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1/91 COO RA MRD SA NE Dimensioning Guideline

Network Engineering For internal use only

Norbert Łukasiewicz 15.02.2008

Dimensioning Guideline
Network Engineering
For internal use only, 15.02.2008

Antenna System
Planning and Selection Guideline

2/91 COO RA MRD SA NE Dimensioning Guideline
Network Engineering For internal use only
Norbert Łukasiewicz 15.02.2008

Revision History

Version Date Change Notes

01/AFI 11/07 First version of the document for RU10/BSS13/BR10.0

02/PRE-IUS 02/08 Review comments implemented

03/PRE-IUS 03/08 Additional comments implemented

IUS 04/08 Additional comments implemented



In addition to the author named on the cover page the following persons have
collaborated on this document:

Name Department

Grzegorz Lehmann COO RA GRD SA NE

3/91 COO RA MRD SA NE Dimensioning Guideline
Network Engineering For internal use only
Norbert Łukasiewicz 15.02.2008

Table of contents

1. Introduction ......................................................................... 9

2. Antenna system in live cycle of radio network ................... 10

2.1 Radio network dimensioning....................................................................... 11
2.2 Detailed planning of radio network.............................................................. 13
2.3 Operation and ongoing optimization ........................................................... 14
2.4 Network Extension...................................................................................... 15

3. Basic classification of antennas ........................................ 17

4. Antenna types................................................................... 18

5. Basic antenna parameters ................................................ 19

5.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 19
5.2 Radiation pattern ........................................................................................ 20
5.3 Polarization................................................................................................. 21
5.4 Gain............................................................................................................ 22
5.5 Half Power Beam Width (HPBW)................................................................ 24
5.6 Front-to-back ratio ...................................................................................... 24
5.7 Main lobe, side lobes and nulls................................................................... 24
5.8 Cross Polarization Ratio (CPR) .................................................................. 25
5.9 Side Lobe Suppression (SLS)..................................................................... 26
5.10 Tilt .............................................................................................................. 26
5.10.1 Mechanical downtilt .................................................................................... 26
5.10.2 Electrical downtilt........................................................................................ 27
5.10.3 Remote Electrical Tilt (RET) ....................................................................... 29 RET principles................................................................................... 29 Flexi Tilt ............................................................................................ 32

5.11 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) and Return Loss ............................ 33
5.12 Intermodulation........................................................................................... 34

6. Antenna parameters and radio planning aspects .............. 37

6.1 Antenna gain .............................................................................................. 37
6.2 Half power beam width ............................................................................... 37
6.2.1 Omni antennas ........................................................................................... 37
6.2.2 Directional antennas................................................................................... 37
6.2.3 Soft handover ............................................................................................. 39
6.3 Tilt .............................................................................................................. 40
6.3.1 Back lobe interference reduction ................................................................ 40
6.3.2 Optimal downtilt angle ................................................................................ 41
6.3.3 Tilt on high sites and in hilly terrain ............................................................. 41
6.3.4 Maximum downtilt on rooftop site ............................................................... 42
4/91 COO RA MRD SA NE Dimensioning Guideline
Network Engineering For internal use only
Norbert Łukasiewicz 15.02.2008

6.3.5 Tilt vs. human exposure to electromagnetic fields....................................... 44

7. Antenna diversity .............................................................. 47

7.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 47
7.2 Space diversity ........................................................................................... 49
7.3 Polarization diversity................................................................................... 49
7.4 Diversity type selection ............................................................................... 50

8. Co-location........................................................................ 51
8.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 51
8.2 Frequency bands........................................................................................ 51
8.3 Interference mechanisms ........................................................................... 52
8.3.1 Spurious emission ...................................................................................... 52
8.3.2 Receiver blocking ....................................................................................... 54
8.3.3 Transmit intermodulation ............................................................................ 56
8.4 Sensitivity degradation................................................................................ 56
8.5 Isolation between systems.......................................................................... 57
8.6 Antennas decoupling .................................................................................. 58
8.6.1 Horizontal separation.................................................................................. 59
8.6.2 Vertical separation...................................................................................... 60
8.6.3 Horizontally and vertically separated antennas........................................... 61
8.6.4 Decoupling measurements ......................................................................... 63
8.7 Co-location scenarios ................................................................................. 67
8.7.1 Separate antenna systems and feeders ..................................................... 68
8.7.2 Separate antenna systems and shared feeder ........................................... 68
8.7.3 Shared antenna system and feeder ............................................................ 69
8.7.4 Shared antenna system and separate feeders ........................................... 70
8.7.5 Examples of site co-location equipped with Flexi Multiradio Combiner ....... 70 Shared antenna system for I-HSPA overlay ........................................ 70 Shared antenna system in WCDMA refarming .................................... 71

8.7.6 Methods of interference level reduction ...................................................... 73

8.8 Example of antenna separation guideline ................................................... 74
8.8.1 Omni ↔ omni array .................................................................................... 74
8.8.2 Omni ↔ sector array .................................................................................. 75
8.8.3 Sector ↔ sector array................................................................................. 76
8.8.4 Shared headframe installations .................................................................. 76
8.8.5 Omni arrays................................................................................................ 77
8.8.6 Horizontal Space Diversity, Sectored Antennas - All Operators .................. 77
8.8.7 Sectored ↔ sectored array on same face................................................... 78
8.8.8 Sectored ↔ sectored arrays - adjacent installations ................................... 79

9. Tower Mounted Amplifier (TMA/MHA) .............................. 80

9.1 TMA/MHA principles................................................................................... 80
9.2 TMA/MHA types ......................................................................................... 82
5/91 COO RA MRD SA NE Dimensioning Guideline
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Norbert Łukasiewicz 15.02.2008

10. Diplexers and Triplexers ................................................... 84

10.1 Diplexers .................................................................................................... 84
10.2 Triplexers.................................................................................................... 85

11. Flexi Multiradio Combiner (MRC) ...................................... 86

12. Antenna configuration aspects.......................................... 88

12.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 88
12.2 Electromagnetic field zones around antenna .............................................. 88
12.2.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 88
12.2.2 Near field.................................................................................................... 88
12.2.3 Far field ...................................................................................................... 88
12.2.4 Fresnel zone............................................................................................... 89
12.3 Rooftop installations ................................................................................... 89
12.4 Wall mounted antennas .............................................................................. 89

Abbreviations .................................................................................. 91

List of Figures and Tables

Figure 1: Example of Kathrein antennas: dual band omni, single band sector panel,
triple band sector panel, tri-sector pipe, logarithmic periodic, bi-directional (please note
that the pictures are not in scale)...................................................................18
Figure 2: Example of antenna data sheet ......................................................19
Figure 3: Examples of antenna patterns for omni and directional antennas (sorurce:
Figure 4: Interpolated 3D view of directional antenna pattern ........................20
Figure 5: Polarization ellipse (sorurce: Andrew).............................................21
Figure 6: Basic polarization types (source: Andrew) ......................................21
Figure 7: Dipoles system orientation in vertical and cross-polar sector antenna 22
Figure 8: Relation between gain in [dBd] and [dBi] for the same antenna ......23
Figure 9: Half power beamwidth and front-to back radio (source: Andrew) ....24
Figure 10: Half power beamwidth and front-to back ratio (source: Andrew) ...25
Figure 11: CPR (source: Andrew) ..................................................................25
Figure 12: Mechanical downtilt kit (source: Kathrein) .....................................26
Figure 13: Mechanical tilt (source: Andrew) ...................................................27
Figure 14: Mechanical phase shifter (source: Kathrein) .................................27
Figure 15: Electrical tilt adjuster (source: Kathrein)........................................28
Figure 16: Electrical tilt (source: Andrew).......................................................28
Figure 17: RET system principle....................................................................29
Figure 18: Remote Control Unit (source: Kathrein) ........................................29
Figure 19: Example of RET system application equipped with TMA and Smart Biass
Tees (source: Kathrein) .................................................................................30
Figure 20: RET installation without Smart Bias Tees (source: Andrew) .........31
Figure 21: RET installation with Smart Bias Tees (source: Andrew) ..............31
6/91 COO RA MRD SA NE Dimensioning Guideline
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Norbert Łukasiewicz 15.02.2008

Figure 22: Flexi Tilt principles ........................................................................32

Figure 23: Flexi Tilt supports AISG 2.0 ..........................................................33
Figure 24: VSWR graphical explanation (source: Kathrein) ...........................34
Figure 25: Input signals (source: Kathrein) ....................................................35
Figure 26: IM spectrum of odd orders (source: Kathrein) ...............................35
Figure 27: Omni cell ......................................................................................37
Figure 28: 3-sectorized cloverleaf..................................................................38
Figure 29: Rhomboidal cell shape for 6-sectorized network layout ................38
Figure 30: Rhomboidal cell shape .................................................................39
Figure 31: Example for illumination of roads and highways using narrow half power
beamwidth .....................................................................................................39
Figure 32: Back lobe interference reduction by electrical downtilt and mechanical uptilt
Figure 33: Vertical radiation pattern...............................................................41
Figure 34: Electrical+mechanical downtilt combination ..................................42
Figure 35: Mechanical uptilt (site located on hillside) .....................................42
Figure 36: Maximum allowable downtilt angle................................................43
Figure 37: Example of power density distribution from single sector antenna 46
Figure 38: Uncorrelated fading signals ..........................................................47
Figure 39: Transmit diversity .........................................................................48
Figure 40: Receive diversity realized by 2 vertically polarized antennas (V) or cross-
polarized antenna (X) ....................................................................................48
Figure 41: Space diversity and polarization diversity .....................................48
Figure 42: Horizontal spacing of antennas and recommended separation values
Figure 43: X Polarization diversity (source: Kathrein) ....................................50
Figure 44: Frequency bands of GSM, WCDMA, TETRA and DVB-H systems in Europe
Figure 45: Spurious emission mechanism .....................................................53
Figure 46: Out-of-band reveiver blocking.......................................................54
Figure 47: Intermodulation mechanism..........................................................56
Figure 48: Isolation between systems............................................................57
Figure 49: Horizontal separation....................................................................59
Figure 50: Vertical separation ........................................................................60
Figure 51 Horizontally and vertically separated antennas ..............................61
Figure 52 Site configuration with separate feeders and antenna systems......68
Figure 53 Site configuration with separate antenna systems and shared feeder 69
Figure 54 Site configuration with shared antenna system and shared feeder system
Figure 55 Site configuration with single or dualband antennas ......................70
Figure 56 Shared antenna system for I-HSPA overlay with Flexi Multiradio Combiner
Figure 57 Shared antenna system for WCDMA 900 and GSM 900 with Flexi Multiradio
Figure 58 TMA installation on site and picture of double dual duplex TMA (Kathrein)
Figure 59 Double dual duplexTMA block diagram (source: Kathrein).............81
Figure 60 Reveive path (uplink) block diagram ..............................................81
Figure 61 Block diagram of MHA: Dual 850MHz 32dB MHA MDTA..............82
Figure 62 Configuration examples of antennas with variable electrical tilt (with and
without MHA).................................................................................................83
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Figure 64 Example of WCDMA antenna system with diplexers and DC Stops 84

Figure 64 Example of WCDMA antenna system with triplexer setup..............85
Figure 63 Flexi Multiradio Combiner ..............................................................86
Figure 64 Block diagram of MRC (FACB 850MHz/FADB 900MHz)................86
Figure 65 Block diagram of MRC (FAGB 2100MHz) ......................................87
Figure 66 Block diagram of MRC (FAGC 2100MHz)......................................87
Figure 67 Wall mounted antenna...................................................................90

