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LAW OFFICE OF CHARLES SUMMERS, 200 JEFFERSON AVE. SUITE 700 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE 38103 CWSUMMERS@GM, OFFICE: 9015221365 CELL:9012868830 1, [Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eil], United Nations Number 2718, by special and limited appearance and on behalf of [DARRIN YOUNG/DARRIN FLEMING], hereby require CHARLES W. SUMMERS II] to recuse and withdraw himself from consulting DARRIN YOUNG/DARRIN FLEMING]. | am the authorized representative of[ DARRIN YOUNG/DARRIN FLEMING]. accept for value and consideration, his estate, movable and immovable wherever situate (UCC§3-401, UCC$3-501). am Indigenous, Autochthonous, flesh and blood Male of the; Aniyunwiya(Cherokee) descent, claim in According with;The United Nations Declaration on The Rights Of Indigenous peoples. htip:/ hutp://www.un org/esn/soedey/unpfii/documents/DRIPS. en,pd{Constitution: Aniyunwiya: Nation of : Yamassee Moors: http://www.scrib,com/doc/59269375/¥ Consitution ;Presidential Proclamation 7500;HJR-194 -hup:/ Ohres194ch/pdf/BILLS-110hres!94ch.pdfSHIR-3;1975 Inter-America Declaration on Rights Of Indigenous peoples; Stat.153, Title 8 USC 876, IRS. Mission Statement http://www. that I am not a decedent (IRS Manual, Lam alive and I am not dead(1540 Cestui Que Vie Trust Act ,1666 Cestui Que Vie Trust Act 1707 Cestui Que Vie Trust Act) www. legislation. gov, gb/Ann/6/72 I want for the record on your record held in your computer database ,which has me listed as a security or deceased or any other way you may have it listed, change it to a living soul.1 am very ‘competent of the Three Express Crown Trusts created by The Holy Roman See Pontiff. A infant ir mother ani wer, gs or custodianship, according to (IRS Manval that has yet to receive a SSN http://www. its, gov/irm/part2.Lirm 21-007-013r:html, Declaration of assumptive death is a fiction:G.R.No.160258 Republic of The Philippines vv.Glorai Bermudex-Lorino. p://ca judiciary. gov. ph/index.php?action=mnuactual_contentsap=|70100&p=y I have a social security number 428216202, so by the IRS Manual:, 1 am not a decedent: (Black's Law Dictionary, pg. 435-decedent n, A dead person, esp. One who recently died), I am no longer liable for: a.) Maritime leins being enforced against me, b.) Securities being taken out of the estate.All maritime leins currently being enforced against me, I hereby claim null & void, ab-initio-nune pro tune, See: Liber code Art 45, 46. 55 of the Hague Convention IV October 18, 1907 http://www. . I am the infant who does have an SSA# 428216202 with number which makes me the beneficiary of this trust DARRIN YOUNG/FLEMING], and the Name vests within mezan Indigenous Autochthonous living male of the: Aniyunwiya:(Cherokee descent) Nation of: Yamassee Moors.Being that the IRS works in Admiralty, the IRS according to its own code, can no longer enforce any maritime leins against myself, as I have now claimed: I am not lost at sea, nor am I a decedent/vessel in commeree (1707 Cestui Que Vie Trust Act, U.K)SSN# 428216202. I require CHARLES W. SUMMERS III to do the following: (1) Give me a certified copy of his Bar Card/Membership Number, to verify and certify that he is indeed a Queen’s Counsel. (2) Show me the contract which allows him to act as [DARRIN YOUNG/DARRIN FLEMING’S] Consultant of his will http//www, 016-NEW-NEW-| ent/332398555/Darrin-Young- (3) I request that the Defense Attorney Charles W. Summers III, read my letter of Rogatory out in open court for the record and file a copy with the clerk's office and the Magistrate Judge James M. Lammey and the prosecutor attorney gets a copy of the letter for the record. (4) Also, let the court know of my commercial standing with my SP-181. I, Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eil, misnomer [ DARRIN YOUNG, DARRIN FLEMING] did not hire Attorney Charles W. Summers III on my own free will, he was hired by my girlfriend and not me. I was held in jail under threat of duress and coercion, otherwise I wouldn’t have hired him. (5) I want settlement and closure for account #C1800186 #1800052; I accept all fees for value and consideration in accord with( UCC 3-401, UCC 3-419) Public 73-10, HJR-192, UNCITRAL,UNILOS, and UN CHARTER. Please use my exemption return for settlement and closure, (Also, | accept the hired Attorney Charles W. Summers, for value and consideration for settlement and closure. The undersigned hereby fully accepts for value and returns for value other fees, interest and other charges, which are not yet listed of your presentment(s) offer(s). (7) Uhumbly request that Charles W. Summers III and James M. Lammey Jr. and/or the agents and principals of the State of Tennessee Shelby County Criminal Court to return the Bid Bond along with closure and settlement of this said account, (8) [also request that Charles W. Summers IIL, state for the record if this matter is a Tort Claim or Contract Claim, (9) Send a statement of the account showing a zero balance, (10)This is a notice to the SHELBY COUNTY CRIMINAL COURT court of my Letter of Rogatory, and I demand my name be cleared of this alleged ‘criminal case’ CASE # C1800186 # 1800052. (AU) [ request for you not to start an argument nor to join an argument. (12) I don’t dispute the fact, I'll enter a plea for the defendant, let me be advised of the details of the hearing to receive the Bid Bond and enter the plea. (13)Charles W. Summers IIT is not to call any witnesses. (14) Ask the judge to discharge the bond. (15) Explain to the court that the defendant has not raised any objection to the publication of his will thereby waiving all his rights, title, interest, remedy and recourse to said property. (16) Explain to Magistrate James M. Lammey, Jr. and the court that they do not have any rights or the authority to interfere in private international matters. (17) Ask Magistrate James M. Lammey if his bond will withstand the commercial liability of the charges this court is entering today. (18) Charles W. Summers II] is not authorized to defend the defendant. (19) I demand the prosecuting attorney to write the check to close the account. (20) 1 demand full settlement and closure!!! ‘for the reasons set forth below: (DL, Darrin Young/Fleming, have ;earned that this is alleged ‘court? that has scheduled a casc/cause/claim against me is not really a ‘court’ as per the constitution of the United States, but rather a tribunal operated as a private corporation. (2) Ihave learned of the fraud that goes on behind the scenes of this alleged ‘criminal cases’ which are really civil claims in equity and the steps taken to securitize the civil claims, without giving full disclosure to the people. 