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Revision B01

UNITS 1, 2, 3, 4

in the Akkuyu NPP Project

Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System




UNITS 1, 2, 3, 4

Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System

in the Akkuyu NPP Project


Revision B01

First Deputy General Director L.V. Egorov

Director for Prospective Designin A.Yu. Kuchumov

Director for Design Technologies S.V. Ergopulo

Design Chief Engineer A.Yu. Alaev

Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Terms and definitions.........................................................................................................................4
List of adopted abbreviations.............................................................................................................5
1 Application guide............................................................................................................................7
1.1 General statements.........................................................................................................7
1.2 Procedure for introducing changes................................................................................8
1.3 Agreement and approval procedure...............................................................................8
1.4 Distribution procedure...................................................................................................8
1.5 Responsibility.................................................................................................................8
2 Agreed provisions............................................................................................................................9
3 List of codes for functional systems, buildings and structures....................................................15
4 List of equipment unit codes.........................................................................................................73
5 Component codes..........................................................................................................................83
Appendix А Structure of a functional and process-related code......................................................91
Appendix B Numbering in an equipment unit code.........................................................................91
Appendix C Correspondence between maintenance elevations and height elevations..................100
Appendix D Rules for coding embedded parts, penetrations, and reinforced blocks....................101
Appendix E Cable coding principles..............................................................................................105
Appendix F Principles for coding electrical equipment.................................................................107
Appendix G The procedure of using system numbering in the KKS code in the
process part for the Akkuyu NPP Project.......................................................................................108
Appendix H Principles for coding ventilation system plants and equipment................................110
Revision list....................................................................................................................................111

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project


Term Definition

ATOMIC STATION (AS) A nuclear plant for producing power in preassigned

modes and conditions of its use, being located
within a design-defined territory and using a
nuclear reactor (reactors) and complex of
necessary systems, devices, equipment and
structures with the required employees (personnel)
for fulfilling this purpose [NP-001-97 (PNAE G-
01-011-97) General Provisions for Ensuring Safety
of Nuclear Stations OPB-88/97]
NUCLEAR POWER PLANT (NPP) An atomic station intended for producing electric
power [NP-001-97 (PNAE G-01-011-97)]

OUTER CONTAINMENT (UJB) The outer (secondary) shell of the reactor building
including its annulus

AKKUYU NPP PROJECT The project of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant
including, but not limited to, engineering survey
works at the site, engineering, construction,
commissioning, and operation of the NPP
throughout its entire service life, waste handling,
and decommissioning of the NPP.
CLASSIFICATION AND CODING The system developed by the Association of
SYSTEM KKS Industrialists VGB

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Akkuyu NPP Project


ABH  auxiliary boiler house;
ACS  automated control system;
ADR  absorbed dose rate;
AEDR  ambient equivalent dose rate;
AERMS  automated environment radiation monitoring system;
AIDMS  automated individual dosimetric monitoring system;
APC  automatic power controller;
APCS  automated process control system;
ARMS  automated radiation monitoring system;
AS  atomic station;
CPS  control and protection system;
CPS CMs  reactor control and protection system control members;
CRMS  central radiation monitoring station;
CTW  chemically treated water;
DPS  diesel power station;
ECR  emergency control room;
EE  electrical equipment;
EE I&C  electrical equipment instrumentation and control system;
EPSS  emergency power supply system;
FA  fuel assembly;
FFS  fuel filling station;
FP I&C  fire protection instrumentation and control system;
FSDV-AH  fast-acting pressure-reducing valve with dumping steam into the
auxiliary header;
GIS  SF6 gas insulated switchgear and control gear;
HIPC  high-and-intermediate pressure cylinder;
HNMP  heat network makeup plant;
HPH  high-pressure heater;
HSS  heat storage system;
I&C  instrumentation and controls;
IDP  independent demineralizing plant;
IRG  inert radioactive gases;
KKS  (German) Kraftwerk-Kennzeichensystem, classification and coding
system for power installations;
LCP  local control panels;
LPC  low-pressure cylinder;
LPH  low-pressure heater;
MCDS  monitoring, control and diagnostic system;
MCR  main control room;
MCS  monitoring and control system;
MSR  moisture separator reheater;
NFME  neutron flux monitoring equipment;
NO  normal operation;
NPP  nuclear power plant;
OPB  general provisions for ensuring safety of atomic stations;

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

PCM  periodic and casual monitoring;

PHRS  passive heat removal system;
PLCS  plant level control system;
PP  preventive protection;
PRZ  pressurizer;
PSV  pilot-operated safety valve;
RCM  radiation contamination monitoring;
RCP  reactor coolant pump;
RMS  radiation monitoring system;
RPSS-NO  normal-operation reliable power supply system;
RVD  remote viewing display;
RWT  radioactive water treatment;
SDPP  standby diesel power plant;
SG  steam generator;
SRW  solid radwastes;
SS  safety system;
SV  safety valve;
SYCR  switchyard control room;
TICD  thermal instrumentation and control department;
TPTS  standard computerized automation facilities;
TSC  technical support center;
UDP  unit demineralizing plant;
VLAW  very low-active wasted;
WTP  water treatment plant.

AKU-AEB0001 Agreement 6
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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

1.1.1 The Akkuyu NPP Project uses the unified classification and coding system
KKS developed by the technical committee of the German association of industrialists VGB for
encoding functional systems, buildings, structures, equipment (equipment units), and equipment
1.1.2 The KKS system is aimed at identifying buildings, structures or premises,
any process systems, equipment sets or parts thereof, as well as the places of their location and
installation in the course of design, construction, operation, and maintenance of power facilities.
1.1.3 The Agreement on Application of the KKS Coding System in the Akkuyu
NPP Project (referred to hereinafter as the Agreement) regulates activities of organizations involved
in development of the Akkuyu NPP Project with regard of applying the classification and coding
system KKS.
1.1.4 The Agreement has been developed in compliance with the standard rules
and guidelines for applying the KKS system.
1.1.5 The standard rules and guidelines for applying the KKS system are
contained in the following KKS documents:
 "KKS Rules. The KKS Coding System for Power Stations. VGB-В 105 Е," version
2010 including the following:
 "Guidelines for KKS Application";
 "KKS Keys";
 "Guidelines for KKS Application. VGB-В 106 Е," version 2004, including the
 "KKS Application Commentaries. Part А General";
 "KKS Application Commentaries. Part В Engineering Discipline-Specific.
Part В1. Identification in Mechanical Engineering";
 "KKS Application Commentaries. Part В Engineering Discipline-Specific.
Part В2. Identification in Civil Engineering";
 "KKS Application Commentaries. Part В Engineering Discipline-Specific.
Part В3 Identification in Electrical and Instrumentation and Control Engineering";
 "KKS Application Commentaries. Part В Engineering Discipline-Specific.
Part В4 Identification of I&C Tasks and Functions in Process Systems and of Functions in I&C
1.1.6 The structure of a functional-process KKS code is given in Appendix А.
1.1.7 Section 2 of this document "Agreed Statements" contains a list of statements that
are not regulated by the KKS system, and that are a subject of agreement. This list can be further
extended if additional statements emerge in the course of work.
1.1.8 A full list of functional systems, buildings, and structures can be revealed and
encoded only after all participants to the Project complete the development of working documents.
The full list of codes for functional systems, buildings, and structures shall be issued at the
end of the working documentation development stage.
1.1.9 To satisfy additional identification requirements, the KKS codes or part of them
can be combined with other coding systems on agreement with the General Designer.
1.1.10 Additional agreed provisions and codes can be incorporated subject to their
consenting with the General Designer. In this case, the document shall be revised, and its next
revision shall be issued.

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

1.1.11 Buildings, structures, functional systems and equipment are all subject to
obligatory coding. The coding boundaries of NPP components are defined by the developer of the

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project


1.2.1 This document must be revised in the following cases:
- on request of the General Customer or Technical Customer;
- on decision of the General Designer if there is significant amount of changes that
have to be introduced into the document.
1.2.2 Each of the participants involved in works relating to the Akkuyu NPP Project may
introduce a proposal for altering or extending the document and forward it to the General Designer
for agreement.
1.2.3 Changes are incorporated by the General Designer as per a duly established
1.3.1 The document has to be agreed with the key participants to the Project. The list of
key participants agreeing the document is defined by the General Designer of the Akkuyu NPP
1.3.2 The document is regarded to be agreed if no reply has been received from a
participant to the Project for 20 working days since the receipt of official letter about its forwarding
for agreement. The moment at which the incoming letter was registered in the Project participant's
document circulation system is regarded as the fact confirming the receipt of letter by the
participant to the Project.
1.4.1 The General Designer forwards the agreed document to the Technical Customer.
1.4.2 The Technical Customer and General Designer bear responsibility for distributing
this document among their subcontractors.
1.5.1 This document is mandatory for all organizations participating in the development of
the Akkuyu NPP Project at all stages of the NPP lifecycle.
1.5.2 The responsibility for development and revision of this document rests with the
General Designer.
1.5.3 The responsibility for correctness of assigning KKS codes rests with the developers
of documentation.

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Matters subject to
Adopted for the Akkuyu NPP Project
1 Changing the names of 1.1 It is allowed to change the names of KKS codes given in the
KKS codes KKS Keys listed in the document VGB-В 105 Е without changing
their meaning. Such changes must be agreed upon with the
General Designer.
The list of code names is given in Section 3 of this document.
1.2 The code of buildings (structures) contained in the name of
code for a functional system applied for Units 1 to 4 is given in
the Agreement for four Units, for example:
KRA10 - System for supplying nitrogen to blow-offs from
equipment in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA) building.
In the documentation:
- if the system is applied only for Unit 1, the code name is as
follows: System for supplying nitrogen to blow-offs from
equipment in the 10UJA building;
- if the system is applied only for Unit 3, the code name is as
follows: System for supplying nitrogen to blow-offs from
equipment in the 30UJA building.
1.3 The name of functional system code used in the Agreement
indicates all buildings to which the system applies (sequentially,
separated by a comma), for example:
SMT - Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and handling
equipment in the 00UTF, 00UTH buildings.
In the documentation:
- if the system is applied only for the 00UTF building, the code
name is Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and handling
equipment in the 00UTF building;
- if the system is applied only for the 00UTH building, the code
name is Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and handling
equipment in the 00UTH building.
2 Order and direction of 2.1 This document establishes specific methods of numbering for
numbering for all digital concrete parts of the project and kinds of codes. In doing so, the
parts of a code basic rules of numbering corresponding to i. 2.3.2 of the volume
"Guidelines for KKS Application" of the VGB-B 105 E document
are retained.

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Matters subject to
Adopted for the Akkuyu NPP Project
3 Defining sector 0 of 3.1 Sector 0 contains a code indicating whether the component
codes with regard to: belongs to a power unit, to common-unit, or to common-station
– content; installations and systems.
– type of character; 3.2 Power units are encoded by a digital character beginning from
– direction of digit 1.
numbering 3.3 Common-unit installations and systems for Units 1 and 2 are
encoded by the digital character «5»
3.4 Common-unit installations and systems for Units 3 and 4 are
encoded by the digital character «6».
3.5 Common-station installations and systems for the Akkuyu
NPP (for Units 1 to 4) are encoded by the digital character «0».
4 Code writing method 4.1 A code is written in one, two, or three lines, e.g.:
- in one line:
10JND20AP001 MK01;
- in two lines:
10JND20 10CCA03 10UMA10
AP001 MK01; GW001; AB001;
- in three lines:

4.2 When a code is drawn in the SmartPlant Enterprise (SPE)

software system, it is written in accordance with the structure
given in Appendix А. If information is not available in the code
group A3, this group is replaced in the SPE and on a paper carrier
by a space. Ordering specifications are an exception from this
rule: in writing them, the relevant codes shall be written in a line
without spaces
5 Use of reserve codes 5.1 Reserve codes can be used as follows:
 on agreement with the VGB Association of Industrialists Task
Force (such codes are marked in the "KKS Keys" volume of the
VGB-В 105 Е document by the words «banned for use»);
 on agreement with the General Designer (such codes are
marked in the "KKS Keys" volume of the VGB-В 105 Е
document by the words «free for use»)

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Matters subject to
Adopted for the Akkuyu NPP Project
Functional and process related codes
6 Use of code clusters for 6.1 Code clusters are used in accordance with Section 3.1 of the
functional and process- "Guidelines for KKS Application" volume of the VGB-В 105 Е
related identification document. Code cluster G is used in accordance with i.3 of
Section 2 "Agreed Provisions" of this document. Code cluster A 3
is used if a need arises
7 Use of code group 7.1 The digital group F0 uses numbering from 0 to 9. The use of
(cluster) F0 cluster F0 is mandatory:
 for the civil part of the design, the digital cluster F 0 is used for
denoting the same functional types of buildings and structures.
For single buildings and structures the digital symbol 0 is used;
 the digital symbols 1 and 2 in the cluster F 0 are used in the
process, electrical, and I&C parts of the design to denote elements
of safety trains, elements used in the trains of the emergency
power supply system, and elements that take power supply from
it. The digital symbol 0 is used to denote elements of normal
operation systems and elements belonging to the normal-operation
auxiliary power supply system. Elements belonging to heating,
ventilation, and air conditioning systems taking power supply
from the NO diesel-generator are denoted using the digital
symbol 5.
When references are made in documentation to the functional
system code, cluster F0 can be replaced by a space (e.g., in text, in
the main inscription used in graphic and text documents, lists,
8 Determining the 8.1 The digital code FN uses numbers from 00 to 99. Examples of
numbering in cluster FN possible numbering for the heat-transfer and mechanical parts are
given in i. "KKS Application Commentaries. Part B
Engineering Discipline-Specific. Part B1 Identification in
Mechanical Engineering" of the VGB-B 106 E document. The
procedure of using system numbering in the process part for the
Akkuyu NPP Project is described in Appendix G
9 Determining the 9.1 The digital code АN is used for assigning the number to an
numbering in cluster АN equipment unit. The largest number is 999. The numbering in
each cluster begins with 001. For making the designation more
informative, the first digit of the АN code can be fixed for certain
kinds of equipment units or can bear other meaning. Details on
using the cluster АN of digital codes from 001 to 999 are given in
Appendix B to this document

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Matters subject to
Adopted for the Akkuyu NPP Project
10 Use of the alphabetic 10.1 The additional cluster А3 of alphabetic codes is used:
code Аз  for encoding impulse (pilot operated) valves;
 for encoding main safety valves and devices protecting from
 for encoding impulse valves used in the containment isolation
 for encoding the double drive of an equipment unit;
 for encoding multiple power supply;
 for encoding several measurement loops with one
measurement point;
 for denoting the phases (А, В, С) in the equipment unit code of
electrical devices produced for individual phases;
 for further division of premises;
 for further division of lighting systems using the following
Latin letters:
a) N - working lighting system;
b) E - emergency lighting system;
c) F - escape lighting system
11 Determining the 11.1 Parts of equipment units are numbered from 01 to 99. The
numbering in cluster BN definitions given in i. 3.1.3 of the volume "Guidelines for KKS
Application" of the VGB-B105 E document are in force.
Examples of BN numbering are given in i.
of the volume "KKS Application Commentaries. Part A General"
of the VGB-B106 E document
12 Denoting attachment 12.1 Attachment elements belonging to a process-related
elements mechanical system are encoded in accordance with i. 5.4.2 of the
volume "Guidelines for KKS Application" of the VGB-B105 E
document using the equipment unit code *BQ*. The digital
breakdown of the *BQ* code is given in Appendix B.
12.2 Attachment elements belonging to in electrical and I&C
devices are denoted using the code *GZ* (i. 5.6.1 of the volume
"Guidelines for KKS Application" of the VGB-B105 E
12.3 Embedded parts for various functional purposes with
reference to the civil engineering system are encoded as is
explained in Appendix D
13 Coding of support 13.1 The definitions given in i. 5.4.3. "Guidelines for KKS
systems Application" are in force. Examples of encoding support systems
are given in i. of the volume "KKS Application
Commentaries. Part B Engineering Discipline-Specific. Part B1
Identification in Mechanical Engineering" of the VGB-B106 E