Table 1: Mechanical and electrical tilt comparison (source: Kathrein) ............40

Table 2: Exposure limits for example countries..............................................44
Table 3: Example of allowable EM parameters according to the polish law ...44
Table 4: Centre frequency of GSM, UMTS, TETRA and DVB-H systems. .....52
Table 5: Spurious emissions limits for WCDMA base stations co-located with another
base stations .................................................................................................53
Table 6: Spurious emissions limits for GSM base stations co-located with another GSM
base stations .................................................................................................53
Table 7: Spurious emissions limits for GSM base stations co-located with another
WCDMA base station ....................................................................................54
Table 8: Blocking performance requirement for WCDMA base station when co-located
with base station in other bands. ...................................................................55
Table 9: Blocking performance requirement for GSM and TETRA base station when co-
located with base station in other bands. .......................................................55
8/91 COO RA MRD SA NE Dimensioning Guideline
Network Engineering For internal use only
Norbert Łukasiewicz 15.02.2008


[1] <Mobile Communications Design Fundamentals>

<W.C. Y. Lee>
<Wiley-Interscience, 1993>
[2] <Antenna Engineering Handbook>
<McGraw-Hill, 1993>
[3] <Modern Antenna Design>
<T.A. Milligan>
<Wiley-Interscience, 2005>
[4] <Introduction to RF Propagation>
<J.S. Seybold>
<Wiley-Interscience, 2005>
[5] <Collocation of digital TV DVB-H and GSM/UMTS/TETRA systems>
[6] <Co-location and antenna issues, PMN0 for UMR 2.0 and 3.0>
<A.Szulc, T. Oishi>
[7] <DVB-H Link Budget and EMC Manual >
[8] <Recommended Antenna List RU10/BSS13/BR10.0>
<N.Łukasiewicz, G.Lehmann>
[9] <3GPP TS 25.104 BS Radio transmission and reception FDD (Rel. 6) >
[10] <3GPP TS 05.05 Technical Specification Group GSM/EDGE Radio Access
Network; Radio transmission and reception (V. 8.20.0) >
[11] <Antenna catalogue 2007 and technical information at>
[12] <Antenna catalogue 2007 at>
9/91 COO RA MRD SA NE Dimensioning Guideline
Network Engineering For internal use only
Norbert Łukasiewicz 15.02.2008

1. Introduction
The antenna is a passive linear component used among other things in a mobile
communication system. It radiates and receives radio waves with the same directional
properties. Moreover, the antenna is the transformer between the transmitter and
receiver circuits and the outside radio wave propagation medium. Hence, the antenna is
a radiator and a directional filter for the radiated waves, as well as an RF component in
the transmitter and in the receiver circuits.

The antenna system planning and selection guideline is intended to provide the basic
information about antenna system planning related issues for the WCDMA and GSM
radio access network. This release of this document is focused on the antenna systems
applied in the macro layer.

The document describes the basic antenna parameters and their radio planning related
aspects, antenna diversity, co-location and configuration issues. In addition the
principles and specific product solution of the Mast Head Amplifier (MHA/TMA),
diplexers/triplexes and Flexi BTS related components are contained in the document.

Information contained in this document can be used by the radio planners during the
network dimensioning phase as well as in the radio planning and optimization of the
real radio network.
10/91 COO RA MRD SA NE Dimensioning Guideline
Network Engineering For internal use only
Norbert Łukasiewicz 15.02.2008

2. Antenna system in live cycle of radio network

The live cycle of radio network consists of the following phases:

• Network definition
• Network dimensioning
• Detailed planning
• Rollout and initial optimization
• Operation and ongoing optimization
• Network extension

The life cycle of radio network is illustrated in the Figure 1.

Figure 1: Live cycle of radio network

11/91 COO RA MRD SA NE Dimensioning Guideline
Network Engineering For internal use only
Norbert Łukasiewicz 15.02.2008

The different aspects of antenna system planning and selection are dominating at the
different stages of the radio network planning and optimization process. The following
subchapters briefly describe those aspects providing a reference to further chapters of
this document.

2.1 Radio network dimensioning

The goal of the radio network dimensioning process (offer planning) is to provide a
lower limiting number of network elements with corresponding configurations required to
provide given services for required traffic in service area with certain quality. Usually
one of the first basic steps of the dimensioning is the link budget calculation based on
the tender requirements. In the link budget tool the following antenna system related
parameters are taken into account, those determine the antenna type to be selected:

Parameter Default values recommended for dimensioning

Gain Flexi BTS and Ultra BTS

Macro (1900÷2000) MHz

Standard gain antenna High gain antenna

18,5dBi (3 sector site) 21dBi (3 sector site)

21dBi (2 sector site for Road) -
21,5dBi (6 sector site) 22,5dBi (6 sector site)
13dBi (omni site) -

Macro (850÷900) MHz

Standard gain antenna High gain antenna

18,0dBi (3 sector site) -

16,8dBi (2 sector site for Road) -
18,1dBi (6 sector site) -
12,1dBi (omni site) -

Macro (2000) MHz

Standard gain antenna High gain antenna

18,5dBi (3 sector site) 21,0dBi (3 sector site)

21,0dBi (2 sector site for Road) -
21,5dBi (6 sector site) 22,5Bi (6 sector site)
13,0dBi (omni site) -

Micro (2000) MHz

Standard gain antenna

7dBi or 5dBi (sector site)

2dBi (omni site)
12/91 COO RA MRD SA NE Dimensioning Guideline
Network Engineering For internal use only
Norbert Łukasiewicz 15.02.2008

Macro (1900) MHz

Standard gain antenna High gain antenna

18,0dBi (3 sector site) 20,7dBi (3 sector site)

21,0dBi (2 sector site for Road) -
21,0dBi (6 sector site) 22,0dBi (6 sector site)
13,0dBi (omni site) -

Macro (850÷900) MHz

Standard gain antenna High gain antenna

18,0dBi (3 sector site) -

16,8dBi (2 sector site for Road) -
18,1dBi (6 sector site) -
12,1dBi (omni site) -

Number of supported frequency bands Depending on the tender requirements: single or


Sectorization/Beamwidth/Site layout 3 sector site/≥60º and ≤90º/cloverleaf

3 sector site/~120º/rhomboidal
Omni site/360º/rhomboidal
6 sector site/~45º/rhomboidal

Feeder loss Ultrasite: 2dB

Flexi: 0,5dB
 Dense urban: 2dB
 Urban: 2dB
 Suburban: 2dB
 Rural: 3dB
 Road: 3dB
Micro: 1dB
RRH: 0,5dB

Antenna Height per Deployment Class Basic/Mature/High End:

 Dense urban: 30m/30m/30m
 Urban: 30m/30m/30m
 Suburban: 30m/30m/30m
 Rural: 50m/30m/30m
 Road: 30m/30m/30m

Antenna diversity Receive diversity gain to be taken into account in the

uplink calculation.
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Norbert Łukasiewicz 15.02.2008

TMA gain/loss If the TMA is used then the NodeB noise figure value to be
adapted accordingly (uplink) and insertion loss in the
downlink calculation.

For more information regarding those parameters please refer to chapters 5, 6, 7, 9 and
Air Interface Dimensioning guideline.
For default specific antenna system related parameters and remaining parameters
recommended for the dimesioning please refer to corresponding Annexes for Flexi/Ultra
BTS and Node/RRH accordingly.

Apart from the mentioned above parameters in the specific tender cases other antenna
properties need to be considered by planner when antenna type is selected for the
offer. In case of offers where the sites to be shared with other operator the co-location
aspects should be taken into account. The antenna types chosen for co-located site
and its configuration should provide required isolation. For additional information
regarding site co-location aspects please refer to the chapter 8.

If the antenna system to be shared with other operator or technology then apart from
the co-location aspects the number of simultanously supported frequency bands by
antenna and e.g. support of separate electrical tilt per frequency band need to be

In addition the application of the RET system (Remote Electrical Tilt) should be
considered. If there is no mandatory requirements for the RET system, it can be offered
as an optional solution. From the operator perspective the RET offers advantages like
fast integration of a new launched sites with the existing network and remote radio
network optimization without intervention of maintanance team. In consequence it helps
to reduce OPEX. However an additional investments are needed at the beginning. For
more information regarding the RET system please refer to chapter 5. For antenna
types supporting the RET system please refer to document Recommended Antenna
List [8].

At the offer preparation stage the antenna price should be taken into account when the
antenna types are selected. It is recommended to use antennas contained in the global
NSN antennas portfolio. For recommended specific antenna types and their relative
prices please refer to corresponding document Recommended Antenna List [8].

2.2 Detailed planning of radio network

Usually the next step in the radio planning process is a detailed planning. Then the site
selection and its detailed configuration take place. This stage precedes the site roll-out
phase or is implemented in parallel.

Sometimes the detailed planning is also needed at the offer preparation stage as
requirements provided by the tender. Then a number of network elements, their
geographical deployment and corresponding detailed sites/cells configuration are to be
provided in the offer.
14/91 COO RA MRD SA NE Dimensioning Guideline
Network Engineering For internal use only
Norbert Łukasiewicz 15.02.2008

At this stage the radio network planning and automatic cell planning tools like the
NetAct Planner and the ACORN can effectively support the offer preparation process.
Apart from the antenna system related parameters used by the link budget, those tools
use in addition detailed information about azimuth, height, electrical and/or mechanical
tilt and corresponding horizontal and vertical antenna pattern. For more information
regarding those parameters and the planning aspects please refer to the chapters 5
and 6. During detailed planning the automatic cell planning tools can significantly
improve the network performance by optimal selection of the tilt, azimuth, pilot power
and antenna type, in consequence helping to prepare more competitive offer.

One of important antenna parameter to be considered during detailed planning is

antenna height (in terms of physical antenna dimension), that is determined by the
following aspects:

• Planning assumption
• Site construction
• Available space
• Visual effect

In dense urban, urban and suburban area, where dominates the rooftop installations
and site-to site distance is relatively short, the antenna height is usually up to 1,5m.
Whereas in the rural area and along the roads, where dominating site type is tower
usually are applied antennas with height up to 3m. Nevertheless during planning each
site should be considered separately when the height aspect is considered.

In case of site constructions where antenna to be installed on the wall and the visual
aspect is important the flat panel antenna is recommended.

In case of detailed planning for the shared sites the co-location aspect is very important.
Also it is important when considering planning of 3G sites based on the existing 2G site
locations. In this case the application of the multiband antennas should be considered
during planning.

For more information please refer to the chapter 6, 8, 12 and corresponding document
Recommended Antenna List [8].

2.3 Operation and ongoing optimization

The performance of living network is verified based on analysis of network and drive
tests statistics as well as on the customer’s complaints. The main KPIs are evaluated
and in case of problems optimization actions are performed. Most of coverage and
interference problems (e.g. pilot pollution, overshooting) can be solved by detailed
analysis of the antenna systems configuration. The following actions can be carefully

• Antenna tilt adjustment (electrical or/and mechanical) to limit/enhance the coverage

15/91 COO RA MRD SA NE Dimensioning Guideline
Network Engineering For internal use only
Norbert Łukasiewicz 15.02.2008

• Antenna type exchange in order to provide wider (wider antenna horizontal

beamwidth) or narrower (narrower antenna horizontal beamwidth) coverage
depending on needs.
This solution leads to additional installation costs and change of the antenna type
usually requires a new building permission.

• Antenna azimuth change to improve coverage in a new direction. Coverage is

degradated in the main direction but is improved in a new direction. If the rooftop site
is considered the antenna near field radiation aspects need to be analysed.
In this case also a new building permission is usually required.

