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Name of Teacher Candidate  Anali Martinez

Lesson Overview
Grade Level 8​th​ Grade
Estimated Time Needed 2 day 90 minute class period
Students will create a surface area foldable, and understand the
Lesson Description relationship between figures (triangular prism, rectangular prism, and
cylinder) and their corresponding LA and TA formulas.
(8.7) Expressions, equations, and relationships. The student applies
mathematical process standards to use geometry to solve problems.
The student is expected to:
Content Area Standards
(B) use previous knowledge of surface area to make connections to
the formulas for lateral and total surface area and determine
solutions for problems involving rectangular prisms, triangular
prisms, and cylinder
Technology Standards N/A​.
Content Objective​: ​Students will be able to solve practice problem for
total surface area or lateral surface
Objectives Language Objective​: Students will discuss with their groups in how to
solve Surface area problems through the use of a foldable

● area of the base, lateral surface area*,pi (π), radius, surface area,
total surface area, Perimeter of the base​ area*,​ c​losest
Terms/Vocabulary (estimation)*​, ​cylindrical*​, ​diameter*​,​dimensions, formula height
(high)*, maximum* model* rectangular prism* triangular prism*
width (wide)*
List all specific technology needed, and how it will contribute to student
Technology Resources
Other Resources N/A

Lesson Procedures 
A step-by-step description of the scope Describe how each stage of
Cite specifically what
and sequence of lesson activities, with the lesson will be managed,
resources for this
estimated time on task noted in including role of teacher
activity will be used, and
This template is built on parentheses for each step. In other and learners (who is doing
describe in detail how
words, completely describe the flow of what at each point), location
the traditional “Madeline the lesson-the content to be presented, (e.g., classroom, computer
they will be used.
Hunter” lesson structure. Note who will be using the
and the strategies to be used. Include lab, outside), and any
tool and in what ways.
actual words you will use and questions special considerations, such
Note any safety
you will ask students. Consider items as for differentiated
considerations needed.
such as: parts of the lesson that might be instruction.
difficult, and how you will know whether
you can go on; how to ensure that
students completely understand
directions before releasing them to work
independently; and what students will do
if they finish their work early.

Warm up:
Think-Pair-Share​: (10min)
Think-Pair-Share will
Students will:
expose students to three
Be able to work
with their group and
experiences within one
discuss what could
activity. It’s also easy to
possibly be a
monitor and support students
definition for total
as they complete each step.
and lateral surface
● Before starting
area. As well for
Students will be
volume (This will
asking: What does it
allow students to
mean for each…,
grasp and idea of
Volume Total
what the lesson will Students will be
Surface area and
Focus/Anticipatory Set contain of) using their
Lateral Surface area.
(motivational hook) Each part will take notebook in this
● On their own they
up to mime. section.
will think of a
possible definition
As the teacher I will:
and write it down in
Monitor the
their notebook
classroom and listen
● Then they will share
to student’s
their thoughts were
conversations as they
their group. And
discuss and agree
come up with a group
upon a definition to
possible share during
● For last students will
the class discussion.
then share their
definitions and ideas
with the class​.

(​15min​)  Students will be:

Students will need:
Content-input  ● Classify Lateral Surface  ● working in
(Could include content Area, Total Surface area and  groups
outline, presentation, Volume.​ – ● writing on their
questioning, modeling, I will discuss the definitions of notebooks
examples) lateral surface area, total surface ● having
Color Pencils
area, and volume. discussion and
Students will then come across a conversation
3 section chart with real life with their
examples of volume, lateral and group.
total surface area. Students will ● Making
work with their group for 2 min connection to
and discuss where each example the definition
corresponded to the section ● Use response
labeled. (volume LA, and TA). cards when
Students will then come as a asking if the
class and using popsicle sticks, answer is
Students will come up to the correct or
board, and based on their group incorrect
decision will drag the example to As the teacher I will:
the section where it fits best. ● Monitor the
● Ask question:
How do you
know it goes in
that section?
What are the
  differences of
each example?
Are there any

Surface Area Foldable  Foldable:
Students will be creating 3D shapes Students will be:
Net Foldable as shown in the ● ask to use
example. Students will be able to materials
Identify the lateral surfaces area appropriately,
and total surface are of triangular ● they will have
prism, rectangular prism, and limited time to
cylinder. cut and paste
Guided Practice 
They will also understand the materials in to
(identify students who
properties of each Lateral and the
failed to master lesson
surface area formula for each figure, corresponding
and how the correspond and seen section.
on the figure. ● Students will
be asking to
instruction as
they are being
First: Students will be asking to As the teacher:
cut each shapes shown in the
example. Once they are they will ● I will monitor
then label B for the bases of the class for miss
figure and LA for the lateral area behave
faces. conduct with
● Be appropriate
in time for
students to
finish each
instruction as
being told.
● Repeat my
instruction for
Second: Students will then be any
asked to fold each edge of the miscommunica
figure as if they were going to tion amongst
paste it together. Once that is students.
complete students will then fold ● Ask frequent
their foldable in the dotted lines question if
shows, as that is complete, everyone is
students will then paste the understanding
figures in the correspond section what to do?
in the foldable section shown Any confusions
below. Each figure will be in any steps
pasted certain way in this section that have been
is where students must have eye told.
contact with to identify the
section they need to put glue on.

Third: Once everything pasted

students will then write the
formulas for each figure for LA
and TA. Once that is complete I
will go over what each variable
stands for, and as well how it
corresponded to the figure by
color coding B and LA, two
different colors, a matching
those colors to the formula.
Practice problems: 
Students will be:
● Expected to
use response
cards if they
are not
and need more
time in working
on the practice
● Expected to
follow through
each step as
shown on the
Practice Problems: 20 mins 
● Expected to try
Once foldable has been complete
to their best of
students will then use their
their ability to
foldable as a guide. The foldable
solve for
will be use when solving practice
problems when
Independent Practice  problem in Smart note, that relate
working alone.
(re-teaching and to a worksheet with the same
As the teacher:
enrichment) practice problems. Each figure
● I will make
has four practice problems two
connections to
will be done as a classroom and
our foldable to
the last two will be done
the practice
individually, and then compare to
groups answers.
● Ask students
to use their
cards in
identifying their
confidence in
the material.
● Ask question
as: Is any one
confuse? Do I
need to go
over again?
Are we good to
move on? Do I
need to
something that
was not
Monitor class while
student work
independently on their
Exit ticket: 
Students will have the last five Students are expected
minutes of the classroom to to show work, and turn
Closure  Sheet of Paper
answer a word problem related to in exit in the bind on
today’s lessons. Followed with a their way out.
question in what they did not
understand todays lesson.

Plans for Differentiated Instruction/Accommodations 

Special Education 
Students will be accommodated by;
- Working with a group
English Language 
- Given extra time to work
- Visual representation
- One-on-one interaction
Gifted and Talented  NA

Potential Challenges/Plan B 
Rarely do lessons go exactly as planned. Think through the challenges you might face in this particular lesson
(e.g., students not understanding, materials not working, the pace being too quick or too slow), and then propose
several “Plan B” scenarios so you can be as prepared as possible.

The assessment will be an open response word problem. Asking students to solve for both lateral surface
area and total surface area. They will also be asking to answer…From today lesson what did you not
understand? In a complete sentence.

Notes and Credits 


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