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Matters subject to
Adopted for the Akkuyu NPP Project
14 Coding of united 14.1 The definitions given in i. "Guidelines for KKS
systems for processing data Application" are in force. Examples of coding are given in
of measurements Section 3 of the volume "KKS Application Commentaries. Part B
Engineering Discipline-Specific Application Commentaries. Part
B4 Identification of I&C Tasks and Functions in Process Systems
and of Functions in I&C Systems" of the VGB-B106 E document
15 Determination and use 15.1 The signal codes X, Y, Z are used in accordance with
of codes for signals and section 5 of this document
determination of subgroups
in the main groups X, Y, and
Z in code sector 3
15а Denoting parts of 15а.1 Electrical apparatuses appearing in the codes of equipment
equipment units in electric unit parts in circuit diagrams are denoted in accordance with
and I&C circuit diagrams Appendix F
Codes of erection locations
16 Use of code clusters for 16.1 These groups of codes are applied in accordance with
identifying the erection Appendix F
17 Use of code cluster F0 17.1 The code cluster F0 is used in accordance with i. 7 of Section
2 "Agreed Provisions" in this document
18 Нумерации в группе FN 18.1 The digital code FN uses numbering from 01 to 99. Examples
of possible numbering are given in subsections 5.2 and 5.3 of the
volume "KKS Application Commentaries. Part B Engineering
Discipline-Specific. Part B3 Identification in Electrical and
Instrumentation and Control Engineering" of the VGB-B106 E
19 Coding of erection 19.1 The relevant items are encoded in accordance with
location in an erection unit Appendix F
Codes of location
20 Use of code clusters for 20.1 These code clusters are used in accordance with subsection
location 3.3 of the volume "Guidelines for KKS Application" of the VGB-
B105 E document. Code cluster G is used in accordance with i. 3
of Section 2 "Agreed Provisions" in this document
21 Use of the code F0 21.1 The preliminary code F0 is used in accordance with i. 7 of
Section 2 "Agreed Provisions" in this document
22 Use of the codes F2, F3 22.1 The use of subcluster F2, F3 is given in Section 3 of this
23 Use of the code FN 23.1 Maintenance elevations used in each building and structure
are numbered individually in accordance with Appendix С to this

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Matters subject to
Adopted for the Akkuyu NPP Project
24 Coding of rooms 24.1 Rooms are encoded in accordance with i. of the
volume "Guidelines for KKS Application" of the VGB-B105 E
document. Coding examples are given in i. of the volume
"KKS Application Commentaries. Part B Engineering Discipline-
Specific. Part B2 Identification in Civil Engineering" of the VGB-
B106 E document.
In doing so, the following requirements must be complied with:
– the numbering must be directed along the Cartesian
– the code cluster A1 must always contain the code R;
– rooms in the cluster AN are numbered by a three-digit numerical
Shafts and rooms passing through several maintenance platforms
are denoted by three-character group codes:
 3NN for equipment shafts;
 4NN for cable shafts;
 5NN for staircase shafts;
 6NN for elevator shafts;
 7NN for reactor shafts (cavities);
 8NN for process shafts; and;
 9NN for ventilation shafts.
Items in the code cluster FN can be numbered with respect to the
lower maintenance elevation from which the shaft or room begins,
or with respect to each maintenance elevation
25 Coding of individual 25.1 In case of using united buildings and structures that have
structures united with their own KKS codes, an individual KKS code is assigned to the
another structure united building.
If it is impossible to select an individual KKS code for given
buildings and structures, they are encoded according to the
priority functional purpose of the structure. In this case, the name
of the united building is indicated first in the code name and the
name of building this code directly belongs to is written through a
slash («/») in Section 3 of this document.
For example:
10UJA Reactor building/Inner containment
26 Coding of channels and 26.1 Channels and trestles are encoded in accordance with the
trestles as connecting code of one of the buildings or structures being connected
structures according to the priority functional purpose of the building or
27 Cable encoding 27.1 Cables are encoded in accordance with Appendix E

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AKU-AEB0001 Agreement 16
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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
A.. Networks and switchgears
AС. 380 kV voltage systems
AСА Busbar of a 380 kV SF6 gas-insulated switchgear (GIS)
AСB Busbars of a 380 kV SF6 gas-insulated switchgear (GIS)
AСD 380 kV flexible line links
AСL 380 kV power transmission line
ACM 380 kV bus ducts
AСQ 380 kV GIS circuit breaker
AСR 380 kV shunt reactors
AСY Electrical equipment control, monitoring and relay protection system,
secondary-circuit cabinets, cabinets of interfacing (I/O) devices
AE. 154 kV voltage systems
AEA 154 kV GIS busbar
AEB 154 kV GIS busbar
AEL 154 kV power transmission lines
AEM 154 kV bus ducts
AEQ 154 kV GIS circuit breaker
AEY Electrical equipment control, monitoring and relay protection system,
secondary-circuit cabinets, cabinets of interfacing (I/O) devices
AP. SYCR desks, panels, and cabinets
APA SYCR (area of front control panels)
APB SYCR (area of rear control panels)
APC Workstations of SYCR operators
APD Printers of SYCR operators
AR. Protection equipment
ARA Emergency control system (ECS)
AS. Decentralized panels and cabinets
ASQ Automated information-measurement system for commercial account of
electric energy (AIMS CEA)
ASS Synchronization
AT. Transformer equipment
ATT 380/154 kV coupling autotransformers
ATW 154/10 kV transformers
ATY Control, monitoring and relay protection system of electrical equipment,

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Code Name
secondary-circuit cabinets, cabinets of interfacing (I/O) devices
AV. Electrical equipment (EE) I&C cabinets
AVA EE I&C controller cabinets
AVB Server cabinets, gateways, EE I&C auxiliary equipment
AVC EE I&C workstations
AVD EE I&C printers
AVE EE I&C power supply cabinets
AVT Data acquisition and transmission system (DATS)
B.. Power transmission
BA. Energy extraction, generator voltage bus ducts
BAA Power taps from the generator, generator voltage bus ducts
BAB Cabinets of generator auxiliaries
BAC 24 kV generator circuit breakers, including cooling plants
BAT Generator transformers, including cooling plants
BAU Lightning protection and grounding system
BAY Control, monitoring and relay protection system of electrical equipment,
secondary-circuit cabinets, and cabinets of interfacing (I&C) devices
BB. 10 kV auxiliary power supply switchgears and transformers. Normal
operation system
BBA 10 kV switchgears (unit section 1)
BBB 10 kV switchgears (unit section 2)
BBC 10 kV switchgears (unit section 3)
BBD 10 kV switchgears (unit section 4)
BBE 10 kV switchgears of the reliable power supply system (section 1)
BBF 10 kV switchgears of the reliable power supply system (section 2)
BBG 10 kV switchgears of the reliable power supply system (diesel-generator
plant section)
BBT 24/10-10 kV working auxiliary transformers
BBY Control, monitoring and relay protection system of electrical equipment,
secondary-circuit cabinets, and cabinets of interfacing (I/O) devices
BC. 10 kV standby power supply switchgears, common-station
switchgears, and power supply transformers. Normal operation
BCA 10 kV standby power supply switchgears and common-station

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Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
BCB 10 kV standby power supply switchgears and common-station
BCC 10 kV standby power supply switchgears and common-station
BCD 10 kV standby power supply switchgears and common-station
BCE 10 kV common-station switchgears
BCF 10 kV common-station switchgears
BCL 10 kV standby power supply lines
BCT Standby and common-station auxiliary transformers
BCY Control, monitoring and relay protection system of electrical equipment,
secondary-circuit cabinets, and cabinets of interfacing (I/O) devices
BD. 10 kV switchgears of the emergency power supply system
BDA 10 kV switchgears (section 1)
BDB 10 kV switchgears (diesel-generator plant section)
BDL 10 kV section power supply lines
BDY Control, monitoring and relay protection system of electrical equipment,
secondary-circuit cabinets, and cabinets of interfacing (I/O) devices
BF. Main 0,4 kV auxiliary switchgears and 10/0,4 kV transformers.
Normal operation system
BFA Switchgears from BFT11
BFB Switchgears from BFT21
BFC Switchgears from BFT31
BFD Switchgears from BFT41
BFE Switchgears from BFT12
BFF Switchgears from BFT22
BFG Switchgears from BFT32
BFH Switchgears from BFT42
BFJ Switchgears from BFT33
BFL CPS switchgears from BFT24
BFM CPS switchgears from BFT44
BFN Switchgears from BFT15
BFP Switchgears from BFT25
BFT 10/0.4 kV auxiliary transformer
BFY Control, monitoring and relay protection system of electrical equipment,

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secondary-circuit cabinets, and cabinets of interfacing (I/O) devices
BG. 0,4 kV auxiliary switchgears and 10/0,4 kV transformers. Normal
operation system
BGA 0,4 kV switchgears from BGT11
BGB 0,4 kV switchgears from BGT21
BGC 0,4 kV switchgears from BGT12
BGD 0,4 kV switchgears from BGT22
BGE 0,4 kV switchgears from BGT23
BGT 10/0.4 kV transformers of normal operation reliable power supply system
BGY Control, monitoring and relay protection system of electrical equipment,
secondary-circuit cabinets, and cabinets of interfacing (I/O) devices
BH. 0.4 kV main low-voltage standby power supply networks and 10/0.4
kV standby transformers
BHA Standby power supply mains from BHT21
BHB Standby power supply mains from BHT41
BHC Standby power supply mains from BHT35
BHT 10/0.4 kV standby auxiliary transformer
BHY Control, monitoring and relay protection system of electrical equipment,
secondary-circuit cabinets, and cabinets of interfacing (I/O) devices
BK. 0,4 kV common-station switchgears and 10/0,4 kV transformers.
Normal operation system
BKA 0,4 kV switchgears from BKT11
BKB 0,4 kV switchgears from BKT21
BKC 0,4 kV switchgears from BKT27
BKE 0,4 kV switchgears from BKT16
BKF 0,4 kV switchgears from BKT26
BKG 0,4 kV switchgears from BKT12
BKH 0,4 kV switchgears from BKT22
BKJ 0,4 kV switchgears from BKT13
BKK 0,4 kV switchgears from BKT23
BKL 0,4 kV switchgears from BKT14
BKM 0,4 kV switchgears from BKT24
BKN 0,4 kV switchgears from BKT15
BKP 0,4 kV switchgears from BKT25
BKQ 0,4 kV switchgears from BKT18
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BKR 0,4 kV switchgears from BKT28

BKS 0,4 kV switchgears from BKT17
BKT 10/0.4 kV transformer for common-station loads
BKY Control, monitoring and relay protection system of electrical equipment,
secondary-circuit cabinets, and cabinets of interfacing (I/O) devices
BL. 0,4 kV common-station switchgears and 10/0,4 kV transformers.
Normal operation system
BLK 0,4 kV switchgears from 00BKT31
BLL 0,4 kV switchgears from 00BKT32
BLM 0,4 kV switchgears from 00BKT53
BLN 0,4 kV switchgears from 00BKT63
BLP 0,4 kV switchgears from 00BKT19
BLQ 0,4 kV switchgears from 00BKT29
BLR 0,4 kV switchgears from 00BKT52
BLS 0,4 kV switchgears from 00BKT62
BLY Control, monitoring and relay protection system of electrical equipment,
secondary-circuit cabinets, and cabinets of interfacing (I/O) devices
BM. 0,4 kV switchgears and 10/0,4 kV transformers. Emergency power
supply system
BMA 0,4 kV switchgears from BMT11
BMB 0,4 kV switchgears from BMT21
BMC 0,4 kV switchgears from BMT12
BMD 0,4 kV switchgears from BMT22
BME 0,4 kV switchgears from BMT13
BMF 0,4 kV switchgears from BMT23
BMT 10/0,4 kV auxiliary transformer
BMY Control, monitoring and relay protection system of electrical equipment,
secondary-circuit cabinets, and cabinets of interfacing (I/O) devices
BR. Auxiliary switchgears, uninterruptible (inverter) power supply to
emergency power supply systems and to normal operation reliable
power supply systems
BRA Cabinets supplying power to the instruments on safety panels at the
MCR/ECR. Emergency power supply system.
BRB Cabinets supplying power to MCR elements and service devices. Normal
operation system

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Akkuyu NPP Project

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BRH Cabinets supplying power to the TPTS
BRT Inverters of the normal operation reliable power supply system
BRU Inverters of the emergency power supply system
BT. Storage batteries
BTA 220 V storage batteries of the EPSS
BTB 220 V storage batteries of the NO reliable power supply system
BTC 110 V storage batteries of the reactor control and protection system
BTL 220 V charging-recharging rectifier of the NO reliable power supply
BTM 110 V charging-recharging rectifier of the reactor control and protection
BTP 220 V charging-recharging rectifier of the emergency power supply
BU. DC switchgears of the normal operation system
BUA 220 V DC boards from BTB10
BUB 220 V DC boards from BTB20
BUC 220 V DC boards from BTB30
BUD 220 V DC boards from BTB40
BUE 110 V DC boards from BTC21
BUF 110 V DC boards from BTC41
BUY Electrical equipment control and monitoring system, cabinets of reliable
power supply system secondary circuits
BV. DC switchgears of the emergency power supply system
BVA 220 V DC switchgears from BTA11
BVB 220 V DC switchgears from BTA21
BVY Electrical equipment control and monitoring system, cabinets of
emergency power supply system secondary circuits
BY. Electrical equipment (EE) I&C cabinets
BYA EE I&C controller cabinets
BYB Server cabinets, gateways, EE I&C auxiliary equipment
BYC EE I&C workstations
BYD EE I&C printers
BYE EE I&C power supply cabinets
C.. Equipment of instrumentation and control system (I&C)
CE. Alarming
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Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name

CEJ Important operating parameters recording system (IOPRS)

CF. Measurement recording and processing cabinets
CFL ARMS lower-level computerized automation subsystem (ARMS LL CAS)

CFM ARMS lower-level equipment

CFN ARMS lower-level equipment
CFP AERMS lower-level equipment
CFQ Time synchronization device
CFR AIDMS lower-level equipment
CFS Upper-level equipment of the AIDMS, RCM, PCM
CFT RMS information board
CFU Equipment of radiation monitoring laboratories
CFV Equipment of radiation monitoring laboratories
CFW Equipment of external radiation monitoring laboratories
CFX Equipment of external radiation monitoring laboratories
CK. Process computer system
CKA Remote single-display CPS-ESFAS station of the first safety train
CKB Remote single-display CPS-ESFAS station of the second safety train
CKF Document drawing devices
CKH Engineering station package for monitoring and control systems of the
reactor compartment normal operation equipment
CKK Switches
CKK90 Data transmission devices
CKM Server devices
CKM50 Remote viewing display equipment
CKP Computer equipment interfacing devices
CKX Group control controllers
CKY FP I&C and LCP dedicated equipment cabinets
CL. Equipment of the reactor control and protection system
CLA Cabinets of the CPS-ESFAS initiating and actuator parts, safety train 1
CLB Cabinets of the CPS-ESFAS initiating and actuator parts, safety train 2
CLM PP signal processing and voting cabinets
CLP CPS-EE power supply equipment cabinets
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CLR CPS-EE normal operation cabinets