• Antenna location on site/mast change. Incorrect antenna configuration like to low

antenna height over the rooftop, interferences caused by the antenna back lobe
pattern, obstructions in the near antenna part or interferences caused by co-located
site can have significant impact on the network perfomance. In order to solve it the
antenna location to be changed.

For detailed information regarding mentioned above topics please refer to chapter 6, 8,
and 12.

2.4 Network Extension

If the traffic grows up continuously then at certain stage the network capacity can be
exhausted causing degradation of the quality of service. In this case the network needs
to be extended. There are several coverage and capacity expansion techniques
available that are related to the antenna system e.g.:

• Increasing number of sectors.

The existing site can be reconfigured e.g. from 3 sectors site to 6 sectors site. This
solution leads to coverage and capacity improvement. If number of sectors is
increased then the antennas with narrower horizontal beamwidth are to be applied.
After site reconfiguration the tilts of antennas have to be adjusted accordingly. In case
of site co-location scenario a new configuration should be studied carrefully with
respect to decoupling and interference aspects. In addtion if the rooftop site to be
extended the special attention should be given to the human exposure to the
electromagnetic fields aspects. The reconfigured site needs tob integrated with the
existing newtork by appropriate configuration of the antenna system and radio
The disadvantage of this capacity/coverage extension method is an additional cost of
the equipment and site acquisition (usually a new building permission is required).
Sometimes an existing site construction characteristic is limited to extisting antenna
system and additional antennas reguire building from scratch a new construction, what
leads to additional costs.

• Extension by adding a new site.

In this case a new configured site is built from scratch. The antenna types and site
configuration should be selected according to use case. In order to integrate a new
site with the existing network the antennas system configuration of new site and
antenna systems of neighbouring sites should be adapted to the existing network. In
case of co-siting the co-location aspecs need to be considered carrefully. The installed
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RET system (Remote Electrical Tilt) is very helpful to obtain quick integration of a new
site by remote optimal tilt adjustment.

• Adding micro or/and pico cells.

In the hot spot areas the micro/pico cells are installed. The part of traffic is taken over
by micro/pico site from the macro site.
The antenna types recommended for the micro cells are characterized by smaller
dimensions (gain) in comparison with antennas installed on regular sites. The
directional antennas are usually used with gain from 7dBi do 15dBi. In special cases
where available space for the antenna is limited or visual aspect is dominating the bi-
directional antenna can be used in order to provide the coverage e.g. along the street.
For more information regarding mentioned above aspects please refer to the chapters
6, 8 and 12 and Recommended Antenna List [8].
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3. Basic classification of antennas

In general there are two basic base station antenna types that are applied in the macro
layer of mobile networks: omni-directional antennas (omni antennas) and directional
antennas (sector antennas).

Omni-directional antennas are characterized by a uniform radiation pattern in horizontal

direction (constant gain) and non-uniform vertical pattern. Maximum gain values are up
to 11 dBi depending on the antenna height (e.g. ~3m). Omni antennas are usually
applied at the low capacity base stations that are located in open area (e.g. rural).

Sector antennas are characterized by non-uniform horizontal and vertical pattern where
radiation power concentrated in one direction. The sector antennas have significantly
higher gain in comparison with omni-directional antennas. Depending on the horizontal
beam width and construction the sector antennas can achieve gain up to 21dBi (e.g.
ultra high gain antenna with 65º horizontal beam width). The directional antennas
provide better coverage conditions and due to the shape of directional antenna
radiation pattern they help to control interference situation in cellular network. In general
less level of interference helps to obtain higher capacity in the network. Most of base
stations located in suburban, urban and dense urban environment are equipped with
the sector antennas to achieve higher capacity.
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4. Antenna types
The available on the market base station antenna types can be grouped with respect to
different parameters presented in the following table:

 quasi omni-direcional (e.g. tri-sector pipe antenna)
shape of horizontal diagram
 directional (sector)
 cross-polarized (±45º or X-polarized)
 mechanical tilt
 fixed electrical tilt (FET)
tilt  variable electrical tilt (VET)
 variable electrical tilt/RET ready (VET/RET)
 integrated remote electrical tilt (IRT)
supported technology
 single band
number of frequency bands
 dual band
supported simultaneously
 triple band

In the Figure 2 an example of different Kathrein antenna types is shown.

Figure 2: Example of Kathrein antennas: dual band omni, single band sector panel, triple band sector
panel, tri-sector pipe, logarithmic periodic, bi-directional (please note that the pictures are not in scale)

For complete list of the available antenna types and corresponding parameters please
refer to the document Recommended Antenna List for RU10/BSS13/BR10.0 [8].
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Norbert Łukasiewicz 15.02.2008

5. Basic antenna parameters

5.1 Overview
This section describes typical electrical and mechanical parameters presented in the
antenna data sheet that is included in the antenna catalogues.

The following picture shows typical antenna data sheet from the Kathrein catalogue.

Figure 3: Example of antenna data sheet

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5.2 Radiation pattern

The most significant parameter characterizing antenna is a radiation pattern. The
radiation pattern shows a graphical representation of where and how electromagnetic
energy is radiated. Most of antennas are symmetrical and two planes: horizontal
(azimuth) and vertical (elevation) describe radiation antenna characteristic sufficiently.
Typically the radiation patterns for both planes are included to basic antenna catalogue

There are two most popular ways of the graphical representation of radiation pattern:
polar plot (most popular) and rectangular plot. The pattern can be presented as a
function of linear power (or voltage) or absolute logarithmic power level.

The antenna suppliers provides also antenna patterns in a file format which to be used
in the planning and optimization tools like the NetAct Planner or the ACORN.

Figure 4 shows a typical antenna patterns for omni-directonal and directional antenna

Figure 4: Examples of antenna patterns for omni and directional antennas (sorurce: Kathrein)

Figure 5 shows a 3D view of directional antenna pattern.

Figure 5: Interpolated 3D view of directional antenna pattern

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5.3 Polarization
The polarization is defined as direction of oscillation of the electrical field vector in time.
It is property of the electromagnetic waves radiated by the antenna. At a given point in
space the vector of electric field traces an ellipse shape.

Figure 6: Polarization ellipse (sorurce: Andrew)

Three basic polarization types can be distinguished:

• Linear
• Circular
• Eliptical

Those polarization types are illustrated in the Figure 7.

Figure 7: Basic polarization types (source: Andrew)

The antenna systems usually used in cellular networks are characterized by two types
of linear polarization:

• vertical polarization (omni and sector antennas)

• -45°/+45° or cross polarization (sector antennas)
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The physical construction of antenna must enable transmitting and receiving the
electromagnetic waves with demanded polarization. It is realized in practice by
composing an orientation of radiating elements inside antenna respectively (Figure 8).

-450 +450

dipole system

vertical polarization cross polarization

Figure 8: Dipoles system orientation in vertical and cross-polar sector antenna

5.4 Gain
The antenna gain is defined by antenna directivity and antenna efficiency:

G = D ⋅η Equation 1


D – antenna directivity - describes how radiated energy is focused by the antenna

η – antenna efficiency - describes power losses associated with the antenna

In the logarithmic scale the gain is descried by the following formula:

G[dBi ] = 10 ⋅ log10 ( D ⋅ η ) Equation 2

The antenna gain can be referred to isotropic radiator (theoretical antenna radiating
electromagnetic energy in all directions equally) or to half-wave (λ/2) dipol. In case of
reference to isotropic radiator the unit of measure is dBi, while in case reference to half-
wave dipole dBd.
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The relation between antenna gain in dBi and dBd is described by the following formula:

G[dBi] = 2.15[dB] + G[dBd ] Equation 3

This relation is graphically presented on the following example.

Figure 9: Relation between gain in [dBd] and [dBi] for the same antenna

The antenna gain is related with frequency by formula:

4 ⋅π
G= ⋅ Ae Equation 4

Ae – effective aperture area [m2]

λ – wave length [m]

where λ and frequency f relation is described by the formula:

λ= Equation 5
c – light speed [m/s]

For the base station antennas the antenna aperture is mainly determined by the
antenna length. So if an aperture size increases (antenna length), the gain increases.
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5.5 Half Power Beam Width (HPBW)

The half power beam width is a parameter that measures the shape of the radiation
pattern. It is the angular width of the radiation pattern’s main lobe. It is measured
between the points where the power pattern is one-half (3dB down) the main lobe’s
peak value. HPBW is usually specified for the horizontal and vertical radiation patterns.
The exception to this is the horizontal pattern of an omni-directional antenna that is
circular. The HPBW of the horizontal pattern is illustrated in the Figure 10.

Figure 10: Half power beamwidth and front-to back radio (source: Andrew)

5.6 Front-to-back ratio

The front-to-back ratio is defined by relation of maximum directivity in max direction of
radiation (0º) to directivity in opposite direction. The front-to-back ratio definition on the
horizontal pattern is illustrated in the Figure 10.

5.7 Main lobe, side lobes and nulls

The main lobe, side lobes and nulls are illustrated in Figure 11.

The main lobe or main beam is a lobe in which a direction of maximum radiation is
contained. Above and below the main lobe a several minor lobes called side lobes

There are directions between side lobes where there is no radiation or the level of
radiation is very low. Those points are defined as nulls.

There are techniques which help to lower upper side lobes and redirect some of the
radiating energy in consequence filling in nulls. This is defined as null fill. The result of
doing this is to widen the main lobe and thus lower the directivity and reduce the
antenna gain.
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Figure 11: Half power beamwidth and front-to back ratio (source: Andrew)

5.8 Cross Polarization Ratio (CPR)

The cross polarization ratio is comparison of the cross-polarized and co-polarized
pattern performance of a dual polarized antenna over the sector of interest or over
HPBW (Figure 12). It is a measure of ability of a cross-polarized array to distinguish
between orthogonal waves. If the CPR is better then the polarization diversity has the
better performance.

Figure 12: CPR (source: Andrew)

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5.9 Side Lobe Suppression (SLS)

The side suppression is a measure describing the attenuation of the secondary lobes in
the horizontal and vertical antenna diagram. This parameter is referred to a sum of
power from both polarizations. For antennas equipped with the electrical downtilt this
parameter is given in the antenna data sheet for several tilt value settings. Typical
values are > 14dB. Appropriate value of the SLS helps to reduce a level of interference
between cells when antenna is downtilted.

5.10 Tilt
In general the antenna downtilt is used to reduce the coverage area. Two possible
types of downtilt can be distinguished:

• Mechanical tilt
• Electrical tilt

The antennas suppliers offer different types of electrical tilt implementation in antennas:

• Fixed Electrical Tilt (FET)

• Variable Electrical Tilt (VET) – possibility of the manual electrical tilt adjustment
• Remote Electrical Tilt (RET) – remote automatic electrical tilt adjustment

5.10.1 Mechanical downtilt

In order to reduce the coverage the main lobe of the antenna can be tilted below the
horizon direction. This can be achieved by mechanical tilting of the antenna equipped
with the special bracket called mechanical downtilt kit (Figure 13).

Figure 13: Mechanical downtilt kit (source: Kathrein)

In case of mechanical downtilt the horizontal and vertical radiation pattern are the same
in whole range of the tilt changes. The required downtilt is valid only for the main
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direction of the horizontal pattern. In the tilt axis direction in ±90º range from the main
beam there is no downtilt. From 0º to 90º the downtilt angle changes according to the
azimuth direction. The coverage on the ground level is affected because the sector
antenna tilted mechanically reduces coverage footprint at the peak of the beam. The
result is that the HBPW increases with increasing the downtilt (Figure 14). The final gain
reduction depends on the azimuth direction.

