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INTENNIAL | ce 3531105 Centennial College: OTA & PTA Program Evaluation of Essential Skills and Competencies Evaluation Summary, Tobe completed atthe end ofthe placemeht only. } Student | Strengths: 94 // Le well spoken | foe) beharla~- Ae atlas bo fae Caspucken & fou yecomaucales te werk effuufy— Poy xabn. "he at be very goo) Ais fe peru Hrflu~| Aeot care Hipfia ghuclis General Comments: ‘Attendance: | No. of days absent: | No. of days late: | Time made up: Yes] Not] | Reason for absence: ‘Overall development of: Please upe same rating scale as the Competgncy Evaluation Forms [a] Practical skills relevant to population/area of practice | [a] Rating: 1 203) 4 [b] Clinical reasoning skills (connecting client's condition | [b] Rating: 1 2 to the rehabilitation goal and to the treatment selected) ‘Overall Performance on this Placement: __] Satisfactory TO Unsatisfactory Comments: Cinical upenisor:_Avet Faia Dato az. Au Bally Date ‘Student Signature: A Date 26 ‘A. Performs non-clinical duties which support client services * Maintains statistical data on clients seen (workdo Storesfabels ony I ‘abels equipment and ‘Supplies 25 a» & professior relationship Inall munications Communicates with others : [ i Peers/colleagues/clients and Modifies behaviour/pertormance to accommodate findings Manages disagreements or conflicts in a diplomatic manner Establishes rapport with client with ease, using appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication techniques. Uses strategies that empower the client (appropriate cuing, providing feedback with dignity and empathy, listening, guiding) Utilizes verbal and non-verbal inal 5B. Demonstrates timely and effective communication with colleagues, regarding client issues "Verbal and/or written or electronic communications are complete, accurate, concise and reflective of the services provided. = Utilizes appropriate OT/PT terminology in communications = Documents in the medical chart using practices as determined by the facility Student: ‘A. Demonstrates. decision making skills within the practice setting | and own scope of practice | Is able to identity the therapeutic benefits of treatment techniques in relation tothe client's goals and/or condition Grades or adapts activities for the achievement of cient goals or changes in performance appropriately through discussion with therapist. Recognizes adverse reactions fo intervention and takes appropriate action ‘Monitors the use of recommended equipment andor strategies during ADL's/ mobilty and incorporates findings into future sessions B. Engages in reflective practice Engages in solf-eflective and} evaluative practices (as related to treatment effectiveness and/or own learning needs) i Identifies leaming strategies ‘and appropriate resources for’ acquiring new skils/knowledge ‘Demonstrates integration of constructive feedback and/or , new knowiedge/skills through altered behaviours/actions 23 ‘Student: ) Obtains consent prior to OTA8PTA service provision a client-centored ‘approach to the delivery of services * ‘Monitors the client response to and | in status that may impact health Centennial College: OTA & PTA Program Pinay y. etry Loud ah Iker OF * Selects group activities that ‘support the learning goals = Promotes group discussions that facliate positive, healthy ‘group dynamics * Introduces, maintains and loses the group process effectively 22 Demonstrates the integration of OT/PT skills with theory Demonstrates understanding of the relationship between: [a] occupation and health and | __ {b] physical function and health Recognizes the influence of the client's physical, cognitive, psychosocial, emotional, environmental and spiritual dimensions have on function Applies knowledge of the principles of normal, movement to functional * ~ Ne activities such as postural |: alignment, seating, Hl ransitional movements, mobility and wheelchair propulsion Demonstrates good general knowledge, such as: the structure and function of the iuman body, and disease rocesses of diagnostic yroups commonly treated erforms selected neasuresfests as