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SPE 93691

Non-Upwind Versus Upwind Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

in Porous Media
M.G. Edwards, SPE, U. of Wales

Copyright 2005, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2005 SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium Monotonicity preserving higher order Godunov schemes have
held in Houston, Texas U.S.A., 31 January 2005 – 2 February 2005.
also been developed for reservoir simulation [2, 7]. These
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
schemes depend on characteristic decomposition when applied
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to to hyperbolic systems with multiple phases or components
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at present. The decomposition leads to optimal upwind schemes
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
with minimum dissipation due to upwinding being applied to
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is each independent characteristic wave component. However
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The proposal must contain conspicuous the decomposition adds complexity compared to the standard
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
scheme as additional computation is required to account for
the decomposition matrices. Special treatment of stagnation
Abstract points or “sonic points” where eigenvalues change sign is also
Standard reservoir simulation schemes employ upstream required [2].
weighting approximations of the multi-phase/multi-component
convective fluxes. The upstream definition depends upon the In this paper lower order and higher order non-upwind
direction of the local phase velocities. schemes are presented. These schemes are designed to be
monotonicity preserving and have no upwind or upstream bias
This paper presents novel convective flow approximation within the approximation and are independent of characteristic
schemes in a non-upwind finite volume framework, which decomposition.
avoids both upwinding and characteristic decomposition,
leading to a fundamental simplification of current methods. The schemes are formulated within a locally conservative
Stable lower order and higher order monotonicity preserving finite volume framework and avoid dependence upon a
non-upwind approximations are developed. characteristic decomposition by employing a form of Local
Lax-Friedrichs (LLF) based flux [9]. While the LLF schemes
The schemes are locally conservative and the formulation is are related to the far more diffusive basic Lax-Friedrichs (LF)
consistent in IMPES mode (or sequentially implicit mode), scheme, LLF schemes are less diffuse and rely on the local
with respect to sign change in wave velocity and mass maximum absolute eigenvalue of the hyperbolic system to
balance. remove sign dependence from the definition of flux.

Comparisons between velocity upwinding and the non-upwind The sign independence of the non-upwind schemes provides a
schemes are presented for gravity segregated flow problems consistency in IMPES mode (or sequentially implicit mode),
where waves undergo sign changes. between the transport equation fluxes, the pressure equation
flux and mass balance, that is not guaranteed when using an
Introduction upwind scheme due to possible sign change in local wave
Standard reservoir simulation schemes employ single-point velocity between time steps.
upstream weighting [1] (a first order upwind scheme) for
approximation of the convective fluxes when multiple phases Comparisons between standard velocity upwinding and the
or components are present. The definition of the upstream non-upwind schemes are presented for gravity segregated flow
schemes depends upon the direction of the local phase problems where waves undergo sign changes, which illustrate
velocities. Higher order upwind approximations have also advantages of the non-upwind formulation.
been developed [2-7].

The most successful high resolution schemes for systems of

hyperbolic conservation laws in terms of actual front
resolution, depend upon a characteristic decomposition of the
system. A survey of upwind schemes is given in [8].
2 Michael G. Edwards SPE 93691

Flow Equations Locally Conservative Upwind Approximation

Without loss of generality in terms of the numerical methods First we shall consider schemes in one spatial dimension on a
applicability, the schemes presented here are illustrated with computational grid with discrete nodes xi = i∆x and time
respect to two phase and three component two phase flow
models, with unit porosity and where capillary pressure and t n = n∆t . Before moving to systems we briefly recall that for
dispersion are neglected. The conservation equations over Ω a scalar equation of the form
are written as
∂s ∂f ( s )
+ =0 4
∂S ∂F ∂G ∂t ∂x

Ω ∂t ∫
dτ + ( +
Ω ∂x ∂y
) dτ = M p 1
the standard explicit first order upwind scheme can be written
where as