Figure 14: Mechanical tilt (source: Andrew)

5.10.2 Electrical downtilt

The antenna can also support the electrical downtilt. In the antennas without electrical
tilt, dipoles of the antenna are fed with the same phases via distribution system. By
alternating of the phases the main direction of vertical pattern can be adjusted. In case
of the antennas equipped with the fixed electrical tilt the different phases are achieved
by different length of feeder cables for each dipole within antenna. In case of the
antennas equipped with variable electrical tilt instead of different feeders length the
mechanical phase shifter is used to phase shift adjustment for each dipole (Figure 15
and Figure 16).

Figure 15: Mechanical phase shifter (source: Kathrein)

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Figure 16: Electrical tilt adjuster (source: Kathrein)

In case of the electrical downtilt the main lobe does not point toward the horizon and the
downtilt angle is constant over whole azimuth range. The horizontal HBWP remains
constant within whole range of electrical tilt changes and antenna gain reduction is
constant for all azimuths range (Figure 17).

Figure 17: Electrical tilt (source: Andrew)

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5.10.3 Remote Electrical Tilt (RET) RET principles

The Remote Electrical Tilt (RET) enables to adjust an electrical downtilt of the antenna
remotely. The principle of the RET system is shown on the Figure 18.

CCU 1 RCU 1-3

CCU 2 RCU 1-3

CCU 3 RCU 1-3

Figure 18: RET system principle

In the mobile network where the RET system is used the antennas interfaces are
prepared to attach the Remote Control Unit (RCU) or actuator (Andrew). The RCU is
fixed on the antenna’s downtilt spindle and allows adjusting of the antennas electrical tilt
(Figure 19).

Figure 19: Remote Control Unit (source: Kathrein)

The RCU is controlled by the Central Control Unit (CCU) or Antenna Control Unit
(Andrew), which is located in the BTS. There are two ways of controlling the CCU:
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• Locally via RS232 link

• Remotely from the OMC via Ethernet link

The following figure shows and example of the RET system application.

Figure 20: Example of RET system application equipped with TMA and Smart Biass Tees (source:

Currently on the market there are two types of antennas available:

• RET ready – antenna is equipped with manual variable electrical tilt system but its
interface is prepared for the Remote Control Unit (or Actuator) installation
• Integrated RET – Remote Control Unit (or Actuator) is intergrated with antenna. There
are also antennas equipped in addition with the integrated Smart Bias Tee (allows to
provide power supply and signalling via feeder cable)

There are two ways of providing the power supply and signaling to the remote control

• Via separate dedicated cables

• Via feeder cable by using smart bias tee

Examples of both solutions for the RET ready antennas are illustrated in the Figure 21
and Figure 22.
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Figure 21: RET installation without Smart Bias Tees (source: Andrew)

Figure 22: RET installation with Smart Bias Tees (source: Andrew)
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The Flexi WCDMA BTS (Flexi EDGE BTS) O&M system (NetAct) includes antenna
system management module, which allows controlling of the antenna tilt adjustment,
MHA fault monitoring and overall performance by VSWR monitoring. The part of this
software dedicated to the remote antenna tilt management is called the Flexi Tilt (Figure

O& M

0° tilt

14° tilt

Figure 23: Flexi Tilt principles

The Flexi Tilt is compliant with 3GPP standard and is controlled by Flexi BTS setting tilt
commands, which are given by the BTS element manager. The tilt management is
possible by clicking the BTS icon in NetAct’s graphical network maps, via laptop
connected to network or directly at the BTS site. The antenna tilt is integrated to the RF
module of Flexi BTS. It feeds DC power to the antenna and controls the antenna tilting.

The Flexi Tilt is compliant with protocols defined by the AISIG 2.0 standard and
guarantees interoperability with the Katherin, Andrew and Powerwave antenna products
(operating software: RAN906LK Flexi WCDMA BTS 3GPP Ant Tilt Support LK).
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Integrated to BTS :
• Power feed and control for MHA
including Return Loss measurement
Antenna with Tilt function
• Lightning protection
Same antenna can be used
• 3GPP standard Antenna Tilt O&M
with or without MHA
Control via Antenna Feeder

3GPP (AISG 2.0) standard interface for

antenna tilt and MHA including control and DC
3rd party MHA
CWA support
Optional (TX)/RX
Mast Head Amplifier

Figure 24: Flexi Tilt supports AISG 2.0

5.11 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) and Return Loss

VSWR and return loss (RL) are measures of how much energy is reflected form the
antenna input. The amount of energy reflected by the antenna depends on the input
impedance of the antenna. The input impedance consists of two parts: the self-
impedance and mutual impedance. The self-impedance is impedance determined by
the antenna on its own. The mutual impedance is determined by the antenna
surroundings (energy radiated by the antenna that is reflected back into the antenna
from surroundings objects). The relationships between an antenna input impedance Z
and its VSWR, RL and Γ are:

U max 1 + Γ
VSWR = = Equation 6
U min 1 − Γ

Z − Z0
Γ= Equation 7
Z + Z0

RLoss = 20 ⋅ log10 (Γ ) Equation 8

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Γ – reflection coefficient

Z – input impedance of antenna

Z0 – characteristic impedance of system

Figure 25: VSWR graphical explanation (source: Kathrein)

5.12 Intermodulation
The nonlinearities in the passive devices cause the appearance of unwanted
frequencies, which may block one or more receiving channels of base station antenna.
Available antenna constructions like dual band or triple band allow connecting several
mobile technologies to one antenna (e.g. GSM900, GSM1800 and WCDMA). Moreover
the site construction can consist of antenna systems of several operators. In this case a
possible increase of interference can lead to intermodulaion problems. The
intermodulation is defined as an undesirable modulation which leads to unwelcome
alterations to the high frequency carrier output. If an input signal is put into a passive
device with nonlinear transmission characteristic, then this will result in distortions to the
time-scale, leading to changes in the frequency. In addition to carrier frequency f1,
several harmonic signals are produced: 2f1, 3f1, 4f1, … ,nf1.

In case of higher number of frequency components e.g. f1 and f2, the output signal will
generate a spectral composition. In addition to harmonics, this new spectral
composition also includes all possible frequency combinations. These combinations can
be expressed by the following formula:
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IMP = n ⋅ f 1 ± m ⋅ f 2 Equation 9


IMP – Inter Modulation Products

n,m = 1, 2, 3, …

There are IMPs of even and odd orders. The products of even orders have a large
spacing to the original Tx frequencies and therefore cause no problems with single
band antennas. The most troublesome are IMP of odd orders (Figure 26 and Figure
27). Since they lie very close to the original frequencies, they can appear within the
received signal bandwidth and thereby degrade the overall communication system.

Figure 26: Input signals (source: Kathrein)

Figure 27: IM spectrum of odd orders (source: Kathrein)

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Three types of intermodulation products are being distinguished:

• Transmit intermodulation - when IM products are generated in the transmitting base

station by mixing of wanted signals at the same power amplifier
• Receive intermodulation - is created in the receiver amplifier when there are two
strong unwanted signals incoming with a certain separation from the weak wanted
• Intermodulation caused be other nonlinear devices such as antenna connectors,
mounting brackets, different types of cables and wires present on site, metal doors

The intermodulation products are mesured in dBm or dBc and can be expressed as
Intermodulation Level (IM) by the following formulas:

IM [dBm] = 10 ⋅ log PIMP 3 Equation 10

IM [dBc] = 10 ⋅ log( PIMP 3 / PTx ) Equation 11


PIMP3 – third order intermodulation product

PTx – incident Tx carrier signal power

Typical catalogue values of 3rd order intermodulation product attenuation is < -150 dBc.
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6. Antenna parameters and radio planning aspects

6.1 Antenna gain
Typical values of antenna gains are a bit higher for UMTS than for GSM systems.
Proposed values are around 18 - 20 dBi. Antennas with the highest gains are usually
used in the rural and road environment and the other ones in urban and suburban
environments. In case of planning overlapping zone (handover areas) and problems
with poor coverage the antenna gain parameter should be taken into account.

Nevertheless it is always up to planner and particular field situation to select the

optimum antenna gain.

6.2 Half power beam width

Generally two main antenna groups have to be considered:

• Omnidirectional antennas: radiate with same intensity to all directions (in azimuth)
• Directional antennas: main radiation energy is concentrated to certain directions

Omni-directional antennas are useful in rural areas, while directional beam antennas
are preferable in urban areas. They provide a more controllable signal distribution and
energy concentration.

6.2.1 Omni antennas

Omni antennas are of minor importance because they are only of exceptional use: e.g.
in case of umbrella cell implementations, remote or isolated built-up areas (e.g. villages)
where low traffic does not require sectorized sites.

Figure 28: Omni cell

6.2.2 Directional antennas

Directional antennas can be structured according to radiation beamwitdth:
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• HPBW 65°

65°- antennas are considered to be convenient for widely homogeneous urban and
dense urban districts showing a rather uniform site distribution. In case of WCDMA
system they allow to control more efficiently overlapping zones between neighbouring
cells. These antennas suit to the 3-sectorized cloverleaf network layout (120° cell split)
with hexagonal cells. Such configurations provide nearly uniform signal level distribution
and the lowest interference level, what results in small frequency reuses possible to be

Figure 29: 3-sectorized cloverleaf

65°- antennas might be applied also for rhomboidal cell shape in case when 6
sectorized site is going to be built. The layout is presented on Figure 30.

Figure 30: Rhomboidal cell shape for 6-sectorized network layout

However, in such network layout site-to-site distance needs to be somewhat adjusted

as there might appear coverage holes at the sector border on 30 deg direction. That is
why more dense network grid is required that guarantees continuous coverage, but in
parallel produces higher cell overlapping at the main antenna direction.

• HPBW 90°

90°- antennas are suitable in widely inhomogeneous urban (mean urban) districts
showing a non-uniform site distribution and in suburban districts with either uniform or
also non-uniform site distribution.

90°- antennas suit to the rhomboidal cell shape.

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Figure 31: Rhomboidal cell shape

• HPBW<60°

The narrow beamwidth antennas are specially useful in case of highway/boulevard-

coverage and if the adjoining built-up-areas desired to be covered are rather small and
running along the road/highway/track etc. They provide a maximum coverage range
and reduce lateral power dissemination and thus decrease interference to other cells
and vice versa. There are 45° and 30°/33°- antenna types offered in this segment.

