detected in 8.8%of the Nadene,
0.050%, while that of the Amerinds is three times
7.4%of the Maya, 7.1 % of the Ticuna. Thishaplotype
higher at 0.151%. This result confirms the general
is only one mutationalstep away fromthe Asian
genetic cohesiveness of the Nadeneobserved in other
haplotypes 28 and 103 found in 7.7% of Koreans,
7.1% of Han Chinese and 5.0% of Taiwanese Han
MARY 1979, 1983;WILLIAMS et al. 1985) and suggests
(BALLINGER et al. 1992). Therefore, haplotypes 1 and
thatthe Amerinds have radiatedlongerthanthe
9 are likely to have been the founding haplotypes of
this lineage since they are nodal within the cluster,
Within the Nadene, the intragroup divergence of
the most prevalent cluster A haplotypes in both the
the Navajo is much higher (0.062%)than that of the
Dogrib (0.016%) (Table 2). This differenceresults Nadene and Amerinds and the only ones found in
from 37.5% of the Navajo having haplotypes associ- Asia. Within cluster A two haplotypes, 5 and 6, have
ated with the 9-bp deletion which is not seen in those lost the RsaI np 16,329 site, a polymorphism not
of the Dogrib or Tlingits. In fact, 6 out of the 10 previously observed. This mutation occurs in all Na-
Navajo haplotypes (haplotypes 13-1 8) are associated dene populations examined (50.0% of the Tlingits,
with the 9-bpdeletion.However, all non-deletion 26.7%of the Dogrib, and 27.1%of the Navajo), but
haplotypes observed in the Navajo ( 1 , 5 and 9) are not in Amerinds. Therefore, the RsaI np 16,329 site
shared with the Dogrib and Tlingits (Table 1). loss appears to be a specific genetic marker for the
Among the Amerinds, the Pima and Ticuna have Nadene.
similar intragroup divergences (0.132-0.138%) The haplotypes in Cluster B are defined by the 9-
whereas the Maya are somewhat less divergent bp deletion. The Hue111 site gain at np 16,517 was
(0.104%). always found in association with the deletion. Deleted
T h e interpopulational divergence values revealed mtDNAs were observed in 24.0%of theNative Amer-
intriguing relationships between tribal groups. The ican mtDNAs analyzed, with haplotype 13 represent-
South American Ticuna have similarly high diver- ing 52.5% of the mtDNAs within the cluster. This
gence values relative to both theNadeneandthe ’ When using the term “lineage” and “haplotype,” we define “lineage” as
other Amerindgroups (0.168-0.179%). T h e Pima aset of mtDNAsrelated to eachother by sharedcommonandunique
also have similar divergence values relative to all other mutations not observed in other mtDNAs. We define “haplotype”as a distinct
association of restriction endonuclease site polymorphisms for 14 enzymes
groups analyzed (0.132-0.168%), although they are within one mtDNA genome.
less divergent from the Navajo and Dogrib than are ‘T h e Occurrence of the HaeIIl np 663 site in Chicano mtDNAs (CANN,
STONEKING and WILSON1987) indicates Native American admixture in this
the Ticuna. On the other hand, the Maya appear to population; for this reason it cannot be considered a “Caucasian” marker.
158 A. Torroni et al.

