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A Mushroom is the fleshy, spore-bearing body of a fungus, typically produced above ground on
soil or on its food source. The standard for the name “Mushroom” is the cultivated white button
Mushroom. Mushroom designates the entire fungus when in culture or the thallus of species
forming the fruiting bodies called Mushrooms.
Mushroom production can play an important role in managing farm organic wastes when
agricultural and food processing by-products are used as growing media for edible fungi. The
spent substrate can then be composed and applied directly back to the soil. This publication
includes resources for entrepreneurs who wish to do further research. Many people are intrigued
by mushroom nutritional and medicinal properties, in addition to their culinary appeal.
Mushroom contains many essential amino acids. As a group, Mushroom also contains some
unsaturated fatty acids; provide several of the B vitamins, and vitamin D. Mushroom are
nutritious: They are a good source of B vitamins, especially niacin and riboflavin, and rank the
highest among vegetables for protein content.
This study will thoroughly show the steps of mushroom production, processing, marketing and
other activities done by a mushroom cultivation farm. And will also discuss the socio-economic
benefits, market risks and analyze the SWOT from an organization’s perspective.
Objectives of the study
The primary objectives of the study are as follows:
 To make a business plan for mushroom farming
 To asses the various aspects related with the mushroom business
 Analyze the SWOT of the new business
To understand the study better and learn the inside details some secondary objectives were
necessary. These objectives will add value to this study.
 To create awareness about the Mushroom among people
 To know and explore the cultivation in Bangladesh
 To make our economy strong by exporting Mushroom product
 To learn some important aspects like Management aspects- a controlled management,
Marketing aspects- make profit with consumer satisfaction, financial aspects- arrange the
financial support, and Socio-economic aspects- make people aware about good or bad
products with reasonable price.

Rationale of the study

Mushroom is a large reproductive structure of edible fungi, which is the most popular nutritious,
delicious and medicinal vegetable in the world. It is now one of the promising concepts for crop
diversification in Bangladesh. The climatic condition of Bangladesh is completely suitable for
mushroom cultivation. It does not require any cultivable land. It can grow in room by racking
vertically. Therefore, its yield as well as benefit per unit area is higher than any other vegetable
in our country. It requires short time, little capital and easy technique for cultivation. This is why
all types of people like male and female, youth and old even children and disabled can easily
participate in its cultivation. Therefore, it can generate huge scope of employment opportunities
for unemployed people. The raw materials for mushroom cultivation like sawdust, paddy straw,
wheat straw, sugar can baggage, waste paper, used cotton, dervishes etc. are very cheap and
available in our country and no materials are required to import from abroad for its cultivation.
Moreover, no chemical is necessary for its cultivation, therefore it is completely organic and
eco-friendly. Used substrate of mushroom cultivation is one of the best sources of organic matter
in the soil. Its cultivation may be “a lifeboat” for survival of the landless people who do not have
any source other than their houses and own labor. Its cultivation can transfer as a cottage industry
and create a good opportunity for export.

Methodology of the study

This article is mainly based on secondary data collected from several reliable sources. The sources
of secondary data are number of studies on Mushroom cultivation and various International
newspapers, and related articles. In addition, the data is also collected from assessments done by
NGOs, daily newspapers, different journals & articles, Wikipedia, NAMDEC websites and other
websites. The data are analyzed in aspect of the effects of Mushroom cultivation on socio-
economic stability of Bangladesh, economic opportunity, health benefits, environment and other
related issues. The findings of the study are as reliable as the authentic sources of data. Some data
collected from old sources due to unavailability of current data. The major limitation of the study
is that no primary data is involved in the study.
General Description of the Mushroom
A mushroom is the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus, typically produced the
climatic above ground on soil or on its food source. The standard for the name “mushroom”
is the cultivated white button mushroom, Agarics Bosporus, hence the word mushroom is
most often applied to fungi (Basidiomycota, Agaricomycetes) that have a stem (stripe), a cap
(pileups), and gills (lamellae, sing. lamella) on the underside of the cap just as do store-bought
white mushrooms. However, “mushroom” can also refer to a wide variety of gilled fungi, with
or without stems, and the term is used even more generally to describe both the fleshy fruiting
bodies of some Ascomycota and the woody or leathery fruiting bodies of some Basidiomycota,
depending upon the context of the word.