45°- antennas can be applied also for 6-sectorized network layout with rhomboidal cell
shape (Figure 30). Due to their narrower beamwidth it guarantees better interference
management than in case of 65°- antennas. However, in order to maintain continuous
coverage even lower site-to-site distance is required.

built-up area

Figure 32: Example for illumination of roads and highways using narrow half power beamwidth

6.2.3 Soft handover

In thr radio planning of the WCDMA network the network planner has to take into
consideration overlapping between nieghbouring sectors of the same site and
neighbouring sites, when the antenna type is selected. It is imported to select antenna
type to provide coverage in this way to obtain about 10% of overlapping area. To high
percentage of overlapping can decrease the cell capacity, while to low values can have
an impact on the UE mobility.
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6.3 Tilt
Tilting of the antennas is one of the most important mechanisms used in the planning
and optimization phase. In the Table 1 a comparison of electrical and mechanical tilt is

Mechanical tilt Electrical tilt

o Downtilt angle varies over azimuth o Constant downtilt angle over whole
range azimuth range
o Set downtilt angle is valid only in
main direction of the antenna (0º)
o No downtilt in tilt axix direction (±90º
from the main beam)

o Horizontal HPBW increases with o Horizontal HPBW independent of

rising downtilt angle downtilt angle

o Resulting antenna gain reduction o Constant gain reduction for all

depends on azimuth direction (can azimuth directions
rarerly be considered in network
Table 1: Mechanical and electrical tilt comparison (source: Kathrein)

The antenna tilt can be used to limit the coverage or unwanted signals transmitted or
received by base station from the neighbouring base stations. It is also a simplest way
to control overlapping areas (handover zones) between neighbouring cells. In general it
is recommended to use electrical downtilt or combination of mechanical and electrical

6.3.1 Back lobe interference reduction

The high level of interference coming from the back lobe of the antenna can be reduced
by combination of electrical downtilting and then mechanical uptilting (Figure 33).
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Figure 33: Back lobe interference reduction by electrical downtilt and mechanical uptilt

6.3.2 Optimal downtilt angle

The optimal downtilt angle for a specific antenna type depends on the vertical radiation
pattern, especially on the HPBW. Apart from the HPBW the vertical antenna diagram
usually has two or more (depending on antenna type) side lobes. The maximum
reduction of the field strength can be achieved if the minimum between the main beam
and the first side lobe is orientated toward the horizon. If the tilt angle is to high the field
strength is not reduced, but increased again by the first side lobe. In case of the
coverage reduction in specific area the antenna should be tilted in this way that the first
upper side lobe is aimed toward area where the coverage to be reduced.

first upper side lobe


main beam

Figure 34: Vertical radiation pattern

6.3.3 Tilt on high sites and in hilly terrain

For very high site locations (e.g. high buildings) the high downtilt angles can be
necessary. In this case use of combination of electrical and mechanical downtilt is
recommended. In some cases e.g. in the mountain terrain (hillsides, valleys) in order to
provide coverage in areas located higher in relation to site location the mechanical uptilt
can be applied.
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Figure 35: Electrical+mechanical downtilt combination

mechanical uptilt

mechanical downtilt

Figure 36: Mechanical uptilt (site located on hillside)

6.3.4 Maximum downtilt on rooftop site

Considering the site locations that are installed on the building rooftop, where the
antennas are mounted on the poles there is a risk that the main beam of the antennas
directed along or across the rooftop can be obstructed by the surface of the rooftop. In
order to avoid such a situation the antenna should be installed at the minimum height
above the rooftop. Planning the antenna height above the rooftop the radio planner
should consider what should be the minimum height above the rooftop to obtain not-
distorted main antenna beam assuming desired antenna tilt changes. This problem is
illustrated in the Figure 37.
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Figure 37: Maximum allowable downtilt angle

If the antenna height is fixed the maximum allowable dowtilt angle can be calculated
based on the following formula:

H  α 
Θ = arctan   − 1.05 ⋅   − β Equation 12
D 2


H – antenna height over rooftop

D – distance from the antenna foot to rooftop edge in direction of antenna azimuth

α – vertical beamwidth

β – electrical tilt
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6.3.5 Tilt vs. human exposure to electromagnetic fields

The presented calculation of the maximum allowable downtilt angle does not consider
the human exposure to electromagnetic fields effect. Assuming that the maximum
allowable downtilt, the antenna main beam is not obstructed but there are areas on or
close to the edge of the rooftop where e.g. level of the limitation parameter can exceed
permissible value.

The limitation parameters and values are usually defined in each country by the local
regulations. The example of limiting power density levels (900MHz) for European
countries is given in Table 2 and an example of specific regulation for Poland in Table 3.

Limiting power density for

Country 2
900MHz W/m

Germany 4.5

Hungary 0.1

Italy 1

Japan 3

Poland 0.1

USA 10
Recommended limit for EU countries proposed by CENELEC is 4.5W/m

Table 2: Exposure limits for example countries

Frequency range
E-component H-component Power density
0,001 MHz – 3 MHz 20 V/m 3 A/m -
3 MHz - 300 MHz 7 V/m - -
300 MHz – 300 GHz 7 V/m - 0,1 W/m
Note: average value for power density; rms for electric field strength

Table 3: Example of allowable EM parameters according to the polish law

From the radio planning point of view the antenna system (height, tits, azimuths, power
at antenna connector) should be planned in this way in order to meet local regulations
regarding the human exposure to electromagnetic field. In practice it means that the
permissible level should not exceed limiting values in whole areas close to the antenna
system where the people have an access without limitations.

In general two main areas can be distinguished:

• Restricted zone – area where service personnel can stay for limited period of time
• Safe zone – people can stay without limitations
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In the far field the distribution of the radiated power density can be estimated based on
the following formula:

W 

i =1
EIRPi [W ]
Equation 13
S max  2  = 2
[ ]
 m  4 ⋅ π ⋅ (rmin ) m


Smax – maximum allowable power density

EIRPi – effective isotropic radiated power at each antenna

ri – minimum distance from the considered antenna

N – number of radiating sources

In the logarithmic scale the EIRP is a sum of transmitter power at antenna port and
antenna gain in the specified radiating direction. The radiating direction is given by
(α , θ ) azimuth and elevation angles:

EIRPi [dBm] = Pi + Gi (α , θ ) Equation 14


Pi - transmitter output power at each antenna port in [W]

Gi(α,θ) - antenna gain [dBi] in given direction, i.e. azimuth (α) and elevation (θ) angles
in [degree]

If the Smax level is defined by regulation, the minimum distance value (rmin) can be
derived based on this formula. Considering the rooftop site installation for given tilt
setting Φ the maximum allowable vertical distance from the horizontal direction to the
safe zone can be derived by the formula (Equation 15):

Dmax ≤ H − h Equation 15
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Figure 38: Example of power density distribution from single sector antenna

Dmax value can be calculated based on the following formula:

 S max ⋅ 4 ⋅ π 
Dmax = max sin(Θ) ⋅  Equation 16
 Pi ⋅ Gi (Θ) 


Θ є <0,90>

By increasing the antenna tilt Φ and checking if Dmax holds the condition in Equation 15
the maximum allowable downtilt can be found.

Usually the number of antennas installed on the site varies from several to between ten
and twenty. In this case the estimation of the maximum allowable downtilt becomes
more complex because in calculations the effect of superposition of radiated power
from each radiating source has to be considered.
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7. Antenna diversity
7.1 Overview
The diversity is a technique used to process information from several signals
transmitted over independently fading paths. The objective is to combine the multiple
signals and reduce the effect excessively deep fades. The diversity can minimize the
effect of fading since deep fades seldom occur simultaneously during the same time
intervals on two or more paths. The uncorrelated fading signals received via
independently fading paths are illustrated in Figure 39.

Figure 39: Uncorrelated fading signals

The diversity technique allows obtaining substantial gain in the combined signal level. In
the mobile networks this technique can be used in the transmission and reception path
of the base station (uplink and downlink). The diversity technique applied in uplink is
defined as receive diversity and in downlink - transmit diversity accordingly. The receive
diversity technique is realized by using two reception branches of uncorrelated signals,
while in the transmit diversity technique are used two signals transmitted by separate
branches that are artificially shifted in time. The gain is obtained by applying the
coherent combining of received uncorrelated signals. In the receive diversity the signals
are combined in the base station, while in the transmit diversity the signals are
combined in the mobile (Figure 40 and Figure 41)
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Figure 40: Transmit diversity

Figure 41: Receive diversity realized by 2 vertically polarized antennas (V) or cross-polarized antenna (X)

The separate reception branches can be realized by using one of two types of antenna
diversity (Figure 42):

• Space diversity
• Polarization diversity (currently dominating type of diversity)

Figure 42: Space diversity and polarization diversity

The receive diversity techniques are discussed in the following subchapters.

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7.2 Space diversity

In the space diversity technique the antennas must be installed at certain minimum
distance from each other to obtain expected diversity gain. The diversity gain increases
with separation distance, but for practical reasons the separation is usually limited. The
most frequently used solution is the horizontal separation, where two receiving
antennas are mounted at the same height. The horizontal space diversity is usually
implemented by using two directional antennas but in open areas the site configuration
with omni antennas are quite often applied. The antennas separation is determined by
two parameters: wave length λ and antenna height h (Figure 43).

Figure 43: Horizontal spacing of antennas and recommended separation values

The required separation must be considered with respect to practical aspects like
available space on site and costs of installation. Even if greater distance helps to obtain
higher gain some times for the practical reasons it can be limited.

The vertical separation requires larger distance to obtain similar diversity gain. Form the
practical point of view the horizontal spacing is recommended due to the following

• In the roftoop sites the lower poles are required to obtain clerance angle and safe
zone above the rooftop
• In the tower/chimney sites to obtain horizontal spacing the same platform can be used
(easier installation and access to antennas)
• In the building wall sites is easier to connect feeders to BS located on the rooftop
• If both separated antennas are configured as Tx/Rx there is no propagation conditions
degradation due to the different antenna heights

7.3 Polarization diversity

The standard antennas used in cellular system are vertically polarized. The antenna of
the MS is also normally vertical polarized (actually +/- 45 deg). Theoretically, when the
antenna of the MS is held vertical, the power into the antenna should be at a maximum.
In environments like urban, suburban etc. the signal will be highly influenced by the
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environment, and reflections etc. will also influence the total signal in to the antenna of
the MS.

Application of cross-polarized antennas may improve the total receive conditions of the
system. Additionally, cross-polarized antennas give possibility to reduce a number of
antennas in case when RX diversity is considered (Figure 44). Instead of 2 vertically
polarized antennas with a certain space between them one antenna box is used with
cross-polarized antennas. According to the measurements the slanted ±45 deg
polarization diversity scheme provides the same gain as the space diversity
configuration with horizontal antenna separation in areas where there are plenty of
reflecting surfaces along the propagation path to turn the polarization plane. Such
environments would be urban and small cell areas.

Figure 44: X Polarization diversity (source: Kathrein)

7.4 Diversity type selection

A few aspects must be considered when the antenna type is selected with respect to
antenna diversity:

• sites equipped with cross polarized antennas are not as visible as the normal sites
• installation of a site with cross polarized antennas should be less expensive - lower
number of poles
• diversity gain that can be achieved using cross polarized and vertically polarized
antennas is comparable in the dense urban, urban and suburban environments but it
is higher for normal antennas in rural (open) areas. For these reasons it is
recommended to use the cross-polarized antennas in dense urban, urban and
suburban areas. In open (rural) area the space diversity technique is recommended.
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8. Co-location
8.1 Overview
The co-location of different radio technologies in the same area can lead to interference
problems. In order to minimize the interference impact and in consequence avoid the
system degradation the defined isolation requirements between systems has to be
fulfilled. In this chapter possible interference problems and different co-location
scenarios are discussed.

8.2 Frequency bands

For a specific cellular system the frequency band is defined as combination of uplink
frequency band and downlink frequency band. The frequency band contained between
uplink and downlink bands is defined as a guard band. The following figure illustrates
frequency bands of the GSM, WCDMA, TETRA and DVB-H system in Europe.

