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Media Recommendation

ADV 613
Agency 318 | “Rolls”

Chandler Condrone
Head Ply-Count Inspector
Chase Condrone
Chief Engineer of Softness

Brandon Dykstra
Senior Absorbency Analyst

Kristen Paterno
EVP of Rolls
Meg Ramanan
PR (Plush Relations) Manager
Table of Contents

Executive Summary ………………………………………………………………………………………..... 4

Situation Assessment ………………………………………………………………………………………... 5
Business Objectives/Challenge ……………………………………………………………................ 6
Consumer Decision Journey ……………………………………………………………..…….....…. 7
Target Analysis …………………………………………………………………………………………….... 8
Lifestyle …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12
Media Consumption ……….……………………………………………………………………..…. 15
Target Insights ……………………………………………………………………………………..... 21
Positioning Statement …………………………………………………………………………….……….... 22
Media Objectives/Strategy …………………………………………………………………….….……....... 23
Communications Plan …………………………………………………………………………………........ 25
POE Strategy ……..………………………………………………………………………………..... 29
Conclusion ………………...……………………………………………………………………………........ 35
Appendix …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 36
Executive Summary

Consumers do not appreciate the affordable luxury of Quilted Northern Ultra Plush. They are aware of its quality, but
don’t see it as different from its competitors. Also, they don’t talk about toilet paper in general.

We will show the modern mom that some things are meant to be taken for granted, but that doesn’t make them any less
important. By pointing out the monumental things they do every day that go unnoticed (in a fun, clever way), we will
engage our target more than any other brand in the category. We will give them a reason to talk about toilet paper and
show them that QNUP is the brand they can rely on because it is a brand that knows what’s really important. Moms
don’t do it for the recognition. They want their families to remain blissfully unaware of all the work it takes to make
their lives extraordinary.
Situation Assessment
Industry Trends: Barriers:
● Household paper products market experiencing flat sales
● Experienced only 6% growth between 2010 and 2015. ● Limited differentiation
● “Consumers will remain focused on savings and value
when shopping the category however, so promoting the between premium toilet paper
concept of better quality translating to better value could brands
encourage consumers to trade up to higher-priced paper
products.” (Mintel, 2016). ● People do not like to talk
about toilet paper

Competition: Driver:
1. Quilted Northern Ultra Soft & Strong
2. Charmin ● High Quality
3. Cottonelle
4. Premium Private Label
Situation Assessment

Business Challenge:
Consumers want absorbent and soft. This product
Business Objective: provides exactly what they want. However, because
Increase sales volume of Quilted Northern Ultra Plush by
5% it is a low engagement category, they don’t know it
as any different than other premium brands. Because
consumers do not engage much with this product
Marketing Objective:
category, they do not often share about, and
Acquire 2MM incremental trial households
advocate for, toilet paper brands, making it difficult
to drive awareness.
Consumer Decision Journey
Moment of Purchase
Initial Consideration Set
“I would normally not even look at
“I go in to buy a specific brand, other brands and simply look for
know the brand, look for the brand. the brand I had in mind going in.
Unless something really speaks to
me, I ain’t changing my mind!”
Active Evaluation
“I recall my past experiences,
good and bad, with toilet

Post-Purchase Experience
Trigger Event
“I either like the toilet paper or I don’t. I
“Dang! I’m almost out of know right away if this is the brand for
toilet paper!” me or not.”
Loyalty Loop
Gap in CDJ

Need to influence them before they are decided on a

brand. We want to target our audience when they Initial Consideration Set
Trigger Event are taking a “moment for themselves”, ready to
“Dang! I’m almost out of toilet enjoy and share content. “I go in to buy a specific brand,
paper!” know the brand, look for the
brand. Unless something really
speaks to me, I ain’t changing my
Target Analysis | Definition

Target Definition:
But when you look at the coding below, you see a much clearer picture
of our target:
In order to code our target audience, we first reviewed the
target description provided by the client. These ‘pampered
PAYXTRZA = Any Agree “Worth Paying Extra for Quality Goods”
premiums’ were described as consumers that cared deeply CAREERZA = Any Agree “Look at Work I Do as a Career Not a Job”
about the quality of their products, and the quality of their SPENDTZA = Any Agree “I Like Spending Most of my Time at Home with
lives. These consumers are busy between their family, friends, Family”
and work. This busy lifestyle is rewarding for them, especially PROVKIZA = Any Agree “Provide my Kids with Things I Didn’t Have”
when those they love show appreciation for their efforts. INDGXTZA = Any Agree “I Indulge my Kids with Little Extras”
DIFFNOZA = Any Agree “I Find it Difficult to Say ‘No’ to my Kids”
We took this initial definition into consideration when coding INTOUCZA = Any Agree “I Enjoy Keeping in Touch with my Friends”
our psychographic into Simmons. We chose to code: CHINFGR5 = Far Above Average “Child Influenced Shopper”
CHINFGR4 = Above Average “Child Influenced Shopper”
As you can see, we included many attitudes that reflect our target’s
to any normal person, means nothing. view on life according to the client. However, we chose to add even
more emphasis on her family.
Target Analysis | Meet Amy

