Capstone Intro

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Capstone Introduction

Josh Wakelin
March 15th 2018

Music is much more than what meets the ear. Most people choose to listen music to get

through the day, to a variety of different genres through an MP3 Player, smart phone, or

other streaming devices, but it wasn’t always this way. The earliest record of music ever

existing that has been found is “Hurrian Hymn No. 6”. It was found engraved on a

tombstone in Turkey. The music was preformed with a full orchestra in 2009, and

multiple MIDI files have been created, converted to an MP3, and uploaded to video

sharing platforms such a Youtube. As with this, musical instruments have also been

found dating back between 42,000 – 45,000 years old. This data was obtained by

carbon dating. The instrument consisted of mammoth ivory, and was used like a

modern day flute.” Music listening is one of the most enigmatic of human behaviors.

Most common behaviors have a recognizable utility that can be plausibly traced to the

practical motives of survival and procreation. Moreover, in the array of seemingly odd

behaviors, few behaviors match music for commandeering so much time, energy, and


Needless to say, music has been around for centuries. But, what about music theory?

Music theory is defined as the study of the theoretical elements of music such as pitch
and rhythm, pretty much what makes a song musical and sound good. The so called

“father” of much theory would be Guido D’Arezzo (1000 CE) who was the founder of

what at the time was modern music theory. He created ideas which have since been

built on, such as pitch and wavelengths. Without the basis that D’Arezzo provided,

music theory might not be as incisive as it is today. Since this, other great music

theorists include Henry Cowell, and Ludwig van Beethoven quote ““Music is the one

incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind

but which mankind cannot comprehend.”

Music, and music theory as a whole has had big impacts on people around the globe.

The capstone products goal is to attempt to create an original piece of music whilst

using music theory and musical techniques. This Capstone will not only research

different aspects of music and different techniques of applying this to melodies and

tunes, but the capstone will also apply all learned techniques to create a piece of music,

as well as teach others how these techniques and theories can be applied to make a

music piece.

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