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Doctoral Program Review

Self-Study Report

February 2006
Revised April 2006

Department of Petroleum Engineering

507 Richardson Building
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3116
Table of Contents
Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 1
Texas A&M University............................................................................................................... 1
Enrollment............................................................................................................................... 1
Reinvestment........................................................................................................................... 2
The Dwight Look College of Engineering.................................................................................. 3
Enrollment............................................................................................................................... 3
Charge to the Peer Review Team................................................................................................ 4
Doctoral Review Itinerary........................................................................................................... 5
Administrative Structure............................................................................................................. 7
Brief History of the Petroleum Engineering Program .................................................................... 8
Founding of the Department ....................................................................................................... 8
Faculty, Courses and Students .................................................................................................. 11
Founding of Development Related Centers.............................................................................. 12
The Crisman Institute for Petroleum Research..................................................................... 12
Vision.................................................................................................................................... 12
Mission.................................................................................................................................. 12
Objectives ............................................................................................................................. 13
Global Petroleum Research Institute (GPRI)........................................................................ 13
Research Consortia ............................................................................................................... 14
Other Projects........................................................................................................................ 14
Review and Changes in Past Five Years................................................................................... 15
Faculty................................................................................................................................... 15
Students................................................................................................................................. 15
Vision and Goals........................................................................................................................... 17
Vision........................................................................................................................................ 17
Mission...................................................................................................................................... 17
Strategic Plan ............................................................................................................................ 18
Department Goals ................................................................................................................. 19
Strategy and Benchmarks ......................................................................................................... 22
Faculty Committees .............................................................................................................. 22
Conne cti
onst ot heUni ve rs ity ’sSt ra te g icPl a n........................................................................ 25
Policies and Practices for Recognizing Good Teaching ........................................................... 26
Petroleum Engineering Faculty/Research Staff Awards........................................................... 27
Quality Enhancement Plan............................................................................................................ 30
Graduate Program ......................................................................................................................... 32
Courses...................................................................................................................................... 32
Graduate Student Degrees......................................................................................................... 34
Graduate Students ................................................................................................................. 34
Master of Science.................................................................................................................. 34
Master of Engineering –On Campus.................................................................................... 34
Master of Engineering –Distance Learning ......................................................................... 35
For Entering MS Students with a BS in Petroleum Engineering.......................................... 35
For Entering MS Students without a BS in Petroleum Engineering..................................... 36
Addi t
io na lMa s te r’ spr ogr a ms.............................................................................................. 36

Doctor of Philosophy ............................................................................................................ 36
Admissions Process .................................................................................................................. 38
Financial Assistance.................................................................................................................. 39
Research Facilities .................................................................................................................... 40
Acid Stimulation Laboratory ................................................................................................ 40
Engineering Imaging Laboratory.......................................................................................... 40
Fluid Separation and Treating Laboratory............................................................................ 40
Fracture Conductivity Laboratory......................................................................................... 40
Gas Hydrates Laboratory ...................................................................................................... 40
High Pressure/High Temperature Fluid Property Measurement Laboratory........................ 40
Integrated Reservoir Investigations Laboratory.................................................................... 40
Mobil Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory for Core Analysis ............................................ 40
Naturally Fractured/Integrated Reservoir Studies Laboratory.............................................. 40
Oilfield Brine Processing Laboratory ................................................................................... 41
Ramey Thermal Recovery Laboratory.................................................................................. 41
Riverside Field-Scale Production Test Facility .................................................................... 41
Texaco Drilling Fluids Laboratory/Fluid Rheology Lab ...................................................... 41
Tommie E. Lohman Fluid Measurement Laboratory ........................................................... 41
Graduate Data ........................................................................................................................... 42
Current Faculty ......................................................................................................................... 43
Drilling Engineering ............................................................................................................. 43
Production Engineering ........................................................................................................ 43
Reservoir Engineering .......................................................................................................... 43
Economics and Evaluation.................................................................................................... 43
General Courses and Technical Writing ............................................................................... 43
Qatar Campus............................................................................................................................ 44
Statistical Summaries................................................................................................................ 45
Student Profile ...................................................................................................................... 45
Ma s t
er’s............................................................................................................................. 45
Doctoral............................................................................................................................. 45
Non Degree Students ........................................................................................................ 45
Number of Admissions ..................................................................................................... 46
Student Financial Support................................................................................................. 46
Faculty Profile....................................................................................................................... 46
Teaching Load .................................................................................................................. 47
Fundamental Research .............................................................................................................. 49
Interdisciplinary Research ........................................................................................................ 52
Budget Information....................................................................................................................... 53
Financial Resources .................................................................................................................. 53
Endowed Chairs/Professorships................................................................................................ 55
Crisman Institute....................................................................................................................... 56
Department of Energy Projects............................................................................................. 56
Budgeting.............................................................................................................................. 57
Facilities and Equipment....................................................................................................... 57
Support Staff ......................................................................................................................... 57
Administrative................................................................................................................... 57

Financial............................................................................................................................ 58
Graduate Administration................................................................................................... 58
Undergraduate Administration.......................................................................................... 58
Distance Learning ............................................................................................................. 58
Management and Leadership ................................................................................................ 58
Equipment –Computer Facilities ............................................................................................. 60
University Computer Facilities ............................................................................................. 60
Supercomputing Facility................................................................................................... 60
Open Access Labs............................................................................................................. 60
Networking ....................................................................................................................... 60
Department Computer Facilities ........................................................................................... 61
Sources of Funds for Computing Infrastructure ............................................................... 61
Appendix A –Faculty Curriculum Vitae (short versions)............................................................ 62
Appendix B –Publications 2003-2006 ......................................................................................... 89
Appendix C –PETE Graduate Courses Taught Since 2001....................................................... 110
Appendix D –Graduate Courses Offered and Syllabi................................................................ 115
Appendix E –PhD Students and Research Topics Since 2000 .................................................. 204
Appendix F –Research Projects with Interdisciplinary Component.......................................... 207
Appendix G –Additional Information........................................................................................ 210


Texas A&M University

Texas A&M University, which attracted a mere six students when it opened in 1876, is now
among the largest institutions of higher learning in the nation—with a student body of about
43,000. It consistently ranks among the top five universities in attracting high-achieving National
Merit Scholars. Its students include men and women of all races, religions, and backgrounds
from all 50 states and more than 100 other countries.

Te xasA&M i soneoft henati

on’sbe st
-endowed universities, a factor that helps it attract and
retain top faculty members and provide state-of-the-art facilities in areas that coincide with its
goals and strengths. The unive
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Teaching and research go hand in hand at Texas A&M as it carries out its commitments as a
land-,sea-, and space-grant institution—one of a select few universities to hold all three federal
mandates. Its investment in research places it high in rankings by the National Science
Founda t
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graduate education program. The Look College of Engineering also ranks high in the nation in
research expenditures.

Each year, Texas A&M's 2,500 faculty conduct approximately $500 million worth of sponsored
research projects, assisted by more than 5,000 paid graduate students. Additionally,
approximately 3,000 undergraduates each year conduct independent research with faculty
supervision. Research at Texas A&M is about faculty and students driven by the spirit of
discovery and committed to pushing back the boundaries of knowledge. At the same time, the
majority of the work is dedicated to solving real-world problems and improving the lives of the
public we serve.

Table 1 shows the enrollment numbers for the University.

Table 1 –Enrollment by College

College Students (2005) Faculty (2004) PhD (2005)
Agriculture 6163 393 452
Architecture 1762 162 103
Business Admin 4886 174 64
Education 5339 289 690
Engineering 8836 569 902
G. Bush School of Govt 200 25 --
Geosciences 751 194 119
Liberal Arts 6934 666 403
Science 2870 624 392
Veterinary Medicine 2607 106 57
General Studies/Special Populations 4230 -- 147
TOTAL 44578 3202 1118

Table 2 shows faculty reinvestment numbers for the university.

Table 2 –Faculty Reinvestment by College

College Faculty
Agriculture 46
Architecture 18
Business Admin 34
Education 32
Engineering 112
G. Bush School of Govt 8
Geosciences 23
Liberal Arts 64
Science 70
Veterinary Medicine 37
Libraries 3

The Dwight Look College of Engineering
The Dwight Look College of Engineering at Texas A&M University is the largest engineering
college in the nation, with more than 9,700 students and twelve departments –Aerospace
Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Chemical
Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution, Industrial and Systems Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering and Petroleum Engineering.

U.S. News & World Report ranks the Texas A&M Engineering graduate program tied for 14th
among 185 U.S. universities and the undergraduate program 17th among 181 U.S. universities.
Texas A&M Engineering was ranked first in the nation in the latest Hispanic Outlook survey of
America's schools.

The Engineering faculty includes seven university Distinguished Professors. Among the senior
faculty are holders of 32 endowed chairs and 50 endowed professorships. Eighteen are members
of the National Academy of Engineering.

Table 3 shows enrollment numbers for the college.

Table 3 –Enrollment by Department

Department Students Faculty PhD
Aerospace 682 34 38
Biological and Agricultural 365 20 18
Biomedical 424 15 30
Chemical 604 32 67
Civil 1408 67 133
Computer Science 919 47 167
Electrical and Computer 1245 63 181
Engineering Tech. & Distr. 881 41 --
Industrial & Systems 430 25 65
Mechanical 1440 60 132
Nuclear 276 16 34
Petroleum 521 24 50
TOTAL 9195 444 915

Charge to the Peer Review Team
I write to provide you with background on the Department of Petroleum Engineering at Texas
A&M University and to explain the expectations for the external review.

In 1928-29 the Board of Directors approved plans to establish a course in petroleum production
engineering at Texas A&M University, the first in the State. Petroleum Engineering courses were
offered for the first time in 1929. In 1949, Dr. Harvey T. Kennedy spearheaded the development
of a graduate program in petroleum engineering. The first M.S. degree was conferred in 1941
and the first Ph.D. was conferred in 1953.

Although this review is part of a periodic review of all Texas A&M University doctoral
programs, this type of review offers an excellent opportunity to identify ways to maintain the
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with similar programs.

I request that the review team examine the doctoral program within the Department of Petroleum
Engineering using the materials that will be provided, along with any additional information you
might request. While evaluating the existing program, please consider the allocation of
resources, (i.e., human and fiscal) within the department, the absolute level of support the
Department receives from the University, and comment as appropriate on current and potential
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report format. This format has proven successful in previous interdisciplinary program reviews,
and I include it only for your edification.

I look forward to meeting with you and the entire committee in March. If you have any
questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Stephen A. Holditch
Department Head

Doctoral Review Itinerary
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering
Texas A&M University
March 26-29, 2006
Hotel Reservations: The Reveille Inn, 4400 Old College Road, Bryan, TX 77801,
(979) 846-0858

Sunday, March 26 (Arrival)

4:30 pm Dean Oliver arrives on Continental Flight #2385
Steve Holditch will escort to The Reveille Inn from Easterwood Airport

4:34 pm Roland Horne arrives in Houston on United Flight #378. Roland Horne will drive
from Houston in rental car to The Reveille Inn
6:00 pm Larry Lake will drive from Austin to The Reveille Inn
7:00 pm Dinner at Bell Ranch Steakhouse with Steve Holditch, Dan Hill, Duane McVay,
Jerry Jensen, and David Schechter
Steve Holditch will escort to Hilton and then to The Reveille Inn

Monday, March 27 (Day 1)

7:30-8:30 am Entry meeting with Bill Perry, Vice Provost, Rick Giardino, Dean of Graduate
Studies, Jack Vitek, Assistant Dean, Office of Graduate Studies, and Jim Calvin,
Executive Associate Vice President for Research at The Reveille Inn.
Continental breakfast served. Dr. Perry provides charge and institutional
perspective to reviewers.
Rick Giardino will escort to 507 Richardson Building. Steve Holditch will escort
reviewers to Wisenbaker.
9:00-10:30 am Meet with John Niedzwecki, Executive Associate Dean, Engineering, 301 WERC
Steve Holditch will escort to Richardson Building (RICH)

10:45-11:45 am Meet with Steve Holditch, Department Head, 507 RICH

12:00-1:45 pm Lunch and meet with Ph.D. students, 309 RICH

2:00-3:15 pm Research Presentations, 309 RICH

2:00-2:15 Acid Stimulation Laboratory - Dan Hill/Ding Zhu
2:15-2:30 Gas Hydrates Laboratory - Yuri Makogon
2:30-2:45 Ramey Thermal Recovery Laboratory –Jose Rivero (grad student)
2:45-3:00 Tommie E. Lohman Fluid Measurement Laboratory - Stuart Scott
3:00-3:15 HP/HT Fluid Property Measurement Laboratory - Bill McCain

3:30-5:00 pm Tour departmental research laboratories

3:30-3:50 Acid Stimulation Laboratory, 808 RICH
3:50-4:10 Gas Hydrates Laboratory, 721 RICH
4:10-4:30 Ramey Thermal Recovery Laboratory, 508 RICH
4:30-4:50 Tommie E. Lohman Fluid Measurement Laboratory, 201 RICH

5:30-7:30 pm Dinner for the review team with Steve Holditch, Akhil Datta-Gupta, Dan Hill, and
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Steve Holditch will escort from The Reveille Inn

8:00-10:00 pm Work session for review team

Tuesday, March 28 (Day 2)
7:30-8:30 am Continental Breakfast furnished by The Reveille Inn
Steve Holditch will escort to campus

9:00-10:00 am Meet with departmental graduate committee, 309 RICH

(Datta-Gupta, Hill, Lee, McCain, Scott)
10:00-11:00 am Meet with Ph.D. students, 309 RICH
11:00-12:30 pm Lunch with Tom Blasingame, Christine Ehlig-Economides, Hans Juvkam-Wold,
Stuart Scott, Jerome Schubert, and Peter Valko at Café Eccel
12:45-1:45 pm Meet with Ph.D. students, 309 RICH
2:00-4:00 pm Open time for review team to work on final report, 309 RICH
4:00-5:00 pm Graduate Seminar, 106 RICH (optional)
5:30-6:30 pm Dinner at JCody
’swith Jerry Jensen
Jerry Jensen will escort to The Reveille Inn

6:30-9:30 pm Reviewer s’wor

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eport for exit meeting, faculty
Wednesday, March 29 (Day 3)
7:30-9:00 am Exit meeting with Bill Perry, Vice Provost, Rick Giardino, Dean of Graduate
Studies, Jack Vitek, Assistant Dean, Office of Graduate Studies and John
Niedzwecki, Executive Associate Dean of Engineering at The Reveille Inn.
Continental breakfast served. Reviewers present summary of their on-site
Rick Giardino will escort to 507 Richardson Building.

9:30-10:30 am Reviewers debrief Steve Holditch, 309 RICH

10:30-11:30 am Reviewers make final changes to draft report, as necessary, 309 RICH
11:30-12:15 pm Reviewers brief faculty, staff and students on final report, 309 RICH
12:15-1:00 pm Lunch with Steve Holditch, catered to 309 RICH
1:00 pm Dean Oliver is escorted to Easterwood Airport for departure by Steve Holditch
1:00 pm Larry Lake departs
1:00 pm Roland Horne departs
2:05 pm Dean Oliver departs on Continental Flight #9544

Petroleum Engineering Faculty Contacts:

Steve Holditch Dan Hill John Lee
Office: 979-845-2255 Office: 979-845-2278 Office: 979-845-2208
Home: 979-764-8120 Home: 979-485-8924 Home: 979-693-0845
Cell: 979-255-2486 Cell: 512-789-2168 Cell: 979-574-6284

Administrative Structure

Stephen A. Holditch
Department Head Dan Hill
Assistant Department Head

GPRI Administration
*David Burnett *Kathy Beladi
Connie Conaway Jennifer Kiertscher
Preetam Shetty

Undergraduate Program Faculty Distance Learning

*Bryan Maggard *Maria Barrufet
Gail Krueger Mary Lu Epps
Betty Robbins Ted Jones

Graduate Programs Computer Systems

*Dan Hill *Jason Demshar
Eleanor Schuler Vitaly Kim
Sarah Buckingham

Accounting Facilities
*Rudy Schultz *Frank Platt
Jarrod Harris * Group Supervisor
Patty Royder

Brief History of the Petroleum Engineering Program
Founding of the Department

In 1928-29 the Board of Directors approved plans to establish a course in petroleum production
engineering at A&M, the first in the State. Petroleum Engineering courses were offered for the
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in 1931. In 1949, Dr. Harvey T. Kennedy spearheaded the development of the graduate program
in petroleum engineering. The first M.S. degree was conferred in 1941 and the first Ph.D. was
conferred in 1953.

Professor J. Berry Joyce was selected to head the new Department. Joyce had received a B.S. in
electrical engineering from Texas A&M in 1917 and had done additional work at Cornell. He
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the petroleum industry. Since much of his experience has been in exploration and drilling, the
curriculum was largely mechanical engineering slanted toward drilling. Professor R. L. Mills
was employed in 1930 and when Joyce resigned in 1933 he served as Acting Department Head
during 1933-34.

Because of the increasing rate of petroleum discovery in the State, the curriculum attracted
increasing numbers of students, necessitating modern physical plant facilities and faculty
expansion. The Petroleum Engineering and Engineering Experiment Station and Geology
Building was completed in 1933. In 1934 Professor Harold Vance was selected to head the
Petroleum Engineering Department. Vance held the B. S. in petroleum engineering from the
University of California. He had broad geological and petroleum engineering experience in
service with the U.S. Bureau of Mines, the Marland Oil Co. (later Continental Oil Co.) and as a
consulting engineer and independent oil producer. Professor Albert B. Stevens also joined the
Department in 1934. Stevens held a B.S. in petroleum engineering from the University of
California and an M.S. in petroleum engineering from the University of Southern California. Mr.
Stevens also had petroleum experience with the Gypsy Oil Company (Gulf Oil Corp.) and the
Standard Oil Co. of California. These two men developed the curriculum to include not only
drilling engineering but also oil and gas production and natural-gas engineering. They planned
and constructed laboratory facilities to support this program. The four-year curriculum was
accredited by the Engineers Council for Professional Development in 1936 when accreditation
was initiated. Five-year curricula were developed and were approved by ECPD. The enrollment
continued to increase and reached a maximum of 814 prior to World War II. Because of the large
undergraduate enrollment and the rapid technological development within the petroleum industry
in this period there was little time for development of a graduate program.

The influx of veterans after World War II, the rapid acceleration of exploration for petroleum
and the need for research prompted the Board of Directors to several actions. First, the Texas
Petroleum Research Committee (TPRC) was formed in 1947 as a consortium between the
Railroad Commission of Texas, the University of Texas and Texas A&M. The purpose of TPRC
was to conduct research directed to increasing the recovery of oil and gas from Texas fields.
Research divisions were established at the University of Texas and Texas A&M and were funded

by the respective universities. In 1951 the Railroad Commission of Texas requested $100,000
per year for such research and the monies were appropriated by the State Legislature.
Concurrent with this action the Board of Directors established its first Distinguished
Professorship in 1949. The recipient was Dr. Harvey T. Kennedy, scientist and researcher. Dr.
Kennedy had 10 years experience with the Bureau of Standards followed by 20 years with the
Gulf Research & Development Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dr. Kennedy promptly set about
developing a graduate program in petroleum engineering which has evolved into one of the most
productive programs in the country.

The Department continued to enjoy good undergraduate enrollment and expanding graduate
enrollment and research. In 1953 Vance resigned as Department Head and Albert B. Stevens
assumed the position.

In 1953 Stevens resigned and Whiting was appointed Head of the Department. Whiting had
earned B. S. and M.S. degrees in petroleum engineering from the University of Texas. He joined
the faculty in 1946 after industrial experience with the Railroad Commission of Texas and
Stanolind Oil and Gas Company (later AMOCO Production Co.) and after a year as associate
professor of petroleum engineering at the Missouri School of Mines.

In 1954 the Department initiated an Advanced Level Continuing Education Program in

petroleum engineering. This was expanded to encompass two-week courses in petroleum
reservoir engineering, advanced petroleum reservoir engineering, advanced drilling engineering,
recovery methods, well-completion and testing and well-log interpretation. Over 600 petroleum
industry personnel from virtually all the countries in the world have attended these courses.

Petroleum engineering curricula of the Department were broadened to include all aspects of
petroleum reservoir engineering encompassing both primary and enhanced recovery. The depth
of coverage of drilling, production and natural gas engineering was increased.

With growth of the Department and its expanding research activities the Board of Directors in
1957 approved construction of a new petroleum engineering building, the W.T. Doherty
Petroleum Building. The building was finished in time for the opening of the 1960-61 academic
year. Because of continued growth, the Joe C. Richardson Jr. Petroleum Engineering Building
was built and completed in 1990. The 10-story building contains spacious study rooms with
computer facilities, classrooms, and laboratories.

Professor R. L. Whiting resigned as Head of the Department on February 29, 1976 and Dr. W. D.
Von Gonten succeeded him on March 1, 1976. Von Gonten died in 1991 and Kenneth R. Hall
was appointed Temporary Head until James E. Russell was named as Interim Head. Russell
served as Interim Head from 1991-1992 and was appointed Head in 1992. Russell served as
Head until 1996. Hans Juvkam-Wold served as Interim Head from 1996-1997. Charles H.
Bowman was named the new Head in 1997 and served until 2001. In 2001, Ronald J. Robinson
was appointed Head and served until 2002. Hans Juvkam-Wold again served as Interim Head
until 2004 Stephen A. Holditch was named as Head.

Quality distinguishes our graduate program. We strive to improve the quality of students,
research and instruction. High admission standards and thorough screening of applicants for
advanced degrees help assure top-flight students. Our faculty members have substantial
industrial experience and a record of high research productivity as measured by publications and
grants. These attributes have prepared many of our graduates for the teaching profession and
positions in industry. Te xa sA&M g r
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engineers each year, and approximately 95% of those accept jobs in the petroleum industry.

Faculty, Courses and Students
The faculty in the department of Petroleum Engineering is talented, dedicated and diverse.
Below is a list of our faculty. One page resumes are included in Appendix A. A list of their
publications over the past three years is included in Appendix B.

Professor Associate Assistant

Wayne Ahr Jerry Jensen Gioia Falcone
Maria Barrufet Duane McVay Jerome Schubert
Tom Blasingame David Schechter Catalin Teodoriu
Akhil Datta-Gupta Stuart Scott Ding Zhu
Christine Economides
Dan Hill
Steve Holditch
Hans Juvkam-Wold
John Lee
Daulat Mamora
Richard Startzman
Peter Valko
Bob Wattenbarger

Visiting or Adjunct Lecturer Research

Walt Ayers Bryan Maggard David Burnett
Bill Cobb Larry Piper Jim Longbottom
Bill McCain Darla-Jean Weatherford Yuri Makogon
John Spivey

Founding of Development Related Centers
The Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering conducts research under the Crisman
Institute for Petroleum Research, the Global Petroleum Research Institute, several research
consortia, and individual arrangements with faculty members.

The Crisman Institute for Petroleum Research

The Crisman Institute for Petroleum Research identifies and solves significant research problems
of major interest to industry and government. The Institute conducts it efforts in four research
Centers: the Halliburton Center for Unconventional Resources, the Chevron Center for Well
Construction and Production, the Schlumberger Center for Reservoir Description and Dynamics,
and the Center for Energy, Environment and Transportation Innovation. Industry and
governmental representatives can help identify problems of major significance and support
projects of particular interest to them through membership at the Institute, Center, or Project
level. Additionally, membership provides seed money for identification and initiation of research
into additional problems facing the industry.

The oil and gas industry in the United States and the faculty at Texas A&M University have been
developing technology for the improved extraction of oil and gas for over 30 years. Through the
implementation of the Crisman Institute for Petroleum Research, we plan to leverage our
experience at a time when the energy from oil and gas resources becomes of utmost importance
to Texas, to the United States and to the world.

Our faculty have decades of experience in technology development for petroleum resources. The
Crisman Institute combines the talents of the faculty into four research Centers that can continue
the technology development required by industry.

The focus of each center will be to develop technology and processes to reduce the finding and
development costs in petroleum reservoirs. These costs can be reduced by developing
technologies that either reduce the costs involved in the application of existing technologies or
that increase the reserves per completion as a result of better technology. We expect to address
both the costs and the ultimate recovery per completion during the research efforts of this

The vision of the Crisman Institute for Petroleum Research is to provide a vehicle to enhance
development of petroleum engineering technology through cutting-edge, industry-directed
research conducted in four dedicated research Centers in the Harold Vance Department of
Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M University

The mission of the Crisman Institute for Petroleum Research is to produce significant advances
in upstream petroleum engineering technology through the combined efforts of faculty, post-
doctoral researchers, highly qualified graduate students, in close cooperation with industry.

The mission of the Halliburton Center for Unconventional Resources is to increase our ability
to characterize reserves of unconventional resources and to develop new, more efficient ways to
reduce costs and improve recovery of these resources.

The mission of the Chevron Center for Well Construction and Production is to develop new
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challenging environments in a way that will reduce the finding and development costs.

The mission of the Schlumberger Center for Reservoir Description and Dynamics is to
develop better approaches to describe and model petroleum reservoirs and to manage the
resources identified there to reduce costs and improve recovery.

The mission of the Center for Energy, Environment, and Transportation Innovation is to
ensure open collaboration in the development of a 21st century transportation system that
improves energy security, safety, emissions, personal mobility, and productivity.

The Crisman Institute and its four Centers have seven primary objectives:
Work with industry and government representatives to identify the most important
problems now facing the upstream petroleum industry and those that arise in the future.
Focus our efforts tightly on solutions to as many of the identified problems as possible
within the framework of available resources.
Develop solutions that will be immediately useful in the industry.
Maintain a clearinghouse of research efforts, tracking not only research in progress but also
results of completed projects and perspectives on research possibilities for the future.
Continuously upgrade the problem-solving capabilities of the Institute through ongoing
faculty development strategies and pursuit of outstanding post-doctoral and graduate
Ensure financial stability to continue to provide long-term solutions to technology-
development problems.
Publicize the activities of the Institute and the contributions of the membership who make
those activities possible.

Global Petroleum Research Institute (GPRI)

The Global Petroleum Research Institute (GPRI) is the managing partner of a Cooperative effort
to conduct critical research in the development of petroleum technology. Research findings will
lead to the application of new and innovative technologies in petroleum exploration and
production to address the increasing demand for cost-effective production and enhanced

As leading producers of petroleum engineers and petroleum technology, The Texas A&M
University System, through GPRI, is uniquely positioned to have a direct impact on the quality
of education and research in an area of vital economic importance to the world.

Research Consortia
Several of our faculty direct joint industry projects that research topics of interest to the professor
and to industry supporters. These consortia set their own guidelines for membership, meetings,
and deliverables. Existing consortia are studying applications of streamline simulation, enhanced
recovery of heavy oil, and improved recovery from naturally fractured reservoirs.

Other Projects
Several faculty members develop and maintain individual research programs that may involve
collaboration among several departments, universities, or agencies. In some cases, faculty
supervise unfunded projects by graduate students who are interested in a specific problem not
currently being addressed by industry sponsors.

Review and Changes in Past Five Years
The President of Texas A&M University, Dr. Robert M. Gates, has initiated a tuition
reinvestment program to hire more that 447 new faculty at Texas A&M University. The College
of Engineering has 112 new positions and the Department of Petroleum Engineering has 5 new
positions. These positions will be filled during the five years covered by this Five-Year Plan.

Simultaneously, as we prepare for the needs to fill positions in Qatar as students begin the
petroleum engineering courses there, fill positions vacated by faculty retirements, and
accommodate a growing number of students, including the research effort necessary to support
graduate students, we project a need to grow the faculty by more than 20 members over the next
five years.

In 2004, we hired 3 new faculty members: Dan Hill, Christine Ehlig-Economides and Ding Zhu.
Two of the three were hired under the tuition reinvestment plan. The third was hired as a
replacement for Jim Russell who had planned to retire in FY2005, but retired instead during

In the next 3 to 4 years, we will be hiring 3 additional assistant or associate professors under the
tuition reinvestment plan. We also expect that 4 to 6 of our current faculty will retire.

The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) is a research endeavor funded in part by the
National Science Foundation and managed by Texas A&M University. To win the project,
Texas A&M University committed to funding several faculty positions to tie the IODP more
closely with the academic activities in the university. One commitment was to fund a faculty
position in the Department of Petroleum Engineering. This faculty person will teach and do
research that is compatible with the mission of IODP. To get the IODP faculty position, the
College of Engineering must fund a matching faculty position. The Dean has committed funds
for this matching position. Therefore, the department will hire an additional faculty member
who can teach and do research that will be compatible with the mission of IODP.

Thus, we expect to hire from 6 to 8 professors in the next 2 to 4 years for the College Station
campus, including the 3f rom thePr esident’sr einve
s tmentpr og ram, 2 for the IODP positions,
and 1 to 3 as replacements for those who will retire. We have formed a search committee to
manage our search for new faculty. This search committee will identify our needs and will
conduct the searches that should lead to infusing new ideas and vitality into our department.

From the 1930s through the 1970s, virtually all students in the department were undergraduates
who received BS degrees. The graduate enrollment increased substantially in the 1980s,
especially after the oil price collapse and the subsequent job market collapse in the mid-1980s.
We also have experienced a large increase in graduate students since the late 1990s. This
increase in the number of graduate students has coincided with an increase in research funding
by our faculty. Table 4 illustrates the most recent trends in our graduate student population and
Table 5 shows trends in graduate degrees awarded.

Table 4 - Recent Trends in Graduate Enrollment
Year Master PhD Total
1997-1998 62 41 103
1998-1999 64 37 101
1999-2000 93 38 131
2000-2001 134 30 164
2001-2002 142 33 175
2002-2003 132 33 165
2003-2004 126 32 158
2004-2005 123 43 166
2005-2006 141 50 191

Table 5 - Recent Trends in Graduate Degrees

Year Master PhD Total
1997-1998 27 11 38
1998-1999 18 7 25
1999-2000 20 13 33
2000-2001 38 4 42
2001-2002 65 5 70
2002-2003 41 5 46
2003-2004 67 12 79
2004-2005 45 8 53
Total 321 65 386
Total Undergraduate 348

Thus, we have graduated more students with a graduate degree (386) than an undergraduate
degree (348) for the time period FY1998 –FY2005.

We expect our graduate program to continue to grow, mainly through increased demand for
distance learning and increased funding for research in our department. The number of graduate
students we can properly supervise is controlled by the size of the faculty and the number of
post-doctorate students we can afford to hire, which in turn is controlled by the size of our
research budget. Currently, about 20 professors are doing research. Each professor can
supervise the research of only about 5 or 6 students on the average. Thus, we can supervise only
100 to120 students at any time. However, we always have 30 to 50 new students who are taking
classes and not really ready to start their research, so they do not take much time from the
professors outside of the classroom teaching hours.

Vision and Goals
The Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering is one of the largest departments of
Petroleum Engineering in the United States. For many years, we have also been known as one of
the best—if not the best—departments of Petroleum Engineering in the world, both at the
undergraduate and the graduate level. During the past two years, we have extended our reach to
the Texas A&M University branch campus in Qatar, TAMUQ.

Our quality was confirmed last fall with the enthusiastic endorsement of the Accreditation Board
for Engineering and Technology (ABET).

We have a reputation within industry for producing practical engineers with excellent
problem-solving ability, grounded well in science, engineering, business and communications
fundamentals, and able to "hit the ground running." Compared with peer institutions, our
graduates are viewed as a little more practical, a little less theoretical. This is our chosen niche; it
has proven highly successful.

Our graduates are our most important product. Our vision is
...that "I am an Aggie Petroleum Engineer" be the most respected,
prestigious self-definition within the petroleum engineering profession.

We see our mission, then, as being: create, preserve, integrate, transfer and apply petroleum engineering
knowledge. enhance the human capability of its practitioners through quality
education and outreach programs.

Strategic Plan
We are in progress on the following efforts to improve our ability to provide top-notch academic
programs in petroleum engineering:
 Designing new procedures for recruiting and admissions of graduate students to our
programs, especially on campus in College Station but also in Qatar.
 Planning faculty growth to accommodate our expected growth in both enrollment and
research efforts, including hiring up to 16 new faculty members to serve on the two
 Increasing computer capabilities by installing modern servers, replacing classroom
computers and hiring additional support staff.
 Recruiting new member companies to the Crisman Institute, then working with these
companies to generate industry-directed research projects.
 Improving the quality of our graduate program with targeted recruiting, increased funding
for fellowships, and organizing a network of industry supporters to ensure that adequate
jobs are available for our graduates and interns.

Acknowledging that our success depends on our ability to plan for future growth, we have
identified the following areas that need financial support and are developing methods of
attracting that support:
 Research project funding, largely under the umbrella of the Crisman Institute, to support
a growing body of graduate students and the faculty that will be necessary to advise them.
 Increased endowment funding to support administrative, operational, and academic
programs, including greater funding for our premier Nelson Scholars program and
additional graduate fellowships.
 Additional support for growing and maintaining our departmental computer resources.

Tables 6, 7 and 8 presents the forecasts for the next five years concerning the number of
students, the number of faculty, and the expense budget, respectively.

Table 6 - Enrollment Forecast

College Station Campus Qatar Total
Total Total Under Both
FY Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior UG Master PhD Grad grads Locations
2006 144 75 70 50 339 141 50 191 28 558
2007 180 80 70 70 400 130 50 180 40 620
2008 190 100 75 70 435 130 50 180 65 680
2009 200 115 95 75 485 130 50 180 90 755
2010 200 120 110 95 525 130 50 180 100 805

Table 7 - Faculty Needs
Tenured or Visiting Research and
FY Tenure Track Professor Adjunct Lecturer Retired Post-Doc Qatar Total
2005 20 5 1 3 4 6 0 39
2006 23 4 1 2 6 6 1 43
2007 24 3 1 2 7 8 3 48
2008 25 3 1 2 8 10 7 56
2009 26 3 1 2 9 12 8 61
2010 26 3 1 3 9 12 8 61

Table 8 - Budget Forecast for FY05-FY09

FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09
Act Act Est Est Est Est
Category $M $M $M $M $M $M
State –Education and General 1,995 2,372 2660 2760 2800 2850
State - Designated 191 337 400 425 450 475
State –Distance Learning 75 118 150 200 250 300
Research Contracts 2,623 2,604 3500 4000 4500 5000
Chairs and Professorships 635 869 850 900 950 1000
Scholarships 242 305 350 400 400 400
Fellowships 156 104 170 180 190 200
Research Endowments 52 133 100 150 200 250
Departmental Endowments 188 375 400 400 400 400
TOTAL 6,157 7,217 8,580 9,415 10,140 10,875

Department Goals
The goals of the department reflect needs that will take the department to the next level.
 National and international recognition
 Multi-disciplinary collaborations
 Faculty development
 Student development

The goals of the department are given outlined below, with the particular objectives to reach
each goal outlined as bullet items

Goal I: Increase ranking for the department. According to the 2006 rankings from US News
& World Report, the Texas A&M Department of Petroleum Engineering graduate program was
ranked 3rd.

The following objectives are necessary to achieve this goal:

 Significantly increase our peer research reputation.
o Increase the visibility of our research.
 Continue graduating Ph.D. students that have significant research careers in academia,
industrial labs and national labs.

o Increase the number of Ph.D.s that are placed in the top departments, industrial
research centers or government labs nationwide.
 Increase the number of nominations of faculty and students for national awards.
 Increase the number of senior faculty serving on national boards.
 Increase our annual research budget.

Goal II: Increase multi-disciplinary collaborations within the department, university,

among universities, and with industry. Through the Crisman Institute, we have been able to
increase multi-disciplinary collaborations significantly in 2005.

The following objectives are necessary to achieve this goal:

 Continue building within research in areas that industry will support.
 Continue producing research that has a significant impact on the field.
 Increase the number of large-scale multi-disciplinary projects for the department.

Goal III: Increase programs for faculty development. The faculty members are encouraged
to participate in activities of the Society of Petroleum Engineers and other professional
organizations that are associated with the upstream oil and gas industry. Time is allocated to
write papers and attend technical meetings to present the results of their work. We have four
professors with chairs and three with professorships. These endowed faculty positions generate
revenue to fund travel to technical meetings and to pay for incidental items related to research.
The Department provides a minimum of $2,000 per year to pay for travel expenses for each
faculty member who does not have an endowed chair or professorship.

The following objectives are necessary to achieve this goal:

 Significantly increase the number of endowments for research professorships and chairs.
 Secure adequate space for faculty, students, staff and education and research labs.
 Improve the productivity of the working environment.
 Provide a good mentoring environment for non-tenure, tenure-track faculty.
 Increase the diversity of the faculty.

Goal IV: Increase programs for undergraduate and graduate student development.
Students are the most important aspect of the department and it is vital that we provide a
supportive environment in order to retain top students and attract high quality students to all
levels of our program.

The following objectives are necessary to achieve this goal:

 Recruit top undergraduate and graduate students.
o Increase the number of scholarships to undergraduates and fellowships to
graduate students.
 Increase the diversity of undergraduate and graduate students.
 Increase the exposure of undergraduates to graduate school.
o Increase participation of undergraduates involved in research projects.
o Increase the placement of our undergraduates in the top graduate programs
 Increase the number of undergraduate courses taught by tenure-track/tenured faculty.

Strategy and Benchmarks

Faculty Committees
Five faculty committees spread the workload of running the department and ensure we have
proper faculty input into the decisions required to run the department in the most efficient and
fair manner.

The Tenure & Promotion (T&P) Committee meets initially every year in January or February.
At that time, the committee reviews its procedures, successes, and objectives for the coming
year. The committee reviews the status of the faculty and makes recommendations to the
department head on who should be put forward for promotion. They also determine who is up for
tenure or tenure review. Once the candidates for tenure or promotion are identified, the tenure
committee helps them document their records of teaching, research, publications, and service so
the best package of documentation possible can be sent to the Dean, Provost, and President.

The Tenure and Promotion Committee for 2005 consists of the following individuals, all of
whom are tenured professors: John Lee –Chair, Maria Barrufet, Tom Blasingame, Hans
Juvkam-Wold, Christine Economides, Dan Hill, Akhil Datta-Gupta, Bob Wattenbarger, and
Dick Startzman.

The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC) monitors the content of our undergraduate
curriculum and suggests changes in the curriculum using the ABET guidelines and input from
our industry contacts. The committee also monitors the data collection for ABET reviews and
makes sure the department is in compliance. Because the ABET review in the Fall 2004 found
our department was in full compliance, we expect to be fully accredited for the next six years.

In addition to the ABET review, the UCC continually monitors our undergraduate curriculum to
keep it relevant so it meets the needs of the students and the industry. The UCC periodically
reviews the courses and hours required for a BS degree and recommends any changes. The UCC
also reviews the courses our students are taking outside of petroleum engineering to be certain
the course materials cover what our students need to know to succeed in the upper-lever
engineering courses. The UCC reviews all course content and the timing and sequencing of the
course materials to be sure the department is teaching the correct course content during the
correct semesters. All evaluations of the courses and recommended changes are initiated,
evaluated, and documented using the ABET processes.

The Undergraduate Curriculum Committee for 2005 consists of the following individuals:
Christine Economides –Chair, Maria Barrufet, Duane McVay, Bryan Maggard, Peter Valkó,
Tom Blasingame, Ding Zhu, and Larry Piper.

The Graduate Committee is working on ways to streamline the selection process for graduate
school admission decisions. The committee is developing a data base to evaluate and sort the
qualifications of those applying to the department to make our selection process easier and more
accurate. The committee also is designing a way to greatly improve our PhD qualifying exams.
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independent research.

The Graduate Committee consists of the following individuals: Steve Holditch –Chair, Dan
Hill, John Lee, Akhil Datta-Gupta, Stuart Scott, and Bill McCain.

The Faculty Search Committee is evaluating our faculty needs in Qatar and have started the
process for recruiting faculty to either go to Qatar or replace current faculty who decide to go to
Qatar. The committee will be recruiting persons who can teach the courses that will be taught in
the first 2 years. In addition, the search committee is developing a plan for hiring the 4 to 6
faculty we will need in College Station in the next 2 to 4 years that will be needed to fill the 3
new reinvestment positions and to replace 1 to 3 of the faculty who retire. In addition, we will
need to hire 7 to 8 faculty members to increase our staff size so we can teach all our courses in
both Qatar and College Station. Thus, we fully expect to hire from 11 to 14 faculty members in
the next 2 to 4 years. We will be hiring 3 new faculty members for College Station (the
reinvestment positions) and 7 to 8 new faculty members for Qatar. The other 1 to 4 we might
hire will be replacements for faculty members who may be retiring in the next 2 to 4 years.

The exact number of replacement faculty members will depend upon who if any of our faculty
retire and the size of our salary budget, which is the money allocated from the State of Texas for
teaching. The State gives Texas A&M University a lump sum for teaching salaries, which the
President of the university allocates in lump sums to each of the Colleges. The Dean of
Engineering then allocates the money to the 12 departments. Thus, the money we get in the
department of Petroleum Engineering can vary from year to year, regardless of the size of our
student body and our teaching load.

The search committee has mapped out the needs by category and classification, and has
developed a plan for advertising, interviewing, and hiring these new faculty persons.

The specific objectives of the committee are to:

 Develop and regularly update long-term plans for faculty hiring.

 Write advertisements to advertise faculty openings and place them in appropriate journals
and websites.
 Solicit faculty candidates through personal contacts with industry and academia, and
encourage all the faculty to do so.
 Evaluate all applications received for faculty positions.
 Recommend to the faculty, the department head, and the administration which applicants
should be invited for interviews.
 Recommend to the faculty, the department head, and the administration which applicants
should be made job offers.
 Remain aware of market conditions and make recommendations about the job offers to
be made.

The Faculty Search Committee consists of the following individuals: Maria Barrufet –Chair,
Jerry Jensen, David Schechter, Jerome Schubert, and Daulat Mamora

The purpose of the Scholarship Committee is to administer the Nelson Scholars Program.
Highly qualified incoming freshmen and current students are nominated and must complete an

application. The committee meets at least twice per year to select recipients from among the
applicants. The chair is responsible for detailed administration of the program.

Nelson Scholars Program

 The Nelson Scholars Program provides scholarships equivalent to the university's
President's Endowed Scholarships but available solely to petroleum engineering students.
 Four or five 4-year Nelson Scholarships, each worth approximately $12,000, are awarded
to applicants each year.
 The scholarships are merit-based and are awarded without regard to financial need.
 Highly qualified incoming freshmen and/or current students are nominated and must
complete an application to be considered.
 An incoming freshman must major in petroleum engineering, have scores of 1300 SAT or
30 ACT, and be in the top 10% of his or her high school class.
 A current student must have a 3.5 GPR.
 Recipients of a Nelson Scholarship must maintain a 3.0 GPR during their period of study
at Texas A&M University.

The Scholarship Committee consists of the following individuals: Larry Piper –Chair, Tom
Blasingame, Christine Economides, Hans Juvkam-Wold, Duane McVay, and Bryan Maggard.


In Vision 2020, Texas A&M University is taking steps to become a top-10 public university by
the year 2020. To do our part, our professors must increase research funding, do more research,
and publish more papers. They cannot teach more than 2 or 3 courses per year if they also have
to conduct research, supervise graduate students, and publish. These priorities limit the number
of courses per year that each professor can teach and still maintain the productivity required in
the research arena.

Policies and Practices for Recognizing Good Teaching
The department, college and university support professional development that allows the faculty
to remain abreast of current developments in petroleum engineering research and teaching
methods. The department supplies an allocation to each faculty member that can be used to
attend conferences or workshops. The university provides support to faculty by providing
teaching workshops through the Montague Center for Teaching Excellence and the Dean of
Faculties Office. Faculty are encouraged to attend these free sessions. A program for faculty is
also offered through Computing and Information Services that provides free instruction on
several software packages used for online instruction.

Much attention is paid to recognition of scholarly activity. The department makes a strong and
consistent effort to nominate faculty for teaching, research and service awards. The college and
university provide numerous internal award programs of this type of recognition, and the
department seeks out external award programs through professional societies and foundations as
well. Nearly all of these awards carry generous stipends for use by the awardees.

Petroleum Engineering Faculty/Research Staff Awards
Walter Ayers –Visiting Professor
 Certificate of Merit, AAPG (2003)
 Excellence in Presentation Award, AAPG/EMD (2000)
 Distinguished Alumni Professional Achievement Award, West Virginia University,
Department of Geology and Geography (1995)

Thomas Blasingame –Associate Professor

 Distinguished Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers
 SPE Distinguished Service Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty (2005)

Charles Bowman –Emeritus Professor

 Honorary Director, American Petroleum Institute
 Distinguished Graduate, The Pennsylvania State University (1996)
 Triangle Fraternity Wall of Fame Member (1997)

John C. Calhoun –Emeritus Professor

 National Academy of Engineering (1985)
 Distinguished Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers
 Honorary member of AIME,
 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
 Fellow of the American Society for Engineering Education
 Mineral Industry Education Award from AIME
 Degolyer Medal from SPE (1982)
 SPE Honorary Member (1975)
 Centennial Medallion from ASEE

Paul Crawford –Emeritus Professor

 SPE/AIME Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal (1982)
 Distinguished Lecturer, SPE (1979-80)
 Distinguished Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers
 Distinguished Engineer, Texas Tech University College of Engineering (1982)
 Italian Interpetrol World Award for American Science (1977)

Akhil Datta-Gupta –Professor

 SPE Lester C. Uren Award (2003)
 Distinguished Member, Society of Petroleum Engineers (2001)
 Cedric K. Ferguson Award, Society of Petroleum Engineers (2000)
 Distinguished Author, Society of Petroleum Engineers (2000)
 Distinguished Lecturer, Society of Petroleum Engineers (1999-2000)
 AIME, Rossiter W. Raymond Award for best paper written by a member under age 33

Christine Ehlig-Economides –Professor
 SPE Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty, 1982
 SPE Formation Evaluation Award, 1995
 SPE Distinguished Member in 1996
 Lester C. Uren Award in 1997
 SPE Distinguished Lecturer, 1997-98
 National Academy of Engineering, 2003

Dan Hill –Professor

 Society of Petroleum Engineering Distinguished Lecturer, 1988-89
 Who’ sWhoAmongRi si
ngYoungAme ri
cans ,1990
 Who’ sWhoi nt
he South and Southwest, 1990
 Who’ sWhoofEme r
gingLe ader
si nAme rica,1992
 Who’ sWhoi nAme r
 SPE Distinguished Member, 1999

Steve Holditch –Professor

 SPE/AIME Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal (2005)
 ASME Rhodes Petroleum Industry Leadership Award (1999)
 SPE John Franklin Carll Award (1999)
 SPE Distinguished Lecturer (1997-98)
 Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1997)
 National Academy of Engineering (1995)
 SPE Lester C. Uren Award (1994)
 SPE Distinguished Member (1989)
 SPE Distinguished Lecturer (1982-83)
 SPE Distinguished Service Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty (1981)

Hans Juvkam-Wold –Professor

 SPE Distinguished Member (2003)
 The Association of Former Students of Texas A&M University Distinguished Teaching
Award (1992)

John Lee - Professor

 SPE/AIME Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal (2003)
 AIME Mineral Industry Education Award (2002)
 SPE Honorary Member (2001)
 Te xasSoc ietyofProfessionalEng
er s“Dr
eam Te am”( 2001)
 Texas A&M Association of Former Students Distinguished Achievement Award for
Continuing Education (2001)
 AIME Honorary Member (2000)
 SPE John Franklin Carll Award (1995)
 Academy of Distinguished Engineering Alumni, Georgia Tech (1994)
 National Academy of Engineering (1993)
 SPE Distinguished Service Award (1992)

 SPE Distinguished Member (1987)
 SPE Regional Service Award (1987)
 SPE Reservoir Engineering Award (1986)
 Texas A&M Association of Former Students Distinguished Teaching Award, College of
Engineering (1983)
 Halliburton Education Foundation Award (1982-83)
 SPE Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award (1982)
 Outstanding Achievement Award in Teaching, Texas A&M Student Engineers' Council
 Distinguished Lecturer, SPE (1978)

Yuri Makogon –Research Engineer

 Academy of Natural Science, Russia (1990 –Present)
 Albert Einstein Gold Medal of Honor, US Branch Russian Ac. NS (2002)
 International SPE Distinguished Lecturer (2002-03)
 Jubilee Medal Academy of Natural Science of Russia (2000)
 Golden Kapitsa Medal, Russian Ac. NS (1997)
 Gubkin State Prize (1989)
 Golden Jubilee Medal of Russia (1970)

William McCain –Visiting Professor

 SPE Distinguished Membership (2005)

James Russell –Retired Professor

 Outstanding Educators of America (1974)

Jerome Schubert –Assistant Professor

 Ha rt
’sSpe ci
alMe rit
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ousEng i
am Awa
rd (2002)

Richard Startzman –Professor

 Distinguished SPE Member (1994)

Quality Enhancement Plan
The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) at A&M is a course of action for continuous improvement
that addresses institutional goals and aspirations, with special attention to student learning
outcomes. Developing excellent learning environments permeates the goals of the QEP. Four
themes that form the foundation of the QEP include research, diversity, internationalization, and
technology. The key indictors of excellence in each of the four QEP themes are as follows:

Research: Students should graduate from Texas A&M University able to analyze problems,
formulate (research) questions, and progress toward answers to those questions within their
fields, modifying these answers as new knowledge dictates.

Diversity: Students graduating from Texas A&M University should be able to function
successfully in complex, diverse, social, economic, and political contexts. Organizationally,
Texas A&M University must create and maintain an environment that promotes an
understanding of the importance of diversity in all of its academic endeavors.