Our target is Amy, a Millennial mom who will do anything to

make her family’s lives better. Amy’s a go-getter who’s not
afraid to speak her mind, especially when her family is involved.
She excels at work and at home and always tries to set an
amazing example for her kids. However, Amy is not the typical
“super mom”. She knows she isn’t always perfect, but she
doesn’t need to be as long as she’s the best mom she can be.

She loves to share and is often seen as a trendsetter and

innovator. Her expressive personality and do-it-all demeanor
make her stand out, and she’s not afraid to do so. The people
around her respect her and naturally follow her lead. Because at
the end of the day, Amy is a bad-ass, who just happens to be
lucky enough to be a mom.
Target Analysis | Demographics

● Moms
● between the ages of 26-54 years.
● college educated (40%)
● household income between $50,000 to $150,000
Target Analysis | Purchase Behavior

Our target indicates that she is the main shopper for her household (90%) who is influenced by her

children when making shopping decisions. She tends to shop for household paper products once a

month (32%).
Target Analysis | We broke down our target into three lifestyle categories:
Lifestyle 1) Social Interaction, 2) Brands and Social Media and 3) Family Attitudes

1) Social Interactions: trendsetters & advocators

Our target is not afraid to express her thoughts and opinions to others
around her. As we stated earlier, our target is a bad-ass with high
‘mom’ credibility with other moms because of how good of a mother
she is, while also being (actually) cool. She’s confident in her
thoughts and she knows the things she says will add value to those
around her. She’s outspoken and not afraid of appearing
unconventional. Those around her recognize her natural affinity to
lead and even enjoy copying the things she does/wears (see adjacent

Also pictured in the commspoint graph, our target indicated that

‘having a good time” is extremely important to them. Similarly, to
confirm our findings that these moms like sharing their opinions, the
commspoint graph below shows that the majority of our target agree
with the statement “I like talking about what I buy with others”.
Target Analysis | Lifestyle

2) Brands/Social media: passionate users/followers

Our target engages heavily on social media as a way to advocate for the brands she
loves. As you can see on the attached cross tab, these moms often are the ones who talk
about what they see on social media networking sites in face to face conversations. This
is good news for Quilted Northern if we can increase our social media presence with a
message our target will find worthy of sharing in their face to face conversations.

And although the vertical percentages are not overwhelmingly high for the following
activities, it is important to note that our moms index much higher than average for:
‘Social media is a way to tell others about brands I like’, ‘I like to follow my favorite
brands on social media networking sites’ and ‘I am more likely to purchase products i
see recommended.’

This means our target uses social media not only to share her opinions about brands, but
also to keep up with and advocate for the brands she uses.
Target Analysis | Lifestyle
3. Family Values: family first

Our target, not surprisingly, has a strong attachment to her family; she
loves her family more than anything. For as much as she doesn’t care what
strangers think of her, she cares deeply about what her family thinks of her.
This feeling of intense dedication to her family is the core reasoning
behind our positioning. This mom doesn’t want her family to have to worry
about the little things around the house, such as the toilet paper roll being
empty. As you can see on the coded simmons crosstab, this mom has very
high vertical percentages and indices for “I enjoy spending my time with
my family”, “it is important my family thinks I’m doing well” and “ I like
spending most of my time home with family”.
Target Analysis | Media

What they consume: Our target is very media aware. They index over 100 for
magazine readership, newspaper readership, mobile phone usage, radio usage, tv viewership,
smartphone usage, and PC at home usage for the last 7 days. Their highest index of these
categories was with magazine readership. 72% stated that they have read a magazine within
the past 7 days, resulting in an index of 116.

Our target consumer also is just as likely to be a PC at home user as they are to be a
smartphone user. 76.7% stated that they are a PC at home user, while 76.1% declared that
they are a smartphone user.