Popular Mushroom Varieties

Mushrooms varieties all around the world

Mushrooms provide high protein and essential amino acids. Low in fat and high in fiber, they
also provide vitamins thus stimulating the immune system. Eating two to three types of
mushroom per day can provide the proper amount of essential amino acid required by the
body. It also supplies high levels of protein and vitamins. Normally, one adult can consume
about 200-800 gram per day. For elderly people and children, 200 and 500 grams are

Mushroom cultivation process in Bangladesh

Most of the production of white button mushroom in our country is seasonal. The cultivation
is done using conventional methods. Usually, un-pasteurized compost is used, hence yields
are very low. However, in recent years, yield of mushroom has increased as a result of
introduction of improved agronomic practices. Cultivation of the common white button
mushroom requires technical skill. Apart from other factors, the system requires humidity,
two different temperatures that is-
1. Temperature for spawn or vegetative growth: 22-280C
2. For fruit body formation: 15-180 Humidity: 85-95% and enough ventilation during.
Substrates that are sterilized are easily contaminated unless spawned under very aseptic
conditions. Therefore, steaming at 1000 C (pasteurization) is more acceptable steamer.

How mushrooms grow

Compost preparation: Agricultural by products like cereal straw (wheat, barley, paddy, oat
and rice), maize stalks, hay, sugarcane baggage or any other cellulose wastes can be employed.
Wheat straw should be freshly harvested, shining yellow in color and should not have been
exposed to rains. The straw should be in about 5-8cm long pieces, otherwise heap prepared by
long straw would be less compact which may lead to improper fermentation. Conversely; too
short straw makes heap too compact to allow enough oxygen to enter the center of the heap
and lead to anaerobic fermentation. Wheat straw or any of the above materials provide
cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin, which are utilized by the mushroom mycelium as the
carbon source. These materials also provide physical structure to the substrate needed to
ensure proper aeration during composting for the buildup of micro flora, which is essential for
the fermentation. Rice and barley straw are very soft, degrade very quickly during composting
and also absorb more water as compared to wheat straw. While using these substrates, care
should, therefore, be taken on the quantity of water to be used, schedule of turnings and
adjustment to the rate and type of supplements. Since the byproducts used in composting do
not have adequate nitrogen and other components required for the fermentation process,
compounding mixture is supplemented with the nitrogen and carbohydrates, to start this
Spawning: Spawning is mixing of spawn in for optimum and timely yields. Optimum dose
for spawn ranges between 0.5 and 0.75% of fresh weight of compost. Lower rates result in
slow spread of mycelium and chances for diseases and competitors may increase. Higher rates
may increase cost of spawning and very high rate of spawn sometimes results in unusual
heating of compost.
Crop management after spawning: The optimum temperature for growth of A. Bosporus is
23 + – 20 C. Relative humidity in growing room should range from 85-90% during spawn-
Harvesting: Usually 3 to 4 days after opening the bags, mushroom primordial begin to form.
Mature mushrooms become ready for harvesting in another 2 to 3 days. An average biological
efficiency (fresh weight of mushrooms harvested divided by air-dry substrate weight x 100)
can range between 80 to 150% and sometimes even more. To harvest the mushrooms, they
are grasped by the stalk and gently twisted and pulled. A knife should not be used. The
mushrooms remain fresh for up to 3 to 6 days in a refrigerator/cool place.
Cultivated mushrooms vs. Wild mushrooms
Before eating any mushroom, one has to properly identify the specie. Every year, hundreds of
people become ill and some even die because they collect wild mushrooms and wrongly identify
them. Eating cultivated mushrooms remains the safest way for selecting edible mushrooms.
Selecting the right type of mushrooms for cultivation
Most of the cultivated mushrooms are from the saprophyte group; there are about 5,000 known
species but very few that can be cultivated economically. Select the most suitable type of
mushrooms according to your environment and to market demand.
Mushroom vs Toadstool
The relative size of the cap and stalk vary widely. Shown here is a species of Macrolepiota. The
terms “Mushroom” and “Toadstool” go back centuries and were never precisely defined nor was
