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OFFICE: 90t5221365

I, [Unas Eil], United Nations Number 27L8, by special and limited appearance
Sebkhet Amun Re
and on behalf of [DARRIN YOUNG/DARRIN FLEMING], hereby require CHARLES W.
SUMMERS III to recuse and withdraw himself from consulting[ DARRIN YOUNG/DARRIN
FLEMINGI. I am the authorized representative of[ DARRIN YOUNG/DARRIN FLEMING].I
accept for value and consideration, his estate, movable and immovable wherever situate
(ucc$3-40 1, ucc$3-s0 1 ).
I am Indigenous, Autochthonous, flesh and blood Male of the; Aniyunwiya(Cherokee) descent,
claim in According with;The United Nations Declaration on The Rights Of Indigenous
peoples.http ://www. un. orgllocs/j ournal/asplws.asp?m:AiRE5/66/
http:1/ Aniyunwiya: Nation
of : Yamassee Moors: http://www.scrib.comldoc/59269375lYConsitution ;Presidential
Proclamation 7500;HJR- I 94
- 1 I 0hres I 94chlpdf/Bll-I-S- 1 I Ohres I 94ch.pdf;HJR-3 ; 1 975
Inter-America Declaration on Rights Of Indigenous peoples; Stat.153, Title 8 USC 876, IRS
Mission Statement htQ:// that I am not a decedent ( IRS
Manual 27.7.I3.3.2.2),1amalive and I am noi dead(l540 Cestui Que Vie Trust Act ,1666 Cestui
Que Vie Trust Act ,l7O'7 Cestui Que Vie Trust Act)
I want for the record on your record held in your computer database ,which has me listed as a
security or deceased or any other way you may have it listed, change it to a living soul.I am very
competent of the Three Express Crown Trusts created by The Holy Roman See Pontiff. A infant
is a descendent of their mother and grantor. owner. trustor of a trust. guardianship. receivership,
or custodianship. according to ( IRS Manua| that has yet to receive a SSN
h:tp:// lpart?llirm 2l-007-0l3r.html. Declaration of assumptive death is a
fiction:G.R.No.160258 Republic of The Philippines w.Glorai Bermudex-Lorino.
http:l/ I have a
social security number 428216202, so by the IRS Manual:21 ., I am not a decedent:

(Black's Law Dictionary pg. 435-decedent n. A dead person, esp. One who recently died). I am
no longer liable for: a.) Maritime leins being enforced against me, b.) Securities being taken out
of the estate.All maritime leins currently being enforced against me, I hereby claim null & void,
ab-initio-nunc pro tunc. See: Liber code Art 45,46.& 55 of the Hague Convention IV October
18, 1907 http://www.icrc.orCihl.nsf/FUll/195 . I am the infant who does have an SSA#
428216202 with number which makes me the beneficiary of this trust[ DARRIN
YOUNG/FLEMING], and the Name vests within me:an Indigenous Autochthonous living male
of the: Aniyunwiya:(Cherokee descent) Nation of: Yamassee Moors.Being that the IRS works in
Admiralty, the IRS according to its own code, can no longer enforce any maritime leins against
myself as I have now claimed: I am not lost at sea, nor am I a decedent/vessel in coflrmerce
(1707 Cestui Que Vie Trust Act, U.K)SSN# 428216202.

I require CHARLES W. SUMMERS III to do the following:

(1) Give me a certified copy of his Bar CardlMembership Number, to veriff and certiff that he is
indeed a Queen's Counsel.

(2) Show me the contract which allows him to act as [DARRIN YOLING/DARRIN
Consultant of his

(3) I request that the Defense Attorney Charles W. Summers III, read my letter of Rogatory out
in open court for the record and file a copy with the clerk's office and the Magistrate Judge James
M. Lammey and the prosecutor attomey gets a copy of the letter for the record.

