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Name : Raja Ariff Salahudin Bin Raja Kamarul Akmar

Id No : 2016691716



Firstly, what is laminar and turbulent flow. Laminar flow is where the flow of the fluid is
highly ordered and with a smooth streamlines. For turbulent flow, it is highly disordered fluid
characterized by velocities fluctuations.

In REYNOLD’S experiment when dye is injected to a laminar flow, it appears as single line
while for turbulent the dye appears to be dispersed quickly throughout the flow field.This
experiment shows how different type of flows behaves .This also stated that this two type of
flow is very different in terms of their behavior when flow.

This two flow regimes have different REYNOLDS NUMBER.(Re)

Laminar flow : Re<2000
Turbulent flow : Re>4000

The formula of REYNOLDS NUMBER is given by:

Re 


ρ = density

u = average velocity

d= diameter of pipe

μ= viscosity

So, the method to convert turbulent to laminar flow is related in changing the Re number
from smaller than 2000 to bigger than 4000. So, the quantities in the formula should be
change to get different Re number.


1. Capillaries

This material is arranged in honey comb structure where it have numbers of very small cross
section area. It works by converting the bigger flow of turbulence into smaller flow
producing less pressured flow. This shows that diameter of the tube is changing into smaller
tube.Thus, reducing the diameter because of the smaller cross section have made the
reynold number become smaller until a laminar flow is produced. (d↓ Re↓)

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