CLS CPS-EE service equipment
CLW Marshalling rack cabinets of the group and individual control system
CM. I&C equipment
CMA Cabinets for monitoring and control systems of train 1 control safety
system equipment
CMB Cabinets for monitoring and control systems of train 2 control safety
system equipment
CMG Means for monitoring and control of gas, gas-aerosol, and powder fire
fighting systems
CMK PRZ PSV and PHRS electromagnets control cabinets
CML Cabinets for monitoring and control of fire protection ventilation
CMM Cabinets for monitoring and control of fire protection ventilation
CMN Means for monitoring and control of systems for fighting fire with finely
dispersed water
CMR Cabinets of systems for monitoring and control of normal operation
equipment in the reactor compartment
CMS Monitoring and control equipment for water fire fighting systems
CMT Cabinets of monitoring and control systems for normal operation
equipment in the turbine compartment
CMV Cabinets of monitoring and control systems for normal operation
ventilation equipment
CMW Cabinets of monitoring and control systems for normal operation
equipment of RWT
CMY Cabinets of monitoring and control systems for normal operation
equipment in the turbine compartment
CN. Special-purpose system diagnostic cabinets
CNA Cabinets of in-core instrumentation system (ICIS) belonging to the first
set of protection-related computerized automation system (CAS-P)
CNB Cabinets of in-core instrumentation system (ICIS) belonging to the second
set of protection-related computerized automation system (CAS-P)
CND Automated system for monitoring vibration and mechanical parameters of
main equipment (AVDS)
CNK Industrial seismic protection system (ISPS)
CNL Cabinets of the reactor coolant circuit leak monitoring system (LMS)
CNN Secondary coolant circuit leak detection system (LDS-2)

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CNR Startup and adjustment measurement system
CNV Cabinets of the vibration monitoring system (VMS) and loose parts
detection system (LPDS)
CNW Monitoring, control and diagnostic system (MCDS)
CNY Automated residual life monitoring system (ARLMS)
CP. I&C equipment
CPA Cabinets for safety system I&C transducers (safety train 1)
CPB Cabinets for safety system I&C transducers (safety train 2)
CPM Cabinets for NO I&C transducers in the turbine building
CPR Cabinets for NO I&C transducers. Cabinets for NO I&C transducers in
the reactor compartment
CPW Cabinets for NO I&C transducers for RWT
CV. Information receiving and transmission equipment
CVA Interfacing cabinets of systems for monitoring and control of train 1
control safety system equipment
CVB Interfacing cabinets of systems for monitoring and control of train 2
control safety system equipment
CVR Interfacing cabinets of systems for monitoring and control of normal
operation equipment in the reactor compartment
CVT Interfacing cabinets of systems for monitoring and control of normal
operation equipment in the turbine compartment
CVV Interfacing cabinets of systems for monitoring and control of normal
operation ventilation system equipment
CVW Interfacing cabinets of systems for monitoring and control of normal
operation RWT equipment
CW. Control room
CWA MCR workstations and desks. Reactor compartment
CWB MCR workstations and desks. Turbine compartment
CWC ECR safety panels
CWD MCR unit shift supervisor's workstations
CWE Workstations of TSC, information-computation network, and thermal
instrumentation and control department
CWF MCR safety panels
CWG MCR normal operation panels
CWH MCR workstations in the area of rear control panels
CWH90 ARMS (URMS) workstations

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Code Name
CWK ECR workstations and desks
CWL Station-level control system workstations and desks
CWL40 ARMS (CRMS) workstation
CWL41 Workstations of the environment radiation monitoring system in the
sanitary protection zone and in the observation zone (AERMS) within the
plant-level control system
CX. Local control panels
CXB Cabinets of radwaste collection, reprocessing and storage systems
CXC Refueling machine control cabinets
CXD Gate control cabinets
CXK Cabinets and workplaces of chemical water treatment system process
CXM Cabinets of chilling machine monitoring and control systems
CXN Cabinets for control of diesel fuel supply installations (SDPP)
CXQ Cabinets for control of effluent and rainwater collection and treatment
CXT Cabinets of chemical reagent supply and dosing systems
CXU Service cooling water system monitoring and control cabinets
CXV Cabinets for control of ventilation, heating, and heat supply systems
CXY Cabinets for control of drain water collection and purification systems
CY. Communication, physical protection and industrial TV systems
CYA Common-station telephone communication system
CYB Operative telephone communication system
CYC Operative loud speaking duplex communication system
CYE Fire alarm and sound warning system
CYF Master clock system
CYG Announcement and personnel search system
CYH Operative personnel actions audio and video recording system
CYK Voice fire alerting system
CYP Main process equipment TV monitoring system
CYS Standby intra-facility radio (trunk) communication
СYU Physical protection system
CYW Broadcast TV system
CYX Wired radio broadcasting system
CYY Operative radio telephone system

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Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
CYZ Operative talks documenting system
E.. Traditional fuel supply and waste removal methods
EG. Supply of liquid fuel
EGB Tank facility of the 00UEJ warehouse
F.. Handling of nuclear fuel and activated elements
FA. Storage of fuel assemblies and other radioactive parts
FAA New fuel storage system
FAB Spent fuel storage system inside the Reactor Building
FAC Spent fuel storage system outside the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA)
FAF Reactor components temporary storage system
FAK Fuel pool and reactor internals shafts piping system
FAK10 Fuel pool cooling system
FAK50 Fuel pool and reactor internals shafts piping system
FAL System for supplying fuel pool water for purification
FB. System for handling of nuclear fuel and other parts of reactor core
FBA Faulty assembly detection system (FADS)
FBA50 Pipework for supplying media to the bottles of the faulty fuel assembly
detection system
FBB Equipment for repairing FAs and other reactor core components
FBC Equipment for cleaning FAs and other reactor core components
FC. Fuel assemblies and other core parts reloading and transportation
FCA Loading and withdrawing devices (loading/withdrawing of FAs, absorber
rods, and other reactor components into/from the reactor core)
FCB Refueling machine
FCC Equipment for moving reactor core parts (except FCA and FCB)
FCD Reloading devices in storages for FAs and other reactor core components
FCF Sluice devices
FCJ Devices for moving FAs and other reactor core components between
different storages
FJ. Systems of equipment for erecting and testing reactor components
FJA Tools and equipment for erection and maintenance of the reactor vessel
and head
FJB Tools and equipment for erection and maintenance of reactor internals

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Code Name
FJC Equipment for periodically testing the reactor vessel and head
FJE Equipment and tools for maintenance of reactor coolant system elements
FJF Equipment for periodically testing reactor coolant system components
FJM Devices for the containment
FK. Equipment and rooms decontamination systems
FKA Decontamination system of the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA), 10UKC
(20UKC, 30UKC, 40UKC) buildings
FKC Controlled access area central workshop decontamination system
FKG The 00UKS building decontamination system
FKK System of devices for decontaminating withdrawable parts of RCPs and
other machine components
FKN System of mobile decontaminating installations
FKN01 System of mobile decontaminating installations in the 03UXD building
FKN02 System of mobile decontaminating installations in the 01UXD building
FKN10 System of mobile decontaminating installations in the 00UKS building
FKT Decontaminating solutions preparation and supply system
FKT10 Decontaminating solutions preparation and supply system
FKT70 Decontamination solution supply system in the 00UKU, 00UKS, 00UYB
G.. Water supply and waste removal
GC. Process water demineralization systems
GCB Source water mechanical purification system
GCF Source water ion-exchange treatment system
GCK Pipelines for delivering chemically demineralized water to loads
GCR System for neutralizing effluent water from the water treatment plant
GH. Non-potable water distribution systems
GHA Servomotor cooling system
GHC30 Demineralized water piping system for the 10UKC (20UKC, 30UKC,
40UKC) building
GHD Process water supply system
GK. Household and potable water supply systems
GKC Delivery hot-water supply pipeline
GKD Household and potable water supply system
GKE Source water supply system
GKF Circulation hot-water supply pipeline
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Code Name

GM. Industrial effluent collection and removal systems

GMA Oil-containing water sewerage system
GMB Sludge dump drain system
GMC System of pumps for pumping oil-containing waters
GML Post-fire-fighting effluents collection and removal system
GMM System of pumps for pumping post-fire-fighting effluents
GMP System of drains from the oil and diesel facility
GN. Spent process water reprocessing systems
GNR System for neutralizing waste water from chemical washing and
equipment preservation operations (GNR10)
GNR10 System for neutralizing waste water from chemical washing and
equipment preservation operations
GQ. Domestic effluent water collection and removal systems
GQA Domestic sewerage system of the common access area
GQB System of pumps for pumping domestic effluents in the common access
GQC System of pumps for pumping domestic effluents in the controlled access
GQD Domestic sewerage system of the controlled access area
GQE Domestic sewerage system for lavatories in the controlled access area
GQU System for purifying domestic effluents from personnel locks and
effluents from active laundry
GR. Domestic effluent purification systems
GT. Systems for reclaiming water from industrial effluents
GU. Storm water sewerage systems, including effluent treatment systems
GUC System of pumps for pumping rain effluents
GUD Rainwater sewerage system
GUH Industrial and rain effluents purification system
GUM Industrial sewerage system of underground structures
J.. Nuclear generation of heat
JA. Reactor system
JAA Reactor pressure vessel
JAB Reactor head (upper unit), including flanges, seals, and studs
JAC Reactor internals
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Code Name

JAH Reactor external insulation

JAJ External cooling of the reactor
JAT Leak detection system
JB. Reactor internals
JBA Reactor pressure vessel surveillance samples
JD. Reactor control and trip devices
JDA CPS drive system
JDK Emergency protection system
JDY Group and individual control system of CPS control member drives
JE. Reactor cooling system (primary coolant circuit)
JEA System of steam generators
JEA01 System for releasing air from the SG secondary circuit
JEB System of reactor coolant pumps
JEC System of reactor coolant pipelines
JEF Pressurizer system, including injection devices
JEG System for receiving steam from the PRZ discharge devices
JET Operating-quality coolant sampling system
JEV RCP electric motor lubrication system
JK. Reactor core with accessories
JKA Reactor core
JKM Molten core retaining and cooling system
JKS In-core instrumentation system (ICIS)
JKT Ex-core instrumentation system
JKU Fuel rod cladding monitoring system
JM. Containment with internals
JMA Protective shell system of the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA) building
JME Equipment airlock
JMF Main personnel airlock
JMG Emergency personnel airlock
JMJ Containment structural parts (only for coding the containment internals)
JMJ10 System of pressure relief devices
JMK System of pipeline penetrationsСистема проходок для трубопроводов

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Code Name
JML System of cable penetrations
JMN Sprinkler system
JMN80 Piping system of tanks storing the solution of iodine chemical fixing
JMT Emergency hydrogen removal system under the containment
JMU System for monitoring hydrogen concentration under the containment
JMY Control and protection systems
JMY10 Automated system for monitoring the containment stressed and strain
state (CSSS AMS)
JMY20 System for measuring leak from the hermetic enclosure during operational
tightness tests
JMY30 Automated system for monitoring tilts of the reactor building raft
JMY40 Equipment of the containment prestressing system
JN. Residual heat removal systems
JNA Reactor coolant circuit emergency and planned cooldown and fuel pool
cooling system
JNB Emergency residual heat removal systems from SGs
JNB10 SG emergency cooldown system
JNB50 Passive heat removal system
JND Emergency boron injection system
JNG Passive part of the emergency core cooling system
JNG10 2nd and 3rd stage hydro accumulator system (passive part of the
emergency core cooling system)
JNG50 1st stage hydro accumulator system (passive part of the emergency core
cooling system)
JNK Borated water storage system
JY. Control and protection equipment (except for *JR*, *JS*, *JT*)
JYF Loose parts monitoring system
JYG Vibration monitoring system
K.. Reactor plant auxiliary systems
KA. Component cooling systems
KAA Component cooling system for secured loads in the 10UJA (20UJA,
30UJA, 40UJA) building
KAW Seal water supply system
KB. Reactor coolant treatment system

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Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
KBA Volume and chemical control system
KBB Operating grade coolant storage system
KBC Distillate and boron concentrate system
KBC10 Distillate system
KBC40 Boron concentrate system
KBD System for adding chemical reagents to primary coolant
KBE Primary coolant low-temperature purification system
KBE50 Primary coolant low-temperature purification system
KBF Coolant purification system
KBH Fuel pool water purification system
KL. Ventilation plants in the controlled access area
KLA Ventilation system of the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA) buildings
KLB Ventilation system of the 10UJB (20UJB, 30UJB, 40UJB) buildings
KLC Ventilation system of the 10UKA (20UKA, 30UKA, 40UKA) buildings
KLE Ventilation system of the 10UKС (20UKС, 30UKС, 40UKС), 00UKU
KLF Ventilation system of the 00UKS, 00UKT buildings
KLL Ventilation system of the 00UFА building
KLM Annulus space passive filtration system
KLP Ventilation system of the 00UGW building
KLS Ventilation system of the 00UYB, 01-02UJY building
KP. Handling of radioactive wastes
KPA Solid radwaste processing system
KPA10 Solid radwaste classifying system
KPA20 Solid radwaste fragmentation system
KPA30 HP solid radwaste pressing system
KPA40 Low-active solid radwaste handling system
KPA50 Preliminary solid radwaste pressing system
KPA60 System for emergency draining of oil from pressing and fragmentation
KPA70 Medium-active solid radwaste handling system
KPA80 Metal solid radwaste decontamination system
KPB Incineration system

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Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
KPC Cementation system
KPE Solid radwaste storage system
KPE10 Very low-active wastes burial system
KPE80 Category assignment system
KPF Floor water collection system and radioactive sewerage system
KPF10 Floor water treatment system
KPF70 Radioactive sewerage and floor water collection system in the 00UKS
KPF85 Floor water collection system in the 00UKU building
KPG Concentration system
KPJ Auxiliary distillate and low-salt effluent system
KPK Intermediate liquid radioactive waste storage system
KPL System for burning hydrogen from radioactive process blow-offs
KPM Radioactive process blow-offs purification system
KPN System for purifying blow-offs from the equipment pertaining to liquid
radioactive media
KR. Gas supply and removal system
KRA Nitrogen supply system
KRA10 System for supplying nitrogen to blow-offs from equipment in the 10UJA
(20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA) building
KT. Nuclear plant auxiliary systems
KTA Primary coolant circuit drains and sampling system
KTB Gas blow-off system
KTC Boron-containing water collection system
KTC10 Boron-containing water collection system
KTH Radioactive sewerage system of the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA) and
10UKC (20UKC, 30UKC, 40UKC) buildings (the pressure part)
KTN Radioactive sewerage system of the 10UKC (20UKC, 30UKC, 40UKC)
building (the free-flow part)
KTP Emergency gas removal system
KTQ Fuel pool lining tightness monitoring system
KTR Radioactive sewerage system of the 00UYB building
KU. Sampling systems
KUA Primary coolant circuit liquid media sampling system
KUA10 System for taking samples from equipment in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA,
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Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
40UJA) building
KUA60 Automated primary coolant circuit chemical monitoring system
КUB System for taking samples from equipment
KUE System for taking samples from RWT plants
KUJ System of taking air samples for a mobile gas-aerosol radiometer
KUJ10 Radioactive gaseous media sampling system in the 10UKA (20UKA,
30UKA, 40UKA), 10UKC (20UKC, 30UKC, 40UKC) buildings
KUJ17 System for sampling radioactive gaseous media from the vent stack
KUK System of taking air samples for stationary gas-aerosol radiometers
KW. Sealing and flushing fluid supply systems
KWA System of I&C transducers hydraulic testing and flushing by distillate
KWB Systems for testing the SG secondary side and flushing I&C sensors with
secondary coolant circuit blowdown water
KWB10 System for flushing I&C transducers with secondary coolant circuit
blowdown water
KWB50 SG secondary-side hydraulic testing system
KWC System for hydraulic tests and flushing of I&C transducers with boron-
containing water
L.. Steam, water, and gas circuits
LA. Feedwater systems
LAA Feedwater collection and deaeration system
LAB Main feedwater piping system
LAB10 Main feedwater piping system in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA,
40UMA) building
LAB60 Main feedwater piping system outside the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA,
40UMA) building
LAC Feedwater pumps
LAD High-pressure regeneration system
LAH Auxiliary feedwater system
LAJ Auxiliary feedwater pumps
LAV Feedwater pump lubrication oil system
LAW Feedwater pump seal water system
LB. Steam piping systems
LBA Live steam piping system
LBA10 Live steam piping system outside the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA,