Figure 45: Frequency bands of GSM, WCDMA, TETRA and DVB-H systems in Europe

The centre frequencies of the mentioned above systems are listed in Table 4.
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FUL(ARFCN) = 890+0.2*ARFCN 0 ≤ ARFCN ≤ 124 FDL(ARFCN) = FUL(ARFCN)+45

FUL(ARFCN) = 890+0.2*(ARFCN-1024) 975 ≤ ARFCN ≤ 1023

GSM1800 FUL(ARFCN) = 1710.2+0.2*(ARFCN-512) 512 ≤ ARFCN ≤ 885 FDL(ARFCN) = FUL(ARFCN)+95

9612 ≤ UARFCN ≤
10562≤ UARFCN ≤

and public FDL(CN) = 300+0.0125+0.025*CN
3600 ≤ CN ≤3999 FUL(CN) = FDL(CN)-10
security and

(offset: +12.5kHz)

civil services FDL(CN) = 400-0.00625+0.025*CN

(commercial 800 ≤ CN ≤ 1200 FUL(CN) = FDL(CN)-10
networks) (offset: -6.25kHz)

Note: UMTS2000 FDD band is extended to 850MHz band

TV channel Central channel frequency

Channel number
bandwidth [MHz]
6MHz 473+(N-14)x 6+f_offset N={14-83}
7MHz 529.5+(N-28)x7+f_offset N={28-67}
8MHz 474+(N-21)x 8+f_offset N={21-69}
Note: The offset is used in some countries. It is usually specified as +/- 1.6MHz*n where n={1,2,3,4,…}

Table 4: Centre frequency of GSM, UMTS, TETRA and DVB-H systems.

8.3 Interference mechanisms

When two radio systems are co-located in the same site area the following interference
mechanisms should be considered:

• Spurious emission
• Receiver blocking
• Transmit intermodulation

8.3.1 Spurious emission

The spurious emissions are emissions which are caused by unwanted transmitter
effects such as harmonics emission, parasitic emission, intermodulation products and
frequency conversion products, but exclude out of band emissions. This parameter is
measured at the base station RF output port.

The spurious emissions mechanism is illustrated in Figure 46.

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Figure 46: Spurious emission mechanism

The spurious emission limits for WCDMA base station, defined in the 3GPP
specifications are summarized in the Table 5.

Band for co-location Maximum Measurement

Type of co-located BS
requirement Level Bandwidth
Macro GSM900 876 - 915 MHz -98 dBm 100 kHz
Macro DCS1800 1710 – 1785 MHz -98 dBm 100 kHz
Macro PCS1900 1850 – 1910 MHz -98 dBm 100 kHz
Macro GSM850 824 - 849 MHz -98 dBm 100 kHz
WA UTRA FDD Band I 1920 – 1980 MHz -96 dBm 100 kHz
WA UTRA FDD Band II 1850 – 1910 MHz -96 dBm 100 kHz
WA UTRA FDD Band III 1710 – 1785 MHz -96 dBm 100 kHz
WA UTRA FDD Band IV 1710 – 1755 MHz -96 dBm 100 kHz
WA UTRA FDD Band V 824 - 849 MHz -96 dBm 100 kHz
WA UTRA FDD Band VI 815 - 850 MHz -96 dBm 100 kHz
Table 5: Spurious emissions limits for WCDMA base stations co-located with another base stations

The spurious emission limits for GSM base station, defined in the 3GPP specifications
are summarized in the Table 6.

Type of GSM 900 & GSM 850 & DCS 1800 & PCS 1900 &
co-located BS MXM 850 MXM 1900
Normal BTS -98 dBm -98 dBm
Micro BTS M1 -91 dBm -96 dBm
Micro BTS M2 -86 dBm -91 dBm
Micro BTS M3 -81 dBm -86 dBm
Pico BTS P1 -70 dBm -80 dBm
R-GSM 900 BTS -89 dBm -
Table 6: Spurious emissions limits for GSM base stations co-located with another GSM base stations
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When GSM and WCDMA base stations are co-located, the measured power shall be no
more than limits defined in the Table 7.

Band Power Note

1900 – 1920 MHz -96 dBm UTRA/TDD band
1920 – 1980 MHz -96 dBm UTRA/FDD BS Rx band
2010 – 2025 MHz -96 dBm UTRA/TDD band
2110 – 2170 MHz -62 dBm UTRA/FDD UE Rx band
Table 7: Spurious emissions limits for GSM base stations co-located with another WCDMA base station

8.3.2 Receiver blocking

The receiver blocking is an effect of receiver sensitivity degradation by a strong
unwanted signal (interferer) measured at the receiver antenna port. The maximum
allowable by receiver value of the unwanted signal level is specified as a minimum
blocking performance requirement [9].
Two cases of the receiver blocking can be distinguished:
• Out-of-band receiver blocking - unwanted signal is located out of frequency band of
receiver system eg when the transmitter of unwanted signal is co-located with the
victim receiver and the isolation requirements between antenna ports are not fulfiled.
• In-band receiver blocking - inter system interference is caused by transmitters
operating on frequencies spaced by at least 2 channels but can result also from Tx
spurious emissions and Tx inter-modulations.

The receiver blocking mechanism is illustrated in Figure 47.

Figure 47: Out-of-band reveiver blocking

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The measure describing receive blocking is the blocking level, which is the level of
unwanted signal that degrades the receiver performance below specified limit. Receive
blocking level for out-of-band signal is much higher then for the in-band blocking level.
Blocking characteristic is a measure of the ability of a receiver to receive a wanted
signal at the allocated channel frequency in the presence of an interfering signal at
other (then allocated) frequency.

In the Table 8 the blocking limits for UMTS base station are specified.

Co-located Center Frequency of Interfering Signal Wanted Signal Type of

BS type Interfering Signal mean power mean power Interfering Signal
GSM900 921 - 960 MHz +16 dBm -115 dBm CW carrier
DCS1800 1805 - 1880 MHz +16 dBm -115 dBm CW carrier
PCS1900 1930 - 1990 MHz +16 dBm -115 dBm CW carrier
GSM850 869 - 894 MHz +16 dBm -115 dBm CW carrier
2110 - 2170 MHz +16 dBm -115 dBm CW carrier
Band I
1930 - 1990 MHz +16 dBm -115 dBm CW carrier
Band II
1805 - 1880 MHz +16 dBm -115 dBm CW carrier
Band III
2110 - 2155 MHz +16 dBm -115 dBm CW carrier
Band IV
869 - 894 MHz +16 dBm -115 dBm CW carrier
Band V
875 - 885 MHz +16 dBm -115 dBm CW carrier
Band VI
Table 8: Blocking performance requirement for WCDMA base station when co-located with base station in
other bands.

In the Table 9 the blocking limits for GSM and TETRA base stations are specified.

Blocking level GSM900 BS GSM1800 BS TETRA BS

out of band 8 dBm 0 dBm -25 dBm

in-band -26 dBm -35 dBm -90 dBm

Table 9: Blocking performance requirement for GSM and TETRA base station when co-located with base
station in other bands.

The blocking levels are given for certain sensitivity degradation. In case of GSM900 and
GSM1800 specifications the levels provided in the table above corresponds to 3dB
sensitivity degradation. The blocking level for other sensitivity degradation may be
estimated assuming linear mode of the receiver and considering in the following way

10∆Psensitivity 2 /10 − 1
∆Pblocking = 10 ⋅ log ∆Psensitivity1 /10  Equation 17
10 − 1
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8.3.3 Transmit intermodulation

Transmit intermodulation mechanism is illustrated in Figure 48.

Figure 48: Intermodulation mechanism

Transmit inter-modulation characterize capability of the transmitter to inhibit the

generation of signals in its non linear elements in case that additionally to the wonted
signal the interfering signal, reaching the transmitter via the antenna [3GPP25.101].
TX inter-modulation is usually defined as the ratio of the output power of wanted
transmitted signal to the output power of any intermodulation product when an
interference signal is injected into the antenna connector at a level much lower than that
of the wanted one. The requirements for transmit inter-modulation level are usually
lower then those for out-of-band emission or the spurious emission.

8.4 Sensitivity degradation

The interference mechanisms i.e. spurious emissions and intermodulation may degrade
the base station receiver sensitivity. The degradation depends on co-channel
interference power relative to receiver noise floor and can be derived by Equation 18.

∆Psensitivity = 10 ⋅ log(1 + ) Equation 18

∆Psensitivity - sensitivity degradation in [dB]

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Pint – co-channel interference power offset relative to receiver noise floor (interference
power below the receiver noise floor)

N – thermal noise [dBm] { N = 10 ⋅ log( K ⋅ T ⋅ B ⋅ NF ) }

K – Boltzmann constant { 1.38 ⋅ 10 −23 ⋅ J / K )

T – absolute temperature {290K}

B – bandwidth {3.84MHz}

NF- noise figure of receiver

8.5 Isolation between systems

Isolation between two systems is defined as the attenuation measured between the RF
output port of the interfering transmitter and the RF input port of the victim receiver
(Figure 49).

Figure 49: Isolation between systems

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The isolation between systems can be derived according to formula

LP = LI + LD + LV Equation 19

LI – interferer feeder loss including jumper losses, connector losses and other losses of
passive elements (e.g. diplexers)

LD – decoupling between antenna ports (typically min. 30dB)

LV – victim feeder loss including jumper loss, connector loss and other elements (e.g.
diplexers, splitter, TMA)

The isolation between systems LP should be greater or equal to minimum isolation

requirements resulting from the spurious emission and receiver blocking limitations.

8.6 Antennas decoupling

The decoupling between two antennas is defined as the attenuation from the connector
(port) of one antenna to the connector (port) of the other antenna when the antennas
are in their installation positions. Considering two antennas installed on site the
following parameters have an impact on their decoupling:
• Horizontal and vertical spacing (separation distance)
• Horizontal and vertical pattern
• Antenna azimuth (radiating directions)
• Mechanical and electrical down tilt
• Antenna physical construction
• Mismatch loss
• Conducting properties of supporting structures (poles, towers)

Typical minimum decupling requirement between antenna ports is 30dB. To obtain the
minimum required decoupling, it must be transformed to a certain minimum distance
between the antennas. Different spacing is necessary for vertical and horizontal

In order to determine antennas decoupling the most reliable method is decoupling

measurement on site. From the practical reasons usually it is not so easy, since the
switching off installed base stations is required for the time of measurements.

The method of antennas decoupling estimation for horizontally and vertically separated
antennas is provided in the next subchapters. Please note that the formulas are
applicable in the far field zone and for similar frequency range.
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8.6.1 Horizontal separation

The horizontally separated antennas are illustrated in the Figure 50.

Figure 50: Horizontal separation

The estimated horizontal decoupling can be derived based on the Equation 20.

LDH [dB ] = LFSL [dB ] − G1[dBi ] − G2 [dBi] Equation 20


LFSL – free space loss { LFSL [dB] = -27.56 + 20log(f) [MHz] + 20log(D) [m] }
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G1 – gain of Antenna 1 in direction to Antenna 2 [dBi]

G2 – gain of Antenna 2 in direction to Antenna 1 [dBi]

Based on the free space loss formula the minimum horizontal distance to obtain
required decoupling can be derived from the Equation 21.

L DH + 27 . 56 + G 1 + G 2
D[m ] = 10 20
Equation 21
f [ MHz ]

8.6.2 Vertical separation

The vertically separated antennas are illustrated in the Figure 51.

K (vertical separation)
Decoupling LDV [dB]

Figure 51: Vertical separation

The estimated vertical decoupling can be derived based on the Equation 22. In case of
vertical separated antennas the gains are not taken into account.

LDV = 40 log( f [ MHz]) + 40 log( K [m]) − 71.08 Equation 22

The required vertical distance can be derived by the following equation:

L DV + 71.08
K [ m] = ⋅ 10 40
Equation 23
f [ MHz]
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8.6.3 Horizontally and vertically separated antennas

When two antennas are separated vertically and horizontally an estimation of minimum
separation distance becomes a bit more complicated. In the first step vertical and
horizontal decoupling has to be calculated based on Equation 20 and Equation 22.