haplotype is also positioned at the nodeof the cluster, DISCUSSION

is the only one of the Amerindian deleted haplotypes
which is found in East Asians [2.9-7.1% (haplotype Native American mtDNA markers: Our analysis
54 in BALLINCER et al. 1992)], and is the only cluster shows that all Native American mtDNAs are charac-
B haplotype shared by morethanonepopulation terized by one of the fourfollowing mutations: HaeIII
(Navajo, Pima and Maya). Consequently,haplotype np 663 site gain; 9-bp deletion; HincII np 13,259 site
13 is the most likely ancestral mtDNA of this cluster. loss/AluI np 13,262 site gain; and AluI np 5,176 site
The haplotypes of cluster Care characterized by an loss.All of these mutations have been observed at
A to G transition at np 13,263 which simultaneously much lower frequencies in Asians (HORAI,GOJOBORI
eliminates a HincII site at np 13,259 and creates an and MATSUNACA1984; HARIHARA, HIRAIOMOTO and
AluI site at np 13,262 (morph-6, WALLACE, GARRISON 1986; HORAI and MATSUNAGA 1986; CANN,
and KNOWLER 1985; SCHURRet al. 1990). This mu- STONEKING and WILSON1987; HARIHARA et al. 1988;
tation was always found in association with a DdeI site STONEKINC et al. 1990; BALLINCER et al. 1992). The
gain at np 10,394 and anAh1 site gain at np 10,397. first three of these mutations have not been observed
Haplotypes within this cluster are absentfrom the in Africans and Caucasians, whereas thelatter has
Nadene but are present in all three Amerind groups been observed at low frequency in Africans but not
(43.3% of the Pima, 14.8% of the Maya and 32.1% in association with the DdeI np 10,394 and AZuI np
of the Ticuna)at an overall frequency of 29.9%. This 10,397 site gains as observed in Amerind cluster D
mutation is also found at low frequencies inAsian haplotypes (CANN,STONEKING and WILSON 1987;
mtDNAs, being observed in 1.8% ofJapanese (HORAI, BROWNet al. 1992; A. TORRONI, unpublished data).
GOJOBORI and MATSUNACA1984), 1.6% of Orientals Hence, these are highly informative genetic markers
(BLANCet al. 1983) and 1 out of 153 East Asians (the which can be used to confirm American Indian ad-
only population samples analyzed with the same set of mixture in other American ethnic groups.
enzymes, BALLINCER et al. 1992). The phylogenetic Founding haplotypes:This study suggests that only
analysis indicated haplotype 43 as being central to the five haplotypes (1,9,13,43and 44)foundedthe
Amerinds, whereas only two or three of these (1, 9
radiation of the cluster, and since this haplotype is
and 13) founded the Nadene. In general, these are
identical to the one observed in East Asians(haplotype
the most prevalent among the populations, are shared
65) it islikely to be the founding mtDNA for this
between different tribes, are the only ones also de-
tected in Asians, and are positioned at the nodes of
The haplotypes of cluster D are distinguished by a
the phylogenetic haplotype clusters. Except for the
loss of the AluI site at np 5,176 and this mutation is
nodal haplotypes and Nadene haplotype 5, all other
virtually always associated with the DdeI np 10,394
mtDNA haplotypes are present at low frequencies and
and AZuI np 10,397 site gains. Haplotypes within this are tribal specific (“private polymorphisms”; NEEL
cluster are found exclusively amongtheAmerinds 1978), suggesting that they developed in situ in the
(Pomo, Maya, Ticuna), comprising 19.5% of the sam- Americas after the initial radiation of the founding
ples analyzed. This mutation has also been observed population/s in the Americas or in Siberia.
in mtDNAs of 23.1% of Koreans, 14.3% of Chinese Geneticdivergencetimes: Calculations of intra-
Han and 10.0% of Taiwanese Han (BALLINGER et al. cluster divergences yielded similarly high values for
1992). T h e phylogenetic analysis positioned haplotype AmerindclustersC and D (0.102% and 0.073%;
44 at the nodeof cluster D. This haplotype is the only Table 3). Likewise, the divergence value for the C ~ U S -
one shared by two tribal groups (Pomo and Ticuna) ter A haplotypes in the Amerinds was 0.071% which
and is only a single mutational step away from Asian is essentially identical to that calculated for cluster D.
haplotype 25 of BALLINCER et al. 1992. Hence, it is T h e sequence divergenceof the Nadene cluster A was
probably the founding haplotype of this lineage. much lower than the Amerind specific clusters, being
Caucasian admixture:Haplotypes 28 and 29 of the only 0.02 1%. The overall divergence of the cluster B
Maya and the Navajo, respectively, lack characteristic deletion haplotypes in Navajo, Pima and Maya, was of
Native American mutations and do not cluster in any 0.038% and independent cluster B calculations for
of the four Native American lineages (Figure 1). Hap- the Navajo and Amerinds gave very similar values of
lotype 28 has an AluI site loss at np 7,025 found 0.032% and 0.037%, respectively. Hence, the diver-
predominantly in Caucasian mtDNAs (ANDERSON et gence of cluster Bhaplotypes is intermediate between
al. 1981; CANN, STONEKINC and WILSON1987; SHOFF- the Amerind andNadene specific lineages.
NER et al. 1990; BROWNet al. 1992), and haplotype The similarity of the sequence divergences of the
29 has a DdeI site loss at np 1,7 15 found in about 10% Amerind clusters A, C and D suggests that these were
of Caucasian mtDNAs (SHOFFNER et al. 1990; BROWN the founding lineages of the Paleoindians. Using the
et al. 1992).Consequently, these haplotypes were weighted mean value of 0.084%, the Amerind
probably introduced by European admixture. mtDNA lineages are estimated to have begun radiat-
Mitochondrial DNA Analysis 159