assigned, | vithin established guidelines | pain rating scale, joniometry)and accurately sports results to the herapist. fodities delivery, based on lient needs, characteristics nd learning styles nplements various teaching trategies and tools (using ritten material, verbalizing ew learning, backward haining) emonstrates knowledge of asic teaching principles ee “reeponeibity for service | Midtery > nts: are assigned by the Clinical 20 * Identifies limitations of ractice/adheres to scope of Practice * Seeks out the therapist for ‘guidance or supervision as ‘appropriate Understands the obligation to protect the client from harm * Informs the client of the OTABPTIA role and function within the toam Takes precautions to ensure the client's safety and well-being is ‘maintained (0.9. safe use of equipment, universal precaution, ‘maintains the cients dignity, ete): providing safe and effective care. + Demonstrates respect for the dignity and privacy of alients * Identity and adhere to facility regulations, policies and procedures, regarding safety, client Contact and ‘communication/documentation mechanisms. 19 Centennial College: OTA & PTA Program | a Zo Zin Evaluation of Essential Skills a & Competencies 2 4 Occupational Therapist istant and Physiotherapist Assistant Program Please complete the following chart and include it as the tile page to your evaluation. ee reree Hels Am asa 1 Placement Level: Tharpeewry Clinical Supervisor's PyAgiO Herup sr ¢ Name and Titie: Aleck Facility: hoouh Extinded Lape ! Discipline Focused on a During Placement: ‘Area of Practice: Lic yoccu Please mail completed evaluation forms to: ! Centennial College PO Box 631, Station A | Toronto, ONM1K5E9 Attention: Pat Lee Morningside Campus - Room 352 Centennial College: _ OTA& PTA Program Evaluation of Essential Skills and Competencies Rating Scale ‘The evaluation scores shouldjrefiect the level of their competency at the time of evaluation, at midterm and final evaluation according to the competency rating scale. The following chart outfines the rating scale for each of the competencies. This evaluation form is designed to assess students at any level of the program. The Clinical Supervisor should use this, scale to compare student performance to that expected of an ENTRY LEVEL OTA&PTA —|s defined as a new graduate of an OTA&PTA program who Is in the n OTABPTA (example, within the first 3 - 6 months of practice). Entry Level 4 Practice | ompetency/skil cafely and independent, following therapist's instruction, ln this specific practice setting. z Proficient Scant ‘aries out competency/skil following instruction and with minimal ‘Bupervision from the OTA/OT and PTAIPT. Minor errors or omissions do not bietract from performance of activities or therapeutic interventions. Student demonstrates ongoing gains in the acquisition of skills and jowledge related to the role. Student continues to require assistance and dance to perform competency/skil lease indicate and comment, if performance level is due to lack of ability or of inity to practice. ident consistently requires direct supervision and/or cuing to perform petency/skill safely and effectively. TThis competency/skill does not relate to this level of student, this placement pris area of practi 2 | Working towards 7 Unsatisfactory WiA | Not applicable Evaluate each pkil/criterion against your expectation of Entry Level Practice* Assign a midterm and final grad to the lettered subcategories. The criteria bulleted under each of the subcategories may be used to ghide your evaluation of that subcategory. Each criteria does not require a separate grade, ! 