∆t n
F = (V1, CV1)T , sin +1 = sin − (f − f in−1 / 2 ) 5
∆x i +1 / 2
G = (V2 , CV2 )T
where the approximate interface flux is defined by
are the fluxes, (V1 ,V2 ) is the phase velocity vector (defined
1⎛ n
fin+1 / 2 = ⎜( f + f n ) − λi +1 / 2 ( sin+1 − sin ) ⎞⎟ 6
below), and S = ( S , SC )T , C = ( S , C )T are the vectors of 2 ⎝ i +1 i ⎠
conservative and primitive variables respectively, S is the where
miscible phase saturation and C the component concentration ⎧⎪ n ( sin+1 − sin ) > ε
fin ) /( sin+1 − sin )
in the miscible phase, M p is a specified phase flow rate. The λi +1 / 2 = ⎨( f i +1 −
⎪⎩ ∂f / ∂s ( sin+1 − sin ) ≤ ε
system considered here is comprised of an aqueous phase
(water and polymer concentration) together with an oil phase.
Phase quantities bear suffices a and o respectively. The This definition of wave speed ensures that shocks are captured
velocities are defined via Darcy’s law, where for the aqueous
with precision for any finite jump in si with λi +1 / 2 assuming
phase velocity
the Rankine-Hugoniot shock speed across a mesh interval. In
this form the first order scheme appears as a central scheme
Va = (V1, V2 ) = −λa K (∇φ + ρa g∇h ) and is comprised of a central difference in flux with a central
difference of a specific diffusion term. The scheme can be
In this work, the phase velocity is expressed in terms of total seen in its original upwind form by noting that for a positive
velocity VT = Va + Vo with wave speed the flux uses data to the left and reduces to
fin+1 / 2 = f ( sin ) , otherwise fin+1 / 2 = f ( sin+1) and the flux
Va = f ( VT − gλo ∆ρK∇h ) 2
uses data to the right as with single point upstream weighting.
where f = f ( S ) is the fractional flow, λa , λo are the phase While the definition of Eq's. 5, 6 does not require any explicit
mobilities and K is the permeability tensor. The saturation of sign dependence in the scheme, the upwind directions are
the remaining phase is deduced from the volume balance clearly detected. This explicit scheme is the most fundamental
equation, where saturations sum to unity. The incompressible scheme for scalar conservation laws in one dimension and is
flow condition leads to stable, locally conservative and monotonicity preserving
subject to a maximum CFL condition of unity. This scheme
∫ ∇ • VT dτ = M 3 also requires an entropy fix to disperse expansion shocks [8].

which together with Eq. 2 are used to determine pressure and Systems of Hyperbolic Equations
velocity. An incompressible two phase gas-oil system is also In order to apply such a scheme to a system of hyperbolic
considered in the results section. For further details of flow conservation laws of the form of Eq 1 the system is first
equations see [1]. decomposed into characteristic form. First we consider the
system in one dimension. Decomposition is performed via the
For the initial value problem (IVP) field data is prescribed. For transformation
initial boundary value problems (IBVP), considered here in
two-dimensions, an initial flow field is prescribed together ∆ S = R∆ W 7
with flux or pressure boundary values. Zero normal flow is
imposed on solid walls. where R is the matrix of right eigen-vectors of the system
Jacobian matrix A = ∂F / ∂S and the matrix of eigenvalues
Λ is defined via
SPE 93691 Non-Upwind Versus Upwind Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws in Porous Media 3

Λ = R −1AR
matrix I. The maximum over the interval also ensures that the
entropy condition is satisfied by the LLF scheme. Such a
scheme has previously been proposed for the Euler equations
and ∆S, ∆W represent the respective conservative and
[9]. For the system considered here
characteristic variable increments. The upwind scheme is in
Λ LFi +1 / 2 = max {max( ∂Va / ∂s , Va / s )}I
effect applied to each characteristic wave component and the
discrete system is recomposed into conservation form. The [xL , x R ]
first order scheme for a system can be written as
The discrete flux then takes the simpler form
∆t n
Sin +1 = Sin − (f −fn ) 9
∆x i +1 / 2 i −1 / 2
= ⎛ (f n + f n ) − Λ LFi +1 / 2 (Sin+1 − Sin ) ⎞⎟
i +1 / 2 2 ⎜⎝ i +1 i