ing between 21,000-42,000 YBP.Ifmost of this culturally with Puebloan Indians, borrowing both ag-
radiation occurred after entry into theAmericas, this ricultural practices and ceremonial rituals(SPENCER et
timerange would suggest thatthe Americas were al. 1977). Their genetic admixture with surrounding
colonized before the dates associated with the oldest peoples has also been confirmed by the presence of
Paleoindian skeletal remains (14,000 YBP) and Clovis Albumin variants specific to southern Native Ameri-
lithic artifacts (1 1,500YBP), and would be consistent cans (Albumin Mexico; SCHELL and BLUMBERC 1988).
with the estimated ages of the oldest American ar- However, this scenario does not explain how the Na-
chaeological sites (35,000 YBP). vajo acquired deletion haplotypes from the Amerinds
The Nadene clusters A and B (Table 3) show a without obtaining any haplotypes from Amerind clus-
much more limited divergence (0.021% and 0.032%) ters C and D (Table 1, Figure Similarly,
1). the limited
than the Amerind clusters A, C and D. If both these amount of divergence observed for Amerind cluster
lineages observed in modern Nadene were present in B haplotypes (0.037%) can not be reconciled with the
the founding Nadene, then the radiation time of the higher divergence values determined for the other
Nadene would fall into the range of 5,250-16,000 Amerind clusters.
YBP. B haplotypes
The third alternativeis that the cluster
However, the only mtDNA lineage shared by all arrived in the Americas in a separate migration that
Nadene tribesis cluster A. The overall Nadene cluster was intermediate between those of the Paleoindians
A divergence is 0.021%, much lower thanthat of and ancestral Nadene. As this migration moved south,
cluster A in the Amerinds. Since the founder cluster perhaps along the continental divide, it would have
A haplotypes must have predated the Nadene radia- mixed with some Amerindtribes. The subsequent
tion, this implies that the Nadene became genetically arrival and limited southward expansion by the an-
distinct about 5,250-10,500 YBP. These estimates of cient Nadene would explain the preferential admix-
the age of the Nadene lineages are concordant with ture of the deletion haplotype in the Nadene and the
the 9,000 YBP date calculated from glottochronol- similar and intermediate divergence of cluster B hap-
ogical analyses of Nadene linguistic diversification lotypes in both modern Nadene and Amerinds. Inter-
(GREENBERG, TURNER and ZECURA1986). estingly enough, inAsia the frequency of mtDNAs
The relationship of cluster B to the Nadene and characterized by the 9-bp deletion reaches its highest
Amerinds is unclear. Cluster Bhaplotypes are present value in coastal populations (BALLINCER et al. 1992)
in 37.5% of the Navajo, 50.0% of the Pima and 22.2% and deletion mtDNAs were virtually the only ones
of the Maya but areabsent within the Dogrib and the present in the migratory groupsof Asianancestry that
Ticuna. Moreover, the divergence of cluster B hap- began to colonize Polynesia around5,000 YBP
lotypes is greater than the rest of the Nadene and (HERTZBERC et al. 1989). Hence this could have been
lower than the rest of the Amerind lineages. a separate migration. Clearly, further clarification of
The presence of cluster B haplotypes in the Navajo the origin and migrations of American Indian mt-
but not in the Dogrib could have occurred in three DNAs will require characterization of the nature and
ways: deletion haplotypes could have been part of the frequency of these mtDNA lineages in Asia, Siberia
original Nadene genetic stock and then lostby the and the Pacific.
Dogrib and the Tlingit through genetic drift; they The authors would like to thank C. RONALDSCOTT for contrib-
could have beenacquired by theNadenethrough uting the Tlingit samples and JAM= DERRfor assistance with the
admixture of their ancestors with the Amerinds; or PAUP bootstrap analysis. This workwas supported by National
Science Foundation grant BNS8718775 awarded to D.C.W.
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162 A. Torroni et al.



16389 rn/16390b
Region V

FIGURE2.-Table presenting the polymorphic restriction sites

observed in Native American mtDNA haplotypes. Haplotypes are
numbered according to Table 1. A “ 1 ” indicates the presence of a
site and a “0” indicates the absence of a site except for region V
where ‘‘ 1 ” indicates a single copy of the 9-bp repeat (deletion) and
“2”indicates two copies ofthe repeat. Sites are numbered from the
first nucleotide of the recognition sequence according to the pub-
lished sequence (ANDERSONet al. 1981). Boldface numbers indicate
site gains relative to the published sequence and standard type
numbers indicate site losses. The 14 restriction enzymes used in the
analysis are designated by the following single-letter code (after
CANN,BROWNand WILSON1984): a, AluI; b, AuaII; c, DdeI; e,
HaeII1; f, HhaI; g, HznfI; h, HpaI; i, HpalI; j , MboI; k, RsaI; 1, TaqI;
111, BamHI; n, HaeII; 0,HZncII. Sites separated by a diagonal line
indicate either simultaneous site gains or site losses for two different
enzymes or a site gain for one enzyme and a site loss for another
because of a single inferred nucleotide substitution; these sites are
considered to be only one restriction site polymorphism in the
statistical analysis. Sites marked with an asterisk were found to be
present or absent in all samples (except where polymorphic) con-
trary to the published sequence, and were confirmed in mtDNAs
from all major ethnic subdivisions by DNA sequencing (WALLACE
et al. 1988; SHOFFNER et al. 1990; BROWN et al. 1992; A. TORRONI,
unpublished data).

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