7 ~ >) / wacmart COPY ‘CANADA CORP. FRONT-END ASSOCIATE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL eas AMSA 48-50 = OUTSTANDING STON Casha 40-45 = EXCELLENT ast 30-38=G00D ce 20-2. = IMPROVING ns > We 4.0 1.8 = UNSATISFACTORY RE GERRE 32 MANDATORY; ASSOCIATES FATED AS UNSATISFACTORY MUST BE -/) ‘E_EVALUATED INGO DAYS, TADDTONAL ATTACHMENTS ——TUYES OWS TP PLANS, 2 7 RESPECT FOR THE INDVIDUAL Br ire be crprroneuis er scommuan grr corer, CSET OFC CORT Meee a eee eee yan {EUS irc roncor voce wocrevscoy | MG nErngrocoyrue om eee roc mo COMA HTH TR ARTO 38 [SERVICE TO THE CUSTOMER TT TEs ccsouera a rmcnouy aan ne ARES TO WORK WITH VEST AND — + Futnasrean coe ne eve Bibvoneecorcavcmenr neumeroeaewmioncornennoonr | 9g SIRE FOREXGELLENGE eae aw anos, | ™ ‘+ MEETS OR EXCEEDS DAILY MASTERCARD APPS.CGOAL pocms ee 25 1 Devetors ensonal Sous el eens To Worm wa SENSE OF VASENy COM FORMARD NEED TA EVERY 2 sepqves waar isan tis PoemonanenuuTs | COMTRUE TOL06 STOLEN MERCHANDISE WLOG BOOK, CALL DEPT TO RETURN COLD FOCDS TOBE Connective coesues erewDe SOceD UP To PaevaNr SHAN 3 FOLLOWS THE AM AT MONEY LAUNDERING) POLUCY Tels wots weu. wii 4s PEERS AND HAS DEVELOMED A cooD RaBpoRT wrTH as cows. Hews | PATE ‘+ DEPENDABLE ATTENDANCE, PUNCTUALITY, MEETS ‘HELUAS NEEDS TO. CONTINU TO ASK QUESTIONS WHEN LRSURE, AND EXPRESS ANY CONCERNS HE | sescunes ee TSETENENTS— FATS ECE TTC SRD EFETV RESTS] MMS COMMIES WY SAFETY POLIDES A PROCEDURES, HE WR CLEANUP SPL Tar COLAD + GBs nea orecrvecouewent on oewees As 5 «Sta a cen we core + Sense anor mosaen CeO I WAL-MART GANADA CORP. - CONFIDENTIAL oats} 1S we WAL-MART CANADA CORP. : FRONT-END ASSOCIATE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL USE THE DESCRIPTIONS TO THE LEFT AS A GUIDE ONLY WHEN DETERMINING AREAS OF ‘MAJOR RESPONSIBILITY Poreeeny nee CASHIER- GUIDE ONLY = ERSURES THE WASTERCARD® ASR LGW AY Te START OF EVERY TRIER 1 ORWONSTATES THE Ht FRIENDLY AND FAST SERVICE WITH AL CUSTOMERS {AHS A RGHLEVEL OF SCANNING AND PRODUCTIVITY. [COMMENTS ELIAS DOES NOT OFTEN “ASK” EVERY CUSTOMER IF THEY ]WOULDLKE TO APPLY FOR A WAMC. VERY IMPORTANT 2s LUTUZES PROPER aAcGNa TECHOOUES ‘SCANS ALL MERCHANDISE, MAKING VIDS OR ERROR CORRECTIONS AS THEY OCCUR ASSISTS WT CUSTOWER SERVICE. STOOKNG AKD CLEANING IN GHECKOUT AREA CR ‘Grn SeParTMENT AS OMETED ELIAS MAKES This A PRIORITY GONG FORMARO WHEN “+. wowes ToT OUTSIE. FRONT OF REGISTERWHENPOSSELETOGET MENEXT — JIFGOING ON A REGISTER eSorovewro seme + ENGURES OEACTWATION INTEGRITY COURTESY DESK GUIDE ONLY eee Trae 7 WERTES RAN REGS FON SATE TES WHIGH FIVE BEENSOLD OUT AND PULLS ND CONRVENTS Sebraove AL necebheo aan OMENS ELIAS YTD SPH IS 745, THE EXPECTED SH IS 960.1T 1 + ana aToLeN ano OAUAGED LOG AND ALES TAX KEMPT LO, ASISTS Yes IMPORTANT HaLIAS WORKS WITH A SENDE OF as isrowERs win asinonaeo Guanes Ceoares cuance Loe 1 suPPORTs FNANGIL ERVICES SUCH AS WESTERN UNCN CUSTOMERS URGENCY TO NCREASE THIS TO 950 BUT Wa FAST AND FRIENDLY. [RANG ELIAS GREETS CUSTOMERS AND THANKS THEM. VERY FRIENDLY, PROCESS" THE TRANSACTIONS QUICKLY AND 35 (CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER - GUIDE ONLY « Baneiepnatan Gneareneso ac Srna new * ARR rnias renee vergence om Bese rts arene, em * prooucTIviTy AND BASGING TeCHNOUES: — * ABSOCITE DISCOUNT PURCHASE APPROVALS. OMEOUES, CET CRD AN «Someone oat oun roncanan snc ATOR RESPORSETITY #7 FATE (SF REPORT FE [—RaTWe SOUNERTS FES Mo COUMOES TETHE CASA REPORT “ OSES EVE peeaaaee CORPORATE BELIEFS [OHECKS 1S MONTHLY TO MANTAN A CORRECT AND CLEAN LAYAMAY AREA Responsianmes | TOTAL ScORE_¢. FOLLOWS PROPER LAYANAY PURCHASE / PROCEDURE QUOELINES MAR Dviogo By a=. 3 Respoxseuimes | TOTAL scone a5, ENGURES ALL TES ARE BOXED AND LABELED ALS, TEs Som a CAVE. OUTOATED YAMA TH MANAGEMENT DWIDED BY x=. 26 (rercace xwrn ne Spi aaa Ree aS eS RT fern meee eer "WALMART CANADA CORP. - CONFIDENTIAL student Name:_ HEALS Student Number: tunst Vay ® pean Lab Skill Assessment Worth 3% of final mai PTAI 1304 Mh Instructions: Randomly draw a card and perform the treatment technique on your partner. Your evaluation will be a checklist based on the following: JAND afteFinteraction Hand sanitizes/Washes befo 1 Introduces self as an OTA/PTA Student yo wu Explains task in “layman” terms (Op WO4dI Aine 6 yerce wf [2 Client informed what to expect (eg. What should they feel) ; doable wey pro “ ane p) 2 Obtains consent Yer £P Ye (a oKenHC—S Pow 1 ) ‘Performs correct physiological movement [ prow : eee Pref HOT Ch © FF Performs correct technique . NS D~ Uses appropriate parameters apo reat rep. S 1 Correct body mechanics Go THOS Spee 4 pact (1 Safe technique —>

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