there consensus on application. The term “toadstool” was often, but not exclusively, applied
to poisonous mushrooms translates as “deaths” or to those that have the classic umbrella-like
cap-and –stem form. Between 1400 and 1600 A.D. the terms tad stoles, frogs tooled, frogged
stoles, tads tooled, tode stoles, toodys hatte. The term “toadstool” is nowadays used in
storytelling when referring to poisonous or suspect mushrooms. The classic example of a
toadstool is Amanita muscaria.
Edible Mushroom Varieties in Bangladesh
The Chinese have cultivated the mushroom for centuries. Of the 300 edible mushroom species,
about 30 have been domesticated. Only about 14 species can be commercially grown because
of the difficulties in artificial growing. These 14 species are:
 Bottom mushroom (Agaricus bisporus)
 Shiitake (Lentinus edodes)
 Common oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus)
 Phoenix tail mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju)
 Golden top oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus citrinopileatus)
 Enoki (Flammjlina Flutes)
 Straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea)
 Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus)
 Money head mushroom (Hericium erinaceus)
 Wood ear (Auricularia auricula)
 Hair wood ear (Auricularia polytrich)
 Silver ear (Tremella fuciformis)
 Ling zhi (Ganoderma lucidum)
History of Mushroom in Bangladesh
Mushroom is a very nutritious, delicious and fully ‘halal’ vegetable having medicinal qualities.
Mushroom cultivation in Bangladesh began in 1979 with assistance from Japanese organization
JOCDV. Later, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JAICA) came up in 1987 with its
assistance. Mushroom cultivation slowed down in 1990 following withdrawal of JAICA’s
In 2003, the government introduced a Mushroom Development Project under Agriculture
Extension department. Different research works are being conducted under the project in
addition to providing, training on mushroom cultivation. Apart from Savar, this project has
activities in Dinajpur, Jessore, Barisal, Chittagong, Sylhet, Comilla, Khulna Mymensingh,
Bandarban, Rangamati, Chapainawabganj and Rangpur fomotivating people to cultivate
The genus Trichaptum, an example of a polypore, a mushroom without a stalk, fruiting on a log.
Main articles: Scorecard (fungi), Basidiocarp and Ascocarp typical mushroom are the fruit
bodies of members of the order agaricales, whose type genus is agaricus and type species is the
field mushroom, agaricus campestris. However, in modern molecularly defined classifications,
all members of the order agaricales produce mushroom fruit bodies, and many other gilled fungi,
collectively called mushrooms, occur in other orders in the class agaricomycetes. For example,
chanterellers are in the Cantharellales, false chanterelles like Gomphus are in the Gomphales,
milk mushrooms and russulas as well as Lentinellus are in the Russulales, while the tough
leathery general Lentinus and Panus are among the Polyporales but similar genera, are in the
Growth rates
Many species of mushrooms appear overnight, growing or expanding rapidly. This phenomenon
is the source of several common expressions in the English language including “mushrooming”
or “mushrooming” and “to pop up like a mushroom”. In actually all species of mushrooms take
several days to form primordial mushrooms fruit bodies though they do expand rapidly by the
absorption of fluids.
Size and Age
Though mushroom fruiting bodies are short lived, the underlying mycelium can itself be long
lived and massive. A colony of Armillaria ostoyac in Malheur National Forest in the United
States is estimated to be 2400 years old, possibly older and spans an estimated 2200 acres. Most
of the fungus is understand and in decaying wood or dying tree roots in the form of white mycelia
combined with black shoelace like rhizomorphs that bridge colonized separated woody. Yellow,
flower pot mushroom at various stages of development.
Analyzing mushroom business possibilities in Bangladesh
Current scenario in Bangladesh is Positive. Many firms and research centers are cultivating
mushroom in many places. Showers expects nearly 17,000 tons of output from other companies
over the years the initial production will meet 50 percent of the gross annual demand for
mushroom. People are getting health conscious day by day. A healthy person need 200-250-gram
vegetables per day. But 87% people of our country are lack of vitamins. So, mushroom play a vital
role in our country 50% of women and Childs are lack of vitamins and calcium mushroom can
prevent this easily.