Internationalization: Students graduating from Texas A&M University will be able to

function effectively in their chosen career fields in an international setting.

Technology: Students graduating from Texas A&M University will be highly competent in
the use of modern technology relevant to their chosen career path.

Five of the Vision 2020 Imperatives that relate directly to the QEP themes are:

Elevate our faculty, their teaching, research & scholarship

Strengthen our graduate programs
Enhance the undergraduate academic experience
Diversity and globalize the A&M community
Increase access to knowledge resources

How do we achieve our purpose?

The QEP is embedded within existing planning processes which include institutional
effectiveness planning and strategic planning. The three basic components of the QEP are as

Institutional Effectiveness (IE) Planning. Every year, colleges implement student learning
assessment by degree program (e.g., Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Ph.D. in
Mathematics). Academic departments and academic support units articulate student learning
outcomes and document assessment activities to identify strengths and weaknesses of their
programs and make changes to improve student learning. Student learning outcomes are
associated with the QEP themes or other intended knowledge and skills. The IE cycle begins in
fall and ends in spring of the academic year.

Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Funding. In addition to IE planning, the University sets aside
$100,000 annually to provide additional support to academic programs in their assessment of

student learning outcomes focused ont hef ourQEPt
20 academic programs every year in this effort.

Strategic Planning. Administrative divisions and colleges engage in strategic planning every four
years. The current focus is on five Vision 2020 Imperatives which are closely connected to the
QEP themes. The strategic planning process helps align and coordinate campus-wide efforts to
achieving institutional goals and aspirations, with special emphasis on student learning
environments and outcomes.

Graduate Program
We offer a wide variety of courses for graduate students. The courses include fundamental
subjects such as drilling, production, reservoir, formation evaluation and economics. In addition,
all professors develop courses to teach advanced topics in their specialties. A list of the graduate
courses taught recently can be found in Appendix C. The syllabi of all graduate courses are
included in Appendix D.

We expect our graduate program to continue to grow, mainly through increased demand for
distance learning and increased funding for research in our department. The number of graduate
students we can properly supervise is controlled by the size of the faculty and the number of
post-doctorate students we can afford to hire, which in turn is controlled by the size of our
research budget. Currently, about 20 professors are doing research. Each professor can
supervise the research of only about 5 or 6 students on the average. Thus, we can supervise only
100 to120 students at any time. However, we always have 30 to 50 new students who are taking
classes and not really ready to start their research, so they do not take much time from the
professors outside of the classroom teaching hours.

As our research funding grows, we can increase the number of graduate students in our
department by using post-doctorate students to help supervise some of the research. As the
research faculty grows, we can add around 6 graduate students per new faculty member. Thus, it
may be possible to increase the number of graduate students in the future if our research faculty
and research funding continue to grow.

During the next 5 years, we plan to implement changes to upgrade the quality of our graduate
students. We will do this by marketing our department; recruiting high-quality undergraduate
students, especially in the United States; and implementing a more structured graduate
admissions system. The departmental graduate committee will develop these admission
guidelines in 2005. We will also re-implement the doctoral qualifying exam in a form that truly
lets the graduate committee determine if a student is qualified to do the independent research
required for a PhD. Part of the implementation of the qualifying exam is to design a viable
alternative for any prospective PhD student who does not pass the exam.

We have a growing and successful Master of Engineering (MEng) program delivered by distance
learning (DL). We currently offer around 8 or 9 courses per year over the Internet. The MEng
degree by DL requires a minimum of 36 hours—or about 12 courses—and engineering report
which students must submit in writing and present orally.

Most DL students take around 3 courses per year because they simultaneously hold full-time
engineering positions. The entire course content is delivered over the Internet, so anyone in the
world can be a DL student. All DL students must be accepted for admission to graduate school
at Texas A&M University as would any of our on-campus students.

We can also offer courses required for the Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy
(PhD) degrees by DL. However, MS and PhD candidates must satisfy university residency

requirements and must maintain close contact with their supervisory committees while they
conduct their research projects. Table 9 shows the number of DL students we have had since the
program began in 1999.

Table 9 - Enrollment History in the Master of Engineering Distance Learning Program

FY Year Masters PhD NDS

2000 14 0 0
2001 16 0 0
2002 18 2 2
2003 13 1 3
2004 19 2 9
2005 25 2 11
2006 30 3 19

Table 10 shows our projected enrollment in the graduate program through 2009. We expect our
graduate enrollment to increase mainly through an increase in DL students and an increase in
research funding that will allow us to hire more post-doctorate students to help supervise the
research programs.

Table 10 - Expected Enrollment in the Graduate Program

FY Master on campus PhD on campus Total on campus DL Total

2005 80 32 112 38 182
2006 85 50 135 52 187
2007 90 50 140 55 195
2008 100 50 150 60 210
2009 100 50 150 65 215
2010 100 50 150 65 215

Most of our faculty members are involved with teaching graduate courses. Our introductory
courses have been taught for many years by many different professors. Below is lists of all of
the courses we now offer; the list changes on the basis of who is on our faculty and the type of
research projects our faculty is working on at the time and not all courses are taught every year.

Graduate Student Degrees
Graduate Students
Wec ur rent
lyha vea round85Ma ster’sstude ntsand50PhD s t
ntsonc ampus . Weha ve
around 50 students taking graduate courses by distance learning. A list of the current PhD
students and their research topics is presented in Appendix E.

We have very few rules concerning the course work t ha tstude nt

’shave to take to get a Master or
a Doctoral degree. Essentially their committee chairman and graduate committee establish what
should be included on the degree plan on the basis of their background, so they are best prepared
to do research and complete their degree. The university does have a few rules, which are
included below.

Master of Science
 Include a minimum of 32 credit hours in your degree plan. (Your committee can require
o Complete at least 9 credit hours on campus during one semester to establish residency.
o Take approximately 1/3 of your courses (2-3 courses) outside the department.
o Take at least 3 of the core courses listed below.
o During the semester when you write your research proposal, you should sign up for the
685 technical writing courses.
 Observe University limits on certain courses:
o No more than 12 hours transfer credit from another university.
o No more than 12 hours of 689 courses.
o No more than 8 hours of 691 and/or 685 courses.
o No credit for 684 courses.
o No more than 2 hours of 681 courses.
o No more than 9 hours of undergraduate courses.
 Select the chairman of your committee before the start of the second semester.
o Agree on at least 3 committee members, with 1 outside the department.
o File a degree plan before the beginning of your second semester but by no means later
than 90 days before your final oral examination.
 You must have an average GPR of 3.0 for all courses on your degree plan before you take the
final exam.
 Submit your thesis proposal to the Office of Graduate Studies at least 14 weeks before the
close of the semester in which you expect to receive the degree or before you schedule your
final examination, whichever occurs first.
 Complete your Thesis and final examination.
 Complete all requirements within 7 years.

Master of Engineering –On Campus

 Include a minimum of 30 credit hours in your degree plan. (Your committee can require
o Take approximately 1/3 of the courses (2-3 courses) outside the department.
o Take at least 3 of the core courses listed below.
o Take 3 hours of PETE 692 for credit for the engineering project

 Observe University limits on certain courses:
o No more than 12 hours transfer credit from another university.
o No more than 12 hours of 689 courses.
o No more than 4 hours of 684 or 685 courses.
o No credit for 691 courses.
o No more than 2 hours of 681 courses.
o No more than 9 hours of undergraduate courses.
 Select the chairman of your committee before the start of the second semester.
o Agree on at least 3 committee members, with 1 outside the department.
o File a degree plan before the beginning of your second semester but by no means later
than 90 days before your final oral examination.
 You must have an average GPR of 3.0 for all courses on your degree plan before you take the
final exam.
 Write one or two major reports involving Petroleum Engineering subject matter and complete
your final exam
 Complete all requirements within 7 years.

Master of Engineering –Distance Learning

 Include a minimum of 36 credit hours in your degree plan. (Your committee can require
o Take at least 3 of the core courses listed below.
o Take 3 hours of PETE 692 for credit for the engineering project
 Observe University limits on certain courses:
o No more than 12 hours transfer credit from another university.
o No more than 12 hours of 689 courses.
o No more than 4 hours of 684 or 685 courses.
o No credit for 691 courses.
o No more than 2 hours of 681 courses.
o No more than 9 hours of undergraduate courses.
 Select the chairman of your committee before the start of the second semester.
o Agree on at least 3 committee members, with 1 outside the department.
o File a degree plan before the beginning of your second semester but by no means later
than 90 days before your final oral examination.
 You must have an average GPR of 3.0 for all courses on your degree plan before you take the
final exam.
 Write one or two major reports involving Petroleum Engineering subject matter and complete
your final exam
 Complete all requirements within 7 years.

For Entering MS Students with a BS in Petroleum Engineering

The following courses pertain to all four (4) areas of specialization:
 Drilling
 Production
 Reservoir
 Economics and Evaluation

Core Courses: Students are encouraged to include at least three (3) of these core courses in
their degree plan.
 PETE 603 Advanced Reservoir Engineering I
 PETE 605 Phase Behavior of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids
 PETE 608 Well Logging Methods
 PETE 618 Modern Petroleum Production
 PETE 620 Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
 PETE 625 Well Control (or PETE 626 Offshore Drilling)
 PETE 664 Petroleum Project Evaluation and Management

For Entering MS Students without a BS in Petroleum Engineering

The following courses pertain to four (4) areas of specialization:
 Drilling
 Production
 Reservoir
 Economics and Evaluation

Core Courses: Students must include at least three (3) of these in their degree plan.
 PETE 661 Drilling Engineering
 PETE 662 Production Engineering
 PETE 663 Formation Evaluation and Analysis of Reservoir Performance
 PETE 664 Petroleum Project Evaluation and Management
 PETE 665 Petroleum Reservoir Engineering

Addi ti
onalMas ter ’sprograms
Other Master degrees that are offered by the Petroleum Engineering department include the joint
degree programs with Institut Francais du Pétrole (IFP) leading to the master of engineering
degree. Admission to the joint degree program requires that the student be admitted
(independently) by both IFP and Texas A&M University. The program consists of the first Fall
semester at TAMU, then Spring and Summer semesters at IFP and then the last semester at
TAMU. This program is rigid in its coursework components and will include a research thesis
(and one additional semester) if a student elects to pursue a M.S. degree.

As part of this Master of Engineering Program, the Lowry Mays College and Graduate School of
Business will award the degree candidate a Certificate in International Petroleum Management.
To qualify for this certificate the student must complete at least 18 semester hours of coursework
in the Lowry Mays College and Graduate School of Business. Most MEN students complete 18
hours of petroleum engineering course work and 18 hours of business coursework. This option
is available for PHD students who include and include a minimum of 18 hours of business course
work on their degree plans.

Doctor of Philosophy
 Include a minimum of 64 credit hours beyond the MS degree or 96 hours beyond the BS
degree in your degree plan. Doctorial student who do not have a PETE background are
encourage to take at least 3 of the 5 core courses.

o Complete at least 1 academic year on campus to establish residency if you hold the MS
degree or 2 academic years if you hold only the BS.
o Your graduate committee is in total charge of the courses that will be on your degree
plan. In general, you should take 2/3 course work and, and 1/3 research/seminar
o Approximately 1/3 of your course work (4-6 courses) should be outside of the
o During the semester when you write your research proposal, you should sign up for the
685 technical writing course, if you have not already taken the course.
 Select the chairman of your committee before the start of the second semester.
o Agree on at least 4 committee members, with 1 outside the department.
o File a degree plan before the beginning of your third semester but by no means later
than 90 days before your final oral examination.
 Take the preliminary examination when your have passed all but the last 6 credit hours of
formal course work (except for 681 and 691 courses) on your degree plan, or no later than the
end of the semester when you complete your formal course work.
o Submit the results of your preliminary examination to the Office of Graduate Studies
at least 14 weeks before your final examination date.
o The preliminary exam should be both oral and written.
o Each member of your advisory committee is responsible for administering a written
examination in his or her particular field, unless he or she chooses to waive
participation in this part of the examination.
 You must have an average GPR of 3.0 for all courses on your degree plan before you take the
final exam.
 Submit your dissertation proposal to the Office if Graduate Studies at least 14 weeks before
you schedule your final examination.
 Complete your dissertation and final exam.
 Complete all requirements within 10 years

Admissions Process
The admissions process is a joint process between the Office of Admissions and Records (OAR)
and the Department of Petroleum Engineering. The application process is an on-line system
coordinated with the Texas Common Application System and is available world wide. A
complete application consists of the application (complete with appropriate fee paid $50 for
domestic students, $75 for international students), official transcripts, official GRE test scores,
reference letters and other documents which the student may provide to enhance the application.

All admission documents are collected by OAR and all paper documents are scanned into an
electronic document repository called OARDocs, which is accessible by a secure Internet
browser connection. Once the application has been scanned in, the department creates their own
file for each application received. The admissions decision for the department is now processed
through the on-line, web-based admissions decision system called OARADS. The department
can admit a student at anytime in the admissions process regardless completeness of the

In addition to collecting official transcripts, OAR evaluates the transcripts by calculating the
GPRont hel ast60hour sofunde rgr
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degree, then the GPR is base on all graduate work taken, excluding non-degree courses. For
international transcripts grades are converted to an equivalent 4.0 scale.

All applications received by the Department of Petroleum Engineering are reviewed by the
Department Graduate Committee with the most qualified being admitted and offered funding
assistance from the department.

Financial Assistance
Our students are offered financial assistance through fellowships, research, teaching assistants,
student technicians, and sponsored. Many students receiving fellowships receive RA or TA
appointments later.
• Fellowships (amount varies)
• Graduate Research Assistantships (GAR)
• $1,250 for MS
• $1,250 for PhD
• $1,400 for PhD once they pass the PhD qualifying exam
• Graduate Teaching Assistantships (GAT)
• $1,250 for MS
• $1,250 for PhD
• Student Technicians
• $8.50 to $14 per hour
• Sponsored by company or government
• 112 out of 138 resident MS and PhD students on full support

Research Facilities
Acid Stimulation Laboratory
In this lab, we will develop new and better methods to measure acid-fracture conductivity so
industry can better design well completions in deep, carbonate reservoirs.

Engineering Imaging Laboratory

A state-of-the-art, high-resolution, fourth-generation X-ray CT scanner is available for general
use. Within PETE, it is used mainly for measurements of porosity and saturations in cores and
enhanced oil recovery flood experiments.

Fluid Separation and Treating Laboratory

In this lab we will utilize inclinable multiphase flow loop donated by Halliburton to investigate
multiphase flow in wells & risers.

Fracture Conductivity Laboratory

In this lab we will develop two-phase models of stimulation treatments in naturally-fractured gas
reservoirs and build fracture-performance models based on experimental studies of fracture

Gas Hydrates Laboratory

Sophisticated equipment in this lab is devoted to understanding the growth and dissolution of gas
hydrate crystals.

High Pressure/High Temperature Fluid Property Measurement Laboratory

In this lab, we will measure gas viscosities with extended ranges of temperatures, pressures, gas
specific gravities, and quantities of non-hydrocarbons. These data will be used to extend the
range of applicability of the correlation to 400 F and at least 25,000 psia.

Integrated Reservoir Investigations Laboratory

This lab contains new UNIX workstations, associated projectors, plotters and printers, and the
latest engineering and geoscience's software, available for teaching, research, and continuing
education programs.

Mobil Undergraduate Teaching Laboratory for Core Analysis

Students in this teaching lab practice measurement of rock and fluid properties. Students in this
teaching lab practice measurement of rock and fluid properties.

Naturally Fractured/Integrated Reservoir Studies Laboratory

This lab focuses on multi-disciplinary approach to improving reservoir performance in naturally
fractured reservoirs. This is accomplished by integrating all facets of information to achieve
optimization of recovery in specific field cases. Research is focused on fracture and matrix
characterization, core and log analysis, fluid flow and transfer mechanisms (capillary imbibition
and gravity drainage) and analytical and numerical simulation of these processes. Water flooding
and gas injection experiments are performed at reservoir conditions using reservoir rock fluids.

Oilfield Brine Processing Laboratory
Research to improve the efficiency of membrane-based filters used for treatment and
desalination of produced water and brackish ground water. We will continue to investigate
advanced membrane-filter simulator models, new and novel cleanup methods, and low-power
desalination technology, which we will test in field demonstrations.

Ramey Thermal Recovery Laboratory

Experiments carried out in this lab are aimed at understanding and optimizing oil production
using steam and in-situ combustion oil recovery techniques. Oil recovery using various
configurations of vertical and horizontal wells as producers and injectors can be investigated and

Riverside Field-Scale Production Test Facility

This facility comprises test wells, flow loops, and multi-phase pumping and metering equipment.
It is in an early stage of development.

Texaco Drilling Fluids Laboratory/Fluid Rheology Lab

This teaching lab provides students hands-on experience in dealing with changing behaviors of
drilling fluids.

Tommie E. Lohman Fluid Measurement Laboratory

This lab provides equipment and procedures for the physical analysis of oilfield fluids including
oilfield emulsions, water and sediment in oils, and gas and liquid metering. A working water
well is used in conjunction with the lab for analysis of transient pressure and sucker rod pumps.
The lab serves as an instructional facility for production engineering where students are trained
in the acquisition and evaluation of fluid data. Emphasis is placed on development of procedures
for handling oilfield fluid samples.

Graduate Data
Appendix G includes additional tables on:
 Recent Trends in Graduate Enrollment
 Recent Trends in Graduate Degrees
 List of PhD Dissertation Titles of Graduates (2000-2005)
 List of PhD Graduates Holding Faculty Positions in U.S. and Abroad

Current Faculty
In general, we teach courses in four core areas: Drilling, Production, Reservoir, and Economics
& Evaluation. We also teach introductory courses in Petroleum Engineering, basic engineering
science courses, and technical writing. The following faculty members are listed under their
primary specialization, although some do teach courses under more than one category.

Drilling Engineering
Hans Juvkam-Wold Professor
Jerome Schubert Assistant Professor
Catalin Teodoriu Assistant Professor

Production Engineering
Stephen Holditch Professor
Dan Hill Professor
Stuart Scott Associate Professor
Peter Valkó Associate Professor
David Schechter Associate Professor
Ding Zhu Assistant Professor
Gioia Falcone Assistant Professor

Reservoir Engineering
Akhil Datta-Gupta Professor
Bob Wattenbarger Professor
Maria Barrufet Professor
Tom Blasingame Professor
Daulat Mamora Associate Professor
Duane McVay Associate Professor
Bill McCain Visiting Professor
Bryan Maggard Senior Lecturer

Economics and Evaluation

John Lee Professor
Christine Ehlig-Economides Professor
Richard Startzman Professor
Wayne Ahr Professor (joint appointment with Geology)
Jerry Jensen Associate Professor
Walt Ayers Visiting Professor

General Courses and Technical Writing

Larry Piper Senior Lecturer
Darla-Jean Weatherford Lecturer

Qatar Campus
We currently have 35 students in Qatar. They have been taking their freshmen and sophomore
courses in math, physics, chemistry, English, history, and political science. Starting Fall 2005,
we began teaching our first courses in petroleum engineering. We have identified the first
person from our department to move to Qatar, Dr. Mahmood Amani. Dr. Amani has taught the
basic engineering science courses and the senior drilling courses at Texas A&M University
during the past 2 years. He and his family moved to Qatar with the intention to be there

We have identified five additional faculty members to work in Qatar and we are in the process of
hiring them. We will need a cross-section of faculty who can teach our drilling, production,
reservoir, and economics & evaluation courses. We will also need faculty that can supervise
graduate students and conduct research sponsored by the Qatar Foundation and the oil and gas
industry in Qatar.

Statistical Summaries
Student Profile
Ma st
Fall 2005 e nr oll
me ntdat
ar eports127mast
ngg r
were Distance Learning students. Thema
international students.

Fall 2005 enrollment data reports 49 doctoral seeking graduate students, 2 of which were
Distance Learning students. The doctoral student population consists of 4 women and 43
international students.

Graduate Enrollment History





100 PhD














Figure 1 –Graduate Enrollment History

Non Degree Students

This same enrollment data also reported 13 non degree students all of which are Distance
Learning. Most of the students in this category are taking courses as a certificate program or to
enhance their job performance and update their skills for their current company.

Distance Learning Enrollment




20 Masters














Figure 2 –Distance Learning Enrollment History

Number of Admissions
In academic year 2005, 127 students were admitted. For the last several years we have received
200t o250a pplicati
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approximately 35 of our acceptances are for Ph.D. applicants.

Student Financial Support

There are several methods of support for graduate students and fellowships are offered to most
qualified incoming new students for their first year to allow them time to find a research project
to work on or other position within the department.

Faculty Profile
The faculty profiles for the department are shown in the next few tables.

Table 11 –Tenured and Tenure-Track

Rank Status Number
Professor Tenured 12 (two approved for 09/01/06)
Associate Professor Tenured 4
Assistant Professor Tenure-Track 4

Table 12 –Tenure Reviews from 2001-2006
Effective Promote to Tenure as Promote to Promote to
Date Professor Associate Assistant Senior
Professor Professor Lecturer
9/1/06 Daulat Mamora
Peter Valko
9/1/05 Tom Blasingame Duane McVay
David Schechter
9/1/04 Maria Barrufet Jerome Schubert Bryan Maggard
9/1/03 Akhil Datta-Gupta Jerome Schubert
9/1/01 Stuart Scott
Peter Valko

Teaching Load
The nominal teaching load for tenured faculty is three courses during the academic year. Of
these courses, about half are undergraduate classes and half are graduates classes. New tenure-
track faculty have a lighter teaching load for the first 2-3 years (two courses per academic year).
Lighter loads are also given to faculty with a heavy administrative load.

Special topics classes are frequently taught. These classes may be new topics that are intended
tobe comer eg ularc lassesorr esearchor ientedcour sesi nthef acult
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only be taught once or twice.

Table 13 - Faculty Hired and Retired During Last Five Years

Date Faculty Hired/Level Faculty Retired/Level Faculty Resigned/Level
04/01/06 Catalin Teodoriu/Asst Prof
03/01/06 Gioia Falcone/Asst Prof
12/01/05 James Russell/Prof
08/30/04 Ding Zhu/Asst Prof
08/01/04 A. Daniel Hill/Prof
06/01/04 Christine Ehlig-Economides/Prof
02/01/03 Ronald J. Robinson/Prof
08/30/02 Rosalind Archer/Asst Prof
12/01/01 Charles H. Bowman/Prof

Table 14 - Average Age of Full-Time Faculty

Rank Average Age
Assistant Professor 41
Associate Professor 50
Professor 60
All 53

Table 15 - Gender, Minority Representation
Faculty (by gender) Full Associate Assistant
Male 8 5 2
Female 2 2

Faculty (by ethnicity) Full Associate Assistant

African American
Native American
Asian American 1 1 1
Hispanic American 1
White 8 4 1
Nonresident Alien 2

Fundamental Research
Some of the research we do can be classified as basic or fundamental, while most is correctly
classified as practical or applied research. Below are descriptions and references documenting
some of the research we do that is basic.

Walt Ayers
1. Most research with which I am involved has basic components by virtue of the fact that I
am a scientist and I am supervising scientific research of graduate students. For example,
Advanced Technology for Infill and Recompletion Candidate Well Selection –
Application to The Cut Bank Oil Field was expanded to a doctoral dissertation topic in
the Geology and Geophysics department at TAMU, for Rahila Ramazanova, and I am co-
chair of her dissertation committee. Rahila is investigating new methods of applying
sequence stratigraphy in low-accommodation geologic settings.

2. In Developing an Expert System for Well Completions in Tight Gas Reservoirs

Worldwide; Estimating Unconventional Gas Resources Outside of North America
Quantifying Uncertainty in Unconventional Gas Resource Assessments in North
America, we are trying to develop new methods of assessing unconventional oil and gas
resources using a limited data base. This is basic research that could add greatly to our
knowledge of potential fossil fuel resources of the world.

A.D. Hill
1. We are conducting a study of temperature and pressure behavior in complex well
completions that is very basic, and includes every esoteric effect we can imagine. This
was funded from the DOE PRIME solicitation, which specifically targeted very
fundamental, high risk areas of petroleum engineering research. Larry is a PI on this
project, so he is certainly aware of it.
2. In our acid fracture conductivity program, which is supported by industry, we have some
very fundamental aspects, both experimentally and theoretically. We are modeling the
transport and reaction of acid solutions though a rough-walled fracture by geostistically
generating an initial profile of fracture width, solving the Navier-Stokes equation for this
irregular domain by using an unusual variable transformation that I have never seen
applied to any petroleum engineering problem, then we solve material balance equations
for the acid transport by convection and diffusion in 3 dimensions. This is so basic, I am
not sure I understand what we are up to. On the experimental side, we are conducting the
most extensive series of tests of acid fracture conductivity ever performed, at
temperatures up to 250 F, and using injection rate higher than any ever reported in the
literature. In the past 40 years, I am aware of only 2 other significant experimental studies
of acid fracture conductivity (one from our lab 10 –15 years ago); that dearth of
experimental work in itself makes this program very fundamental.
3. We are beginning a study of the role of heterogeneity in carbonate matrix acidizing in
which we are collecting quarry samples with different pore types ranging from very
homogeneous chalks to very vugular limestones. We will acidize core samples, CT-
scanning the cores before and after acid injection. A parallel modeling effort will apply
geostatistical methods on a fine scale. This work follows a very basic study we conducted

previously of sandstone acidizing, funded by the Texas State Advanced Technology
program, which in general funds only basic research.

Steve Holditch/Yuri Makogon

1. Basics of Development of Gas Hydrate Deposits
2. Kinetics and Morphology of Secondary Gas Hydrates - experimental results

Daulat Mamora
1. Experimental and Analytical Studies to Model Reaction Kinetics and Mass Transport of
Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Depleted Carbonate Reservoirs.
2. Experimental and Analytical Studies of Hydrocarbon Yields Under Dry-, Steam-, and
Steam with Propane-Distillation. We conducted this research to explain the oil production
acceleration observed (in other experiments and simulation studies) when steam is
injected with a small amount of propane. We found out that propane has a unique
property in that it lowers the boiling points of the lighter hydrocarbon fractions thus
accelerating production. No one could have known this a priori. This is basic research.
This JIP project began in Jan. 2002 and is still on-going. We are also studying the effect
of petroleum distillates as steam additives during steam injection.

Bill McCain
1. Measuring viscosities of natural gases at extremely high pressure (20-30,000 psi) and
high temperature (300+F). No such measurements are in the public domain.

David Schechter
1. Understanding the fundamentals of fluid flow in fractures using conventional methods
and CT Scanning

Peter Valko
1. Ibragimov, A., Khalmanova, D., Valko,P.P., Walton, J.R.: On a mathematical model of
the productivity index of a well from reservoir engineering, SIAM J. Appl. Math, Vol 65
(Iss 6) 2005 pp 1952-1980.
2. Yi, X., Valkó, P.P., Russell, J.: Effect of Rock Strength Criterion on the Predicted Onset
of Sand Production, Int. J. Geomechanics, Vol 5 (Iss 1) 2005 pp 66-73.
3. Valkó, P.P.Solution of the Graetz–Brinkman problem with the Laplace transform
Galerkin method, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 48 (Iss. 9) 2005 pp. 1874-1882.
4. Valkó, P.P. and Abate, J. Numerical inversion of 2-D Laplace transforms applied to
fractional diffusion equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 53 (Iss. 1) 2005 pp.
5. Jourine, S., Valkó, P.P. and Kronenberg, A.K.: Modelling poroelastic hollow cylinder
experiments with realistic boundary conditions. International Journal for Numerical and
Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol. 28 (Iss 12) 2004, pp 1189–1205.
6. Valkó, P.P. and Abate, J. : Comparison of Sequence Accelerators for the Gaver Method
of Numerical Laplace Transform Inversion, Computers and Mathematics with
Application Vol. 48 (Iss.3-40) 2004 pp. 629-636.
7. Abate, J. and Valkó, P.P.: Multi-precision Laplace transform inversion, International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 60 (Iss. 5-7) 2004, pp 979–993.

8. Valkó, P.P. and Abate, J.: Numerical Laplace inversion in rheological characterization,
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 116 (Iss. 2-3) 2004, pp 395–406.
9. Zambrano-Mendoza, O. , Valkó, P. P. and Russell, J. E.: Error-in-variables for rock
failure envelope, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Volume
40, (Issue 1, January) 2003, pp. 137 - 143.

Interdisciplinary Research
In industry, interdisciplinary teams work to solve the problems required to find, develop and
produce oil and gas fields. In the Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering, we have
several projects that can be considered as interdisciplinary. Information on those projects are
found in Appendix F.

Budget Information
Financial Resources
In FY05 the department of Petroleum Engineering spent approximately $7.2 million to operate
the department. Table 16 shows the actual expenditures by category.

Table 16 –Actual Expenditures for FY 2005

Source Description Amount
State Education and General $ 2,372,276.39
State Designated $ 336,797.72
State Distance Learning $ 118,422.05
Research TEES $ 2,604,250.16
Gifts and Endowments Faculty $ 869,194.17
Gifts and Endowments Scholarship $ 304,555.59
Gifts and Endowments Fellowship $ 104,425.47
Gifts and Endowments Research $ 132,870.55
Gifts and Endowments Department $ 375,042.50
TOTAL $ 7,217,834.60

At the end of FY05, the Department has endowments with a market value of $22 million that
generates $1 million per year of income. This income was used to supplement salaries, to fund
research endeavors of our faculty, and to provide financial assistance to both undergraduate and
graduate students. Of the $22 million, $11 million funds chairs and professorships, $3.5 million
funds scholarships, $0.75 million funds fellowships, $4 million funds the Crisman Institute for
Petroleum Research, and $3 million funds special projects at the discretion of the department

Figure 3 - Endowments (Market Value)

Millions of Dollars

92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05
September 1,1991 -August 31, 2005

Figure 4 - Endowments (Market Value by Category)
Millions of Dollars 10.0





Chairs Professorships Re search Scholarships Department Labs Fellowships

September 1, 2003- August 31, 2005

It can be concluded that the financial resources of the Department are adequate to meet the needs
of our undergraduate program. The graduate program is also adequately funded; however, we
have to solicit about $2 million per year of research funding to pay the summer salaries of our
faculty and to pay for research assistantships.

Endowed Chairs/Professorships
Tables 17 and 18 show the endowed Chairs and Professorships the department currently has.

Table 17 –Endowed Chairs

Faculty Member Name Endowment Est. Annual Income
Hans Juvkam-Wold John Edgar Holt Endowed Chair $1,199,738 $54,849
Akhil Datta-Gupta LeSuer Chair in Reservoir Management 615,578 49,882
Steve Holditch Samuel L. Noble Endowed Chair 1,417,782 64,817
John Lee L.F. Peterson Endowed Chair 3,428,345 156,734
Christine Ehlig-Economides Albert B. Stevens Endowed Chair 1,249,880 50,521
Dan Hill Robert L. Whiting Endowed Chair 1,290,375 52,159
Vacant Baker-Hughes Endowed Chair 1,233,402 55,011
TOTAL $10,435,100 $483,973

Table 18 - Endowed Professorships

Faculty Member Name Endowment Est. Annual Income
Maria Barrufet Rob L. Adams Endowed Professorship $816,626 $37,334
Richard Startzman L.F.“Pe t
e ”PetersonEn dowedPr ofessorsh i
p 630,720 25,494
Vacant Robert L. Whiting Endowed Professorship 683,906 31,266
New Aghorn Energy Endowed Professorship 259,483 10,488
New JohnE.‘ 74&De borahF.‘76Be thancou r
t 394,538 15,000
Endowed Professorship
New Ge or
geK.Hi ck ox,Jr.‘
80En dowe dPr ofe ss
h i
p 244,832 10,000
Pending Leonard and Dora Leon Endowed Professorship
TOTAL $3,030,105 $129,582

Crisman Institute
The endowment and research income from the Crisman Institute are detailed in Table 19 below.

Table 19 –Crisman Endowments and Annual Income

Company Endowment Est. Annual Income
Crisman Institute $2,406,869 $97,288
Chevron 519,327 10,886
Halliburton 259,483 10,488
Schlumberger 265,182 10,719
Anadarko 336,683
Baker Hughes 382,500
Burlington 41,076
ConocoPhillips 50,000
Devon 90,000
Economides Consultants 225,000
Newfield 180,000
Nexen 450,000
Saudi Aramco 180,000
Total 50,000
bp –pending
El Paso –pending
TOTAL $3,450,861 $2,114,640

Department of Energy Projects

The Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M University has been
awarded four Department of Energy (DOE) research projects. The principal investigators,
projects, and awards are noted below:
 Stephen A. Holditch and Yuri Makogon, and George J. Moridis of Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, plan to develop the necessary knowledge base and quantitative
predictive capability for the description of geomechanical performance of hydrate-
bearing sediments (hereafter referred to as HBS) in oceanic environments. The focus is
on the determination of the envelope of hydrate stability under conditions typical of those
related to the construction and operation of offshore platforms. Project Title
“Ge ome chanical Performance of Hydrate-Be ar
ingSe dime ntsinOf fshor eEnvi ronme nts”,
$725,000 (36 months).
 Stephen A. Holditch, A. Daniel Hill, and Ding Zhu, will develop new methods for
creating extensive, conductive hydraulic fractures in unconventional tight gas reservoirs.
After assessing a wide range fracture treatments conducted in the field, researchers will
develop design models for implementing optimal fracture treatments. Project Title
"Advanced Hydraulic Fracturing Technology for Unconventional Tight GasRe servoirs” ,
$1.2 million (36 months).
 Akhil Datta-Gupta plans to develop efficient tools and a systematic work flow for
improved oil reservoir characterization and modeling. The technology will be
demonstrated in a CO 2 flood in the Permian Basin of Wes tTexa s
.Pr oje ctTitle“Ra pid
Calibration of High Resolution Geologic Models to Dynamic Data Using Inverse
Mode ling :FieldAppl i
c ationa ndVa lidati
on” ,$785,846( 36months).

 David Burnett, Jean-Louis Briaud (CE), and Gene Theodori (TAES) will incorporate
current and emerging technologies into a clean, environmentally-friendly drilling system
that can be used to find and produce natural gas in the lower 48 states. The project also
includes establishing a joint venture of industry, academic, and government partners to
support development of such a zero-i mpa ctdr i
llings yst
em.Pr oje ctTi tl
e“ FieldTe st
ofEnvi ronme ntallyFr iendlyDr il
lingSy stems ”,$1. 4mi l
on( 36months).

The academic budget (State of Texas funding) for the department is determined by the Dean of
the College of Engineering. It is basically constant from year to year with changes coming from
the increase or decrease in the number of faculty. Faculty salaries and hiring decisions are
approved by the Dean and the Provost upon recommendations from the Department Head and
departmental faculty. The Department Head then decides how those funds are allocated in
coordination with other available Departmental resources to meet the needs of the department.
The department provides 9-months funding of faculty salaries and the faculty typically fund their
3-month summer salary out of their research projects –unless they accept a summer teaching

Facilities and Equipment

The department operates its own computer network, and maintains six computer classrooms for
teaching and student support. We try to replace approximately one-third of the computers
annually in these classrooms and workrooms to stay abreast of the latest technology. Part of the
funding for this comes from student fees and part comes from industry and individual gifts to the
Department. In the future, we will be working with industry partners to provide the Department
with money to totally upgrade our computer system. Our teaching laboratories are well equipped
and are adequate to teach undergraduate laboratory courses. We are always looking for ways to
improve the laboratories for both teaching and research.

Support Staff
Day-to-day operations of the department depend heavily on the assistance of our highly qualified
support staff. We currently have 13 full-time staff working for the department and 1 working for
the Global Petroleum Research Institute (GPRI), in addition to a number of student workers who
serve as part of the staff. Those workers are not included in the numbers listed above. The
depa r
tme nt’sa dministrativestaff is organized as follows:

 Kathy Beladi –Senior Administrative Coordinator
 Jennifer Kiertscher –Office Associate
 Frank Platt –Technical Laboratory Manager
 Jason Demshar –Senior Microcomputer/LAN Administrator
 Vitaly Kim –Microcomputer Specialist
 Connie Conway –Program Coordinator
 Several student workers for computer support, receptionists, meetings support, and mail

 Rudy Schultz –Business Administrator II
 Jarrod Harris –Business Coordinator I
 Patty Royder –Accounting Assistant III
 Several student workers to load financial data into the system

Graduate Administration
 Eleanor Schuler –Senior Administrative Coordinator
 Sarah Buckingham –Senior Office Assistant

Undergraduate Administration
 Gail Krueger –Lead Office Associate
 Betty Robbins –Program Assistant

Distance Learning
 Ted Jones –Information Specialist
 Mary Lu Epps –Information Specialist

The size of the staff is currently sufficient for the size of the faculty and the department. We
have to deal with an incredible bureaucracy at Texas A&M University that includes University
administration, the Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES), and the Texas A&M
Development foundation. All three groups have their own procedures, their own accounting
systems, their own rules for charging expenses, and their own way of entering and retrieving
data. It is an understatement to say the workload on the staff is exaggerated by having to deal
with three separate bureaucracies.

In addition, since the immigration laws have tightened, the bureaucracy involved with
International Student Services (ISS) has expanded the workload on staff.

Management and Leadership

The Department is organized and managed very efficiently. We have one faculty member who is
primarily responsible for freshman and new student orientation. This faculty person also teaches
the freshman class and advises the students during their first four semesters. Because of this
dedicated persons interests in these students, the students all get wise and consistent advice on
their coursework and other matters. We are training other faculty members to fill in as necessary
as undergraduate advisors.

We track students as soon as they apply for admission to Texas A&M University. If they show a
preference for Petroleum Engineering, we immediately contact them by email or phone. We
have a network of former students who we can also use to contact each student and encourage
them to attend Texas A&M University. These same former students are also helping the
Department of Petroleum Engineering by noticing students who excel in mathematics and
science and recruiting them for Texas A&M University.

In the longer term, significant changes in the role of petroleum engineering can be expected. For
the next few decades, it is obvious that oil and gas will power the world. However, at some point

in time, other fuels will become important. We are beginning to look at how the Department of
Petroleum Engineering can keep its roots but also take a broader view in terms of Energy. We
have hired new faculty and we believe we will attract new students who are interested in the
general field of energy.

Equipment –Computer Facilities
University Computer Facilities
Computing and Information Services (CIS) of the University provides over one thousand
computers in five open access labs (see below) that are available to Computer Science students,
along with all other Texas A&M University students.

Supercomputing Facility
The University also maintains three supercomputers. The IBM Regatta p690 has thirty-two
CPUs [Power4 at 13000MHz] and 64GB of main memory. The system is configured with
1,100GB of disk space. The SGI Origin 3800 has forty-eight CPUs [R1400 at 500MHz] and
48GB of main memory. The system is configured with 1,150GB of disk space. The SGI Origin
2000 has thirty-two CPUs [R10000 at 250MHz] and 8GB of main memory. The system is a
distributed memory cc-NUMA architecture based machine configured with 300GB of disk space.
Students are allotted fifty CPU hours of supercomputer time per fiscal year.

Open Access Labs

Texas A&M University has five labs open to Ph.D. students: Blocker, Read, Student Computing
Center, West Campus Library, and Wisenbaker.

 Blocker provides one hundred-seventy computers and printing. This lab is typically open
8am to 12am weekdays, but is closed Saturdays. The lab reopens Sunday afternoons.
 Read provides one hundred twenty-seven computers and printing. This lab is typically
open 8am to 10pm weekdays, but is closed Saturdays. The lab reopens Sunday
 Student Computing Center provides three hundred eighty-seven computers, scanning,
video editing, plotter, and printing services. This lab is typically open 24 hours a day, but
is closed Saturdays. The lab typically reopens Sunday afternoons.
 West Campus Library provides two hundred sixty-seven computers, scanning, and print
services. This lab is typically open 7:30am to 2am, with shortened hours on the
 Wisenbaker provides seventy computers and printing. This lab is typically open 8am to
10pm weekdays, but is closed Saturdays. The lab reopens Sunday afternoons.

Wireless access is currently available in twenty-eight campus buildings. Currently coverage
does not include the Joe C. Richardson Building which houses the Harold Vance Department of
Petroleum Engineering. The University has two OC3 connections providing Internet access and
a Gigabit Ethernet network backbone.

Department Computer Facilities
The Department of Petroleum Engineering understands that technology changes quickly and in
orde rtopr eparet omor
row’spr ofessi
o nalsfore ntr
yi ntoi ndustrytheDe par
tmentmus tk eepup
with technological changes. In order to keep pace with technology the computer support team
constantly evaluates emerging technologies they feel may be useful as teaching aids for our
classroom facilities.

The Petroleum Engineering Department maintains many of its own services, such as ADS, email,
FTP, file store, web, license management, backup and recovery. Each student receives an
account for these services with a specified amount of storage. The amount of storage is based on
student classification.

In order to keep the teaching labs up to date, the microcomputers in the labs are replaced on a
three-year cycle. Currently the Petroleum Engineering Department maintains four computer labs
for the students. Sixty-eight microcomputers in four teaching labs are available to Petroleum
Engineering students 24/7 when these computers are not being used to teach courses. In
addition, numerous graduate students are provided with office space and/or a microcomputer
depending upon funding of their research project.

The department licenses/provides access to specialized software for student use such as Eclipse,
PIPESIM, CMG, Palisade, FracPro PT, Geographix, Ecrin, TecPlot, Mathematica, and SAS.
Computer Support is open between the hours of 8am –5pm Monday through Friday to assist
with computer or printer related problems.

Sources of Funds for Computing Infrastructure

Two main student fees support the computing infrastructure of the Department of Petroleum
Engineering. The below table shows, each fee, the amount charged most recently and any
restrictions on its use.

Fee Hardware Shared Personnel
Amnt. Maint. Printing Parts, & Training
Name / Software Use / Services
Access Fee

Appendix A –Faculty Curriculum Vitae (short versions)

Wayne M. Ahr, C.P.G.
Mollie B. and Richard A. Williford Professor of Petroleum Geology
Dr. Ahr holds a joint appointment in Geology & Geophysics and Petroleum
Engineering. His research interest is reservoir characterization and quality ranking of
flow units—especially in carbonate reservoirs. Dr. Ahr is author of 60 technical papers
and 71 published abstracts and is currently completing work on his book Geology of
Carbonate Reservoirs, which is to be published by Oxford University Press.
In his research, Dr. Ahr and his students are exploring ways to relate fundamental
rock properties to petrophysical characteristics so the rock properties with the
greatest influence on reservoir quality can be singled out. Rock properties are
relatively easy to map but reservoir quality is not—yet, anyway. When these links between fundamental rock
properties and reservoir quality are discovered, it will be possible to identify, evaluate, and map reservoir flow units,
baffles, and barriers in complex or compartmentalized reservoirs. To date Ahr has chaired 53 thesis/dissertation
committees and his former students hold positions in major oil companies around the world. Dr. Ahr collaborates with
industry on prospect evaluation, reservoir characterization, and field development. He teaches short courses and
leads field trips for professionals

 PhD, Geology, Rice University, 1967
 MS, Oceanography, Texas A&M University, 1965
 BS, Geology, Texas Western College (now University of Texas–El Paso), 1960

Areas of Specialization
 Carbonate reservoir evaluation and reservoir characterization
 Geologic analysis of exploration and development prospects

 Carbonate reservoir characterization and flow unit quality assessment
 Carbonate depositional and diagenetic environments
 Environmental sedimentology
 Environmental geology

Awards and Honors

 Best Paper Award, West Texas Geological Society, 2003 (with student J. Layman)
 Second Prize, Best Paper Competition, AAPG National Meeting 2001 (student T. Hopkins)
Research Award, Ministry of Education and Science, Madrid, Spain, 1993
 Fulbright Research Scholar, Belgium, 1988
 Professeur Invité, Université de Louvain, Belgium 1988
 Faculty Development Study Award, Great Britain; Visiting Scholar, U. of Leicester, U.K., 1984
 Best Paper of Convention, Second Place, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Annual Meeting,
 NASA Fellowship, Rice U., 1966–67
 Who’
 American Men and Women of Science

Walter B. Ayers
Visiting Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Walter Ayers is Visiting Professor of Geosciences in the Harold Vance Department
of Petroleum Engineering and Adjunct Professor in the Geology and Geophysics
Department at Texas A&M University, where he teaches courses in integrated
reservoir studies, formation evaluation, unconventional reservoirs, and petroleum
geology. His ongoing research involves production optimization from stripper well
fields, CO2 sequestration, and enhanced methane production from coal beds.
Before joining Texas A&M University in January 2001, Ayers was Geoscience
Technical Manager and Principal Consultant with Schlumberger Holditch-Reservoir
Technologies, where he evaluated conventional and unconventional oil and gas reservoirs, built static reservoir
models, and coordinated geologic aspects of integrated reservoir studies for domestic and international projects.
Also, he was the Schlumberger appointee to the Geoscience Board of Advisors of NExT (Network for Excellence in
Training), an organization that provides professional training to the oil and gas industry.
In 1995, Ayers joined S.A. Holditch & Associates as Vice President of Geosciences to build a geoscience department
for oil and gas consulting. He participated in numerous oil and gas projects in the USA and internationally. In India, he
mentored the ONGC coalbed methane teams that selected the exploration and pilot well sites in the Jharia Basin, an
ongoing coalbed gas project. In 1997, Schlumberger purchased S.A. Holditch & Associates.
From 1991 through 1995, Ayers was at Taurus Exploration, Inc. (now, Energen Resources), where he advanced to
General Manager of Geology. He was a member of a Conoco/Taurus strategic alliance management team for
coalbed methane. He directed or participated in coalbed and shale gas projects in more than more than 40 basins in
the UK, France, Germany, Indonesia, Australia, Canada, and the USA.
From 1978 to 1991, Ayers was with The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG), where he
was Program Coordinator for Natural Gas and Coal Research. His research focused on relations among depositional
systems and the occurrences and producibility of oil, gas, coal, and coalbed methane. With funding from the Gas
Research Institute (now, GTI), he managed studies of coalbed gas occurrence and producibility in the San Juan,
Black Warrior, and Northern Appalachian basins, which led to the first coalbed methane exploration models.

 Ph.D., Geology, 1984, The University of Texas at Austin
 M.S., Geology, 1971, West Virginia University
 B.S., Geology, 1969, West Virginia University

Areas of Specialization
 Petroleum geology; integrated studies of conventional and unconventional reservoirs
 Basin analysis, clastic depositional systems and facies, and related hydrology
 Clastic and carbonate depositional systems
 Unconventional reservoirs
 Depositional framework of coal; coalbed methane exploration and development
 Industry short courses in geosciences
 Technical manager and team leader of integrated petroleum reservoir projects
 Expert witness in hearings and court cases

More than 100 publications, 50 short courses, and 75 presentations on clastic depositional systems, integrated
reservoir studies, and unconventional gas reservoirs, including fractured shales, low-permeability sands, and coal

Maria A. Barrufet, P.E.
Rob L. Adams Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Mar iaBar r
ufet ’
si nterestinf luidsspansr esear chef f
sasdi verseasc onv er
oilfield brine to irrigation-quality water, to optimizing oil production from gas
condensate fields, to developing software for thermal simulation. Her design of
hybrid technology to convert oilfield brine to irrigation-quality water addresses one of
the most important and expensive problems associated with the production of oil and
gas, but implementation of her technology could turn wastewater into valuable
irrigation-quality water and salts for de-icing roads.
Dr .Bar rufet’sev al
ion ofpr oducti
on st r
at egiest o opt i
mi ze oilproduct i
on fr
om gas condensate fields involves
integrated studies requiring fluid characterization, reservoir characterization and economics. Her development of
software for thermal simulation includes mutual solubilities of oil and water, which have often been neglected in
similar calculations.
Principal or co-principal investigator on projects sponsored by the Department of Energy and various oil companies in
the areas of Improved oil recovery using thermal and chemical methods, Dr. Barrufet has over 50 publications in the
areas of thermodynamics, phase behavior and phase equilibria of fluid mixtures, profile modification, neural networks,
and polymer flooding.

 PhD, Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1987
 MS, Chemical Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina, 1983
 Chemical Engineer, Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina, 1979

Research Interests and Areas of Specialization

 Enhanced Oil Recovery: Thermodynamics and transport phenomena applied to chemical, miscible and
thermal recovery processes Multiphase Flow: Pipe flow design, numerical methods, optimization, and
 Rock and Fluid Properties: Correlation and measurement of capillary pressures and relative permeabilities,
polymer and gel rheology for profile modification and water control. Equations of State (EOS) for multiphase
equilibria and modeling of paraffin and asphalthene deposition
 Modeling and computer simulation of flow of non-Newtonian fluids through pipe networks
 Thermal recovery, particularly multiphase water/hydrocarbon equilibria: simulation, algorithm development
and optimization studies

Awards and Honors

 TEES Fellowship, 2004
 Texas A&M University Assessment Award, 2003
 W.M. Keck Foundation Award for Teaching Excellence, 1994-1995
 Tenneco Meritorious Teaching Award, 1995
 Burlington Resources Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1993
 General Electric Faculty of the Future Award, 1992
 St

Thomas A. Blasingame, P.E.
Professor of Petroleum Engineering and Geology & Geophysics
Dr. Thomas A. Blasingame joined the faculty in 1991. Two years later, he was
notified that his proposal to the Department of Energy for research in reservoir
characterization had been accepted, providing $1.6 million in funding—one of the
largest research grants int hedepart
ment ’srecenthist
or y .Hiredt oc api
zeonhi s
expertise in applied reservoir engineering, Dr. Blasingame has established a
productive and well-funded research program which has netted approximately
$500,000 in the past five years.
Dr. Blasingame’ sfocusonhi ghqual i
tyresearchi sreflectedint hecomment sofsev eralSPEt echnic alr ev i
his efforts have led to 22 conference presentations. He integrates his skills as a reservoir engineer, fluid dynamicist,
pressure transient analyst and mathematician in the increasingly complex domain of well test analysis. He has
consulted in gas reservoir management, well testing short courses, well test analysis and interpretation, programs for
reservoir description and reservoir management, and software development for petroleum engineering applications.
In addition, Dr. Blasingame manages one of the highest graduate student loads in the department, producing
research that is timely and of high quality, with practical applications and a significant effect in industry. Students
acknowledge that he is a challenging teacher who recognizes the value of their effort and encourages them to higher
Dr. Blasingame was the 1996 chairman of the SPE Education and Professionalism Committee and has served on
several other SPE committees. He is actively involved in the American Society for Engineering Education and has
chairedt hedepar tment’sAus t
inChal kSy mposi um,aone-day conference for operators, service companies, and
consultants working in the Austin Chalk. He has participated on several departmental committees and currently
serves on the College of Engineering Faculty Advisory Committee.