1 am hereby letting the court know that I am opting out of any contracts and do not allow any documents regarding me or my cestui que trust to be securitized and sold to any investors. (3) When a judge asks if'a person understands, he or she is asking if the person is liable for the bond, Iam not responsible for the bond of these cases, but I will appoint the judge trustee as fiduciary and be the beneficiary of all proceedings. (4)The fraudulent process is as follows: All cases are civil, though often fraudulently called criminals. The courts are operating under Trust Law, assuming that the defendant is, decedent.After finding the alleged defendant guilty, the court clerks sell the judgements to the federal courts. Since the defendant is decedent , the court officials consider themselves the beneficiary. (5) The judgements are stamped with something to the effect of “Pay To The Order” on the back and taken to the federal discount window. The judgement now becomes a note. (The notes are pooled as ( Bid bonds, Performance bonds and Payment bonds) together and then become securities, which are yet pooled together and sold as bonds. (7)Said bonds are leins against the straw, not me, the real flesh and blood Indigenous White Autochthonous Native American . (8) The United States Attorney Office has a put code number, which, NAICS ( North America Identification Classification Security) Said NAICS number enable the United States Attorney's Office to trade globally all securities. (9) All US federal courts are registered with the DOD, (Department Of Defense) where they are registered with CCR(Coniractors Central Registration) under the DOD, which has another department called DLIS(Defense Logistics Information Services), which issues a cage code, which means commercial and government entity, which everything corresponds with their bank account, (10) Said United States Attorney's Office and courts have a Dunn’s number, (Dunn and Bradstreet), (11) Everything filed into court not heard in Article 3 court(District Court of the United States) are really civil and however, the courts again commit fraud by labeling the cases as criminal, All cases which are pleaded out or have a ‘guilty conviction’ label the civil defendant (through unlawful conversion) as felons, when they are not. This is fraud to the people at large and certainly fraud upon the alleged defendant. (12) Everything filed into court is securitized without the knowledge or consent of the people or of all parties. (13) The bank accounts is at Federal Reserve Banks in New York, of New York City. The Depository Agreement is signed by the clerks of the court. (14) All securities are then deposited with the DTC in New York. (15) An escrow agent is used as a go between-between the clerk’s office and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. (16) The securities end up being listed through the 17 circuit in Chicago, Illinois, then sent to the DTCC, the clearinghouse which lists the securities for trading. (17) All of the lawyers involved are acting as a private debt collector, according to the FDCPA (Title 15§1692). The Bar Association exempts them from having to be registered as such; however they operate through call warrants, which are like a put, or a call. During margin calls is where and when they convert a case through a (similar writ of execution) use the case to buy equity securiti (18)Bverything filed into the courts is securitized and turned into negotiable instruments, and then turn them into securities. These items are sold commercial items, calling them distress debis(Unifunds). The items are funds, where they are sold globally. (19) Any time when there is risk management involved itis for the securities. This is an underwriting company. When the hedge funds are going into the global market, they go through Luer Hermes, a bond holder or underwriting company and subdivision of alliance SE.of Munich, Germany (Pimeo Bonds). (20)Afer nine months, all papers are converted into security status! This is defined in Title 15§77(a)(b)(1) and now considered to be an investment contract. The paper is endorsed to become a security and then the trust is collapsed. (21) The courts have an account with the IMF (International Monetary Fund) under interpol. The judges involved and the US Attorneys involved do not have an accessible oath of office. They cover up the fact that the oath of office is between them and the IMF, (22) The judge and the US attorneys are actually employees of the IMF and have expatriated out of the United States, They are now registered foreign agents under Title 22, which states all foreign agents must be registered. (23) The court judgements are deposited with the IMF, since the case obviously involves me I have a drawing right to all proceeds. See UCC §3-305 and §3-306. The courts judgements are monopolized, according to Title 16 which is a violation of antitrust law, and also unfair trade practi (24) Indictments are true bills, meaning they are negotiable instruments. The district Attomey failed to give me a 1099 OID showing me as the recipient of the funds, which is a fraud upon me. In my case, [have been indicted and I’m requesting a 1099 OID unless you wish to close the account. (25) The unlawful funds, through fraud and deception are deposited in the Federal Reserve Bank ‘of New York and they have not paid the tax on this income, According to the IRC this is a §201 of Title 26.