(4) Also, let the court know of my commercial standing with my SF-I81. I , Unas Sebkhet
Amun Re Eil, misnomer I DARRIN YOUNG, DARRIN FLEMING] did not hire Attorney
Charles W. Summers III on my own free will, he was hired by my girlfriend and not me. I was
held in jail under threat of duress and coercion, otherwise I wouldn't have hired him.

(5) I want settlement and closure for account #C1800186 #1800052; I accept all fees for value
3-40I,UCC 3-419) Public 73-10, HJR-192,
and consideration in accord with( UCC
UNCITRAL,LINILOS, and UN CHARTER. Please use my exemption return for settlement and
closwe. .
(6)Also, I accept the hired Attorney Charles W. Summers, for value and consideration for
sefflement and closure. The undersigned hereby fully accepts for value and returns for value
other fees, interest and other charges, which are not yet listed of your presentment(s) offerts).

(7) I humbly request that Charles W. Summers III and James M. Lammey Jr. and/or the agents
and principals of the State of Tennessee Shelby County Criminal Court to return the Bid Bond
along with closure and settlement of this said account.

(8) I also request that Charles W. Summers III, state for the record if this matter is a Tort Claim
or Contract Claim.

(9) Send a statement of the account showing a zero balance.

(l0)This is a notice to the SHELBY COLTNTY CRIMINAL COURT court of my Letter of

Rogatory and I demand my name be cleared of this alleged 'criminal case' CASE # C1800186 #

(11) I request for you not to start an argument nor to join an argument.

(12) I don't dispute the fact, I'11 enter a plea for the defendant, let me be advised of the details of
the hearing to receive the Bid Bond and enter the plea.

(13)Charles W. Summers III is not to call any witnesses.

(1a) Ask the judge to discharge the bond.

(15) Explain to the court that the defendant has not raised any objection to the publication of his
will thereby waiving all his rights, title, interest, remedy and recourse to said property.

(16) Explain to Magistrate James M. Lammey, Jr. and the court that they do not have any rights
or the authority to interfere in private international maffers.

(17) Ask Magistrate James M. Lammey if his bond will withstand the commercial liability of the
charges this court is entering today.

(18) Charles W. Summers III is not authorized to defend the defendant.

(19) I demand the prosecutingrattorney to write the check to close the account.

(20) I demand full settlement and closure!!!!

'for the reasons set forth below:

(1)I, Darrin Young/Fleming, have ;earned that this is alleged 'court' that has scheduled a

case/cause/claim against me is not really a 'court' as per the constitution of the United States, but
rather a tribunal operated as a private corporation.

(2) I have learned of the fraud that goes on behind the scenes of this alleged 'criminal cases'
which are really civil claims in equity and the steps taken to securitize the civil claims, without
giving full disclosure to the people. I am hereby letting the court know that I am opting out of
any contracts and do not allow any documents regarding me or my cestui que trust to be
securitized and sold to any investors.

(3) When a judge asks if a person understands, he or she is asking if the person is liable for the
bond. I am not responsible for the bond of these cases, but I will appoint the judge trustee as
fiduciary and be the beneficiary of all proceedings.

(a)The fraudulent process is as follows: All cases are civil, though often fraudulently called
criminals. The courts are operating under Trust Law, assuming that the defendant is
decedent.After finding the alleged defendant guilty, the court clerks sell the judgements to the
federal courts. Since the defendant is decedent , the court officials consider themselves the

(5) The judgements are stamped with something to the effect of "Pay To The Order" on the back
and taken to the federal discount window. The judgement now becomes a note.

(6)The notes are pooled as ( Bid bonds, Performance bonds and Payment bonds) together and
then become securities, which are yet pooled together and sold as bonds.

(7)Said bonds are leins against the straw, not me, the real flesh and blood Indigenous White
Autochthonous Native American .

(8) The United States Attomey Office has a put code number, which, NAICS ( North America
Identification Classif,rcation Security) Said NAICS number enable the United States Attorney's
Office to trade globally all securities.