 PhD, Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1989
 MS, Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1986
 BS, Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1984

Areas of Specialization
 Technical mathematics
 Oil and natural gas reservoir engineering
 Reservoir evaluation
 Reservoir description

Dr. Blasingame is involved in continuing studies on methods for the evaluation and prediction of gas reservoir
performance, field-scale programs in reservoir description and reservoir management, development and application
of methods of analysis and interpretation of well tests and production data, and theoretical/computational studies of
multiphase flow in porous media.

Awards and Honors

 Distinguished Member, SPE, 2000
 Tenneco Meritorious Teaching Award - 1994
 TAMU Association of Former Students Teaching Award - 1986

Akhil Datta-Gupta
LeSuer Chair in Reservoir Management and Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Akhil Datta-Gupta is Rob L. Adams Endowed Professor in Petroleum Engineering in the
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M University. Dr.
Datta-Gupta received his PhD in 1992 and MS in 1985 in Petroleum Engineering from
the University of Texas at Austin in 1992. He received his BS in Petroleum Engineering
from the Indian School of Mines in Dhanbad, India in 1982. Prior to Texas A&M, he
worked for BP Exploration and Research and the Lawrence Berkeley National

Dr. Datta-Gupta is well-known throughout the industry for his contributions to fast flow simulation methods and
dynamic data integration into high-resolution geologic models. He is the recipient of the 2003 Lester C. Uren Award of
the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) for significant technical contributions in petroleum reservoir
characterization and streamline-based flow simulation. He is an SPE distinguished member (elected, 2001),
distinguished lecturer (1999-2000), distinguished author (2000) and was selected as an outstanding technical editor
(1996). He also received the SPE Cedric K. Ferguson Certificate for the best peer-approved paper (2000). In addition
to his SPE awards, he is a recipient of the AIME Rossitter W. Raymond award (1992), TAMU Tenneco Meritorious
Teaching Award (1997) and serves as a member of the Polar Research Board of the National Academy of Sciences.

Dr. Datta-Gupta has extensive experience in multiphase fluid flow simulation, inverse modeling and integrated
characterization of subsurface heterogeneities for oil recovery and environmental remediation. He has been the
principal investigator of several research projects funded by the U. S. Department of Energy, National Science
Foundation and various oil companies and national laboratories. Currently he is the lead investigator of a Joint
Industry Project at Texas A&M University funded by multiple domestic and international oil and service companies.

Dr. Datta-Gupta has published extensively on high-resolution reservoir characterization, rapid flow simulation
techniques and large-scale parameter estimation via inverse modeling. He is considered an industry expert in
streamline-based flow simulation and dynamic data integration into high-resolution reservoir models and routinely
teaches industry courses on these areas.

 PhD, Petroleum Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, 1992
 MS, Petroleum Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, 1985
 BS, Petroleum Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India.

Areas of Specialization
 High resolution numerical schemes for reservoir simulation
 Geostatistics and stochastic reservoir characterization
 Modeling and scale-up of enhanced oil recovery
 Environmental remediation and contaminant transport

Dr. Datta-Gupta has research interests in integrated reservoir characterization, inverse methods, development and
application of high resolution numerical schemes for reservoir simulation, and fracture zone characterization for oil
recovery, as well as nuclear waste disposal. He developed the first three-dimensional version of UTCHEM, a
multiphase, multicomponent compositional chemical flood simulator used by oil companies and universities

Awards and Honors

 Distinguished Member, SPE, 2001
 Advisor to Cedrick Ferguson Award Winner, SPE, 2000
 Outstanding Technical Editor, SPE, 1996
 Rossiter W. Raymond Award of AIME for the best paper written by a member under the age of 33, 1992

Christine A. Ehlig-Economides
Albert B. Stevens Endowed Chair and Professor of Petroleum Engineering

As one of the foremost contributors in the reservoir-testing field, Dr. Christine Ehlig-
Economides has been distinguished by contributions in analytical models for well-test
analysis, in the articulation of the practical methodology for well-test interpretation, in the
design of testing procedures, and in the evaluation of testing hardware and pressure-
transient data quality. She is frequently called on to address multidisciplinary groups on
such subjects as re-evaluating old reservoirs by applying new interpretations to old data
and by integrating new measurements with old or demonstrating why data integration
enables greater information from the individual measurements. Working with geologists and geophysicists, she has
discovered important avenues for interdisciplinary information exchange.

At Texas A&M, she is applying these skills in a project with other academic institutions, industry, and government to
develop energy solutions as a major research and academic theme at TAMU. She is well-qualified for such as
project, as her work has consistently emphasized interdisciplinary approaches to engineering problems.

Dr. Ehlig-Economides worked in about 30 countries during her 20 years with Schlumberger, and during her
distinguished lecture tour in 1997-1998, she visited 15 countries on 4 continents. As chair of the SPE Cultural
Diversity Committee and member of the SPE Ad Hoc Task Force on Diversity/Governance, she was instrumental in
planning a roundtable on cultural diversity involving corporate executives and in expanding global member
participation in society activities. Results of these efforts are seen in the current SPE tracking of SPE member
interests and participation, which she originally proposed as a Global Technical Network.

 PhD, Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University, 1979
 MS, Chemical Engineering, University of Kansas, 1976
 MAT, Mathematics Education, University of Kansas., 1974
 BA (cum laude), Math-Science, Rice University, 1971

Area of Expertise
 Reservoir Engineering and Horizontal and  Geothermal Reservoir Engineering
Multibranch Wells  Natural Gas Hydrates
 Layered Reservoir Testing  Groundwater Modeling
 Pressure Transient Testing
 Reservoir Engineering
More than 50 publications and presentations, across all areas of expertise, including one textbook on production

 Ehlig-Economides, C.A.: "Property Determination for Multilayer Formation," US Patent # 4,803,873, 1989.
 Ehlig-Economides, C.A.: "Characterizing the Layers of a Hydrocarbon Reservoir," US Patent # 5,247,829,
Sept. 5, 1993.

Honors and Awards

 National Academy of Engineering, 2003
 SPE Distinguished Lecturer, 1997-98
 SPE Lester C. Uren Award, 1997
 SPE Distinguished Member, 1996
 SPE Formation Evaluation Award, 1995
 SPE Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty, 1982
 Alaska SPE Engineer of the Year, 1982
 Outstanding Faculty Award (University of Alaska, Fairbanks; School of Mineral Industry)
 Sigma Xi (National Honor Research Society)
 Standard Oil of California Fellowship (Stanford University)
 Phi Kappa Phi (University of Kansas)

Gioia Falcone
Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Gioia Falcone joined the faculty in 2006 as an Assistant Professor. She was a
Research Reservoir Engineer in the Geoscience Research Centre of TOTAL E&P UK.
Shehol dsaLaur eadegr eei npet rol
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has just completed her Ph.D. studies at Imperial College London. She has previously
worked for ENI-Agip in Italy, Enterprise Oil and Shell Expro in the UK, covering both
offshore and onshore assignments.

 Ph.D., Petroleum Engineering, Imperial College, London, 2006
 MS, Petroleum Engineering, Imperial College, London, 1999

Areas of Specialization
 Well Performance and Production Optimization  4D History Matching
 Production Allocation and Metering  Dynamic Link Reservoir/Wellbore
 Multiphase Flow Modelling  Wellbore Phase Redistribution
Publication Topics
 “Mul tiphase Fl ow Met er i
ng:pr incipl
es and appl i
cat i
ons”,El sevier ,Dev elopment s ofPet roleum Sci ence
series. Authors: G. Falcone, G.F. Hewitt, C. Alimonti. Expected publication: November 2006.
 “Ex per iment alInv estigationofWel l
bor ePhas eRedi str
ionEf fectonPr es sur eTr ansientDat a”,A. M.Ali,
G.Falcone, G.F.Hewitt, M. Bozorgzadeh, A.C.Gringarten, presented at the 2005 SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, 912 October 2005.
 “Mul tiphasef l
owmet ering:4y ear son” ,G. Falcone,G. F.Hewi t
t,C.Al i
mont i,B. Har rison,pres entedatt he
23North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop, Tonsberg, Norway, 1821 October 2005.
 “Mul tiphaseFl owMet ering:Cur rentTr endsandFut ur eDev elopment s"
,G.Falcone, C.Alimonti, G.F.Hewitt,
B.Harrison, (first presented at the 2001 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in New
Orleans, Louisiana, 30 September-3Oct ober2001,SPE71474)i ncludedi n“ Of f
shor eMul ti
Pr oduc t
ionOper ati
ons” ,SPEReprint Series No. 58, Vol. 2, Part IV, December 2004
 “Pet roElastic Modelling as a Key Element in 4D History Matching –AFi el
dEx ampl e” ,G.Falcone,
O.Gosselin, F.Maire, J.Marrauld, M.Zhakupov, presented at the 2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference
and Exhibition held in Houston, Texas, 2729 September 2004, SPE 90466
 “Impr ovingMul ti
phaseFl owMet eri
ngPer formanceUsi ngAr ti
al Intel
ligenceAl gor i
thms” ,C.Al i
mont i,
G.Falcone, presented at the 3International Symposium on TwoPhase Modelling and Experimentation, Pisa,
Italy, 2224Sept ember2004“ ImpactofPet r
oElastic Modelling and CutOffs on the Integration of Quantitative
4DSei smi cintoReser voirModel l
ng” ,G.Fal cone,F. Mai r
e,O. Gossel i
n,E. Br echet ,J.Mar rauld,D. Caie,
presented at the EAGE 66Conference and Exhibition, Paris, France, 711 June 2004
 “Integr ationofMul t
iphas eFl owMet ering,Ar ti
alNeur alNet worksandFuz z yLogi cinFi eldPer formanc e
Moni tori
ng” ,C. Alimont i
,G. Falc one,SPE Production & Facilities, February 2004 issue
 “ANUMET:ANov el WetGasFl owmet er”,G. Fal
cone,G. F.Hewi t
t,L. Lao,S. M.Ri char dson,pr esent edatt he
2003 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, 58 October 2003, SPE 84504
 “Knowl edgeDi scov eryinDat abasesandMul ti
phaseFl owMet eri
ng:t heintegration of statistics, data mining,
neural networks, fuzzy logic and adhocf l
owmeasur ement stowar dswel lmoni toringanddi agnosi s”,
C.Alimonti, G.Falcone, presented at the SPE ATC 2002 conference in San Antonio, Texas, September 2002
 “Ex per iment alcharacterisation of gas-l i
quidf l
owst hr oughanangl ev al
v e”,C. Alimont i
,U.Bi l
ardo,G. Falcone,
presented at the International Conference Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants, Alba, Cuneo, Italy, 1820
September 2002.
 “Mul tiphaseFl owMet ering:Cur rentTrends and Future Developments", G.Falcone, C.Alimonti, G.F.Hewitt,
B.Harrison, Distinguished Author Series of the JPT, April 2002.
 “Mul tiphaseFl owMet ering:Cur rentTr endsandFut ur eDev elopment s"
,G. Falcone,C. Ali
mont i,G. F.
Hewi t
B.Harrison, presented at the 2001 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in New Orleans,
Louisiana, 30 September3 October 2001, SPE 71474
 “Modelpr edictsmor eac curatePIov eraf i
e” ,G. Fal
c one,B. Har r
ison,publ i
shedi ntheOi l&Gas
Journal, March 19, 2001.
 “Check i
ngt heAshf or dPiercemodelt hr oughaf i
elddat abas e”,C.Al imont i,U.Bi lardo,G. Falcone,pr esented
att heOMC‘ 99,Mar ch1921, Ravenna, 1999, pp.12451248 of conference proceedings.

A. Daniel Hill
Robert L. Whiting Endowed Chair, Assistant Department Head, and Graduate
Author of two textbooks on petroleum production, Dr. Dan Hill is a world-renowned
specialist in production logging, multiphase flow in pipes, and well stimulation. He has
taught undergraduate courses in thermodynamics, fluid properties, petroleum
engineering design, and production engineering, and graduate courses in advanced
production engineering, production logging, well stimulation, and two-phase flow in
pipes since he joined the U. of Texas faculty in 1982. During the last five of his 22 years
with that department, he directed the Improved Well Performance Research Program,
securing funding of almost $3 million during the last three of those years alone.

Dr. Hill is a prolific writer with more than 150 publications, technical reports, and professional presentations to his
credit, including the textbooks, Improved Well Performance Research Program and Petroleum Production Systems.
Additionally, he has conducted more than 60 industry short courses and workshops and holds five patents for
improved oil recovery through injection processes. As a 1988-89 SPE Distinguished Lecturer, Professor Hill
presented his lecture on production logging in deviated wells at 28 SPE chapters throughout the world.
Prior to joining the f acultyatt heU.ofTex as,Dr .Hillwasanadv ancedr esear chengi neerf orMar athonOi l
’sDenv er
Research Center in Littleton, Colorado.

 BS, Chemical Engineering, Texas A&M University 1974
 MS, Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas, 1976
 PhD, Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas, 1978

Areas of Specialization
 Well Logging
 Well Stimulation
 Improved Production Performance

 More than 40 refereed publications
 More than 80 presentations
 More than 30 technical reports
 Five patents
 Two textbooks; one book chapter
 More than 60 industry short courses and workshops

Honors and Awards

 Phi Kappa Phi
 Tau Beta Pi
 Sigma Xi
 Omega Chi Epsilon
 Phi Lambda Epsilon

 Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME
 American Institute of Chemical Engineers
 Society of Professional Well Log Analysts

Stephen A. Holditch, P.E.
Department Head, Samuel Roberts Noble Chair and Professor of Petroleum
Dr. Stephen A. Holditch has been the Head of the Harold Vance Department of
Petroleum Engineering since January 2004. He joined the faculty at Texas A&M
University in 1976 and has taught most of both the undergraduate and graduate
courses. In supervising more than 100 MS and PhD students, Dr. Holditch has
focused his research in areas involving gas reservoirs, well completions, and well
Dr. Holditch was the Society of Petroleum Engineers, International (SPE) President 2002, SPE Vice President-
Finance and a member of the Board of Directors for the SPE from 1998-2003. In addition, he served as a Trustee for
the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers (AIME) from 1997-1998.
Dr. Holditch has received numerous awards in recognition of his technical achievements and leadership. In 1995, he
was elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and in 1997 to the Russian Academy of Natural
Sciences. In 1998, Holditch was elected to the Petroleum Engineering Academy of Distinguished Graduates.

 PhD, Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1976
 MS, Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1970
 BS, Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1969

Areas of Specialization
 Analysis of low-permeability gas reservoirs  Coalbed methane development
 Fracture treatment design evaluation, and  Well completions and workovers
Dr. Holditch is recognized as an industry leader in the evaluation and stimulation of low permeability reservoirs. His
research includes
 Low permeability gas reservoir engineering
 Hydraulic fracture treatment design
 Simulation of hydraulic fracture treatments
 Evaluation of hydraulic fracture treatment fluids
 Non-Darcy flow of gas in fractures
 Effects of mud filtrate invasion upon drillstem tests and upon induction log response, and
 Effects of fracture fluid cleanup upon well productivity Publications
More than 100 publications, two textbooks, and 70 presentations on advances in fracture technology; fracture
properties; tight gas formation wells; stress testing and stress profiling; effects of non-Darcy flow on hydraulically
fractured gas wells; water blocking and gas flow from hydraulically fractured gas wells; pre-fracture and post-fracture
formation evaluation; hydraulic fracturing

Awards and Honors

National Academy of Engineering, 1995 American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and
Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 1998 Petroleum Engineering (AIME) Board of Trustees,
Society of Petroleum Engineers 1997-1999
Past President, 2002-2003 American Society of Mechanical Engineers
President, 2001-2002 (ASME) Rhodes Petroleum Industry Leadership
President elect, 2000-2001 Award, 1999
Treasurer, 1997-2000 Texas A&M University
John Franklin Carll Award, 1999 S.R. Noble Foundation Endowed Chair, 2004
Best Paper-SPE Formation Evaluation, 1996 R.L. Adams Professorship, 1995-2003
Lester C. Uren Award, 1994 Petroleum Engineering Academy of Distinguished
Distinguished Member, 1989 Graduates, 1998
Distinguished Lecturer, 1982-83 Shell Distinguished Chair in Petroleum
Distinguished Service Award for Petroleum Engineering, 1983-87
Engineering Faculty, 1981

Jerry L. Jensen
Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering and Geology & Geophysics
Dr. Jerry L. Jensen focuses on reservoir engineering and geological statistics in his
research integrating petrophysical data and geological information for reservoir
characterization. He works with probe permeameter data, evaluating the amount
and types of data that are necessary and reliable, and the diagnostics of data to
visualize geological structure and organization.
Jensen has 10 y ears’indust r
y ex perience as a f i
eld engineer f or Ser vi
Techniques Schlumberger in Paris and as a research engineer for Gearhart Industries in Texas. During 12 years at
Heriot-Watt U. in Scotland, he continued his industry involvement by developing and teaching commercial courses on
the integration of petrophysics and geology and openhole well log interpretation. After leaving Heriot-Watt, he served
as an Associate Professor at U. of Alaska Fairbanks before coming to Texas A&M.

 PhD, Petroleum Engineering, U. of Texas at Austin, 1986
 MS, Petroleum Engineering, U. of Houston, 1980
 BSc, Electronic & Electrical Eng., U. of Birmingham, UK, 1973: First class honors.

Areas of Specialization
 Reservoir characterization
 Integrating petrophysics and geology
 Openhole well logging

 Diagnosis of geological structure and organization from logs and cores
 Strategic sampling of reservoirs: Which measurements, how many, and where?
 Modeling complex interactions in poorly sampled, fractured formations
 Evaluating interwell communications for reservoir management

Recent Publications

 Guan,L. ,McVay ,D.A. ,Jens en,J.L. ,andVonei ff,G.W. ,“ Ev al

onofaSt at i
calMet hodf orAss es si
Infill Production Potential in Mature, Low-Permeabi l
y Gas Reser v oirs,” Journal Energy Resources
Technology, vol. 126, pp241-244, 2004.
 Jensen,J.L. ,Har t,J.D. ,andWi l
s,B.J. ,“Ev aluati
ngPr opor ti
onsofUndet ect edGeol ogicalEv entsint he
CaseofEr roneousI dent ifi
cat i
ons,”Mathematical Geology, vol. 38, no. 2, in press, 2006.
 Jensen, J.L., Lake, L.W., Corbett, P.W.M., and Goggin, D.J.: Statistics for Petroleum Engineers and
Geoscientists, Second Edition, Elsevier (2000); reprinted 2003 and 2004.
 Seifert, D., and Jensen, J. L., "Object and Pixel-based Reservoir Modelling of a Braided Fluvial Reservoir,"
Mathematical Geology (2000), Vol. 32, 581-603.
 Lorenz, J. C., Sterling, J. L., Schechter, D. S., Whigham, C. L., and Jensen, J. L., “ Nat uralFracturesint he
Spraberry Formation, Midland Basin, TX: The Effects of Mechanical Stratigraphy on Fracture Variability and
Reser voi
rBehav ior,”AAPG Bulletin (2002) Vol. 86, 505-524.
 *Bui, T.D., Brinton, J., Karpov, A. V., Hanks, C. L., and Jensen, J. L., "Evidence and Implications for
Significant Late and Post-Fold Fracturing on Detachment Folds in the Lisburne Group of the Northeastern
Brooks Range," SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering (2003) Vol. 6, 197-205.
 Hanks ,C.L. ,Wal l
ace,W.K. ,Bui.T.D. ,Jensen,J.L. ,andLor enz
,J.,“ TheChar act
er ,Relative Age, and
Implications of Fractures and Other Mesoscopic Structures Associated with Detachment Folds: An Example
from t heLi sburneGr oup, ”Bull. Can. Pet. Geol. (2004) Vol. 52.
 Ri ver a,N. ,Ray ,S. ,Jensen,J.L. ,Chan,A.K. ,and Ay ers,W.B. ,“Det ection of Cyclic Patterns Using
Wavelets: AnEx ampl eSt udyi nTheOr ms kir
kSandst one,I ri
shSea, ”Mathematical Geology (2004) Vol. 36.

Honors and Awards

 Halliburton Faculty Fellow 2003
 Tenneco Teaching Award 2004

Hans C. Juvkam-Wold, P.E.
J.E. Holt Chair and Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Dr. Hans C. Juvkam-Wol d’s ex peri
ence c ov
ers ov er40 y ear sint he pet roleum
industry, from his beginnings as a field lab technician in Venezuela to supervisory
positions for Gulf Oil Exploration and Production Co. in Alaska. There, he designed
and developed arctic drilling systems, with emphasis on cost, ice forces, and safety.
Dr. Juvkam-Wold has served as the Gulf Mineral Resources Co. representative on the
ndust ry’
or ycommi t
teeonmi neshaf tdrill
ing,asmanagerofGul f’st echnical
services,andasasect i
onsuper v i
sorofGul f’sproduct i
onengineer ing.
Dr. Juvkam-Wold joined the faculty at Texas A&M U in 1985, whereupon he began to develop the graduate program
of teaching and research in drilling. He assumed the position of Assistant Department Head and Undergraduate
Advisor in 1993 and Interim Head in 1996 and again in 2003.

 ScD, Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1969
 SM, Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1967
 SB, Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1966

Areas of Specialization
 Buckling of tubulars in horizontal drilling
 Well control
 Arctic and offshore drilling
 Riserless drilling

Dr. Juvkam-Wold specializes in drilling problems, especially horizontal drilling and well control. His recent research
has included the buckling of tubulars in horizontal wells. He has researched special problems in arctic and offshore
drilling and is currently involved in the development of riserless drilling for application in ultra-deep water.

 U.
 U.S.Pat
ngSystem, 5 November
 U.S. Patent 6,474,422 B, Method for Shut-In of a Subsea Mudlift Drilling System, 29 May 2002.
 U.
ing Mud,
 U.
”9December 1975
 U.

Publication Topics
Completing Horizontal Wells with Coiled Tubing; Helical Buckling of Pipes in Horizontal Wells; Hook Load and Line
Tension; Frictional Drag Analysis; Casing Centralization; more than 70 total publications

Awards and Honors

 Association of Former Students of Texas A&M U. Distinguished Teaching Award, 1992
 Tenneco Award for Meritorious Teaching of Engineering, 1990 and 2001
 Distinguished Member of SPE, 2003
 Honorary Memberships:
o Tau Beta Pi
o Pi Tau Sigma
o Sigma Xi
o Pi Epsilon Tau

W. John Lee, P.E.
L.F. Peterson Chair and Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Dr. W. John Lee is known throughout the world in petroleum reservoir engineering.
After receiving BChE, MS, and PhD degrees from Georgia Tech, Dr. Lee worked for
the Reservoir Studies Division of Exxon Production Research Company from 1962
to 1968. His work focused on simulator reservoir studies of major Exxon reservoirs
in Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and South Texas. Later he joined and eventually
headedEx xonCompany ,USA’ s,Maj orFiel
dsSt udyGr oup,wher ehes uperv i
integratedf iel
dst udi
esofEx xon’slargestdomest icr eservoi
rs.In1975-76, he was
DistrictReser voirEngineerf orEx xon’
sHous t
onDi strict.
He joined Texas A&M University in 1977 and currently holds the Peterson Chair in Petroleum Engineering. He also
joined S. A. Holditch & Associates, Inc., petroleum engineering consultants, in 1980 and retired as Executive Vice
President in 1999. He is the author of three textbooks published by SPE: Well Testing, Gas Reservoir Engineering,
and Pressure Transient Testing.
He is a past member of the Board of Directors of SPE, has been a Distinguished Lecturer, has received the
Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award, and is a Continuing Education Lecturer for SPE. He received the 1986
Reservoir Engineering Award and the John Franklin Carll Award in 1995. He was named a Distinguished Member in
1987, an Honorary Member in 2001, and received SPE's Distinguished Service Award in 1992. Dr. Lee was also
elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1993 and to Georgia Tech's first class of its Academy of
Distinguished Engineering Alumni in 1994. He received the AIME Mineral Industries Education Award in 2002 and
received the AIME/SPE Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal in 2003.

 PhD, Chemical Engineering, Georgia Tech, 1963
 MS, Chemical Engineering, Georgia Tech, 1961
 BChE, Chemical Engineering, Georgia Tech, 1959

Areas of Expertise
Oil and Gas Reservoir Engineering, Reservoir Analysis and Management, Petroleum Project Economics

Awards and Honors

 SPE DeGolyer Distinguished Service Medal, 2004  Texas A&M Association of Former Students
 SPE Continuing Education Award, 2003 Distinguished Achievement Awards
 AIME/SPE Anthony F. Lucas Gold Medal, 2003  Continuing Education, 2001
 AIME Mineral Industries Education Award, 2002  Teaching, College of Engineering, 1983
 Tex asSoci etyofPr ofessionalEngi neers“ Dream  Tenneco Award for Teaching Excellence, 1983
Team, ”2001 and 2000
 National Academy of Engineering, 1993  Halliburton Education Foundation Award, 1982-
 SPE Honorary Member, 2001 1983
 AIME Honorary Member, 2000  Outstanding Achievement Award in Teaching,
 SPE John Franklin Carll Award, 1995 Texas A&M Student Engineers' Council, 1982
 Academy of Distinguished Engineering Alumni,  SPE Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award,
Georgia Tech, 1994 1982
 SPE Distinguished Service Award, 1992  Distinguished Lecturer, SPE, 1978-1979
 Invited Paper, SPE Distinguished Author Series,  Lecturer, AAPG Continuing Education Program,
October 1987; November 1994 1977 - Present
 SPE Distinguished Member, 1987  Lecturer, SPE Continuing Education Program,
 SPE Regional Service Award, 1987 1970 –Present
 SPE Reservoir Engineering Award, 1986

Books - more than 7 Presentations –more than 150 Publications - more than 100

J. Bryan Maggard
Senior Lecturer and Undergraduate Advisor
Bryan Maggard joined the faculty in 1998. He is currently the Undergraduate Advisor
for the department. His undergraduate and graduate teaching areas include
engineering fundamentals, numerical methods, gas reservoir engineering, and
application and development of numerical reservoir simulation technology.
Dr. Maggard served as a research associate with the Department of Petroleum
Engineering beginning in 1995. His projects include coordination of reservoir
simulation efforts for the Bakhilov Field Study as part of the Varyeganneftegaz
(VNG) Technical Training Course (1995) and instructor of applied reservoir simulation as part of the PetroVietnam
Training Program (1997).
Dr. Maggard previously practiced in industry as a production engineer with Pierce Oil & Gas, Inc. in Ft. Worth, and as
a reservoir engineer with Chevron Exploration & Production Services Co., Houston.

 PhD, Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2000
 MS, Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1990
 BS, Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1987

Areas of Specialization
 Thermal recovery methods
 Applied reservoir simulation
 Numerical methods and application of computing
 Tight Gas Reservoir Engineering/Simulation

Dr. Maggard is involved in continuing research efforts of the Reservoir Modeling Consortium. His dissertation
research topic considered the complex reservoir engineering and production engineering aspects of liquid removal
from gas wells in low-permeability reservoirs. His ongoing research includes analysis through reservoir simulation of
condensate damage near hydraulic fractures in tight retrograde condensate reservoirs.
Dr. Maggard has also used numerical simulation to investigate nonuniqueness that appears when pressure-
dependent permeability affects analysis of transient performance data. His work determined that an existing method
underestimates OGIP when permeability is pressure dependent.

Daulat D. Mamora
Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Dr. Daulat D. Mamora has worked internationally, covering a broad spectrum of
petroleum engineering activities, including the design and management of oil and
gas development projects, and gas and water injection schemes.
During his 15 years as a petroleum engineer with Royal Dutch/Shell, Dr. Mamora
served as head of the reservoir engineering department and as advisor in
exploration and production at Shell in Malaysia.
As a member of the Texas A&M faculty, Dr. Mamora has conducted training programs for engineers from Japan,
Indonesia, Russia, and Vietnam. He has conducted research projects for Hyperion Resources, Burlington Resources,
the US Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Energy, and consortia including Shell, Halliburton,
ChevronTexaco, Saga Petroleum, BP, Saudi Aramco, Mobil, ConocoPhillips, and Total S.A. He was instrumental in
ishingt heHenr yJ.“ Hank”RameyTher malRecov eryl abor at
or yi nthedepartment. He is also on the editorial
boards of SPE Journal and Ciencia, Technologia y Futuro, the journal of Ecopetrol, Colombia.

 PhD, Stanford University, 1993
 MS, Stanford University, 1990
 BS (Honors), University of Malaya, 1973

Areas of Specialization
 Waterflood and thermal oil recovery
 Gas injection and recycling
 Reservoir development and management
 Zone isolation in horizontal wells

Dr.Mamor a’smai nresear chi nt
er est
saret hermalr ecovery,wat erf
lood,impr ovedoi lrec ov
erywith horizontal wells,
and gas reservoir engineering with emphasis on experimental research where applicable.

Awards and Honors

 ChevronTexaco Fellow Texas A&M University Engineering Program, 2002-2003
 Tenneco Meritorious Teaching Award, 1996
 Texas Engineering Experiment Station Engineering Excellence Award, 1993

William D. McCain, Jr.
Visiting Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Dr .Wi l
am D.“ Bi l
l”McCai n’s37-year history in petroleum engineering includes both
faculty and consultative positions, including 11 years as head of the petroleum
engineering department at Mississippi State University. He gained his early
experience with Esso Research Laboratories starting in 1956 and began teaching at
Mississippi State in 1963. He served in the U.S. Army from 1976 until 1984, when he
joined the faculty at Texas A&M University.
Since 1987, he has worked with projects in reservoir engineering and simulation,
corrosion abatement, surface processing, NGL plants, compositional modeling, and
miscible flooding as a consultant, first with Cawley, Gillespie & Associates and then with S.A. Holditch & Associates
until its purchase by Schlumberger.
Dr. McCain has consulted for several hundred clients and taught short courses for SPE and several major oil
companies worldwide.

 PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1964
 MS, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1961
 BS, Mississippi State University, 1956

Areas of Specialization
 Reservoir engineering and reservoir management
 Reservoir fluid properties
 Reservoir rock properties
 Reservoir simulation, especially volatile oils and retrograde gases

 U.
 U.
 U.S. Patent 6,945,327,“

Dr. McCain has written two editions of the textbook The Properties of Petroleum Fluids and 46 professional articles,
generally on reservoir engineering with many specific to fluid properties.

Duane A. McVay
Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Dr. Duane A. McVay teaches courses and conducts research in the areas of applied
reservoir simulation and integrated reservoir management. He has been
instrumental in the development and teaching of the senior-level capstone design
courses in Integrated Reservoir Studies; these are multi-disciplinary courses
involving faculty and students in geology, geophysics and petroleum engineering.
Dr. McVay has over 16 years of industry experience with S. A. Holditch &
Associates, Inc. (SAH), a petroleum engineering consulting company. At SAH, he
conducted and supervised integrated reservoir studies involving multi-disciplinary teams of geophysicists, geologists,
petrophysicists, production engineers and reservoir engineers with the objective of optimizing reservoir depletion
plans. Dr. McVay also supervised the group responsible for the development and support of the company's
commercial reservoir simulation software.

 Texas A&M University - B.S. Petroleum Engineering (1980)
 Texas A&M University - M.S. Petroleum Engineering (1982)
 Texas A&M University - Ph.D. Petroleum Engineering (1994)

Areas of Specialization
 Applied reservoir simulation
 Integrated reservoir studies
 Reservoir simulation software development

Publications Topics
 Reservoir Simulation
 Gas Reservoir Engineering
 Well Test Interpretation
 Numerical Methods for Simulation
 Integrated Reservoir Modeling
 Production Performance Analysis

 Amoco Foundation Award for Distinguished Service to Students, 1983

Larry D. Piper, P.E.
Senior Lecturer
Dr. Larry Piper has more than 20 years of teaching experience in the department.
He served as coordinator of Engineering 109, a college-wide introductory
engineering and computing course from 1991 to 1994, and served as assistant
head for the undergraduate program within the department. In that capacity, he
administered a wide-reaching scholarship program that served almost every
student in the department, including the prestigious Nelson Scholarships, which
arei ntradepar tmentals chol ar
ships equi v al
entt ot he univer sity’
s Pr esi
Endowed Scholarships.
Prior to joining the department, he had 20 years of military experience including assignments in management, project
analysis, and teaching, and three years of petroleum production experience with a major oil company.

 PhD, Texas A&M University, 1984
 MS, Texas A&M University, 1981
 MS, US Naval Postgraduate School, 1970
 BS, Texas A&M University, 1957

Areas of Specialization
 Reservoir engineering
 Reservoir simulation
 Phase behavior

Dr.Piper ’
sresearchi nterestsincluder eservoi
rengi neer i
ng,r eser
systems; and methods for computing gas compressibility factors.

Awards and Honors

 Presidential Award for Academic Advising, 2004
 Extra Mile Award for Student Development, Huddleston Co., Inc., 1994
 Tenneco Meritorious Teaching Award, Texas A&M University College of Engineering, 1993

Publication Topics
 Water and gas coning
 Z-factor correlations

David S. Schechter
Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Dr. David S. Schechter heads the Naturally Fractured Reservoir Characterization/
Engineering group at Texas A&M. Before joining Texas A&M in 2000 he was at the
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology for 7 years. Prior to New Mexico
Tech, Dr. Schechter performed research and taught in the Petroleum Engineering
Department at Stanford University from 1989 - 1993. He has been involved in an
extensive reservoir characterization effort in the naturally fractured Spraberry Trend
Area that has involved geological, petrophysical, logging interpretation, coreflooding,
wettability assessment simulation studies and the design of a waterflood and CO2 pilot in the Spraberry trend, one of
the largest oil fields in the world.

 PhD, Physical Chemistry, Bristol University, England, 1988
 BSc, Chemical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 1984

Areas of Specialization
 CO2 Phase Behavior
 Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
 Gas Injection
 Waterflooding
 Pilot Design
 Log Analysis
 Core Analysis
 Surface Chemistry
 Integrated Reservoir Studies
 Reservoir Simulation

 Pilot design in the Spraberry Trend Area, west Texas
 Geological and Petrophysical Analysis
 Wettability Determination and Imbibition Experiments
 Gravity Drainage
 Numerical Modeling
 Reservoir Simulation
 CO2 Flooding and Gas Injection

 Schechter,D. S.
,“ Waterfl
ngandCO2 I njectionint heNat ur
of Canadian Petroleum Technology, 41, No. 10, Pg. 9 –14, 2002.
 Natural Fractures in the Spraberry Formation, Midland Basin, TX: The Effects of Mechanical Stratigraphy on
FractureVar i
ityandReser voirBehav ior,”Lor enz,J.C.,St erl
ing,J.L.,Schecht er,D.S.,Whi gham,C. L.,
and Jensen, J.L., AAPG Bulletin, 92, No. 15, Pg. 999 - 1030 (2002).
 “Advanced Res erv
ion to Evaluate Carbon Dioxide Flooding, Spraberry Trend, Midland
Basin,Tex as,”Montgomer
,Sc hechter
,D. S.,andLor enz
,J. C.,AAPG Bulletin, 84, No. 9, Pg. 1247-
1273 (2000).
 Schechter,D.S.andGuo,B. ,“ Parac hor
sBasedonModer nPhy sicsandThei
rUses in IFT Prediction of
”SPE Reservoir Engineering, 15, Pg. 65 –81, 1996.
 Schechter, D.S., Zhou, D. and Orr, F.M., Jr., J. Pet. Sci. and Eng.,“
Low I
283–300, 1994.

Jerome J. Schubert, P.E.
Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Dr.Jer omeJ.Sc huberthasnear l
y25y ears’ex peri
encei nt hepet r
oleum industry
mostly as a drilling engineer. He specializes in well control training and methods,
deep water drilling, underbalanced drilling and managed pressure drilling. Dr.
Schubert has extensive industry experience with Pennzoil Company and Enron Oil
and Gas, as well as in academia at the U. of Houston-Vi ctor i
a’ sPet roleum Trai
Institute, and at Texas A&M U. since 1994.
Dr.Schuber t
’st eaching dut ies include foundations of engineering, drilling and
production systems, drilling engineering, and advanced drilling engineering at the undergraduate level. His graduate
courses include special topics in underbalanced drilling, drilling engineering, and advanced well control. Dr. Schubert
has also taught industry courses in well control, drilling technology, underbalanced drilling, dual-gradient drilling,
extended-reach/multilateral drilling, well completion and workover technology, and quick-look log interpretation.
Dr. Schubert is a registered professional engineer in Texas.

 PhD, Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1999
 ME, Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1995
 BS, Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1978

 Drilling
 Well control
 Dual-gradient drilling
 Underbalanced drilling
 Managed pressure drilling
 Conductor casing setting depth
 Risk assessment of drilling systems

Recent Publications
 Choe, J., Schubert, J.J., and Juvkam-Wold, H.C., “Analyses and Procedures for Kick Detection in Subsea
Mudlift Drilling, ADC/ SPE 87114 pr esent ed att he 2004 IADC/SPE Drilling Conference, Dallas,
Texas, USA, 2–4 March.
 Al-Aj
mi ,S.E.and Sc hubert ,J.
mum Sel ect
ion ofUnder balanced Techniques,”paperSPE/ I
85322 presented at the 2003 SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling Technology Conference & Exhibition, Abu
Dhabi, UAE, 20-22 October.
 Schubert, J.J. and Juvkam-Wol
,“Well-Control Procedures for Dual-Gradient
ng,”JPT (June, 2003).
 Schubert, J.J., Juvkam-Wol
d,H.C.,andChoe,J. ,“Well Control Procedures for Dual Gradient Drilling as
”paperSPE 79880 pr
Compared to Conventional Riser Drilling, esented att he 2003 SPE/ I
ADC Dr il
Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 19-21 February.

 U.
cShut i
-In of a Subsea MudltDr
 U.
 U.

Invited Lectures
Dr. Schubert has given invited lectures on drilling topics ranging from well blowout control to riserless drilling. These
lectures have included topics as simple as rocks and minerals in oilwell drilling to extended-reach multilateral drilling
and drilling in high-pressure/high-temperature conditions.

Stuart L. Scott
Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Dr. Stuart L. Scott has nine years of industry experience covering a wide range of
petroleum engineering topics. He has worked with Phillips Petroleum Company as a
software development/consulting engineer in their corporate headquarters in
Bartlesville, Oklahoma; as a drilling and production engineering in their Panhandle
Region Office (Borger, TX); and as a reservoir engineering specialist on their
Alaska/California Partner Operated Asset Team (Houston).
His industry experience covers such diverse topics as asset management, hydraulic
fracturing, multiphase flow in pipes, air-foam workover/completions, reservoir simulation and software development.
His specialty is application of technology to improve asset performance.
In 1996, Dr. Scott joined the Petroleum Engineering Department at Louisiana State U. as an Assistant Professor
where he developed a well funded research program on multiphase production systems with a focus on
deepwater/subsea applications. At LSU, he was awarded over 1.1 million dollars in research funding, including
support from the MMS, NSF, DOE, the State of Louisiana, and industry.
In 1998, Dr. Scott joined the Petroleum Engineering faculty at Texas A&M as an Associate Professor and has moved
his research program on multiphase production systems to the College Station Campus. He teaches classes on
production engineering and well stimulation and has hosted roundtable symposia on multiphase pump well

 Ph.D. ., Petroleum Engineering, University of Tulsa, 1987
 M.S., Computer Science, University of Tulsa, 1985
 B.S., Petroleum Engineering, University of Tulsa, 1982

 Multiphase flow in pipes
 Well performance
 Hydraulic fracturing
 Well completion design

Dr. Scott has presented a number of papers on such diverse topics as multiphase flow in pipe, well performance,
hydraulic fracturing and reservoir simulation.

Awards and Honors

 TEES Fellow, 2004
 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International Henry R. Worthington Medal, 2003
 Shell Doctoral Fellow,1986-87
 Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
 International Winner, Student Paper Contest, PhD Division, 1987
 Chair of the Panhandle Section, 1992
 Chair of the Production Operations Technical Committee, 2000, 1992
 Chair for the first SPE Forum on Multiphase Flow, Pumping and Separation Technology, 1992
 Editor of the SPE Reprint Volume on Offshore Multiphase Production Operations,1998-99
 ASME, member

Richard A. Startzman, P.E.
L.F. Peterson Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Dr .Ri char
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Corporation in management, research and operations in Europe, the Middle East, and
the U.S. His early experience included research for Standard Oil Co. of California,
culminating with his position as head of operations research. During three years in the
Arabian Gulf, he proposed $5 billion in projects to increase recovery from the Bahrain
field. In the United Kingdom, he managed all reservoir engineering activities for
Chev ron’
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ngf acul t
y,Dr .Startzmanwasmanager of Exploration
and Production Computing. He consults with majors, independents, and service companies in the areas of economics
and reservoir engineering.

 PhD, Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1969
 MS, Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1962
 BS, Petroleum Engineering, Marietta College, 1961

Areas of Specialization
 Reservoir engineering
 Economic evaluation
 Artificial intelligence
 Operations research

Dr. Startzman concentrates much of his effort in the areas of economic optimization for offshore oil and gas fields and
developing and improving economic risk analysis methods.

Publication Topics
Offshore Field Development; Well Log Correlation; AI in Formation Evaluation; Knowledge-Based Systems in
Petroleum E&P; Economic Evaluation; Neural Networks

Awards and Honors

 Society of Petroleum Engineers
 Distinguished Member, 1994
 Chairman, Golden Gate Section, 1981-82
 General Chair—1978
 Annual California Regional Meeting Publications Chairman—1974
 Peterson Professorship, 1993 to date
 Tenneco Teaching Award, 1989
 Halliburton Professor of Petroleum Engineering, 1984 to 1985
 Honorary Societies:
 Pi Epsilon Tau (Petroleum Engineering)
 Tau Beta Pi (Engineering)
 Beta Beta Chi (Music)
 Kappa Mu Epsilon (Mathematics)
 Phi Kappa Phi (Scholarship)
 Sigma Xi (Research)

Catalin Teodoriu
Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Dr. Catalin Teodoriu joined the faculty in 2006. He was a research coordinator for petroleum engineering at the
Technical University of Clausthal. After graduating in Mechanical Engineering for Oil and Gas Industry at the
Uni versit
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Germany. From 1996-1998, he was employed in the Oil and Gas Company (PETROM) in Romania. In 1998 he
joined Institute of Petroleum Engineering, TU Clausthal and has worked in various research projects related to oil and
gas tubular goods, drilling fluids and field equipment development.

 Ph.D., Technical Sciences,“
 Ph.D., Engineering, Technical University of Clausthal, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany, 2003
 AdvancedSt
eum Equi
 MS,Mechani

Areas of Specialization
 Computer modeling and optimization
 Well completion and workover
 Drilling process and drilling equipment
 Threaded connections modeling
 Threaded connection optimization
 OCTG design and well integrity
 Deep-Well Casing Integrity
 Cement behaviour under extreme conditions
 HPHT Cementing for Deep Gas Wells
 Intelligent completion
 Non conventional drilling methods
 Lubrication in oil industry (thread compounds, mud additives)
 Finite Element Simulation
Publication Topics
 Teodoriu, C., Buttress Connection Resistance under Extreme Axial Compression Loads, Oil and Gas
Magazine, 4/2005, Volume 31, ISSN 0342-5622
 Bello, O.O, Reinicke, K.M, Teodoriu, C. , Particle Holdup Profiles in Horizontal Gas-Liquid-Solid Multiphase
Flow Pipeline, Chemical Engineering &Technology, Vol 28, No. 12, November 2005, ISSN 0930-7516
 Ulmanu, V., Teodoriu, C., Fatigue Life Prediction and Test Results of Casing Threaded Connection,
Buletinul Asociatiei Romane de Mecanica Ruperii, ARMR, Nr. 17, Iluy 2005, ISSN 1453-8148
More than 20 Conference papers.

Awards and Honors


Peter P. Valkó
Associate Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Dr.Pet erValkó’spri
mar yint erestiss t
imulationofhy drocar bonpr oducingwel ls.His
activities involve design, optimization and evaluation of hydraulic fracturing
operations. He is an expert on the rheology of fracturing fluids with special emphasis
on foams, and he has recently published a textbook on hydraulic fracturing.
His broader fields of interest include mathematical modeling, identification and
optimization of processes involving fluid flow, elastic deformation, phase transition
and chemical kinetics.
In addition to his research, Dr. Valkó has taught for 20 years at the university level in the U.S., Austria, and Hungary;
and he has conducted research in Russia.
Dr. Valkó is a member of the Well Completions Technical Committee of the Society of Petroleum Engineers and has
recently been named to the editorial board of SPE Journal.

 PhD (Candidate of Sciences), Institute of Catalysis, Novosibirsk, USSR, 1981
 Doctor technicus, Veszprem University of Chemical Engineering, Hungary, 1975
 MS (Dipl. chemical engineer), Veszprem University of Chemical Engineering, Hungary, 1973

Dr. Valkó is the author of three books and two chapters in multi-author monographs. He has more than 25
publications in peer-reviewed technical journals.

Areas of Specialization
 Modeling, identification, and optimization
 Hydraulic Fracturing

Robert A. Wattenbarger, P.E.
Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Dr .Rober tA.Wat t
enbargerhasmor ethan35y ears’ex per i
ence in the petroleum
industry. Reservoir engineering and computer software have been his specialties,
with emphasis on reservoir simulation and well test analysis. He was vice president
of Scientific Software Corporation in Denver for 10 years after being involved in the
formation of that company.

 PhD, Stanford University, 1967
 MS, University of Tulsa, 1965
 BS, University of Tulsa, 1958

Areas of Specialization
 Reservoir simulation
 Gas engineering
 Well test analysis
 Thermal recovery

Dr. Wattenbarger has three main areas of research: gas reservoir engineering emphasizing production and analysis
of tight gas reservoirs, paraffin deposition in wellbores and in reservoirs, electromagnetic heating of reservoirs, and
well test analysis and well performance, in general. Research in these areas is centered around reservoir simulation
techniques and solutions.

Publication Topics
Dr.Wat tenbarger’sSPE t extbook,Gas Reservoir Engineering, co-authored with John Lee, was published in 1996.
His recent papers have been in the area of gas reservoir engineering; past papers explored aquifer influence
functions with applications mainly to Gulf Coast reservoirs, and real gas well test analysis including the effects of
wellbore storage and non-Darcy flow.
Dr. Wattenbarger has recently published several papers on paraffin deposition in wellbores and in reservoirs. They
included using a new reservoir/wellbore simulator to study the effects of solution gas, natural cooling, and artificial
heating, making this the first such simulation in the industry. This work was a follow-up of a number of papers that on
electrical (or electromagnetic) heating of oil wells, a pioneering technology that has proved to be only marginally
economical to date.
Dr. Wattenbargerhaswr it
tenanumberofpaper sonr eservoirsi mul at
ion. Ofpar ti
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erestwasthei ndust ry’
first compositional simulator and simulation project on the Carson Creek gas cycling project. This was the first time
that comparative cases could be run for full and partial gas cycling, followed by blow-down.

Darla-Jean Weatherford
Ms. Darla-Jean Weatherford has taught technical writing and presentations for the
depar t
ment si nce 1993. She al so s er
ves as t he depar tment ’
si nformat i
representative, producing the department's newsletter, the Reservoir, and fielding
and responding to questions about the department's history, events, and services.
Before joining this department, Ms. Weatherford taught technical writing in the
Master of Business Administration program and the Department of English for 3
years. She has 12 years' experience teaching secondary school English and journalism. Her master's thesis in
document preparation for educational purposes gives her a unique background in technical writing and presentations
research. She also serves as a freelance technical editor and presentations designer.

 MS, Educational Curriculum and Instruction, Texas A&M University, 1989
 BS, Education, Southwest Texas State University, 1972

Areas of Specialization
 Technical report writing and editing
 Technical presentation design
 Distance learning course design

Ding Zhu
Assistant Professor of Petroleum Engineering
Dr. Ding Zhu is an Assistant Professor at Petroleum Engineering Department at Texas
A&M University. Before joint Texas A&M, she was a Research Scientist at The
University of Texas at Austin. Since 1992, Dr. Ding Zhu has conducted and supervised
research projects in production engineering, well stimulation, and complex well-
performance. Dr. Zhu is author of more than fifty technical papers, and a member of
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). Her research areas include production
engineering, well stimulation, and multilateral well technology.
Dr. Zhu has developed several comprehensive computer software applications for
production engineering, many of which have been adopted by industry sponsors. She developed the production
engineering software package, PPS, which has been widely used in teaching and in the field worldwide. She has also
taught numerous short courses on well stimulation, well performance improvement, and horizontal/multilateral wells.

