Pointless Stuff

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Large Games workshop model and white dwarf collection

Consists of:

1 company of space marines (3000 pts):

1 tech marine

6 tactical squads (3 flamers, 3 multi-melters)

1 vanguard veteran squad (no jump packs)

1 stern guard veteran squad

1 rhino

1 land speeder typhoon

1 bike squad

2 devistator squads (rocket launchers, plasma cannon, multi-melta, lascannon, heavy bolter.)

1 codex space marines 5th edition

1 battle for Maccragge booklet.

A small grey knight army (700pts):

1 rouge trader grey knight terminator

1 brotherhood champion

2 squads of grey knights armed with 1 psycannon, 1 incinerator and 1 psylincer. (1 metal, 1 plastic)

A dark Eldar army (900pts):

1 homunculus, 1 succubus (new) , 5 mandrakes (new) , 1 beast master with warp beasts, 3 reaver jet
bikes, 1 raider, two squads of dark Eldar warriors, something made up of spare parts (I call it a Talos

A lord of the rings strategy battle game Moria goblin army (550pts):

13 goblins with bows, 14 goblins with spears, 12 goblins with swords + shields (two of them I use as
captains.) two cave trolls (one has a genestealer head) 1 goblin drum. (metal)

A stack of LOTR scenery from the scenery pack and mines of Moria.

1 LOTR rules book (not in great condition, but usable.)

1 mines of Moria booklet

White dwarves:

Dread fleet into the maelstrom

Citadel journal issue 7

White dwarves: (most of them are in fairly good condition, all of them are readable, some just have
small tears, ect.)

96, 183, 200, 201, 205, 310, 213, 217, 242, 243, 244, 254, 258, 265, 266, 275, 278, 279, 282, 295 317,
357, 368, 370, 375, 376, 383, 384, 386, 390, October 2013

Very few of these models are well painted. I was a gamer not a painter. However they can all be
repainted without too much trouble. A lot of the also have conversions.

I will also supply various bits and pieces (shoulder pads, arms, bolters / other guns ect.)

Any comments, please Email me at job3220@hotmail.co.nz rather than commenting, I will respond
in the answers bar but I can receive your questions faster this way.

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