Figure 52 Horizontally and vertically separated antennas

 ( L − LDH ) + LDH , if LDV ≥ LDH
LDHV =  90 DV Equation 24
 LDH , if LDV < LDH

Using Equation 20, Equation 21, Equation 22, Equation 23 and Equation 24 the
minimum vertical or horizontal separation distance can be calculated if the minimum
required isolation between antenna ports and either horizontal or vertical separation is
When the horizontal separation is known then vertical separation can be roughly
estimated in the following:
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0, if LDH >= LD

K = θ Equation 25
 K (0) + n ⋅ ∆K , while ⋅ (LDV (K (n)) − LDH ) + LDH < LD
 90

Where LDH is calculated according to the Equation 20 and

43, 52 − G1 − G 2
K ( 0) = ⋅ 10 40
Equation 26
f [ MHz ]

Since the angle θ=(180/π)*arctan[K(n)/D] the required K needs to be found by iterations.

Similarly, when a vertical separation K is known then required horizontal separation can
be estimated in the following:

0, if LDV ≥ LD
 LD +27.56+G1 +G2
D [m] =  1 Equation 27
 10 20
, if LDH ( D(0)) ≥ LD
 f [ MHz]

Where LDV is calculated from and

K 2 [m] ⋅ f [ MHz]
D(0) = 43, 52 − G1 − G 2 Equation 28
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8.6.4 Decoupling measurements

In order to obtain the reliable decoupling values for specific antenna configuration and
operating frequencies on site, the antenna isolation measurements should be
performed. In this subchapter the representative examples of measured decoupling
values for different Kathrein antennas are presented. The attached examples show an
impact of the following parameters on the antenna decoupling values:

• Horizontal and vertical separation

• Separation distance for omni and sector antennas
• Electrical tilt settings
• Azimuth settings
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8.7 Co-location scenarios

The co-located antenna systems can be composed of separated single-band antennas.
The visual impact, however, is in a majority of cases a challenge for the site
engineering. The use of multi-band antennas offers a good solution. With multi-band
antennas (dual-band or triple-band) the necessary amount of antennas per site is
minimized. By using additional diplexer or triplexer, the requested amount of feeder
cables per sites can be reduced.

The impact on the network planning needs to be evaluated. Adding diplexers/filter to an

existing system, increases the losses, what can reduce the coverage area. With multi-
band antennas, the same azimuth applies for all bands. As the network plan for the
existing system should not be changed, the planning process for the new system has to
take care about such limitations.

The feeder system that is used in the 2GHz band has slightly higher loss in comparison
with feeders applied in the GSM base stations for 1800MHz band. The higher difference
occurs between the feeder losses for 2GHz band and 900MHz band. The feeder loss
over frequency band characteristic is the only one factor to be considered when the
feeder type is selected. There are three basic scenarios can be distinguished:

1 Separate feeder system for UMTS This solution ensures no losses due to additional
site when an existing GSM site is equipment (diplexers).

2 Shared feeder system with GSM This solution does not require additional cabling
900/1800 system costs and additional load on the site. However
such a solution requires a check (measurements)
of how the existing feeder system is suited for
UMTS and what is the impact of the combiners
and duplexers on the existing GSM system
(coverage). Therefore this solution is not always

3 Shared feeder system with GSM In this case reusing of an existing GSM 900
900 system feeder may become unacceptable due to the e.g.
high feeder loss in 2GHz band and insertion
losses introduced by two dual band diplexers. If
there is definitely no space for an additional cable
system then replacing of existing feeder should be
considered. In this case feeder loss for all
systems will be according to network planning
calculations and the additional combining losses
for the GSM system will be compensated by
smaller feeder loss in general.
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There are four basic scenarios when the UMTS and GSM base stations to be co-

• Separate antenna systems and feeders

• Separate antenna systems and shared feeder
• Shared antenna system and shared feeder
• Shared antenna system and separate feeder

These scenarios are illustrated in the following subchapters. To reduce the GSM
spurious emission level the uplink UMTS band filter can be applied (optionally - If the
diplexers does not provide enough attenuation or if the diplexers are not used on site).

8.7.1 Separate antenna systems and feeders

In the first scenario the separate antenna systems and feeder system are applied
(Figure 53). This is most expensive solution which not always can be used e.g. in case
if there is no enough place on site for additional antenna/feeder system installation. The
advantage is a possibility of independent azimuth and tilt optimization. For reduction the
GSM spurious emission level the uplink WCDMA filter can be installed in the GSM

Figure 53 Site configuration with separate feeders and antenna systems

8.7.2 Separate antenna systems and shared feeder

In this scenario the separate antenna systems and shared feeder system are applied
(Figure 54). In order to make possible the feeder sharing two diplexer units are
required. Due to the separate antenna systems the independent azimuth and tilt
optimization is still possible. If the diplexers do not attenuate the GSM spurious
emission level sufficiently additional uplink WCDMA filter in the GSM branch can be
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Figure 54 Site configuration with separate antenna systems and shared feeder

8.7.3 Shared antenna system and feeder

In third scenario the common antenna system and feeder system is used (Figure 55).
To share the feeder system two diplexer units are needed. The independent azimuth
optimization is not possible. The independent tilt optimization is still possible if the dual
band antenna is equipped with the separate tilt adjuster for each band. If the diplexers
do not attenuate the GSM spurious emission level sufficiently additional uplink WCDMA
filter in the GSM branch can be installed.

Figure 55 Site configuration with shared antenna system and shared feeder system
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8.7.4 Shared antenna system and separate feeders

The latter solution contains the common antenna system and separate feeder system
(Figure 56). To share the antenna system one diplexer unit is needed. The independent
azimuth optimization is not possible. The independent tilt optimization is still possible if
the dual band antenna is equipped with the separate tilt adjuster for each band. If the
diplexers do not attenuate the GSM spurious emission level sufficiently additional uplink
WCDMA filter in the GSM branch can be installed.

Figure 56 Site configuration with single or dualband antennas

8.7.5 Examples of site co-location equipped with Flexi Multiradio Combiner

The following sections present examples of site co-location solution with the Flexi
Multiradio Combiner. Shared antenna system for I-HSPA overlay

The co-sited 3rd party WCDMA base stations can utilize the same antenna system with
the Flexi I-HSPA BTS. The Flexi Multiradio Combiner (MRC) doubles shared antenna
system performance compared to typical combiners for antenna line sharing. The MRC
allows high gain MHAs to be used with Flexi RF-modules.

The benefits of sharing antennas are the following:

• faster site construction and I-HSPA rollout: existing antenna system for WCDMA can
remain untouched
• savings in antenna system: the same antenna feeders for both operators
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• visual impact: less antenna cables and antennas

and I-HSPA

Mast Head

Flexi Multi Radio
Combiner for 2100

Flexi RF modules
Flexi System Module

Figure 57 Shared antenna system for I-HSPA overlay with Flexi Multiradio Combiner Shared antenna system in WCDMA refarming

The co-sited GSM 900 and WCDMA 900 base stations can utilize the same antenna
system. The Flexi Multiradio Combiner (FMC) doubles shared antenna system
performance compared to typical combiners for antenna sharing. The FMC used
together with Dual Masthead Amplifier MGTA compensates most sharing losses.

The benefits of sharing antennas:

• Faster site construction and WCDMA 900 rollout: existing GSM 900 antenna system
can remain untouched
• Savings in antenna system: same antenna lines for GSM / WCDMA
• Visual impact: less antenna cables and antennas
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Antenna for MHA for 900
GSM 900 and MHz

Mast Head
AISG Compliant
Separate output
for antenna tilt

Flexi Multi Radio


Flexi WCDMA 900

RF modules

System module

Figure 58 Shared antenna system for WCDMA 900 and GSM 900 with Flexi Multiradio Combiner
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8.7.6 Methods of interference level reduction

In case of interference problems related to co-location the required isolation between
co-located systems should be increased. There are several methods available to
obtain a required isolation between co-located systems:

1 Introducing dedicated filter in This solution introduces an insertion loss in the

downlink branch to increase downlink power budget and requires additional
isolation investments what may not be always possible.

2 Antenna azimuth adjustment By changing a direction the antenna the required

isolation can be achieved. However, in case of
large azimuth changes the service area can be
significantly changed. In this case cell re-planning
must be done.

3 Antennas decoupling increasing Increasing of the antennas decoupling can be

achieved by change of the separation distance
between antennas and/or change of the antennas
height. This may not be always possible due to
the restricted space for relocation or lack of
regulatory permissions.

4 Antenna type change By replacing an existing antenna type with a new

one with narrower horizontal beam width or/and
lower gain the higher isolation can be achieved.
This solution can have a significant impact on the
coverage area, so cell re-planning must be done.
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8.8 Example of antenna separation guideline

This example of the antenna separation guideline is a result of the research and
agreement between 5 operators in UK: Vodafone, Orange, T-Mobile, O2 and 3UK.

8.8.1 Omni ↔ omni array

Minimum Separation Distances for Omni ↔ Omni Array (antennas at the same height)


Separation V [m]



↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨

6m 4m 4m 4m 4m 6m 6m

0.5m 0.5m 0.5m 0.5m 0.5m 0.8m 0.8m

45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB
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8.8.2 Omni ↔ sector array

Minimum Separation Distances for Omni ↔ Sector Array (antennas at the same height)


Separation V [m]



↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨

11m 12m 12m 11m 11m 12m 12m

0.5m 0.5m 0.5m 0.5m 0.5m 0.8m 0.8m

45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB
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8.8.3 Sector ↔ sector array

Minimum Separation Distances for Sector ↔ Sector Array (antennas at the same height)


↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨

21m 16m 30m 16m 16m 30m 30m

0.5m 0.5m 0.5m 0.5m 0.5m 0.8m 0.8m

45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB

8.8.4 Shared headframe installations

• In the event of any proven interference problems a minimum isolation between
operator’s antenna ports of 45dB shall be measurable.
• The total cumulative power to a single antenna shall be limited to +52dBm.
• The maximum permissible EIRP per GSM carrier shall be +62dBm in accordance with
the operators’ GSM licence conditions.
• The maximum permissible EIRP per UMTS carrier shall be +62dBm in accordance
with the operators’ UMTS licence conditions.
• Antennas should be no wider than 450mm.
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8.8.5 Omni arrays

Omnidirectional antennas should not be used on shared headframes (exception made

for Highlands & Islands sites).

8.8.6 Horizontal Space Diversity, Sectored Antennas - All Operators

Listed below are the values for the standard space diversity used by the operators for
their sectored arrays.

Space diversity figures

Operator T-Mobile Orange Vodafone O2 Hutch 3G

Diversity 2.6m 2.6m 3m 2m Tbd

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8.8.7 Sectored ↔ sectored array on same face

Minimum Separation Distances and azimuths for Shared Headframes


↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨

D 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m

Φ ≤0º ≤0º ≤0º ≤0º ≤0º ≤0º ≤0º

Θ ≤0º ≤0º ≤0º ≤0º ≤0º ≤0º ≤0º

45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB
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8.8.8 Sectored ↔ sectored arrays - adjacent installations

Minimum Separation Azimuths for Sectored Pole

Operator 1 Operator 2

adjacent sectored antennas

on shared headframe or pole,
adjacent faces


↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨ ↨

α ≥60º ≥60º ≥60º ≥60º ≥60º ≥60º ≥60º

45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB 45dB
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9. Tower Mounted Amplifier (TMA/MHA)

9.1 TMA/MHA principles
The Tower Mounted Amplifier (another name is Mast Head Amplifier) is used to improve
the effective receiver system noise figure when a long feeder length is applied. The
reduction of the noise figure is transformed to the improvement of the link budget in the
uplink direction what can be interpreted as the feeder loss compensation. The typical
TMA installation is illustrated in the Figure 59.