 BS, Mechanical Engineering, Beijing University of Science & Technology, 1982
 MS, Petroleum Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 1988
 PhD, Petroleum Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, 1992

Research Areas
 Design and evaluation of acidizing processes
 Integrated production-log interpretation
 Horizontal well completions and stimulation

Professional Activity
 Member of Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1986-current
 Section Chairman, SPE Fifth International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, Beijing, China, 1995
 Program Committee and Section Chairman, SPE Sixth International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition,
Beijing, China, 1998
 Session Chairman, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2003 and 2004
 Program Committee, Production Optimization and Monitoring, SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, 2003 and 2004
 Program Committee, SPE Applied Technology Workshop—Hydraulic Fracturing, March, 2003
 Program Chairman, SPE Austin Section, 2001-2002
 Chairman, SPE Austin Section, 2002-2003
 Scholarship Chairman, SPE Austin Section, 2003-2004

 “
 “
 Distinguished Engineer, China National Offshore Oil Co., 1983-84
 University Academic Awards, Beijing University of Science & Technology, 1980 and 1982

More than 50 publications and presentations

Appendix B –Publications 2003-2006

Publications 2003-2006

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type

Ayers Ayers, W.B., Jr. Applications of coalbed gas systems in AAPG 2003 Annual Convention, Salt Lake Conference
exploration and development (abs) City, Abstracts Volume 12, p. A8
Ayers Ayers, W.B., Jr., S.K. Ruhl, M.F. Assessment of resource characteristics and American Association of Petroleum Conference
Hoffmann, J.A. Rushing, D.A. McVay, methane content of low-rank coals, Wilcox Group, Geologists Official Program, 2005 Annual
and R.I. Ramazanova East-Central Texas Convention, Calgary, Abstracts Volume 14,
Ayers Li, Yamin, and W.B. Ayers, Jr. Evaluation of Travis Peak Gas Reservoirs, East Texas Geological Society 2006 Annual Conference
Western Margin of the East Texas Basin Meeting
Ayers Ayers, W. B. Jr., S. K. Ruhl, M.F. Low-Rank Coals of the Wilcox Group, East- West Texas Geological Society, Fall Conference
Hoffmann, J.A. Rushing, D.A. McVay, Central Texas: Potential for CO2 Sequestration Symposium, Midland, TX, October 25-28,
and R.I. Ramazanova and Enhanced Methane Production: West Texas 2005.
Geological Society

Ayers Ayers, W.B., Jr. Coalbed methane in the Fruitland Formation, San in M.T. Halbouty, ed., Giant Fields of the Journal
Juan Basin, Western USA: a giant, Decade 1990-1999, AAPG Memoir 78 (invited
unconventional gas play paper), p. 159-188
Ayers/Jensen N. Rivera, D. A. McVay, J.L. Jensen, Detection of Cyclic Patterns Using Wavelets: An Mathematical Geology, Vol. 26, pp 529-543, Journal
A.K. Chan, and W.B. Ayers example Study in The Ormskirk Sandstone, Irish 2004
Ayers/Jensen/McVay W.B. Ayers, J.L. Garduno, H. Morand, CO2 sequestration potential of Texas low-rank AAPG 2004 Annual Mtg, Dallas, TX, 18-21 Conference
D.A. McVay, R.I. Ramazanova, and J.L. coals April 2004
Ayers/McVay J.L Garduno, H. Morand, L.D. saugier, CO2 Sequestration Potential of Texas Low-Rank SPE paper 84154, SPE Annual Technical Conference
W.B. Ayers Jr., and D.A. McVay Coals Conference and Exhibition, Denver, CO, 5-8
October 2003
Ayers/McVay Hernandez, Gonzalo, R.O. Bello, D.A. Evaluation of the Technical and Economic SPE Paper 100584, 2006 SPE Gas Conference
McVay, W.B. Ayers, Jr., J.A. Rushing, Feasibility of CO2 Sequestration and Enhanced Technology Symposium, Alberta, Calgary, 17
S.K. Ruhl, M.F. Hoffmann, and R.I. Coalbed Methane Recovery in Texas Low-Rank p.
Ramazanova Coals

Ayers/McVay R.I. Ramazanova, W.B. Ayers JR., J.L. Modeling Reservoir Heterogeneity in the Cut Abstract No. 69228, Geological Society of Conference
Jensen, R. Gibson, and D.A. McVay Bank Oil Field, Montana America South-Central Sections Meeting,
Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp.
10, March 2004

Ayers/McVay Cheng, Yueming, D.A. McVay, J. Wang, Simulation-Based Technology for Rapid SPE Paper 100583, to be presented at the Conference
and W.B. Ayers Assessment of Redevelopment Potential in SPE Gas Technology Symposium, Calgary,
Stripper Gas Well Fields- Technology Advances Alverta, Canada, 15-17 May 2006
and Validation in the Garden Plain Field, Western
Canada Sedimentary Basin

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
Barrufet Barrufet M.A. and Burnett D. A modular design and implementation of a brine 11th IPEC Conference, Albuquerque New Conference
conversion process: oil removal and desalting Mexico, October 11-13 (2004)
Barrufet Mago A. and Barrufet M.A. Assessing the Impact of Oil Viscosity Mixing accepted abstract SPE-95643 for annual Conference
Rules in Cyclic Steam Stimulation of Extra-Heavy 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Oils Exhibition to be held 09-Oct-05 to 12-Oct-05
Barrufet Patel, C.V., Barrufet, M.A., and Effective Resource Management of Produced paper CIPC 219 presented at the Petroleum Conference
Petriciolet, A.B. Water in Oil & Gas Operations Society's 5th Canadian International
Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada, June 8-10, 2004

Barrufet Barrufet, M.A. and Burnett, D. Modeling and Operation of Oil Removal and accepted abstract SPE-95647 for annual Conference
Desalting Oilfield Brines With Modular Units 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition to be held 09-Oct-05 to 12-oct-05
Barrufet Singh A. Benavidez M., Saint-Marcoux Optimal Dilution Strategies for Wax Management SPE 90688 - Annual Technical Conference Conference
J.F. and Barrufet M.A. and Control From a Flow-Assurance Perspective and Exhibition, September 26-29, 2004,
Barrufet Izgec, B., Barrufet, M.A. Performance Analysis of a Modified Black-Oil paper CIPC 2005-018 will be presented at the Conference
Model for a Rich Gas Condensate Reservoir 2005 Canadian International Petroleum
Conference, Calgary, Alberta, 7-9 June
Barrufet Izgec, B. and Barrufet M.A. Performance Analysis of Compositional and a SPE-93378-PP, Offshore Europe 2005 Conference
Modified Black-Oil Models for A Rich Gas
Condensate Reservoir
Barrufet Izgec, B., Barrufet, M.A. Performance Analysis of Compositional and SPE Paper 93374 presented at the 2005 SPE Conference
Modified Black-Oil Models for a Rich Gas Western Regional Meeting, Irvine, California,
Condensate Reservoir 20 March - 1 April
Barrufet Izgec, B., Barrufet, M.A. Phase Redistribution and Horizontal Well Effects SPE Paper 93377 presented at the 2005 SPE Conference
on Black-Oil Model of a Rich Gas Condensate Production Operations Symposium,
Reservoir Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 17-19 April
Barrufet Luo S. and Barrufet M.A. Water-in-Oil Solubility: Its Effect on Oil Recovery SPE 89407, SPE/DOE Fourteenth Conference
in Steam Injection Processes Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa,
April 17-21, 2004
Barrufet Vego, L. Barrufet M.A. Analysis of a Non-Volumetric Gas-Condensate Accepted for publication - Journal of Journal
Reservoir Using a Generalized Material Balance Petroleum Science and Engineering, Feb.
Equation with Fluid Properties from an Equation 2005
of State

Barrufet Barrufet, M.A. and Jaramillo J.M. Effects in the Determination of Oil Reserves Due JCPT, July 2004, Vol 43m No 7 pp31-37 Journal
to Gravitational Compositional Gradients in Near-
Critical Reservoirs

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
Barrufet Zapata, J., Barrufet, M., Jensen, J., Evaluation of relative permeability models for gas Submitted to Journal of Reservoir Journal
Maggard, B., Archer R. condensate reservoirs Engineering, May 2003
Barrufet Barrufet, M.A. and Setiadarma A. Experimental Viscosities of Heavy Oil Mixtures Journal of Petroleum Science and Journal
up to 450 K and High Pressures Using a Mercury Engineering, Volume 40, Issues 1-2, October
Capillary Viscometer 2003, Pages 17-26
Barrufet Rajkumar V., Moreira R, and Barrufet Modeling the Structural Changes of a Food Journal of Food Engineering, Volume 60, Journal
M.A. Product During Frying Issue 2, November 2003, Pages 167-175
Barrufet Imam, A.S., Startzman, R.A. and Multicyclic Hubbert model shows global Oil and Gas Journal, August 16, 2004 Journal
Barrufet M.A. conventional gas output peaking in 2019
Barrufet Barrufet, M.A. and Setiadarma A. Reliable Heavy Oil - Solvent Viscosity Mixing Fluid Phase Equilibria, Volume 213, Issues 1- Journal
Rules for Viscosities up to 450 K, Oil-Solvent 2, 15 October 2003, Pages 65-79
Viscosity Ratios up to 400,000, and any Solvent
Barrufet Luo, S. and Barrufet, M.A. The Role of Compositional Gradients in Near- In press - Journal of Petroleum Science and Journal
Critical Reservoir Development Engineering - Available online, 1 September
Barrufet Barrufet, M.A. and Dexheimer D. Use of an Automatic Data Quality Control Fluid Phase Equilibria, Volume 219, Issue 2, Journal
Algorithm for Crude Oil Viscosity Data 28 May 2004, Pages 113-121
Barrufet/Startzman A. Gonzalex, M.A. Barrufet, and R. Improved Neural-Network Model Predicts Journal of Petroleum Science and Journal
Startzman Dewpoint Pressure of Retrograde Gases Tedchnology, pp. 183-194, May 2003
Blasingame Rushing, J.A., Newsham, K., and A Comparative Study of Laboratory Techniques SPE Paper 89866 presented at the 2004 SPE Conference
Blasingame, T.A. for Measuring Capillary Pressures in Tight Gas Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Sands Houston, TX, 26-29 September 2004
Blasingame Gonzalez, F.E., Gan, R.G., Rushing, A Quadratic Cumulative Production Model for the SPE Paper 90560 accepted for presentation Conference
J.A., and Blasingame, T.A. Material Balance of an Abnormally-Pressured at the 2004 SPE Annual Technical
Gas Reservoir Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, 26-
29 September 2004

Blasingame Mireles, T.J., and Blasingame, T.A. Application of Convolution Theory for Solving SPE Paper 84073 presented at the 2003 SPE Conference
Non-Linear Flow and Problems: Gas Flow Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Systems Denver, CO, 05-08 October 2003
Blasingame Reynolds, B.W., and Blasingame, T.A. Assessment of Workforce Trends in Petroleum SPE Paper 90647 accepted for presentation Conference
Engineering at the 2004 SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, 26-
29 September 2006

Blasingame Marhaendrajana, T., Rushing, J.A., and Decline Type Curve Analysis for Dual Porosity SPE Paper 90634 presented at the 2004 SPE Conference
Blasingame, T.A. Systems (Re-Visited) - A New Methodology International Petroleum Conference in
Mexico, Puebla, Mexico, 8-9 November 2004

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
Blasingame Rushing, J.A., and Blasingame, T.A. Integrating Short-Term Pressure Transient SPE Paper 84475 presented at the 2003 Conference
Testing and Long-Term Production Data Analysis Annula SPE Technical Conference and
to Evaluate Hydraulically-Fractured Gas Well Exhibition, Denver, CO, 05-08 October 2003

Blasingame Rushing, J.A., Newsham, K., and Klinkenberg-Corrected Permeability SPE Paper 89867 presented at the 2004 SPE Conference
Blasingame, T.A. Measurements in Tight Gas Sands: Steady-State Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Versus Unsteady-State Techniques Houston, TX, 26-29 September 2004
Blasingame Wilson, B.W., Archer, R.A., and Modeling of Performance Behavior in Gas SPE Paper 84374 presented at the 2003 SPE Conference
Blasingame, T.A. Condensate Reservoirs Using a Variable Mobility Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Concept Denver, CO, 05-08 October 2003
Blasingame Blasingame, T.A. Petroleum Engineering Education - At a SPE Paper 90653 presented at the 2004 SPE Conference
Crossroads, or a Dead End? Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Houston, TX, 26-29 September 2004
Blasingame Marhaendrajana, T., Rushing, J.A., and Practical Tools for the Deconvolution of Wellbore SPE Paper 90638 accepted for presentation Conference
Blasingame, T.A. Storage Distorted Well Test Data at the 2004 SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, 26-
29 September 2006

Blasingame Blasingame, T.A., Archer, R.A., and Production Data Analysis - Tools, Challenges, SPE Paper 90575 accepted for presentation Conference
Ruching, J.A. and Pitfalls at the 2004 SPE Annual Technical
Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, 26-
29 September 2006

Blasingame Rushing, J.A., and Blasingame, T.A. Reservoir Characterization and Infill Drilling Study SPE Paper 84282 presented at the 2003 SPE Conference
of a Low-Permeability Carbonate: An Evaluation Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
of Blanket Versus Targeted Infill Drilling Denver, CO, 05-08 October 2003
Blasingame Sowers, S.F., Bates, F., Rushing, J.A., The Pressure Derivative Revisited: SPE Paper 91462 accepted for presentation Conference
and Blasingame, T.A. Improvements, Comparisons, and Applications at eh 2004 SPE Eastern Regional Meeting,
Charleston, W.V., 15-17 September 2004
Blasingame Marhaendrajana, T., Rushing, J.A., and Use of Production Data Inversion to Evaluate SPE Paper 90013 presented at the 2004 SPE Conference
Blasingame, T.A. Performance of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs International Petroleum Conference in
Mexico, Puebla, Mexico, 8-9 November 2004
Blasingame Mancini, E.A., Blasingame, T.A., Archer, Improving Hydrocarbon Recovery from Mature Oil Manuscript to be published in AAPG Bulletin, Journal
R.A., Panetta, B.J., Haynes, C.D., and Fields Producing from Carbonate Reservoirs: 2004 (in press)
Benson, J.D. Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation, Womack
Hill Field (Eastern Gulf Coast, USA)

Blasingame Pratikno, H., Rushing, J.A., and Decline Curve Analysis Using Type Curves: SPE Paper 84287 in revision for publication in Journal
Blasingame, T.A. Fractured Wells SPE Reservoir Engineering, 2004 (notified
August 2004)

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
Blasingame Archer, R.A., Del Castillo, Y., and New Perspectives on Vogel-Type IPR Models for SPE Paper 80907 presented at the 2003 SPE Conference
Blasingame, T.A. Gas Condensate and Solution Gas Drive Systems Production Operations Symposium,
Oklahoma City, OK, 23-25 March 2003
Datta-Gupta Coburn, T.C., Corbett, P.W.M., Datta- A Virtual Conversation on the Impact of Chapter Stochastic Modeling II, AAPG, 2005 Chapter
Gupta, A., Jensen, J.L., Kelkar, M., Geostatistics on Petroleum, Production and
Oliver, D.S. and White, C.D. Reservoir Engineering
Datta-Gupta Cheng, H., Osako, I., Datta-Gupta, A. A Rigorous Compressible Streamline Formulation SPE 96866 presented at the SPE Annual Conference
and King, M.J. for Two and Three Phase Black Oil Simulation Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas,
TX, October 9-12, 2005
Datta-Gupta Cheng, H., Oyerinde, D., Datta-Gupta, A. Compressible Streamlines and Three-phase SPE 99465 presented at the 2006 SPE/DOE Conference
and Milliken, W. History Matching Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery held in
Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A., 22-26 April 2006
Datta-Gupta Cheng, H., Wen, X, Milliken, W. and Field Experiences with Assisted and Automatic SPE 89857 presented at the SPE Annual Conference
Datta-Gupta, A. History Matching Using Streamline Models Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Houston, TX, September 26-29, 2004
Datta-Gupta King, M.J., Burn, K.S., Wang, P., Optimal Coarsening of 3D Reservoir Models for SPE 95759 presented at the SPE Annual Conference
Muralidharan, V., Alvarado, F., Ma X. Flow Simulation Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas,
and Datta-Gupta, A. TX, October 9-12, 2005
Datta-Gupta Vasco, D.W., Datta-Gupta, A., Behrens, Reconciling Time-Lapse Seismic and Production SPE 84568 presented at he SPE Annual Conference
R., Condon, P. and Rickett, J. Data Using Streamline Models: The Bay Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver,
Marchand Field, Gulf of Mexico CO, October 5-8, 2003
Datta-Gupta Jimznez, E., Sabir, K., Datta-Gupta, A. Spatial Error and Convergence in Streamline SPE 92873 Presented at the 2005 SPE Conference
and King, M.J. Simulation Reservoir Simulation Symposium, The
Woodlands, TX, U.S.A., 31 January-02
February 2005

Datta-Gupta Qassab, H., Khalifa, M., Pavlas, R., Streamline-based Production Data Integration SPE 84079 presented at the SPE Annual Conference
Khargoria, A., He, Zhong, Lee, S.H. and Under Realistic Field Conditions: Experience in a Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver,
Datta-Gupta, A. Giant Middle-Eastern Oil Reservoir CO, October 5-8, 2003
Datta-Gupta Mathisen, T., Lee, S.H. and Datta-Gupta, Improved Permeability estimates in Carbonate SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 6 Jounal
A. Reservoirs Using Electrofacies Characterization: (3) June 2003, p176-184
A Case Study of the North Robertson Unit, West

Datta-Gupta Cheng, H., Datta-Gupta, A. and He, A Comparison of Travel Time and Amplitude SPE Journal, 10(1), March 2005, p75-90 Journal
Zhong Inversion for Production Data Integration into
Geologic Models: Sensitivity, Non-linearity and
Practical Implications

Datta-Gupta King, M.J., Osako, I. and Datta-Gupta, A. A Predictor Corrector-Formulation for Rigorous International Journal for Numerical Methods Journal
Streamline Simulation in Fluids, 47, 2005, 739-758.

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
Datta-Gupta Efendiev, Y., Datta-Gupta, A., A. Ginting, An Efficient Two-Stage Markov Chain Monte Water Resources Research, 41, W12423, Journal
V., Ma, X., and Mallick, B. Carlo Method for Dynamic Data Integration 10.1029/2004WR003764, Dec. 2005
Datta-Gupta Cheng, H, Khargoria, A., He, Z., and Fast History Matching of Finite-difference Models SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 8 Journal
Datta-Gupta, A. Using Streamline-derived Sensitivities (5), October 2005, p426-436
Datta-Gupta He, Zhong, Parikh, H., Datta-Gupta, A., Identifying Reservoir Compartmentalization and SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, 7 Journal
Perez, J. and Pham, T. Flow Barriers Using Primary Production: A (3), June 2004, p238-246
Streamline Approach
Datta-Gupta Efendiev, Y., Datta-Gupta A., Osako, I. Multiscale Data Integration Using Coarse Scale Advances in Water Resources, 28(2005), Journal
and Mallick, B Models 303-314
Datta-Gupta Malallah, A., Perez, H., Datta-Gupta, A. Multiscale Data Integration Using Markov SPE Reservoir Engineering and Evaluation, Journal
and Alamody, W. Random Fields and Markov Chain Monte Carlo: A 8(6), December 2004
Field Application in the Middle East
Datta-Gupta Ates, H., Bahar, A., El-Abd, S., Ranking and Upscaling of Geostatistical SPE Reservoir Engineering and Evaluation, Journal
Charfeddine, M., Kelkar, M. and Datta- Reservoir Models Using Streamline Simulation: A 8(1), February 2005, p22-32
Gupta, A. Field Case Study
Datta-Gupta He, Zhong, Datta-Gupta, A., and Vasco, Rapid Inverse Modeling of Pressure Interference Water Resources Research, 42, W03419, Journal
D.W. Tests Using Trajectory-based Travel Time and doi:10.1029/2004WR003783, March 2006
Amplitude Matching
Datta-Gupta Vega, L., Rojas, D. and Datta-Gupta, A. Scalability of the Deterministic and Bayesian SPE Journal, 9 (3) September 2004, 330-338 Journal
Approaches to Production Data Integration Into
Field-Scale Reservoir Models
Datta-Gupta Vasco, D.W., Datta-Gupta, A., Behrens, Seismic Imaging of Reservoir Flow Properties: Geophysics, 69 (6), Nov-Dec. 2004, p 1425- Journal
R., Condon, P. and Rickett, J. Time-Lapse Amplitude Changes 1442
Datta-Gupta Al-Huthali, A. and Datta-Gupta, A., Streamline Simulation of Counter-Current Journal of Petroleum Science and Journal
Imbibition in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Engineering, 43 (2004), 271-300
Datta-Gupta AL-Harbi, M., Cheng, H., He, Zhong and Streamline-based Production Data Integration in SPE Journal, 10(4), December 2005, 426-439 Journal
Datta-Gupta, A. Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
Datta-Gupta Perez, H., Datta-Gupta, A. and Misra, S. The Role of Electrofacies, Lithofacies and SPE Reservoir Engineering and Evaluation, 8 Journal
Hydraulic Flow Units in Permeability Predictions (2), April 2005
from Well Logs: A Comparative Analysis Using
Classification Trees

Datta-Gupta Ichiro, O., Datta-Gupta, A. and King, M.J. Time Step Selection During Streamline Simulation SPE Journal, 9 (4) December 2004, p459-464 Journal
via Transverse Flux Correction
Datta-Gupta Efendiev, Y., Datta-Gupta, A., Hwang, Bayesian Partitioning Models for Subsurface Advances in Water Resources, Submitted manuscript
K., Ma Xilian and Mallick, B Characterization (April 2006) under
Datta-Gupta Efendiev, Y., Datta-Gupta, A., Ma Xilian Modified MCMC for Dynamic Data Integration Mathmatical Geology, Submitted (April 2005) manuscript
and Mallick, B Using Streamline Models under

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
Datta-Gupta Kumar, A., Shekhar, R., Datta-Gupta, A., Time-Lapse seismic Monitoring of CO2 Submitted to the special issue of Journal of manuscript
Gibson, R. Sequestration with Compositional and Petroleum Scinece and Technology (March under
Geochemical Effects 2006) review
Economides Song, G., Hu, Z., Sun, K., Ma, N., An Innovative Ultradeepwater Subsea Blowout SPE 99041 presented at the IADC/SPE Conference
Economides, M.J., Samuel, R., and Preventer (SSBOP) Control System Using Shape Drilling Conference; Miami, Florida; February
Ehlig-Economides, C.A. Memory Alloy Actuators 2006
Economides Ehlig-Economides, C.A., and Wells, K.L. Average Reservoir Pressure from a Horizontal SPE 10096 presented at the International Conference
Well Pressure Buildup Test Petroleum Technology Conference; Doha,
Qatar; November 21-23, 2005
Economides Adekoge, A., Barrufet, M., and Ehlig- GTL Plus Power Generation: The Optimal SPE 10523 presented at the International Conference
Economides, C.A. Alternative for Natural Gas Exploitation in Nigeria Petroleum Technology Conference; Doha,
Qatar; November 21-23, 2005
Economides Ehlig-Economides, C.A., Barrufet, M., Unconventional Uses for Unconventional Oil SPE 97338 presented at the 2005 SPE Conference
Longbottom, J.R., and Velu, B.P. International Thermal Operations and Heavy
Oil Symposium; Calgary, Alberta, Canada;
November 1-3, 2005

Hill A. Hill, C. Dong and D. Zhu Acid Penetration in Natural Fracture Networks SPE Production and Facilities pp. 160-170, Journal
August 2002
Hill A. Hill, C. Dong and D. Zhu Modeling of the Acidizing Process in Naturally SPE Journal, pp. 400-408, December 2002 Journal
Fractured Carbonates
Hill/Zhu K. Furui, D. Zhu, and A.D. Hill A Comprehensive Skin Factor Model of Horizontal SPE Production and Facilities, August 2005 Journal
Well Completion Performance
Hill/Zhu A. Hill, K. Furui, and D. Zhu A Rigorous Formation Damage Skin Factor and SPE Production and Facilities, August 2003, Journal
Reservoir Inflow Model for a Horizontal Well pp. 151-157
Hill/Zhu Li, C. Zie, T. Pournik, D. Zhu, and A.D. Fine-Scale Simulation Of Sandstone Acidizing ASME Journal of Energy Resources Journal
Hill Technology, Special Issue of Formation
Damage, September 2005
Holditch S.A. Holditch Hydraulic Fracturing A chapter written for the 2005 Version of the Chapter
SPE, Petroluem Engineering Handbook
Holditch S.A. Holditch Tight Gas Reservoirs A chapter written for the 2005 Version of the Chapter
SPE, Petroluem Engineering Handbook
Holditch Z. Wang and S.A. Holditch A Comprehensive Parametric Simulation Study of Paper 2005-009 to be presented at the Conference
the Mechanisms of Gas Storage Aquifer Petroleum Society's 6th Canadian
International Petroleum Conference (56th
Annual Technical Meeting) Calgary, Alberta,
Canada, 7-9 June 2009

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
Holditch Z. Wang and S.A. Holditch A Correlation Analysis of the Effects of the paper 2005-010 to be presented at the Conference
Primary Reservoir Parameters on Aquifer Gas Petroleum Society's 6th Canadian
Storage Performance International Petroleum Conference (56th
Annual Technical Meeting), Calgary, Alberta,
Canada, 7-9 June 2005

Holditch S.A. Holditch and Nick Tshirhart Optimal Stimulation Treatments in Tight Gas SPE 96104 to be presented at the SPE ATCE Conference
Sands in Dallas, Texas in October 2005
Holditch Y.F. Makogon, S.A. Holditch, and T.Y. Development of Gas-Hydrate Deposits Oil and Gas Journal; No. 7.II.2005 and No. Journal
Makogon 14.II.2005
Holditch S.A. Holditch Domestic Industry Turns to Unconventional Oil and Gas Reporter, December 2004 Journal
Reservoirs to Hold Line on Gas Production
Holditch S.A. Holditch The Unconventional Option Fundamentals fo the Global Oil and Gas Journal
Industry, published as part of the 18th World
Petroleum Congress, September 2005
Holditch/Makogon Y.F. Makogon, S.A. Holditch, K. Perry, Gas Solubility in Water and formation of Gas OTC, 2004 Conference
and J.C. Holste Hydrate Deposits
Jensen A.A. AlYousef, P. Gentil, J.L. Jensen, A Capacitance Model to Infer Interwell SPE Paper 95322, SPE Conference, Dallas, Conference
and L.W. Lake Connectivity Using Production and Injection Data TX 19 p., 9-12 October 2005
Jensen D. Kaviani, R. Gutierrez-Osuna, and J. L. An Improved Architecture for Feed-Forward IEEE World Congress on Computational Conference
Jensen Neural Networks Including Interaction Terms Intelligence, Vancourver, 4P., 16-21 July
Among Inputs 2006
Jensen A.A. AlYousef, J.L. Jensen, and L.W. Analysis and Interpretation of Interwell SPE Paper 99998, Spe Symp. On Improved Conference
Lake Connectivity From Production and Injection Rate Oil Recovery, Tula, OK, 10p., 22-26 April
Fluctuations Using a Capacitance Model 2006
Jensen D.E. Tanyel, J.L. Jensen, and B.J. Willis Formation Evaluation Using Wavelet Analysis of International Association Mathematical Conference
Logs from the Chinji and Nagri Formations, Geology Conference, Toronto, Canada, 6p.,
Northern Pakistan 21-26 August 2005
Jensen C. Genty, W.M. Ahr, and J.L. Jensen NMR T2 Relaxation Times and Pore Facies AAPG Annual Meeting, Houston, TX 6p., 10- Conference
Relationships in Carbonate Reservoirs 12 April 2006
Jensen D. Kaviani, T.D. Bui, J.L. Jensen, and The Application of Neural Networks with Small Geological Soc. Am., Anchorage, 6p., 8-10 Conference
C.L. Hanks Data Sets: An Example for Fracture Spacing in May 2006
the Lisburne Formation, Northeastern Alaska
Jensen J.L. Jensen, J.D. Hart, and B.J. Willis Evaluating Proportions of Undetected Geological Mathematical Geology, Vol. 38, February Journal
Events in the Case of Erroneous Identifications 2006
Jensen T.D. Bui, J.L. Jensen, and C.L. Hanks Neural Network Modeling with Sparse Datasets Petroluem Science and Technology, Vol. 24, Journal
in press, 2006
Jensen L. Guan, D.A. McVay, and J.L Jensen Parameter Sensitivity Study of a Statistical Journal of Canadian Petroluem Technology, Journal
Technique for Fast Infill Evaluation of Mature Vol. 45, May 2006
Tight-Gas Reservoirs

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
Jensen C.L. Hanks, W.K. Wallace, T.D. Bui, J.L. The Character, Relative Age, and Implications of Bulletin Canadian Petroluem Geology, Vol. Journal
Jensen, and J. Lorenz Fractures and Other Mesoscopic Structures 52, pp. 121-138, 2004
Associated with Detachment Folds: An Example
from the Lisburne Group

Jensen/McVay L. Guan, D.A. McVay, J.L Jensen, and Evaluation of a Statistical Method for Assessing Journal Energy Resources Technology, Vol. Journal
G.W. Voneiff Infill Production Potential in Mature, Low- 126, pp. 241-244, 2004
Permeability Gas Reservoirs
Juvkam-Wold Choe, J., Schubert, J.J., and Juvkam- Well Control Analysis on Extended Reach and OTC 16226, May 2004 Conference
Wold, H.C. Multilateral Trajectories
Juvkam-Wold Choe, J., Schubert, J.J., and Juvkam- Well-Control Procedures for Dual-Gradient Drilling JPT, June, 2003 Journal
Wold, H.C.
Juvkam-Wold Schubert, J.J., Juvkam-Wold, H.C., and Well-Control Procedures for Dual-Gradient Drilling SPE Drilliing and Completion, 2004 Journal
Choe, J. and Compared to Conventional Riser Drilling
Juvkam- Choe, J., Schubert, J.J., and Juvkam- Analysis and Procedures for Kick Detection in JPT, April, 2004 Journal
Wold/Schubert Wold, H.C. Subsea Mudlift Drilling
Lee W.J. Lee, J.B. Rollins, and J.P. Spivey Pressure Transient Testing Society of Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, Book
TX, 2003
Lee W.J. Lee Fluid Flow Through Porous Media Chapter in Petroleum Engineering Handbook, Chapter
L.W. Lake, Ed., Society of Petroleum
Engineers, Richardson, TX, in press in 2004

Lee J. Thomas, S. Rueff, D.J. Weatherford, High-Tech Tools Improve Petroleum Industry SPE Paper 96222, to be presented at the Conference
and W.J. Lee Human Resource Management 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition, Dallas, TX, 9-12 October
Lee Y. Cheng, D.A. McVay, and W.J. Lee A Deconvolution Technique Using Fast-Fourier SPE Reservoir Engineering and Evaluation, Journal
Transforms June 2005
Lee W.J. Lee and S.A. Holditch Application of Pseudo-Time to Buildup Test Pressure Transient Testing, Reprint Series, Journal
Analysis in Low Permeability Gas Wells with SPE Richardson (2004) 57, 141-151
Long-Duration Wellbore-Storage Distortion
Lee/McVay Y. Cheng, W.J. Lee and D.A. McVay Application of Fast Fourier Transforms to SPE Paper 96032, SPE Annual Technical Conference
Deconvolution of Multirate Well Test Data Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, TX, 9-12
October 2005
Lee/McVay D.A. McVay and W.J. Lee Calibration Improves Uncertainty Estimation OTC Paper 15083, Offshore Technology Conference
Through the Reservoir Life Cycle Conference, Houston, TX, 5-8 May 2003
Lee/McVay Y. Cheng, W.J. Lee and D.A. McVay Determination of Optimal Window Size in SPE Paper 96026, to be presented at the Conference
Pressure Derivative Computation Using 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Frequency-Domain Computations Exhibition, Dallas, TX, 9-12 October

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
Lee/McVay G.T. Olsen, D.A. McVay, and W.J. Lee Inverted Hockey Stick Method Reveals Greater SPE Paper 9399, to be presented in the 2005 Conference
Uncertainty in Petroleum Investment Evaluations SPE Weestern Regional Meeting, Irvine, CA,
30 March - 1 April
Lee/McVay Y. Cheng, W.J. Lee and D.A. McVay Practical Application of a Probabilistic Approach SPE Paper 95974, to be presented at the Conference
to Estimate Reserves Using Production Decline 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Data Exhibition, Dallas, TX, 9-12 October
Lee/McVay G.T. Olsen, F.L. Fariyibi, W.J. Lee, and Price Uncertainty Quantification Models Advance SPE paper 94610, SPE Hydrocarbon Conference
D.A. McVay Project Economic Evaluations Economics and Evaluation Symposium,
Dallas, TX 3-5 April 2005
Lee/McVay Y. Cheng, D.A. McVay, and W.J. Lee A Practical Non-Linear Regression Technique for Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol. 23 Journal
Horizontal Well Test Interpretation (2005), No. 3-4, pp 341-369
Lee/McVay Y. Cheng, D.A. McVay, and W.J. Lee BEM for 3D Unsteady-state Flow Problems in Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 53 Journal
Porous Media with a Finite-Conductivity Wellbore (2005), No. 1, pp. 19-37
Lee/McVay D.A McVay, W.J. Lee, and M.G. Calibration Improves Uncertainty Quantification in Petrolueum Geoscience, Vol. 11 (2005), No. Journal
Alvarado Production Forecasting 3, pp. 195-202
Lee/McVay N.Y. Akilu, D.A. McVay, and W.J. Lee Inverted Hockey Stick Method Quantifies Price Petroleum Science and Technology, (in Journal
Uncertainty in Petroleum Investment Evaluation press, 2005)
Lee/McVay M.G. Alvarado, D.A. McBay, and W.J. Quantification of Uncertainty By Combining Petroleum Science and Technology, Vol. 23 Journal
Lee Forecasting with History Matching (2005), No. 3-4, pp. 445-462
Makogon Makogon Y.F., Holditch S.A., Makogon Natural Gas-Hydrates –A Potential Energy Chapter in JOPSE book, 2006 Chapter
T.Y. Source for 21st Century
Makogon Makogon Y.F., Holditch S.A., Makogon Basics of Development of Gas Hydrate Deposits 5ICGH, Norway, June 2005 Conference
Makogon Makogon Y.F., Holditch S.A., Makogon Effect of Self-Preservation of Gas-Hydrates in SPE-conference, Moscow, 2006 (in press) Conference
T.Y. Porous Media
Makogon Makogon Y.F., Holditch S.A., Makogon Kinetics and Morphology of Secondary Gas 5ICGH, Norway, June 2005 Conference
T.Y. Hydrates - experimental results
Makogon Makogon Y.F., Holditch S.A., Makogon Proven Resources and Basics for Development of AAPG-Conference, Vancouver, 2004 Conference
T.Y. Gas Hydrate Deposits
Makogon Makogon Y.F., Holditch S.A., Makogon What we need know before modeling gas Hawaii-conference NGH, March, 2006 Conference
T.Y. production from GHD
Makogon Makogon Y.F., Holditch S.A., Makogon Blake Ridge provides data for assessing OGJ-14, February, 2005. p 45-49 Journal
T.Y. deepwater Gas Hydrate Production
Makogon Makogon Y.F., Holditch S.A., Makogon Gas Hydrate Production–Russian Field Illustration OGJ-7, February, 2005. Pp 43-47 Journal
Makogon Makogon Y.F. Liquid Propane –Water Phases Equilibrium at J. Chemical Data, JEO20143W, 2003 Journal
Hydrate Conditions
Makogon Makogon Y.F. Natural Gas Hydrates, Widespreads, Model of Russian Chemical Journal, Vol XLVII, No.3, Journal
formation, Resource Moscow, 2003

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
Makogon Makogon Y.F., Holste J.C. Whiskery Crystals of Gas Hydrates Russian Chemical Journal, Vol XLVII, No.3, Journal
Moscow, 2003
Mamora J.R. Rodriguez and D.D. Mamora Analytical Model of the Combustion Zone in alternate paper 2005-072, Can. Int, Petr. Conference
Oxygen-Enriched In-Situ Combustion Tube Conf., 7-9 June, Calgary
Mamora M.C. Nogueria and D.D. Mamora Effect of Flue Gas Impurities on the Process of SPE paper 19, SPE/EPA/DOE and E&P Conference
Injection and Storage of CO2 in Depleted Gas Environ. Conf., Galveston, TX, 7-9 March
Reservoirs 2005
Mamora R. Simangunsong and D.D. Mamora Experimental and Analytical Modeling Studies of paper 2006-151 to be presented at Can. Int. Conference
Steam injection with Hydrocarbon Additives to Petr. Conf., 13-15 June 2006, Calgary,
Enhance Recovery of San Ardo Heavy Oil Canada
Mamora D.D. Mamora, A. Hendroyono, G. Experimental and Simulation Studies of Steam- SPE 84201 presented at SPE-ATCE, Denver, Conference
Venturini, and J.A. Rivero Propane Injection for the Hamaca and Duri Fields CO, October 2003
Mamora S. Chandra and D.D. Mamora Improved Steamflood Analytical Model SPE Paper 97870 presented at SPE Conference
International Thermal Ops. Heavy Oil Symp.
1-2 November 2005, Calgary, Canada
Mamora D.D. Mamora and J. Sandoval Investigation of a Smart Steamflood Pattern to SPE Paper-95491 presented at SPE-ATCE, Conference
Enhance Production from San Ardo Field 9-12 October 2005, Dallas, TX
Mamora D.D. Mamora Sand Control Using High pH Steam: A New Sand paper presented at 5th conference in Oil & Conference
Technique for Sand Control? Gas IQ's International Sand Control and
Management Series, Houston, TX, March
Mamora E. Marus and D.D. Mamora Top Injection and Bottom Production (TINBOP) SPE Paper 97850 presented at SPE Conference
Cyclic Steam Injection Method Enhances Oil International Thermal Ops. Heavy Oil Symp.,
Recovery 1-2 November 2005, Calgary, Canada
Mamora M.C. Nogueira and D.D. Mamora Effect of Flue Gas Impurities on the Process of ASME J. Energy Resources Tech., Dec. 2005 Journal
Injection and Storage of CO2 in Depleted Gas
Mamora J. Seo and D.D. Mamora Experimental and Simulation Studies of ASME J. Energy Resources Tech., March Journal
Sequestration of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide in 2005, pp. 1-6
Depleted Gas Reservoirs
Mamora J.A. Rivero, SPE, and D.D. Mamoa Production Acceleration and Injectivity J. Can. Petr. Tech., February 2004 Journal
Enhancement Using Steam-Propane Injection for
Hamaca Extra-Heavy Oil
Mamora G. Venturini and D.D. Mamora Simulation Studies of Steam-Propane Injection for paper 2003-056, J. Can. Petr. Tech., Journal
the Hamaca Heavy Oil Field September 2004
Mamora D.D. Mamora Experimental and Analytical Studies of
Hydrocarbon Yields Under Dry-, Steam-, and
Steam with Propane-Distillation

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
McCain Ovalle, A.P., Lenn, C.P., and McCain Tools to Manage Gas Condensate Reservoirs; IPTC 10320, presented at International Conference
W.D., Jr. Novel Fluid Property Correlations Based on Petroleum Technology Conference, Doha,
Commonly Available Field Data Qatar, 21-23 November 2005
McCain Al-Meshari, A.A., Aguilar, R.A., and Tuning an Equation of State - the Critical SPE Paper 96416 presented at the 2005 Conference
McCain, W.D., Jr. Importance of Correctly Grouping Composition Annual Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, 9-
into Pseudocomponents 12 October
McCain Spivey, J.P., McCain, W.D., Jr., and Estimating Density, Formation Volume Factor, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology Journal
North, R. Compressibility, Methane Solubility, and Viscosity (July 2004) 43, 1-10
for Oilfield Brines at Temperatures from 0 to 275
C, Pressures to 200 Mpa, and Salinities to 5.7

McCain/Valko Spivey, J.P., Valko, P.P., and McCain, Applications of the Coefficient of Isothermal SPE Paper 96415 presented at the 2005 SPE Conference
W.D., Jr. Compressibility to Various Reservoir Situations Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
with New Correlations for Each Situation Dallas, 9-12 October
McCain/Valko P.P. Valko and W.D. McCain Jr. Reservoir Oil Bubblepoint Pressures Revisited; Journal of Petroleum Science and Journal
Solution Gas-Oil Ratios and Surface Gas Specific Engineering, Vol. 37, pp. 153-169, 2003
McVay E.P. Lolon, D.A. McVay, and S.K. Effect of Fracture Conductivity on Effective SPE paper 84311, SPE Annual Technical Conference
Schubarth Fracture Length Conference and Exhibition, Denver, CO, 5-8
October 2003
McVay H. Gao and D.A. McVay Gas Infill Well Selection Using Rapid Inversion SPE Paper 90545, SPE Annual Technical Conference
Methods Conferencce and Exhibition, Houston, TX, 26-
29 September 2004
McVay A.U. Aniekwena, D.A. McVay, W.M Ahr, Integrated Characterization of the Thin-Bedded 8 SPE Paper 84051, SPE Annual Technical Conference
and J.S. Watkins Reservoir, Green Canyon 18, Gulf of Mexico Conference and Exhibition, Denver, CO, 5-8
October 2003
McVay C. Ogele, A.M. Daoud, D.A. McVay, and Integration of Volumetric and Material Balance SPE Paper 100257, to be presented at the Conference
W.J. Lee Analyses Using a Bayesian Framework to SPE Europec/EAGE Annual Conference and
Estimate OHIP and Quantify Uncertainty Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, 12-15 June 2006
McVay A.W. Aprilia, Z. Li, D.A. McVay and W.J. Quantifying Uncertainty in Original-Gas-in-Place SPE Paper 100575, to be presented at the Conference
Lee Estimates with Bayesian Integration of Volumetric SPE Gas Technology Symposium, Calgary,
and Material Balance Analyses Alberta, Canada, 15-17 May 2006
McVay C. Ogele, D.A. McVay, and W.J. Lee Quantifying Uncertainty in Original-Oil-In-Place American Association of Petroleum Conference
Estimates From Volumetric and Material Balance Geologists, to be presented at the Annual
Methods (abs). Convention and Exhibition, Houston 9-12
April 2006

McVay E.P. Lolon, S.T. Chipperfield, D.A. The Significance of Non-Darcy and Multiphase SPE Paper 90530, SPE Annual Technical Conference
McVay, and S.K. Schubarth Flow Effects in High-Rate, Frac-Pack Gas Conference and Exhibition, Houston, TX, 26-
Completions 29 September 2004

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
McVay Y. Cheng, W.J. Lee and D.A. McVay Fast-Fourier-Transform-Based Deconvolution for SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, Vol. Journal
Interpretation of Pressure-Transient-Test Data 8, pp. 224-239, June 2005
Dominated by Wellbore Storage
McVay J.C. Holmes, A.V. Mendjoge, and D.A. Quantification of Oil Price Uncertainty in Petroluem Science and Technology Journal
McVay Economic Evaluation Using Sequential Gaussian (accepted for publication)
Russell X. Yi, P. Valko, and J.E. Russell Effect of Rock Strength Criterion on the Predicted Int. J. Geomechanics, Vol 5 (Iss 1) 2005 pp Journal
Onset of Sand Production 66-73.
Schechter E.E. Chong, Z. Syihab, E. Putra, and A Unique Grid-Block System for Improved Grid SPE 88617 presented at the 2004 SPE Asia Conference
D.S. Schechter Orientation Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and
Exhibition (APOGCE), Perth, Australia, 18-20
October 2004

Schechter D. Chakravarthy, V. Muralidharan, E. Application of X-Ray CT for Investigation of CO2 CIPC Paper No. 2004-232, 55th Annual Conference
Putra, and D.S. Schechter and WAG Injection in Fractured Reservoirs Technical Meeting for rthe Canadian
International Petroleum Conference, Calgary,
CA, 8-10 June 2004

Schechter V. Muralidharan, E. Putra, and D.S. Experimental and Simulation Analysis of Fracture CIPC Paper No. 2004-229, 55th Annual Conference
Schechter Reservoir Experiencing Different Stress Rechnical Meeting for the Canadian
Conditions International Petroleum Conference, Calgary,
CA, 8-10 June 2004

Schechter V. Muralidharan, E. Putra, and D.S. Investigating Fracture Aperture Distributions CIPC Paper No. 2004-230, 55th Annual Conference
Schechter Under Various Stress Conditions Using X-Ray CT Technical Meeting for the Canadian
Scanner International Petroluem Conference, Calgary,
CA, 8-10 June 2004

Schechter D. Chakravarthy, V. Muralidharan, E. Mitigating Oil Bypassed in Fractured Cores during SPE Paper/DOE/ 97228 will be presented at Conference
Putra, and D.S. Schechter CO2 Flooding using WAG and Polymer Gel 2006 Improved Oil Recovery Symposium, 22-
Injections 26 April 2006
Schechter V. Muralidharan, D. Chakravarthy, E. Simulation and Imaging Experiments for Flow SPE Paper Presented at 2004 International Conference
Putra, and D.S. Schechter through a Fracture Surface: A New Perspective Student Paper Contest, Houston, TX, 26-29
September 2004
Schechter V. Muralidharan, D. Chakravarthy, V. Simulation of Fluid Flow through Rough Fractures SPE Paper International Petroleum Conference
Muralidharan, D. Chakravarthy, E. Putra, Conference, Puebla, Mexico, 8-9 November
and D.S. Schechter 2004
Schechter S.P. Kaul, E. Putra, and D.S. Schechter Simulation of Spontaneous Imbibition Using CIPC Paper No. 2004-228, 55th Annual Conference
Rayleigh-Ritz Finite Element Method - A Discrete Technical Meeting for the Canadian
Fracture Approach International Petroleum Conference, Calgary,
CA, 8-10 June 2004

Schechter S.P. Kaul, E. Putra, and D.S. Schechter Spontaneous Imbition Simulation with Rayleigh SPE Paper 90053 presented at the 2004 SPE Conference
Ritz Finite Element Method International Petroleum Conference, Puebla,
Mexico, 8-9 November 2004

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
Schechter P. Tellapaeni, E. Putra, and D.S. Usage of X-Ray CT for Empirical Transfer CIPC Paper No. 2004-246, 55th Annual Conference
Schechter Functions in Dual Porosity Simulation Technical Meeting for the Canadian
International Petroleum Conference, Calgary,
CA, 8-10 June 2004

Schechter E. Chong, Z. Syihab, E. Putra, and D.S. A New Grid Block System for Reducing Grid Peer-review submitted to Journal Petroleum Journal
Schechter (2005) Orientation Effect Science and Technology (Pending)
Schechter T. Kim, E. Putra, and D.S. Schechter Analyzing Tensleep Natural Fracture Properties Accepted and pending for publication at e- Journal
(2005) using X-Ray CT Scanner. Journal of Reservoir Engineering, PJO
Schechter O.H. Pashayev, E. Putra, D.T. Hidayati, Imbition Assisted Oil Recovery e-Journal of Reservoir Engineering, PJO Journal
and D.S. Schechter (2005)1,1
Schechter T. Chowdhury, E. Putra, and D.S. Improved Dual-Porosity Simulation in Naturally Saudi Aramco Journal of Technology, pp 54- Journal
Schechter Fractured Reservoirs 62, Spring 2004
Schechter D. Alfred, E. Putra, and D.S. Schechter Modeling Fluid Flow Through Single Fractures Saudi AramcoJournal of Technology, pp. 54- Journal
Using Experimental, Stochastic, and Simulation 62, Fall 2003
Schechter W. Narr, D.S. Schechter, and L. Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Primer Series for Society of Petroleum Journal
Thompson Engineers, in press, 2006
Schechter E. Putra, V. Muralidharan, and D.S. Overburden Pressure Affects Fracture Aperture Saudi Aramco Journal of Technology, pp 57- Journal
Schechter and Fracture Permeability in a Fractured 63, Summer 2003
Schechter M. Garcia, E. Putra, D. Hidayati, and Reducing CO2 Bypassing and Optimizing CO2 e-Journal of Reservoir Engineering, PJO Journal
D.S. Schechter Flood Design in Heterogeneous Formation (2005) 1,1
Schechter D. Chakravarthy, V. Muralidharan, E. Reducing Oil Bypassed during CO2 Flooding in e-Journal fo Reservoir Engineering, PJO Journal
Putra, and D.S. Schechter Fracture-Dominated Reservoirs (2005) 1,1
Schechter J. Galaviz and D.S. Schechter Water Injection in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Undergraduate Journal of Science, pp 18-25, Journal
May 2004
Schubert J.J. Schubert, J. Choe, D. Dreher, and Analysis of Gas Kicks in Multi-Lateral Wells IADC/SPE Paper 99028-PP, IADC/SPE Conference
H.C. Juvkam-Wold Utilizing Computer Simulation Drilling Conference held in Miami, Florida,
USA, 21-23 February 2006
Schubert Mehdi Shahri, J.J. Schubert, and Detecting and Modeling Cement Failure in High IPTC Paper 10961, presented at the 2005 Conference
Mahmood Amani Pressure/High Temperature (HTHP) Wells, Using International Petroleum Technology
Finite Element Method (FEM) Conference in Doga, Qatar, 21-23 November,