with approximate flux defined by
The flux of Eq. 12 is called the Local Lax-Friedrich flux LLF.
= ⎛ (f n + f n ) − R Λ i +1 / 2 R −1(Sin+1 − Sin ) ⎞⎟
i +1 / 2 2 ⎜⎝ i +1 i
10 The non-upwind LLF scheme is then defined be Eq's. 12 and
⎠ 9. Note that the scheme is still locally conservative. The
crucial monotonicity preserving property of the scheme is
provided the definition of the discrete eigenvalues Λ i +1 / 2 subject to the CFL condition, applied with respect to
have an appropriate generalization of Eq. 6 such that maximum absolute eigenvalue over the field. Extension to
conservation and exact shock speed are maintained. The CFL higher order accuracy is discussed in the next section. Since
condition now applies with respect to the maximum the modulus of each eigenvalue in the diffusion operator is
eigenvalue of the system. The appearance of the matrix of replaced by the maximum absolute eigenvalue over the system
eigenvectors Ri +1 / 2 in the system flux approximation is a and local interval, it follows that the price to be paid for this
simplification is extra numerical diffusion when compared to
consequence of characteristic component upwinding. This
characteristic upwinding for a system. However, the LLF
leads to an optimal diffusive operator in terms of numerical
scheme is always less diffusive than the original Lax-
diffusion provided the shock jump criteria can be satisfied for
Friedrichs scheme since the original scheme is based on a
the system in hand.
uniformly maximum coefficient of diffusion which effectively
corresponds to having a unit CFL number in the coefficent of
Locally Conservative Non-Upwind Schemes (1-D)
numerical diffusion.
Lax-Friedrichs (LF): A well known scheme that is
monotonicity preserving and has no sign dependence is due to
Higher Order Non-Upwind Schemes
Lax and Friedrichs, and takes the form
In the scalar case a higher order approximation is applied to
the conservation variable. When an upwind scheme is applied
∆t n
Sin +1 = Sin − (f −fn ) to a system the higher order approximation is typically
2∆x i +1 i −1 introduced wave by wave and applied to the characteristic
1 variables, followed by recomposition to the conservative
+ (Sin+1 − 2Sin + Sin−1) variables. In contrast, when using the discrete LLF flux Eq.
12, the extension to higher order accuracy is simpler to
In practice this scheme is too diffusive. This is due to the extra achieve since the non-upwind system formulations have no
large coefficient of numerical diffusion that corresponds with dependency upon characteristic variables in this definition of
a CFL of unity even in the scalar case. flux. Consequently a higher order approximation can be
introduced for the left and right states respectively and be
Local Lax-Friedrichs (LLF): A less diffusive scheme of this expressed directly in terms of the conservative variables.
type can be constructed by noting that if the matrix of Alternatively the higher order expansions can also be applied
eigenvalues in Eq. 10 are proportional to the unit matrix (equal to other sets of variables such as primitive or characteristic
eigenvalues) then the dependency of the discrete flux on the variables. In this work the primitive variables are selected.
matrix of eigenvectors is removed, leaving a much simpler
coefficient of artificial diffusion. A simpler scheme can be In one dimension the scheme is expressed as a two-step
constructed in this way by replacing the diagonal matrix of process. First the higher order states are defined using a
MUSCL formalism [10]. Higher order left and right hand side
absolute eigen-values Λ i +1 / 2 with the matrix
states are obtained by expansions about the states L and R, viz

S L = Si + PΦ ( ri++1 / 2 )(Cin+1 − Cin )

j 1
Λ LFi +1 / 2 = max max λi +1 / 2 I 11
[xL , x R ] j 2
S R = Si +1 − PΦ ( ri−+1 / 2 )(Cin+1 − Cin )
where the maximum absolute eigen-value of the system over 2
the local interval [xi , xi +1] is used and multiplies the identity
4 Michael G. Edwards SPE 93691

where Φ ( ri++1 / 2 ) and Φ ( ri−+1 / 2 ) are flux limiters, or in this

subject to a reduced theoretical CFL limit in 2-D (as with
standard schemes), although here up to 1/2 is used. Discrete
case slope limiters [10] and P is the transformation matrix approximations developed for general unstructured grids
between conservative and primitive variables. The slope comprised of quadrilateral and-or triangular cells will be
limiters are functions of adjacent discrete gradients where presented in a future report.