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40UMA) building
LBA50 Live steam piping system in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA)
LBB System of hot reheat piping from the MSR to the intermediate-pressure
turbine stop valves
LBC System of cold reheat piping from the HP part exhaust to the MSR
LBF High-pressure reduction station
LBF10 System of fast-acting reduction valves with dumping steam into the
auxiliary header
LBG Auxiliary steam piping system
LBG10 Auxiliary steam piping system in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA,
40UMA) building
LBG40 Auxiliary steam piping system in the 10UKC (20UKC, 30UKC, 40UKC)
LBG50 Auxiliary steam piping system in the 00UNA building
LBG80 Auxiliary steam piping system in the 00UKU, 00UKS, 00UYB building
LBH Steam supply system
LBJ Moisture separator/steam reheater system
LBQ HP steam extraction piping system
LBS LP steam extraction piping system
LBW Turbine sealing system
LC. Condensate systems
LCA Main condensate piping system
LCA90 Condensate-feedwater path pre-startup flushing system
LCB System of main condensate pumps
LCC LP regeneration system
LCE Main condensate injection system
LCH HP heater condensate system
LCJ LP heater condensate system
LCM Drains and condensate collection (returning) system
LCM10 Drains and condensate collection (returning) system in the 10UMA
(20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA) building
LCM70 Heating steam condensate collection (returning) system in the 00UKS,
00UKU buildings
LCM80 System for collecting and returning condensate of RWT systems

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Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
LCM90 Auxiliary steam condensate system
LCN HP steam piping drain system
LCP Demineralized water system
LCP10 Demineralized water system in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA)
LCP90 Demineralized water system in the 00UKU, 00UKS buildings
LCQ Steam generator blowdown system
LCQ10 Steam generator blowdown and drains system
LCQ50 Steam generator blowdown water purification system
LCS Moisture separation and steam reheat system
LCT MSR separator system
LCU Makeup water system
LCW Hydraulic seal system
LD. Condensate polishing systems (UDP)
LDB Independent demineralizing plant system
LDF Turbine condensate deironing and demineralization system (UDP)
LDL System for storing (collecting) drains after polishing turbine condensate
LDP System for regenerating and flushing spent resins from the UDP
LF. Common installations for steam, water, and gas circuits
LFG Steam generators chemical washing system
LFJ SG preservation system during outage
LFN System for correction treatment of working fluid in the secondary coolant
LW. Seal fluid supply system for steam, water, and gas cycles
LWB Secondary coolant circuit piping and equipment hydraulic testing system
M.. Main machine sets
MA. Steam turbine plant
MAA High-and-intermediate-pressure cylinder (HIPC) HP part
MAB HIPC intermediate-pressure part
MAC LP cylinder system
MAD Turbine bearings system
MAG Turbine condensers system
MAJ Main condenser vacuuming system
MAK Barring gear
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Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name

MAL Turbine plant drain system

MAM System for sucking steam from seals
MAN Turbine bypass system
MAV Lubrication supply and lub oil purification system
MAX Turbine governor oil supply system
MAY Turbine control and monitoring system
MK. Generator plant
MKA Turbine generator
MKC Generator excitation system (including the exciter)
MKD Bearings
MKF Stator winding water cooling system
MKG Generator gas cooling system
MKW Generator shaft gland oil system
MKY Electrical equipment control, monitoring and relay protection system,
cabinets of generator secondary circuits
MP. Common installations for main machine sets
MPA Turbine foundation
MV. Lubricant supply system
MVA Oil supply and emergency drain system
MVA10 Oil supply system for components in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA,
40UMA) building
MVA50 Emergency lubricant drain system
MVL Rotor hydraulic jacking and barring gear system
MVU Oil drain system in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA) building
N.. Producing energy for external users
NA. Process steam system, including condensate return systems
NAA System for extracting turbine steam to delivery-water heaters
NAB System for returning condensate from delivery-water heaters
NAJ System for removing nondensables from delivery-water heaters
ND. Process hot-water system
NDA Network water piping system
NDA10 Network water piping system in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA)
NDA50 Forward network water piping system in the 00UNA building
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Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name

NDB Return network piping system in the 00UNA building

NDC System of network water pumps
NDD Heat-transfer equipment
NDF Makeup water and pure steam system in the 00UNA building
P.. Cooling water plants
PA. Main cooling water system
PAA System of mechanical cleaning devices
PAB Main cooling water piping system
PAC Main cooling water pump sets
PAH Condenser tube cleaning system
PAX System for supplying compressed air to instruments measuring difference
and level in the РАА system
PAY System for measuring pressure difference across grills and meshes, and
water levels in seawater intake and supply structures
PB. Cooling seawater treatment system
PBB Main condenser cooling water purification system
PBF Sodium hypochlorite preparation system
PBK System for supplying sodium hypochlorite to consumers
PC. Cooling water system for conventional components
PCB Cooling water piping system for non-essential loads
PCC Pump sets for non-essential loads
PCD Service cooling water supply system
PD. Component cooling water treatment systems for non-essential loads
PDB Mussel cleaning system
PE. Component cooling water system for essential loads
PEA System of mechanical cleaning devices
PEB Component cooling water piping system for essential loads
PEC Pump sets for essential loads
PF. Component cooling water treatment system for essential loads
PFB Mussel cleaning system
PG. Component cooling water systems for the common access area
PGB Component cooling water system for normal operation loads in the
10UMA (20UMA,30UMA, 40UMA) building
PGС Component cooling water system for normal operation loads in the

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Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
00UTF, 00USF buildings
PH. Component cooling water treatment system for the common access
PHN System for correcting water chemistry in the component cooling water
system of normal operation loads in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA,
40UMA) building
PJ. Component cooling water system for the controlled access area
PJA Component cooling water system for normal operation loads in the 10UJA
(20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA) building
PJB Component cooling water system for normal operation loads in the
10UKC (20UKC, 30UKC, 40UKC) building
PU. Common devices for cooling water systems
PUA System for dewatering the flow path of the РАС and РСС pump
PUB System for dewatering the common structures of cooling water systems
PUD System for dewatering the flow path of the pump installations of the
essential component cooling water system
PUE System for dewatering drains from the pump stations of essential loads
PUJ System for washing the tray of medium-cleaning trash racks of the PAA
PUK System for washing the rotating meshes of the PAA system
PUN Seawater supply system to the chlorination plant
PUP System for washing the tray of medium-cleaning trash racks and rotating
meshes of the РЕА system
PUQ System for draining and dewatering the tunnels of essential loads
PUV Oil supply system for the pump sets at the 10UQA (20UQA, 30UQA,
40UQA), 11UQC (21UQC, 31UQC, 41UQC), 12UQC (22UQC, 32UQC,
42UQC) pump stations
Q.. Auxiliary installations
QC. Centralized supply of chemical agents
QCA Reagent preparation and supply system
QCB Nitric acid receipt and preparation system
QCD Caustic soda receipt and preparation system
QCE Hydrazine receipt and preparation system
QCF Ammonia receipt and preparation system
QCQ Sulfuric acid preparation and supply system
QCR Trisodium phosphate receipt and preparation system
QCS Coagulant receipt and preparation system

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Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
QCU Sodium hypochlorite preparation and supply system
QE. General supply of compressed air and air for pneumatic transport
QEC Compressed air supply system to the SG secondary circuit for checking
primary-to-secondary tightness
QF. Air supply to pneumatic drives
QFA Compressed air system for valve pneumatic drives
QFB Compressed air system for valve pneumatic drives in the 10UMA
(20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA) building
QH. Auxiliary steam system
QHA Steam production system from the auxiliary boiler house
QHG Boiler water circulation system
QHJ Boiler burners
QHL Combustion air supply system
QHN Combustion products removal system
QJ. Centralized gas supply systems, including inert gases
QJA Oxygen storage and supply system
QJB Nitrogen storage and supply system
QJC Hydrogen supply, storage, and receipt system
QJD Oxygen and nitrogen preparation system
QJE Combustible and noncombustible gas centralized storage system
QJE10 System for storing noncombustible gases in cylinders
QJE20 System for storing combustible gases in cylinders
QJF Equipment preservation system in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA,
40UMA) building
QK. Cold supply system
QKA Cold supply system for ventilation systems of non-essential loads (chilling
plant and mains)
QKB Cold supply system for essential loads (chilling plant)
QKC Cold supply system for ventilation systems in the 00UAC, 00UAB,
10UBA (20UBA, 30UBA, 40UBA), 01UBG (02UBG, 03UBG, 04UBG)
QKD Cold supply system for ventilation systems in the
11UBN, 12UBN (21UBN, 22UBN, 31UBN, 32UBN, 41UBN, 42UBN),
13UBN (23UBN, 33UBN, 43UBN) buildings
QKF Cold supply system for ventilation systems in the 00UFC building
QKJ Cold supply system for ventilation systems in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA,
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Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
40UJA) building
QKK Cold supply system for ventilation systems in the 10UKC (20UKС,
30UKС, 40UKС) building
QKM Cold supply system for ventilation systems in the
10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA) building
QKN Cold supply system for ventilation systems in the 10UCB (20UCB,
30UCB, 40UCB) building
QKQ Cold supply system for ventilation systems in the 03UGF building
QKR Cold supply system for ventilation systems in the 00USV building
QKS Cold supply system for ventilation systems in the 00UGD, 10UMX
(20UMX, 30UMX, 40UMX), 00UYB, 00UYC, *UXC* 00UYG, 00UKS,
10UQR (20UQR, 30UQR, 40UQR), 00UTF, 00UKU buildings
QKT Cold supply system for ventilation systems in the 00UST building
QL. Feed water, steam, and condensate cycle for the auxiliary steam
production and distribution system
QLA Feed water system
QLC Condensate system
QS. Centralized oil supply and disposal system
QSA Transformer oil supply and disposal system
QSB Turbine oil supply and disposal system
QSC Compressor oil supply and disposal system
QSD Engine oil supply and disposal system for diesel engines
QU. Secondary coolant circuit sampling system
QUA Automated chemical feed water monitoring system
QUB Automated chemical steam monitoring system
QUC Automated chemical condensate monitoring system
QUD Automated generator stator cooling chemical monitoring system
QUF Secondary coolant circuit sampling system in the 10UMA (20UMA,
30UMA, 40UMA) и 10UMX (20UMX, 30UMX, 40UMX) buildings
QUG Automated chemical UDP monitoring system
QUH Secondary coolant circuit sampling system in the 10UKC (20UKC,
30UKC, 40UKC) building
QUJ SG secondary coolant circuit joint tightness monitoring system
QUK Automated chemical monitoring system for steam generator blowdown
QUL Auxiliary boiler house sampling system

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Code Name
QUN System of taking SG blowdown water samples for radiation monitoring
QUQ System for monitoring the level in steam generators and steam wetness in steam
S.. Ancillary systems not related to the main production process
SA. Ventilation and air conditioning plants in the common access area
SAA Ventilation systems in the 10UJE (20UJE, 30UJE, 40UJE), 10UJG
(20UJG, 30UJG, 40UJG) buildings
SAB Ventilation systems in the 00UYB building
SAC Ventilation systems in the 10UBA (20UBA, 30UBA, 40UBA), 01UBG,
02UBG, 03UBG, 04UBG, 05UBG, 07UBG, 10UKC (20UKС, 30UKС,
40UKС), 00UAC, 00UAB, 10UBB (20UBB, 30UBB, 40UBB), 10UCB
(20UCB, 30UCB, 40UCB), 00UYH, 11-12UBP (21-22UBP, 31-32UBP,
41-42UBP), 11-12UBN (21-22UBN, 31-32UBN, 41-42UBN) buildings
SAD Ventilation systems in the *UXC*, 11-13UBN (21-23UBN, 31-33UBN,
41-43UBN), 00UEJ, 11UEJ-13UEJ (21UEJ-23UEJ, 31UEJ-33UEJ,
41UEJ-43UEJ), 01UEK, 00UEL buildings
SAE Ventilation systems in the 10UBA (20UBA, 30UBA, 40UBA), 10UBB
(20UBB, 30UBB, 40UBB), 01UBG, 02UBG, 03UBG, 04UBG, 05UBG,
07UBG, 11-12UBP (21-22UBP, 31-32UBP, 41-42UBP), 11UBZ-18UBZ
(21UBZ-28UBZ, 31UBZ-38UBZ, 41UBZ-48UBZ), 10UKC (20UKС,
30UKС, 40UKС), 11UKZ, 12UKZ (21UKZ, 22UKZ, 31UKZ, 32UKZ,
41UKZ, 42UKZ), 00UYH, 11-12UBN (21-22UBN, 31-32UBN, 41-
42UBN) buildings
SAF Ventilation systems in the 00UFC, 00UKT building
SAH Ventilation systems in the *UXC*, 00UYC, *UYE*, *UYF*, 00UTH
SAJ Ventilation systems in the 10UQR (20UQR, 30UQR, 40UQR) buildings
SAK Ventilation systems in the 00USV, 00UYG, 00UYH, 00UTE buildings
SAM Ventilation systems in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA), 00UNA,
00UNE buildings
SAN Ventilation systems in the 00UKX, 01-05UYP, 01UYX, 02UYX buildings
SAP Ventilation systems in the 00UGV, 00UGM buildings
SAQ Ventilation systems of the 10UQA (20UQA, 30UQA, 40UQA), 11-
12UQC (21-22UQC, 31-32UQC, 41-42UQC), 11-12UQZ (21-22UQZ,
31-32UQZ, 41-42UQZ), 50UPC (60UPC) buildings and structures
SAR Ventilation systems in the 50UPK, 60UPK, 01-03UXX buildings
SAS Ventilation systems in the 00UGD, *UGH*, 10UMX , (20UMX, 30UMX,
40UMX), 00USF, 00UTF, 03UGF, 50UGF, 60UGF, 01-04UXD buildings
SAT Ventilation systems in the 00UST building

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Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
SB. Space heating plants for buildings with ancillary systems not related
to the main production process
SBA Heat supply system (mains)
SBB Hot water supply system
SBC Heat supply system for the 00UAC, 00UAB, 10UBA (20UBA, 30UBA,
40UBA), 01UBG, 02UBG, 03UBG, 04UBG, 05UBG, 07UBG, 10UKC
(20UKC, 30UKC, 40UKC) buildings
SBD Heat supply system for the 01-07UXC, 11UBN, 12UBN (21UBN,
22UBN, 31UBN, 32UBN, 41UBN, 42UBN), 13UBN (23UBN, 33UBN,
43UBN), 01UEK, 00UEL buildings
SBH Heat supply system for the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA),00UTH
SBJ Heat supply system for the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA) buildings
SBL Heat supply systems for the 50UPK, 60UPK, 01-03UXX buildings
SBP Heat supply system for the 10UCB (20UCB, 30UCB, 40UCB), 00UYC,
01UYE, 02UYE, 10UYE, 20UYE, 30UYE, 01-02UYP, 00UYH, 01UYX,
02UYX buildings
SBQ Heat supply system for the 03UGF, 00UGV, 11-12UQC (21-22UQC, 31-
32UQC, 41-42UQC), 10UQA (20UQA, 30UQA, 40UQA), 00UGW,
50UGF, 60UGF buildings
SBR Heat supply system for the 00UKX, 01-03UYF, 10-30UYF, 00UYG,
00UTE, 01-03UXD buildings
SBS Heat supply system for the 00UFC, 00UGD, 50UGH, 60UGH, 00UGM,
10UMX (20UMX, 30UMX, 40UMX), 10UQR (20UQR, 30UQR,
40UQR), 00USF, 00UTF, 00UFA buildings
SBT Heat supply system for the 00USV, 00UYB, 00UKT buildings
SBU Heat supply system for the 00UKU, 00UST, 00UKS buildings
SC. Stationary compressed air supply systems
SCA Compressed air generation system
SCB Compressed air supply system for process needs
SCC Compressed air supply system for containment tests
SCD Compressed air supply system for repair needs
SE. Stationary welding gas systems
SG. Stationary fire protection systems
SGA Normal-operation fire-fighting water supply system
SGC System of normal-operation automatic water fire-fighting plants (drencher
and sprinkler ones)

