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Name: Ashley Casey

PART A: Students will be learning about the equation of a line. Once we have discussed how to find the slope and y-intercept,
students will be asked to create their own word problem. Once checked by the teacher, students will switch problems with
someone else in the class. Each student must work out the problem they received and create an Audacity file. For the Audacity
file, students will be required to read the word problem they were given, and talk through the steps they took to find the equation
of the line. Students will be asked to be specific, to create a visual picture in the mind of the person listening to the audio file.
Grade Level: 6th Grade
Content Area: Math
Technology Used (check all that apply): Movie Audio Podcast Vodcast Other: (list)

Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed:

6th grade math:
MGSE8.EE.6 Use similar triangles to explain why the slope m is the same between any two distinct points
on a non-vertical line in the coordinate plane; derive the equation 𝑦 = 𝑚x for a line through the origin and
the equation 𝑦 = 𝑚x + 𝑏 for a line intercepting the vertical axis at b.

Brief Description of Learning Experience:

This project will be introduced after we have worked through creating equations of linear lines with the slope and y-intercept.
Students will create a problem on their own and then switch with someone else in the class. They will then take their new
problem, solve it, and create an Audacity file walking through the problem. They are doing this to help other classmates get to
the correct answer. This project should take a week, and students will have time to work on it in class and at home.
The audience for this project is the teacher, or if a student would like to share their audio file with the whole class, we can listen
to it in class. The teacher will provide the feedback to students. There will be a rubric for guiding the students. Teacher will make
comments on the rubric of what students did right and critique areas where there may have been misunderstandings throughout
the audio.

Student Engagement/Higher-Order Thinking:

This activity would be at a LoTi level 4, because it is having students work on real problems, incorporating technology, and
recording their voice to ensure understanding of the steps they took to complete the problem.

Importance of technology:
For this project, students are recording themselves as they walk through each step of creating the equation of a line. This
forces students to be detailed and specific for the audience to create a visual of what the line and equation look like. The
project could be done without technology. Using multimedia tools, allows students to hear themselves work through a
problem. Students may use Desmos or Geogebra to help them see what the line looks like, but they will not be shown in
the audio file.
Internet Safety and Student Privacy:
Audacity is a file that is downloaded to the computer. Therefore, I do not think there are any safety or privacy concerns
that should arise. Students are creating their own files and may or may not share them with others.
Other comments about your proposed student multimedia authoring activity:
I think this activity is a great way for students to hear what they sound like when explaining problems and answers to
others. It teaches them to be specific and also helps with annunciating words clearly.

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