(9) AIl US federal courts are registered with the DOD, (Department Of Defense) where they are
registered with CCR(Contractors Central Registration) under the DOD, which has another
department called DLIS(Defense Logistics Information Services), which issues a cage code,
which means commercial and government entity, which everything corresponds with their bank

(10) Said United States Attorney's Office and courts have a Dunn's number, (Dunn and

(11) Everything filed into court not heard in Article 3 court(District Court of the United States)
are really civil and however, the courts again commit fraud by labeling the cases as criminal. All
cases which are pleaded out or have a 'guilty conviction' label the civil defendant (through
unlawful conversion) as felons, when they are not. This is fraud to the people at large and
certainly fraud upon the alleged defendant.

(12) Everything filed into court is securitized without the knowledge or consent of the people or
of all parties.

(13) The bank accounts is at Federal Reserve Banks in New York, of New York City. The
Depository Agreement is signed by the clerks of the court.

(14) All securities are then deposited with the DTC in New York.

(15) An escrow agent is used as a go between-between the clerk's offrce and the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York.

(16) The securities end up being listed through the 17 circuit in Chicago, Illinois, then sent to the
DTCC, the clearinghouse which lists the securities for trading.

(17) A11 of the lawyers involved are acting as a private debt collector, according to the FDCPA
(Title 15$1692). The Bar Association exempts them from having to be registered as such;
however they operate through call warrants, which are like a put, or a call. During margin calls is
where and when they convert a case through a (similar writ of execution) use the case to buy
equity securities.

(1S)Everything filed into the courts is securitized and turned into negotiable instruments, and
then tum them into securities. These items are sold commercial items, calling them distress
debts(Unifunds). The items are funds, where they are sold globally.

(19) Any time when there is risk management involved it is for the securities. This is an
underwriting company. When the hedge funds are going into the global market, they go through
Luer Hermes, a bond holder or underwriting company and subdivision of alliance SE.of Munich,
Germany (Pimco Bonds).

(20)After nine months, all papers are converted into security status! This is defined in Title
15$77(a)(b)(1) and now considered to be an investment contract. The paper is endorsed to
become a security and then the trust is collapsed.

(21) The courts have an account with the IMF (Intemational Monetary Fund) under interpol.The
judges involved and the US Attomeys involved do not have an accessible oath of office. They
cover up the fact that the oath of office is between them and the IMF.

(22)Thejudge and the US attorneys are actually employees of the IMF and have expatriated out
of the United States.They are now registered foreign agents under Title22, which states all
foreign agents must be registered.

(23) The court judgements are deposited with the IMF. since the case obviously involves me I
have a drawing right to all proceeds. See UCC $3-305 and $3-306. The courts judgements are
monopolized, according to Title 16 which is a violation of antitrust law, and also unfair trade

(24)lndictments are true bills, meaning they are negotiable instruments. The district Afforney
failed to give me a 1099 OID showing me as the recipient of the funds, which is a fraud upon
me. [n my case, I have been indicted and I'm requesting a 1099 OID unless you wish to close
the account.

(25) The unlawful funds, through fraud and deception are deposited in the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York and they have not paid the tax on this income. According to the IRC this is a $201
of Title 26.(wil1ful failure to file with the intent to invade the tax).

(26) Acopy of the Depository Resolution Agreement wasn't made available to me from the clerk
of the court. The clerk of the court makes deposits into the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
via electronic transfer(EFT).

(27)The clerk has a PMIA(Private Money Investment Account) is which has a government code.
According to the Clerk Praxis, the clerk of the US District Court is registered in admiralty.

(28) According to the IRS $209 decoding manual and the ADPM (Automated Data Process
Manual)All 1099's are classed 5 gift and estate tax. I am asking for a 1099 OID in this case as I
am not willing to gift you the proceeds. I am hereby asking you for proceeds in their entirety
including interest.

(29)l have never plead my rights or my body to any gift programs including any courts or courts

(30) I am not a charitable organization. I demand all funds from this case ( current and past
cases) be sent to me within I will file a complaint to the IRS and the SEC, explaining
15 days or
the funds and the theft committed upon me and issue a 1099 OID.

