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Lesson Plan: 11/9/15

East Hartford Middle School

Kent Smith’s 8th grade history class

Concept Objective: Discover the differences between the four colonial regions and identify the
effects these differences had on the economic development of each
Vocabulary: Cause and Effect, Economic Development, Resources, Settlers
Supplementary Materials: Textbook, cause and effect chart, and discussion question group
Opening Activity and Time: Define the four regions that developed in the colonies during 1700-
1753. Use Chapter 4, page 108-129. Should take no more
than first five minutes of class while I collect weekly planner as
well as pass back any work.
Main Activity: Divide the class into five separate groups. Each group uses the text book to
complete the cause and effect chart given to them. After completing the
cause and effect chart, the group will answer the discussion questions given to
Closing Activity: Before the bell rings, lead a class discussion and ask students to site examples
of how certain causes in regions lead to certain effects.
Assessment: Completion of chart as well as discussion questions in small groups.

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