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Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
SGE Automatic gas fire-fighting plants system
SGF Foam fire-fighting plants system
SGH Device for self-extinguishing of poured combustible liquids (SED)
SGK Automatic finely-dispersed water fire-fighting plants system (drencher
and sprinkler ones)
SM. Cranes, hoisting, and transport devices
SMB Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and transport equipment in the 10UBA
(20UBA, 30UBA, 40UBA), 11UBN-13UBN (21UBN -23UBN, 31UBN-
33UBN, 41UBN-43UBN), 10UBB (20UBB, 30UBB, 40UBB) buildings
SMB20 Electric cranes in the 10UBA (20UBA, 30UBA, 40UBA), 11UBN-
13UBN (21UBN -23UBN, 31UBN-33UBN, 41UBN-43UBN), 10UBB
(20UBB, 30UBB, 40UBB) buildings
SMB21 Manually operated cranes in the 10UBA (20UBA, 30UBA, 40UBA),
11UBN-13UBN (21UBN -23UBN, 31UBN-33UBN, 41UBN-43UBN),
10UBB (20UBB, 30UBB, 40UBB) buildings
SMB22 Manually operated movable hoists in the 10UBA (20UBA, 30UBA,
40UBA), 11UBN-13UBN (21UBN -23UBN, 31UBN-33UBN, 41UBN-
43UBN), 10UBB (20UBB, 30UBB, 40UBB) buildings
SMB23 Manually operated hoists (stationary) in the 10UBA (20UBA, 30UBA,
40UBA), 11UBN-13UBN (21UBN -23UBN, 31UBN-33UBN, 41UBN-
43UBN), 10UBB (20UBB, 30UBB, 40UBB) buildings
SMB24 Electric hoists in the 10UBA (20UBA, 30UBA, 40UBA), 11UBN-13UBN
(21UBN -23UBN, 31UBN-33UBN, 41UBN-43UBN), 10UBB (20UBB,
30UBB, 40UBB) buildings
SMB25 On-floor transport in the 10UBA (20UBA, 30UBA, 40UBA), 11UBN-
13UBN (21UBN -23UBN, 31UBN-33UBN, 41UBN-43UBN), 10UBB
(20UBB, 30UBB, 40UBB) buildings
SMB26 Hoisting slings in the 10UBA (20UBA, 30UBA, 40UBA), 11UBN-
13UBN (21UBN -23UBN, 31UBN-33UBN, 41UBN-43UBN), 10UBB
(20UBB, 30UBB, 40UBB) buildings
SMB27 Crabs in the 10UBA (20UBA, 30UBA, 40UBA), 11UBN-13UBN
(21UBN -23UBN, 31UBN-33UBN, 41UBN-43UBN), 10UBB (20UBB,
30UBB, 40UBB) buildings
SMB28 Winches in the 10UBA (20UBA, 30UBA, 40UBA), 11UBN-13UBN
(21UBN -23UBN, 31UBN-33UBN, 41UBN-43UBN), 10UBB (20UBB,
30UBB, 40UBB) buildings
SMB29 Cross-beams in the 10UBA (20UBA, 30UBA, 40UBA), 11UBN-13UBN
(21UBN -23UBN, 31UBN-33UBN, 41UBN-43UBN), 10UBB (20UBB,
30UBB, 40UBB) buildings

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Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
SMB30 Grips in the 10UBA (20UBA, 30UBA, 40UBA), 11UBN-13UBN
(21UBN -23UBN, 31UBN-33UBN, 41UBN-43UBN), 10UBB (20UBB,
30UBB, 40UBB) buildings
SMС Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and handling equipment in the 00UСB
SMС20 Electric cranes in the 00UСB building
SMС21 Manually operated cranes in the 00UСB building
SMС22 Manually operated movable hoists in the 00UСB building
SMС23 Manually operated (stationary) hoists in the 00UСB building
SMС24 Electric hoists in the 00UСB building
SMС25 On-floor transport in the 00UСB building
SMС26 Hoisting slings in the 00UСB building
SMС27 Crabs in the 00UСB buildings
SMС28 Winches in the 00UСB building
SMС29 Cross-beams in the 00UСB building
SMС30 Grips in the 00UСB buildings
SMD Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and handling equipment in the
00UYB, 01UYX, 06UXC, 00UXG buildings
SMD20 Electric cranes in the 00UYB, 01UYX, 06UXC, 00UXG buildings
SMD21 Manually operated cranes in the 00UYB, 01UYX, 06UXC, 00UXG
SMD22 Manually operated movable hoists in the 00UYB, 01UYX, 06UXC,
00UXG buildings
SMD23 Manually operated (stationary) hoists in the 00UYB, 01UYX, 06UXC,
00UXG, 01UYP, 02UYP buildings
SMD24 Electric hoists in the 00UYB, 01UYX, 06UXC, 00UXG buildings
SMD25 On-floor transport in the 00UYB, 01UYX, 06UXC, 00UXG, 01UYP
SMD26 Hoisting slings in the 00UYB, 01UYX, 06UXC, 00UXG buildings
SMD27 Crabs in the 00UYB, 01UYX, 06UXC, 00UXG buildings
SMD28 Winches in the 00UYB, 01UYX, 06UXC, 00UXG buildings
SMD29 Cross-beams in the 00UYB, 01UYX, 06UXC, 00UXG buildings
SMD30 Grips in the 00UYB, 01UYX, 06UXC, 00UXG buildings
SME Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and handling equipment in the
11-13UEJ (21-23UEJ, 31-33UEJ, 41-43UEJ), 01UEK, 00UEL buildings

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Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
SME20 Electric cranes in the 11-13UEJ (21-23UEJ, 31-33UEJ, 41-43UEJ)
SME21 Manually operated cranes in the 11-13UEJ
(21-23UEJ, 31-33UEJ, 41-43UEJ), 00UEL buildings
SME22 Manually operated movable hoists in the 11-13UEJ
(21-23UEJ, 31-33UEJ, 41-43UEJ) buildings
SME23 Manually operated (stationary) hoists in the 11-13UEJ
(21-23UEJ, 31-33UEJ, 41-43UEJ), 00UEL buildings
SME24 Electric hoists in the 11-13UEJ
(21-23UEJ, 31-33UEJ, 41-43UEJ) buildings
SME25 On-floor transport in the 11-13UEJ
(21-23UEJ, 31-33UEJ, 41-43UEJ), 01UEK buildings
SME26 Hoisting slings in the 11-13UEJ
(21-23UEJ, 31-33UEJ, 41-43UEJ), 00UEL buildings
SME27 Crabs in the 11-13UEJ (21-23UEJ, 31-33UEJ, 41-43UEJ) buildings
SME28 Winches in the 11-13UEJ (21-23UEJ, 31-33UEJ, 41-43UEJ) buildings
SME29 Cross-beams in the 11-13UEJ (21-23UEJ, 31-33UEJ, 41-43UEJ)
SME30 Grips in the 11-13UEJ (21-23UEJ, 31-33UEJ, 41-43UEJ), 00UEL
SMF Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and handling equipment in the 00UFC
SMF20 Electric cranes in the 00UFC buildings
SMF21 Manually operated cranes
SMF22 Manually operated movable hoists in the 00UFC buildings
SMF23 Manually operated (stationary) hoists in the 00UFC buildings
SMF24 Electric hoists in the 00UFC buildings
SMF25 On-floor transport in the 00UFC buildings
SMF26 Hoisting slings
SMF27 Crabs
SMF28 Winches
SMF29 Cross-beams
SMF30 Grips
SMG Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and handling equipment in the 10UGB
(20UGB, 30UGB, 40UGB), 00UGD, 00UGM, 00UGW, 03UGF, 00UGH

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Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
SMG20 Electric cranes in the 10UGB (20UGB, 30UGB, 40UGB) 00UGD,
00UGM, 00UGW, 03UGF, 00UGH buildings
SMG21 Manually operated cranes in the 10UGB (20UGB, 30UGB, 40UGB),
00UGD, 00UGM, 00UGW, 03UGF, 00UGH buildings
SMG22 Manually operated movable hoists in the 10UGB (20UGB, 30UGB,
40UGB), 00UGD, 00UGM, 00UGW, 03UGF, 00UGH buildings
SMG23 Manually operated (stationary) hoists in the 10UGB (20UGB, 30UGB,
40UGB), 00UGD, 00UGM, 00UGW, 03UGF, 00UGH buildings
SMG24 Electric hoists in the 10UGB (20UGB, 30UGB, 40UGB), 00UGD,
00UGM, 00UGW, 03UGF, 00UGH buildings
SMG25 On-floor transport in the 10UGB (20UGB, 30UGB, 40UGB), 00UGD,
00UGM, 00UGW, 03UGF, 00UGH buildings
SMG26 Hoisting slings in the 10UGB (20UGB, 30UGB, 40UGB), 00UGD,
00UGM, 00UGW, 03UGF, 00UGH buildings
SMG27 Crabs in the 10UGB (20UGB, 30UGB, 40UGB), 00UGD, 00UGM,
00UGW, 03UGF, 00UGH buildings
SMG28 Winches in the 10UGB (20UGB, 30UGB, 40UGB), 00UGD, 00UGM,
00UGW, 03UGF, 00UGH buildings
SMG29 Cross-beams in the 10UGB (20UGB, 30UGB, 40UGB); 00UGD,
00UGM, 00UGW, 03UGF, 00UGH buildings
SMG30 Grips in the 10UGB (20UGB, 30UGB, 40UGB); 00UGD, 00UGM,
00UGW, 03UGF, 00UGH buildings
SMJ Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and handling equipment in the 10UJA
(20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA), 10UJB (20UJB, 30UJB, 40UJB), 10UJC
(20UJC, 30UJC, 40UJC), 10UJE (20UJE, 30UJE, 40UJE) buildings
SMJ20 Electric cranes in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJА, 40UJА), 10UJB (20UJB,
30UJB, 40UJB), 10UJC (20UJC, 30UJC, 40UJC), 10UJE (20UJE,
30UJE, 40UJE) buildings
SMJ21 Manually operated cranes in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA), 10UJB
(20UJB, 30UJB, 40UJB), 10UJC (20UJC, 30UJC, 40UJC), 10UJE
(20UJE, 30UJE, 40UJE) buildings
SMJ22 Manually operated movable hoists in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA,
40UJA), 10UJB (20UJB, 30UJB, 40UJB), 10UJC (20UJC, 30UJC,
40UJC), 10UJE (20UJE, 30UJE, 40UJE) buildings
SMJ23 Manually operated (stationary) hoists in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA,
40UJA), 10UJB (20UJB, 30UJB, 40UJB), 10UJC (20UJC, 30UJC,
40UJC), 10UJE (20UJE, 30UJE, 40UJE) buildings
SMJ24 Electric hoists in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA), 10UJB (20UJB,
30UJB, 40UJB), 10UJC (20UJC, 30UJC, 40UJC), 10UJE (20UJE,
30UJE, 40UJE) buildings

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Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
SMJ25 On-floor transport in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA), 10UJB
(20UJB, 30UJB, 40UJB), 10UJC (20UJC, 30UJC, 40UJC), 10UJE
(20UJE, 30UJE, 40UJE) buildings
SMJ26 Hoisting slings in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA), 10UJB (20UJB,
30UJB, 40UJB), 10UJC (20UJC, 30UJC, 40UJC), 10UJE (20UJE,
30UJE, 40UJE) buildings
SMJ27 Crabs in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA), 10UJB (20UJB, 30UJB,
40UJB), 10UJC (20UJC, 30UJC, 40UJC), 10UJE (20UJE, 30UJE,
40UJE) buildings
SMJ28 Winches in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA), 10UJB (20UJB, 30UJB,
40UJB), 10UJC (20UJC, 30UJC, 40UJC), 10UJE (20UJE, 30UJE,
40UJE) buildings
SMJ29 Cross-beams in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA), 10UJB (20UJB,
30UJB, 40UJB), 10UJC (20UJC, 30UJC, 40UJC), 10UJE (20UJE,
30UJE, 40UJE) buildings
SMJ30 Grips in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA), 10UJB (20UJB, 30UJB,
40UJB), 10UJC (20UJC, 30UJC, 40UJC), 10UJE (20UJE, 30UJE,
40UJE) buildings
SMK Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and handling equipment in the 10UKA
(20UKA, 30UKA, 40UKA), 10UKC (20UKC, 30UKC, 40UKC),
00UKU, 00UKS, 00UKX buildings
SMK20 Electric cranes in the 10UKA (20UKA, 30UKA, 40UKA), 10UKC
(20UKC, 30UKC, 40UKC), 00UKU, 00UKS, 00UKX buildings
SMK21 Manually operated cranes in the 10UKA (20UKA, 30UKA, 40UKA),
10UKC (20UKC, 30UKC, 40UKC), 00UKU, 00UKS, 00UKX buildings
SMK22 Manually operated movable hoists in the 10UKA (20UKA, 30UKA,
40UKA), 10UKC (20UKC, 30UKC, 40UKC), 00UKU, 00UKS, 00UKX
SMK23 Manually operated (stationary) hoists in the 10UKA (20UKA, 30UKA,
40UKA), 10UKC (20UKC, 30UKC, 40UKC), 00UKU, 00UKS, 00UKX
SMK24 Electric hoists in the 10UKA (20UKA, 30UKA, 40UKA), 10UKC
(20UKC, 30UKC, 40UKC), 00UKU, 00UKS, 00UKX, 00UKT buildings
SMK25 On-floor transport in the 10UKA (20UKA, 30UKA, 40UKA), 10UKC
(20UKC, 30UKC, 40UKC), 00UKU, 00UKS, 00UKX buildings
SMK26 Hoisting slings in the 10UKA (20UKA, 30UKA, 40UKA), 10UKC
(20UKC, 30UKC, 40UKC), 00UKU, 00UKS, 00UKX buildings
SMK27 Crabs in the 10UKA (20UKA, 30UKA, 40UKA), 10UKC (20UKC,
30UKC, 40UKC), 00UKU, 00UKS, 00UKX buildings
SMK28 Winches in the 10UKA (20UKA, 30UKA, 40UKA), 10UKC (20UKC,
30UKC, 40UKC), 00UKU, 00UKS, 00UKX buildings

AKU-AEB0001 Agreement 48
Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
SMK29 Cross-beams in the 10UKA (20UKA, 30UKA, 40UKA), 10UKC
(20UKC, 30UKC, 40UKC), 00UKU, 00UKS, 00UKX buildings
SMK30 Grips in the 10UKA (20UKA, 30UKA, 40UKA), 10UKC (20UKC,
30UKC, 40UKC), 00UKU, 00UKS, 00UKX buildings
SMM Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and handling equipment in the
10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA), 10UMX (20UMX, 30UMX,
40UMX) buildings
SMM20 Electric cranes in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA), 10UMX
(20UMX, 30UMX, 40UMX) buildings
SMM21 Manually operated cranes in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA),
10UMX (20UMX, 30UMX, 40UMX) buildings
SMM22 Manually operated movable hoists in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA,
40UMA), 10UMX (20UMX, 30UMX, 40UMX) buildings
SMM23 Manually operated (stationary) hoists in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA,
40UMA), 10UMX (20UMX, 30UMX, 40UMX) buildings
SMM24 Electric hoists in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA), 10UMX
(20UMX, 30UMX, 40UMX) buildings
SMM25 On-floor transport in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA), 10UMX
(20UMX, 30UMX, 40UMX) buildings
SMM26 Hoisting slings in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA), 10UMX
(20UMX, 30UMX, 40UMX) buildings
SMM27 Crabs in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA), 10UMX (20UMX,
30UMX, 40UMX) buildings
SMM28 Winches in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA), 10UMX (20UMX,
30UMX, 40UMX) buildings
SMM29 Cross-beams in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA), 10UMX
(20UMX, 30UMX, 40UMX) buildings
SMM30 Grips in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA), 10UMX (20UMX,
30UMX, 40UMX) buildings
SMM50 Set of accessories for carrying out tests in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA,
40UMA), 10UMX (20UMX, 30UMX, 40UMX) buildings
SMM51 Hydraulic loaders in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA), 10UMX
(20UMX, 30UMX, 40UMX) buildings
SMM54 Anchor pull bars in the 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA, 40UMA), 10UMX
(20UMX, 30UMX, 40UMX) buildings
SMP Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and handling equipment in the 50UPC
(60UPC), 50UPK (60UPK) buildings
SMP24 Electric hoists in the 50UPC (60UPC), 50UPK (60UPK) buildings

