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Social Studies Lesson Plan

Group Members/Group Name: Adam Brady, Brittany , Gabrielle Ivey, Hanna___ ___________________
Thematic Unit Theme/Title/Grade Level: Significant Figures of Rome/ Grade 6
Group Weebly space address: _
Daily Lesson Plan Day/Title: Day 5 Attila the Hun
Lesson Length: 60Mins___

Rationale for Instruction

A rationale is an essential part of Attila the Hun collected tribute from Rome for decades while also pillaging the surrounding areas. Atilla is said to have
thoughtful planning of classroom contributed greatly to the fall of Rome and had he been successful in defeating West Rome could have changed western
instruction. This is a brief written
statement of the purpose for instruction civilization greatly. Students should know the impact of the barbarian tribes that surrounded Rome as well as the differences
and the connection of the purpose to in lifestyles.
instruction that has come before and will
NCSS Theme/Next -SS.6.W.1.1-Use timelines to identify chronological order of historical events.
Generation Sunshine State -SS.6.W.3.8 -Determine the impact of key figures from ancient Rome.
Standards/Common Core -SS.6.W.1.3- Interpret primary and secondary sources.
Standards (LAFS/MAFS) -LAFS.6.RI.3.7- Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in
List each standard that will be words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.
addressed during the lesson. Cutting
and pasting from the website is allowed.
You must have a minimum of 3
standards that represent multiple
content areas identified in this portion
of the lesson plan.

These can be downloaded from the

Florida Dept of Education
Learning Objectives - Students will be able to discuss the major impact that Attila the Hun had on Rome.
What will students know and be able to .-Students will identify the historical events during Attila’s rule in chronological order.
do at the end of this lesson? Be sure to set -The student will use information from the lesson to create a biography accurately depicting Attila the Hun.
significant (related to NGSS Themes,
CCSS, and NGSSS), challenging, - Students will be able to explain the differences of a primary and secondary resource.
measurable and appropriate learning

Modified 2/18 – Van De Mark from document created by L. Spaulding

Social Studies Lesson Plan
Student Activities &
Procedures -Students will enter the classroom to see a display of artifacts with descriptions. The items will be passed around to be
Design for Instruction viewed.(ESE) After the teacher will explain that these are replicas of some of the things you would have encountered during
● What best practice strategies the time of Attila the Hun.
will be implemented? -The teacher will ask if anyone has ever heard of Attila the Hun. This will lead to a brief discussion. The teacher can
● How will you communicate
contribute by stating that, Attila the Hun lived from 400- 453 and was the leader of the barbarian Huns. He forced Rome to
student expectation?
● What products will be pay tribute while pillaging and dominating surrounding areas. He never conquered Rome yet he contributed greatly to their
developed and created by students? fall.
● Consider Contextual Factors -Students will then be shown a brief video on Attila the Hun.
(learning differences/learning
environment) that may be in place in
Afterwards students will be given two Documents.
your classroom. - The teacher will then explain that document A is the closest thing we have to a primary resource of Attila the Hun.
This was written by Pricus three years after the death of Attila. This is a short read on the first hand accounts and
is considered a secondary resource. If it had been produced from the first hand accounts it would be considered a
primary source. Still it is the closest we have to a primary source we have for Attila since the huns had no know
written language.
- Document B is a short biography of the life of Attila the Hun and is also a secondary resource.
- The students will read the documents they may choose to read with a partner if they would like. Gifted students will
be paired with ESOL students for the reading.
- After reading the documents and viewing the film ask students begin a class discussion asking the following
1) What do you think Attila the Hun was like as a person?
A) Expected answers could be he was a barbarian.
B) A fierce ruler, strategic leader,, feared by many, Fair to his own people but not others.
2) Why do you think the Romans called the Huns barbarians?
A) Because of their lifestyles. they didn't settle the only keep animals and roamed. The also stole and collected tribute
from others to provide for themselves. They also were very cruel to those that opposed them.
3) Why do you think Attila stopped attacking Rome after meeting with Pope Leo?
A) Perhaps Attila was growing tired and realized he was not going to be able to conquer Rome at that stage in his life.
B) Maybe Pope Leo was that influential and was able to simply convince him to stop attacking.
4) What may have happened had Attila been able to conquer Rome? Would western civilization be the same?
A) If Attila had been successful he would have decimated Rome. The Huns would have left no trace of Rome changing
history as we know it.
5) Do you think document A is a reliable resource? Why or why not?
- After discussion students will then be given the chance to work alone or with a partner to create a Facebook page
accurately depicting Attila. An example will be provided as a guide to the student.
- The site the students create will be assessed and needs to include the following information to receive credit.
1) The site will include a profile picture as well as Four or more picture on the photo page depicting events or things
related to the history of Attila.

Modified 2/18 – Van De Mark from document created by L. Spaulding

Social Studies Lesson Plan
2) The page will include a minimum of 3 post with replies from Attila and the figures associated with him.
3) Included relatives of Attila in the about me section of the page.
4) A completed about me page including a quote.

● How will student learning be Unit Pre-Assessment:Students will participate in a group quiz with an app Kahoot the questions will be based off of
assessed? Authentic/Alternative the lessons planned for the week.
● Does your assessment align
Unit Post-Assessment: At the end of the week the student will all participate in a game of classroom jeopardy to
with your objectives, standards and assess their understanding.
● Informal assessment (multiple Daily Lesson Plan Assessment:.Students will be given a homework assignment that will later be assessed. The facebook
modes): participation rubrics, journal
entries, collaborative page the students will create in class will also be assessed.
planning/presentation notes
***Materials -, Document A, Document B,Take home quiz, Computer/Laptops, Pencils,paper, Example of facebook page.
ALL resources including but not limited to; internet sites, professional resources- books, journals (titles and authors),
children’s literature, etc. should be noted here. Citations should be in APA format.
-Price, S. (2016). Attila the Hun: Leader of the Barbarian Hordes. New York: Franklin Watts, an imprint of Scholastic.
-Medieval Sourcebook: Pricus on Attila the Hun 448. (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2018, from
From the account left by Priscus, translated in J. H. Robinson, Readings in European History, (Boston: Ginn, 1905), pp. 46-
-Dash, M. (2012, February 03). Nice Things to Say About Attila the Hun. Retrieved April 10, 2018, from
-Dash, M. (2012, February 03). Nice Things to Say About Attila the Hun. Retrieved March 29, 2018, from
-M. (2015, July 30). Retrieved March 29, 2018, from

Exceptionalities ESOL; Students with Learning Differences: I have selected a video that features highlighted captioning.This will be helpful
What accommodations or modifications for my hearing impaired as well as ESOL students. I will also incorporate gestures while speaking and allow my students to
do you make for ESOL, Gifted/Talented work together in pairs if they would like. This will help my students with learning disabilities and students who have a
students, Learning/Reading disabilities,
Modified 2/18 – Van De Mark from document created by L. Spaulding
Social Studies Lesson Plan
etc. difficult time reading and writing.
These accommodations and/or
modifications should be listed within the
procedures section of the lesson plan as
well as in this section of the document.

Modified 2/18 – Van De Mark from document created by L. Spaulding

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