To get a better idea about the possibilities of new business based on mushroom cultivation and
marketing, I have done a ‘PEST’ analysis. Which shows a good window of opportunity for new
business to establish and grow. The findings of ‘PEST’ analysis are as follows,

Political: The political scenario in Bangladesh is quite stable for years. Stable political atmosphere
is always good for business. The government is encouraging new entrepreneurs to establish new
business. Also, the banks are providing loans on easy terms for SME’s.

Economy: Economically Bangladesh is thriving. Recent data’s shows a healthy economic growth
is prevailing for years in Bangladesh. The purchasing power parity for the general mass has
improved. Bangladesh is now growing to be a ‘developing country’ very soon.

Social: Social scenario of Bangladesh has changed positively in recent years. The life status,
sanitation, food, health all aspects of social improvements are positive. People are growing more
conscious about their healthy diet and nutrition. Which opens an opportunity for new business
based on food production.

Technological: Technological advancements in Bangladesh has paved the way for new business.
More new technologies are available. People are easily getting their information from anywhere
in the world. This has helped to change the mindset of many here on ‘Mushrooms’. The
technologies are nature friendly and high productive which provides us better chance for business.

People in different classes are getting interested in mushroom. They are getting aware about the nutrition
and usage of mushroom. Retailers are interested in selling mushroom because of its high price. So current
position of mushroom business is in a good stage. And we will use this opportunity.
A description of my business
There is a huge prospect of mushroom cultivation in Bangladesh. It can play an important role in
eradicating malnutrition, one of the main problems of the people, and preventing diseases. By
mushroom cultivation, it is possible to alleviate poverty and providing employment for educated
unemployed, youths, adolescents and women.
For this study and better understanding of the organizational activities, planning, and processes I
have hypothetically formed “REDGREEN Bangla mushrooms”. The REDGREEN Bangla
mushrooms will be a partnership business organization founded by Mr. X, Mr. Y, Mr. Z.
The basic rules and regulation, duties and activities, an organogram of REDGREEN Bangla
mushrooms are as follows,
Name of director Extent of shareholding Position/Post
Mr. X 45% Managing director
Mr. Y 25% Marketing Manager
Mr. Z 30% Production Manager
Table: REDGREEN Bangla mushrooms organogram
Apart from this, some other posts will be created as per need. We aim to make one popular media
figure as our brand ambassador.
The important duties of the partners are,
 Justice, Faithfulness: True accounts, Full Information: Partners are bound to carry on the
business of the firm to the greatest common advantages, to be just and faithful to each
other, and to render true accounts and full information of all things affecting the firm to
any partner or his legal representative.
 Equality of losses: Subject to any contract to the country, partners are bound to pay the
losses of the firm equally.
 No private benefit: A partner cannot use the partnership properties directly or indirectly
for his own benefit.
 NO secret profit: If a partner carries on any competing business of the firm, s/he shall
account for and pay to the firm all profits made by him on the business.
 Unlimited liability: Every partner is liable for the acts of the firm done while s/he is a
partner. The liability is joint and several.
 Decision making for every possibility will be done by Mr. X, Managing Director of Fast
forward palm industry. But, every partner has some right to act on behalf of the firm. He
has express and implied authority.
 Each partner has a chance to write down, the name of his authorized nominee (Wife,
children, or third party). If anyone become disabling or in case of death, the authorized
people will get the amount of the invested money. As well as this contract will be broken
down. The third party will not be treated as a partner.
 If anyone become accuse of doing a bad situation, he must be punished based on the
intensity of the impact. If it is high, he should be expelled from the business and this
contract will be isolated.

