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Theory for Junior Quiz

1. Sangitha pitha maha (Father of Carnatic music) – Purandaradasar.

2. Trinities of Carnatic music – Muthuswami Dikshithar, Thyagarajar, Shyama sastri.
3. There are seven basic swaras in Carnatic music. They are called Sapthaswaras.

S – Shadjam
R- Rishabham
G- Gandharam
M- Madhyamam
P – Panchamam
D – Dhaivatham
N – Nishadham

Prakrithi Swaras - In the above seven swaras the swaras S and P have no variation . They are
called Prakrithi swaras.

Vikrithi Swaras – Remaining five Swaras R,G,M,D,N have variation. They are called Vikrithi
The Variations are
R1- Suddha Rishabham
R2 – Chathushruthi Rishabham
R3 – Shatsruthu Rishabham
G1 – Suddha Gandharam
G2 – Sadharana Gandharam
G3 – Anthara Gandharam
M1 – Suddha Madhyamam
M2 – Prathi Madhyamam
D1 – Suddha Dhaivatham
D2 – Chathurshruthi Dhaivatham
D3 – Shatsruthi Dhaivatham
N1 – Suddha Nishadham
N2 – Kaisiki Nishadham
N3 – Kakali Nishadham

Thalam :

Akshara – One Akshara means one count (or each unit)of thalam.

For example – Adi thalam has 8 Akshara.

Avarthanam - One Avarthanam means one complete cycle of thalam.
Angas of thalam – Laghu,Dhrutham,Anudhrutham,Guru,Plutham kakapadham.
Laghu – Beat and counting fingers is laghu. It is represented by the symbol “ I”.
Dhrutham – Beat and wave is dhrutham. It is represented by the symbol “ U” .
Anu dhrutham – Just a beat is Anudhrutham. It is represented by the symbol “O”.

Saptha thalams:

There are seven main thalams. They are

1. Dhuruva thlam
2. Matya thalam
3. Rupaka thalam
4. Jhampa thalam
5. Triputa thalam
6. Ata thalam
7. Eka thalam

There are five jathis . Jathis are defined according to laghu count. They are

Tisra jathi – Laghu count is three.

Chathrusra jathi – Laghu count is four.

Khanda jathi – laghu count is five.

Misra jathi – Laghu count is seven.

Sankeerna jathi – Laghu count is nine.

The permutation and combination of Seven thalams and five jathis gives 35 thalams.

There are two ways of writing notations. One is staff notation which is used in western music
and other is the script notation ( S,R,G,M) notation which is used in our Indian music.
While writing notation for our music , Laghu, dhrutham,Anudrutham or any anga of thalam is
separated by “ │” . And the end of every cycle of thalam is denoted by “││”.

All the basic lessons from Sarali varisai to Alankaram is sung in Ragam Mayamalava gowlai.

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