Schubert Gjorv, B., and Schubert, J.J. Development and Assessment of Well Control Presented at the 2003 AADE National Conference
Procedures for Extended Reach Wells Using Technical Conference, Houston, TX April 1-3,
Computer Simulation 2003
Schubert Oskarsen, R.T., and Schubert, J.J. Development of a Dynamic Kill Simulator for Presented at the AADE National Technical Conference
Drilling in Ultradeep Water Conference

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
Schubert Noynaert, S.J., and Schubert, J.J. Modeling Ultradeep Water Blowouts and Dynamic SPE Paper/IADC 92626 presented at the Conference
Kills and the Resulting Well Control Best SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Amsterdam,
Practices Recommendations The Netherlands, 23-25 February 2005
Schubert Al-Ajmi, S.E., and Scheubert, J.J. Optimum Selection of Underbalanced Techniques SPE Paper/IADC 85322 presented at the Conference
2003 SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling
Technology Conference and Exhibition, Abu
Dubai, UAE, 20-22 October 2003

Schubert Jourine, S., and Schubert, J.J. Wellbore Bridging as a Possible Alternative to Presented as the 2003 AADE National Conference
Blowout Control in Ultra-Deepwater Wells Technical Conference, Houston, TX April 1-3,
Schubert Choe, J., Schubert, J.J., Juvkam-Wold, Kick Detection in Subsea Mudlift Drilling JPT, Volume 56, Number 4, pp 44-46 (April Journal
H.C., and Denny, D. 2004)
Schubert J.J. Schubert, H.C. Juvkam-Wold, and J. Well Control Procedures for Dual Gradient Drilling SPE Paper Number 99029, submitted to Journal
Choe as Compared to Conventional Riser Drilling SPEDC for peer review. Accepted for
publication and with the editor
Schubert Choe, J., Schubert, J.J., Juvkam-Wold, Well-Control Procedures for Dual-Gradient Drilling JPT, pp 46-47, June 2003 Journal
H.C., and Denny, D.
Schubert Knoll, R.G., and Scheubert, J.J. Deep Trek Deep Drilling Training Course Manual used in DOE Training course taught Manual
at the NETL office in Morgantown, PA., 5-7
November 2003
Schubert Choe, J., Schubert, J.J., and Juvkam- Well Control Analysis on Extended Reach and SPE Paper 97465, SPEDC, Volume 20, Journal
Wold, H.C. Multilateral Trajectories Number 2, pp101-108 (June, 2005)
Schubert Choe, J., Schubert, J.J., and Juvkam- Well-Control Procedures for Dual Gradient Drilling SPE Paper 99029, submitted to SPEDC for Journal
Wold, H.C. as Compared to Conventional Riser Drilling peer review
Scott Shippen, M.E. and S.L. Scott A Neural Network Model for Prediction of Liquid SPE paper 77499 presented at the 2002 SPE Conference
Holdup in Two-Phase Horizontal Flow Annual Technical Meeting & Exhibition, San
Antonio (Sept. 29 - Oct. 2, 2002); SPE
Production & Facilities (May 2004)

Scott Scott, S.L. Evolution of Subsea Multiphase Pumping & Wet- presentation given at the Multiphase Pumping Conference
Gas Compression & Technologies Conference, Bahrain (Nov.
15-16, 2005)
Scott Medizadeh, P., B. Ghaempanah and S.L. Impact of Data Quality on Reservoir Analysis and paper accepted for presentation at the SPE Conference
Scott Forecasting ATCE, San Antonio (Sept. 24-27, 2006)
Scott Mehdizadeh, P., B. Ghaempanah and Impact of Well Test Data Quality on Reservoir paper presented at the Penn Well Multiphase Conference
S.L. Scott and Workover Evaluation Pumping & Technologies Conference,
Bahrain (Nov. 15-16, 2005)
Scott Adejuyigbe, B., I. Uvwo, J. Liu, O. Investigation of Three-Phase Flow Measurement paper presented at the BHRG Multiphase '04 Conference
Ejofodomi, S.L. Scott, R. Langsanan and Capabilities of a Coriolis Meter Conference, Banff, Canada (June 3-4, 2004)
R. Dutton

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
Scott Scott, S.L. Multiphase Pumps Reduce Cost and Complexity presentation given at the SPE ATW on Conference
of Oil Sand Operations Technologies for Thermal Heavy Oil and
Bitumen Recovery and Production, Calgary
(March 14-15, 2006)

Scott Scott, S.L. Utilization of Multiphase Pumping Technologies in paper presented at the NEL Advances in Conference
Oil & Gas Production Multiphase Separation & Multiphase Pumping
Technologies Conference, Aberdeen,
Scotland (June 30 - July 1, 2004)

Scott Uvwo, I. and S.L. Scott Variable Inlet Configuration Improves Flexibility of paper presented at the NEL Advances in Conference
Compact Cylindrical Cyclone Separators Muliphase Separation & Multiphase Pumping
Technologies Conference, Aberdeen,
Scotland (Sept. 1-2, 2005)

Scott Scott, S.L. Where Are We In Multiphase Pumping and Wet New Advances in Multiphase Separation & Conference
Gas Compression Multiphase Pumping Technologies
Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland, Sept. 1-2,
Scott Devegowda, D. and S.L. Scott Assessment of Subsea Production Systems SPE Journal of Petroleum Technology, pp 56- Journal
57, Aug. 2004
Scott Ali, A. and S.L. Scott Investigation of New Tool to Unload Liquids from SPE Production & Facilities, pp. 306-316, Journal
Stripper Wet-Gas Wells Nov. 2005
Scott Shippen, M.E. and S.L. Scott Multiphase Pumping as an Alternative to Presented at the PSIG Conference, Portland Conference
Conventional Separation, Pumping, and (Oct. 2002); Offshore Multiphase Production
Compression Operations - II, SPE Reprint No. 58 (2004)
Scott Scott, S.L. Multiphase Pumping Addresses a Wide Range of paper published in the Oil & Gas Journal, pp. Journal
Operating Problem 59-71 (Sept. 29, 2003)
Scott Shippen, M.E. and S.L. Scott(ed.) Offshore Multiphase Production Operations SPE Repring No. 58 (2004) Journal
Scott Ayoub, J.A., A.D. Hill, C.T. Montgomery, Production Operations R&D - Optimizing SPE Journal of Petroleum Technology, 36-39 Journal
and S.L. Scott Performance from the Sandface to the Tanks (July 2004)
Scott Scott, S.L., J. Xu and C. Lenz Subsea Multiphase Pressure Boosting and a New paper accepted for presentation at the SPE Conference
Approach for Speed Control Using a Annual Technology Conference and
Hydrodynamic Variable Speed Drive Exhibition, San Antonio, Sept. 24-27, 2006
Scott/Wattenbarger Qian, Y., Wattenbarger, R.A. and Scott, Aquifer Gas Injection Offers an Alternative for SPE Journal of Petroleum Technology, pp 68- Journal
S.L. Handling Associated Gas Produced from 69, Sept. 2004
Deepwater Fields
Startzman P.D. Rabinowitz, R.A Startzman, and M. Geology, Oil and Geopolitical Concerns of the paper T09.01, International Geological Conference
Yusifov Caspian Sea Region Congress, Florence, Italy, 20-28 August,
Startzman O. Mora, R.A. Startzman, and L. Maximizing Net Present Value in Mature Gas Lift SPE 94664, 2005 Hydrocarbon Economics Conference
Saputelli Fields and Evaluatin Symposium, Dallas, TX 3-5
April, 2005

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
Startzman E.A Jimenez, E.A. Idrobo, J. Ernandez, Optimizing Estimates of Probabilistic Reserves SPE Paper #94886, SPE Hydrofarbon Conference
and R.A. Startzman from Production Trends Using a Bayesian Economics and Evaluation Symposium, 3-5
Approach April, 2005, Dallas, Texas
Startzman M. Alrumah, R.A. Starzman, D.S. Predicting Well Inflow Performance in Solution CIPC Paper No. 2005-106, Canadian Conference
Schechter, and M. Ibrahim Gas Drive Reservoirs by Neural Network International Petroluem Conference, June
Startzman S.M Al-Fattah and R.A. Startzman Stochastic Models Forecast U.S. Natural Gas SPE Production and Operations Symposium, Conference
Exploration Production and Economic Oklahoma City, OK, 23-24 March 2003
Startzman A.S. Imam, R.A. Startzman, and M.A. HUBBERT REVISITED-6:Multicyclic Hubbert Oil and Gas Journal, 16 August, 2004, PP 20- Journal
Barrufet Model Shows Global Gas Output Peaking in 2019 28
Startzman S.M. Al-Fattah and R.A Startzman Neural Network Approach Predicts U.S. Natural SPE Production and Facilities, March 2003 Journal
Gas Production
Valko A. ibragimov, D. Khalmanova, P.P. Valko Analytical Method of Evaluating Productivity Index SPE 89935 presented at the SPE ATCE, 28- Conference
and J. Walton for Constant Production Rate or Constant well 30 September 2004, Houston, TX, USA
bore Pressure
Valko Javier M. Canon, Diego J. Romero, Tai Avoiding Proppant Flowback in Tight-Gas SPE paper 84310 presented at the SPE Conference
T. Pham, P.P. Valko and Fnu Mursal Completions with Improved Fracture Design Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
5-8 October 2003, Denver, Colorado, USA
Valko D. Ilk, P.P. Valko and T.A. Blasingame Deconvolution of variable rate reservoir SPE 95571 presented at the SPE ATCE, 9-12 Conference
performance data using B-splines October 2005
Valko Henry D. Lopez-Hernandez, P.P. Valko, Optimum Fracture Treatment Design Minimizes SPE 90195 presented at the SPE ATCE, 28- Conference
Tai T. Pham the Impact of Non-Darcy Flow Effects 30 September 2004, Houston, TX, USA
Valko X. Ji, P.P. Valko, J.E. Russell Predicting Critical Drawdown for the Onset of SPE paper 86555 to be presented at the Conference
Sand Production International Symposium and Exhibition on
Formation Damage Control, 18-19 February
2004, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA

Valko P.P. Valdo and J. Abate Comparison of Sequence Accelerators for the Computers and Mathematics with Application, Journal
Gaver Method of Numerical Laplace Transform Vol.48, (Iss. 3-40), pp. 629-636, 2004
Valko X. Yi, P.P. Valko, and J. Russell Effect of Rock Strength Criterion on the Predicted Int. J. Geomechanics, Vol. 5, (Iss 1), pp. 66- Journal
Onset of Sand Production 73, 2005
Valko P.P. Valko and J. Abate J. Numerical Inversion of 2-D Laplace transforms Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 53, (Iss. Journal
applied to fractional diffusion equations 1), pp. 73-88, 2005
Valko S. Jourine, P.P. Valko, and A.K. Modeling poroelastic hollow cylinder experiments International Journal for Numerical and Journal
Kronenberg with realistic boundary conditions Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol. 28
(Iss. 12), pp 1189-1205, 2004
Valko J. Abate and P.P. Valko Multi-precision Laplace transform inversion International Journal for Numerical Methods Journal
in Engineering, Vol. 60, (Iss. 5-7), pp 979-
993, 2004

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
Valko P.P. Valko and J. Abate Numerical Inversion of 2-D Laplace transforms Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 53, (Iss. Journal
applied to fractional diffusion equations 1), pp. 73-88, 2005
Valko P.P. Valko and J. Abate Numerical Laplace Inversion in Rheological Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Journal
Characterization Vol. 116, (Iss. 2-3), pp. 395-406, 2004
Valko A. Ibragimov, D. Khalmanova, P.P. On A Mathematical Model of the Productivity SIAM J. Appl. Math, Vol. 65 (Iss 6), Pp 1952- Journal
Valko, and J.R. Walton Index of a Well from Reservoir Engineering 1980, 2005
Valko P.P. Valko Solution of the Graetz-Brinkman problem with the Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 48 (Iss. 9), Journal
Laplace Transform Galerkin Method pp. 1874-1882, 2005
Valko D.J. Romero, P.P. Valko and M.J. The Optimization of the Productivity Index and the SPE Production and Facilities, pp. 57-63, Journal
Economides Fracture Geometry of a Stimulated Well with February 2003
Fracture Face and Choke Skins
Valko/Russell O. Mendoza-Zambrano, P.P. Valko, and Error-In-Variables for Rock Failure Envelope International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Journal
J.E. Russell Mining Sciences, Vol 10, (Iss. 1), pp. 137-
143, January 2003
Wattenbarger Mazar Ibrahim and R.A. Wattenbarger Analysis of Rate Dependence in Transient Linear paper 2005-057 presented at Canadian Conference
Flow in Tight Gas Wells International Petroluem Conference 2005,
Calgary, 7-9 June 2005
Wattenbarger M. Ibrahim, R. Wattenbarger, and M. Determination of OBIP for Tight Gas Wells - New paper 2003, 12 presented at Canadian Conference
Wael Helmy Methods International Petroleum Conference
2003,Calgary, 10-12 June 2003
Wattenbarger M. Ibrahim, R. Wattenbarger, and M. Determination of OGIP for Wells in SPE 84286, Denver, 5-8 October 2003 Conference
Wael Helmy Pseudosteady-State - Old Techniques, New
Wattenbarger Mariela Franquet, R.A. Wattenbarger, Effect of Pressure Dependent Permeability on paper 2004-089, presented at Canadian Conference
and Mazher H. Ibrahim Tight Gas Reservoirs, Transient Radial Flow International Petroleum Conference 2004,
Calgary, 8-10 June 2004
Wattenbarger Rexa Rostami, Mazher Ibrahim, and R.A. Gas Condensate Damage in Hydraulically SPE-93248, presented at the 2005 SPE Asia Conference
Wattenbarger Fractured Wells Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition,
5-7 April 2005, Jakarta Indonesia
Wattenbarger W. Wael Helmy, M. Ibrahim, and R. Gas-Well Production Performance Analysis -Old Presented at CIPM in Veracruz, Mexico, 16- Conference
Wattenbarger Techniques, New Approaches 19 February, 2003
Wattenbarger Carlos Mora and R.A. Wattenbarger Investigation of Dual Porosity Shape Factors paper 2006-139 presented at Canadian Conference
International Petroleum Conference 2006,
Calgary, 13-15 June 2006
Wattenbarger Romi T. Branajaya, R.A. Wattenbarger, Simulation of Bilinear Flow in a Single Matrix Paper 2004-052, presented at Canadian Conference
and Mazher H. Ibrahim Block Internaional Petroleum Conference 2004,
Calgary, 8-10 June 2004
Wattenbarger J.A. Arevalo-Villagran, R.A. Some Scenarios for Long-Term Transient Linear Paper 2003-218 Presented at Canadian Conference
Wattenbarger, F. Garcia-Hernandez, and Flow in Tight Gas Reservoirs - Field Examples International Petroleum Conference 2003,
F. Samaniego-Verduzco Calgary, 10-12 June 2003

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
Wattenbarger J.A. Arevalo-Villagran, Cinco-Ley, R.A. Transient Analysis of Tight Gas Well Performance SPE 84476, Denver, CO, 5-8 October 2003 Conference
Wattenbarger, F. Garcia-Hernandez and - More Case Histories
F. Samaniego-Verduzco
Wattenbarger J.A. Arevalo-Villagran, Heber Cinco-Ley, A Strategic Gas Field Development Case in Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, Journal
R.A. Wattenbarger, et al Sandstones Using Seismic Amplitudes and (March 2006)
Dynamic Characterization
Wattenbarger M.H. El-Ahmady and R.A. Wattenbarger Coarse Scale Simulation in Tight Gas Reservoirs Journal of Canadian Petroluem Technology Journal
(to be published in 2006)
Wattenbarger J.A. Arevalo, R.A. Wattenbarger, and F. Some History Cases of Long-Term Linear Flow in Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology Journal
Samaniego Tight Gas Wells (March 2006)
Wattenbarger Mazher Ibrahim and R.A. Wattenbarger Rate Dependence of Transient Linear Flow in Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology manuscript
Tight Gas Wells (to be published as a Technical Note in 2006) under
Zhu D. Zhu, K. Furui and A.D. Hill A Comprehensive Model of Horizontal Well SPE 84401, Presented at SPE Annual Conference
Completion Performance Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver,
CO 5-8 October 2003
Zhu D. Zhu, K. Yoshioka, P. Dawkrajai, A.D. A Comprehensive Model of Temperature SPE paper 95656 will be presented at the Conference
Hill and L.W. Lake Behavior in a Horizontal Well 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition held in Dallas, TX, 9-12 October

Zhu D. Zhu, K. Furui and A.D. Hill A New Skin Factor Model for Gravel-Packed SPE 90433, presented at the SPE Annual Conference
Completions Technical Conference and Exhibition held in
Houston, TX, 26-29 September 2004
Zhu D. Zhu, T. Xie, C. Li, M. Pournik, A.D. Hill An Experimental and Modeling Investigation of SPE paper 94566 will be presented at the Conference
and C. DeVine Acid-Created Channels in Sandstone SPE 6th European Formation Damage
Conference hled in Scheveningen,
Zhu D. Zhu, S. Rodoplu, A.D. Hill and H. Development and Validation of a Sandstone SPE 84132, Will be presend at SPE Annual Conference
Zhou Acidizing Model With a New Permeability Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver,
Response Model CO 5-8 October 2003
Zhu D. Zhu, K. Potluri, and A.D. Hill Effect of Natural Fractures on Hydraulic Fracture SPE paper 95484 will be presented at the Conference
Propagation SPE 6th European Formation Damage
Conference held in Schevenigen, Netherland,
25-27 May 2005

Zhu D. Zhu and E. Ejofodomi Evaluate Bottomhole Pressure for Foamed Acid SPE paper 98163 will be presented at the Conference
Stimulation 2006 SPE International Symposium and
Exhibition on Formation Damage Control to
be held 15-17 February 2006, in Lafayette,

Professor Name Author Title Publication/ Conference Type
Zhu D. Zhu and R. Kamkom Evaluation of Two-Phase IPR Correlations for SPE 93968, presented at the 2005 SPE Conference
Horizontal Wells Production Operations Symposium, 17-20
April 2005, Oklahoma City, OK
Zhu D. Zhu, S. Shukla, and A.D. Hill Gas Assisted Acidizing of Carbonate Formations APE 82273, presented at the European Conference
Formation Damage Conference, 13-14 May
Zhu D. Zhu, K. Yoshioka, A.D. Hill and L.W. Interpretation of Temperature and Pressure SPE paper 94907 paper, presented at the Conference
Lake Profiles Measured in Multilateral Wells Equipped 14th Europec Biennial Conference hled in
with Intelligent Completions Madrid, Spain, 13-16 June 2005
Zhu D. Zhu, E.R. Davis and B.R. Buck Optimization of Horizontal Well Completion SPE 90579, presented at the SPE Annual Conference
Design Technical Conference and Exhibition held in
Houston, TX, 26-29 September 2004
Zhu D. Zhu, A. Romero, and A.D. Hill Temperature Behavior in Multilateral Wells: SPE paper 94982 will be presented at the Conference
Application to Intelligent Wells 2005 SPE Latin American and Caribbean
Petroluem Engineering Conference held in
Rio do Janeiro, Brazil, 20-23 June 2005

Zhu D. Zhu, K. Furui and A.D. Hill The Effect of Natural Fractures on Hydraulic- SPE 94100, will ber presented at the 2005 Conference
Fracture Propagation SPE Production Operations Symposium, 17-
20 April 2005, Oklahoma City, OK
Zhu D. Zhu and R. Kamkom Two phase Correlation for Multilateral Well SPE paper 95652, will be presented at tehe Conference
Deliverability 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
Exhibition held in Dallas, TX, 9-12 October

Zhu D. Zhu and A.D. Hill Overview of Multilateral Well Performance Oil & Gas Journal paper Presented at Journal
Prediction Russian Petroleum Technology Forum and
Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russian Conference
Federation, 9-11 March 2005

Appendix C –PETE Graduate Courses Taught Since 2001

PETE Graduate Courses - History 2001-present
Semester to
Class Title Fall Spring Summer be offered Primary
2005, 2003,
602 Well Stimulation 2004 2002, 2001 2001 Valko
Advanced Reservoir 2002, 2003, 2002,
603 Engineering I 2001 2001 Maggard
Advanced Reservoir 2003,
604 Engineering II 2004 2002, 2001 Wattenbarger
Phase Behavior of 2004,
Petroleum Reservoir 2003,
605 Fluids 2002, 2001 Spring Barrufet
606 EOR Methods-Thermal 2001 2004 Mamora
608 Well Logging Methods 2002 2003, 2001 Spring Jensen
Enhanced Oil Recovery
609 Processes 2001 2006 2003 every 2 yrs Barrufet
Numerical Stimulation
of Heat and Fluid Flow
610 in Porous Media not taught
Unconventional Oil and
612 Gas Reservoirs new Fall 2006 Ayers
Application of 2003,
Petroleum Reservoir 2002, McVay,
611 Simulation 2001 2005, 2001 2006 Schechter
Natural Gas 2004,
613 Engineering 2002, 2001 Spring Lee
Engineering Near-
616 Critical Reservoirs 2002 2005 Barrufet
Petroleum Reservoir 2005, 2003,
617 Management 2002, 2001 Summer Lee
Modern Petroleum 2002,
618 Production 2001 2006 Scott
Naturally Fractured
619 Reservoirs new Fall 2006 Schechter
Fluid Flow in Petroleum 2002,
620 Reservoirs 2001 2002, 2001 Fall Blasingame
621 Petroleum 2005, Fall Startzman

Semester to
Class Title Fall Spring Summer be offered Primary
Development Strategy 2004,
Exploration and 2003,
622 Production Evaluation 2002, 2001 2006 Spring Startzman
623 Waterflooding 2004 2003, 2002 Mamora
Rock Mechanic Aspects 2004,
of Petroleum Reservoir 2003,
624 Response 2002, 2001 Russell
2002, Fall every 2
625 Well Control 2001 yrs Schubert
626 Offshore Drilling 2003, 2001 Spring Juvkam-Wold
628 Horizontal Drilling 2004, 2002 Spring Juvkam-Wold
Advanced Hydraulic 2005,
629 Fracturing 2004, 2002 Spring Valko
630 Geostatistics 2001 2003 every 2 yrs Datta-Gupta
Petroleum Reservoir 2002,
631 Description 2001 2003 Lee
Physical and 2003,
Engineering Properties 2002,
632 of Rock 2001 2005 every 2 yrs Russell
Data Integration for 2006,
633 Petroleum Reservoirs 2002 2005, 2004 Spring Datta-Gupta
Petroleum Reservoir
Modeling and Data 2005,
634 Analysis 2003 Fall Jensen
Pressure Transient 2005, 2005,
648 Testing 2001 2003, 2002 2004, 2006 Economides
661 Drilling Engineering 2001 2006 Juvkam-Wold
662 Production Engineering 2005 2005, 2004 Hill
Formation Evaluation
and the Analysis of
663 Reservoir Performance 2004 2006 2005 Blasingame
Petroleum Project
Evaluation and 2005,
664 Management 2004 2004 2004 Startzman
Petroleum Reservoir 2005,
665 Engineering 2004 2006 Fall Blasingame

Semester to
Class Title Fall Spring Summer be offered Primary
Conservation Theory
and Applications in
666 Petroleum Engineering
2005, 2006,
2004, 2005,
2003, 2004,
2002, 2003,
681 Seminar 2001 2002, 2001 Spring/Fall Seminar
2004, 2006,
2003, 2005, 2006 2004, Directed
685 Directed Studies 2002 2004, 2003 2004, 2003 Every Studies
2003, 2006,
2002, 2005, Special
689 Special Topics in 2001 2003, 2002 2002, 2001 Spring/Fall Topics
2004, 2005,
2003, 2004, 2005, 2004,
2002, 2003, 2003, 2002,
691 Research 2001 2002, 2001 2001
2004, 2005,
2003, 2004, 2005, 2004,
2002, 2003, 2003, 2002,
692 Professional Study 2001 2002, 2001 2001

PETE 689 –Special Topics in
Title Semester Offered Instructor
Horizontal, Multilateral and Intelligent Wells 2006, 2005 Zhu
Reserves and Evaluation 2006, 2005 Lee
Well Stimulation-Matrix Acidizing 2006, 2005 Hill
2005, 2004, 2003,
Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoirs 2002 Ayers
Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: Characterization and 2005, 2003, 2002,
Engineering 2001 Schechter
Streamline Simulation 2004 Datta-Gupta
Formation Evaluation and the Analysis of Reservoir
Performance 2003, 2002, 2002 Ayers/Jensen
Petroleum Reservoir Engineering 2003 Barrufet
Under-Balanced Drilling 2003 Schubert
Integrated Reservoir Description and Development 2003 McVay/Schechter
Conservation Theory and Application in Petroleum
Engineering 2003 Valko
Introduction to Well Drilling Fundamentals 2003 Juvkam-Wold
Drilling Engineering 2002, 2002, 2001 Wold
Geoscience Applications for Petroleum Engineering 2002 Ayers
Petroleum Reservoir Modelling and Data Analysis 2002 Jensen
Flow with Mathematica 2001 Valko
Transport Phenomena 2001 Archer

Appendix D –Graduate Courses Offered and Syllabi

602. Well Stimulation. (3-0). Credit 3. Design and analysis of well stimulation methods,
including acidizing and hydraulic fracturing; causes and solutions to low well productivity.
Prerequisite: Approval of graduate advisor.

603. Advanced Reservoir Engineering I. (3-0). Credit 3. Petroleum reservoir simulation basics
including solution techniques for explicit problems. Prerequisite: Approval of graduate advisor.

604. Advanced Reservoir Engineering II. (3-0). Credit 3. Advanced petroleum reservoir
simulation with generalized methods of solution for implicit problems. Prerequisites: PETE
603; approval of graduate advisor.

605. Phase Behavior of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids. (3-0). Credit 3. Pressure, volume,
temperature, composition relationships of petroleum reservoir fluids. Prerequisite: Approval of
graduate advisor.

606. EOR Methods-Thermal. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals of enhanced oil recovery (EOR)
methods and applications of thermal recovery methods. Prerequisites: PETE 323; approval of
graduate advisor.

608. Well Logging Methods. (3-0). Credit 3. Well logging methods for determining nature and
fluid content of formations penetrated by drilling. Development of computer models for log
analysis. Prerequisite: Approval of graduate advisor.

609. Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes. (3-0). Credit 3. Fundamentals and theory of enhanced
oil recovery; polymer flooding, surfactant flooding, miscible gas flooding and steam flooding;
application of fractional flow theory; strategies and displacement performance calculations.
Prerequisites: PETE 323; approval of graduate advisor.

610. Numerical Simulation of Heat and Fluid Flow in Porous Media. (3-0). Credit 3.
Various schemes available for the numerical simulation of heat and fluid flow in porous media.
Application to hot water and steam flooding of heavy oil reservoirs and to various geothermal
problems. Prerequisites: PETE 604; approval of instructor or graduate advisor.

611. Application of Petroleum Reservoir Simulation. (3-0). Credit 3. Use of simulators to

solve reservoir engineering problems too complex for classical analytical techniques.
Prerequisites: PETE 400 and 401; approval of graduate advisor.

613. Natural Gas Engineering. (3-0). Credit 3. Flow of natural gas in reservoirs and in well
bores and gathering systems; deliverability testing; production fore-casting and decline curves;
flow measurement and compressor sizing. Prerequisites: PETE 323 and 324; approval of
graduate advisor.

616. Engineering Near-Critical Reservoirs. (3-0). Credit 3. Identification of reservoir fluid

type; calculation of original gas in place, original oil in place, re-serves and future performance
of retrograde gas and volatile oil reservoirs. Prerequisite: PETE 323, 400, 401; approval of
graduate advisor.

617. Petroleum Reservoir Management. (3-0). Credit 3. The principles of reservoir
management and application to specific reservoirs based on case studies presented in the
petroleum literature. Prerequisites: Approval of graduate advisor.

618. Modern Petroleum Production. (3-0). Credit 3. An advanced treatment of modern

petroleum production engineering encompassing well deliverability from vertical, horizontal and
multilateral/multibranch wells; diagnosis of well performance includes elements of well testing
and production logging; in this course the function of the production engineer is envisioned in
the context of well design, stimulation and artificial lift. Prerequisite: Approval of graduate

620. Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs. (3-0). Credit 3. Analysis of fluid flow in bounded
and unbounded reservoirs, wellbore storage, phase redistribution, finite and in-finite conductivity
fractures; dual-porosity systems. Prerequisites: PETE 323; approval of graduate advisor.

621. Petroleum Development Strategy. (2-3). Credit 3. Applications of the variables, models
and decision criteria used in modern petroleum development. The case approach will be used to
study major projects such as offshore development and assisted recovery. Both commercial and
student-prepared computer software will be used during the lab sessions to practice methods.
Prerequisites: PETE 403; approval of graduate advisor.

622. Exploration and Production Evaluation. (2-3). Credit 3. Selected topics in oil industry
economic evaluation including offshore bidding, project ranking and selection, capital budgeting,
long-term oil and gas field development projects and incremental analysis for assisted recovery
and acceleration. Prerequisites: PETE 403; approval of graduate advisor.

623. Waterflooding. (3-0). Credit 3. Design, surveillance and project management of water
floods in reservoirs. Prerequisites: PETE 323; approval of graduate advisor.

624. Rock Mechanic Aspects of Petroleum Reservoir Response. (3-0). Credit 3. Reservoir
rocks and their physical behavior; porous media and fracture flow models; influence of rock
deformability, stress, fluid pressure and temperature. Prerequisites: PETE 604; approval of
graduate advisor.

625. Well Control. (3-0). Credit 3. Theory of pressure control in drilling operations and during
well kicks; abnormal pressure detection and fracture gradient determination; casing setting depth
selection and advanced casing design; theory supplemented on well control simulators.
Prerequisites: PETE 411; approval of graduate advisor.

626. Offshore Drilling. (3-0). Credit 3. Offshore drilling from fixed and floating drilling
structures; directional drilling including horizontal drilling; theory of deviation monitoring and
control. Prerequisites: PETE 411; approval of graduate advisor.

628. Horizontal Drilling. (3-0). Credit 3. Changing a wellbore from vertical to horizontal; long-
and short-radius horizontal wells; bottom hole assemblies for achieving and maintaining control

of inclination and direction; drilling fluids; torque and drag calculations; trans-port of drilled
solids. Prerequisites: PETE 411; approval of graduate advisor.

629. Advanced Hydraulic Fracturing. (3-0). Credit 3. Physical principles and engineering
methods involved in hydraulic fracturing; an advanced treatise integrating the necessary
fundamentals from elasticity theory, fracture mechanics and fluid mechanics to understand
designs, optimization and evaluate hydraulic fracturing treatments including special topics such
as high permeability fractur-ing and deviated well fracturing. Prerequisite: Approval of
graduate advisor.

630. Geostatistics. (3-0). Credit 3. Introductory and advanced concepts in geostatistics for
petroleum reservoir characterization by integrating static (cores/logs/seismic traces) and dynamic
(flow/transport) data; variograms and spatial correlations; regionalized variables; intrinsic
random functions; kriging/cokriging; conditional simulation; non-Gaussian approaches.
Prerequisites: Introductory course in statistics or PETE 322; approval of graduate advisor.

631. Petroleum Reservoir Description. (3-0). Credit 3. Engineering and geological evaluation
techniques to define the extent and internal character of a petroleum reservoir; estimate
depositional environment(s) during the formation of the sedimentary section and resulting effects
on reservoir character. Prerequisites: PETE 324 and 620; approval of graduate advisor.

632. Physical and Engineering Properties of Rock. (3-3). Credits 4. Physical and engineering
properties of rock and rock masses including strength, deformation, fluid flow, thermal and
electrical properties as a function of the subsurface temperature, in-situ stress, pore fluid
pressure, and chemical environment; relationship of rock properties to logging, sitting and design
of wells and structures in rock. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor of graduate advisor.

633. Data Integration for Petroleum Reservoirs. (3-0). Credit 3. Introduction and application
of techniques that can be used to incorporate dynamic reservoir behavior into stochastic reservoir
characterizations; dynamic data in the form of pressure transient tests, tracer tests, multiphase
production histories or interpreted 4-D seismic information. Prerequisites: PETE 620 and STAT
601; approval of instructor or graduate advisor.

634. Petroleum Reservoir Modeling and Data Analysis. (3-0). Credit 3. Introduction methods
for modeling and integration of reservoir data required to apply these methods; emphasizes the
integration of geological information into these models.

648. Pressure Transient Testing. (3-0). Credit 3. Diffusivity equation and solutions for slightly
compressible liquids; dimensionless variables; type curves; applications of solutions to buildup,
drawdown, multi-rate, interference, pulse and deliverability tests; extensions to multiphase flow;
analysis of hydraulically fractured wells. Prerequisites: PETE 324 and 620; approval of
graduate advisor.

661. Drilling Engineering. (3-0). Credit 3. Introduction to drilling systems: wellbore hydraulics;
identification and solution of drilling problems; well cementing; drilling of directional and

horizontal wells; wellbore surveying abnormal pore pressure, fracture gradients, well control;
offshore drilling, underbalanced drilling.

662. Production Engineering. (3-0). Credit 3. Development of fundamental skills for the design
and evaluation of well completions, monitoring and management of the producing well, selection
and design of article lift methods, modeling and design of surface facilities.

663. Formation Evaluation and the Analysis of Reservoir Performance. (3-0). Credit 3.
Current methodologies used in geological description/analysis, formation evaluation (the
analysis/interpretation of well log data), and the analysis of well performance data (the
design/analysis/interpretation of well test and production data); specifically, the assessment of
field performance data and the optimization of hydrocarbon recovery by
analysis/interpretation/integration of geologic, well log, and well performance data. Prerequisite:
Approval of instructor or graduate classification.

664. Petroleum Project Evaluation and Management. (3-0). Credit 3. Introduction to oil
industry economics, including reserves estimation and classification, building and using reservoir
models, developing and using reservoir management processes, managing new and mature fields,
and investment ranking and selections.

665. Petroleum Reservoir Engineering. (3-0). Credit 3. Reservoir description techniques using
petrophysical and fluid properties; engineering methods to determine fluids in place, identify
production-drive mechanisms, and forecast reservoir performance; implementation of pressure-
maintenance schemes and secondary recovery. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor or graduate

666. Conservation Theory and Applications in Petroleum Engineering. (3-0). Credit 3.

Includes formulation, modeling, and interpretation of drilling fluid systems, production systems,
tracer testing, hydraulic fracturing, EOR/water flooding, polymer flooding, compositional
simulation, thermal recovery, and coal-bed methane production; Mathematics as the
symbolic/numeric computing platform.

681. Seminar. Credit 1 each semester. Study and presentation of papers on recent developments
in petroleum technology. Prerequisite: Approval of graduate advisor.

685. Directed Studies. Credit 1 to 12 each semester. Offered to enable students to undertake
and complete limited investigations not within their thesis research and not covered in
established curricula. Prerequisites: Graduate classification; approval of instructor or graduate

689. Special Topics in. Credit 1 to 4. Special topics in an identified area of petroleum
engineering. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Approval of instructor or graduate

691. Research. Credit 1 or more each semester. Advanced work on some special problem
within field of petroleum engineering. Thesis course. Prerequisite: Approval of committee or
graduate advisor.

692. Professional Study. Credit 1 to 12. Approved professional study or project. May be taken
more than once but not to exceed 6 hours of credit towards a degree. Prerequisite: Approval of
graduate advisor.

Petroleum Engineering 602
Well Stimulation
Fall 2005

Instructor: Dr. Stephen A. Holditch

Office: RICH 507
Phone: 845-2255
Office Hrs: Everyday –Check with Kathy Beladi
Web site:
Class Location: RICH 302

Lectures: Monday and Wednesday 4:35 –5:50 pm

 Gidley, J. L. et al.: Recent Advances in Hydraulic Fracturing, SPE Monograph No 12
 Economides, Hill and Economides: Petroleum Production Systems

Final Examination: December 12 –Monday, 3:30 –5:30 pm

Grading Policy:
Term paper 30 %
Class project 30 %
Homework 0%
Final Examination 40 %

1. I will be providing class notes in pdf format for each class period using WebCT.
2. We will be using SPE Monograph 12 as the main text book. Reading the chapters in this book prior to class
will be helpful to understanding the course notes.
3. You can also benefit from reading Petroleum Production Systems.
4. We will be using FracCADE from Schlumberger. I will provide you with the program.
5. We will be programming using Microsoft Excel
6. The final exam will be held on December 12, a Monday from 1530 –1730 hours. It will be an open book exam.
7. Each student will need to write a term paper. I will provide a list of topics after I find out more about the
students who have enrolled in the class.
8. I want every student to design a fracture treatment on a real well during the class as a class project.
9. Homework problems will be handed out periodically. You must do the homework but it will not be counted as
part of your grade. Your grade will be derived from your term paper, your class design project and your final


* Class may go to 7:00 pm to make up for no class days

Date Time Topic Reading

Aug 29 No class
Aug 31 4:35 –5:50 Introduction and Tight M12 –Ch 1
Sept 5 4:35 –5:50 Geologic Considerations M12 –Ch 2
Sept 7 4:35 –5:50 Formation Evaluation M12 –Ch 2, Papers
Sept 12 4:35 –5:50 Fracture Mechanics * M12 –Ch 3, 16
Sept 14 No class
Sept 19 4:35 –5:50 Developing Data Sets* Papers
Sept 21 No class
Sept 26 4:35 –5:50 Developing Data Sets Papers
Sept 28 4:35 –5:50 In situ Stress Testing* M12 –Ch 3, Papers
Oct 3 No class
Oct 5 4:35 –5:50 Fracture Modeling* M12 –Ch 4
Oct 10 No class
Oct 12 No class
Oct 17 4:35 –5:50 Fracture Modeling M12 –Ch 4
Oct 19 4:35 –5:50 Fracture Modeling M12 –Ch 5
Oct 24 4:35 –5:50 Fracture Fluids* M12 –Ch 7, 8
Oct 26 4:35 –5:50 Fluid Additives M12 –Ch 9
Oct 31 4:35 –5:50 Propping Agents M12 –Ch 6, 10
Nov 2 4:35 –5:50 Treatment Design M12 –Ch 11
Nov 7 4:35 –5:50 Treatment Design M12 –Papers
Nov 9 4:35 –5:50 Treatment Optimization M12 –Ch 17
Nov 14 4:35 –5:50 Treatment Execution M12 –Ch 13
Nov 16 4:35 –5:50 Quality Control Papers
Nov 21 4:35 –5:50 New Technology Papers
Nov 23 No class
Nov 28 4:35 –5:50 Post-Fracture Analyses M12 –Ch 14
Nov 30 4:35 –5:50 Post-Fracture Analyses M12 –Ch 15
Dec 12 3:30 –5:30 Estimating Reserves Final Exam

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement:

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive
civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students
with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their
disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Department of
Student Life, Services for Students with Disabilities in Room B118 of Cain Hall, or call 845-1637..

Aggie Honor Code: (

"An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do."

Definitions of Academic Misconduct:

1. CHEATING: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids or
other devices or materials in any academic exercise.
2. FABRICATION: Making up data or results, and recording or reporting them; submitting fabricated documents.
3. FALSIFICATION: Manipulating research materials, equipment or processes, or changing or omitting data or
results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.
4. MULTIPLE SUBMISSION: Submitting substantial portions of the same work (including oral reports) for credit
more than once without authorization from the instructor of the class for which the student submits the work.
5. PLAGIARISM: The appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving
appropriate credit.
6. COMPLICITY: Intentionally or knowingly helping, or attempting to help, another to commit an act of
academic dishonesty.
computer access or gain unauthorized access to information in any academic exercise. See Student Rule 22:
8. VIOLATION OF DEPARTMENTAL OR COLLEGE RULES: Students may not violate any announced
departmental or college rule relating to academic matters.
9. UNIVERSITY RULES ON RESEARCH: Students involved in conducting research and/or scholarly activities
at Texas A&M University must also adhere to standards set forth in University Rule 15.99.03.M1 - Responsible
Conduct in Research and Scholarship. For additional information please see:

Plagiarism Statement:
The materials used in this course are copyrighted. These materials include but are not limited to syllabi, quizzes,
exams, lab problems, in-class materials, review sheets, and additional problem sets. Because these materials are
copyrighted, you do not have the right to copy the handouts, unless permission is expressly granted.

As commonly defined, plagiarism consists of passing off as one's own the ideas, words, writings, etc., which belong
to another. In accordance with this definition, you are committing plagiarism if you copy the work of another
person and turn it in as your own, even is you should have the permission of that person. Plagiarism is one of the
worst academic sins, for the plagiarist destroys the trust among colleagues without which research cannot be safely

If you have any questions regarding plagiarism, please consult the latest issue of the Texas A&M University Student
Rules,, under the section "Scholastic Dishonesty."

Petroleum Engineering 603 — Basic Reservoir Simulation
Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2005

Instructor: Dr. Robert Wattenbarger Office: RICH 619
Lecture: MWF 8:00-9:00 a.m. RICH 302 (see schedule)
Office Hours: tba (or by appointment)
Phone: (979) 845-0173

1. PETE 603 notes, chapters 1-8 [on web page]
2. Chapter 11 of SPE Gas Reservoir Engineering by Lee & Wattenbarger [on web page]
3. SPE Monograph 13, Reservoir Simulation

Reference Materials:
1. Course materials for this semester (including old exams, etc) are located at:
2. Plus other handouts in class.

Basis for Grade:

Homework, including special project ..........................................25%
Exams A & B...............................................................................40%
Ex a mC……………. . ..................................................................25%
Class Participation/attitude/Pop Quizzes .....................................10%
total = 100%

Grade Cutoffs: (Percentages)

A: < 90 B: 89.99 to 80 C: 79.99 to 70 D: 69.99 to 60 F: < 59.99

Policies and Procedures:

1. Students are expected to attend class every session.
2. Students are expected to take notes
3. Policy on Grading
a. It shall be the general policy for this course that homework, quizzes, and exams shall be graded on the
basis of answers only — partial credit, if given, is given solely at the discretion of the instructor.
b. All work requiring calculations shall be properly and completely documented for credit.
c. All grading shall be done by the instructor, or under his direction and supervision, and the decision of
the instructor is final.
4. Policy on Regrading
a. Only in very rare cases will exams be considered for regrading; e.g., when the total number of points
deducted is not consistent with the assigned grade. Partial credit (if any) is not subject to appeal.
b. Work which, while possibly correct, but cannot be followed, will be considered incorrect — and will
not be considered for a grade change.
c. Grades assigned to homework problems will not be considered for regrading.
d. If regrading is necessary, the student is to submit a letter to the instructor explaining the situation that
requires consideration for regrading, the material to be regraded must be attached to this letter. The
letter and attached material must be received within one week from the date returned by the instructor.
5. The grade for a late assignment is zero. Homework will be considered late if it is not turned in at the start
of class on the due date. If a student comes to class after homework has been turned in and after class has
begun, the student's homework will be considered late and given a grade of zero. Late or not, all
assignments must be turned in. A course grade of Incomplete will be given if any assignment is missing,
and this grade will be changed only after all required work has been submitted.
6. Each student should review the University Regulations concerning attendance, grades, and scholastic
dishonesty. In particular, anyone caught cheating on an examination or collaborating on an assignment

where collaboration is not specifically allowed will be removed from the class roster and given an F
(failure grade) in the course.

Course Description
This course includes basic equations, derivations and underlying priciples used in developing reservoir
simulators. The chapters in the class notes will be followed.

Prerequisites by Topic
 Differential and integral calculus
 Ordinary and partial differential equations
 Fluid dynamics and heat transfer
 Reservoir fluid properties
 Reservoir petrophysics

Outline of course lectures –2005

(M-W 8:00-9: 15pl us“labsessi

Week Date Day Topic Reading

1 Aug. 29 M Vector Notation, Darcy's law Ch. 1
W Continuity, diffusivity equations

2 Sept. 5 M Derivations, B.V. problems

W B.V. problems
F Lab on Excel V.B.
3 Sept. 12 M B.V. Probs/ Ch. 2, Taylor's series Ch. 2
W Explicit, implicit methods
Tri-diag. mat. w/ bound. cond.

4 Sept. 19 M Stability analysis

Ch. 3, F.D.E. for 1-D, 1-phase, discrete derivation
W F.D.E. for ideal gas, real gas

5 Sept. 26 M Radial coordinates

W Boundaries and data tricks
6 Oct. 3 M IMPES Ch. 4

7 Oct. 10 M X SPE Fall Meeting

W X SPE Fall Meeting

8 Oct. 17 M calc. Ct w/ and wo/ re-dissolving

W Dual Porosity homework, Gassim

9 Oct. 24 M Well Equations Ch. 5

F Well Controls

App. A, Azziz &

10 Oct. 31 M Matrix Review Setari
W Gaussian Elimination / D-4 Ch. 6

Week Date Day Topic Reading

11 Nov. 7 M Gauss Seidel, PSOR, residuals


13 Nov. 14 M LSOR Demo, VBA on GASSIM

W Types of errors Ch. 7

14 Nov. 21 M Sensitivity Analysis, Types of errors

W No class
Nov. 24 Th Thanksgiving
15 Nov. 28 M grid orientation, Odeh's benchmark
W Other SPE test cases
Dec. 2 F EXAM C

Dec. 12 M

Petroleum Engineering 604 — Advanced Reservoir Simulation
Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Spring 2006

Instructor: Dr. Robert Wattenbarger Office: RICH 619
Lecture: MWF 8:00-9:00 a.m. RICH 302 (see schedule)
Office Hours: tba (or by appointment)
Phone: (979) 845-0173

1. PETE 604 notes, chapters 1-6 [on web page]
2. Chapter 11 of SPE Gas Reservoir Engineering by Lee & Wattenbarger [on web page]
3. SPE Monograph 13, Reservoir Simulation

Reference Materials:
1. Course materials for this semester (including old exams, etc) are located at:
2. Plus other handouts in class.

Basis for Grade:

Homework, including special project ..........................................25%
Exams A & B...............................................................................40%
Ex a mC……………. . ..................................................................25%
Class Participation/attitude/Pop Quizzes .....................................10%
total = 100%

Grade Cutoffs: (Percentages)

A: < 90 B: 89.99 to 80 C: 79.99 to 70 D: 69.99 to 60 F: < 59.99

Policies and Procedures:

1. Students are expected to attend class every session.
2. Students are expected to take notes
3. Policy on Grading
a. It shall be the general policy for this course that homework, quizzes, and exams shall be graded on the
basis of answers only — partial credit, if given, is given solely at the discretion of the instructor.
b. All work requiring calculations shall be properly and completely documented for credit.
c. All grading shall be done by the instructor, or under his direction and supervision, and the decision of
the instructor is final.
4. Policy on Regrading
a. Only in very rare cases will exams be considered for regrading; e.g., when the total number of points
deducted is not consistent with the assigned grade. Partial credit (if any) is not subject to appeal.
b. Work which, while possibly correct, but cannot be followed, will be considered incorrect — and will
not be considered for a grade change.
c. Grades assigned to homework problems will not be considered for regrading.
d. If regrading is necessary, the student is to submit a letter to the instructor explaining the situation that
requires consideration for regrading, the material to be regraded must be attached to this letter. The
letter and attached material must be received within one week from the date returned by the instructor.
5. The grade for a late assignment is zero. Homework will be considered late if it is not turned in at the start
of class on the due date. If a student comes to class after homework has been turned in and after class has
begun, the student's homework will be considered late and given a grade of zero. Late or not, all
assignments must be turned in. A course grade of Incomplete will be given if any assignment is missing,
and this grade will be changed only after all required work has been submitted.
6. Each student should review the University Regulations concerning attendance, grades, and scholastic
dishonesty. In particular, anyone caught cheating on an examination or collaborating on an assignment

where collaboration is not specifically allowed will be removed from the class roster and given an F
(failure grade) in the course.

Course Description
This course includes basic equations, derivations and underlying priciples used in developing reservoir
simulators. The chapters in the class notes will be followed.

Prerequisites by Topic
 Differential and integral calculus
 Ordinary and partial differential equations
 Fluid dynamics and heat transfer
 Reservoir fluid properties
 Reservoir petrophysics

Outline of course lectures - Spring, 2006

Week Date Day Topic
1 Jan. 16
M M.L.K. day
W Ch. 1 3 phase kr
F " 3 phase kr
2 Jan. 23 M Ch. 2 IMPES Equation
W IMPES iteration
F notation
3 Jan. 30 M Short-cut
W Simultaneous solutions
F Simultaneous solutions
4 Feb. 6 M IMPES equivalent
W Ch. 3 CFL number
F Implicit kr equations
5 Feb. 13 M A = T, T', D, Pc', Q'
W calc. A
F calc. A
6 Feb. 20 M Debugging OneD03
W Debugging OneD04
F Band matrix conversion
7 Feb. 27 M GBAND2, re-entry
W Root finding, Jacobian
F Numerical Jacobian
8 Mar. 6 M SPE1, SPE2 discussion
W Exam 1
9 20 M Ch. 4 Sequential method
W Sequential method
10 27 M SPE1, SPE2 discussion
W Ch. 5 Ch 5 - pp. 1-2 basics
F construct orthogonal vectors
11 Apr. 3 M X DVG Golf Tournament
W search methods

Week Date Day Topic
12 Apr. 10 M Orthomin
W Orthomin, Watts
13 Apr. 17 M Incomplete GE, Preconditioners
W C-D equation
F X Reading Day
14 Apr. 24 M von Rosenburg
W selected topics
F selected topics
15 May 1 M selected topics
T Last day of classes

PETE 605
Phase Behavior of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids
Spring 2004

Instructor: Dr. Maria A. Barrufet

Phone: 5-0314
407 B Richardson - Office Hours: TBA

Course Outline
Module 1: Phase Behavior Fundamentals. Review of Relevant Thermodynamics
Estimated duration = 2 weeks
Concepts and Definitions.
Volumetric and phase behavior of pure substances.
Phase Diagrams.
Volumetric and phase behavior of binary systems. Phase diagrams (P-V, P-T, P-x, y-x). Phase Equilibria
Ternary Diagrams.
Multicomponent systems. Classification of reservoir fluids based on phase diagrams, PVT and production data.