(willful failure to file with the intent to invade the tax). (26) A copy of the Depository Resolution Agreement wasn’t made available to me from the clerk of the court, The clerk of the court makes deposits into the Federal Reserve Bank of New York via electronic transfer(EFT). (27) The clerk has a PMIA(Private Money Investment Account) is which has a government code. According to the Clerk Praxis, the clerk of the US District Court is registered in admiralty. (28) According to the IRS §209 decoding manual and the ADPM (Automated Data Process ‘Manual)All 1099’s are classed 5 gift and estate tax. I am asking for a 1099 OID inn this ease as 1 am not willing to gift you the proceeds. | am hereby asking you for proceeds in their entirety including interest. (29) I have never plead my rights or my body to any gift programs including any courts or courts proceeds. (30) I am not a charitable organization, I demand all funds from this case ( current and past cases) be sent to me within 15 days or I will file a complaint to the IRS and the SEC, explaining the funds and the theft committed upon me and issue a 1099 OID. (31) Idemand my name and my cestui que trust name [Darrin Young/Darrin Fleming] [DARRIN YOUNG/DARRIN FLEMING], be removed from any and all government database indicating bad credit, commercial leins, and titles of criminal felonies and/or convicted felons be removed immediately and permanently nune pro tunc. (32) Ihereby request a copy of the Depository Resolution Agreement from the clerks of court and a W-9 from the judge and the US attorney involved, if you wish to proceed with the case. (33) Thereby notice the court that I am the executor of the cestui que trust of DARRIN YOUNG/DARRIN FLEMING, According to Title 26§303 and 7701, companies, corporations or any associates and trusts are decedents. This means all capital letter names is a legal estate. I direct all of the affairs and financial affairs of DARRIN YOUNG/DARRIN FLEMING. (34) I demand this case account be closed and no further steps to be taken to securitize it. (35) [hereby ask the court to notify the local agents and agencies to put me on a do not disturb list so that we don’t have to go through this again. (36) 1 am confident that the court and its officers want to follow the law, and perhaps were unaware of the processes of civil and criminal cases. I expect no further harassment from rogue, unregistered foreign agents. Letter of Rogatory for relief, ULOtoOvCTdvCshWRrqbWXq6I_6DROde%Rme 4ledit Letter of Rogatory LD. JURAT United Nations Declarations on The Rights of Indigenous Peoples. hutp://,pdf Declaration on the Rights Of Indigenous Peoplehttp://cdn7,pdf , UN Convention on Economics, Social and Cultural rights, Charter: articles 55 & 56:Presidential 7" 4 Proclamation 7500 HJR 194, $,Con.Res.26.S.1200, HJR -3(HJ 3 TH). \ ryt ‘Affirmed to and Subscribed before me this | day of Mare, 2018. Za known Type and # of LD:_@- Ved Le ciclnesS> OC) abuts Zu2/-202Z Nota! Public ion Expires sea06 “James Lamme Dw fe case (INNO ING) 100052 Darrin Young 11/26/2016 1942 Frisco Avenue Memphis,Tennessee [38114] ‘THE STATE OF TENNESSEE < Governor: Bill Haslam 1° Floor, State Capitol Nashville, Tennessee 37243, Dear Governor Bill Haslam Re. Statutory Declaration in accord with U.N. Declaration on the rights of Indigenous peoples. Please provide confirmation upon your receipt Thank you for your time. Ce: Jesuit General Adolpho Nicholas Ce: Pope Francis I Ce: VATICAN/HOLY SEE. Ce: Elizabeth IL Ce: UNITED STATES PRESIDENT/C.E.O. - Barack Obama \V STATUTORY DECLARA’ a satis UARRIN YOUNG / DARRIN FLEMING now known as Unas Ssbkhet Amun Re El co 1942 Frisco Avenue, Memphis, Tennosce38114 do solemnly declare in accord withthe 1981 Statute of Westminster har deioseata one) 1778 Artieles of Confederation and Perpetual Union-Art XI 1812 Treaty of Ghent, 1704 Jay Treaty: [836 Treaty of Marakesh (Morocco) all recognized and valid treaties, constitution forthe tnted states of America, the 1948 Charter of the United Nations, Pope's Apology to Indigenous Peoples {hips huffingronpost.con/enty/pope-iancis-apolosizes-or-athoi offenses against oerpaious people 1 $89102a0460967291354050), United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), Gulp/vww un onwesa/soedew/inp/dacuments/DRIPS_en.p), the American Deslaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (uip/cin?.jite on/p: tn plondy/ AC" TSOL06 eb pa) and the UN Intemational Decade for People of Aftican Descent {hipsAroremorfen i_docasp?oymbolA/R upon discovering tht the istration Ot Live Bith of Fanuary 22, 1974, n THE STATE OF TENNESSEE REPUBLIC was a contract between my shother and THE STATE OF TENNESSEE who did not tll her she was selling me, a flesh and blood child ‘THE STATE OF TENNESSEE as their Chattel Property/Slave which is violation of Human Rights. J hereby {el the contact ab into for fraud. Tam a Flesh and Blood Male Aniyunwiya (Cherokee) in accor wih the United Nations Declaration onthe Rights of Indigenous People and HUR-194 up /ewapa-sofsys/pka/BILLS-1 10hres!94ih/paBILLS-110hres154ih pd), United States Senate ‘Apology to Altican Americans for Slavery (ips/Anvw.govtaek.w tex) US. ‘Apology tothe Native Americans (se: 8113 1LR.3326 Department of propritons Ast pee wguvtrackusleansrestly ILL 3326/ex), and Regina v Jah ip! mir onunoe/133). On Moy 14 301 at Soutward Crown Cour (! English Grounds in Southward, London England) Defendant; John ‘Anthony Hall in the United Kingdom Proved before an English jury that lizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor (Mountbatten Battenberg) Saxe-Coburg, was notte rightful monarch and never was; queen