Legal structure of the proposed company

The managing directors of the company select a structure about the power of selected employee.
The structure will follow a chain of command rules. Here manager will get the supreme power of
the company. But every important issue will submit to the board of director. Where Managing
director, departmental head and also advisor must have the right to give the opinion.
Mission of the business
A mission statement defines what an organization is, why it exists, its reason for being. At a
The primary mission of the business is to earn profit for owners. Other missions are added to make
the business more strongly based, well managed and properly guided.
The missions for REDGREEN Bangla mushrooms are as follows,
 To continue our strategy of controlled growth and through improved management to
continue to increase the net margin.
 To increase client satisfaction, through improved reporting, accuracy, timeliness and
estimates of cost and value, together with a better understanding of our Client’s needs.
 Operating the firm efficiently.
 Get the local market buyers attention by competing with other firms.

Vision of the business

A vision is a vivid mental image of what you want your business to be at some point in the future,
based on your goals and aspirations. Having a vision will give your business a clear focus and can
stop you heading in the wrong direction.
The vision for REDGREEN Bangla mushrooms are as follows,
 Obtaining large contracts from local markets and abroad.
 The meet the needs of local market demands by maximizing the production.
 Introduce some new breeds of mushrooms, technology in Bangladesh.
 To act as leader in mushroom business in Bangladesh.
 Create and maintain a brand value of REDGREEN Bangla mushrooms.
Financial planning
Financial planning is the task of determining how a business will afford to achieve its strategic
goals and objectives.
For REDGREEN Bangla mushrooms, the primary source of finance will be owner’s equity. Each
of the shareholder will invest a certain amount of money. Mr. Z will provide his land along with
his investment. The rest of the money will be taken as loan from Dutch-Bangla bank and IFIC
Bank ltd on 14% interest.
Name of Entity Investment (Percentage of total cost)
Mr. X 35%
Mr. Y 25%
Mr. Z 20%
Bank loan 20%
Table: Source of Finance
Bank loans will be repaid on installment as our profit will grow. Each of the investor will share
the bank installment as per their investment. Also, the profit will be divided according to their
investment percentage.
Production plan of the business
The scale of Mushroom production ranges from large-scale to very large scale. We have targeted
to produce 1000 kg of Mushroom per month that is 12000 kg in a year. To produce 12000 kg of
mushroom we have to invest around 20000000 Tk. (roughly) in total. For producing mushroom,
we have to set up the technology which would be followed by some specific works. For producing
factors, culture medium, feeding the culture harvesting, drying and storing the product. Our main
medium of mushroom production into build the environment where the mushroom will be
produced. We also need stew. water pump, industrial waste like wooden dust and husk of wheat
and rice, harvesting try, motor, etc.

Production process of mushrooms

Producing mushrooms is not like raising your usual garden vegetables. But then, mushrooms aren’t
vegetables. Mushrooms are fungi and do not contain chlorophyll, so while that means they don’t
need sunlight; it also means that they depend on an especially nutritious growing medium.

The first step in producing superior mushrooms such as those grown by Modern Mushroom Farms
is to create an ideal growing medium. White, cremini and portabella mushrooms all grow well on
the same medium. Pasteurized compost made from sources such as corn cobs, straw, hay, water
and nitrogen supplements fill the trays in which mushrooms grow. At the same time, under
laboratory conditions, mushroom spores are inoculated into sterile grain seeds to produce spawn
that is planted in the compost trays. Once the spawn has produced a white network of mycelium,
the mushroom’s equivalent of roots, the compost is covered with a thin layer of peat moss, or
casing, and temperature (about 60 degrees F) and humidity in the mushroom house are controlled
until tiny white rounds poke through the peat moss. This stage is called pinning and the farmer
knows that in 17 to 25 days (3 to 7 days longer for portabellas), the mushrooms will be ready to
harvest. The whole cycle takes from 9 to 12 weeks and since all the farming is done in dark,
climate-controlled buildings, we can have fresh-from-the-farm mushrooms all year round.

Some of the specialty mushrooms prefer slightly different growing conditions.

Oyster mushrooms need a little more humidity and fresh air than the white and cremini
mushrooms. The mixture of compost and oyster-mushroom spawn is placed in long, tubular plastic
bags punched with holes and hung up or set in racks so air will circulate around them. After about
14 days the mushrooms poke through the holes and can be harvested.