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Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
SMQ Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and handling equipment in the 11UQC
(21UQC, 31UQC, 41UQC), 12UQC (22UQC, 32UQC, 42UQC), 10UQA
(20UQA, 30UQA, 40UQA), 00UQW, 11-13UQX (21-23UQX, 31-
33UQX, 41-43UQX), 00UQG buildings
SMQ20 Electric cranes in the 11UQC (21UQC, 31UQC, 41UQC), 12UQC
(22UQC, 32UQC, 42UQC), 10UQA (20UQA, 30UQA, 40UQA),
00UQW buildings
SMQ21 Manually operated cranes in the 11UQC (21UQC,
31UQC, 41UQC), 12UQC (22UQC, 32UQC, 42UQC), 10UQA (20UQA,
30UQA, 40UQA) buildings
SMQ22 Manually operated movable hoists in the 11UQC (21UQC,
31UQC, 41UQC), 12UQC (22UQC, 32UQC, 42UQC), 10UQA (20UQA,
30UQA, 40UQA) buildings
SMQ23 Manually operated (stationary) hoists in the 11UQC (21UQC,
31UQC, 41UQC), 12UQC (22UQC, 32UQC, 42UQC), 10UQA (20UQA,
30UQA, 40UQA) buildings
SMQ24 Electric hoists in the 11UQC (21UQC,
31UQC, 41UQC), 12UQC (22UQC, 32UQC, 42UQC), 10UQA (20UQA,
30UQA, 40UQA), 11-13UQX (21-23UQX, 31-33UQX, 41-43UQX),
00UQG buildings
SMQ25 On-floor transport in the 11UQC (21UQC,
31UQC, 41UQC), 12UQC (22UQC, 32UQC, 42UQC), 10UQA (20UQA,
30UQA, 40UQA) buildings
SMQ26 Hoisting slings in the 11UQC (21UQC, 31UQC, 41UQC), 12UQC
(22UQC, 32UQC, 42UQC), 10UQA (20UQA, 30UQA, 40UQA)
SMQ27 Crabs in the 11UQC (21UQC, 31UQC, 41UQC), 12UQC (22UQC,
32UQC, 42UQC), 10UQA (20UQA, 30UQA, 40UQA) buildings
SMQ28 Winches in the 11UQC (21UQC, 31UQC, 41UQC), 12UQC (22UQC,
32UQC, 42UQC), 10UQA (20UQA, 30UQA, 40UQA) buildings
SMQ29 Cross-beams in the 11UQC (21UQC, 31UQC, 41UQC), 12UQC (22UQC,
32UQC, 42UQC), 10UQA (20UQA, 30UQA, 40UQA), 00UQW
SMQ30 Grips in the 11UQC (21UQC, 31UQC, 41UQC), 12UQC (22UQC,
32UQC, 42UQC), 10UQA (20UQA, 30UQA, 40UQA) buildings
SMS Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and handling equipment in the 00USF,
01USK, 02USK, 00UST buildings
SMS20 Electric cranes in the 00USF, 01USK, 02USK, 00UST buildings
SMS21 Manually operated cranes in the 00USF, 00UST buildings
SMS22 Manually operated movable hoists in the 00USF, 00UST buildings
SMS23 Manually operated (stationary) hoists in the 00USF, 00UST buildings

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Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
SMS24 Electric hoists in the 00USF, 00UST buildings
SMS25 On-floor transport in the 00USF, 00UST buildings
SMS26 Hoisting slings in the 00USF, 01USK, 02USK, 00UST buildings
SMS27 Crabs in the 00USF, 00UST buildings
SMS28 Winches in the 00USF, 00UST buildings
SMS29 Cross-beams in the 00USF, 00UST buildings
SMS30 Grips in the 00USF, 01USK, 02USK, 00UST buildings
SMT Cranes, stationary hoisting devices and handling equipment in the 00UTF,
00UTH buildings
SMT20 Electric cranes in the 00UTF building
SMT23 Manually operated hoist in the 00UTF, 00UTH buildings
SMT25 On-floor transport in the 00UTF building
SMT26 Hoisting slings in the 00UTF building
SMT30 Grips in the 00UTF building
SN. Elevators
SNA Passenger elevators
SNB Freight elevators
SR. Workshops, warehouses, laboratories and staff amenities inside the
controlled access area
SRA Lathe equipment in the controlled access area
SRA20 Lathe equipment in the 00UKU building
SRA30 Lathe equipment in the 00UKS building
SRG Radiochemical laboratories in the controlled access area
SRG10 Radiochemical operative monitoring laboratory
SRG20 Radiochemical laboratory in the 00UYB building
SRG30 Radiochemical laboratory in the 00UKS building
SRG50 Unit radiochemical laboratory of the controlled access area
SRP Contaminated section of active laundry
SRP50 Active laundry water purification system
SRP65 Condensate collection system
ST. Workshops, warehouses, laboratories and staff amenities in the
common access area
STA Lathe equipment in the common access area
STA20 Lathe equipment in the 00UGD, 00UST, 00USV buildings

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Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
STA30 Lathe equipment in the 00UXG buildings
STA40 Lathe equipment in the 01UYP, 02UYP buildings
STG Equipment of laboratories in the common access area
STG10 Chemical laboratory for operative monitoring of the secondary coolant
circuit water chemistry parameters
STG20 Common-station common access area laboratory equipment
STG30 Equipment of water treatment express laboratory
STG40 Equipment of radiochemical laboratory in the 02UXD building
STP Non-contaminated section of active laundry
STP90 Laundry in the 01UYP building

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Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
U.. Buildings and structures
UA. Buildings and structures for networks and switchgears
00UAB 380 kV SF6 gas insulated switchgear building
00UAC Switchyard central control building
01UAF 380 kV shunt reactors structures
00UAX Repair area for electric power equipment
10UAZ 380 kV power output system busduct tunnel
UB. Structures for electrical equipment
10UBA Normal operation power supply building
10UBB Rooms for electrical equipment and rooms for normal operation control
20UBB devices in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA) building
10UBF Generator transformer structure
01UBG Standby power supply building
05UBG Common-station power supply building
06UBG Structure for standby and common-station transformers
07UBG 10 kV common-station switchgear building
10UBH Transformer oil and water emergency discharge reservoir
50UBH Transformer oil and water emergency discharge reservoir
AKU-AEB0001 Agreement 53
Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name

01UBJ Transformer tracks

11-12UBN Building for standby emergency power supply diesel power station
13UBN Building for normal operation standby diesel power station
11-12UBP Rooms for electrical equipment and rooms for safety system control
21-22UBP devices in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA) building
01UBY Cable trestle
11-18UBZ Cable tunnel of normal operation system
01-06UBZ Cable tunnel of normal operation system
51-52UBZ Cable tunnel of normal operation system
UC. Buildings and structures for control equipment
10UCB Building of standby control room
00UCM Structures for automated environment radiation monitoring system
UE. Buildings and structures for supplying fuel and removing wastes
except for nuclear fuel
01UEH Intake structure for diesel fuel and oils

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Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
05UEH Structure for emergency discharge of diesel fuel from the 00UKS building
06UEH Diesel fuel receiving structure
00UEJ Diesel fuel storage
11-13UEJ Intermediate diesel fuel storage
01UEK Oil storage
00UEL Diesel fuel and oil pump station
UF. Structures for handling of nuclear fuel and activated elements
00UFA Spent nuclear fuel storage building
00UFC New fuel storage building
UG. Water supply and removal buildings and structures
10UGB Structure for demineralized water tanks and contaminated condensate tank
00UGD Demineralizing plant building
01UGF Fire-fighting water tank
03UGF Fire-fighting water and service cooling water pump station
50UGF Building of valve chambers for fire-fighting
00UGG Potable water supply structures
50UGH Storm water treatment structures belonging to 51UGH - 59UGH
60UGH (61UGH - 69UGH), 51UGJ-53UGJ (61UGJ-63UGJ)
51UGH Receiving reservoir
52UGH Storm water sewerage pump station
53UGH Storm water sewerage pump station
54UGH Two-section storage reservoir

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Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
55UGH Effluent storm water purification station
56UGH Reservoir for purified storm water
57UGH Sludge collecting and drying container
58UGH Petroleum product accumulation reservoir
59UGH Petroleum products accumulation reservoir
51UGJ Sediment low-temperature drying shop
52UGJ Shelter
53UGJ Reloading hopper with a screw-type conveyor
00UGM Oil containing water treatment structures belonging to 01UGM - 06UGM
01UGM Industrial and surface effluent water treatment station
02UGM Shop for mechanical treatment of sediment with low-temperature drying
03UGM Equalizing tank
04UGM Sediment storage reservoir
05UGM Reservoir for treated effluent waters
06UGM Sewerage pump station
00UGR Sludge dump
01UGT On-site water supply and sewerage networks
02UGT Off-site water supply and sewerage networks
00UGV Common-access area domestic waste water treatment structures belonging
to 01-08UGV
01UGV Biological treatment station
02UGV Shop for mechanically dewatering sediment with low-temperature drying
03UGV Silt storage tank
04UGV Equalizing tank
05UGV Sewerage pump station
06UGV Temporary sediment storage area

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Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
07UGV Laboratory building
08UGV Personnel facilities and office building
00UGW Controlled-access area domestic waste water treatment structures
belonging to 01UGW - 06UGW
01UGW Biological treatment station
02UGW Shop for mechanically dewatering sediment with low-temperature drying
03UGW Sludge storage tank
04UGW Equalizing tank
05UGW Sewerage pump station
06UGW Temporary sediment storage area
01-04UGZ Normal operation system cable channel см. USZ (по реком. Филатова
UJ. Buildings and structures for nuclear heat generation
10UJA Reactor building/Inner containment
10UJB Outer containment in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA) building
10UJC Premise for PHRS heat exchangers in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA,
20UJC 40UJA) building
10UJE Steam chamber in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA) building
10UJG Transport portal of the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA, 40UJA) building
01UJY Gallery of the controlled access area

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Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
11-12UJY Gallery of the controlled access area
13UJY Ventilation gallery
11-13UJZ Process tunnel
UK. Buildings and structures for reactor plant auxiliary systems
10UKA Premises in the controlled access area of the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA,
20UKA 40UJA) building
10UKC Reactor auxiliary building
10UKH Ventilation stack
01UKH Ventilation stack
00UKS Radioactive waste reprocessing and storage building
00UKT Radioactive sources storage building
00UKU Controlled-access area workshops
00UKX Special-purpose vehicles garage

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Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
01UKY Gallery of the common-access area
11-12UKZ Safety system cable tunnel
UL. Buildings and structures for steam, water, and gas circuits
20ULD Structure for the UDP and IDP auxiliary tank
UM. Buildings for main machine sets
10UMA Turbine building
10UMW Structure for emergency oil drain tank
10UMX Unit water demineralization plant building
UN. Structures for process power supply
00UNA Heat distribution station
00UNJ Contaminated network water drain tank structure
01UNK Hot water storage tank structure
UP. Buildings and structures for cooling water intake installations
50UPC Water intake structure

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Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
50UPK Chlorination plant
50UPX Fish barrier
11UPZ-14UPZ Cable tunnel of normal operation system
UQ. Buildings and structures for cooling water supply installations
10UQA Main pump station
11-12UQC Pump station of essential loads
10UQE Pressure discharge header
00UQG Conjugation structure
10UQN Outlet channel
10UQR Chilling machine building
00UQU Underwater water discharge structure
00UQW Cooling water distribution chamber
11-13UQX Siphon well

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Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
11-12UQZ Pipeline tunnel for essential loads
US. Buildings and structures for ancillary systems not related to main
10USC Structure of compressed air receivers for cutoff valves
00USF Nitrogen-oxygen station
11USF Structure for nitrogen receivers
12USF Structure of nitrogen receivers for the needs of the 10UMA (20UMA,
22USF 30UMA, 40UMA) building
01USK Storage of noncombustible gas cylinders
02USK Storage of combustible gas cylinders
00UST Workshops of common-access area
00USV Engineering and personnel amenities building
01USW Structure for on-site cable networks
02USW Structure for on-site grounding loop
03USW Structure for off-site cable networks
00USY Trestle for process pipelines
01-09USZ Normal operation cable channel
11-14USZ Normal operation cable channel
UT. Buildings and structures for auxiliary installations
00UTE Structure for electrolyzer plants
00UTF Compressor building
00UTH Auxiliary boiler house

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Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
01UTJ Smoke stack
01-09UTZ Normal operation cable channel
UU. Shaft structures
11-15UUB Ventilation center for normal operation cable tunnel
11-12UUK Exhaust ventilation center of safety system cable tunnel
11-17UUP Ventilation center for tunnel with pipelines for essential load
11-17UUQ Ventilation center for tunnel with pipelines for essential load
UX. Structures for external systems
00UXA Desalination plant
01UXC Security service center building
02UXC Security service garage
03UXC Military guard center building
04UXC Military guard garage
05UXC Shielded structure for military guard reserve with shelter for guard
06UXC Standby diesel power station
07UXC Diesel fuel storage with pump station
08UXC Sheltered reservoir of diesel fuel
01UXD Garage
02UXD Office building
03UXD Motor vehicle checkpoint structure with wheel washing facility
04UXD Transformer substation
05UXD Drain water pumping station

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Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
06UXD Clarified water pumping station
07UXD Pump station
08-09UXD Fire-fighting water reservoir
01UXE Fence 00UXG
02UXE Intercepting ditch
00UXG Facility for burying very low-active wastes encompassing 01-09UXG,
01-09UXD, 01-02UXE
01-02UXG Section for Type I wastes
03-04UXG Section for Type II wastes
05UXG Warehouse of materials
06-07UXG Sludge bed
08-09UXG Check and control reservoir
00UXX United warehouse for storing civil defense facilities
UY. Additional buildings and structures
00UYB Health physics and personnel amenities building of the controlled access
00UYC Administrative building with canteen
01UYE Central entrance checkpoint
02UYE Entrance checkpoint
10UYE Entrance checkpoint
01UYF Vehicle checkpoint
10UYF Vehicle checkpoint
00UYG Information center
00UYH Training center
00UYP Set of fire-fighting station structures including 01-09UYP,
00UYS, 04UZJ
01UYP Office and production building with places for 10 vehicles
02UYP Garage for four fire-fighting trucks
03UYP Warehouse for foam forming agent

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Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
Training simulator for fighting fires in electric installations up to 10 kV
voltage level
05UYP Transformer substation
06UYP Underground water reservoir for 50 m3
07UYP Training tower
08UYP Heat and smoke chamber
09UYP Fire belt for psychological training of firemen
00UYS Motor vehicle refueling station for one dispenser
01UYX Civil defense structure for sheltering 1200 persons
02UYX Shielded center for managing emergency activities at the NPP
03UYX Civil defense structure for sheltering 600 persons
04UYX Civil defense structure for sheltering 600 persons
05UYX Civil defense structure for sheltering 600 persons
UZ. Buildings, structures and areas for transport, traffic, fencing,
landscape gardening and other purposes
00UZA On-site motor roads
01UZC Site area
02UZC Area of electric power supply structures
01UZJ Site fence
02UZJ Fence of power supply system structures
03UZJ Fence of diesel fuel and oil reservoirs
04UZJ Fence of 00UYP
00UZM Protected zone perimeter in water basin
00UZN Intercepting ditch
00UZP Bank protecting structure
50UZQ Dike dam
00UZR Cargo terminal "East"
01UZT Access motor road No. 1
02UZT Access motor road No. 2 (second exit from the NPP)
03UZT Bypass motor road 00UZC
04UZT Access motor road to 00UZR
05UZT Access motor road to 00UGR
00UZU Protected area perimeter

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Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
10UZU Perimeter of protected area between Units 1 and 2
20UZU Perimeter of protected area between Units 2 and 3
30UZU Perimeter of protected area between Units 3 and 4
01UZX Site slopes
02UZX Production site engineering protection structures
00UZZ Water discharge structures