Elizabeth snot the Car monarch and never was. This was two part argument, First, that Elizabeth knew-both then and now that she was erowned on a fake coronation stone instead ofthe rel tone of Destiny/Coronation Stone, which neant not only was she never propery crowned, but secondly, she was also knowingly and fraudulently oun the public, and tha is why she dit want her coronation televised I declare thatthe name DARRIN YOUNG [ DARRIN FLEMING onthe registration of live Bith, i corporation and Darrin Young / Darrin n Fleming isan fndigenoos Flesh & Blood man. 1am Nota corporation, afc person natural person, fctitous entity or vessel of the United States defined under Title 18 U.S.C. § 9 and I give notice Internationally, omestcally, Universely via thi Declaration that deny corporation existence. Under reservation of All My Unalienable nd otherwise Tam Indigenous/Autochthon ofthis plane. I make this solemn declaration ‘onscientiously believing itt be tue, and that is the save force and effect as made underoath SURAT United Nations Declaration onthe Rights of Indigenous Peoples (uputinww an oretsafsedev np docamety-DRIPS- end), American Declaration onthe Rights ot lnliganou Peoples (itpedn fl oe/vp-ontentuploads/AGO71S0E06 web pi, UN Convention ‘on Boonomie, Socal & Cultural Rights, United Nations Charter: Article 55 56: President Proclamation 7500, 1.8. 194, S. Con, Res 26 8, 1200, #R-3(H 31). Affirmed to and subseribed before me this «2 _ctlay of November 2016. typeand Hof: JW Prev License # 0737779 (¢ ¥ 7 ty tA Ate Y, hake! py bd __ Personally Known Ag och ela Ue rey Div F Ie Janes Lame ce 196 )18 0005 Ja Tg Cae HEIN FAX COVER SHEET To: SSA Office of International Affairs From: _ | Jay i. Nowy Fax: POr 872-2205 fof popesincinding cover sheet:_ 1.9) Date: 2u/AC Ie Attached Documents: SF-181 HOR 194 ‘Motu Proprio Pope’s Apology to the Americas Pope’s Message of Peace ‘American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 15 U.S. Office of Personnel Management ETHNICITY AND RACE IDENTIFICATION Guide to Personnel Data Standards (Please read the Privacy Act Statement and instructions before completing form.) Name (Last, Fist, Middie Initial) 7 Social Security Number Birthdate (Month and Year [Young Dasccin 498 aLuaoA 109/974 Privacy Act Statement Ethnicity and race information is requested under the authority of 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e-16 and in compliance v the Office of Management and Budget’s 1997 Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Ré and Ethnicity. Providing this information is voluntary and has no impact on your employment status, but in the instar ‘of missing information, your employing agency will attempt to identify your race and ethnicity by visual observation, ‘This information is used as necessary to plan for equal employment opportunity throughout the Federal goverment. is also used by tho U. S. Office of Personnel Management or employing agency maintaining the records to loc individuals for personnel research or survey response and in the production of summary descriptive statistics « analytical studies in support of the function for which the records are collected and maintained, or for related worko studies. Social Security Number (SSN).Is requested under the authority of Executive Order 9397, which requires SSN be us {or the purpose of uniform, orderly administration of personnel records. Providing this information is voluntary and fail to do so will have no effect on your employment status. If SSN is not provided, however, other agency sources may used to obtain it. ‘Question 2, Please selec the racial category or categories with which you most closely identify by placing an "x" in the appropria box. Check as many as apply. RACIAL CATEGORY (Ghosts many ae app) DEFINITION OF CATEGORY BW Arnerican indian or Alaska Native ‘A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South Ame (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affliaion or commu attachment. OD Asian ‘A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southe ‘Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, In Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Istands, Thailand, and Vietnam. 1 Black or African American ‘A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Atica. 7 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Isiander_| A person having origin in any of the original peoples of Hawall, Guam, Samoa, 0: ‘ther Pacific Islands. B® white ‘Aperson having origins in any ofthe original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, ‘Standard Form 161 Revised August 2005 Previous editions not 42USC. Section 200 NSN 7540-01-099.34 Ky WF-3640 EPSON [EXCEED YOUR VISION mone OF Mice OF Management vel Budget _ FI ROD 345 ~ 3884 Receipt No. Date Type Ey Duration Pages Result Send 9013990616 01:32 001/001 OK 075 wov.01 100 Nov.02 Send 1873850605 05:47 013/013 ox 201 Wov.02 Send 12023953888 05:22 010/013 canceled 102 wov.02 Send 12023953888 01:05 003/002 OK 103 Nov.02 Send 12029953888 07:02 a1a/oia_ ox 10a Nov.02 send 18773850605 06:31 014/014 ox 105, Wov.02 Send 18773850645 05:46 013/013 OK 106 Wov.02 Send 12023953888 07:08 013/013 ox 107 nov. 02 Send 12023953888 03:44 006/013. Error 107 Nov. 02 Send 12023953888 oa:a0 013/013 ox an Nov.03 Receive conter 234 002 ox uaz nov.03 Receive center 234 002 ox. 13 Nov.03 Send 12023953888 013/013 0K ag Nov.03, Sena 18773850645 013/013 o« 116 nov.03 Sena 12023953888 o1a/o1a 0K 15 Nov. 03 Send 10773050645 900/024 Bezor ny Nov.03 Send 18773850605 06:11 014/014 OK a7 Nov.03 01:48 Send 107790504 000/014 Zine Busy 1s Nov.03 04:51 Send 18773850645 05:80 013/013 OK 126 Nov.03 Sond 12023953888 07:19 013/013 ox. 133 Nov.03 send 12023953888 06:42 013/013 oK 13a Nov.03 23:04 Send 18773850645 06:06 013/013 ox ae Nov. 06 send 12023953888 06:04 013/013 OK 183 Nov-06 Send 18773950645 013/013 oK 185 Nov. 06 Send 1873850645 013/013 oK 18a Nov.06 send 12023953688 000/013 tine Busy 187 Nov.06 Send 2023953988, 013/013 OK 188 Nov.06 23:05 Sond 3773850845 013/013 oK asa Nov-06 send 2023953988, 000/013 No Answer 194 Nov.06 send 2023953900, 013/013 OK . 