Shiitake mushrooms were traditionally grown on oak logs. These days they are produced by a
process similar to that used for oyster mushrooms except oak sawdust is used in place of compost.

Enoki mushrooms are grown in plastic bottles on a substrate of corn cobs, wheat bran and soy
bean meal. They are held at 45 degrees F and harvested after about 90 days.

Set up mushroom house and equipment

Description Unit cost Units Total cost


Shelf Tk.25000 10 Tk. 250000

UV lamp Tk.10000 10 Tk.100000

Water sprayer and accessories Tk.2000 10 Tk.20000

Packaging machine Tk. 2000 2 Tk.4000

Table: Production cost (Approximate values)

Some other overhead costs like electricity, land leasing cost, transport, marketing, labor and
administrative expenses will be added with this.
After production processing method of mushrooms


Cultivated fresh mushrooms are in good supply year-round. Look for firm, unblemished caps. The
mushroom’s surface should be free from moisture but not look dry. Avoid mushrooms with any
sign of mold.


Always refrigerate mushrooms. Loose mushrooms keep well in paper bags in the refrigerator.
Avoid airtight plastic bags because they will retain moisture and speed spoilage. Properly stored,
fresh mushrooms will keep for five days or longer.


Don’t clean mushrooms until you are ready to use them. To remove any bits of the peat moss in
which they were grown, rinse quickly with cold running water or wipe the mushrooms with a damp
cloth, paper towel or soft brush.


Mushrooms may be cooked whole, sliced or chopped. The stems of shiitake mushrooms and the
root end of portabella stems are often tough and should be discarded or used to add flavor to sauces
and stocks, but all other mushroom stems can be trimmed and used along with the caps.


Uncooked fresh mushrooms don’t freeze very well, but once they have been cooked, they can be
frozen in small containers for a convenient, ready to use addition to soups, stews and sauces. Just
clean, trim and slice the mushrooms; sauté them in oil or butter and cool to room temperature.
Then, package in airtight 1/2-cup or 1-cup containers and freeze. They may be kept several months
and are best if thawed in the refrigerator before use.
Product Planning
The different kinds of products are given below:
 Local product.
 Export product.
Local product:
Local product is for our country consumption, we initially produce our local product as main
product at the starting year. So, this product is very important for our company as well as
serving the nation.
Based on our season pattern we produce three times mushroom in a year-
 Summer Season—Straw Mushroom
Straw mushroom is only grown at summer season. It is very notorious for health & consume
little cost than bottom mushroom.

Straw Mushroom
 Winter Season –Bottom Mushroom.
This mushroom is very popular in our country as well as abroad. Its production is quite
sensitive & costly. We can only produce this mushroom at winter season.
Bottom mushroom/Button Mushrooms
 All Season – Oyster Mushroom.
Although it can produce whole year we emphasize a lot to here. Approximately our 60%
production is in sector. It is very much suitable for our climate as well people of our country
like it very much. Most of our business returns depend on this mushroom.

Export Product:
After establishing a local market, we are going to export our product in abroad. Our export
product includes our local type of product & some other product.
Such as;
 Oyster Mushroom.
 Bottom Mushroom.
 Shiitake Mushroom.

Shiitake Mushroom.
This is a new type of mushroom we produce for only export. As our plan for going to export
at third year of our business.
We are going to produce a fresh product we sell it in two forms
 Fresh From
 Dried from
So as form Bangladesh perspective we want bring some new concept in our product variation
& bring number of others mushroom in future.
Marketing planning

A marketing plan is a business document outlining your marketing strategy and tactics.

To market our cultivated mushrooms, we have done several analyses on the current market

Market Characteristics Analysis

Market characteristics defined the market attractiveness. There are some characteristics of market
that we to consider running our business:

 Strength of competition
 Operations ability required
 Market growth rate
 Social, political, regulatory and environmental factors
 Capital requirements
 Seasonal factors
 Competitors
 Market size
 Vital industrial ability
 Industry success and proceeds
Except these characteristics we found some new characteristics for mushroom specially—
 Number of lower level customer is higher than Mid and high-level customer.
 Traditional food lover customers
 Customers are unconscious about their health.
 Consumers are price sensitive.