We note that the LLF formulation can also be used to simplify
= (Cin − Cin−1 ) /(Cin+1 − Cin ),
i +1 / 2 14 the higher order Godunov scheme locally in the presence of
ri−+1 / 2 = (Cin+ 2 − Cin+1 ) /(Cin+1 − Cin )
stagnation points (or if equal eigenvalues are detected),
however the details are beyond the scope of this paper. A
comparison between higher order LLF and higher order
The slope limiters constrain the expansions to ensure that the Godunov is presented in [13].
higher order data remains monotonic. Details can be found in
[10, 7 and 11]. The above flux of Eq. 12 is now applied to the
higher order data so that the local Riemann problem is Results
resolved with a higher order flux of the form One Dimension
The schemes are first compared for gravity segregation with
fin+1 / 2 =
((f (S L ) + f (S R )) − Λ LFi +1 / 2 (S R − S L )) 15
reverse flow in one-dimension. Initial data consists of a
vertical aqueous phase column above an oil column of equal
volume (95% oil saturation) , separated by a diaphram which
The flux of Eq. 15 is now used to integrate the system via Eq. is removed at time t=0. The heavier miscible phase moves
9. The higher order spatial scheme as defined by Eq's 13-15 downwards, creating a shock followed by a constant state,
and 9 which uses first order forward-Euler time stepping. The contact discontinuity (due to polymer) and rarefaction wave.
CFL condition of the scheme is dependent on the choice of The oil moves upwards creating a shock at the opposite end of
limiter, typically an upper limit of 1/2 is selected. Extension to the rarefaction. The computed and exact water saturation
higher order time accuracy is achieved either by using the solutions are shown in Fig’s 1-3 at time 1.25, (exact solution
scheme of [6] or with the second or third order monotonicity solid line, computed using 100 nodes square symbol) with the
preserving Runge-Kutta schemes of [12]. Note that the first prescribed initial data S,C = 0.05, 0.1, x < 0.5 , S,C = 1.0, 0.7
order flux is recovered if the limiters are set to zero. otherwise.

Non-Upwind Schemes in Two Dimensions A comparison between the basic first order Lax Friedrichs
The higher dimensional extension of the above scheme is scheme Fig.1 and the first order Local Lax Friedrichs Fig.2
based on a generalization of the one dimensional discrete flux. demonstrates the additional diffusion inherent in the most
The flow equations Eq. 1 are integrated in space and time over basic Lax Friedrichs approximation. While all first order
a discrete control-volume ΩCV with surface δΩCV by direct schemes fail to detect the contact, constant state and shock
caused by the miscible phase when using a grid of 100 nodes,
use of the Gauss divergence theorem applied to yield a surface
the additional diffusion of the basic Lax Friedrichs scheme
integral of divergence
(Fig. 1) is clearly seen in comparison to Fig. 2. The higher
order (HO) LLF scheme result and the higher order velocity
∫ΩCV (S(t + ∆t ) − S(t + ∆t ))dτ = upwind results are shown in Fig’s 3 and 4 respectively. The
comparison for water saturation shows that both the higher
− ∫∆t ∫δΩCV (Fdy − Gdx )dt + ∫∆t M p dt order schemes resolve the two shocks and contact
discontinuity induced by the polymer concentration
discontinuity. However the HO velocity upwind scheme “over
The discrete scheme is developed from Eq 16, space only squares” the base of the right moving shock leading to a local
permits a brief summary here. The two-dimensional normal trough in the solution Fig. 4. For velocity upwinding it is
necessary to employ a reduced limiter (less antidiffusion),
flux ℑ = (F∆y − G∆x ) / ( ∆y , − ∆x ) is approximated in an
here the alternative Van Leer limiter Φ ( r ) = max(0,2r /(1 + r ))
analogous form to Eq 15. Higher order states are defined using
is used. This has the effect of removing the trough, at the
a MUSCL based formalism [10], which essentially follows the
expense of additional smearing of the left hand shock Fig. 6.
above 1-D principle applied relative to each control-volume
While both the higher order non-upwind LLF based scheme
face. The higher order left and right hand side states are
and velocity upwind schemes achieve a considerable
obtained by Taylor expansions and as in 1-D the expansions
improvement in front resolution compared to the first order
are constrained with slope limiters to ensure that the higher
scheme, the LLF scheme yields the best overall results.
order data remains monotonic. For a structured grid limiting is
performed in the co-ordinate directions. The limiting is based
Two Dimensions
on the Fromm limiter Φ ( r ) = min(2,2 r , (1 + r ) / 2) . Note as
A gravity driven two-phase flow problem is used to compare
before, that the first order flux is recovered if the limiters are the new non-upwind formalism with standard velocity
set to zero. Formal time integration is achieved as above, upwinding in two dimensions. In this case the initial condition
employing either [6] or [12], without disturbing monotonicity
SPE 93691 Non-Upwind Versus Upwind Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws in Porous Media 5