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Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
X.. Large machines (not the main machine sets)
XJ. Systems of emergency diesel power station
XJA Diesel engine
XJG Cooling system
XJN Fuel system
XJN10 Fuel system
XJN40 System for supplying diesel fuel to the SDPP in the 00UEL building
XJN50 Fuel system in the 06-07UXC buildings
XJN80 Diesel fuel supply system for the auxiliary boiler house in the 00UEL
XJQ Air intake system
XJR Gas exhaust system
XJV Oil system
XJV10 Oil system
XJV50 Oil system in the 06-07UXC buildings
XJX Startup air system
XK. Generator installation
XKA Generator set
XKV Generator lubrication system
XL. Electric drive equipment
XLA Assembled diesel-generator
XLA50 Alternative diesel power station

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Akkuyu NPP Project


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Akkuyu NPP
JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
A Equipment units
B Apparatuses
C Direct measurement circuits
D Control loops
E Processing of analog and binary signals
F Indirect measurement circuits (comparison with setpoints, calculation-type etc.)
G Electrical devices
H Structural assemblies of main and large machines (used only with codes of the
main group *M* and *X*)
J Nuclear engineering components

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
A. Equipment units
AA Valves, including drive, manual drive as well; burst rupture devices
AB Airlocks, manholes, and doors
AC Heat exchanger without a dedicated power source1) (except with ventilation
system plants and equipment)
AE Turning, hoisting, handling mechanisms, and manipulators
AF Conveyors and escalators
AG Generator sets
AH Heat exchanger with a dedicated power source and/or drive 2) (except with
ventilation systems plants and equipment3))
AJ Crushing plants, only used in technological process
AK Presses and stackers, only used in technological process
AM Mixers and blenders
AN Compressors and fans
AP Pump sets
AS Adjustment and tightening devices for nonelectrical quantities (only if the
actuator constitutes a united structural assembly connected with another device)
AT Cleaning, drying, filtering and fluid separation devices, excepting *BT*
AU Brakes, transmission gears, clutches, nonelectrical transducers
AV Incineration devices
AW Stationary processing machines, maintenance devices, laboratory furniture
AX Verifying and checking devices for maintenance of installations, laboratory
instruments and equipment
B. Apparatuses
BB Storage devices (vessels, reservoirs)
BE Shafts (only for erection and maintenance purposes)
BF Foundations
BN Jet pumps, ejectors, injectors, hoods, deflectors
BP Constricting devices, flow limiters, throttle orifices (not for measurements)
1 1)
A heat exchanger without a dedicated power source is understood to mean an apparatus heat transfer in
which takes place directly from a heat carrier to a coolant.
A heat exchanger with a dedicated power source is understood to mean an apparatus heat transfer in which
takes place with conversion of the energy of admitted medium into energy transferred to the medium for
which this energy is required.
The principles for coding ventilation system plants and equipment are given in Appendix Н.

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
BQ Supports, load-bearing structures, brackets, piping penetrations
BR Pipelines, channels, trays, air ducts
BS Mufflers
BT Stack gas catalytic converter
BU Insulation, shells
C. Direct measurement circuits
CD Density
CE Electrical variables (e.g. current, voltage, power, electric frequency)
CF Flowrate, mass flowrate
CG Distance, length, position, direction of rotation
CH Manual entry of information (e.g. fire pushbutton)
CK Time
CL Level (also media interface boundary)
CM Moisture content, humidity
CP Pressure
CQ Quality indicators (analyses, material properties), other than *CD*, *CM*,
CR Radiation variables, fire alarm leg
CS Velocity, rotation speed, frequency (mechanical), acceleration
CT Temperature
CU Combined and other variables
CV Viscosity
CW Weight, mass, force
CX Neutron flux
CY Vibration, extensions
D. Closed-loop control circuits
DD Density
DE Electrical variables (e.g. current, voltage, power, electrical frequency)
DF Flowrate, mass flowrate
DG Distance, length, position, direction of rotation
DK Time
DL Level (also media interface boundary)
DM Moisture content, humidity

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Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
DP Pressure
DQ Quality indicators (analyses, material properties), other than *DD*, *DM*,
DR Radiation quantity
DS Velocity, rotation speed, frequency (mechanical), acceleration
DT Temperature
DU Combined and other variables
DV Viscosity
DW Weight, mass, force
DX Neutron flux
DY Vibration, extensions
E. Processing of analog and binary signals
EA Control (free for use)
EB Control (free for use)
EC Control (free for use)
ED Control (free for use)
EE Control (free for use)
EG Alarms and messages (free for use)
EH Alarms and messages (free for use)
EJ Alarms and messages (free for use)
EK Alarms and messages (free for use)
EM Computer (free for use)
EN Computer (free for use)
EP Computer (free for use)
EQ Computer (free for use)
ER Reactor protection
EU Combined processing of binary and analog signals
EW Protection (free for use)
EX Protection (free for use)
EY Protection (free for use)
EZ Protection (free for use)
F. Indirect measurement circuits
FD Density

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
FE Electrical variables (current, voltage, power, electrical frequency)
FF Flowrate, mass flowrate
FG Distance, length, position, direction of rotation
FK Time
FL Level (also media interface boundary)
FM Moisture content, humidity
FP Pressure
FQ Quality indicators (analyses, material properties), other than *FD*, *FM*, *FV*
FR Radiation quantity
FS Velocity, rotation speed, frequency (mechanical), acceleration
FT Temperature
FU Combined and other variables
FV Viscosity
FW Weight, mass, force
FX Neutron flux
FY Vibration, extensions
G. Electrical devices
GA Junction or distribution boxes and cable penetrations (free for use)
GB I&C junction boxes
GC Junction or distribution boxes and cable penetrations (free for use)
GD Junction or distribution boxes and cable penetrations (free for use)
GE Junction or distribution boxes and cable penetrations (free for use)
GF Junction or distribution boxes and cable penetrations (free for use)
GG Junction or distribution boxes and cable penetrations (free for use)
GH Independently erected electrical devices (cabinets, boxes), control and
measurement units encoded according to the process diagram
GK Devices for presenting information and operative control in automation systems
(keyboards, displays, printers, etc.)
GM Junction or distribution boxes for low-current open remote communication
GP Junction or distribution boxes and distribution for lighting
GQ Junction or distribution boxes and distribution for power receptacles
GR DC power supplies, batteries
GS Switching devices if not identified by process codes

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
GT Transformer devices
GU Converter devices
GV Lightning protection and grounding devices
GW Cabinet power supply devices
GX Actuating equipment for electrical variables
GY Junction or distribution boxes for low current systems (not for open
telecommunication services)
GZ Supports, hangers, and bearing structures for electrical and I&C equipment
H. Structural assemblies of main and large machines
(used only with codes of main group *M* and *X*)
HA Parts of machine casings
HB Parts of moving machinery components
HD Structures of bearings
J. Nuclear components
JA Absorber elements
JB Fuel assemblies
JC Breeding elements
JD Throttle grills (elements)
JE Burnable absorber elements
JF Reflecting elements
JG Elements of volume, collection
JM Moderating elements
JN Neutron sources
JS Shielding elements
JZ Special elements

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Akkuyu NPP Project


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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name

- Electrical components

K Mechanical components
M Mechanical components
Q I&C components (non-electrical)
X Signal sources (definitions for signals depend to a larger degree on the applied
I&C equipment and are specified in Application Rules for a particular project)
Y Signal receivers (definitions for signals depend to a larger degree on the
applied I&C equipment and are specified in Application Rules for a particular
Z Interrelated signals (definitions for signals depend to a larger degree on the
applied I&C equipment and are specified in Application Rules for a particular
- Electrical components
-A Self-contained devices, complex devices, units, functional modules,
microprocessor devices for control, monitoring, and relay protection
-B Converters of nonelectrical quantities into electrical ones and vice versa
-C Capacitive elements (capacitors)
-D Logic elements, delay and memory devices
-E Special elements for which no special alphabetic codes are established, special
-F Protection devices (fuses, surge arresters, automatic (non-power) switches
-G Power supplies
-H Indication and alarm devices
-K Relays, contactors, starters
-L Inductances (coils and chokes)
-M Electric motors
-N Amplifiers and controllers
-P Measurement equipment, counters
-Q Power circuit breakers, disconnector switches
-R Resistors
-S Switching devices (selector switches, knife switches)
-T Transformers (non-power)
-U Converters of electrical quantities into other electrical quantities
-V Radio valves, electronic valves, semiconductors

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
-W Data transmission channels between computers, aerials, high-frequency
-X Connection devices (terminals, receptacles, plugs, clamps)
-Y Electric drives (not electric motors); solenoids (electromagnets)
-Z Smoothing devices; filters; limiters; compensators
K. Mechanical components
KA Gate valves, cocks, valves, taps, bursting disks, throttling orifices, end plates
KB Gates, doors, partition walls
KC Heat exchangers, coolers
KD Reservoirs, vessels, level (process) vessels
KE Turning, handling, hoisting and rotating mechanisms
KF Conveyers, feeders
KJ Crushing machines
KK Pressing and stacking machines
KM Mixers
KN Compressors, air blowers, fans
KP Pumps
KT Cleaning machines, dryers, separators, filters
KV Burners, fire bars
KW Stationary machines and processing machines for maintenance
M. Mechanical components
MB Brakes
MF Foundations
MG Reducing gears
MK Clutches
MM Engines (non-electric)
MR Piping parts, parts of technical channels, sockets
MS Drives, non-electric
MT Turbines
MU Transmission components, non-electric converters and amplifiers, except for
clutches and reducing gears
Q. I&C components (non-electrical)
QB Measurement sensors if not structurally integral with *QP*
QH Signalling devices

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
QN Controllers, centrifugal governors
QP Measurement instruments, testing equipment
QR Instrument piping
QS Level vessels in measurement circuits
QT Protecting tubes and sleeves for protection of vulnerable sensors
X. Signal sources (definitions for signals depend to a larger extent on the
applied I&C equipment and are specified in the Application rules for a
particular project)
XA Signal sources (free for use)
XB Drive control
XC Signal sources (free for use)
XD Signal sources (free for use)
XE Signal sources (free for use)
XF Signal sources (free for use)
XG Signal sources (free for use)
XH Signal sources (free for use)
XJ Signal sources (free for use)
XK Signal sources (free for use)
XL Signal sources (free for use)
XM Signal sources (free for use)
XN Signal sources (free for use)
XP Signal sources (free for use)
XQ Signal sources (free for use)
XR Signal sources (free for use)
XS Signal sources (free for use)
XT Signal sources (free for use)
XU Signal sources (free for use)
XV Signal sources (free for use)
XW Signal sources (free for use)
XX Signal sources (free for use)
XY Signal sources (free for use)
XZ Signal sources (free for use)

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
Y. Signal receivers (definitions for signals depend to a larger extent on the
applied I&C equipment and are specified in the Application rules for a
particular project)
YA Signal receivers (free for use)
YB Signal receivers (free for use)
YC Signal receivers (free for use)
YD Signal receivers (free for use)
YE Signal receivers (free for use)
YF Signal receivers (free for use)
YG Signal receivers (free for use)
YH Signal receivers (free for use)
YJ Signal receivers (free for use)
YK Signal receivers (free for use)
YL Signal receivers (free for use)
YM Signal receivers (free for use)
YN Signal receivers (free for use)
YP Signal receivers (free for use)
YQ Signal receivers (free for use)
YR Signal receivers (free for use)
YS Signal receivers (free for use)
YT Signal receivers (free for use)
YU Signal receivers (free for use)
YV Signal receivers (free for use)
YW Signal receivers (free for use)
YX Signal receivers (free for use)
YY Signal receivers (free for use)
YZ Signal receivers (free for use)
Z. Interrelated signals (definitions for signals depend to a larger extent on the
applied I&C equipment and are specified in the Application rules for a
particular project)
ZA Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZB Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZC Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZD Interrelated signals (free for use)

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Code Name
ZE Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZF Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZG Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZH Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZJ Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZK Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZL Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZM Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZN Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZP Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZQ Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZR Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZS Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZT Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZU Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZV Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZW Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZX Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZY Interrelated signals (free for use)
ZZ Interrelated signals (free for use)

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Structure of a functional and process-related code
Number of 0 1 2 3
code sector

Content of Entire plant Functional code Equipment unit code Component

code sector code
Name of G F0 F1F2F3 FN A1A2 AN A31) B1B2 BN
code groups

Preliminary designation
of system code
Numbering of similar systems or
plants included in the common
code sector 0 of power installation
System classification
Classification of systems or installations
by appropriate KKS-codes
System numbering
Numbering of parts of systems or installations
Equipment unit classification
Classification of equipment units, apparatuses,
electrical equipment and I&C by appropriate KKS-codes
Equipment unit numbering
Numbering of equipment units, apparatuses,
electrical equipment and I&C
Additional code
of equipment unit codes
Classification of components
Classification of components and signals or signal applications
by appropriate KKS-codes
Numbering of components
Numbering of components and signals or signal applications

Figure A.1

For the use of А3 code, refer ii. 6, 10 in Section 2 Agreed Provisions

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Numbering in an equipment unit code
АА – Valves

Numerical Kind of equipment unit

part of code
001–199 Stop valves (powered and manually operated), including process drains and air
vents relating to equipment and pipelines
Throttling devices for ventilation systems
200–299 Control valves
300–349 Valves in I&C lines
350-399 Valves in dosimetric monitoring lines
400–499 Structural pipeline drains. Fire and smoke dampers for ventilation systems
500–599 Structural pipeline air vents
600–699 Check valves, pressure relief valves (PRVs), universal ventilation duct closing
device (UVCD)
700-729 Fire hydrants
730–799 Reserved
800–899 Containment cutoff valves
900–949 Safety devices
950-999 Hydraulically and pneumatically driven valves (except the containment isolation

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

АВ - Doors

Numerical Kind of equipment unit

part of code
001-099 Wooden, metal, PVC, and mesh doors
100-199 Sealed metal doors
200-299 Sealed protective doors
300-399 Shock wave resistant doors
400-499 Fire doors
500-599 Gates
600-699 Hatches
700-799 Windows, louver grills, ventilation grills, easily removable structures, etc.
800-899 Reserved
900-999 Reserved

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

АE - Cranes, hoisting devices, and handling equipment

Numerical Kind of equipment unit

part of code
001-099 Cranes, hoisting devices, and handling equipment in the 10UJA (20UJA, 30UJA,
40UJA), 10UKC (20UKC, 30UKC, 40UKC), 10UMA (20UMA, 30UMA,
40UMA), 00UST, 10UBA (20UBA, 30UBA, 40UBA), 00UYB, 00UEL, 00UNA,
10UGB (20UGB, 30UGB, 40UGB) 50UPC (60UPC) buildings
100-199 Cranes, hoisting devices, and handling equipment in the 10UJC (20UJC, 30UJC,
40UJC), 00UKS, 11-12UBN (21-22UBN, 31-32UBN, 41-42UBN), 01UEK,
00UGD, 00USF, 50UPK (60UPK), 00UQW buildings
200-299 Cranes, hoisting devices, and handling equipment in the 13UBN (23UBN,
33UBN, 43UBN), 00UEJ, 11-13UEJ(21-23UEJ, 31-33UEJ, 41-43UEJ), 10UJE
(20UJE, 30UEJ, 40UEJ), 10UKA (20UKA, 30UKA, 40UKA),
01-02USK, 10UCB (20UCB, 30UCB, 40UCB), 01UYX, 10UMX (20UMX,
30UMX, 40UMX), 11-13UQX (21-23UQX, 31-33UQX, 41-43UQX), 03UGF
300-399 Cranes, hoisting devices, and handling equipment in the 06UXC,
10UJB (20UJB, 30UJB, 40UJB), 00UKU, 00UGM, 00UNE, 00UQG buildings
400-449 Cranes, hoisting devices, and handling equipment in the 00UFC, 00UGW,
00UTF, 10UBВ (20UBВ, 30UBB, 40UBB), 00UKX, 10UQA (20UQA, 30UQA,
40UQA), 01UYP buildings
450-499 Cranes, hoisting devices, and handling equipment in the 00UTH, 00UKT,
11-12UQC (21-22UQC, 31-32UQC, 41-42UQC), 02UYP, 00UXG buildings
500-599 Cranes, hoisting devices, and handling equipment in the 00UGH building
600-699 Elevators
700-799 Reserved
800-899 Reserved
900-999 Reserved