Module 2: Oil and Gas Properties from Correlations –Conventional PVT Measurements in the Petroleum
Estimated duration = 2 weeks
Review and definition of oil and gas properties used in reservoir engineering.
Standard PVT tests, Differential Liberation, Constant Composition Expansion, Constant Volume Depletion (CVD),
Swelling Tests, Minimum Miscibility Pressure (MMP), Separator Tests.
Determination of Compositions.
Viscosity Correlations. Evaluation of Oil Viscosity Using Corresponding States models and Black Oil Models.
Introduction to the use of PVTSim Software.

Module 3: Generalized Phase Equilibria Models. Low Pressure Phase Equilibrium. Petroleum Engineering
Applications in Separation Processes.
Estimated duration = 3 weeks
The Principle of Corresponding States. Correlations and Models.
Extension of Corresponding States to Mixtures.
Thermodynamic Properties of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Systems.
Phase Equilibrium: Vapor-Liquid-Equilibrium (VLE), Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium (LLE), Solid-Liquid-Equilibrium
Phase Equilibrium Models: Single Components. Reduced Equations of State (EOS.)
Phase Equilibrium Models: Multicomponent Systems.
Mixing Rules. Types of VLE Computations: Dew Point and Bubble Point Calculations. Multiphase Flash.
Low Pressure Phase Equilibria Computations (Surface Separators).
Ideal Systems.
K-value correlations. Empirical methods to determine equilibrium ratios (K-values)

Module 4: High Pressure Phase Equilibrium. Petroleum Engineering Applications in Compositional

Reservoir Simulation
Estimated duration = 3 weeks
High Pressure Phase Equilibria Applications (Reservoir)
Equations of State Models (EOS). Cubic EOS. Root Selection.
Evaluation of Fugacity Coefficients from Equations of State. (Soave Redlich-Kwong, Peng and Robinson).
Generalization to any EOS.
Evaluation of Phase Boundaries (Dew and Bubble Points) and Flash Equilibrium with EOS. Tuning of Equations of
State (EOS).

Module 5: Phase Behavior in Systems Containing Water. Low Temperature (Gas Hydrates) and High
Temperature (Steam Flooding Applications)
Estimated duration = 2 weeks
Gas Hydrates Chemistry and Properties. Evaluation of Gas Hydrate Formation Pressure and Temperature. Hydrate
Inhibition Procedures.
Formulation of Three-Phase Flash Problems (V-L1-L2). V=vapor, L1= hydrocarbon rich liquid phase and L2=
aqueous liquid phase. Evaluation of Phase Equilibria when: (1) Solubility of Hydrocarbons in L2 and Water in L1
is Ignored, (2) Solubility of Water in L1 is considered, solubility of hydrocarbons in L2 is ignored, (3) All Mutual
Solubilities are Considered.

Module 6 Heavy Oil Fractions: Hydrocarbon Characterization Procedures –Wax Formation and Inhibition
Estimated duration = 2 weeks
Fluid Characterization of the Hydrocarbon Plus Fraction ( C7+ ). True Boiling Point Tests (TBP), Viscosity, and
Specific Gravity.
Estimation Methods for Critical Properties. Characterization Factors.
Splitting and Lumping Schemes of Petroleum Fractions.
Modeling of Wax Deposition in Pipelines.
Computation of Viscosity of Oil-Wax Suspensions.
Wax Inhibitors.

Main References
Lecture Notes from Maria Barrufet (MAB)
The Properties of Petroleum Fluids –William McCain Jr. Pennwell (1990) –(WM)
Properties of Oils and Natural Gases –Pedersen et al. (PFT)
Phase Behavior SPE Monograph 20 –Curtis Whitson and Michael Brule –(CW)
Hydrocarbon Phase Behavior –Tarek Ahmed –Gulf Publishing Co. (1989). (TA)
Selected Papers from the SPE and other Journals. (SPE/J)
Selected Internet sites to be announced. (I)

Notes from the Instructor

About reference materials
You do not need to purchase any of these reference materials, although it would be wise to have WM and CW on
hand. Class notes and handouts will be available from the internet or from a public directory in “pe”t
Selected portions of reference books will be available for reproduction.
SPE papers can be retrieved from the Image Library online –instructions included in file SPE library.doc
Other papers, from other Journals, can be found in the library. The number of these will be limited.

Grading Policy
10% Homework and Discussions from a HW bank.
30% Exam 1 –In class
30% Exam 2 –Take Home
30% Final Project Using PVTSim

PETE 606
EOR Methods –Thermal Processes in Petroleum Engineering
Fall 2005

Instructor: Dr. Daulat D. Mamora

Associate Professor
Harold Vance Dept. of Petroleum Engineering
Texas A&M University
Tel. 845 2962
Office: R709; Ramey Lab (R508)

(1) PETE 606 class-notes
(2) t
Pras,M.:“ Th erma
lRe c
(3) SPE papers, etc

Grade basis
Homework 30%
Mid-term exam 35%
Final exam 35%

Computer programming
Most of the homework assignments/exams will involve computer programming that may be done using Microsoft
VBA, or Fortran, etc. In practically all cases, results would be shown in graphical form using computer graphics

There will be class homework and a project that require the use of a thermal simulator (e.g. CMG STARS). Tutorial
material will be provided to enable you to run the simulator.

Office hours
Please do not hesitate to visit with me if you have any questions or need advice on the course work. Office hours
are 2:00 –4:00 p.m., Wednesdays and Fridays. However, you can see me any other time if I am available.


1. Introduction
1.1 Thermal Processes in petroleum engineering
 Hot water injection
 Steam injection
 In-situ combustion
2. Heat transport in concentric systems
2.1 Modes of heat transport
2.2 Heat conduction in concentric systems
2.3 Heat transport in injection and production wells
3. Steam injection
3.1 Process description
3.2 “ Screeningg uide

3.3 Thermal properties of steam and rocks
3.4 Steamflood models
 Marx-Langenheim
 Jones
 Gomma
 Numerical simulation –Shutler and Coats
3.5 Cyclic steam injection model
 Boberg-Lantz
3.6Project evaluation
 Project design
 Economic evaluation
 Field case study
4. In-situ combustion
4.1 Process description
 Dry forward combustion, wet combustion, reverse combustion
4.2 Kinetics of in-situ combustion
4.3 In-situ combustion models
 Nelson
 Crookston et al.
 Ramey
4.4 Project evaluation
 Project design
 Economic evaluation
 Field case study

PETE 608
Spring, 2006 Syllabus

Instructor information
Dr. Jerry L. Jensen Rm 407E, Richardson Bldg
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-3116
Tel. (979) 845 2206 Fax (979) 845 1307

Log Interpretation Principles/Applications, Schlumberger, 1989 (LIPA)
Log Interpretation Charts, Schlumberger, 1997/8

Other resources
this is the Oilfield Review site for articles in PDF.

Course overview
It is assumed each student has experience of conventional open-hole well log evaluation, interpreting logs
for lithology, porosity, and water saturation, in clean formations. After a brief review, four topics will be
studied: shaly sands, electromagnetic measurements, nuclear measurements, and logging in deviated wells.
A report will form an important part of the course, allowing students to investigate topics not covered by
the course lectures (e.g., overpressure detection using logs, evaluation of thinly-bedded formations, and
evaluation of unconventional reservoirs using well logs). Documentation includes Schlumberger chart and
interpretation books, course notes, and articles from the wider literature, including Oilfield Review (OFR)
and Petrophysics (PET).

Exams (2) 40%
Report 30%
Presentation 20%
Homework 10%

Course Breakdown
Module Lesson # Subject Readings
1 Introduction: objectives, measurement types Chaps 1-2 LIPA

1 2 Introduction: logging costs

Introduction: review of basic tools and Chaps 3, 5, and 7 LIPA
4 Shaly sands: clay types and characterization Chap 8 LIPA
2 5 Shaly sands: effects on formation properties AAPG Course Notes Series #31;
6 Shaly sands: interpretation models Log Analyst 1985, p. 23 ff
7 Logging in highly-deviated wells: problems Petroleum Well Construction, Ch. 4

3 8 Wireline equipment and procedures OFRAu

Logging in highly-deviated wells: LWD Petroleum Well Construction, Ch. 4
equipment and procedures
Electromagnetic measurements: Chap 8 LIPA
electromagnetic properties of rocks

4 Electromagnetic measurements: low-frequency OFR July '92, p. 22ff; OFR Spring '97, p.
methods 40ff
Electromagnetic measurements: high-frequency Chap 9 LIPA
Nuclear measurements: neutron-based OFRJ
Nuclear measurements: magnetic resonance OFR Autumn '95, p. 19ff; OFR Summer
tools '97, p. 34ff; OFR Autumn 2000
6 Report presentations

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive
civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students
with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their
disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Department of
Student Life, Services for Students with Disabilities in Room B118 of Cain Hall, or call 845-1637.

“Agg i
esdon otli
e,c heat,orste al
,n ordot heyt
ethosewh odo. ”I nstancesofs cholasticdish onestywi llbe
treated in accordance with Section 20 of the TAMU Student Rules. Please inform yourself on the student rules
regarding cheating, plagiarism, fabrication of information, conspiracy at the new website:

The materials used in this course are copyrighted. These materials include but are not limited to syllabi, quizzes,
exams, lab problems, in-class materials, review sheets, and additional problem sets. Because these materials are
copyrighted, you do not have the right to copy the handouts, unless permission is expressly granted.

Asc ommon lyde fined,pl agiarismc onsistsofpa ssingof fasone’sownt hei deas,wor ds
,wr iti
ng s,etc.
,which belong
to another. In accordance with this definition, you are committing plagiarism if you copy the work of another
person and turn it in as your own, even is you should have the permission of that person. Plagiarism is one of the
worst academic sins, for the plagiarist destroys the trust among colleagues without which research cannot be safely
communicated. If you have any questions regarding plagiarism, please consult the latest issue of the Texas A&M
University Student Rules, http://student-rules.
tamu .edu ,u nde
rthes ection“Sc holast
icDi shon est

PETE 609

Miscible, Chemical, and Thermal

Dr. Maria A. Barrufet
Petroleum Engineering Department
Texas A&M University
Contact Information: 979.845.0314
Office: Rooms 407B Richardson Building
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday after class or by appointment

Course Description:
Fundamentals and theory of enhanced oil recovery; polymer flooding, surfactant flooding, miscible gas flooding and
steam flooding; application of fractional flow theory; strategies and displacement performance calculations.
Prerequisites: PETE 323.


Class Schedule (Face to Face):

Tuesday and Thursday 2:20 PM –3:35 AM
Richardson 302

Your final grade in PETE 609 is based on your individual performance and your participation as a team member. All
students are expected to participate in class. Your participation is important to the success of the course as much of
the learning will occur in collaboration with your classmates. The homework assignments and threaded discussions
are ways you can demonstrate you have mastered lesson objectives, and will help prepare you for the exam. All
assignments should be completed on schedule. The following is the grading policy


Assessment Percentage
Paper Reviews 15%
Participation & Homework 15%
Mid-Term Examination –In class TBA 35%
Final Project –Written Report @ Oral Presentation 35%
Total 100%


It should take no more than one page to summarize a typical paper. Some papers may require more; use your own
judgment. Learn to be concise and to state briefly the essential ideas communicated.

USUAL ORGANIZATION OF A REVIEW (adapted from Dr. John Lee)

 Authors, title. Use the SPE standard reference style. (You can find it in the SPE Guide to Publications,
which is on the web at
 Problem. Briefly, describe the problem the authors are trying to solve.
 Solution. Describe the solution the authors propose. Did they propose a specific method to recover
additional oil, do they discuss data required, limitations, do they analyze performance? What is it?
 Va lu e.De scr ibet hev alueoft h eau thors’sol utiont othepe troleumi ndus try.
 Conclusions. Describe the conclusions the authors reached as a result of their analysis
 Approach. Describe what the authors did to validate their proposed solution.
 Limitations. List the limitations of the work. Is it applicable to only a certain type of reservoir or field?

 Application. How would you apply the knowledge provided in this paper?
 Critique. What questions did the authors leave unanswered? What could the authors have done to make the
paper better?


 To learn how to learn from papers (harder than textbooks, but more important in the long run)
 To learn how to identify the really important ideas in papers
 To learn how to summarize ideas concisely
 To learn how engineers with vastly different points of view think and how they approach problems and
their solutions


Students on campus:
 Go to
 Search for SPE.
 Click the link to SPE.
 Look for your ID and Password in the lower part of the page.
 Follow the instructions for logging into the SPE library. If/when the password changes, the change will be
pos t
e dont h elibr
ary ’sSPEl ink .
Distance-learning students:
 Log into My Portal on the Web site using your NetIDs (the same ID and password you use
for WebCT).
 Any student can use My Portal to access the TAMU library---and the SPE library---from anywhere.
 In My Portal, you can set up My Journals so you do not have to search for SPE every time. All you have to
do is click the book icon next to the link; this works for all the resources in the library. Once you link to
SPE, it works the same as on campus.

Academic Integrity Syllabus Statement

“AnAg g
iedoe snotl i
e,c heat
,ors tealortol

All syllabi shall contain a section that states the Aggie Honor Code and refers the student to the Honor Council
Rules and Procedures on the web

It is further recommended that instructors print the following on assignments and examinations:


Signature of Student

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy Statement

The following ADA Policy Statement (part of the Policy on Individual Disabling Conditions) was submitted to the
UCC by the Department of Student Life. The policy statement was forwarded to the Faculty Senate for information.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal antidiscrimination statue that provides comprehensive civil
rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with
disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If
you believe that you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Department of Student Life,
Services for Students with Disabilities in Room 126 of the Koldus Building, or call 845-1637.

Course Contents General
Module 1: General EOR - Reservoir Engineering
Course Overview
Definition of Reserves
Environmental and Economics Aspects of EOR Methods
Displacement Fundamentals
Reservoir Engineering Concepts for EOR
Introduction to Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods (EOR)
Factors Affecting Oil Recovery
Comparative Performance of Different EOR Methods
Screening Criteria and Technical Constraints
Definitions: Mobility Ratios, Sweeping Efficiencies, Recovery Efficiencies, Trapped Oil Saturation
Phase Behavior and Fluid Properties
Suggested Reading [1]
key for references and reading assignments in detailed syllabus with downloadable material

Module: 2 Miscible Processes

General Overview of Solvent Methods
Phase Behavior Fundamentals from: Pressure/Temperature and Pressure/Composition Diagrams
Quantitative Representation of Phase Equilibria Processes: Gas Injection and Production
Ternary Diagrams to Represent Gas Injection Processes: Miscible and Immiscible Processes
Mechanisms of Oil Displacement. Diffusion and Dispersion
Hydrocarbon Miscible Displacement
First Contact Miscible Processes
The Condensing-Gas Process
The Vaporizing-Gas Process
Minimum Miscibility Pressure (MMP)
Carbon Dioxide Flooding
Dissipation in Miscible Displacements
Instability Phenomena (viscous fingering)
Simulation Models as Reservoir Management Tools.

Module 3: Chemical and Polymer Flooding

Fractional Flow Theory
Dissipation in Immiscible Displacements
Applications of Fractional Flow in Oil Recovery Calculations
Homogeneous Reservoirs: Buckley-Leverett. One-dimensional displacement
Layered Reservoirs: Styles, Dykstra-Parsons and Johnson Methods.
Improved Waterflooding Processes: Polymer Flooding
Rheology of Polymer Solutions
Polymer Adsorption and Retention
Micellar-Polymer or Microemulsion Flooding
Properties of Surfactants and Cosurfactants
Surfactant-Brine-Oil Phase Behavior
Performance Evaluation
Determination of Residual Oil Saturation-Tracers
Laboratory Tests for Chemical Floods

Module 4: Thermal Processes
Steam Injection Processes
Cyclic and Continuous Steam Injection
Thermal Properties of Fluids and Solids
Steam Properties: Flow Rate and Quality Measurements.
Temperature Effect on Reservoir and Fluid Properties
Viscosity Reduction
Thermal Expansion
Oil Characterization for Thermal Reservoir Simulation
Evaluation of Heat Losses
Prediction of Steam Flood Performance
Cyclic Steam Performance: Marx-Langenheim model.
Stea mfloodPe rfor
ma nce:Goma a’sMe thod.Corr

Proposed Course Syllabus (Use 15 weeks as a standard semester)
Course Number/Name: PETE 610 — Numerical Simulation of Heat and Fluid Flow in Porous Media
Hours: Theory 3 Practice -0- Total 3 Credits 3
Prerequisites: Graduate Classification; PETE 604; approval of instructor
Curricula requiring this course: [ ] None, it will be elective. (This is a "core curriculum" course in PETE)
1. M.S. PETE 3. Ph.D. PETE 5.
2. M.Eng. PETE 4. D.Eng. PETE 6.
Description of Course (Concise statement of purpose or design.): (50 words or less)
Various schemes available for the numerical simulation of heat and fluid flow in porous media.
Application of hot water and steam flooding of heavy oil reservoirs and to various geothermal problems.

Course Instructor/Supervisor:
Dr. Robert Wattenbarger Office: Rm. 619 Richardson Building
Tel. (979) 845-0173 e-mail:
ABET Classification: Science: Design: Math: Other:
Laboratory Requirements: Yes: No: x
Equipment Required: None

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy Statement

The following ADA Policy Statement (part of the Policy on Individual Disabling Conditions) was submitted
to the UCC by the Department of Student Life. The policy Statement was forwarded to the Faculty Senate
for information.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal antidiscrimination statute that provides comprehensive civil
rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with
disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities.
If you believe that you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Department of Student Life,
Services for Students with Disabilities in Room 126 of the Koldus Building, or call 845-1637.

Coursework Copyright Statement: (Texas A&M University Policy Statement)

Suggested for Inclusion in Your First Day Handout or Syllabus

The handouts used in this course are copyrighted. By "handouts," this means all materials generat-ed for this class,
which include but are not limited to syllabi, quizzes, exams, lab problems, in-class materials, review sheets, and
additional problem sets. Because these materials are copyrighted, you do not have the right to copy them, unless
you are expressly granted permission.

Asc ommon lyde fi

smc onsis t
sofpa ssi
n goffason e’sownt h eidea s,words,wr iti
ngs,etc.,thatbelongt o
another. In accordance with this definition, you are committing plagiarism if you copy the work of another person
and turn it in as your own, even if you should have the permission of that person. Plagiarism is one of the worst
academic sins, for the plagiarist destroys the trust among colleagues without which research cannot be safely

If you have any questions about plagiarism and/or copying, please consult the latest issue of the Texas A&M
University Student Rules, under the section "Scholastic Dishonesty."

Petroleum Engineering 611 — Applied Reservoir Simulation
Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Spring 2005

Instructor: Dr. Robert Wattenbarger Office: RICH 619
Lecture: MWF 8:00-9:00 a.m. RICH 302 (see schedule)
Office Hours: tba (or by appointment)
Phone: (979) 845-0173

1. PETE 611 notes, chapters 1-6 [on web page]
2. Chapter 11 of SPE Gas Reservoir Engineering by Lee & Wattenbarger [on web page]
3. SPE Monograph 13, Reservoir Simulation

Reference Materials:
1. Course materials for this semester (including old exams, etc) are located at:
2. Plus other handouts in class.

Basis for Grade:

Homework, including special project............................................... 25%
Exams A & B ................................................................................... 40%
Ex amC……………. . ....................................................................... 25%
Class Participation/attitude/Pop Quizzes.......................................... 10%
total = 100%

Grade Cutoffs: (Percentages)

A: < 90 B: 89.99 to 80 C: 79.99 to 70 D: 69.99 to 60 F: < 59.99

Policies and Procedures:

1. Students are expected to attend class every session.
2. Students are expected to take notes
3. Policy on Grading
a. It shall be the general policy for this course that homework, quizzes, and exams shall be graded on the basis
of answers only — partial credit, if given, is given solely at the discretion of the instructor.
b. All work requiring calculations shall be properly and completely documented for credit.
c. All grading shall be done by the instructor, or under his direction and supervision, and the decision of the
instructor is final.
4. Policy on Regrading
a. Only in very rare cases will exams be considered for regrading; e.g., when the total number of points
deducted is not consistent with the assigned grade. Partial credit (if any) is not subject to appeal.
b. Work which, while possibly correct, but cannot be followed, will be considered incorrect — and will not be
considered for a grade change.
c. Grades assigned to homework problems will not be considered for regrading.
d. If regrading is necessary, the student is to submit a letter to the instructor explaining the situation that
requires consideration for regrading, the material to be regraded must be attached to this letter. The letter
and attached material must be received within one week from the date returned by the instructor.
5. The grade for a late assignment is zero. Homework will be considered late if it is not turned in at the start of
class on the due date. If a student comes to class after homework has been turned in and after class has begun,
the student's homework will be considered late and given a grade of zero. Late or not, all assignments must be
turned in. A course grade of Incomplete will be given if any assignment is missing, and this grade will be
changed only after all required work has been submitted.
6. Each student should review the University Regulations concerning attendance, grades, and scholastic
dishonesty. In particular, anyone caught cheating on an examination or collaborating on an assignment where
collaboration is not specifically allowed will be removed from the class roster and given an F (failure grade) in
the course.

Course Description
This course includes basic equations, derivations and underlying priciples used in developing reservoir simulators.
The chapters in the class notes will be followed.

Prerequisites by Topic
 Differential and integral calculus.
 Ordinary and partial differential equations.
 Fluid dynamics and heat transfer.
 Reservoir fluid properties.
 Reservoir petrophysics.

PETE 611 - Outline of course lectures

Week Date (Mon) Day Topic
1 Jan. 17 W INTRO Three-phase kr (604 notes, Ch. 1)
F Ch. 1 Pseudo kr - segregated
2 Jan. 24 M Ch. 1 Pseudo kr - Hearn
W Ch. 1 Coats, et al, Jacks, et alkr - Dynamic procedure
3 Jan. 31 M Ch. 1 kr - Kyte & Berry
W Ch. 1 kr - Kyte & Berry, VE
F Lab Eclipse usage, Dr. Maggard
4 Feb. 7 M Ch. 1 Pseudo kr project instructions
W Ch. 1a Equilibration, J(Sw), Quiescent
5 Feb.14 M Ch. 1 HW#2 presentations
W Ch. 1a Equilibration, J(Sw), Quiescent
6 Feb. 21 M Ch. 2 Repressuring
Ch. 4 Coning, critical rate
W Coning, SPE2
7 Feb. 28 M Coning - SPE2, Addington
W Yang's paper
8 Mar. 7 M Coning - Addington
W Coning - Urbanczyk
Horizontal wells
Eclipse horizontal wells, (or walk)
SPRING BREAK - March 14-18
9 Mar. 21 M Ch 5 Compositional
W Horizontal well homework
10 Mar. 28 M Compositional
W Compositional
F Maggard - EOS, PVT matching
11 Apr. 4 M X golf
W PVT matching w/ Eclipse (Maggard)
12 Apr. 11 M X golf
W PVT matching w/ Eclipse (Maggard)
13 Apr. 18 M Volatile oil problem - sep. optimization
W Depletion runs
14 Apr. 25 M Ch. 3 History matching
W HW#7 presentations
15 May 2 M
Final project, 2 paper reviews

Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoirs
Petroleum Engineering 612
Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2005

Class Meetings: T, R; 8:00 –9:15 a.m., RICH 302

Walter B. Ayers , PhD
(979) 458-0721
Office Hours: M: 3:00-4:00 p.m.; Th.: 3:00-4:00 p.m.; other hours by appt.

Guest Lecturers may be invited to present specific topics

Aswede ple tec onv ent i

onaloilandgasr eserve s,“unc onv entional ”energy resources are increasingly important
to US and international energy supplies. For example, in 1999, coal beds, shales, and low-permeability (tight)
sandstones, combined, accounted for approximately 23% of the U.S. natural gas supply, and U.S. coalbed
methane production exceeded 1.25 trillion cubic ft (6.6% of the total U.S. gas production). Internationally, there
are tremendous heavy oil resources in Eastern Venezuela, Western Canada, and other areas, and we are just
beginning to exploit these resources. Many unconventional reservoirs have low matrix permeability and natural
fractures may contribute to economic production. Therefore, optimal development of many unconventional
reservoirs requires knowledge of the optimal completions and stimulation methods for low-permeability
reservoirs, as well as understanding of the role of natural fractures in fluid flow. Finally, the increased
dependence on natural gas for generation of electricity in the U.S. necessitates increased storage capacity near
consumers to meet peak demands. Thus, understanding of the geologic and engineering aspects of gas storage
reservoirs is vital for optimum resource management. The objectives of this course are to familiarize students
with the unique aspects of unconventional gas and oil reservoirs, including their (1) economic significance
(2) geologic occurrences, (3) controls on production, (4) drilling and completion practices, (5) reservoir
management, and (6) present activity.

Text and Materials: There is no assigned textbook. Materials will come from a variety of reports, published texts,
and papers. Some reference materials and reading assignments will be handed out, placed on a website, or referred
to by location.

Selected References:
 “ Ge ologicAn al
ys isofNa t
urallyFracturedRe servoirs,”2nd ed., Gulf Publishing Company,
Boston, 2001.
 “ AGu idet oCoa l
bedMe thaneOpe r
a t
ions,”Ga sRe se archInst it
ute,GRI ,Ch i
ca go,1992.
 “ Hy droc arbonsfr omCoa l,
”Ame ricanAs soc iat
ionofPe trol
eumGe ologistsSt udiesinGeology
#38, Tulsa, 1993.
 “ Ge ologyofTi ghtGa sRe servoir
s,”Ame ricanAs sociationofPe tr
ol eum
Geologists Studies in Geology #24, Tulsa, 1986.
 “ Ga sHy drateRe sourc esoftheUn itedSt ates,”U. S.Ge ologicalSu rvey,De nver.
 “ Un derg roundSt orag eofFlu ids,
”Ul ric
kBook s,Inc., Ann Arbor

Basis for Grades:

Presentation20 percent
Report ................................................................................................................. 20 percent
Homework, Quizzes, Critiques, and Other Assignments............................................ 25 percent
Midterm Examination (October 27; in class).............................................................. 15 percent
Final Examination (December 12, 1:00-3:00 p.m.) .................................................... 15 percent
Participation............................................................................................................... 5 percent
Total = 100 percent

Grade Cutoffs: (Percentages)
A: < 90 B: 89.99 to 80 C: 79.99 to 70 D: 69.99 to 60 F: < 59.99

Student Papers and Presentations (SUBJECT TO REVISION)

Students will write one paper, make a presentation, and lead a class discussion on a topic covered in this course.
Topics must be submitted for approval by 23 September, and preliminary outlines are due 7 October. Presentations
will be PowerPoint format. Following the presentation, the presenters will lead a discussion of the presentation topic
for the rest of that class period. Students will submit an electronic (or CD) and a paper copy of their slides before
their presentation begins. We will schedule presentations to be given during class periods, beginning the week of
24 October (?). Papers will be written in SPE or AAPG style and will be at least 15 pages of double-spaced text, in
addition to figures. Students will submit written papers in hard copy and CD (scanned or PowerPoint figures) no
later than one week after the presentation. All student presentation and papers will be posted and available to all
class students.

During the semester, students may be asked to write one-page critical reviews of published articles pertinent to the
class material.

Policies and Procedures

1. Students are expected to attend every class.
2. All work shall be done in a professional manner; work shall be as complete as possible.
3. Policy on Grading
a. Homework and exams will be graded on the basis of answers only — partial credit, if given, is given
solely at the discretion of the instructor.
b. All work requiring calculations shall be properly and completely documented for credit.
c. All grading shall be done by the instructor, or under his direction and supervision, and the decision of
the instructor is final.
4. Policy on Regrading
a. Only in very rare cases will work be considered for regrading; e.g., when the total number of points
deducted is not consistent with the assigned grade. Partial credit (if any) is not subject to appeal.
b. Work that, while correct, cannot be followed, will be considered incorrect and will not be considered
for a grade change.
5. The grade for a late assignment is zero. Homework will be considered late if it is not turned in at the start
of class on the due date. Late or not, all assignments must be turned in. A course grade of Incomplete will
be given if any assignment is missing, and this grade will be changed only after all required work has been
6. Each student should review the University Regulations concerning attendance, grades, and scholastic
dishonesty. Anyone caught cheating on an examination or collaborating on an assignment where
collaboration is not specifically allowed will be removed from the class roster and given an F (failure
grade) in the course.

Course Description
Introduction to Unconventional Energy Resources
 What are unconventional resources?
 Where do they occur?
 Economic significance of each
 Technical, economic, political, and environmental constraints on development
Petroleum Systems
 Systematic approaches to resource assessment
 Hydrocarbon origin
 Hydrocarbon migration
 Hydrocarbon entrapment
Natural Fractures
 Importance in unconventional reservoirs
 Origin, occurrence, and predictability
 Effects on porosity and permeability
o Permeability anisotropy
o Coning
o Breakthrough
o Boundaries
 Roles in exploration
 Roles in reservoir management - primary and enhanced recovery
Low-permeability (Tight) Sands
 Occurrences, resources, reservoir characteristics
 Drilling and completion methods
 Facilities, reservoir management, limitations on development, present activity
Shale Reservoirs (Gas and Oil)
 Occurrences, resources, reservoir characteristics
 Drilling and completion methods
 Facilities, reservoir management, limitations on development, present activity
 Water and environmental issues
Coalbed Gas
 Occurrences, resources, reservoir characteristics
 Drilling and completion methods
 Facilities, reservoir management, limitations on development, present activity
 Water and environmental issues
Heavy Oil
 Occurrences, resources, reservoir characteristics
 Drilling and completion methods
 Facilities, reservoir management, limitations on development, present activity
 Environmental issues
 Occurrences, resources, reservoir characteristics
 Recovery methods
 Limitations on development, present activity
 Environmental issues
Gas Storage
 Types and locations of gas storage reservoirs
 Technical issues and terminology
 Gas storage volumes and economics

Other Unconventional Energy Resources and Issues That May be Addressed
 Geothermal Energy
 Coal –Conversion to Gas
o Coal-to-gas
o In-situ gasification

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy Statement

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive
civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students
with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their
disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Department of
Student Life, Services for Students with Disabilities in Room B118 of Cain Hall, or call 845-1637.

Coursework Copyright Statement (Texas A&M University Policy Statement)

The handouts used in this course are copyrighted. By "handouts," this means all materials generated for this class,
which include but are not limited to syllabi, quizzes, exams, lab problems, in-class materials, review sheets, and
additional problem sets. Because these materials are copyrighted, you do not have the right to copy them, unless
you are expressly granted permission.

Asc ommon l
yde fi
s mc on sistsofpa ssingof fa
son e’sownt heide as
,wor ds,wr iting, etc., that belong to
another. In accordance with this definition, you are committing plagiarism if you copy the work of another person
and turn it in as your own, even if you should have the permission of that person. Plagiarism is one of the worst
academic sins, for the plagiarist destroys the trust among colleagues without which research cannot be safely

If you have any questions about plagiarism and/or copying, please consult the latest issue of the Texas A&M
University Student Rules, under the section "Scholastic Dishonesty.

“Aggi eHonorCode ”
AnAgg iedoe sn otl ie
,c h eat,ors t
e alortolera
tet hosewh odo. ”Upona c
ce pti
nga dmi ss
iont oTe xasA&M
University, a student immediately assumes a commitment to uphold the Honor Code, to accept responsibility for
learning and to follow the philosophy and rules of the Honor System. Students will be required to state their
commitment on examinations, research papers, and other academic work. Ignorance of the rules does not exclude
any member of the Texas A&M University community from the requirements or the processes of the Honor System.
For additional information please visit: On all submitted course work, assignments, and
ex aminationsi nt h i
sc lass,re cog ni
ona ndacceptanceoft hef ol
lowi ngHon orPl edgei si mplic
iti nt hest
u de nt’
signature on the class materials: “Onmyhonor ,asanAggi e,Ihavene ithe rgive nnorr eceivedunaut hori
ze dai d
ont hisac ade mi cwor k.”

Petroleum Engineering 613 — Natural Gas Engineering
Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Spring 2005


Instructor: Dr. Tom Blasingame (Section 501)

Office: RICH 815
Lecture: MWF 13:50-14:40 a.m. RICH 302
Office Hours: by appointment — or if my office is open, I am available.
Phone: (979) 845-2292

Texts: (Available at MSC Bookstore, can also be ordered directly from SPE (probably at reduced rates), you must
be an SPE member — SPE (800) 456-6863)
1. Lee, W.J. and Wattenbarger, R.A.: Gas Reservoir Engineering, SPE (1996).

Reference Materials:
1. Course materials for this semester are located at:
2. An extensive compilation of reference notes, old text materials, etc. are located at:
Note: The most materials are in given in .pdf files and some of these files are quite large — you should not
open these files on the server, but rather, you should DOWNLOAD the .pdf to your local computer.
3. Journal articles (to be made available in electronic formats)
4. Other text materials:
a. Katz, D. L., Cornell, R., Kobayashi, R., Poettmann, F. H., Vary, J. A., Elenblass, J. R., & Weinaug, C. G.:
Handbook of Natural Gas Engineering (McGraw–Hill, New York) (1959). ....................... (electronic format)
b. Rawlins, E. L. and M. A. Schellhardt, Backpressure Data on Natural Gas Wells and Their Application To
Production Practices, Monograph 7, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Washington, D C, (1936). ..... (electronic format)
c. Energy Resources and Conservation Board, 1975, Theory and Practice of the Testing of Gas Wells, third
edition, Pub. ERCB-75-34, ERCB, Calgary, Alberta. .......................................................... (electronic format)

Basis for Grade:

Homework/Projects ........................................................................................................................... 90%
Class Participation ........................................................................................................................... 10%
total = 100%

Grade Cutoffs: (Percentages)

A: < 90 B: 89.99 to 80 C: 79.99 to 70 D: 69.99 to 60 F: < 59.99

Policies and Procedures:

1. Students are expected to attend class every session.
2. Policy on Grading
a. It shall be the general policy for this course that homework, quizzes, and exams shall be graded on the
basis of answers only — partial credit, if given, is given solely at the discretion of the instructor.
b. All work requiring calculations shall be properly and completely documented for credit.
c. All grading shall be done by the instructor, or under his direction and supervision, and the decision of
the instructor is final.
3. Policy on Regrading
a. Only in very rare cases will exams be considered for regrading; e.g., when the total number of points
deducted is not consistent with the assigned grade. Partial credit (if any) is not subject to appeal.
b. Work which, while possibly correct, but cannot be followed, will be considered incorrect — and will
not be considered for a grade change.
c. Grades assigned to homework problems will not be considered for regrading.

d. If regrading is necessary, the student is to submit a letter to the instructor explaining the situation that
requires consideration for regrading, the material to be regraded must be attached to this letter. The
letter and attached material must be received within one week from the date returned by the instructor.
4. The grade for a late assignment is zero. Homework will be considered late if it is not turned in at the start
of class on the due date. If a student comes to class after homework has been turned in and after class has
begun, the student's homework will be considered late and given a grade of zero. Late or not, all
assignments must be turned in. A course grade of Incomplete will be given if any assignment is missing,
and this grade will be changed only after all required work has been submitted.
5. Each student should review the University Regulations concerning attendance, grades, and scholastic
dishonesty. In particular, anyone caught cheating on an examination or collaborating on an assignment
where collaboration is not specifically allowed will be removed from the class roster and given an F
(failure grade) in the course.

Course Description

Graduate Catalog: Flow of natural gas in reservoirs and in wellbores and gathering systems; deliverability
testing; production forecasting and decline curves; flow measurement and compressor sizing.

Translation: From the reservoir through the sales line—we will try to study every aspect of natural gas
systems. PVT properties, flow in porous media, flow in pipes and thermodynamic properties will be
studied. We will use the Lee and Wattenbarger and the ERCB texts as guides — as well as numerous
technical papers that go into much more depth of detail for a particular problem. We will focus on well
testing, deliverability analysis, and decline curve analysis, as well as wellbore flow phenomena.

Prerequisites by Topic: Differential and integral calculus, Ordinary and partial differential equations,
Thermodynamics, Fluid dynamics and heat transfer, Reservoir fluid properties, and Reservoir

Course Objectives

The student should be able to:

 Estimate oil, gas, and water properties pertinent for well test or production data analysis using
industry accepted correlations and laboratory data.
 Sketch pressure versus time trends and pressure versus distance trends for a reservoir system exhi-
biting transient, pseudosteady-state, and steady-state flow behavior.
 Derive the steady-state and pseudosteady-state relations for gas flow (including rigorous and semi-
analytical relations for boundary-dominated flow behavior). In addition, the student must be able to
derive, in complete detail, the pressure, pressure-squared, and pseudopressure forms of the diffusivity
equation for a real gas.
 Derive the material balance equations for a volumetric dry gas reservoir, an "abnormally-pressured"
gas reservoir, and a water-drive gas reservoir. The student should also be familiar with the
generalized (i.e., compositional form) of the material balance equation for a gas condensate reservoir.
 Derive and apply the conventional relations used to calculate the static and flowing bottomhole
pressures for the case of a dry gas. The student should also be familiar with proposed techniques for
wet gases.
 Derive/present models for wellbore storage and phase redistribution (gas systems).
 Derive the "skin factor" variable from the steady-state flow equation and be able to describe the
conditions of damage and stimulation using this skin factor. The student should also be familiar with
models for "variable" skin effects due to non-Darcy flow, well cleanup, and gas condensate banking
(radial composite model).
 Analyze and interpret flow-after-flow (4-point) and isochronal flow tests.
 Derive the analysis and interpretation methodologies (i.e., "conventional" plots and type curve analy-
sis) for pressure drawdown and pressure buildup tests (liquid or gas reservoir systems). Also, be able
to apply dimensionless solutions ("type curves") and field variable solutions ("specialized plots") for
the analysis and interpretation of well test data.

 Design and implement a well test sequence, as well as a long-term production/injection surveillance
program. This includes the design of single and multipoint deliverability tests.
 Analyze production data (rate-time or pressure-rate-time data) to obtain reservoir volume and esti-
mates of reservoir properties for gas and liquid reservoir systems. The student should be able to use
"decline curves," "decline type curves," and other techniques of analysis for production data.
 The student should be familiar with the reservoir engineering tools used to analyze/interpret the
performance of the following gas reservoir types:
— Gas condensate reservoir systems
— Low permeability/unconventional reservoirs
— Low pressure gas reservoirs

Course Description, Prerequisites by Topic, and Course Objectives

Date Topic Reading
Module 1 Introductory Concepts
January 17 M University Holiday
19 W Course Introduction/Review of Syllabus (Syllabus — Spring 2005)
21 F Introduction: historical perspectives, types of tests, etc. ERCB Ch. 1, Katz Ch 1-2,9

24 M Reservoir performance behavior (introduction) ERCB Ch. 2, LW Ch. 5

26 W Properties of reservoir fluids ERCB App. A, LW Ch. 1, Katz Ch 3-5,12, Hnd
28 F Properties of reservoir fluids ERCB App. A, LW Ch. 1, Katz Ch 3-5,12, Hnd

Module 2 Gas Material Balance and Boundary Dominated Flow Behavior

31 M Fundamentals of fluid flow in porous media (general)ERCB Ch. 2, LW Ch. 5, Katz Ch 2, Hnd
February 02 W Fundamentals of fluid flow in porous media (gas)
ERCB Ch. 2, LW Ch. 5, Katz Ch 2, Hnd
04 F Gas material balance (simple case) LW Ch. 10, Katz Ch 12, Hnd

07 M Gas material balance ("abnormal" pressure case) LW Ch. 10, Hnd

09 W Gas material balance (water influx case) LW Ch. 10, Hnd
11 F IPR concepts for gas wells ERCB Ch. 3, LW Ch. 4, Hnd

14 M Semi-analytical performance equation (q(t) vs. t) for gas wells Hnd

Module 3 Wellbore Phenomena and Near-Well Reservoir Behavior

16 W Wellbore phenomena: Calculation of static/flowing bottomhole pressures (gas)ERCB App. B,
LW Ch. 4, Hnd
18 F Wellbore phenomena: Calculation of static/flowing bottomhole pressures (gas)ERCB App. B,
LW Ch. 4, Hnd

21 M Wellbore phenomena: Wellbore storage/phase redistribution models (gas) LW Ch. 5, Hnd

23 W Near-well impediments to flow — the skin factor and condensate banking ERCB Ch. 2, LW
Ch. 5, Hnd
25 F Near-well impediments to flow — the skin factor and condensate banking ERCB Ch. 2, LW
Ch. 5, Hnd

Module 4 Well Test Analysis

28 M Deliverability testing of gas wells (Introduction) Hnd (Rawlins/Schellhardt), Katz Ch 9,11
March 02 W Deliverability testing of gas wells ERCB Ch. 3, LW Ch. 7, Katz Ch 9,11, Hnd
04 F Well test analysis: Fundamentals (solutions, plots, simple analysis, etc.) ERCB Ch. 4-5, LW
Ch. 6, Katz Ch 10

07 M Well test analysis: Fundamentals (solutions, plots, simple analysis, etc.) ERCB Ch. 4-5, LW
Ch. 6, Katz Ch 10
09 W Well test analysis: Model-based analysis (Unfractured wells) ERCB Ch. 7, LW Ch. 6, Hnd
11 F Well test analysis: Model-based analysis (Fractured Wells) ERCB Ch. 7, LW Ch. 6, Hnd

Date Topic Reading
Spring Break: 14-18 March 2005

21 M Well test analysis: Model-based analysis (etc.) ERCB Ch. 7, LW Ch. 6, Hnd
23 W Well test analysis: Well test design ERCB Ch. 4-5, LW Ch. 8, Hnd
25 F Reading Day (No Classes — Good Friday)

Module 5 Analysis and Modelling of Production Data

28 M Analysis of production data: Data acquisition, cataloging, and retrieval LW Ch. 9, Hnd
30 W Analysis of production data: Conventional decline curve analysis LW Ch. 9, Hnd
April 01 F Analysis of production data: EUR analysis Hnd

04 M Analysis of production data: Model-based analysis LW Ch. 9, Hnd

06 W Analysis of production data: Model-based analysis LW Ch. 9, Hnd
08 F Analysis of production data: Model-based analysis LW Ch. 9, Hnd

Module 6 Special Topics in Gas Reservoir Engineering

11 M Performance of gas condensate reservoir systems Katz Ch 12, Hnd
13 W Low permeability/unconventional gas reservoirs (characterization) Hnd
15 F Low pressure gas reservoir systems Hnd

18 M Underground storage of natural gas Katz Ch 18, Hnd

20 W Underground storage of natural gas Katz Ch 18, Hnd
22 F Special topics (analysis of well performance data from low permeability gas reservoirs) Hnd

25 M Special topics (analysis of well performance data from low permeability gas reservoirs) Hnd
27 W Special topics (analysis of well performance data from low permeability gas reservoirs) Hnd
29 F Special topics (TBA) Hnd

May 02 M (dead day) Software for the analysis of well test data Hnd
03 T (redefined day ("Friday")) Software for the analysis of production data Hnd

May 10 T Final Exam/Project - RICH 302 from 03:30 - 05:30 p.m. (MWF 01:40 - 02:50 p.m.)

Homework Format Guidelines

Homework Topics: (These are intended topics, addition and/or deletion of certain problems may occur as
other problems become available. Multiple assignments from each topic are possible.)

 Reservoir fluids — analysis/prediction of phase behavior.

 Deliverability testing (single point, multipoint, and isochronal tests).
 Gas material balance. Analysis and interpretation of gas well test data.
— Normally-pressured dry gas reservoirs. Well test design:
— Abnormally-pressured dry gas reservoirs. Analysis and interpretation of gas well production data.
— Water Influx/Encroachment. Special topics.
— Gas condensate reservoirs. — Gas condensate reservoir systems (PTA/PA).
Wellbore storage/phase redistribution models (gas). — Low permeability/unconventional reservoirs.
Skin factor/impediments to flow. — Low pressure gas reservoirs.

Computing Topics: In general, some programming (spreadsheet/Visual Basic) assignments may be required.
Students must develop their own codes unless otherwise instructed.

Homework Format Guidelines:
I. General Instructions: You must use engineering analysis paper or lined notebook paper, and this paper must
measure 8.5 inches in width by 11 inches in height
1. You must only write on the front of the page.
2. Number all pages in the upper right-hand corner and staple all pages together in upper left hand corner. You
must also put your name (or initials) in the upper right corner of each page next to the page number (e.g. John
David Doe (JDD) page 4/6).
3. Fold inward lengthwise.
4. Place the following identification on the outside:
Name: (printed)
Course: Petroleum Engineering 324/Spring 2005
Date: 25 January 2003
Assignment: (Specific)
II. Homework Format
1. Given: (Statement of Problem and Problem Data)
2. Required: (Problem Objectives)
3. Solution: (Methodology)
A. Sketches and Diagrams
B. Assumption, Working Hypotheses, References
C. Formulas and Definitions of Symbols (Including Units)
D. Calculations (Including Units)
4. Results
5. Conclusions: Provide a short summary that discusses the problem results.

Instructor Responsibilities
The instructor is responsible for
1. A learning environment where students of all skills levels are appropriately challenged.
2. Showing respect and consideration to the students.
3. Being prepared for class and keeping on schedule with the syllabus.
4. Preparing exercises that follow the course objectives.
5. Covering the material that will be tested on exams.

The instructor is not responsible for

1. Work missed by absent students (unless a University-excused absence is provided to the instructor).
2. Poor performance by unattentative or uninterested students. This is a fundamental course in Reservoir
Engineering, one that you will use actively in your career as a reservoir or production engineer.
3. Personal issues — if you have personal issues that impair your performance in this course, you are
encouraged to discuss these problems with your instructor for possible remedies. However, the instructor is
responsible for assigning your grade based solely on your performance and is not at liberty to allow personal
appeals to influence your grade.

Student Responsibilities
The student is responsible for
1. Class attendance. Students should attend all scheduled class meetings.
2. Being prepared for class. In-class quizzes will be given. Always bring your books, course notes, and
calculator to each class meeting.
3. Being prepared for exams. The instructor or TA may choose to review materials prior to exams, but do not
rely on this review as your only exam preparation—nor should you rely on old exams for your exam
preparation. The best preparation for exams is to stay current with the class, rework assignments, and get
plenty of rest the night before the exam.
4. Showing respect and consideration to his classmates and the instructor. Do not talk excessively with your
neighbors during class. Do not take up class time for discussions with the instructor that should be held
outside of class. Students who disrupt the class will be asked to leave.

Engineering Near-Critical Reservoirs
PETE 616
Spring 2005

Instructor: Dr. Maria A. Barrufet

Course Outline

Module 1: Overall Scope –Reservoir and Fluid Characterization

Duration: 2 weeks
The big picture: Near Critical Reservoirs Characteristics. Characteristic Phase Diagrams for Hydrocarbon Fluids:
Pressure, Volume, Temperature and Composition Relations. Classification of Reservoir Fluids Using Phase
Diagrams, Compositions, Production, and PVT Data.
Fluid And Rock-Fluid Properties Required For Reservoir Simulation Studies. PVT And Core Analysis Data and
Models In The Oil Industry: Reservoir Fluid Sampling Techniques. PVT Tests for Near Critical Fluids: Constant
Volume Depletion. Constant Composition Expansion. Separator. Swelling. Viscosity and Interfacial Tension.
Qu ali
tyCon trolTest
s.Oi la ndGa sv iscositycorrelat
ions( LBC,Pe de rsen ’sCorresponding States Method).
Class Notes. SPE papers.

Module 2: Material Balance Equation and Introduction to Simulation

Duration: 2 weeks
The Material Balance Equation (Review of Black Oil and Dry Gas systems). Estimation of reserves. Volatile and
Condensate fluids. Evaluation of Oil and Gas in Place from Production Data. Conventional Approach.
Development of a Semi-Compositional Material Balance Equation for Volatile and Condensate systems. Uses and
Modeling Fluid Phase Behavior: Compositional vs. Black Oil Models.
Class Notes. SPE papers.

Module 3: Near Critical Reservoir Simulation –Special Compositional Needs

Duration: 2 weeks
Formulation of the Multiphase Multicomponent Reservoir Simulation Equations. Constitutive Relations.
Fundamentals of VLE (Vapor-Liquid-Equilibria).
VLE modeling approaches for hydrocarbon fluids. Cubic Equations of State (EOS): Peng-Robinson, Soave-Redlich-
Kwong. Volume translation concepts for improved volumetric predictions using EOS.
Characterization of undefined petroleum fractions. Lumping techniques. Criteria for lumping and characterizing
hypothetical components.
The need for splitting the C7+ fraction. Behrens - Sa
ndWh i
on’ sme thod.
Class Notes. SPE papers. Volume Translation. Gravity Gradient.
Whitson. Sandler papers.

Module 4: Compositional Gravitational Gradients - Condensate Banking - Production Strategies

Duration = 2 weeks
Equilibrium conditions under the influence of gravity. Compositional gradients and conditions for significant
compositional variation. Condensate Banking Problems and Solutions. Effects of Reservoir Heterogeneity. Gas
Processing Methods. Liquid Recovery. Separator Design. Dehydration Methods and Equipment. CO2 Removal.
Separation Processes: Distillation, Membranes, Cryogenic Processes. Gas Sweetening (H2S removal).
Class Notes. SPE papers Whitson. Ikoku Chapters. Internet Tutorial.