consists of an oil lens sitting on top of a shale barrier, in an compares favorably both interms of robustness and resolution
otherwise gas filled reservoir, with solid walls at the sides and over velocity upwinding.
top boundaries, and pressure specified on the lower boundary,
the boundaries and initial interface are shown in Fig. 7. Two dimensional gravity driven flow tests indicate that a
stable result can only be computed with velocity upwinding by
All oil saturation contours are shown at the same output time using 1/10th the CFL number of the LLF scheme. These
on a 32x32 mesh, where the shock due to the downward comparisons raise concerns about the robustness of velocity
moving (heavier) oil phase has formed followed by the upwinding when the saturation equations are updated
Buckley-Leverett expansion. The first order upwind result is explicitly (IMPES) and the flow is predominantly gravity
shown in Fig. 8. The higher order LLF scheme result is shown driven or segregated with sign change in wave direction.
in Fig. 9, where a CFL of 0.45 is used. The velocity upwind
scheme is only found to be stable for much smaller CFL Finally it is noted that the new formulation offers the benefits
numbers. For example using a CFL of 1/3 that of LLF scheme, of being directly applicable to other systems of hyperbolic
the velocity upwind scheme is still found to be unstable, the conservation laws without requiring a characteristic
result (for CFL=0.15) is shown in Fig. 10. An instability above decomposition.
the shale tip can be seen to be developing. In this case a stable
result using higher order upstream weighting on velocity could
only be obtained with a CFL of 1/10th that of the LLF scheme, Nomenclature
Fig. 11. CFL number = Distanced travelled in time step / grid step size
S saturation
The higher order schemes are each able to detect the shock C polymer concentration
and expansion about the shale corner. As in 1-D shocks are f = f ( S ) fractional flow
again well resolved. The higher order LLF scheme result, Fig.
9, shows that the non-upwind scheme is able to capture the S = ( S , SC )T vector of conservation variables
key flow features. Comparison with the first order scheme
fn Control-volume face flux
result Fig. 8, shows that the higher order schemes provide i +1 / 2
improved resolution of the evolving shock front as the oil λi +1 / 2 interface wave speed
flows from the shale. This is also confirmed by the A = ∂F / ∂S System Jacobian
comparison between mass of oil remaining versus time curves Λ diagonal matrix of system eigenvalues of Jacobian
for the low and higher order schemes, Fig. 12. Where 1st order R matrix of system eigenvectors of Jacobian
is small dashed, LLF HO is large dashed, fine grid (reference
λa aqueous phase mobility
solution) is solid and velocity upwind HO is dash-dot. In this
case, while the higher order velocity upwind scheme can λo oleic phase mobility
produce a result of similar resolution to the new LLF scheme, Va aqueous phase velocity
velocity upwinding is found to be much more sensitive. Vo oleic phase velocity
A novel formalism is presented for hyperbolic conservation Support of EPSRC grant GR/S70968/01 is gratefully
laws in reservoir simulation. The scheme has the following acknowledged.
1) Upwinding and characteristic decomposition are
1. Aziz K and Settari A. “Petroleum Reservoir Simulation”
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6 Michael G. Edwards SPE 93691

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SPE 93691 Non-Upwind Versus Upwind Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws in Porous Media 7

1 1

0.9 0.9



0 0.5 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
z z

FIG 1: (a) Saturation; Original 1st order LF FIG 1: (b) Concentration; Original 1st order LF

1 1

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8



0.1 0.2

0 0.1
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
z z

FIG 2: (a) Saturation; 1st order LLF FIG 2: (b) Concentration; 1st order LLF
8 Michael G. Edwards SPE 93691

1 1

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
z z

FIG 3: (a) Saturation; LLF HO (Fromm) FIG 3: (b) Concentration; LLF HO (Fromm)

1 1

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
z z

FIG 4: (a) Saturation FIG 4: (b) Concentration

Velocity Upwind HO-Fromm Velocity Upwind HO-Fromm
SPE 93691 Non-Upwind Versus Upwind Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws in Porous Media 9

1 1

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
z z

FIG 5: (a) Saturation; LLF HO (Fromm) FIG 5: (b) Concentration; LLF HO (Fromm)

1 1

0.9 0.9

0.8 0.8

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
z z

FIG 6: (a) Saturation FIG 6: (b) Concentration

Velocity Upwind HO-VL Velocity Upwind HO-VL
10 Michael G. Edwards SPE 93691



Fig 7: Initial Data

Fig 8: 1st Order Upwind CFL=0.45 Fig 9: LLF HO CFL=0.45

Fig 10:Velocity Upwind HO, CFL=0.15 Fig 11: Velocity Upwind HO, CFL=0.04
SPE 93691 Non-Upwind Versus Upwind Schemes for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws in Porous Media 11


1st Order
0.12 Velocity HO
0.11 reference






0 10 20 30 40 50

Fig. 12 Oil V Time

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