194 In the House of Representatives, U. S., ATilyy 29, 2008. Whereas millions of Africans and their descendants wore enslaved in the United States and the 13 American colo: nies from 1619 through 186 Whereas slavery in America resembled no other form of invol- wuitary servitude known in history, as africans were cap: tured and sold at auction like inanimate objects or ani- mais; Whereas Mrieans forced into slavery were brntalized, humili- ated, dehmmanized, and subjected to the indignity of being stripped of their names and heritages Whereas enslaved families were torm apart after haying been sold separately from one another: Wheres persons of African descent upon which it depended be- s the system of slavery and the visceral racism against came entrenched in the Nation’s social fabri Whereas Slavery was not officially abolished until the passage of the 13th Amendment 10 the United States Constitu- tion in 1865 after the end of the Civil War Whereas after emancipation trom 246 3 ears of slavery, Afi can-Americans soon saw the fleeting political, social, and economic gains they made during Reconstrnction evise 1s Blac aid system of officially sametioned racial segregation in Codes, and racial seg egation laws that imposed a virtually all areas of life: Whereas the system of de jure racial seyregation known as “Jim Crow,” which arose in eertai parts of the Nation following the Civil War to create separate and wiequal societies for whites and Afr catt-Ameri as a direct aus, W result of the racism against persons of .Mriean descent engendered by skivery; Whe ter the official end of slavery in Aner as a centmy iea, Federal action was required during the 1960s to eliminate the dejure and defacto system of Jim Crow throughout parts of the Nation, thongh its vestiges still linger to this da Whereas Afi plex interplay between slavery and Jin: Crox—long: after n-Americans continue to siufer from the com. hoth systems were formally abolished—throngh enormous: damage and loss, both tangible and intangible, inchuding the loss of hionan dignity, the frustration of careers and professional lives, and the long-term loss of income and opportunity: Whereas the story of the enslavement and de jure segregation of Afvican-Amerieans and the dehumanizing atrocities committed against them should not be purged from o: minimized in the telling of American history; Whereas on shuly 8, 200: egal, a former slave port, Pro during a trip to Goree Island, Sen- sident George W. Bush at Inowledged slavery’s continuing legacy in American Tife and the need to confront that legaey when he stated that slavery “was one of the greatest crimes of history ... The racial bigotry fed by slavery did not end with slavery or with segregation, And many of the issues that stil trouble America have roots in the bitte experience of other times. But howe Jong the journey, our de stiny is set: liberty and justice for all.”; Whereas President Bill Cli ston also acknowledged the deep- seated problems eased by the continning legacy of ism against Afr neAmerieans that began with slavery when he initiated a national dialogue about ri ces Wheres st step in the process of rae a genuine apology is an important and necessary reconciliation; Whe es of brutal delumaniz as am apology for conta ation and. injustices cannot erase the past, but confession of the wrongs committed can speed racial healing: and ree oneiliation and help Ame us confront the ghosts of their past: Whereas the legislature of the Commonwealth of irginia has . nitly taken the lead in adopting a resolution officially expressing appropriate remorse for slavery and othe State legislatures have adopted or are considering similar resohutions; and Whereas it is important for this country, whieh legally recon nized slavery through its Constitution and its laws to make # formal apology for slavery and for its successor, Jim Crow, so that it can move forward and seek: recs onéiliation, justice, and harmony for all of its citizens; Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Hous of Representatives— (1) acknowledges that slavery is incompatible with the basie fomuding principles recognized in the Declara- tian af Tndenendenee that all men are created canal: "4 4 (2) acknowledges the famdamental injustice, ernelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery and Jim Crow: (3) apologizes to African Americans on behalf of the people of the United States, for the wrongs committed against them and their ancestors who suffered under slavery and Jim Crow; and (4) its commitment to rectify. the lin- xpresse’ gering consequences of the misdeeds committed against Afri mn Americans under slavery and Jim Crow and to stop the occurrence of human rights violations in the fu- ture. Attest: Clerk. 14 282016 Apostolic Leer Issued Motu Prego On tho Jurist cton of Juni Auoiies &f Vatican City tatein Crimina Matters (19 Jay 2013) [ Franet APOSTOLIC LETTER ISSUED MOTU PROPRIO. # OF THE SUPREME PONTIFF FRANCIS ON THE JURISDICTION OF JUDICIAL AUTHORITIES OF VATICAN CITY STATE JN CRIMINAL MATTERS In our times, the common good is increasingly threatened by transnational organized crime, the improper use of the markets and of the ecanomy, as well as by terrorism. Ils therefore necessary for the international community to adopt adequate {egal instruments to prevent and counter criminal activities, by promoting international judicial cooperation on criminal matters. In ratifying numerous international conventions in these areas, and acting also ‘on behalf of Vatican City State, the Holy See has constantly maintained that such agreements are effective means to prevent criminal activities that threaten human dignity, the common good and peace. With a view to renewing the Apostolic