People are purchasing Mushroom, from the local market since very short time. So basically, they
are our moderate competitor. People are getting mushroom and other necessary goods from these
local markets at a cheaper rate. But they can’t provide superior services to the customers. They
also cheat with people by giving them inaccurate quantity of the products. They are facilitated
with the whole seller and the producer of the goods and products

SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is a technique commonly used in business circles to assist in identifying strategic
issues for a company or organization. If the analysis is to be applied to visualization products
some modifications to the technique will be required, however, potentially it will yield useful
information about the future viability of various systems.
The predictive capabilities of the technique come about from the consideration of each
system’s Strengths (S) and Weaknesses (W) in the context of the environment which is seen to
present Opportunities (O) and Threats (T). The intention is to determine how each system will fare
in the light of changes taking place around it.

Our strength: 1. Quality

2.Our reputation

3.Better business knowledge

Our Weakness: 1. shortage of capital

2. We don’t have trained labor

Our opportunity: 1. Mushroom business is not recognized in Bangladesh. So, we don’t have
much local competitors.

2. It’s a very profitable business

Our threat: 1. Export and tax procedure may be changed

2. Price may rise

3. Goods can be destroyed by pests.

Marketing strategy
We have classified our market according to their class, needs, behaviors. We will satisfy our all
customers by different service. There are three types of customers. They are general people,
middleman, industry market. We have to capture the whole market. For this we have done a
marketing research regarding mushroom among people. In that research something is found this
thing are given below:

 Customers want quality products, nutrition at a reasonable price

 Our target customers are consumers, retailers, food industries, super store.
 As there are small entrepreneurs are in this business, they can be convinced to buy our
 There is not any popular brand of mushroom. So, customers are not so much aware of the
 Different kinds of promotional activities can help us getting a good result.

Target Market:

We have focused on all the classes. Our first target will be the local market. We will serve the
whole seller, retailers, super stores, and food industry first. So that our product will be quickly
promoted. Now market position is getting competitive. So, we have to prove that we are the best.
We will maintain our High quality. We will sell our product at a reasonable price so that customers
of all classes can buy our product. We will serve them in minimum time.

Marketing Mix Analysis:

 Production:

Product Uniqueness and Features: Our business product is mushroom, Mushroom is nutritious
food. It has some unique features. They are.

o For producing Antibiotic Penicillin

o Prevent Hypertension
o Prevention Cancer and Tumor
o Developing Immune system of child’s body
Mushroom is also important for Diabetics and constipation. So, people of all ages people can cat
mushroom easily. Mushrooms are great of benefits. They are non-calories, rich in vitamin B,
Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Thiamin, riboflavin niacin etc. They have been used in
medicines. Different types of foods are made from it. Mushroom fry, Mushroom soup,
Mushroom’s Jam, salad etc.

 Price:

Prices Strategy: Our cultivation cost will be 3300000 takas. And the overall cost will be 9000000
takas. Considering competitive price and amount of profit, we fixed 700 takas per kg. If we sell at
this rate, we can earn about 23% profit which is good for us. Other cultivators get between 600 to
800 per kg. So, we think that customers will get a quality product at a reasonable rate. This will be
effective for us.

 Place:

Our products will be distributed by a well-planned distribution channel. Our channel is indirect
but small. So, sell as a consumer product we will use a distribution channel. And as an industry
product. We will use another distribution channel.