While nearly 98% of our consumers are television users, they use the internet at a higher
volume. Between desktop and a mobile device, they are more likely to spend over 5 hours on
the internet than they are to spend over 5 hours viewing TV per day.
Target Analysis | Media

A general breakdown of their total time spent with

media during a 7-day period is shown to the right:

As shown, the media channel used most by our target is

television with our target viewing roughly 27:46 hours
per week. They tend to use a PC quite often as well,
when considering time spent at work and time spent at
home on a PC. Finally, they spend nearly 10 hours per
week on their mobile phone.
In addition, our target frequently visits search engines, educational
sites, and social networking sites. See Appendix for more
Target Analysis | Media
Why they consume:

Entertainment: Our target depends on media for entertainment. 58.1% of our

target stated that television is their main source of entertainment while another
20.5% stated that magazines are their main source of entertainment. Their index
numbers for these statements were 134 and 226 respectively.

Alongside that, not only do they turn to the internet for entertainment, but their
families turn to it for entertainment as well.

Even further, our target desires entertainment through the advertisements they
see. As shown, they index high for the statements “I expect advertising to be
entertaining” and “I like television commercials that make me laugh”.
Target Analysis | Media

Our target has a heavy reliance on the internet. They often use the
internet for the following reasons:

Answering questions: Roughly 90% of those within our target audience

agreed, at least somewhat, that “when I have a question, the first place I will
go is the internet”.

Also, educational websites rank high on their list for their most frequently
visited types of websites. (Their most frequented educational websites
included:,, and Being Informed: When attempting to be “in the know”, our
target turns to the internet. Roughly 80% of our target
audience stated that “The internet is my main source of
information and news”. If a new story emerges, they rely
on the internet to let them know.
Target Analysis | Media

The Simmons chart to the right helps to demonstrate our target’s

reliance on the internet for shopping. Our target indexed over 120 for
each of the descriptions listed.

Not only are they shopping online more often than before, but they are
using the internet for finding information on what they are shopping
for. 77.7% of our target stated that “the internet has changed the way I
get information about products”. Also, while shopping they will often
go online to find deals.

While they are shopping they are also more prone to advertisements.
With an index of 169, 48.7% of our target stated that “I remember
advertised products when I am shopping”.
Target Analysis | Media

Connecting/Communicating with others:

Nearly 90% of or target audience somewhat agreed or mostly agreed with the statement “The
internet is great for staying in touch with people”. This helps to support the fact that they are
active on social media and enjoy connecting with others through social media websites.

Our target are social sharers.. Most fit into the “mobirati” or “social
connector” mobile usage groups, meaning they were likely raised in
the mobile generation and phones are “central to their lives” and
they “can’t imagine life without them.” As a result, they index
highly for sharing with their friends and social media usage.
Target Insight



This woman, the momfluencer, is not afraid to break social norms. She loves the things she
loves, and she’s excited to talk about them, no matter how unconventional. And while she
doesn’t expect thanks for all the little things she does, a little self-aware humor and
recognition could go a long way. Because without all those tiny moments of mom magic,
life’s forgettably smooth moments could turn into minor disasters.

Therefore, if we target her with relevant, humorous content, she will likely share with her
Positioning Statement
Media Objectives and Strategies
Currently, the audiences are unable to distinguish Quilted Northern Ultra Plush as a premium
brand of toilet paper when compared with its competitors. Because toilet paper belongs to a low
engagement category of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), the audience does not
particularly engage with the content shared by the brand. Through our media strategies, we seek
to change this by encouraging our target audience to consider and advocate for Quilted Northern
Ultra Plush.

The objectives of the media plan are to drive:

We want our potential consumers to consider Quilted Northern Ultra Plush as their go-to brand
of toilet paper. Through our television advertisements, digital advertisements via search engines
(on desktop and mobile), online magazines, and funny, relatable content on social media
channels, we want to drive brand lift by 60%, improve customer reach by 90%, and ensure 60%
new web traffic to the Quilted Northern website. The six-month campaign will drive awareness,
change consumer attitude towards the brand, and increase brand recall.
Media Objectives and Strategies

The marketing objective for the brand is to acquire 2 million trial households. As we have gotten
our potential consumers to actively consider Quilted Northern Ultra Plush as their preferred
brand of toilet paper, the next step is to get them to purchase the brand. Utilizing the
aforementioned channels and in-store advertisements, we will increase sales by 5% over a period
of six months. We will actively monitor sales volume and customer retention/attrition to measure
the attainment of this objective.