See's commitment to cooperate to these ends, by means of this Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio, I establish that: 1, The competent Judicial Authorities of Vatican City State shall also exercise penal jurisdiction over: 2) crimes committed against the security, the fundamental interests or the patrimony of the Holy See; 'b) crimes referred to: + in Vatican City State Law No. VIII, of 11 July 2013, containing Supplementary Norms on Criminal Law Matters; + in Vatican City State Law No. IX, of 11 July 2013, containing Amendments to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code; 20 ‘242016 _Agosic Leter ssund Motu Proprio On the Jurisdiction ofall Autores of Vatican City State in Criminal Mars (11 Jy 2013) | Francis when such crimes are committed by the persons referred to in paragraph 3 below, in the exercise of their functions; ©) any other crime whose prosecution is required by an international agreement ratified by the Holy See, if the perpetrator is physically present in the territory of Vatican City State and has not been extradited. 2. The crimes referred to in paragraph 1 are to be judged pursuant to the criminal law in force in Vatican City State at the time of their commission, without prejuidice to the general principles of the legal system on the temporal application of criminal laws. 3. For the purposes of Vatican criminal law, the following persons are deemed “public officials": a) members, officials and personnel of the various organs of the Roman Curia and of the Institutions connected to it. ) papal legates and diplomatic personnel of the Holy See, ©) those persons who serve as representatives, managers or directors, as well as persons who even de facto manage or exercise control over the entities directly dependent on the Holy See and listed in the registry of canonical juridical persons kept by the Governorate of Vatican City State; 4) any other person holding an administrative or judicial mandate in the Holy See, permanent or temporary, paid or unpaid, irrespective of that person's seniority. 4, The jurisdiction referred to in paragraph 1 comprises also the administrative liability of juridical persons arising from crimes, as regulated by Vatican City State laws. 5, When the same matters are prosecuted in other States, the provisions in force in Vatican City State on concurrent jurisdiction shall apply. 21 6. The cont approves thé ant of article 23 of Law No, CXIX of 21 November 1987, which Judicial Orcter of Vatican City State remains in force. This I decide and establish, anything to the contrary notwithstanding. establish that this Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio will be promulgated by its publication in LOsservatore Romano, entering into force on 1 September 2013 Given in Rome, at the Apostolic Palace, on 44 July 2013, the first of my Pontificate. FRANCISCUS Libretia Editvice Vaticana © Copyright “e194 doys },UPI| «/POS Jo suleU 24) UI eos jood onneN 949 ySuleBe PoN!WUICD a1am SUIS BABB Aue ‘321801 LAM NOK 0} Siup Aes |, ‘SOLULL WOA-MANY OL 0} SUPA les adog euy , ,"YOUNYO 2uy Jo SUOAOE UIEU8O SYOOPENd ey “WSI|e/UCIOD jo seeds edod ayy UeYM, ‘Aes ApuBu Aew ou einyjog ul sdnoi6 sjooisses6 0} yoseds & ul eou Jo s9idoeg snouebipul ysuleBe Ws}jelUojoo Jo ,suIs eneuB, auf 40} Aepsiny Uo paziBojode sisuel4 adod ‘yoseds YeWIPUE| WSI|EIUOJOD JO SUIS BALIN, 10} sajdoag snouabipuy 0} seziGojody sisues4 ad sh wsyucia Jo,st#g snp, 10; Sadoad snouesipuy 4 seabopody souely dod « 1) woo women epeyy Aepos Aqunog ueLpuy UO peys| 1uooo-surs-ane,6-se\doed-snousbipul-seziGojode-sjoues}-edod//0/S1.0z/tuoo womseuelpewieporAsjunoouerpUYy:ARY TIN a BeIS Ni LEN daly “PIES df ‘UIs eneu6 e, Bulywiico ave Key) ples os|e aH, sp1emco, Ye JeYIOW pusjep JOU op OUM sie Buyj}20 Aq ‘urea yeUy Ut panunuco ay yoeeds s,Aepsuny ul pue ‘@BueYo eJ2UUl|o Jo eansh{ul jel00s pue seBeAe! [eyuSWUOMIAU ysuje6e Ai6uons jno ewoo sey oH “AenBeieg pue eIn\jog ‘iopensg ul sdoys Ym ‘sAep IYBje JO} EoUaLU YNog BuLING} S| YnUCG RIBKODSIC JO SUN HOT PUSSY OF SOO SBI] SUNN :a.Ly “sejdoag snoue ysuleBe uojssaiddo jo saumuso 10j Aem aig pared YoIym ‘Aienoasiq Jo auUjO0g @4s pulosel 1YB4ANO Oo} WHY 104 pey[eD aneY / “yuewnoop Dy) eu) soUsEJe PIP B1AI]OP UI SpIOM SynUOG @4) pu ‘ABoode ey) ySenbau A\jeoyleds jou pip ay ‘Woda: ey} peuoquew pue SjoURL{ edog UN sadiey YBNoy, “ABojode ue 40) adog oy ¥se Jedley Usydelg J)SIUIW) eLuLiG JEU BuIPUeWWODe, ue ,epiooues jeinyIno, set yons Buyjjeo yodes @ yy Jno Bed Z BUNS UO LOISSILILIOD UORE||OUODSY PUE YJNA| UEIPeUeD sti] ‘sta;es pepuluiueed au Jo SKem auj ul wou Bueonpe pue anyjno sy} Woy yo Wey BupyNo ‘seljWeY sey} WO Spry BuLye} Aq ,PI!YO eUy U! 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POPE FRANCIS HE CELEBRATION OF THE ORLD DAY OF PEACE NO LONGER AVES, BUT BROTHERS AND SiS 4, At the beginning of this New Year, which we welcome as God's gracious gift to all humanity, | offer heartfelt wishes of peace to every man and wornan, to all the world’s peoples and nations, to heads of state and government, and to religious leaders. In doing so, | pray for an end to wars, conflicts and the great suffering caused by human agency, by epidemics past and present, and by the devastation wrought by natural disasters. | pray especially that, on the basis of our common calling to cooperate with God and all people of good will for the advancement of harmony and peace in the world, we may resist the temptation to act in a manner unworthy of our humanity. In my Message for Peace last year, | spoke of “the desire for a full life... which includes a Jonging for fraternity which draws us to fellowship with others and enables us to see them not as enemies or rivals, but as brothers and sisters to be accepted and embraced”,[‘] Since we are by nature relational beings, meant to find fulfilment through interpersonal relationships inspired by justice and love, itis fundamental for our human development that our dignity, freedom and autonomy be acknowledged and respected. Tragically, the growing scourge of man’s exploitation by man gravely damages the life of communion and our calling to forge interpersonal relations marked by respect, justice and love. This abominable phenomenon, which leads to contempt for the fundamental rights of others and to the suppression of their freedom and dignity, takes many forms. | would like briefly to consider these, so that, in the light of God's word, we can consider all men and women “no longer slaves, but brothers and sisters". 