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

AW - Stationary processing machines, maintenance devices, laboratory furniture1)

Numerical Kind of equipment unit

part of code
001-199 Lathe equipment in the 00UGD, 00UKU buildings, laboratory furniture in the
10UKC (20UKC, 30UKC, 40UKC), 10UMX (20UMX, 30UMX, 40UMX)
200-249 Lathe equipment in the 00USV building
250-699 Lathe equipment in the 00UST building
700-799 Reserved
800-899 Maintenance devices
900-999 Reserved

Any digital codes can be used for laboratory furniture

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

BQ – Fastening equipment units

Numerical Kind of equipment unit

part of code
001-099 Supports
100-199 Reserved
200-399 Penetration blocks
400-599 Reserved
600-699 Fasteners for reactor plant equipment and pipelines
700-799 Pipe penetrations
800-899 Non-classified fastening equipment
900-999 Reserved

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

BR - Pipelines

Numerical Kind of equipment unit

part of code
001-199 Main pipelines
200-299 Reserved
300-349 I&C pipelines
350-399 Dosimetric monitoring pipelines
400-499 Drain and venting pipelines
500-599 Air ducts
600-699 Pipelines to sampling and chemical agent metering systems
700-799 Reserved
800-899 Reserved
900-999 Pipelines to safety valves and pipelines for discharge from safety valves

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

С. - Direct measurement circuits (except for CR)

Numerical Kind of equipment unit

part of code
001-199 Analog remote measurement circuits
200-299 For tests
300-399 For NFME
400-499 For the power limitation and control function
500-599 Local measurement circuits
600-699 Reserved
700-799 For MCDS
800-899 For reactor emergency protection
900-999 Complex measurement circuits

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

CR – radiation parameter

Kind of equipment unit
part of code
001-099 ADR or AEDR of photon radiation and neutron flux density
100-199 ADR or AEDR of photon radiation (in-situ monitoring)
200-299 Volume activity of airborne iodine
300-399 Monitoring of radioactive contamination
400-499 Volume activity of airborne aerosols
500-599 Reserved
600-699 Volume activity of airborne IRGs
700-799 Резерв
800-899 Volume activity of liquid medium or vapor
900-999 Reserved

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Correspondence between maintenance elevations and height elevations
Elevation Elevation
Height elevations Height elevations
code code
01 -100,000 to -8,010 50 +40,000 to +41,990
02 -8,000 to -7,010 51 +42,000 to +43,990
03 -7,000 to -6,010 52 +44,000 to +45,990
04 -6.000 to -5,010 53 +46,000 to +47,990
05 -5,000 to -4,010 54 +48,000 to +49,990
06 -4,000 to -3,010 55 +50,000 to +51,990
07 -3,000 to -2,010 56 +52,000 to +53,990
08 -2,000 to -1,010 57 +54,000 to +55,990
09 -1,000 to -0,010 58 +56,000 to +57,990
10 +0,000 to +0,990 59 +58,000 to +59,990
11 +1,000 to +1,990 60 +60,000 to +61,990
12 +2,000 to +2,990 61 +62,000 to +63,990
13 +3,000 to +3,990 62 +64,000 to +65,990
14 +4,000 to +4,990 63 +66,000 to +67,990
15 +5,000 to +5,990 64 +68,000 to +69,990
16 +6,000 to +6,990 65 +70,000 to +71,990
17 +7,000 to +7,990 66 +72,000 to +73,990
18 +8,000 to +8,990 67 +74,000 to +75,990
19 +9,000 to +9,990 68 +76,000 to +77,990
20 +10,000 to +10,990 69 +78,000 to +79,990
21 +11,000 to +11,990 70 +80,000 to +81,990
22 +12,000 to +12,990 71 +82,000 to +83,990
23 +13,000 to +13,990 72 +84,000 to +85,990
24 +14,000 to +14,990 1m pitch 73 +86,000 to +87,990 2m pitch
25 +15,000 to +15,990 74 +88,000 to +89,990
26 +16,000 to +16,990 75 +90,000 to +91,990
27 +17,000 to +17,990 76 +92,000 to +93,990
28 +18,000 to +18,990 77 +94,000 to +95,990
29 +19,000 to +19,990 78 +96,000 to +97,990
30 +20,000 to +20,990 79 +98,000 to +99,990
31 +21,000 to +21,990 80 +100,000 to +101,990
32 +22,000 to +22,990 81 +102,000 to +103,990
33 +23,000 to +23,990 82 +104,000 to +105,990
34 +24,000 to +24,990 83 +106,000 to +107,990
35 +25,000 to +25,990 84 +108,000 to +109,990
36 +26,000 to +26,990 85 +110,000 to +111,990
37 +27,000 to +27,990 86 +112,000 to +113,990
38 +28,000 to +28,990 87 +114,000 to +115,990
39 +29,000 to +29,990 88 +116,000 to +117,990
40 +30,000 to +30,990 89 +118,000 to +119,990
41 +31,000 to +31,990 90 +120,000 to +121,990
42 +32,000 to +32,990 91 +122,000 to +128,990
43 +33,000 to +33,990 92 +129,000 to +135,990
44 +34,000 to +34,990 93 +136,000 to +142,990
45 +35,000 to +35,990 94 +143,000 to +149,990
46 +36,000 to +36,990 95 +150,000 to +156,990 7 mpitch
47 +37,000 to +37,990 96 +157,000 to +163,990
48 +38,000 to +38,990 97 +164,000 to +170,990
49 +39,000 to +39,990 98 +171,000 to +177,990
99 +178,000 to +184,990

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Rules for coding embedded parts, penetrations, and reinforced blocks

D.1. Embedded parts for different functional purposes intended for passing process,
ventilation, and electrical service lines through walls and slabs are encoded beyond the KKS system
with reference to the construction system according to the following scheme:

KKS code of
Ordinal Additional
building, Design discipline
number information

Sector I
KKS code of the building in accordance with section 3 and elevation in accordance with
Appendix C.
Sector II
Design discipline for standard embedded parts in accordance with Table D.1:
Table D.1
Code Name of design discipline
AM Thermal process monitoring and automatic closed-loop control
EM Primary circuits of electrical devices
HM Heating and ventilation systems
RM Radiation monitoring systems
TM Heat-generating and mechanical systems
WM Water supply and sewerage systems

For the embedded parts of rod penetrations, the last letter in the design discipline code is
replaced by letter S.
For sealed penetrations, the last letter in the design discipline code is replaced by letter G.
Sector III
Additional information is not part of the construction part's code and is included in the
embedded part designation in drawings and in specifications for identifying the article according to
the album of standard embedded parts.

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Example 1
A construction embedded part for passing the pipelines of heat-generating and mechanical
systems, installed in the 10UKC building at a construction elevation in the range from 0,000 to
+0,990. The construction part number is TD1.
Example 2
An embedded part for the rod penetration of heat-generating and mechanical systems,
installed in the 10UKC building at a construction elevation in the range from +1,000 to +1,990. The
ordinal number is 0001.
Embedded parts of the same type (strips, tables, and angles) are encoded beyond the KKS
system with mandatorily presenting explanatory data in the relevant sets of working documentation
according to the scheme given in Table D.2.
Table D.2
Code of the base
embedded part length,
Conventional alphabetic Registration number of the starting from 1 (taken
designation of embedded base embedded part starting Dash arbitrarily with
part from 1 mandatory
presentation of data on
the drawing)
ТА N(NN) - N(N)
For example, ТА1-5; ТА2-1
D.2 Block penetrations are encoded according to the following scheme:


Block No.

KKS code of building

Code of height

KKS code of
penetration block– BQ

Ordinal number

Type of
penetration block – P

Ordinal number
of article

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Holes in a penetration block are marked and numbered according to the assignment for
designing the civil part in line with the design discipline code (see Table D.1) with indicating the
relevant information in the geometry drawings of building structures:




Figure D.1 Coding of a penetration block

The penetration block height elevation is determined from the top elevation of the slab on
which the structures with penetration blocks to be encoded are installed.
D.3 Rules for coding reinforcement shuttering blocks

The reinforcement shuttering blocks are encoded according to the following scheme:

Block No.

KKS code of
building (room)

Code of height

Reinforced block
name and
ordinal number

The following codes of reinforced block types are used:

– RW - a wall reinforced block;
– RS - a slab reinforced block;
– RF - a foundation raft reinforced block;
– RG – a reinforced block of inner containment.
For wall reinforcement blocks, their elevation in the code is determined by the wall lower
elevation; for slab and foundation raft reinforced blocks, their elevation in the code is determined by
the slab (foundation raft) top elevation.

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Example 1
The first wall reinforced block at el. -5,450.
Example 2
The second slab reinforced block at el. 0,000.
In coding reinforced blocks of the reactor building, the code of building (room) is selected
according to the following principle:
– UJA – reinforced blocks of UJA, UBB, UBP, UJE, UKA rooms;
– UJB – outer containment reinforced blocks, including the annulus structures;
– UJC – reinforced blocks of the rooms for PHRS heat exchangers;
– UJG – reinforced blocks of the transport portal.
Example 3
10UJA33/RW001 – wall reinforced block at elevation +8.140
The first wall reinforced block of steam chamber (UJE) at elevation +23,400.
Example 4
The third reinforced block of the inner containment at elevation 0,000.
The reinforced blocks of UJA are numbered in the range from 001 to 099.
The reinforced blocks of UBB, UBP, UJE, UKA are numbered in the range from 100 to
The reinforced blocks of UJB, UJC, UJG are numbered starting from 001.

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Cable coding principles
Cables are identified by a code consisting of classifying and numerical parts as
detailed in Table E.1.
Table E.1
Classifying part Numerical part

Number of power Designation of a

unit or «0» for normal operation Equipment unit
Functional code Cable number
common-unit system (0) or a code
plants safety train (1,2)

The following may be used as a classifying part:

 the functional code of the main process or electrical unit the cable belongs to;
 the code of structure (cabinet, console, or panel).
In encoding a cable connecting structural elements with different functional codes, the
classifying part of cable code contains the one of them locating earlier in alphabetic order.
In encoding a cable serving structural units having the same functional codes, the
classifying part of cable code contains the code of structural unit having a smaller number.
Power cables supplying power to group assemblies are denoted according to the code of
the assembly being energized.
Power cable bridges connecting two assemblies with different functional codes are
encoded by the code of the assembly being energized.
Power cables running from a transformer secondary winding are encoded according to the
secondary winding's code.
Control I&C cables and radiation monitoring cables are encoded according to the
measurement loop's code.
Cable groups are encoded using four digital symbols. The first digit of the code serves for
recognizing the cable application field, and the remaining three digits are used for numbering cables
inside the corresponding application field, see Table E.2.
Control I&C cables, as well as radiation monitoring cables belong to the field 5000-5999.
The rules for numbering control cables inside this field must be developed after defining the APCS
architecture and the primary and secondary circuit equipment.
In encoding parallel power cables, the numerical part of the code consists of four
numerical characters and one alphabetic character separated by «/» (NNNN/A). For encoding such
cables, capital Latin letters (A, B, …, F) are used after the separating symbol «/».
Table E.2 - Encoding of cable groups
Numerical part of code Name of cable group
0000-0999 Power cables > 1 kV
1000-1999 Power cables ≤ 1 kV
2000-2999, Control cables > 60 V

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Numerical part of code Name of cable group

4000-4999, Control cables ≤ 60 V
6000-6999 Control cables of the ULCS and special systems ≤ 60 V
7000-7999 Communication cables ≤ 60 V
8000-8999 Fire alarm and FP I&C control cables ≤ 60 V
9000-9999 Spare for control cables ≤ 60 V

Cable coding examples are given in Table E.3.

Table E.3 - Cable coding examples
Code Code composition
11BMA040027 11BMA – functional code (bus)
0 – cable type (>1 kV)
04 – cabinet number
0027 – ordinal number
11BMA040027/A When parallel laying of cables is used
10BMT110001 10BMT11 – marking of a transformer. Cable to the first winding

10BMT11GT0020001 Cable to the second winding

10JEB30AP0030001 10JEB30AP003-М01 – marking of a motor

10JEB30AP0030001/A When parallel laying of cables is used

11FAK10CP001 – code of a measurement loop
5019 – ordinal number

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
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Principles for coding electrical equipment

The principles of coding electrical equipment will be included in the Agreement after their
agreement among the participants to the Akkuyu NPP Project.

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

The procedure of using system numbering in the KKS code in the process part
for the Akkuyu NPP Project
Number of 0 1 2 3
code sector

Content of Whole plant Functional code Equipment unit code Component

code sector code
Name of code G F0 F1 F2 F3 FN A1 A2 AN A3 B1 B2 BN
Type of sign = (A or N) (N) AAA NN AA NNN (A) AA NN

System numbering
Numbering of parts of systems or installations

FN - the numbering is assigned according to the following main rules:

 the numbering begins anew if one of the code's preceding parts is changed;
 the numbering can be current and group-wise;
 the numbering can be with omissions;
 the once established numbers are not changed when subsequent changes are made in
the project;
 the numbering direction corresponds as a rule to the direction of medium and energy
 numbering is performed according to priorities (for example, main and auxiliary
pipelines) or according to a certain direction (e.g., from left to right and from the top down);
 different parts of a process system that do not have a topological connection between
them must have different FN numbering (it is considered that equipment breaks a pipeline route and,
consequently, the topological link). This is connected with the specific features of the SmartPlant
Enterprise software system.
Example 1. Permissible FN numbering in pipeline systems.

Figure G.1

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Sampling pipelines are usually related to the system from which a sample is taken to the
cutoff device, and after the cutoff device they are coded in the subgroup F 3, according to the
sampling system.

Example 2. Pipelines for taking samples from the main feedwater pipeline system.

Figure G.2

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project

Principles for coding ventilation system plants and equipment

Codes of heating, cooling, air conditioning plants, and ventilation system filtering plants,
as well as codes of equipment items used as part of these plants are assigned to them as follows:
a) codes of plants are written in the sector of equipment unit code using the following
1) *АН* with the digital range from 100 to 199 for heating, cooling
and air conditioning plants;
2) *АТ* with the digital range from 100 to 199 for filtering plants;
b) equipment items that are part of the plants, except with independent air conditioners and
split systems are also encoded in the sector of equipment unit code with the digital range from 001 to
099 with application of equipment unit codes*АС* and *АН* for heat-transfer equipment according
to the following principle:
1) *АС* for cooling equipment (air coolers);
2) *АН* for heating equipment (air heaters, including electric heaters).
Example 1 Ventilation system plenum plant 10SAC97AH100 consisting of:
- the 10SAC97AA001 air valve;
- the 10SAC97AT001 filter;
- the 10SAC97AH001 electric air heater;
- the 10SAC97AA201 control air valve;
- the 10SAC97AH002 air heater;
- the 10SAC97AC001 air cooler;
- the 10SAC97AT002 separator;
- the 10SAC97AH003 spray chamber;
- the 10SAC97AP001 spray chamber pump;
- the 10SAC97AT003 separator;
- the 10SAC97AN001 fan.
Example 2 The ventilation system filtering plant 10KLA22AT100 consisting of:
- the 10KLA22AH001 electric air heater;
- the individual aerosol and iodine purification sections 10KLA22AT001,
10KLA22AT002, etc;
c) independent air conditioners, including split systems and equipment included in their
composition, are encoded according to Example 3.
Example 3 Coding of the independent air conditioner inner and outer units
10SAC98AH110 (120, 130,…) of the ventilation system:
- inner unit 10SAC98AH111 (121, 131,…);
- outer unit 10SAC98AH112 (122, 132,…).

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JSC "Atomenergoproekt" Agreement on Using the KKS Coding System in the В01
Akkuyu NPP Project


Numbers of sheets (pages)

No. and date
Rev. Total number
Document of
of pages in Signature Date
Changed Replaced New Canceled number accompanyi
the document

AKU-AEB0001 Agreement 111

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