Module 5: Building a Fluid Model –Calibration of EOS

Duration = 2 weeks

Use of PVTi –Processing Data and Generating a Fluid Model for ECLIPSE 300
Calibration of EOS parameters to constant composition expansion (CCE), Swelling tests, and/or constant volume
depletion data (CVD).
Tuning to viscosity data.
Class Notes. SPE papers. PVTi Manual.

Module 6: Compositional Reservoir Simulator –Processing Input and Output Files

Duration = 2 weeks
Introduction to ECLIPSE 300 –Preparation of input files.
Runspec and Grid options. Declaration of properties (PROPS). Solution, Summary, and Schedule Sections.
Input/Output Controls. Pre-processing data. Evaluation of oil and gas in place from production data. EOS approach
(comparison with earlier exercise in course).
Introduction to basic UNIX and VI Commands. Post-processing data (output files).

Module 7: Compositional Simulation –Special Features: Optimizing Oil Production Project

Duration = 3 weeks
Using Eclipse 300.
Local Grid Refining. Relative Permeabilities as function of IFT.
Simulation and evaluation of depletion and gas cycling strategies: Volatile and a Gas Condensate, examples.
(Reservoir Properties from SPE Third Case Comparative Study)
 Extended and lumped compositional description
 Black oil and compositional model
 Evaluation of relative permeability models
 Local grid refining options
 Horizontal and vertical wells
Class Notes. SPE papers. Eclipse 300 manual. Unix and Vi Tutorials.

Performance Evaluation
Paper Reviews and Homework 30%
Midterm Exam 30%
Simulation Project- Maximum Oil Recovery Competition
(Max recovery from a condensate field under technical & economic constraints) 40%

Reference Materials
Class notes downloadable from a WEB site TBA .
Selected SPE papers
Thermodynamics of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs –A. Firoozabadi
Hydrocarbon Phase Behavior –Ahmed Tarek
Applied Petroleum Reservoir Engineering - Craft and Hawkins
Eclipse 300 and PVTi manuals (Geoquest)
Unix Tutorial (Web site)

Petroleum Engineering 617
Petroleum Reservoir Management (3-0). Credit 3
W. John Lee
Summer 2005
Revised 6/17/05

Studies of the principles of reservoir management and application to specific reservoirs based on case studies
presented in the petroleum literature.

Basis for grade

20% One final written review paper on management practices on a field on which there is a significant amount
of published information (e.g., in SPE papers) on primary performance, secondary or enhanced recovery
project planning, performance, surveillance, evaluation, modification, operating problems, solutions, etc.
20% Oral presentation of the findings on the field used for the written report.
30% Mid-term examination on papers read and discussed in Weeks 1 to 5.
20% Written reviews of papers. Reviews must be submitted by the beginning of the class or the grade will be
zero.La teorn ot,a l
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10% Attendance and participation

Reservoir Management, Reprint Series, SPE, Dallas (1998) 48.
Thakur, G. C. and Satter, A.: Integrated Waterflood Asset Management, PennWell, Houston (1998)
Satter, A. and Thakur, G.: Integrated Petroleum Reservoir Management, PennWell, Houston (1994).

Papers (mostly SPE) on field project planning, implementation, surveillance, evaluation, modification, problems,
solutions. All are in SPE Reprint Series No. 48 unless indicated otherwise, but almost all can also be downloaded
from the SPE Website.

Course Schedule
Week Date Topic Papers and Presentations
Week 1
Sound Reservoir Mgt Wiggins and Startzman .
Satter, Varnon, and Hoang .
Thakur June 1996 .
Sessions and Lehman .
Richardson and Sneider
Week 2 6/8
Thakur Mar 1990
Geological Model Harris and Hewitt
Halderson and Damsleth
Reservoir Model Thomas
Richardson, Blackwell
Week 3 6/15
Desktop Simulation Satter, Frizzell, and Varnon
Data Management Raza
Thakur Oct 1991
Production Operations Pieters and Por
Blanscet and Lewellen
Economics Hickman
Week 4 6/22
Currie, et al.
6/24 Mature Fields Langston, Shirer, and Nelson (review format
changes from here forward)
Week 5 6/27 New Fields Trice and Dawe
6/29 Waterfloods Stiles and Magruder

Week Date Topic Papers and Presentations
7/1 Mid-term examination
7/4 Holiday
Week 6 7/6 Term Projects Principles of oral presentations
7/8 Principles of oral presentations
7/11 Principles of report writing; Tosic Project
Week 7 7/13 Principles of report writing
7/15 Critique of model report (homework due)
Week 8 7/18 Nordt, Paclibon projects
7/21 Salazar, Nwofia projects
7/22 Holmes, Carreras projects
7/25 Singh, Pedro projects
Week 9 7/27 Yanty, Mesa projects
7/29 Ozobeme, Cione projects
8/1 Nikhar, Sena projects
Week 10 8/3 SPE 24872
Sweeney projects; McAllen Ranch
8/5 SPE 38555,38927 Oseberg, Ekofisk
Week 11 8/8 SPE 16961,49165 Statjford,Ubit
8/10 Last Project Report Due

Guidelines for Paper Reviews

It should take no more than one page to summarize a typical paper. Some papers may require more; use your own
judgment. Learn to be concise and to state briefly the essential ideas communicated.

Usual organization of a review

 Authors, title. Use the SPE standard reference style. (You can find it in the SPE Guide to Publications, which
is on the web at
 Problem. Briefly, describe the problem the authors are trying to solve.
 Solution. Describe the solution the authors propose. Did they propose a specific method for part or all the
reservoir management process? What is it?
 Value.De s
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 Conclusions. Describe the conclusions the authors reached as a result of their analysis
 Approach. Describe what the authors did to validate their proposed solution.
 Limitations. List the limitations of the work. Is it applicable to only a certain type of reservoir or field?
 Application. How would you apply the knowledge provided in this paper?
 Critique. What questions did the authors leave unanswered? What could the authors have done to make the
paper better?

Objectives of reviewing papers in this class

 To learn how to learn from papers (harder than textbooks, but more important in the long run)
 To learn how to identify the really important ideas in papers
 To learn how to summarize ideas concisely
 To learn how engineers with vastly different points of view think and how they approach problems and their

Guidelines for Term Projects

1. Each person in the class will prepare a written report and an oral presentation for his/her project.
2. Each person will choose a field for discussion based loosely on these criteria: (1) significant number of papers
(at least four) published on the field; (2) field has had, in addition to primary production, secondary and/or
tertiary recovery projects; (3) published papers include information on geology, primary performance,

secondary or enhanced performance, operating problems/solutions, special facilities; and (4) clear evidence that
reservoir management of some kind has been practiced.
3. Your purpose is to read the literature, focusing in particular on reservoir management decisions that have (or,
sometimes, should have) been made and results of those decisions. Refer to the early papers in the course on
reservoir management philosophy and determine whether sound, modern practices as recommended by the
authors we have read were followed –and what the consequences were.
4. Prepare an oral presentation on your field requiring about 30 minutes. Be prepared to answer questions for
another 15 minutes or so. Prepare hard copy originals of visual aids for your presentation. Please prepare
PowerPoint files for your presentation. We will provide guidelines in class for organization and content of your
oral presentation.
5. Prepare a written report on your topic, with a length about the same as a typical, published SPE paper. Length
requirements are not rigid, but it is good to learn to be concise. We will provide guidelines in class for
organization and content of your written report.
6. Se lecton epa per( f
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papers to me one week before your oral presentation. I will have the paper placed on WebCT (or give the class
information on who to locate it on the SPE Web site) and will ask the class to read it in preparation for your
presentation. The key paper should include information on reservoir description, primary production, secondary
or otherwise enhanced recovery projects in the field, discussions of operating/facilities problems and, hopefully,
solutions), and other fundamentally important issues that arose in the historical management of the field. Your
talk and written paper are not limited to these key papers, of course. All members of the class will prepare a
review of each key paper and submit (as required homework) the review on the day of the presentation of
that topic.

PETE 618
Spring 2006

Instructor: Dr. Stuart L. Scott E-mail:

Office: 610 Richardson Building Office Hours: Wednesday 10:00 - 12:00
Phone: 847-8564 (or whenever door is open)

Catalogue Description: An advanced treatment of modern petroleum production engineering encompassing well
deliverability from vertical, horizontal and multilateral / multibranch wells; diagnosis of well performance included
elements of well testing and production logging; in this course the function of the production engineering is
envisioned in the context of well design, stimulation and artificial lift.

Course Objectives: Develop understanding and skills at modeling the unique components of the multiphase
production system. Advanced techniques for modeling single-well deliverability and multiphase flow in wellbores
and pipelines. Special emphasis is given to the components of multiphase production downstream of the sandface,
including: slug flow and pigging, flow assurance, multiphase metering, compact separation and multiphase
pumping. Transient multiphase modeling will be performed using the commercial OLGA simulator as well as with
simplified methods developed in the class.

Textbooks: Brill, J.P. and H. Mukergee: Multiphase Flow In Wells. SPE Monograph (2000).
Hasan, A.R. and C.S. Kabir: Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Wellbores. SPE
Offshore Multiphase Production Operations. SPE Reprint, Volumes I & II

Suggested: Beggs, H. Dale: Production Optimization Using Nodal Analysis. OGCI Publications, Tulsa

Topics: 1. Advanced Topics in Single-Well Performance Modeling

(pseudo steady-state and transient well deliverability; two-phase deliverability equations; relative
permeability prediction; single-well material balance methods, fracpack and high rate completion
2. Characterization of Produced Fluids at In-Situ Conditions
(black oil & compositional phase behavior, superficial velocity & holdup concepts)
3. Advanced Topics in Single-Phase Fluid Flow in Wellbores and Pipelines
(flow assurance issues, production monitoring, wellhead backpressure plots)
4. Multiphase Flow Modeling in Wellbores and Pipelines
(mechanistic modeling of multiphase flow in vertical and horizontal pipes; advanced applications of the
Taitel & Dukler stratified flow model, flow pattern maps, flow pattern dependent flow models for slug &
annular flow patterns)
5. Special Topics in Production Operations
(pipeline pigging, severe slugging, transient multiphase modeling, flow in highly deviated and horizontal
wells, systems analysis versus backpressure
6. Modeling Surface Facilities
(surface facility evaluation; separation theory, compact (cyclonic) separation concepts for gas-liquid and
liquid-liquid; single & multiphase metering, multiphase pumping, critical flow, drag reduction & flow
enhancement; field case histories)

Attendance: Class attendance is important. If an illness or unexpected event prevents attendance, the student
should notify the instructor before class. Students should read reference material in advance and be prepared for
class discussions.

Assignments: Homework problems must be worked out on engineering analysis paper. All problems must be fully
documented. Assignments are due by 5:00 PM on the due date indicated and may also be turned in during class on
the due date indicated. Late assignments will be given a grade of zero. Your work is to be your own. Student
submitting identical work will be subject to disciplinary action unless the assignment is clear marked as a team

Work Quality: Neat, legible, systematic and complete presentation is required in assignments, quizzes and
examinations for full credit. Units must be written wherever appropriate for the answers.

Examinations: Examinations are not optional. Unless otherwise announced, the format will be open book and
open notes. Make-up for major examinations will be given only for university excused absences.

Grading: 35% - Mid-Term Exam (Thursday March 9th)

35% - Final Exam (Tuesday May 9th 1:00 –3:00 PM)
20% - Homework
10% - Participation (working in-class problems, in-class verbal examinations)

Academic Integrity Statement: “ AnAgg iedoe sn otlie,che at

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examinations and assignments is forbidden except when specifically authorized. Students violating this policy may
be removed from the class roster and given an F in the course or other penalties as outlined in the Texas A&M
University Student Rules. See

ADA Policy Statement: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that
provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation
requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable
accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact
the Department of Student Life, Services for Students with Disabilities, in Cain Hall or call 845-1637.

Petroleum Engineering 619
Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
Fall 2005

Course Description: Natural fractures are increasingly recognized as dominant permeability paths in many
reservoirs. Unfortunately, there are few guidelines available for geologists and engineers characterizing and
engineering naturally fractured reservoirs. This course is intended as an up-to-date summary of an integrated
reservoir study including characterization, experimentation and integration of information in determining the most
suitable process option in naturally fractured reservoirs. Most of the information originates from a CO2 pilot in the
naturally fractured Spraberry Trend Area in West Texas. Information presented from this project in this course
include: core results from several wells including a horizontal core; measurement of fracture populations and
spacings from core data; investigation of diagenesis in natural fractures; evaluation of fracture detection logs;
detailed study of matrix porosity; evaluation of shaly-sand algorithms for calculation of net pay; measurement of in-
situ oil saturation with sponge cores; laboratory measurement of imbibition, capillary pressure and wettability at
reservoir conditions, history matching laboratory measurements for up-scaling to reservoir geometry, wettability
data for prediction of waterflood performance; reservoir performance analysis during water injection, and laboratory
experiments of forced and free-fall gravity drainage with CO2 and use of commercial simulators to match reservoir
performance using precisely measured lab and field data

Credit Hours: 3

Instructor: Dr. David Schechter, Associate Professor

401Q Richardson, 845-2275,
Office hours: M 3-5, or by appointment

Class hours:
Lecture Instructor
TR 9:35 –10:50 (RICH 313) D.S. Schechter

“ Na t
dRe s
erv oirEngineering ”,Va nGol fRa ach t
 CD ROM –Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: Characterization and Engineering

Course Policies:
 Attendance: Attendance in class is expected. If an illness or unexpected event prevents attendance, the student
should notify the instructor before class. Students should read assigned reference material in advance and be
prepared for exams and class discussions.
 Late Work: Laboratory reports are due at the beginning of class on the assigned due date, unless otherwise
stated. Late work turned in within one week after the due date and time will be assessed a 30-point penalty.
Thereafter, a 15-point penalty per week will be assessed.
 Work Quality: Neat, legible, systematic and complete presentation is required in assignments, quizzes and
examinations for full credit. Units (for example, Newton-meters) must be written wherever appropriate for the
answers. Reports should be free of spelling and grammatical errors. Plots should contain properly-labeled axes
(quantity and units) as well as a legend to distinguish between multiple curves.
 Grading: The regular university grading scale will be used. Weights will be assigned as follows:
Examinations (2) 50%
Research Project 40%
Participation, professionalism 10%
 Academic Dishonesty: Collaboration on examinations and assignments is forbidden except when specifically
authorized. Students violating this policy may be removed from the class roster and given an F in the course or
may be assessed other penalties as outlined in the Texas A&M University Student Rules.
 Team Exercises: The course may include some team exercises. Collaboration within teams is required;
collaboration between teams is forbidden except when specifically authorized. Team reports will be assigned a
team grade. Each team member will receive the team grade, multiplied by a Participation Factor. The
Participation Factor will be determined by a combination of peer reviews and instructor assessment.

Course Schedule

Week Topic
1 Introduction to naturally fractured reservoirs
2-3 Fracture Characterization: Geophysical and Geological Aspects, Petrophysical and logging
evaluation of naturally fractured reservoirs
4-5 Modelling of fractured reservoirs: Defining the fracture system, static characterization of fracture
system, well test analysis in fractured reservoirs
5-6 Reservoir Engineering: Issues in reservoir engineering in naturally fractured reservoirs, material
balance, fracture vs. matrix porosity, relative permeability and capillary pressure, transfer mechanisms
7-8 Simulation of naturally fractured reservoirs: Issues in simulation, single vs. dual porosity simulation,
input parameters from static model and fracture characterization, sensitivity of simulation to fracture
9 -10 Case Histories: Case history of primary, secondary and enhanced oil recovery projects world-wide
11 Project Management: Development of project management strategies for naturally fractured reservoirs

12 Final Presentations

Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs
Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2005
Petroleum Engineering 620 Instructor: Dr. Tom Blasingame
Texas A&M University/College of Engineering Office: Richardson 815
MWF 12:40.-13:30 RICH 319 Office Hours: as needed/drop-in welcome
TR 17:30.-19:30 RICH 319 (alternate, as notified) Phone: +1.979.845.2292
Required Texts/Resources:
* 1. Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, M.R. Spiegel, Schaum's Series (1971).
2. Handbook of Mathematical Functions, M. Abramowitz and I. Stegun, Dover Pub. (1972) — Electronic file to be made
available by instructor.
3. Table of Laplace Transforms, G.E. Roberts and H. Kaufman, W.B. Saunder, Co. (1964—out of print) — Electronic file to
be made available by instructor.
4. Numerical Methods, R.W. Hornbeck, Quantum Publishers, Inc., New York (1975—out of print) — Electronic file to be
made available by instructor.
5. Approximations for Digital Computers: Hastings, C., Jr., Hayward, J.T., Wong, J.P., Jr., Princeton University Press,
Princeton, New Jersey (1955—out of print) — Electronic file to be made available by instructor.
6. Handbook for Computing Elementary Functions: L.A. Lyusternik. O.A. Chervonenkis A. R. Yanpol'skii, (Translated from
the Russian by G.J. Tee), Pergamon Press, (1965—out of print) — Electronic file to be made available by instructor.
* Book must be purchased—should be available at MSC Bookstore.
Optional Texts/Resources:
+1. Calculus, 4th edition: Frank Ayres and Elliot Mendelson, Schaum's Outline Series (1999).
+2. Differential Equations, 2nd edition: Richard Bronson, Schaum's Outline Series (1994).
+3. Conduction of Heat in Solids, 2nd edition, H. Carslaw and J. Jaeger, Oxford Science Publications (1959).
+4. Laplace Transforms, M.R. Spiegel, Schaum's Outline Series (1965) - Local bookstores.
+5. Numerical Analysis, F. Scheid, Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw-Hill Book Co, New York (1968). - Local bookstores.
+6. Methods of Numerical Integration, P.F. Davis and P. Rabinowitz, Academic Press, New York (1989).
+7. Table of Integrals, Series, and Products, I.S. Gradshteyn and I.M. Ryzhik, Academic Press (1980).
+8. An Atlas of Functions, J. Spanier and K. Oldham, Hemisphere Publishing (1987), very expensive (>$100) and although it is
unique in detail, this reference is not as useful as say, Abramowitz and Stegun.
+9. The Mathematics of Diffusion, 2nd edition, J. Crank, Oxford Science Publications (1975).
+10. Advanced Mathematical Methods for Engineers and Scientists, 2nd edition, C.M. Bender and S.A. Orsag, McGraw-Hill
+11. Asymptotic Approximations of Integrals, R. Wong, Academic Press (1989).
+12. Asymptotics and Special Functions, F.W.J. Olver, Academic Press (1974).
+ Special order at MSC Bookstore or check TAMU library.
Basis for Grade:
Homeworks/Projects .......................................................................................................................... 90%
Class Participation ........................................................................................................................... 10%
Total = 100%
Course Description
Graduate Catalog: Analysis of fluid flow in bounded and unbounded reservoirs, wellbore storage, phase
redistribution, finite and infinite conductivity vertical fractures, dual-porosity systems.
Translation: Development of skills required to derive "classic" problems in reservoir engineering and well
testing from the fundamental principles of mathematics and physics. Emphasis is placed on a mastery of
fundamental calculus, analytical and numerical solutions of 1st and 2nd order ordinary and partial differential
equations, as well as extensions to non-linear partial differential equations that arise for the flow of fluids in
porous media.

Course Objectives
The student should be able to demonstrate mastery of objectives in the following areas:
Module 1 — Advanced Mathematics Relevant to Problems in Engineering
Module 2 — Petrophysical Properties
Module 3 — Fundamentals of Flow in Porous Media
Module 4 — Reservoir Flow Solutions
Module 5 — Applications/Extensions of Reservoir Flow Solutions

Considering these modular topics, we have the following catalog of course objectives:
Module 1: Advanced Mathematics Relevant to Problems in Engineering
Fundamental Topics in Mathematics:
Work fundamental problems in algebra and trigonometry, including partial fractions and the factoring of
Perform elementary and advanced calculus: analytical integration and differentiation of elementary functions
(polynomials, exponentials, and logarithms), trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, tanh, and
combinations), and special functions (Error, Gamma, Exponential Integral, and Bessel functions).
Derive the Taylor series expansions and Chebyshev economizations for a given function.
Derive and apply formulas for the numerical differentiation and integration of a function using Taylor series
expansions. Specifically, be able to derive the forward, backward, and central "finite-difference" relations for
differentiation, as well as the "Trapezoidal" and "Simpson's" Rules for integration.
Apply the Gaussian and Laguerre quadrature formulas for numerical integration.
Solution of First and Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations:
First Order Ordinary Differential Equations:
— Classify the order of a differential equation (order of the highest derivative).
— Verify a given solution of a differential equation via substitution of a given solution into the original
differential equation.
— Solve first order ordinary differential equations using the method of separation of variables (or separable
— Derive the method of integrating factors for a first order ordinary differential equation.
— Apply the Euler and Runge-Kutta methods to numerically solve first order ordinary differential equations.
Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations:
— Develop the homogeneous (or complementary) solution of a 2nd order ordinary differential equation
(ODE) using y=emx as a trial solution.
— Develop the particular solution of a 2nd order ordinary differential equation (ODE) using the method of
undetermined coefficients.
— Apply the Runge-Kutta method to numerically solve second order ordinary differential equations.
The Laplace Transform:
Fundamentals of the Laplace Transform:
— State the definition of the Laplace transformation and its inverse.
— Derive the operational theorems for the Laplace transform.
— Demonstrate familiarity with the "unit step" function.
— Develop and apply the Laplace transform formulas for the discrete data functions
Applications of the Laplace Transform to Solve Linear Ordinary Differential Equations:
— Develop the Laplace transform of a given differential equation and its initial condition(s).
— Resolve the algebra resulting from taking the Laplace transform of a given differential equation and its
initial condition(s) into a closed and hopefully, invertible form.
— Invert the closed form Laplace transform solution of a given differential equation using the properties of
Laplace transforms, Laplace transform tables, partial fractions, and prayer.
Numerical Laplace Transform and Inversion:
— Use the Gauss-Laguerre integration formula for numerical Laplace transformation.
— Demonstrate familiarity with the development of the Gaver formula for the numerical inversion of Laplace
— Apply the Gaver and Gaver-Stehfest numerical Laplace transform inversion algorithms.
Special Functions:
Demonstrate familiarity with and be able to apply the following "special functions:"

— Exponential Integral (Ei (x) and E1 (x)= -Ei (-x)).
— Gamma and Incomplete Gamma Functions (( x), and ( a,x), (
a,x) and B(z,w)).
— Error and Complimentary Error Functions (erf(x) and erfc(x)).
— Bessel Functions: J0(x), J1(x), Y0(x), and Y1(x).
— Modified Bessel Functions: I0(x), I1(x), K0(x), and K1(x), and integrals of I0(x), K0(x).
Module 2: Petrophysical Properties
Porosity and Permeability Concepts:
Be able to recognize and classify rock types:
— Clastics (sandstones) and Carbonates (limestones, chalks, dolstones), and
— Be familiar with the porosity and permeability characteristics of these rocks.
Be familiar with factors that affect porosity. In particular, the shapes, arrangements, and distributions of grain
particles and the effect of cementation, vugs, and fractures on porosity.
Be familiar with correlative relations for porosity and permeability.
Be familiar with "friction factor/Reynolds Number" concept put forth by Cornell and Katz for flow through
porous media. Be aware that this plotting concept validates Darcy's law empirically (the unit slope line on the
left portion of the plot, laminar flow).
Correlation of Petrophysical Data:
Be familiar with the various models for permeability based on porosity, grain size sorting parameters,
irreducible water saturation, electrical and surface area parameters, nuclear magnetic resonance parameters,
etc. as described by Nelson1 (The Log Analyst (May-June 1994), 38-62).
Concept of Permeability—Darcy's Law:
Development of Darcy's Law for fluid flow in porous media via analogy with the Poiseuille equation for
laminar fluid flow in pipes. Be able to develop a velocity/pressure gradient relation for modelling the flow of
fluids in pipes (i.e., the Poiseuille equation--given below).
q p where 2
v avg = = kp 1 k p = r is considered to be a "geometry" factor.
Ax  8
Units Conversions:
— Be able to derive the "units" of a Darcy (1 Darcy = 9.86923x10-9 cm2).
— Be able to derive the field and SI unit forms of Darcy's law.
Capillary Pressure:
Be familiar with the concept of "capillary pressure" for tubes as well as for porous media—and be able to
derive the capillary pressure relation for fluid rise in a tube.
Be familiar with and be able to derive the Purcell-Burdine permeability and relative permeability relations for
porous media using the "bundle of capillary tubes" model as provided by Nakornthap and Evans (Nakorn-
thap, K. and Evans, R.D.: "Temperature-Dependent Relative Permeability and Its Effect on Oil Displacement
by Thermal Methods," SPERE (May 1986) 230-242.).
Be familiar with and be able to derive the Brooks-Corey-Burdine equation for permeability based on the
Purcell-Burdine permeability equation (Brooks, R.H. and Corey, A.T.: "Properties of Porous Media Affecting
Fluid Flow," J. Irrigation and Drainage Division Proc., ASCE (1966) 92, No. IR 2, 61.).
Relative Permeability:
Be familiar with the concept of "relative permeability" and the factors that should and should not affect this
function. You should also be familiar with the laboratory techniques for measuring relative permeability.
Be familiar with and be able to derive the Purcell-Burdine relative permeability equations.
Be familiar with and be able to derive the Brooks-Corey-Burdine equations for relative permeability.
Electrical Properties of Reservoir Rocks:
Be familiar with the definition of the formation resistivity factor, F, as well as the effects of reservoir and
fluid properties on this parameter.
Be familiar with and be able to use the Archie and Humble equations to estimate porosity given the formation
resistivity factor, F.
Be familiar with the definition of the resistivity index, I, as well as the effects of reservoir and fluid properties
on this parameter and also be familiar with the Archie result for water saturation, Sw.
Be familiar with the "shaly sand" models given by Waxman and Smits for relating the resistivity index with
saturation and for relating formation factor with porosity.
Module 3: Fundamentals of Flow in Porous Media
Steady-State Flow Concepts: Laminar Flow

Derive the concept of permeability (Darcy's Law) using the analogy of the Poiseuille equation for the flow of
fluids in capillaries. Be able to derive the "units" of a "Darcy" (1 Darcy = 9.86923x10-9 cm2), and be able to
derive Darcy's Law in "field" and "SI" units.
Derive the single-phase, steady-state flow relations for the laminar flow of gases and compressible liquids
using Darcy's Law — in terms of pressure, pressure-squared, and pseudopressure, as appropriate.
Derive the steady-state "skin factor" relations for radial flow.
Steady-State Flow Concepts: Non-Laminar Flow
Demonstrate familiarity with the concept of "gas slippage" as defined by Klinkenberg.
Derive the single-phase, steady-state flow relations for the non-laminar flow of gases and compressible
liquids using the Forchheimer equation (quadratic in velocity) — in terms of pressure, pressure-squared, and
pseudopressure, as appropriate.
Material Balance Concepts:
Be able to identify/apply material balance relations for gas and compressible liquid systems.
Be familiar with and be able to apply the "Havlena-Odeh" formulations of the oil and gas material balance
Pseudosteady-State Flow Concepts:
Demonstrate familiarity with and be able to derive the single-phase, pseudosteady-state flow relations for the
laminar flow of compressible liquids in a radial flow system (given the radial diffusivity equation as a starting
Sketch the pressure distributions during steady-state and pseudosteady-state flow conditions in a radial
Development of the Diffusivity Equation for Flow in Porous Media:
Derive the following relations for single-phase flow: (general flow geometry)
— The pseudopressure/pseudotime forms of the diffusivity equation for cases where fluid density and
viscosity are and are not functions of pressure.
— The diffusivity equations for oil and gas cases in terms Bo or Bg.
— The diffusivity equation for the flow of a "slightly compressible liquid.
— The diffusivity equation for gas flow in terms of pressure and p/z.
— The diffusivity equations for single-phase gas flow in terms of the following: pseudopressure, pressure-
squared, and pressure — using the "general" approach in each case (i.e., starting with the p/z formulation).
Derive the following relations for multiphase flow: (general flow geometry)
— The continuity relations for the oil, gas, and water phases in terms of the fluid densities, also be able to
"convert" the density form of the continuity equation to the formation volume factor form.
— The mass accumulation and mass flux relations for the oil, gas, and water phases in terms of the fluid
formation volume factors.
— The Martin relations for total compressibility and the associated saturation-pressure relations (Martin Eqs.
10 and 11). Be able to show all details.
Module 4: Reservoir Flow Solutions
Dimensionless Variables:
Develop the dimensionless form of the single-phase radial flow diffusivity equation as well as the appropriate
dimensionless forms of the initial and boundary conditions, including the developments of dimensionless
radius, pressure, and time.
Derive the conversion factors for dimensionless pressure and time, for SI and "field" units.
Radial Flow Solutions:
Derive the real domain (time) solution for the constant rate inner boundary condition and the infinite-acting
reservoir outer boundary condition using both the Laplace transform and the Boltzmann transform ap-
proaches. Also be able to derive the "log-approximation" for this solution.
Derive the general and particular solutions (in the Laplace domain) for a well produced at a constant flow rate
in a radial homogeneous reservoir for the following conditions:
— Initial Condition: Uniform Pressure Distribution
— Inner Boundary Condition: Constant Flowrate at the Well
— Outer Boundary Conditions: Prescribed Flux or Constant Pressure at the Boundary
Linear Flow Solutions:
Derive the general and particular solutions (in the Laplace domain) for a well produced at a constant flow rate
in a linear homogeneous reservoir for the following conditions:
— Initial Condition: Uniform Pressure Distribution

— Inner Boundary Condition: Constant Flowrate at the Well
— Outer Boundary Conditions: Infinite-Acting Reservoir Condition—or a Prescribed Flux or Constant
Pressure at the Boundary
Vertically Fractured Wells:
Demonstrate familiarity with the concept of a well with a uniform flux or infinite conductivity vertical
fracture in a homogeneous reservoir. Note that the uniform flux condition implies that the rate of fluid
entering the fracture is constant at any point along the fracture. On the other hand, for the infinite
conductivity case, we assume that there is no pressure drop in the fracture as fluid flows from the fracture tip
to the well.
Derive the real and Laplace domain (line source) solutions for a well with a uniform flux or infinite
conductivity vertical fracture in a homogeneous reservoir.
Dual Porosity/Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: (Warren and Root Approach— Pseudosteady-State
Interporosity Flow)
Show familiarity with the "fracture" and "matrix" models developed by Warren and Root.
Derive the Laplace and real domain results (by Warren and Root) for pseudosteady-state interporosity flow.
Solution of the Non-Linear Radial Flow Gas Diffusivity Equation
Demonstrate familiarity with the convolution form of a non-linear partial differential equation (i.e., a p.d.e.
with a non-linear right-hand-side term).
Derive the generalized Laplace domain formulation of the non-linear radial gas diffusivity equation using the
"convolution" approach.
Convolution and Wellbore Storage
Derive the convolution sums and integrals for the variable-rate and variable pressure drop cases, and be able
to derive the real and Laplace domain identities for relating the constant pressure and constant rate cases
(from van Everdingen and Hurst).
Derive the relations which model the phenomena of "wellbore storage," based on physical principles (i.e.,
material balance)
Module 4: Reservoir Flow Solutions — Under Construction/Consideration
Multilayered Reservoir Solutions
Dual Permeability Reservoir Solutions
Horizontal Well Solutions
Radial Composite Reservoir Solutions
Various Models for Flow Impediment (Skin Factor)
Module 5: Applications/Extensions of Reservoir Flow Solutions — Under Construction/Consideration
Oil and Gas Well Flow Solutions for Analysis, Interpretation, and Prediction of Well Performance.
Low Permeability/Heterogeneous Reservoir Behavior.
Macro-Level Thermodynamics (coupling PVT behavior with Reservoir Flow Solutions).
External Drive Mechanisms (Water Influx/Water Drive, Well Interference, etc.).
Hydraulic Fracturing/Solutions for Fractured Well Behavior.
Analytical/Numerical Solutions of Various Reservoir Flow Problems.
Applied Reservoir Engineering Solutions — Material Balance, Flow Solutions, etc.

Course Outline
Module 1: Advanced Mathematics Relevant to Problems in Engineering
Review of Fundamentals and Introduction to Calculus
Approximation of Functions
— Taylor Series Expansions and Chebyshev Economizations
— Numerical Differentiation and Integration of Analytic Functions and Applications
— Least Squares
First-Order Ordinary Differential Equations
Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations
The Laplace Transform
— Fundamentals of the Laplace Transform
— Properties of the Laplace Transform
— Applications of the Laplace Transform to Solve Linear Ordinary Differential Eqs.
— Numerical Laplace Transform and Inversion
Introduction to Special Functions
Module 2: Petrophysical Properties
Porosity and Permeability Concepts
Correlation of Petrophysical Data
Concept of Permeability — Darcy's Law
Capillary Pressure
Relative Permeability
Electrical Properties of Reservoir Rocks
Module 3: Fundamentals of Flow in Porous Media
Steady-State Flow Concepts: Laminar Flow
Steady-State Flow Concepts: Non-Laminar Flow
Material Balance Concepts
Pseudosteady-State Flow in a Circular Reservoir
Development of the Diffusivity Equation for Liquid Flow
Development of the Diffusivity Equations for Gas Flow
Development of the Diffusivity Equation for Multiphase Flow
Module 4: Reservoir Flow Solutions (*Under Construction/Consideration)
Dimensionless Variables and the Dimensionless Radial Flow Diffusivity Equation
Solutions of the Radial Flow Diffusivity Equation — Infinite-Acting Reservoir Case
Laplace Transform (Radial Flow) Solutions — Bounded Circular Reservoir Cases
Real Domain (Radial Flow) Solutions — Bounded Circular Reservoir Cases
Linear Flow Solutions: Infinite and Finite-Acting Reservoir Cases
Solutions for a Fractured Well — High Fracture Conductivity Cases
Dual Porosity Reservoirs — Pseudosteady-State Interporosity Flow Behavior
Direct Solution of the Gas Diffusivity Equation Using Laplace Transform Methods
Convolution and Concepts and Applications in Wellbore Storage Distortion
Multilayered Reservoir Solutions and/or Dual Permeability Reservoir Solutions*
Horizontal Well Solutions*
Radial Composite Reservoir Solutions and/or Models for Flow Impediment (Skin Factor)*
Module 5: Applications/Extensions of Reservoir Flow Solutions (*Under Construction/Consideration)
Oil and Gas Well Flow Solutions for Analysis, Interpretation, and Prediction of Well Performance*
Low Permeability/Heterogeneous Reservoir Behavior*
Macro-Level Thermodynamics (coupling PVT behavior with Reservoir Flow Solutions)*
Hydraulic Fracturing/Solutions for Fractured Well Behavior*
Applied Reservoir Engineering Solutions — Material Balance, Flow Solutions, etc.*

Homework Topics and Format Guidelines
Homework Topics: (These are intended topics, addition and/or deletion of certain problems may occur as other
problems become available. Multiple assignments from each topic are likely.)
Review of algebra and fundamental mathematics.
Analytical and numerical problems in calculus.
Laplace transform methods — analytical and computational considerations.
Solution of ordinary differential equations.
Special functions — analytical and computational considerations.
Development of steady-state flow equations from physical principles.
Development of pseudosteady-state flow equations from the diffusivity equation.
Development of "diffusion" equations from physical principles.
Solution of diffusion-type partial differential equations.
Development and application of various well/reservoir/production solutions.

Computing Topics: Students will be asked to make numerical computations for certain problems — in such cases
the student will generally be allowed to select the computational product for their work.

Homework Format Guidelines:

I. General Instructions: You must use engineering analysis paper or lined notebook paper, and this paper must
measure 8.5 inches in width by 11 inches in height
1. You must only write on the front of the page!
2. Number all pages in the upper right-hand corner and staple all pages together in upper left-hand corner. You must also
put your name (or initials) in the upper right corner of each page next to the page number (e.g. John David Doe (JDD)
page 4/6).
3. Place the following identification on a cover page: (Do not fold)
Name: (printed)
Course: Petroleum Engineering 620
Date: Day-Month-Year
Assignment: (Specific)
II. Outline of Homework Format
1. Given: (Base Data)
2. Required: (Problem Objectives)
3. Solution: (Methodology)
A. Sketches and Diagrams
B. Assumption, Working Hypotheses, References
C. Formulas and Definitions of Symbols (Including Units)
D. Calculations (Including Units)
4. Results
5. Conclusions: Provide a short summary that discusses the problem results.
III. Guidelines for Paper Reviews
For each paper you are to address the following questions: (Type or write neatly)
— What is/are the problem(s) solved?
— What are the underlying physical principles used in the solution(s)?
Assumptions and Limitations:
— What are the assumptions and limitations of the solutions/results?
— How serious are these assumptions and limitations?
Practical Applications:
— What are the practical applications of the solutions/results?
— If there are no obvious "practical" applications, then how could the solutions/results be used in practice?
— Discuss the author(s)'s view of the solutions/results.
— Discuss your own view of the solutions/results.
— How could the solutions/results be extended or improved?
— Are there applications other than those given by the author(s) where the solution(s) or the concepts used in
the solution(s) could be applied?

General Advice for Study and Class Preparation

Faculty-Student Contract:
The most important element of your education is your participation. No matter how hard we as faculty try (or don't
try) to prepare you to learn, we cannot force you to work. We can only provide examples of how you should
perform and we can only evaluate your performance — not your intentions or your personality, nor can we make
allowances for your personal problems or your lack of preparation.

We can of course provide some pretty unpleasant alternatives as incentives (e.g., poor grades), but poor grades are a
product of only two issues, a lack of subject mastery, or apathy. We as faculty can do much to prepare you for a
rewarding career, not only as engineers, but also as productive members of society in whatever capacity you wish to
serve. But—we cannot make you care, we cannot make you prepare, and we cannot make you perform — only you
can do this.

We have chosen our path in life to help you find yours, we want you to succeed (perhaps sometimes more than you
do) and we will do our best to make your education fulfilling and rewarding. As we embark on what will likely be a
tedious and challenging experience, we reaffirm our commitment to seeing that you get the most out of your
education. When it seems as though we are overbearing taskmasters (and we may well be), remember that we are
trying to prepare you for challenges where there is no safety net — and where there may be no second chance.

Our goal is to be your guide — we will treat you with the respect and consideration that you deserve, but you must
have the faith to follow, the dedication to prepare, and the determination to succeed — it will be your turn to lead
soon enough.

General Procedures for Studying: (Adapted from Arizona State U., 1992)
1. Before each lecture you should read the text carefully, don't just scan topics, but try to resolve sections of
the reading into a simple summary of two or three sentences, emphasizing concepts as well as methods.
2. During the lecture take careful notes of what your instructor says and writes, LISTEN to what is being
said as well as how it is emphasized. Don't try to be neat, but do try to get every detail you can — think
of the lecture as an important story that you will have to tell again later.
3. As soon as possible after the lecture (and certainly the same day), reread the text and your "messy"
lecture notes, then rewrite your lecture notes in a clear and neat format — redrawing the figures, filling in
missed steps, and reworking examples. You are probably thinking that no one in their right mind would
do this—but the secret is that successful students always review and prepare well in advance of exams.
4. Prepare a list of questions or issues that you need clarified, ask your instructor at the start of the next
class (so others can benefit) or if you need one-on-one help, see your instructor as soon as possible, do
not assume that it will "come to you later."
5. Work one homework problem at a time, without rushing. You are not learning if you are rushing,
copying, or scribbling. Spread the problems out in time and write down any questions you have.
6. ASK QUESTIONS. In class, during office hours, ANY chance you get. If you do not understand
something you cannot use it to solve problems. It will not come to you by magic. ASK! ASK! ASK!
7. Practice working problems. In addition to assigned problems, work the unassigned ones. Where do you
think faculty take exam questions? You should establish a study group and distribute the load — but you
should work several of each type of problem that you are assigned.
8. Before a test, you should go over the material covered by preparing an outline of the important material
from your notes as well as the text. Then rewrite your outline for the material about which you are not
very confident. Review that material, then rewrite the notes for the material about which you are still not
confident. Continue until you think that you understand ALL of the material.
9. "Looking over" isn't learning, reading someone else's solution is insufficient to develop your skills, you
must prepare in earnest — work lots and lots of problems, old homework, old exams, and study guide
10. Speed on exams is often critical. It is not just a test of what you know, but how well you know it (and
how fast you show it). The point is not just to "understand" but to "get it in your bones."
11. Participate in class. The instructor must have feedback to help you. Force the issue if you must, it is
your education.

Required University Statements — Required by Texas A&M University

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement:

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive
civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students
with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their
disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Department of
Student Life, Services for Students with Disabilities in Room B118 of Cain Hall, or call 845-1637..
Aggie Honor Code: (
"An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do."
Definitions of Academic Misconduct:
1. CHEATING: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids or
other devices or materials in any academic exercise.
2. FABRICATION: Making up data or results, and recording or reporting them; submitting fabricated documents.
3. FALSIFICATION: Manipulating research materials, equipment or processes, or changing or omitting data or
results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.
4. MULTIPLE SUBMISSION: Submitting substantial portions of the same work (including oral reports) for credit
more than once without authorization from the instructor of the class for which the student submits the work.
5. PLAGIARISM: The appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving
appropriate credit.
6. COMPLICITY: Intentionally or knowingly helping, or attempting to help, another to commit an act of
academic dishonesty.
computer access or gain unauthorized access to information in any academic exercise. See Student Rule 22:
8. VIOLATION OF DEPARTMENTAL OR COLLEGE RULES: Students may not violate any announced
departmental or college rule relating to academic matters.
9. UNIVERSITY RULES ON RESEARCH: Students involved in conducting research and/or scholarly activities
at Texas A&M University must also adhere to standards set forth in University Rule 15.99.03.M1 - Responsible
Conduct in Research and Scholarship. For additional information please see:
Plagiarism Statement:
The materials used in this course are copyrighted. These materials include but are not limited to syllabi, quizzes,
exams, lab problems, in-class materials, review sheets, and additional problem sets. Because these materials are
copyrighted, you do not have the right to copy the handouts, unless permission is expressly granted.

As commonly defined, plagiarism consists of passing off as one's own the ideas, words, writings, etc., which belong
to another. In accordance with this definition, you are committing plagiarism if you copy the work of another
person and turn it in as your own, even is you should have the permission of that person. Plagiarism is one of the
worst academic sins, for the plagiarist destroys the trust among colleagues without which research cannot be safely

If you have any questions regarding plagiarism, please consult the latest issue of the Texas A&M University Student
Rules,, under the section "Scholastic Dishonesty."








PETE 622
Exploration and Production Evaluation

Instructor: Richard Startzman

Professor and L.F. Peterson Endowed Professor
3116 TAMU - 710 Richardson Building
College Station, TX 77843-3116
Phone: (979) 845-2239

i. Class organization, expectations, rules
Notes: R A Startzman (see website \\Pe-file\shares\Classes\pete622)
ii. Introduction to the Petroleum Industry
1. Petroleum Reserves and Forecasting
Production trends, international reserves definitions.
2. Petroleum Legal Rights
Mineral ownership, international fiscal systems (concessionary, service contract, production sharing),
bidding theory and practice, evaluation empirical rules.
3. Profit Models
Cash flow, financial and tax models, DD&A, lump and multiple sums, economic efficiency measures,
hurdle rates, incremental analysis
4. Economic Enhancement
Design of projects, leverage, delay/accelerate, project optimization
5. Risk Analysis
6. Decision Theory and Practice
7. Project Management
8. Offshore Bidding Exercise—Sitting Bull

Two major exams; one before Spring Break and the other before the end of the semester.
Pop quizzes at any time.
A final may be given depending on class performance.

1. Class projects and participation: 10%
Somewor kwi llbea ss
ign edtoteams .Everyoneonat eami se xpe
ctedtoc ontribute
.Th osewh odon ’
tc on t
r ibut
will be assigned toa“ tea mofon e.”
2. Major Exams (including final):90%
(If a final is given it will be weighted 20% and the two major exams will each be weighted 35%. If no final is
given then each major exam will be weighted 45%.) The dates of these exams will be determined after class
discussions during the semester.
Th e ywi l
la llbe“ ope nbook .

A note on class participation

A constructive and active class participation is expected of all students. This means arriving in class before starting
time, asking appropriate questions and studying assigned material ahead of class. I also expect members of the class
to recite effectively at any time.

PETE 623

Instructor: Dr. Daulat D. Mamora

Associate Professor
Harold Vance Dept. of Petroleum Engineering
Texas A&M University
Tel. 845 2962
Office: R709; Ramey Lab (R508)

PETE 624: Rock Mechanics of Reservoirs
20 January 2004 [040120]

Catalogue Description
PETE 624. Rock Mechanics Aspects of Petroleum Reservoir Response. (3-0). Credit 3. Reservoir rocks and their
physical behavior; porous media and fracture flow models; influence of rock deformability, stress, fluid pressure and
temperature. Prerequisite: Approval of graduate advisor.

Textbook: Smith, I.M. and D.V. Griffiths, 3rd ed., 1998, Programming the Finite Element Method, John Wiley &
Sons, New York, 534 pp. ISBN 0-471-96542-1 0-471-96542-X (pbk.)

Instructor: James E. Russell, Professor,

Baker-Hughes Chair
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering
Professor of Geophysics
709 Richardson Building
Texas A&M University
3116 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-3116
979-845-2241 Central Office 979-845-6184 Direct

Course Objectives:
 To focus on fundamental principles and calculation methods of mechanics as they apply to the deformation,
fracture, and flow of and in porous reservoir rocks saturated with fluids in the subsurface environment.
 To review applications of rock mechanics using the Finite Element Method to borehole stability, prediction
of fracture and pore pressure gradients, cutting rock, and reservoir mechanics.

Grading: 100>A>90, 90>B>80, 80>C>70, 70>D>60, 60>F

 Homework 20%
 Quizzes (2) 50%
 Final Report and Presentation 30%

Week Topic
1 Overview & Subsurface Environment
2 to 5 Introduce FEM Calculations for Elastic Rock
6 to 8 FEM Calculation for In-Elastic Constitutive Models
9 Numerical Solutions, Quiz 1 Week of March 22
10 Borehole Stability and Sand Production
11 Fracture and Pore Pressure Gradients
12 Rock Compressibility
13 Reservoir Mechanics, Quiz 2 Week of April 19
14 Final Presentations of Student Projects, Final Reports

PETE 625
Well Control

Catalog Data: PETE 625. Well Control. (3.0). Credit 3. Theory of pressure control in drilling operations and
during well kicks; abnormal pressure detection and fracture gradient determination; casing setting
depth selection and advanced casing design; theory supplemented on well control simulators.
Prerequisite: PETE 661

Texts: 1. Advanced Well Control Manual, by David Watson, Terry Brittenham and Preston Moore. SPE
Textbook Series
2. Well Control, by Jerome J. Schubert, PE, Texas A&M University, 1995
3. Class notes can be found at hppt://

Course Grade: Homework 20%

Project 20%
Quiz A 20%
Quiz B 20%
Quiz C 20%

Instructor: Dr. Jerome J. Schubert, PE

Office: 501 K Richardson
Phone: 979/862-1195
Office Hours: TR 10:00 –11:30 am (or by appointment)

Topics: Lesson 1. Introduction to course

Basic Concepts
Read: Schubert, Chap. 1-2
Watson, Chap. 1-2
Lesson 2. Gas Behavior and Fluid Hydrostatics
Read: Schubert, Chap. 1-2
Watson, Chap. 1-2
Lesson 3. Pore Pressure Prediction
Read: Schubert, Chap. 9
Watson, Chap. 3
Lesson 4. Formation Fracture Gradients
Read: Schubert, Chap. 9
Watson, Chap. 4
Lesson 5. Kick Detection and Control Methods
Read: Schubert, Chap. 3-6
Watson, Chap. 5
Lesson 6. Secondary Well Control Complications
Read: Schubert, Chap. 6, 13
Watson, Chap. 6
Lesson 7. Special Well Control Applications
Read: Schubert, Chap. 13
Watson, Chap. 7
Lesson 8. Well Control Equipment
Read: Watson, Chap. 8
Lesson 9. Offshore and Subsea Well Control
Read: Schubert, Chap. 15
Watson, Chap. 9
Lesson 10. Blowout Control
Read: Watson, Chap. 10

Lesson 11. Snubbing and Stripping
Read: Schubert, Chap. 13
Adams, Chap. 6
Watson, Chap. 11
Lesson 12. Casing Seat Selection
Read: Schubert, Chap. 9
Watson, Chap. 12
Lesson 13. SMD Well Control
Lesson 14. Well Workover/Well Completion Well Control
Read: Watson, Chap. 7

Petroleum Engineering 626
Offshore Drilling
(3-0). Credit 3

Instructor: Hans C. Juvkam-Wold, P.E.

3116 TAMU - 501F Richardson Building
College Station, TX 77843-3116
Phone: (979) 845-4093
Fax: (979) 862-1272

Course Description: Offshore drilling from fixed and floating drilling structures; directional drilling including
horizontal drilling; theory of deviation monitoring and control.

Prerequisites: PETE 411 or 661; or approval of instructor.

Texts: Floating Drilling: Equipment and Its Use, by Riley Sheffield.

Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas, 1982.
Applied Drilling Engineering, by Adam T. Bourgoyne Jr., Martin E. Chenevert, Keith K.
Millheim and F.S. Young Jr.
Society of Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, TX, 1991.
Selected Technical Papers.