25 - 167 - AGIRES. 2888 (XLVI-O/16) AMERICAN DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES (Adopted at the third plenary session, held on June 15, 2016) & GENERAL ASSEMBLY, RECALLING the contents of resolution AG/RES. 2867 (XLIV-O/14), “Draft American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples,” as well as all the previous resolutions on this issue; RECALLING also the “Declaration on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples in the Americas,” document AG/DEC. 79 (XLIV-O/14), which reaffirms that progress in promoting and effectively protecting the rights of the indigenous peoples of the Americas is a priority for the Organization of American States; RECOGNIZING the valuable support provided by the member states, observer states, the organs, agencies, and entities of the Organization of American States for the process within the Working Group to Prepare the Draft American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; RECOGNIZING as well the important participation of indigenous peoples of the Americas in the process of preparing this Declaration; and TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the significant contribution that the indigenous peoples of the Americas have made to humanity, RESOLVES: To adopt the following Draft American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” 1. ‘The United States remains committed to addressing the urgent issues of concer to indigenous peoples across the Americas, including combating societal discrimination against indigenous peoples and. 2. Canada reiterates its commitment to a renewed relationship with its Indigenous peoples, based on recognition of rights, respect, co-operation and partnership. Canada is now fully engaged, .. ‘To:The Honorable Bill Haslam Ist Floor, State Capitol Nashville, TN 37243 Published: March 21, 2018 htpsi//,com/documentid/1K142F_JaGonjl6ecnD9qtr aring MEfy0140cOFEFVEjo/edit2usp=sh From: Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eil [ Misnomer Darrin Young/Fleming ] 732 Regent Place Memphis Tn 38106 Dear My Honorable Bill Haslam 1am Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eil{Misnomer Darrin Young/Fleming] ‘TN CODE 47-1-308 WITHOUT PREJUDICE . Tam asking you Honorable Governor Bill Haslam to send Judge James M. Lammey, Jr, Division V a copy of my Statutory Declaration. ‘TO: Honorable Governor Bill Haslam Tam Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eil[Misnomer Darrin Young/Feming) for the record: hutp:// http://en, 183280df8884n9D8cf -link to my SFI81). 1 Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Bil [Misnomer arin Young/Fleming] an indigenous Autochthon ‘Aniyunwiya [ MISNOMER: (Cherokee) } Descent. I am sending you my Statutory Declaration informing you that my Indigenous rights have been violated by Judge James M. Lammey Jr. After Stating Uniform ‘Commercial Codes UCC 3-401,UCC 3-419 and asking Judge James M. Lammey, Jr. for his Insurance Bond that should be signed by you (the Governor of Tennessee) to authorize Judge James M. Lammey Jr. to adjudicate this said case# C1800186 #1800052 . Then Judge James M. Lammey Jr. also stated that if 1, Unas Sebkhet ‘Amun Re EilfMisnomer Darrin Young/Fleming] comes back in his courtroom asking for his “ Insurance Bond, Bid Bond, and Cusip & Autotrist or talking that UCC stuff” that he will give me, Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eil 30 years and throw away the key. He also stated just for me asking for the Insurance Official Bond, Bid Bond, and Cusip & Autotris# he is revoking the BAIL BOND of $30,000, and he did it in front of others to make it appear to them that if I said anything regarding Uniform Commerce Codes that I, Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eil will be arrested for 30 years in one of their Kidnapping holding facilities at 201 Poplar Avenue ‘Memphis, Tennessee 38103 Shelby County Criminal Court. When 1, Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Bil was requesting ‘an oath of office, official bond in open court, He also stated that the UCCs don’t apply in his courtroom and they don’t work and that the Governor of Tennessee has no authority over his courtroom. The next court appointment will be April 12, 2018 at 201 Poplar Avenue Memphis, Tennessee at approximately 9am. So I am asking for you to communicate with your corporate employees, staff and agents of the State Of Tennessee Criminal Courts that I am a flesh and blood man with Human Rights that needs to be respected with honorhtip://www.un,org,/esa/soedey/unphil/documents DRIPSsen.pdt Also about these issues that’s going on in your workplace that needs Urgent Action or Freedom under international Laws, when exercising my alienable and inalienable rights and to uphold human rights in a manner of impartiality and independence from any government, political faction, ideology, economics, interest and religious beliefs. Crimes are being committed on me, Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eil in Shelby County Criminal Courts. So I will not stand by and not say anything about why the Shelby County Criminal Courts commit Crimes Against Humanity,(GENOCIDE). With this kmawledor given to the woeld this will show that Tam linac Sehkhet Amin Re Ril antarhthanons a1 and indigenous, both in and on the planet. The Honorable Bill Haslam is asked to show who