Our ‘momfluencers’ love sharing on social media and view themselves as trendsetters. Once
they have tried and liked Quilted Northern Ultra Plush, they can strongly vouch for the brand.
Through active social media channels, we will increase user engagement via follows, likes, and
shares by 90% and ensure that the conversation surrounding the brand increases by 100%. The
six-month long campaign will monitor the metrics stated above, along with measuring the
volume of conversations across different platforms.
Communications Plan | Budget

We recommend allocating the majority of our $25,000,000 budget to digital advertising. Search, Facebook ads, and
online magazine ads on desktop and mobile will provide the bulk of our impressions while simultaneously driving
awareness, consideration, and advocacy.
Communications Plan | Reach

In addition to digital advertising, traditional television and in-store ads will drive reach quickly amongst our target
audience, leading to greater awareness and consideration by reaching consumers when they are being entertained or
before critical moments of purchase
Communications Plan | Media

Television will drive Search on desktop

reach quickly, and mobile will drive
raising awareness of consideration by
QNUP and our providing product
campaign among information at crucial
stages in the CDJ
our target
Communications Plan | Media

Facebook will
promote advocacy
through original
video content and
sponsored posts of
branded content on
desktop and mobile

In-Store Ads will drive consideration by

drawing consumers’ attention to QNUP at the
critical moment of purchase, highlighting
product benefits and value through discounts
Communications Plan | POE

We will use a traditional POE strategy

that cycles directly from Paid to Owned
to Earned media. Our paid media (i.e.
branded content and sponsored posts) are
meant to drive engagement with our
owned media (i.e. Facebook, Instagram,
websites) resulting in earned media from
our target: “momfluencers” who are
vocal, highly-influential brand advocates.
This will lead new consumers to our
owned media, continuing the cycle and
driving awareness, consideration, and
Communications Plan | POE
Media Tactics | TV Sponsorships
We will use TV Sponsorships in
comedic, informative
programming to point out how
underappreciated mom’s are for
all the small things they do that
are so essential to making our
lives run smoothly. This content
will drive awareness and
advocacy by providing the reach
of television along with shares
from online videos pushed
through paid social media

Satirical programs like Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (Index 140) are the best channel to reach our target
in her rare moments of relaxation when she is looking for amusing content that she can share with her friends.
As an example, we could sponsor a segment in which John Oliver encourages users to “forget about Mom this
Mother’s Day” because acknowledging her would just be weird.
Branded Content
We will use Branded Content on
channels like YouTube and Buzzfeed to
further drive awareness and advocacy with
paid, owned, and earned media. The
content would point out all of the things
moms do that go unnoticed through
parodies that make a big deal out of
mundane things. For example, we could
create a detailed YouTube How-To Guide
showing husbands how to change the toilet
paper when their wives are away or a
Buzzfeed listing all the “Moments of Daily
Magic” that happen in the home, such as
self-cleaning laundry and disappearing
QNUP Microsite

We will launch a Quilted Northern Ultra Plush Microsite as a forum for moms to “Share Your Mom Secrets.”
This space will drive consumers directly to our owned media by giving them a place to find and share helpful
tips or funny stories about the things every day to make their families’ lives easier. This will serve to drive
awareness of the QNUP sub-brand and advocacy by providing highly shareable, relevant content to our target
Campaign Reach
Because toilet paper is not a high-engagement category, audiences generally do not engage with advertisements or content put forth by
brands in this group because toilet papers are well known for not being consumers’ preferred conversation materials. Another big barrier
that makes talking about Quilted Northern Ultra Plush hard is that there are few distinguishers that truly separate one brand of toilet
paper from the other in the minds of consumers. Because of this, it becomes all the more imperative to rely on effective and relatable
content to reach our customers and stand apart from the other brands (e.g. trying to communicate a ‘fun’ message when the industry
standard is only 3/100).

Our target- the ‘momfluencers’ are go-getters, unafraid to voice her opinions out loud and views herself as someone who sets trends, as
opposed to merely follow them. They are not just fantastic career women, but also are great homemakers, who want what is the best for
their family. These momfluencers are voracious consumers of media for the purposes of entertainment, awareness, information,
shopping, and communicating. They are seen to be heavy consumers of television, magazine, newspapers, radio, and the internet
through both personal computers and smartphones. She is the perfect target for a witty, almost snarky message which simultaneously
recognizes both the rewards and struggles of being a mother.

As we want to show them that we understand and appreciate their moments of mom magic, we want to reach them through ways they
are more likely to engage in- television, online magazines, social media, and search advertisements. This campaign suits the personality
of our target as they like to talk about things they are passionate about, and the channels we have chosen facilitate that by providing her
opportunities to endorse her point of view, and providing her relatable content. This mom is more likely to be taking a moment for
herself, a much-deserved break, when she is watching TV or engaging in social media. Our content will put a smile on her face, make
her feel understood and even appreciated. Additionally, this plan is within the budget allocated and aims at delivering optimal results.
Simmons Connect
Facebook Audience Insights

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