Basis for Homework 20%

Grading: Quiz A 20%
Quiz B 20%
Project 20%


Topics: Drilling a well from a floating vessel; station keeping 3

Wellheads; casing program; blowout preventers 3
The drilling riser; riser tensioning; drilling hydraulics 3
Motion compensation; formation testing; shallow water flows 4
Dual gradient drilling; subsea mudlift drilling 6
Directional drilling; wellbore surveying techniques; 4
Wellbore trajectory control 4
The kick-off, drilling with mud motors and turbines 6
The bottomhole assembly 4
Horizontal drilling; torque and drag 3
Hydrates and potential problems in deepwater drilling 2
Quizzes: (3 hours)
Total: 45 hours

Computer usage: Required for homework

Petroleum Engineering 628
Horizontal Drilling
(3-0). Credit 3

Instructor: Hans C. Juvkam-Wold, P.E.

3116 TAMU - 501F Richardson Building
College Station, TX 77843-3116
Phone: (979) 845-4093
Fax: (979) 862-1272

Course Description: Changing a wellbore from vertical to horizontal; long- and short-radius horizontal wells;
bottomhole assemblies for achieving and maintaining control of inclination and direction;
drilling fluids; torque and drag calculations; buckling of tubulars: transport of drilled

Prerequisites: PETE 411, 661 or approval of instructor.

Texts: Horizontal Wells - Formation Evaluation, Drilling, and Production, by R.

Aguilera, J. S. Artindale, G. M. Cordell, M. C. Ng, G. W. Nicholl and G.A. Runions.
Gulf Publishing Co. Houston, 1991.
Class Notes
Selected Technical Papers.

Basis for Homework 20%

Grading: Quiz A 20%
Quiz B 20%
Project 20%

Topics: Introduction; overview 2
Production incentives; applications; case histories 4
Horizontal well planning; long- medium- and short-radius wells 3
Build curve design; target planning; tangent build curves 3
Drillstring design; torque and drag 6
Buckling of drillpipe and coiled tubing 6
Pipe bending; bending stresses 3
Bottom-hole assemblies for controlling hole inclination
and direction; drilling in sliding and rotating modes 4
More BHA's; mud motors; angle of attack; geosteering 5
Multilaterals, hydraulics; pressure drops; cuttings transport 4
Horizontal well completions; cost estimating 2
Quizzes: (3 hours)
Total: 45 hours

Computer usage: Required for homework

PETE 629
Advanced Hydraulic Fracturing
Spring 2006 Rm 319 TR 8:00 –9:15 am

Peter P. Valkó, Associate Professor

Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University
office: 501K Richardson Building
mail: 3116 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-3116
phone: (USA)-(979)-862 2757
web (personal):
office hours: M 4:00 pm - 5:00 R 11:00 am –12:00

Course Description:
The purpose of this course is to present and integrate the necessary fundamentals from flow in porous media,
elasticity theory, fracture mechanics and fluid mechanics in order to understand, design, optimize and evaluate
hydraulic fracturing treatments. Our goal is to establish a unified design and analysis methodology for propped
fracturing. Starting from the reservoir engineering description of the performance of a fractured well, we provide a
firm basis for determining the optimum fracture dimensions based on the effective Proppant Number concept.
Technical constraints will be satisfied in such a way that the design will depart from the theoretical optimum only to
the necessary extent. We discuss fluid, proppant and rock properties, data gathering, design models of various
complexity, on-site calibration, real-time and post-job data evaluation, in addition to deriving and solving models of
fracture propagation. In this course we put special emphasis on using the computer not just as a number-crunching
device but rather to do all kind of mathematical derivations and to use advanced algorithms. Therefore,
approximately one third of the course will be devoted to the use of the Mathematica (MMA) software.

 Economides-Oligney-Valkó: Unified Fracture Design, ORSA Press, TX, 2002
 Haneberg, W. C.: Computational Geosciences with Mathematica, Springer, New York , 2004

Grading Policy:
Exam 1 25 %
Exam 2 25 %
In-class work, quizzes, homework 20 %
Final Examination / Project 30 %

Course Schedule

Week Day Date Lecture Subject

1 T Jan. 17 1 Orientation, Introduction, History Introduction to MMA, H_Ch_1
R Jan. 19 2 Equipment and Materials Special plots, H_Ch_2
Production forecast, Theoretical Symbolics and equation solving,
2 T Jan. 24 3
calculations of PI H_Ch_3
Statistics, Probabilistic simulations,
R Jan. 26 4 Optimum Fracture Dimensions
Stress State in Formations, Induced
3 T Jan. 31 5 Stresses, Fracture Initiation and Interpolation and Regression, H_Ch_6
Visualizing and analyzing surfaces,
R Feb. 2 6 Linear Elasticity and Rock Mechanics

Week Day Date Lecture Subject
Digital image and signal processing,
4 T Feb. 7 7 Ideal Crack Shapes
R Feb. 9 8 Rheology, Fluid Flow in Fractures MMA: Solving rheology models
Proppant Transport, Bulk Fluid Loss MMA: Derivation of G-function, exact
5 T Feb. 14 9
Concept integration
Coupling of Elasticity, Flow and Mat
R Feb. 16 10 MMA: Crack shape solutions
6 T Feb. 21 2 D Design MMA: 2D Design
R Feb. 23 11 Modeling Height Containment Excel: 2D Design
7 T Feb. 28 Exam 1
R Mar. 2 12 On-Site Injection Test Analysis MMA: Leakoff analysis
8 T Mar. 7 13 Modeling Fracture Propagation: 3 D MMA: Height
R Mar. 9 14 P3D Design and 3D Design FracPro: Intro

R Mar. 16
Post Job Analysis: Treatment Pressure
10 T Mar. 21 15 FracPro: Design
Post Job Analysis: Well testing, Tracer
R Mar. 23 16 MMA: Programming 1
11 T Mar. 28 17 Frac & pack, Slopes analysis MMA: Programming 2
R Mar. 30 18 Fracturing horizontal wells MMA: Programming 3
Staging strategies, Perforation
strategies. Near wellbore tortuosity
12 T Apr. 4 19 MMA: Symbolics 1
diagnostics, Proppant and high-viscosity
slug techniques
R Apr. 6 Exam 2
Boundary element model of finite
13 T Apr. 11 20 MMA: Numerics 1
conductivity fracture, pss PI
R Apr. 13 21 Transient performance models MMA: Numerics 2
14 T Apr. 18 22 Current trends MMA: Visualization 1
R Apr. 20

15 T Apr. 25 Project Presentations

R Apr. 27

16 T May. 2 No class (day redefined to be F)

17 M May. 8 1-3: pm Final Exam (if not waived)

Academic Integrity Statement:
“AnAg giedoe snotl ie,c heat
,ors t
e alort oler
atet h osewh odo. ”Col l
x amina t
ion sanda ssi
g nme ntsis
forbidden except when specifically authorized. Students violating this policy may be removed from the class roster
and given a grade F in the course or other penalties as outlined in the Texas A&M University Student Rules.

ADA Policy Statement:

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive
civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students
with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their
disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Department of
Student Life, Services for Students with Disabilities, in Cain Hall or call 845-1637.

PETE 630: Geostatistics

Dr. Akhil Datta-Gupta
Rm. 501E Richardson Building
Tel. 979-847-9030 e-mail:
Office Hours: Tuesday 3-5 PM

Grading Policy
Two Examinations (usually 24 hour take home)
 Midterm (20%)
 Final (30%)

 Periodic class assignments (10%)

Final Project
 Due last day of Class (40%)

Additional Reading
 Journel, A. G., Geostatistics in Five Lessons, Americal Geophysical Union Publication.
 Isaaks, E. H. and Srivastava, R. M., An Introduction to Applied Geostatistics, Oxford University Press.

Course Outline
1. Overview & Objectives
2. Basic Review of Probability and Statistics
 Distribution functions
 Moments and Expectations
 Covariance/correlation
3. Data Correlation/Regression
 Multivariate Analysis (PCA, Cluster and Discriminant Analysis)
 Data classification/partitioning
 Parametric and Non-parametric Regression
4. Spatial Interpolation of Properties
 Variogram and Variogram Modeling
 Linear Regression
 Kriging/Cokriging
 Kriging/Cokriging Variations
5. Stochastic Simulation
 Conditional Simulation
 Sequential Simulation
 Simulated Annealing
 Uncertainty Assessment
6. Integration of seismic and Well Data
 Scales and resolution
 Sequential Simulation with Block Kriging
 Bayesian Approaches
 Geostatistical Inversion
7. Modeling Facies Variations
 Lithofacies characterization
 Object-based modeling
 Indicator methods
8. Advanced Concepts
 Multipoint Geostatistics

 Markov Random Fields
 Fractured Reservoir Characterization
9. Flow Simulation in Geological Models
 Streamline techniques
 Model ranking
 Upscaling
10. Dynamic Data Integration
 History Matching
 Inverse Modeling Preliminaries

PETE 631
Petroleum Reservoir Description

Instructor: John Lee

Office: Rooms 401-G, 401-H, Richardson Building
Office Hours Permanent hours to be announced
Text: Papers from the petroleum literature
Class Schedule: Friday 3 - to 6 pm.

Course Broad Objective

Tobea bl etode s cri
bear eservoir
’sr ocka n dflui dpr
naway sufficient for high-quality reservoir studies,
such as reservoir simulation or material balance.

 Gas properties
 Oil properties
 Water properties
 Elements of reservoir geosciences
 Basic reservoir rock properties
 Relative permeability
 Capillary pressure

Course Schedule
Week Date Topic Paper No.
1 Sep/1/00 Petroleum Geology 1
Sandstone Reservoirs 2 and 3
2 Sep/8/00 Sandstone Reservoirs 4 through 10
Carbonate Reservoirs 11
3 Sep/15/00 Reservoir Fluids 12 through 19
4 Sep/22/00 Equations of State 20 through 24
Basic Rock Properties 25
5 Sep/29/00 Fundamentals of Log Analysis 26 through 37
6 Oct/6/00 Geophysics 38 through 45
7 Oct /13/00 Petrophysics, Capillary Pressure 46 through 50
8 Oct /20/00 Selecting Rock & Fluid Properties 51
Data 52 and 53
Seismic, Reservoir Management
9 Oct /27/00 Relative Permeability 54
10 Nov/3/00 Midterm Exam -
11 Nov/10/00 Group Presentations -
12 Nov/17/00 Group Presentations -
13 Nov/24/00 Thanksgiving Holiday - No class -
14 Dec/1/00 Group Presentations -
15 Dec/8/00 Group Presentations -

Guidelines for Paper Reviews

It should take no more than one page to summarize a typical paper. Some papers may require more; use your own
judgment. Learn to be concise and to state briefly the essential ideas communicated.

Usual organization of a review

 Authors, title. Use the SPE standard reference style. (You can find it in the SPE Guide to Publications,
which is on the web at
 Problem. Briefly, describe the problem the authors are trying to solve.
 Approach. Describe what the authors did. Did they do a theoretical analysis, laboratory work, numerical
simulation –or something else? Did they verify their results using lab experiments or field data?

 Solution. Describe the solution the authors developed. Did they develop a new correlation, a new
procedure, a new algorithm?
 Conclusions. Describe the conclusions the authors reached as a result of the study.
 Limitations. List the limitations of the work. Is it applicable to only a certain type of reservoir (e.g.,
homogeneous reservoir)?
 Application. How would you apply the knowledge provided in this paper?
 Critique. What questions did the authors leave unanswered? What could the authors have done to make the
paper better?

Objectives of reviewing papers in this class

 To learn how to learn from papers (harder than textbooks, but more important in the long run).
 To learn how to identify the really important ideas in papers
 To learn how to summarize ideas concisely.
 To learn how engineers with vastly different points of view think and how they approach problems and
their solutions.

Example Paper Review

Name: John Lee
Petroleum Reservoir Description

Thakur, G. C.: "Reservoir Management: A Synergistic Approach," SPE Paper No. 20138, presented at the 1990
Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conference, March 8-9, Midland, Texas.

Problem: Improving the overall efficiency of secondary recovery and EOR projects.

Approach: The author presents his arguments for integrated reservoir management teams. These arguments are then
supported by a case history. This is followed by more elaboration on the team management approach.

Solution:In general terms, the author feels that the solution to complex reservoir management problems lies in
proactive, inter-disciplinary teams performing systematic evaluation and execution of a purpose-built management
plan. The evaluation and the plan should include all aspects of the problem including, but not limited to,
 Geoscience,
 Engineering (reservoir, drilling, production, facilities),
 Management
 Environment,
 Politics,
 HSE (not mentioned).
These principles were applied to the North Ward Estes field to accomplish a successful CO2 flood EOR project.

Conclusions: The author concludes that the success of the North Ward Estes project was the result of the integrated
team approach, and the success in this field will lead to better planning and execution of future CO2 flood projects.
He further concludes that the integrated team approach is beneficial in building interdepartmental cooperation and
communication within operating companies.

Limitations: Idon ’tthi

nkt hatthe reare any hard limits to implementation of these ideas. However, the degree to
which this approach may be used in practice will vary from field to field depending on technical and/or operational
requirements, and economic and time constraints.

Application: This problem solving approach will probably be applicable to a great number of fields. The "post-
mortem" observations about why reservoir management programs fail are important to keep in mind while
considering all future programs.

Critique: Much repetition of earlier published material. I think a bit weak on new material.

PETE 632
Physical & Engineering Properties of Rock

Catalogue Description:
Physical and engineering properties of rock and rock masses including strength, deformation, fluid flow, thermal
and electrical properties as a function of the subsurface temperature, in-situ stress, pore fluid pressure, and chemical
environment; relationship of rock properties to logging, siting and design of wells and structures in rock.
Prerequisites: Approval of instructor.

Reference book: Principles of Rock Mechanics, Ruud Weijermars; Alboran Science Publishing, 1997.

Professor: James E. Russell RICH 407K, 845-6184,

Course Objectives:
 To introduce fundamental principles of mechanics as they apply to the deformation, fracture, and flow of
porous reservoir rocks saturated with fluids in the subsurface environment.
 To study the influence of the subsurface environmental parameters (temperature, in-situ stress, and pore
pressure) on the behavior of rock.
 To discuss methods for measuring environmental parameters and rock properties in situ and in the laboratory.
 To review applications of rock mechanics to borehole stability, prediction of fracture and pore pressure
gradients, cutting rock, and reservoir mechanics.

Grading: 100>A>90, 90>B>80, 80>C>70, 70>D>60, 60>F

 Homework 20%
 Quizzes (2) 50%
 Final Report and Presentation 30%

Week Topic
1 Overview & Subsurface Environment
2 to 5 Continuum Models of Rock
6 to 7 Constitutive Models of Rock
8 Measurements
9 Analytical Solutions, Quiz 1
10 Fracture and Pore Pressure Gradients
11 Borehole Stability and Sand Production
12 Cutting Rock
13 Borehole Stability Mechanics, Quiz 2
14 Final Presentations of Student Projects, Final Reports


Instructor: Dr. Akhil Datta-Gupta

Rm. 501E Richardson Building
Tel. 979-847-9030 e-mail:
Office Hours: Tuesday 3-5 PM

Text: No prescribed textbook. References and class notes will be provided.

Suggested Readings:
Menke, W., Geophysical Data Analysis: Discrete Inverse Theory, Academic Press Inc.
Dubrule, Olivier, Geostatistics in Petroleum Geology, AAPG Continuing Education Note Series

Course Overview:
This course is designed to cover techniques to incorporate diverse data types during petroleum
reservoir characterization, accounting for the scale and precision associated with the data. A
particular emphasis will be on the integration of dynamic reservoir behavior into stochastic
reservoir characterization through the use of inverse modeling. The dynamic data can be in the
form of pressure transient test, tracer test, multiphase production history or interpreted 4-D
seismic information.

Prerequisites: PETE 620/Permission of the instructor

Course grading: Project-1 (40%)

Project-2 (40%)
Class Assignments (20%)

Course Outline
1. Data integration: Goals and Overview
2. Review of Probability Theory
3. Bayes Theorem as a basis for data integration
4. Data Correlation
Data Classification
Data Partitioning
5. Integration of Static Data
Multiscale Markov Random Fields
6. Integration of Dynamic Data: Inverse Methods
7. Discrete Inverse Problem and Solution
Bayesian vs. Deterministic Approaches
Sensivity Coefficient Calculations
Reparameterization Techniques
Gradient and Monte Carlo Methods
8. Fast Forward Modeling: Streamline Methods
9. Uncertainty Analysis
The role of Prior Information
The Relative Worth of Data

PETE 634
Petroleum Reservoir Modelling and Data Analysis
Class times to be determined

Description of Course
This course provides an introduction to methods for the development of reservoir models, and the analysis
and integration of data required to apply these methods. It particularly emphasis the integration of geological
information into these models. Each student will give an oral report on a subject not covered in the lectures
e.g., experimental design, multipoint statistics, Markov modeling, and analysis of compositional data.

Course Materials
 Statistics for Petroleum Engineers and Geoscientists by Jensen et al., 2003, Elsevier (main text)
 Stochastic Modelling and Geostatistics by Yarus and Chambers, AAPG
 Selected papers covering case studies and modelling methods
 Class note and handouts

Course Outline

Week # Topic Description Time

1 1 Introduction: need for modelling, types of models, review of geological and 3 hrs
petrophysical reservoir properties (architecture, single and two-phase properties)
2-3 2 Probability and statistics: review of univariate statistics and their links to geology, 6 hrs
including averages, estimation error, and sample numbers
4 3 Monte Carlo methods: oil in place determination, stochastic shales, and porosity and 3 hrs
permeability assignments
5 4 Bayes theorem and geology: including prior knowledge from data (seismic, outcrop), 3 hrs
effect on estimates
5 Exam 1
6-8 5 Bivariate statistics: Methods for evaluation of relationship strength, assessing trends and 9 hrs
cyclicity in data, variograms and geology
9-10 6 Kriging: basics and variations of the method, including simple, ordinary, indicator, and 6 hrs
universal kriging
10 Exam 2
11-12 7 Facies distributions and petrophysical property assignments using pixel-based modelling: 6 hrs
sequential gaussian and sequential indicator simulation, case study
13 8 Sedimentary body modelling using object-based methods, case study 1½
13 9 Fracture models: fracture properties, overview of methods to simulate fracture 1½
distributions, neural networks, case study
14 10 Student reports 3 hrs

Course grading
Exams (2).......................................................................................................................................... (50%)
Homework ........................................................................................................................................ (20%)
Report ............................................................................................................................................... (30%)
Total.................................................................................................................................................. (100%)

Course Instructor
Dr. Jerry L. Jensen
Tel. (979) 845-2206
Office: Rm. 401E Richardson Building

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive
civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students
with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their
disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Department of
Student Life, Services for Students with Disabilities in Room B118 of Cain Hall, or call 845-1637.

The materials used in this course are copyrighted. These materials include but are not limited to syllabi, quizzes,
exams, lab problems, in-class materials, review sheets, and additional problem sets. Because these materials are
copyrighted, you do not have the right to copy the handouts, unless permission is expressly granted.

Asc ommon lyde f ined,pl a

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stsofpa ssingof fasone’sownt heide as,wor ds,wr i
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to another. In accordance with this definition, you are committing plagiarism if you copy the work of another
person and turn it in as your own, even is you should have the permission of that person. Plagiarism is one of the
worst academic sins, for the plagiarist destroys the trust among colleagues without which research cannot be safely

If you have any questions regarding plagiarism, please consult the latest issue of the Texas A&M University Student
Rules, http://student-rle
s.tamu .
edu ,un dert hesec t
ion“ Sch ol
a sticDi shon e s

Petroleum Engineering 648
Pressure Transient Testing
Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2005

Instructor: Prof. Christine Ehlig-Economides

Office: 401F
Office Hours: MW 3-5pm
Phone: 979 458-0797

John Lee, John B. Rollins, and John P. Spivey: Pressure Transient Testing, SPE Textbook Series Vol. 9, by, 2004

Recommended Reading:
 R. Raghavan: Well Test Analysis, Prentice Hall Petroleum Engineering Series, 1993
 C.S. Matthews and D.G. Russell: Pressure Buildup and Flow Tests in Wells, SPE Monograph Vol. 1, 1967
 R. Earlougher, Jr.: Advances in Well Test Analysis, SPE Monograph Vol. 5, 1977
 Energy Resources Conservation Board, Theory and Practice of the Testing of Gas Wells, Alberta, Canada,
 SPE Reprint Series, No. 9: Pressure Analysis Methods, 1967.
 SPE Reprint Series, No. 57: Pressure Transient Testing, V. I and II, 2004
 Abramowitz, M, and Steegan, I.A.: Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards
Applied Mathematics Series 55, 1972.

Course Requirements:
Homework/Teamwork 50%
Midterms 50%
Unless otherwise indicated, homework assignments will be issued on Thursdays and due on the following Thursday.
Students will present homework solutions according to a random selection. Failure to be prepared to present when
asked will reduce homework grade by 10%. Collaboration on homework is encouraged, and the class will be divided
into teams.

Midterm exams will be take-home exams due the next class.

Catalog Course Description:

Diffusivity equation and solutions for slightly compressible liquids; dimensionless variables; type curves;
applications of solutions to buildup, drawdown, multi-rate, interference, pulse and deliverability tests; extensions to
multiphase flow; analysis of hydraulically fractured wells.
Prerequisites: PETE 324 and 620; approval of graduate advisor.

Course Objectives:
1. Experience how well test models are derived and computed
2. Experience how to simulate pressure transient test behavior and how to design well tests*
3. Experience how to process, quality check, diagnose, and analyze pressure transient data
4. Understand the behavior of well and reservoir response patterns observed in well tests, what well and reservoir
parameters can be quantified, and how to quantify them from pressure transient data*
*Using commercial software

Course Outline
Aug. 30, Sep. 1 Modeling –Diffusivity Equation Derivation; PTT Ch. 1, App. A, B
Sep. 6, 8 Modeling –Diffusivity Equation Solutions; PTT Ch. 1, App. A, B
Sep. 13*, 15* Modeling –Solution Implementation, Type Curves; PTT Ch. 4, App. F
Sep. 20, 22 Superposition; PTT Ch. 1-2, App. E
Sep. 27, 29 Wellbore Storage and Skin; Index PTT wellbore storage, skin

Oct. 4, 6 Flow Regimes; PTT App. G
Oct. 6 Midterm Exam I (Due Oct. 13)
Oct. 13, 18, 20 Test Design; PTT Ch. 8-11, App. K
Oct. 25, 27 Partial Penetration/Limited Entry; PTT Ch. 2
Nov. 1, 3 Horizontal Well; PTT Ch. 12
Nov. 8, 10 Hydraulically Fractured Well; PTT Ch. 6
Nov. 15, 17 Naturally Fractured Reservoir, Reservoir Limits
Nov. 22 Midterm Exam II (Due Nov. 29)
Nov. 22, 29, Dec. 1 Gas Well Testing, Multiphase Testing
Dec. 6 Multiwell and Interference Testing
*lectures by Dr. Valko

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy Statement

The following ADA Policy Statement (part of the Policy on Individual Disabling Conditions) was submitted to the
University Curriculum Committee by the Department of Student Life. The policy statement was forwarded to the
Faculty Senate for information.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides
comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that
all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of
their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Department of
Student Life, Services for Students with Disabilities, in Cain Hall or call 845-1637.

Academic Integrity Statement

“AnAggied oesnotl i
e,c he

Definitions of Academic Misconduct

1. Cheating
Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids or other
devices or materials in any academic exercise.
2. Fabrication
Making up data or results, and recording or reporting them; submitting fabricated documents.
3. Falsification
Manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that
the research is not accurately represented in the research record.
4. Multiple Submissions
Submitting substantial portions of the same work (including oral reports) for credit more than once without
authorization from the instructor of the class for which the student submits the work.
5. Plagiarism
The appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit.
6. Complicity
Intentionally or knowingly helping, or attempting to help, another to commit an act of academic dishonesty.

Honor Council Rules and Procedures

Petroleum Engineering 661
Drilling Engineering
(3-0). Credit 3

Course Description: Introduction to drilling systems; wellbore hydraulics; casing design; identification and
solution of drilling problems; well cementing drilling of directional and horizontal wells;
wellbore surveying; abnormal pore pressure; fracture gradients; well control; offshore drilling;
underbalanced drilling.

Prerequisites: Approval of instructor

Instructor: Dr. Jerome J. Schubert, PE

Office: 501 K Richardson
Phone: 979/862-1195
Office Hours: TR 10:00 –11:30 am (or by appointment)

Text: Applied Drilling Engineering, by Adam T. Bourgoyne Jr., Martin E. Chenevert, Keith K.
Millheim and F.S. Young Jr., Society of Petroleum Engineers, Richardson, TX, 1991.
Selected Technical Papers.

Suggested Homework 20%

Basis for Quiz A 20%
Grading: Quiz B 20%
Project 20%
Quiz C 20%

Topics: The drilling rig, drilling fluids, rig selection, drilling problems 4
Wellbore hydraulics and design of circulation system 3
Casing design procedures; collapse, burst, tension 3
Abnormal pressure prediction, fracture gradients 5
Kick tolerance and well control 4
Primary and secondary cementing, cement plugs 4
Directional drilling, wellbore surveying techniques 3
Horizontal drilling, coiled tubing drilling 4
Offshore drilling, including dual-gradient drilling 6
Underbalanced drilling 6
Quizzes: (3 hours)
Total: 45 hours

Computer usage: Required for homework and project

Petroleum Engineering 662
Production Engineering
Fall 2005

Instructor: Dr. A. D. Hill

Office: RICH 709
Office Hours: Th 1:30-4:30
Phone: 845-2278
TTh 11:10 –12:25 pm RICH 302

Course Description:
This course is a survey course in petroleum production engineering, beginning with the material in the textbook, and
going beyond this level with the aid of other material from the literature. I will review basic undergraduate
production engineering material at a fairly rapid pace. The primary topics that will be covered include reservoir
inflow, skin effects and formation damage, well completion performance, multiphase flow in pipes, matrix
acidizing, hydraulic fracturing, and artificial lift. A course outline is given below.

 Learn engineering methods to evaluate and optimize oil and gas well performance.

Petroleum Production Systems, by M. J. Economides, A. D. Hill, and C. Ehlig-Economides + supplemental

Course Schedule
Week topic chapter(s) covered

1 introduction to production engineering; review of reservoir inflow 1-4

2-3 skin effects and formation damage 5
4-6 multiphase flow in pipes 7, 10
7-9 matrix acidizing 13-15
10-12 hydraulic fracturing 16-18
13-15 artificial lift 19-20

1. Attendance: Class attendance is important. I will supplement the material in the textbook with additional
published and unpublished material, some of which may be presented only during class time. I encourage you to
attend class regularly.
2. Examinations: Examinations are not optional. Make-up of major examinations will be given only for university
excused absences.
3. GRADING: Homework & Projects 30%
Mid-term Exam 30%
Final Exam 40%
The course grade will be based on homework assignments, a mid-term exam, and a final examination. The final
exam will be given at the regularly scheduled time. One or more of the homework assignments will be projects of
larger scope than the usual homework assignments; these projects will comprise half of the homework grade.
4. Academic Integrity Statement: “AnAggi edoe snotl ie,che at,ors t
e alort oleratethos ewhodo. ” Collaboration
on examinations and assignments is forbidden except when specifically authorized. Students violating this policy
may be removed from the class roster and given a F in the course or other penalties as outlined in the Texas A&M
University Student Rules. See
5. ADA Policy Statement: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that
provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation
requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable
accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact
the Department of Student Life, Services for Students with Disabilities, in Cain Hall or call 845-1637.

Petroleum Engineering 663
Formation Evaluation and the Analysis of Reservoir Performance
Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2004

Course Instructor/Supervisor: (Class Meetings: TTh 12:45-2:00 p.m., RICH 302)

(Geology) (Formation Evaluation) (Analysis of Reservoir Performance)
Dr. Walter B. Ayers Dr. Jerry L. Jensen Dr. Thomas A. Blasingame
Tel. (979) 458-0721 Tel. (979) 845-2206 Tel. (979) 825-2292
Office: Rm. 401 M RICH Office: Rm. 401L RICH Office: Rm. 815 RICH
Office Hours: tba/appointment Office Hours: tba/appointment Office Hours: tba/appointment
e-mail: e-mail: e-mail:

Text Materials:
 Geology (Ayers) (AAPG (800-364-2274) or
— Morton-Thompson and Woods, eds.: Development Geology Manual, 1992, AAPG, Tulsa
 Formation Evaluation (Jensen) (.pdf version will be provided)
— Openhole Log Analysis and Formation Evaluation, Halliburton (.pdf version will be provided)
 Analysis of Reservoir Performance (Blasingame) (SPE (800) 456-6863) or
— Lee, W.J. and Wattenbarger, R.A.: Gas Reservoir Engineering, SPE (1996).

Reference Materials: Will be handed out or placed on an accessible website as needed.

1. Reference notes.
2. Journal articles.
3. Presentation materials.

Basis for Grade: (components given as percentage of total grade average)

Geology: Hwk/Quizzes/Projects (13.3333 percent), Exam (20 percent)........ 33.3333 percent
Formation Evaluation: Hwk/Quizzes/Projects (13.3333 percent), Exam (20 percent)........ 33.3333 percent
Reservoir Performance: Hwk/Quizzes/Projects (13.3333 percent), Exam (20 percent)...... 33.3333 percent
total = 100.0000 percent

Grade Cutoffs: (Percentages)

A: < 90 B: 89.99 to 80 C: 79.99 to 70 D: 69.99 to 60 F: < 59.99

Policies and Procedures:

1. Students are expected to attend class every session.
2. Always bring your textbook, notes, homework problems, and calculator to class.
3. Homework and other assignments will be given at the lecture session. All work shall be done in an
acceptable engineering manner; work done shall be as complete as possible. Assignments are due as
stated. Late assignments will receive a grade of zero.
4. Policy on Grading
a. It shall be the general policy for this class that homework and exams shall be graded on the basis of
answers only — partial credit, if given, is given solely at the discretion of the instructor.
b. All work requiring calculations shall be properly and completely documented for credit.
c. All grading shall be done by the instructor, or under his direction and supervision, and the decision of
the instructor is final.
5. Policy on Regrading
a. Only in very rare cases will exams be considered for regrading; e.g., when the total number of points
deducted is not consistent with the assigned grade. Partial credit (if any) is not subject to appeal.
b. Work which, while correct, cannot be followed, will be considered incorrect — and will not be
considered for a grade change.
c. Grades assigned to homework problems will not be considered for regrading.
d. If regrading is necessary, the student is to submit a letter to the instructor explaining the situation that
requires consideration for regrading and the material to be regraded must be attached to this letter. The
letter and attached material must be received within one week from the date returned.

6. The grade for a late assignment is zero. Homework will be considered late if it is not turned in at the start
of class on the due date. If a student comes to class after homework has been turned in and after class has
begun, the student's homework will be considered late and given a grade of zero. Late or not, all
assignments must be turned in. A course grade of Incomplete will be given if any assignment is missing,
and this grade will be changed only after all required work has been submitted.
7. Each student should review the University Regulations concerning attendance, grades, and scholastic
dishonesty. In particular, anyone caught cheating on an examination or collaborating on an assignment
where collaboration is not specifically allowed will be removed from the class roster and given an F
(failure grade) in the course.

Course Description
The purpose of this course is to provide the student with a working knowledge of the current methodologies
used in geological description/analysis, formation evaluation (the analysis/interpretation of well log data),
and the analysis of well performance data (the design/analysis/interpretation of well test and production
data). The overall course objective is to provide the student with the ability to assess field performance and
to optimize hydrocarbon recovery by analyzing/interpreting/integrating geologic, well log, and well
performance data.

Course Objectives
The student should be able to perform the tasks given below for each course module.
Course Module 1: Geology (Ayers)
Draw and label a schematic of a petroleum system; name and describe the organic sources of hydrocarbons.
Describe the processes of thermal maturation, primary and secondary migration, and hydrocarbon trapping;
name and describe 2 types of self-sourcing reservoirs.
Describe the origin and significance of structural features, including folds, fractures, and traps; describe
unconformities; describe the methods and tools used for structural evaluations and modeling.
Explain and give examples of in-situ stress effects on absolute permeability and permeability anisotropy.
Characterize a clastic or carbonate reservoir by describing the geometry, orientation, and continuity of
sedimentary facies and their relations to flow units and reservoir quality.
List examples of diagenetic effects on clastic and carbonate reservoir quality.
Describe porosity-permeability relations in clastic and carbonate reservoirs; give examples of scalar effects
on permeability determination.
Sketch examples of stratigraphic traps.
Describe the methods, tools, and workflow for developing a reservoir model; compare and contrast
deterministic and stochastic reservoir models.
Course Module 2: Formation Evaluation (Jensen)
Describe and explain the following operational aspects:
Logging operation surface and downhole equipment.
Logging operation procedures.
Explain and apply the principles of operation and interpretation of the following logs:
Density Spontaneous Potential Sonic
Neutron Gamma Ray Resistivity
Estimate porosity and lithology for the following cases:
Monomineral Binary Mixtures
Apply the following to evaluate saturation:
Ar chie’
sl aws Pickett plot
Course Module 3: Analysis of Reservoir Performance (Blasingame)
Derive and apply the analysis and interpretation methodologies for pressure drawdown and pressure buildup
tests — for liquid, gas, and multiphase flow systems (i.e., "conventional" plots and type curve analysis).
Specifically, the following cases:
Apply dimensionless solutions ("type curves") and field variable solutions ("specialized plots") for the
follow-ing well test analysis case cases:
— Unfractured and fractured wells in infinite and finite-acting, homogeneous and dual porosity reservoirs,
for constant rate and constant pressure cases.
— Variable-rate convolution (specialized plots).

— The pseudopressure and pseudotime concepts for the analysis of well test data for dry gas reservoir
Analyze production data (rate-time or pressure-rate-time data) to obtain reservoir volume and estimates of
reservoir properties for gas and liquid reservoir systems. The student should also be able to make per-
formance forecasts for such systems.
Demonstrate the capability to integrate, analyze, and interpret well test and production data to characterize a
reservoir in terms of reservoir properties and performance potential (field study project).
Course Schedule
Date Topic Reading
Module 1: Geology (Ayers) All assignments (except handouts) from Morton-Thompson and Woods (M-T&W)
August 31 T (Geol) Introduction; petroleum systems; source rocks; thermal maturation Handout
September 02 R (Geol) Petro. Systems; primary and secondary migration; trapping mechanisms; seals Handout
07 T (Geol) Struc. Assessment; origin and styles of structural features MTW — Pt 6
09 R (Geol) Struc. Assessment; folds and fractures; unconformities; thief zones; coning MTW — Pts 4, 6
14 T (Geol) Struc. Assessment; seals and traps; methods of structural evaluation MTW — Pts 4, 6, 7
16 R (Geol) Res. Characterization; methods of stratigraphic analysis; clastic dep. systems MTW — Pts 5, 6
21 T (Geol) Res. Characterization; clastic depositional systems MTW — Pts 5, 6
23 R (Geol) Res. Characterization; carbonate depositional systems; diagenesis MTW — Pts 5, 6
28 T No Class — 2004 SPE ACTE (Houston, TX)
30 R (Geol) Res. Characterization; flow units; stratigraphic traps MTW — Pts 5, 6
Module 2: Formation Evaluation (Jensen)
October 05 T (Geol) Res. Characterization; methods of reservoir evaluation and description MTW — Pt 7, Handout
07 R (FrmEvl) Logging procedures and format Halliburton Ch. 1-7
07 R Geology Examination (7-9 p.m. — RICH 302)
12 T (FrmEvl) Basic lithology measurements: SP and GR Halliburton Ch. 9-10
14 R (FrmEvl) Nuclear tools and interpretation basics Halliburton Ch. 17-18
19 T (FrmEvl) Acoustic tools and interpretation basics Halliburton Ch. 16
21 R (FrmEvl) Crossplots I — Lithology-related functions Halliburton Ch. 20,22-23
26 T (FrmEvl) Shaly-sand evaluation I — Causes and effects Halliburton Ch. 27
28 R (FrmEvl) Shaly-sand evaluation II — Interpretation Handout
November 02 T (FrmEvl) Resistivity methods I — Principles Halliburton Ch. 11-14-
04 R (FrmEvl) Resistivity methods II — Advanced measurements Halliburton Ch. 15
09 T (FrmEvl) Crossplots II — Saturation-related functions Halliburton Ch. 21,24,25
11 R (ResPrf) Orientation — Analysis of Reservoir Performance Lee Ch. 1; Lee-Wat. Ch. 1
11 R Formation Evaluation Examination (7-9 p.m. — RICH 302
Module 3: Analysis of Reservoir Performance (Blasingame)
16 T (ResPrf) Analysis/Interpretation of Well Test Data — "Conventional" Analyses Lee Ch. 2-3; Lee-Wat. Ch. 6
18 R (ResPrf) Analysis/Interpretation of Well Test Data — "Type Curve" Analyses Lee Ch. 4; Lee-Wat. Ch. 6
23 T (ResPrf) Analysis/Interpretation of Well Test Data — Design/Integration/Analysis Lee Ch. 4; Lee-Wat. Ch. 6
25 R No Class — Thanksgiving Holiday
30 T (ResPrf) Analysis/Interpretation of Production Data — Introduction Lee Ch. 5; Lee-Wat. Ch. 7,9
December 02 R (ResPrf) Analysis/Interpretation of Production Data — "Decline" Analyses Lee Ch. 5; Lee-Wat. Ch. 7,9
07 T (ResPrf) Analysis/Interpretation of Production Data — Integration/Forecasting Lee Ch. 5; Lee-Wat. Ch. 7,9
December 15 W Analysis of Reservoir Performance Examination (8-10 a.m. — RICH 302)
There is no comprehensive final examination for this course — the timeslot for the final examination will be used as the
examination slot for the Analysis of Reservoir Performance (Module 3).

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement:

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensive
civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students
with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their
disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Department of
Student Life, Services for Students with Disabilities in Room B118 of Cain Hall, or call 845-1637..
Aggie Honor Code: (
"An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do."
Definitions of Academic Misconduct:
1. CHEATING: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids or
other devices or materials in any academic exercise.
2. FABRICATION: Making up data or results, and recording or reporting them; submitting fabricated documents.
3. FALSIFICATION: Manipulating research materials, equipment or processes, or changing or omitting data or
results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record.

4. MULTIPLE SUBMISSION: Submitting substantial portions of the same work (including oral reports) for credit
more than once without authorization from the instructor of the class for which the student submits the work.
5. PLAGIARISM: The appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving
appropriate credit.
6. COMPLICITY: Intentionally or knowingly helping, or attempting to help, another to commit an act of
academic dishonesty.
computer access or gain unauthorized access to information in any academic exercise. See Student Rule 22:
8. VIOLATION OF DEPARTMENTAL OR COLLEGE RULES: Students may not violate any announced
departmental or college rule relating to academic matters.
9. UNIVERSITY RULES ON RESEARCH: Students involved in conducting research and/or scholarly activities
at Texas A&M University must also adhere to standards set forth in University Rule 15.99.03.M1 - Responsible
Conduct in Research and Scholarship. For additional information please see:
Plagiarism Statement:
The materials used in this course are copyrighted. These materials include but are not limited to syllabi, quizzes,
exams, lab problems, in-class materials, review sheets, and additional problem sets. Because these materials are
copyrighted, you do not have the right to copy the handouts, unless permission is expressly granted.

As commonly defined, plagiarism consists of passing off as one's own the ideas, words, writings, etc., which belong
to another. In accordance with this definition, you are committing plagiarism if you copy the work of another
person and turn it in as your own, even is you should have the permission of that person. Plagiarism is one of the
worst academic sins, for the plagiarist destroys the trust among colleagues without which research cannot be safely

If you have any questions regarding plagiarism, please consult the latest issue of the Texas A&M University Student
Rules,, under the section "Scholastic Dishonesty."

Petroleum Engineering 664
Exploration and Production Evaluation
(Reserves and Evaluation)
Syllabus and Administrative Procedures
Fall 2005

Instructor: John Lee

Phone 979-845-2208
Office: Rooms 407-C, 407-D Richardson Building
Office Hours: Generally open; prefer MTW

Text: Cronquist, C., Estimation and Classification of Reserves of Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Condensate, SPE
(2001) (available from SPE for a member price of about $62.85)
Mian, M. A., Project Economics and Decision Analysis, Volume I: Deterministic Models, PennWell (2002)
(available from SPE for a member price of about $67.50)
Class Schedule: MWF, 3-6 PM, 302 Richardson
Basis for grade:
Mi dt
erme xam……………………………………… 30%
Fi nalexa minati
on…………………………………………… 50%
Home wor ka ndc las
sdi scuss i
on …………………………………. . 20%

1. Homework is due at the start of class. Late homework will receive the grade zero.
2. Examinations will be open book.
3. Class discussions will include reading assignments and homework. Please come to class prepared to discuss the
assigned topics for the day.
4. Assignments and other course materials will be posted on WebCT. You will need to establish a WebCT account
for this class and monitor the web site regularly.

WebCT Account
Because course information will be posted on WebCT regularly, I ask that you please monitor at least once a day.
To set up your WebCT account for this course, please do the following:
Go to
Find the link to WebCT Vista Logon. Click the link.
Use your NetID (Neo ID and password) to logon.
Click on the course name.

This should be all you need. If you think you can't get there from here, please contact Lance Richards, Ted Jones,
or Darla-Jean Weatherford in the 407 office suite for help.

Academic Integrity Syllabus Statement

"An Aggie does not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do."

All syllabi shall contain a section that states the Aggie Honor Code and refers the student to the Honor Council
Rules and Procedures on the web <>

It is further recommended that instructors print the following on assignments and examinations:

"On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid on this academic work."

Signature of student

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy Statement
The following ADA Policy Statement (part of the Policy on Individual Disabling Conditions) was submitted to the
UCC by the Department of Student Life. The policy statement was forwarded to the Faculty Senate for information.

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal antidiscrimination statue that provides comprehensive civil
rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with
disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If
you believe that you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact the Department of Student Life,
Services for Students with Disabilities in Room 126 of the Koldus Building, or call 845-1637.

Appendix E –PhD Students and Research Topics Since 2000

PhD Students and Research Topics –last 5 years (2000-2005)



Appendix F –Research Projects with Interdisciplinary Component

Research Projects with Interdisciplinary Component

PE Faculty Other Faculty Department/University/Industry Research

Jensen Wayne Ahr Geology & Geophysics NMR T2 pore typing in carbonate rocks
Jensen Brian Willis Geology & Geophysics Wireline tester response in meandering fluvial systems
Wavelet analysis of grainsize profiles in the Chinji and
Jensen Brian Willis Geology & Geophysics Nagri Formations
Brian Willis Geology & Geophysics
Jensen Jeffrey Hart Statistics Predicting net-to-gross ratio in high net-to-gross reservoirs
Zhu Quan Qin Institute for Scientific Computation Numerical Simulation of Heterogeneous Reservoir
On a mathematical model of the productivity index of a
Valko Jay R. Walton Mathematics & Aerospace Engineering well from reservoir engineering
Modelling poroelastic hollow cylinder experiments with
Valko Andreas K. Kronenberg Geology & Geophysics realistic boundary conditions
Comparison of Sequence Accelerators for the Gaver
Valko Joe Abate AT&T Bell Laboratories (now retired) Method of Numerical Laplace Transform Inversion
Petroleum & Mining Engineering,
Schubert J. Choe Seoul, South Korea Well control analysis and analysis of gas kick
Multi-scale Spatial Modeling for Petroleum Reservoirs
Datta-Gupta Mathematics and Statistic Using Static and Dynamic Data
Time Lapse Seismic Monitoring and Performance
Assessment for CO2 Sequestration in Hydrocarbon
Datta-Gupta Geology & Geophysics Reservoirs
Experimental and Analytical Studies to Model Reaction
Kinetics and Mass Transport of Carbon Dioxide
Mamora John Morse Oceanography and Geology Sequestration in Depleted Carbonate Reservoirs
McVay Bickel, Gibson Industrial Eng./Geology & Geophysics VOI Quantification
Advanced Technology for Infill and Recompletion
McVay Gibson Geology & Geophysics Candidate Well Selection
McVay Joel Watkins Geology & Geophysics Intergrated Reservoir Investigations Research
Barrufet Brett Mareth Chemical Engineering Control System Design of the Desalination System
Development of Kinetic Model to Predict Oil Adsorption
Rates on Organoclay Particles (for environmental
Barrufet Sonia Islam Civil Engineering applications)

PE Faculty Other Faculty Department/University/Industry Research
Allan Jones, Bill Harris,
Bill Fox Texas Water Resource Institute
Steve Whisenant Rangeland and Ecology Management
Bruce Lesikar Ag Engineering
Carl Vavra Food Protein Separation Sciences Lab
Burnett Lee Clapp Texas A&M Kingssville Desalination of Oil Field Brine
Wildlife and Fisheries
Park and Recreation & Tourism
Gillian Bowser Science
Texas Water Resources Institute
Eyad Masad, Jean Louis Ag Engineering
Briaud Civil Engineering
Joe Button, Lance Bullard Texas Transportation Institute
Chuck Kennicutt Center for Sustainable Development
Burnett Jim Lester, Rich Haut Houston Advance Research Center Environmental Friendly Drilling

Plan to develop new course that apprises the students of the new developments in the simulation technology

Appendix G –Additional Information

Recent Trends in Graduate Enrollment

Year Master PhD Total

1997-1998 62 41 103
1998-1999 64 37 101
1999-2000 93 38 132
2000-2001 134 30 164
2001-2002 142 33 175
2002-2003 132 33 165
2003-2004 126 32 158
2004-2005 123 43 166
2005-2006 141 50 191

Recent Trends in Graduate Degrees

Year Master PhD Total

1997-1998 27 11 38
1998-1999 18 7 25
1999-2000 20 13 33
2000-2001 38 4 42
2001-2002 65 5 70
2002-2003 41 5 46
2003-2004 67 12 79
2004-2005 45 8 53
Total 321 65 386

List of PhD Dissertation Titles of Graduates (2000-2005)



List of PhD Graduates Holding Faculty Positions in U.S. and Abroad
First Name Last Name Advisor Name Year University/Institute Country
Mansour Al-Malik Wu 1988 King Saud University Saudi Arabia
Mohammed Al-Saddique Blasingame 1994 King Saud University Saudi Arabia
Mahmood Amani Juvkam-Wold 1997 Texas A&M-Qatar
Tom Blasingame Lee 1989 Texas A&M
Her-Yuan Chen Poston 1990 New Mexico Institute of Mining
Jonggeun Choe Juvkam-Wold 1995 Seoul National University South Korea
James "Chris" Cox Russell 1997 Texas Tech University
Donald Flock Kennedy 1957 University of Alberta Canada
Steve Holditch Morse 1976 Texas A&M
Jon Kleppe Morse 1974 Norwegian Univ of Science & Tech Norway
J. Bryan Maggard Wattenbarger 2000 Texas A&M
Adel Malallah Datta-Gupta 2002 Kuwait University Kuwait
Taufan Marhaendrajana Blasingame 2000 Institut Teknologi Bandung Indonesia
Ruben Mazariegos Russell 1993 Univ of Texas-Pan American American
Duane McVay Lee 1994 Texas A&M
Olusegun Omole Osoba 1983 University of Ibadan Nigeria
Asep Permadi Lee 1997 Institut Teknologi Bandung Indonesia
Larry Piper Morse 1984 Texas A&M
Jose Rodriguez Mamora 2004 Universidad de Oriente Venezuela
Jerome Schubert Juvkam-Wold 1999 Texas A&M
Svein Skjaeland Morse 1975 Stavanger U. College Norway
Richard Startzman Osoba 1969 Texas A&M
Michael Wiggins Jennings 1991 University of Oklahoma
Orlando Zambrano-Mendoza Russell/Valko 2004 University of Zulia Venezuela

Female Graduate Students
Last Name First Name PhD Male/Female Country Advisor
Andreeva Ioulia G. DL_MEN Female USA New 05A
Carreras Patricia DL_MEN Female Argentina Barrufet
Dill Molllie M. DL_MEN Female USA New 06A
Gibbons Susan DL_MEN Female USA Lee
Nass Maria DL_MS Female USA Blasingame
Vernon Lauren DL_MS Female USA New 06A
Williams Diana DL_NDS Female Columbia New 06A
Agrawal Angeni MS Female USA Startzman
Chardon Aurelie J. MS Female France Economides
Cruz Luciana MS Female Brazil Scott
Demiroren Ayse N. MS Female Turkey Jensen
Elieff Brandee A. MS Female USA Schubert
Flores Campero Cecilia P. MS Female Peru New_06A
Li Yamin MS Female China Ayers
Limthongchai Pavalin MS Female Thailand Hill
Maduakor Ekene O. MS Female USA Mamora
Melendez Maria MS Female Venezuela Zhu
Ozkale Aslihan MS Female Turkey Jensen
Paclibon Eileen N. MS Female USA Datta-Gupta
Pongthunya Potcharaporn MS Female Thailand Hill
Wang Yuhong MS Female China Lee
Yanty Evi MS Female Indonesia Lee
Ameripour Sharareh PHD Female Iran Holditch
Feizi Masouleh Shahla PHD Female Iran Startzman
Kamkom Rungtip PHD Female Thailand Zhu
Sui Weibo PHD Female China Zhu
Viloria Marilyn del Carmen PHD Female Venezuela Juvkam-Wold

Total Graduate Students 184 27 female

DL 42 7 female
Masters 91 15 female
PhD 51 5 female


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