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IC is the full form of internal combustion engine where the combustion of fuel takes place inside
the chamber of a cylinder above the piston. This chamber is called the combustion chamber in
which the fuel is mixed with sufficient amount of air for the oxidization at a high pressure to initiate
the combustion through a spark plug. Though in CI engine the ignition of the fuel is initiated in
the combustion chamber by drizzling the diesel fuel over the air at a pretty high temperature. This
phenomenon creates a large amount of heat and pressure which drives the piston outward of the
cylinder, away from the piston head and drives the crankshaft which in turns motorize the wheels
through shafts. An IC engine is constructed with different components which are essential for
functioning and driving the engine efficiently as much as possible.
Both types of internal combustion engine (SI and CI) are well balanced and constructed along with
suitable for running motorized vehicles. These engines are also applicable for running ships and
airplanes with a great amount of efficiency. But in terms of comparisons, CI engines are much
more efficient than SI engines providing better thermal energy as well as carrying bigger amount
of load. The thermal efficiency is 3-4% higher in CI engine than that of the SI. But overall IC
engine is the motherboard for all types of compact designed automobiles running in the streets.

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