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Mapping table

LCCI Level 1 Book-keeping syllabus to BAFS Syllabus


1. The accounting equation and the basis of double-entry book-keeping  
2. Recording transactions through double entry  
3. Double entry system for expenses and revenues and the effect of profit (or
loss) and drawings upon Capital
4. Balancing accounts and the Trial Balance  
5. Final accounts with further considerations  
6. Bank facilities  
7. Day books  
8. Cash book  
9. Petty cash book and Imprest system  
10. The journal  
11. Adjusting for accruals and prepayments  
12. Depreciation of fixed assets  
13. Bad debts  
14. Bank reconciliation statements  
15. Capital and revenue expenditure  
16. Errors in the accounts and their corrections  
17. Control Accounts  
18. Final Accounts with year end adjustments  
 Fully covered in BAFS
 Partially covered in BAFS
 Not covered in BAFS

Examination Format

Time: 2.5 hours

Questions: 4 compulsory questions

 The presentation of financial statements of BAFS and LCCI Examination are different.

The LCCI top-up course for BAFS students will be provided during summer holiday. The details
will be announced on our website.
Mapping table
LCCI Level 2 Book-keeping and Accounts syllabus to BAFS Syllabus


1. Advanced aspects of Level 1 Book-keeping
(double entry, Books of original entry, types of ledgers, Trial Balance, Sole  
trader Final Accounts)
2. Advanced aspects of depreciation  
3. Adjusting for accruals and prepayments  
4. Bad debts and provision for doubtful debts  
5. Partnerships  
6. Limited companies  
7. Control accounts  
8. Incomplete records  
9. Stock valuation  
10. Manufacturing accounts  
11. Non-trading organizations  
12. Errors and the use of a suspense account  
13. Calculation and interpretation of Ratios  
14. Preparing simple financial statements using ratios  

 Fully covered in BAFS
 Partially covered in BAFS
 Not covered in BAFS

Examination Format

Time: 3 hours
Questions: 4 compulsory questions

 The presentation of financial statements of BAFS and LCCI Examination are different

The LCCI top-up course for BAFS students will be provided during summer holiday. The details
will be announced on our website.
Mapping table
LCCI Level 3 Accounting syllabus to BAFS Syllabus


1. Level 1 and 2 revisited
(depreciation, bad and doubtful debts, preparing final accounts for a sole
trader, incomplete records, non-trading organization, manufacturing
accounts, control accounts, errors and use of a suspense account)
2. Valuation of stocks  
3. Valuation of tangible fixed assets  
4. Partnerships  
5. Accounting for the issue of shares and debentures  
6. Accounting for groups of companies  
7. Cash flow statements  
8. Ratio analysis  
9. Budgetary control  
10. Break-even analysis  
11. Investment appraisal  
12. Accounting concepts and the accounting framework  

 Fully covered in BAFS
 Partially covered in BAFS
 Not covered in BAFS

Examination Format

Time: 3 hours
Questions: Attempt any 4 out of 5 questions

 The presentation of financial statements of BAFS and LCCI Examination are different

Free seminar will be offered to those who complete Level 3 course. In the seminar, accounting
terminology, the components of financial statements, consolidated financial statements, update
on Accounting Standards: HKAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements will be introduced.

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