has the authority in the State of Tennessee Corporation and to send Judge ittp://en.calameo,com/books/005259405463¢0bSbaf2a James M. Lammey Jr. Criminal Court Division V, a copy of my{ Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Fil [Misnomer Darrin Young/Fleming] Statutory hitps://www, scribd,com/dacument/332398555/Darrin-Young-Statutory-Delearation-Update-2016-NEW-NEW-1 Declaration and my SF-181 1, Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eil have a contract establishing my indigenous standing, for the record. According to “The Rights Of Indigenous Peoples’, we have divine universal rights to effective and suitable remedies, including prompt judicial remedies, for the reparation of any violation of their collective and individual rights. need for you, Your Honorable Governor Bill Haslam and the STATE OF TENNESSEE , with the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples rights, to provide the necessary mechanisms for the exercise of these rights. bitp://ww.narf org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/20 1 6oas-declaration-indigenous-people.pdt JURAT United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People- hitp/ American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples(hitp://e« UN Convention on Economic, Social &; Cultural Rights, United Nations Charter: Article 55 &; 56: Presidential Proclamation 7500, H.R. 194, 8. Con. Res 26. S. 1200, HIR-3(HJ 3 IH). Affirmed to and subseribed before me this =2 {day of_/Viaa ve aos __Personally Known : Produced Identification Affiant TN CODE 47-1-308 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Type and ID#; A> R\ wee Li CenS < -2)-2b62 7. ‘My Commission Expires Lamar 1458: TREZEVANI | NENA. W si114-o967 4755170964 wane OMe HTT V-28 am Prost Sate Final Description ay Price First-class 1 ail Large Envoiepe “Donest ie) (HEPHTS, In op103) (eigit:6 tb S10 02> (Estimated Delivery Date) Thursday cot) ey Nat 1 $17.65, RstrDel (aout :855.00) US Rept terol Waid) 92.05 iseersrossia) {Recipient name: aH (Aone) Return 1 Receipt OUSPS Roturn Receit (9590940Z351872757 555) Total $22.45 ash $25.00 Change $2.5 AN salos final on stams and pootaye Refunds for inorasiteudt ter vie Thank you Tor you Hs bss HELP US ETO Ae TELL usA0ur your peceN peSIAL Expetnte Go to: https ///postaleates ‘840-f570-o421-002-don08- 1382-02 / \ your wk To / a | E j | i for cat) 1400-a10- 790, J voir onraten counts BAe posi oray/ bi a fens Lhe Lee © 20d nghbKre.zn BRE E) Keisunnl Jusher col i Yi eaeea' Wy, tle he May 200775300 tesa ee ‘Complete toms, 2, and, Dagot 1 bourne an aca on he rs i ‘80 that we can return the card to you. 1x B Acereseen Rach in cardi baat mate, «|| ewes Peete TE Bes be Groner some pen Ls SAIS Teateariat {y Va gar we YY : ae Skate Ceapetol \ Maso 37943, TVET 100 NE {9590 9402 3518 7275 7135 46 [Pe Form G17, aay 2015 pan reso az-00-5055 Di lroy ties dtoartfomtami? Lives IVES, ens daivoy agsess buow CNG 3. Sones Woo “WE Il ee 9590 9uD2_3528 7275 7135 Yb United States Postal Service FiatCise Mal Postage & Fees Pald Ur ParmitNo, G0 Poaceae erence ena Una Serine FIA. Regu P Ror 5 TU [38i0le] | esre[Deveie young Holla 2D ead ede bt abel 82016 (2) Unas Sabkhet Amunfe EB FRAUD GENOCIDE HUMAN TRAFFICKING GOING ON IN CRIMINAL COURT. SHELBY COURT, TN TURTLE ISLAND ! Greetings All. | am Ma‘at Ka ReBey, significant other of Unas Sebkhet Amun Re Eil @ © T'. Today was Unas's court date on a previous charge . First off, Unas was the first case that was called ( Darrin Young / Fleming ). By the last name of the strawman being young, Unas was supposed to be the last case , Instead his caee vas first called When the magistrate called for * young “, Unas stated that * | am not Darrin Young . | am {ho authorized representative for Darrin Young ". The magistrate ask" well who are you 7” Unas replied *| am nae Sebknet Arnun Re Eil, Magistrated asked " Where is Darrin Young 2” Unas stated * Darrin Young is dead, b fictitious entity’ | am a flesh and biood being.” | am indigenous to Turtle [siand. I'm alive, not dead - The magistrate, James m. Lammey Jr. of Divis, said" Are you crazy or just pain insane ? * Unas replied 'm neither Tammey then asked Unas if there was anything else he wanted to say. Unas replied thal he wanted his bid Bond ile alge stated that he needed Lammey's Insurance bond . Then Unas stated that these things fall under ‘Commercial Code. The judge then literally tumed crayon red in the face. He told the balif to handouff Unas. After hrandeuffing him the magistrate told Unas if he comes back into his courtroom talking about that UCC stuff and ‘asking for any bond or talking that authorized representative stuf, that he would find him in contempt to court Soi ick him up & throw away the key . He said" | ain't nice, unlike these other judges . Then said just for that Fim revoking your bond. Its strange that Unas was the very frst case that called and afer his case, they called fora hour recess | said that was very peculiar . This has been a learning experience. Now I'm finally starting to Prerstand everything that's going on the matrix and how these public officials are intimidated by someone who feally knows the real deal and who is gonna stand on their squares and what's right. | wil have an update te post after | speak with Unas. Abyurd Gadur ! 3x S wo / \e wy awe’ A ‘Q a fh [2018 QF) than fauty ‘ NOTARY afer ye L come er o00) copra oo mates 29 ‘cent ‘noni ‘soniye or ‘ocetea. ‘apr ‘ego feo fom ‘ox 9000) tina roormuscam ogo © teats 0 = m_ sore Pmasoth a senbraon ‘aesimongor 220 oui ghee Dw ea Nowe 6 8 suveagaienot 8 mee syrnyoutgraio @ oes rebietenoinad Bt retenioasnont Doe en, mmaorven Bus ous inosine sobwatoaguon @ owt eateoragamion Om naiogernion Oe crinerorxe Bo ebintavenene Met tig Omen erinimoiestune @ oe eccainmemcele @ wn Oran ries era ee Tbe Eanes Biter \Volion of fights of Darin Young = ening 6 say.

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