 Promotion:

Promotion is the way to increase the cells of an organization. We will perform different
promotional activities. We can draw their attention to our product by promotion. We have some
idea to promote our product. They are:

o Advertising: We will do different types of advertisements. They are given below:

 Newspaper
 Magazine
 Television
 Radio
 Open advertisement
 Transport advertisement
 Leaflet

o Events sponsorship: We will keep good relation with public. For this we will be sponsor
of various cultural program or health conscious program. So that can we keep in touch with
public. We will gain publicity also.
o Personal Selling: We will do survey in market time to time. We will do different short-term
activities like free, sample, discounts etc. We also give more commission through our
whole seller or retailers from our other competitors.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Our main social responsibility is that we want to remove malnutrition from our country and for
this after expending our business we will take a plantation project to plant tree on road side. Since
this a new project so it will create employment opportunities, Mushroom removes malnutrition
mushroom particularly work in preventing discuses like cancer, AIDS, Kidney problems, diabetes,
hepatitis. help the poor student in their education and we will definitely concern about our social
responsibility. There is no negative side effect that may impact on environment. Mushroom is a
natural food & it can work in preventing discuses like cancer, kidney problems, hepatitis, AIDs,
diabetes. We do not use any kind of technology that may make environmental pollution. Our
business ethics would be maintaining good relationship with supplier by clearing payment timely
and providing them other facilities and maintain good relationship with customers by satisfying
and providing them timely a quality product at a lower cost, no compromise with product quality
maintain a friendly environment in the organization to work smoothly, always follow chain of
command in decision making and other activity.

Always give priority to the customer as our main concern is to serve our customers though we are
a manufacturing company. Not earn much profit as a part of doing social responsibility. And ensure
freedom of work to achieve our goal and new innovation. Our contribution towards economy is
employing such number of people that can make on effective contribution towards the action of
removing unemployment. And the people concerned with project will be more benefited
economically & at large it is contributing to the livestock portion of the total GDP of the country.
Mushroom cultivation offers several advantages
 Mushrooms can be cultivated on a small and large scale to allow personal consumption or
the start of a commercial enterprise.
 Collected mushrooms can be sold as a supplemental or major source of income, depending
on the size and number of mushroom houses.
 People with physical disabilities are fully capable of accomplishing all necessary tasks in
mushroom cultivation, even if some modifications in constructions and equipment may be
needed. Specific tasks may need to be done differently because of certain disabilities.

 Chronically ill or weak people can work in a cooler environment since mushrooms grow
under the shade. This reduces physical exertion associated with open cultivation as with
rice and small fruit.

 Mushroom cultivation can be performed by mentally disabled people. Several tasks

required are repetitive and can easily be learned.

 For people interested in experimenting, the range in types of mushrooms and cultivation
techniques can prove challenging and gratifying.

 Mushroom cultivation offers a wide range of activities most suitable for people with
various needs, diverse interests and specific capabilities.

 Mushroom cultivation can be started at a very low cost. In the province of Ubon
Ratchathani a mushroom house capable of holding 1,000 mushroom bags can be built for
as little as 500 Baht (US$12) depending on the creativity of the constructor and its ability
to use readily available and appropriate materials.
 Mushrooms can be produced and sold within 2 to 4 months.

 Collected mushrooms can be sold fresh in the village, on the local market or directly from
the Farm.

 Spawns or seeds and spawn bags can be bought by the entrepreneur at a reasonably low
cost allowing an acceptable profit margin. Thailand spawn is among the least expensive.
 Spawn bags can be produced for self-use and can also be sold, thus increasing the profit
margin and generating more income.
 Mushrooms can be processed into various types of food, which will give an added value.
(Mushrooms being highly perishable, they must be quickly sold or processed).
Edible mushrooms provide a good supplement to the diet in the form of proteins, carbohydrates,
valuable salts and vitamins. It is mainly the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) that
has introduced mushroom cultivation in Bangladesh in recent years. Cultivation of mushroom
has opened a new opportunity of earning extra income for a good number of small, marginal and
landless families. The greatest advantage for small, landless and marginal farmers is that
mushroom cultivation does not need any land. It can be grown at the homestead or inside a
house. Poor women can have extra income from cultivating mushrooms. Older and disabled
people can also cultivate mushrooms in their homesteads.
So, Bangladesh mushroom industry is consisting of above big to little firm. There is a huge
prospect of mushroom cultivation in Bangladesh. It can play an important role in eradicating
malnutrition, one of the main problems of the people, and preventing diseases. By mushroom
cultivation, it is possible to alleviate poverty and providing employment for educated unemployed,
youths, adolescents and women.

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