(31) I demand my name and my cestui que trust name [Darrin Young/Darrin Fleming] [DARRIN
YOUNG/DARRIN FLEMINGI, be removed from any and all government database indicating
bad credit, commercial leins, and titles of criminal felonies and/or convicted felons be removed
immediately and permanently nunc pro tunc.

(32)I hereby request a copy of the Depository Resolution Agreement from the clerks of court
and a W-9 from the judge and the US attorney involved, if you wish to proceed with the case.

(33) I hereby notice the court that I am the executor of the cestui que trust of DARRIN
YOLING/DARRIN FLEMING. According to Title 26$303 and770l, companies, corporations or
any associates and trusts are decedents. This means all capital letter names is a legal estate. I
direct all of the affairs and financial affairs of DARRIN YOLING/DARRIN FLEMING.

(34)I demand this case account be closed and no further steps to be taken to securitize it.

(35) I hereby ask the court to notiff the local agents and agencies to put me on a do not disturb
list so that we don't have to go through this again.

(36) I am confident that the court urOit, officers want to follow the law, and perhaps were
unaware of the processes of civil and criminal cases. I expect no further harassment from rogue,
unregistered foreign agents. Letter of Rogatory for relief.

ledit Letter of Rogatory I.D.

(21)The clerk has a PMIA(Private Money Investment Account) is which has a govemment code.
According to the Clerk Praxis, the clerk of the US District Court is registered in admiralty.

(28) According to the IRS $209 decoding manual and the ADPM (Automated Data Process
Manual)All 1099's are classed 5 gift and estate tax. I am asking for a 1099 OID in this case as I
am not willing to gift you the proceeds. I am hereby asking you for proceeds in their entirety
including interest.

(29)I have never plead my rights or my body to any gift programs including any courts or courts

(30) I am not a charitable organization. I demand all funds from this case ( current and past
cases) be sent to me within I will file a complaint to the IRS and the SEC, explaining
15 days or
the funds and the theft committed upon me and issue a 1099 OID.

(31) I demand my name and my cestui que trust name [Darrin Young/Darrin Fleming] [DARRIN
YOUNG/DARRIN FLEMINGI, be removed from any and all government database indicating
bad'credit, commercial leins, and titles of criminal felonies andlor convicted felons be removed
immediately and permanently nunc pro tunc.

(32)I hereby request a copy of the Depository Resolution Agreement from the clerks of court
and a W-9 from the judge and the US attorney involved, if you wish to proceed with the case.

(33) I hereby notice the court that I am the executor of the cestui que trust of DARRIN
YOLING/DARRIN FLEMING. According to Title 26$303 and770l, companies, corporations or
any associates and trusts are decedents. This means all capital letter names is a legal estate. I
direct all of the affairs and financial affairs of DARRIN YOUNG/DARRIN FLEMING.

(34)I demand this case account be closed and no further steps to be taken to securitize it.

(35) I hereby ask the court to notiff the local agents and agencies to put me on a do not disturb
list so that we don't have to go through this again.

(36) I am confident that the court ur,O it, officers want to follow the law, and perhaps were
unaware of the processes of civil and criminal cases. I expect no further harassment from rogue,
unregistered foreign agents. Letter of Rogatory for relief.
4ledit Letter of Rogatory I.D.


United Nations Declarations on The Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Hf" ir:J
Convention on Economics, Social and Cultural rights, Charter: articles 55 & s6:Presidential {Ir*
Proclamation 7500 HJR 194, S.Con.Res.26.S.l200, HJR -3(HJ 3 IH).

P-?n I
Affirmed to and Subscribed before me this I 0 day ofN{an#, 2018.

Personally known Produced Identificatio" .


Affiant UCC-1-3

Type and # of I.D: C- i'k1., ble- ru,{npg9

My Commission Expires
1E/13/?886 i4;56 9Si*545-355? {T. ir.rEs


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of Tmessce" to i w help me God.


r day adnni
-rr., roagu of Division-fl}tf"
state of Tenn**il,*"***
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