Figure 59 TMA installation on site and picture of double dual duplex TMA (Kathrein)

The TMA is installed in the Rx path close to the antenna. If the receive diversity
configuration is used (cross-polar diversity or space diversity) then per each feeder the
separate TMA unit is required. The number of required TMA units also depends on the
number of bands supported by installed antenna (single band, dual band or triple band)
and site RF configuration (e.g. the triple band can be installed on site but only for one
band the TMA to be used).

The block diagram of the double dual duplex TMA produced by the Kathrein is shown in
the Figure 60. This model is compliant with the ASIG standard for the RET installation
and in addition it is equipped with the by-pass mode in case of the DC power down.
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Figure 60 Double dual duplexTMA block diagram (source: Kathrein)

When the TMA is used only the Rx path is amplified, improving quality in the uplink
branch. Typical gain which can be achieved varies from 12dB to over 20dB depending
on the model. For the downlink (Tx path) the TMA introduces additionally ~ 0.3dB
insertion loss.

The typical receive path block diagram is illustrated in the Figure 61.

Figure 61 Reveive path (uplink) block diagram

The TMA reduces the total noise figure of the reception path. If the reception path
contains the TMA, base station, feeders, connectors and diplexers/ filters (optionally)
the total noise figure can be derived from the Friess formula (Equation 29):

nf FEEDER − 1 nf DIPLEXER − 1 nf BS − 1
nf TOTAL = nf TMA + + +


nf, G – noise figure and gain of each element in the receive path

If there are no diplexers in the receive path then nfDIPLEXER = GDIPLEXER = 1 in Equation

The TMA gain and transition loss both are to be taken into consideration in the uplink
and downlink power budget calculation.
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9.2 TMA/MHA types

The MHA is dual unit that includes two MHAs ina single enclosure. The MHA is
connected to the BTS via antenna feeder line and the Bias-T, which is directly
connected to the BTS antenna connector. Using the LNA with a low noise figure
reduces the overall noise contribution of the antenna feeder, resulting an improvement
in BTS receive sensitivity.

The MHA unit is designed for duplex operation so it can be used with a TX/RX antenna
line. This requires the use of duplex filters within the unit to provide a transmit-only path
and receive-only path. The receive path is through the LNA section, with RX filters on
the input and output of the LNA. A TX filter provides the duplex path for the TX signals.
A Bias-T circuit in the MHA de-couples the DC voltage supply provided via antenna line
and powers the LNA.

The MHA sub-unit consists of the following components:

• Dual low noise amplifiers (LNA)

• Temperature stability circuits
• High Q, low loss RX and TX duplex filters
• Supervision circuitry to monitor the status of amplifiers and send alarm signals to the
BTS in the event of failure
• Current extraction circuitry at the BTS port for DC feed via the coaxial feeder
• Lighting protection circuitry at all ports
• Path for AISG DC power and control from BTS 1 to ANT 1
• Have Bias-T circuits that convert AISG DC power from coax to separate DC power
and data lines, and backwards.

Figure 62 Block diagram of MHA: Dual 850MHz 32dB MHA MDTA

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The MHA unit has a RET connector that is used to support AISG DC power and control.
This is a two-way communication port that will support AISG enabled devices.

Figure 63 Configuration examples of antennas with variable electrical tilt (with and without MHA)

The following MHA models are available in the MHAs NSN portfolio:

• Dual 850MHz 32dB MHA MDTA (AISG and RET output)

• Dual 900MHz 32dB MHA MDGA (AISG and RET output)
• Dual 1800MHz 12/33dB MDDA (AISG and RET output)
• Dual 1900MHz 12/33dB MDPA (AISG and RET output)
• FLJA WCDMA 2000MHz Dual (AISG and RET output)
• Dual 2.1GHz 12dB MHA WMHC
• Dual 2.1GHz 12dB MHA WMHD (AISG and RET output)

For detailed technical specification please refer to the NSN MHA Product Description.
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10. Diplexers and Triplexers

10.1 Diplexers
Diplexers are filter units that combine and separate the outputs of two transmitters of
different frequency bands into a common feeder cable. They also perform the reverse
function of accepting a received signal of different frequencies and splitting then to their
respective receivers. There must be a diplexer of some kind at both ends of the feeder
cable. The upper diplexer may be inside the housing of a dual band antenna.

The NSN diplexers pass the DC current to all ports. DC Stops are available to block DC
current from shorting to ground through the BTS input that is not connected to a Bias-T
or through the antenna not connected to the MHA (Figure 64). DC Stops are not
required if the Bias-T and MHA are not used.

However, it is necessary to use the DC Stop component on the input of the base station
not provided with the Bias-T and to use the second DC Stop on the antenna without
MHA. This prevents the DC voltage from being shorted to ground through the antenna
and base station transmitter.

Figure 64 Example of WCDMA antenna system with diplexers and DC Stops

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The following diplexer types are contained in the NSN portfolio:

• Diplexer 800-1000/1700-2170
• Diplexer 800-1000/1700-2170 Double Kit
• Diplexer 1710-1880/1920-2170
• Diplexer 1800/WCDMA Double Unit

For detailed technical specification please refer to the NSN EDGE/WCDMA Antenna
System Product Documentation.

10.2 Triplexers
Triplexers are filter units that combine and separate the outputs of three transmitters of
different frequency bands into common feeder cable. They also perform the reverse
function of accepting a received signal of different frequencies and splitting them to their
respective receivers (Figure 65). There must be a triplexer of some kind at both ends of
the feeder cable. The upper triplexer may be inside housing of a dual band antenna.
The NSN triplexers pass the DC current to all ports. DC Stops are available to bloc DC
current from shorting to ground through the BTS input that is not connected to the Bias-
T or through the antenna not connected to a MHA. DC Stops are not required if the
Bias-T and MHA are not used.
There is one triplexer type available in the NSN portfolio: WCDMA/GSM900/GSM1800.

Figure 65 Example of WCDMA antenna system with triplexer setup

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11. Flexi Multiradio Combiner (MRC)

The Flexi Multiradio Combiner (MRC) is a part of Flexi Antenna Line for co-sitting GSM
and WCDMA BTSs occupying the same frequency band (Figure 66):

• FACB for 850MHz BTSs

• FADB for 900MHz BTSs
• FAEB for 1800MHz BTSs
• FAFB for 1900MHz BTSs
• FAGB for 2100MHz BTSs
• FAGC for 2100MHz BTSs

The MRC cooperates with existing and future products as well as with the 3rd party BTS

Figure 66 Flexi Multiradio Combiner

The MRC provides the AISG/3GPP carrier signal and a DC power path. The block
diagram (Figure 67) illustrates the basic functionality of the Flexi Multiradio Combiner
from the RF and DC point of view.

Figure 67 Block diagram of MRC (FACB 850MHz/FADB 900MHz)

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GSM Tx carriers and GSM Rx main are connected to the first antenna line. WCDMA Tx
and WCDMA Rx main are connected to the second antenna line. GSM div Rx is fed into
the second antenna line. WCDMA Rx div is fed into the first antenna line. In the uplink
direction, the main Rx signals and the diversity Rx signals from antennas to
GSM/EDGE and to WCDMA BTS are divided by dividers. There is a 4.5 dB loss in Rx
paths (both main and div). With the Flexi Multiradio Combiner it is highly recommended
to use a low noise Masthead Amplifier as it retains system performance despite
additional uplink loss.

Figure 68 Block diagram of MRC (FAGB 2100MHz)

Figure 69 Block diagram of MRC (FAGC 2100MHz)

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12. Antenna configuration aspects

12.1 Overview
The several aspects must be taken into account when the antenna configuration is
planned. The antenna types, diversity, tilt and co-location issues are described in
separate chapters. The following chapter focuses on radio planning aspects related the
antenna mounting on site.

12.2 Electromagnetic field zones around antenna

12.2.1 Overview
Around the antenna electric and magnetic fields are generated by the current in the
antenna element. These fields are transformed into waves that are propagated radially
from the antenna. When the antenna configuration is planned there are three regions of
wave field that need to be considered:

• Near field
• Far field
• Fresnel zone

12.2.2 Near field

The currents in the antenna generate electric and magnetic field around the antenna
responsible for its inductive, capacitive or resonant nature. These fields decay away
from the antenna surface at a distance rate of 1/r2 or higher and are negligible beyond
5λ. Large antennas with dimension ≥ 4λ support an inductive field that can be derived
from the formula Equation 30.

r < 0.62 ⋅ Equation 30

d – largest dimension of antenna, perpendicular to direction of observation

λ - wave length

Any object located at a shorter distance interacts with the antenna and changes its
impedance and radiation pattern. Close-in objects and structures should thus be
avoided or else incorporated in the antenna design and characterization.

12.2.3 Far field

Far away from the antenna it may be considered a point source of radiation and the
radiation field propagates radially out. The radiation intensity may vary for different
directions as expressed by the radiation pattern independent of the distance from the
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Norbert Łukasiewicz 15.02.2008

antenna. The radiated power density degrades as 1/r2 in the far field. The criterion for
the far field zone can be derived by Equation 31.

r> Equation 31

12.2.4 Fresnel zone

The zone connecting the near field and far field is called the Fresnel zone. The
induction fields are negligible but the antenna dimensions are appreciable when
compared to the distance of observation. The intensity of radiation does not decrease at
the 1/r2 rate. Instead the fields stay collimated as a beam with only a small divergence
and its maintained to a distance r before begins to flare (Equation 32).

r = 0.2 Equation 32

This effect is important in considering antenna fields and reflections by large structures.

12.3 Rooftop installations

In case of the rooftop installation the most problematic obstacle is roof surface. The
antenna height over the rooftop has to be chosen very carefully. For more details
regarding the rooftop installation related aspects please refer to the chapter 42 and 44.

12.4 Wall mounted antennas

Some times the directional antennas are mounted on the building’s wall. In general it is
recommended to use the flat panel antennas mainly due to the better visual effect. In
case of wall mounted installation a range of azimuth changes is usually very restricted.
In order to avoid shadowing or antenna beam deforming by reflections it is very
important to keep the sector width without obstacles. Moreover an additional safety
margin ±15º is recommended (Figure 70).
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Figure 70 Wall mounted antenna

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AMR Adaptive Multi-Rate (speech codecs)
BH Busy Hour
BS Base Station
CDMA Code-Division Multiple Access
CHC Channel Card
CS Circuit-Switched Service
CE Channel Element
DL Downlink
FDD Frequency Division Duplex
EQ AMR Equivalent
GoS Grade of Service
GUI Graphical User Interface
HCS Hierarchical Cell Structures
HO Hand Over / Handoff
HTML HyperText Markup Language
LCD Low Constrained Delay (CS data)
MDE Multidimensional Erlang Formula
MHA Mast Head Amplifier
Node B UMTS Base Station
OTSR Omni Transmit Sectored Receive
PMN0 Planning Manual
PS Packet-Switched service (synonym to PO)
PO Packet-Oriented service
RRH Remote Radio Heads
TDD Time Division Duplex
TMA Tower Mounted Amplifier
UDD Unspecified Delay Data (PS data)
UE User Equipment
UL Uplink
UMTS Universal Mobile Telephone System
UMR UMTS Release
UTRAN UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network
XML eXtensible Markup Language
XSL eXtensible Stylesheet Language

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