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Student: Rachel Stacy School: Swazyee Elementary School

IWU Supervisor: Prof. Schuler Co-op Teacher: Mrs. Martin

Teaching Date: April 11, 2018 Grade Level: 5th Grade
Lesson Title: Checks and Balance

Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies: DSS LESSON PLAN
2007 ACEI Standards

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal(s)— Students will understand how the United States government came to be and the functions the
government is allowed to do.
B. Objective(s)—After the student complete a group project, student will be able to compare how the system of
checks and balances affect the three branches of government.
B. Objective(s)—After the student complete a group project, student will be able to
C. Standard(s):
NCSS: Power, Authority, and Governance
- 5.2.2: Identify and explain ideas about limited government, the rule of law and individual rights in key colonial
era documents.
- 5.2.7: Identify the three branches of the United States government and explain the functions of each.
- Student
o 3.a: Plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for
their intellectual or creative pursuits.
- Teacher
o 6.a: Foster a culture where students take ownership of their learning goals and outcomes in both
independent and group settings.
II. Materials & Management
A. Materials: White paper for mini posters, supply baskets, chrome books, printed out directions and review
cards, textbook.
B. Time: The whole lesson will be 45 minutes, with individual section times provided below.
C. Space: The students will be working in their desk groups but will be able to get up and grab supplies from the
side of the room when needed.
D. Behavior: I will be using proximity to students as a refocus, Verbal communication or “Marco, Polo” with
students when noise level gets too loud, I will also have candy for students when they answer a question
correctly and when they are a positive example to other students.
E. Technology: Students will need their chrome books to do their research.
III. Anticipatory Set (8minutes)
“Today we are going to be doing some group work but before we start, I want to go over some important concepts
that help our government work properly.” “When our founding fathers were writing the U.S. Constitution they
wanted to ensure that there were individual rights for the citizens of the United States and that created the Bill of
Rights which stated the first ten rights. Another system that was created to keep the government accountable was a
limited government.” “Limited Government means that the power of government is specified and limited to protect
individual rights, the powers of government are usually written in a constitution.” “Why would they want to ensure
that the government would have limited government? Allow time for students to create a response and call on a
student to share. “Because they wouldn't have another king that would try to take all of the people's power.”

Purpose(2minutes): Today we are going to learn about how the government limited the power of each branch of government
through a system called checks and balances.


IV. Adaptation to Diverse Students
A. Remediation– Students will be in small groups with someone who can repeat directions as needed. I will also
be walking around the classroom monitoring students.

B. Enrichment- If a group finishes their project early then I will first have them see if they can add anything to it
and then I will have them look up additional information about the branches of government, if students
finish early they can look up and include five examples of historical events where checks and balance was
being used.
C. Exceptional Needs- Provide handouts for students that need additional time to process the information.
Have the classroom Aid monitor and provide to support to students who are struggling with a concept.
(ACEI 3.2)
V. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)
INPUT (5 minutes):
A paper with the three branches of government on them (Legislative, Executive, Judicial). “When looking at these
three words, who can tell me what they are?” Allow time for students to create a response. Call on one to three students to
respond. “That’s right these are the three branches of government. Now I am going to say a job that one of these branches can
do and if you know what branch the job belongs to raise your hand.” Call on one student to respond. Continue this review till
each branch is stated and the important jobs had been shared. “In order to keep the powers of government limited a system
was created call checks and balances. The checks and balance system is used to prevent one branch of government from
getting too powerful. This system allows each branch to have restrictions on each other. An example of checks and balance is
that the president can veto a law passed by Congress and Congress can then override the veto with a vote from 2/3 from both
the House of Representatives and Senate.” “If you will grab a textbook and turn to page 414 there is a chart that goes over
some of the checks and balances each branch has. This might be helpful to use with the group project. “Are there any questions
over limited government or checks and balances?” Allow time for about three questions if needed.

OUTPUT (22 minutes):

“Now you guys will work together in your table groups to create either a Google slide or mini-poster over checks and
balances. I have created a list of requirements that you want to be sure to include in your group project.” Put up the
requirements on the overhead, I will also have the requirements printed out in a class set for student to have as their desks.
“This project is over the checks and balances within the three branches of government. I want your projects to provide the
checks and balances of each branch and also how it will affect the other branch. I would also like these projects to be creative.
We will be sharing these at the end of class.” While the students are working, I will be walking around the classroom helping
students and observing them.
(ACEI 2.4)
(ACEI 3.3)
VI. Check for understanding.
While the students are working on their projects I will be walking around and observing their progress; I will also be
asking the students questions throughout the lesson. I will also be providing support and confirmation to students
that may need it.
Possible Questions to ask the students:
- What is a way that the judicial branch can check the legislative?
- What are some events you have found for the use of checks and balances?
- Did you find any interesting facts about how checks and balances work.?
- Are you understanding what you need to be looking for.
VII. Review learning outcomes / Closure (8minutes.)
Students will present an exciting fact from each area of their projects (legislative, executive, judicial, limited
government, and events of checks and balances) to the rest of the class. As the student go around to share an
interesting fact, there will be no repeat of interesting facts from the groups.
A. Formative: While the students are working on their projects I will be walking around and observing their progress, I
will also be asking the students questions throughout the lesson. I will also be providing support and confirmation to
students that may need it.
B. Summative: Students will be turning in their group projects either in google classroom or by hand depending on
their type of project. I will then look at the content and creativity of their project to determine a proper grade for this
(ACEI 4.0)
1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?

5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
a. Bloom’s Taxonomy
b. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
7. Where the students able to work together cooperatively and complete all of the requirements needed to complete
the project?
8. Was this an engaging lesson that have the student obtaining the information and enjoying the activities?

Revision Date: August 25, 2015

2007 ACEI Standard

Checks and Balances Group Project

1. Can be a Google Slide, Drawling or a Mini Poster

2. Show the checks and balances that each branch of government

has and how it limits the other branches.

a. Legislative

b. Judicial

c. Executive


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