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Through Time All Things Can Change

Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan
How Weather Changes
Student: Heather Dutton School: Allen Elementary
IWU Supervisor: Professor McCracken Co-op Teacher: Gina Burke
Teaching Date: IDK Grade Level: Kindergarten

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
 Goal(s)— Students will understand that weather is constantly changing and it affects our

A. Objective(s)—
 Students will listen for the purpose of following directions throughout the lesson.
 Students will create a visual representation of the physical appearance of the sun and
clouds through their craft creations.
 Students will demonstrate an understanding of different types of weather and how each
affects us by writing a sentence about what they learned.

C. Standard(s): Professional Society/State/District

NCSS: People, Places, and Environment
Indiana Academic Standards:
 K.3.5 Describe and give examples of seasonal weather changes and illustrate how
weather affects people and the environment.

II. Materials and Management:

A. Materials:
 Pictures of Weather
 Anchor Chart
 Cut out handprints
 Yellow Paper Plate
 Black construction paper
 Puffy Paint Materials (Shaving Cream, White Glue)
 Bowl and Spoon
 Cotton Balls
 Blue Construction Paper

B. Time:
 Anticipatory- Three minutes
 Read National Geographic Kids: Weather - 10 minutes
 Centers - 15-20 minutes- 10 minutes at each of the two centers and one minute for a
 Check for Understanding and Closure - 10 minutes

C. Space:
 For the sun center I will have two tables facing the front of the room
with 5 students each. Mrs. Burke will stand at the front and help lead
them through their craft.
 I will teach and facilitate the puffy paint center from the kidney table. I
will fit the ten students around the front and sides of the kidney table.

D. Behavior: I have grouped my students very intentionally because I know who

works well with each other. In our classroom we have four groups of two best
friends who I knew could possibly become distracted from the work and
instructions because they were together. Therefore, I have separated them into
different groups. We also have about seven students who struggle
academically and have processing and or focusing issues. They need extra
help in most classroom activities so I made sure that there were no more than
two of these friends per group. We have six students who perform very well
academically so I made sure I assigned one to each group to help lead through
modeling as they do the craft and to help their peers who might struggle.
Another factor that I kept in mind was our three students who have emotional
disabilities that often result in meltdowns. I very strategically placed these
children away from each other so that they would not trigger each other.
Luckily, each of these students has a classroom friend who I have seen help
them when they become frustrated and begin to show signs of an emotional
episode. The groups that I have chosen should help our centers to run as
smoothly as possible.
Karson, Mason, Kaylee, Jaleighna, Kashlan
Jarayah, Israel, Baron, Jacob, Haleigh
Raider, Kailynn, Patrick, Justin, Gabriel
Brooklyn, Rilynn, Hayden, Kayden, Jaylie

E. Technology:
The only technology I used was a computer to print out the images used in the anticipatory set.
III. Anticipatory Set
 Weather Grab Bag (contains 10 photos of different types of weather)
Hello everyone! Soo, I have a mystery bag here full of exciting things. Who wants to
volunteer to be the first person to pick out something from the bag and guess what it
is? (*everyone will begin raising their hands.) Okay, Rilynn, you can come up and
grab an item. When you have removed the item remember to show it to the class.
(Rilynn removes a photo) Can you tell me what you see in this picture? What kind of
weather is it? You’re right! Its rain! Okay, thanks friend. Whose next?”
A. Purpose: “Today I am going to teach you about weather and how it affects us!
Weather affects our everyday life and how we dress so it is important to
understand it.”


IV. Adaptation to Diverse Students—
Remediation- In order to help my students who struggle with sounding out words,
spelling words, and writing sentences I will spell out the words cloud, sun, and water
on the front board and help them to sound out any other words.

Enrichment- I have six students who are academically advanced and often finish their
work much faster than others. When they are finished with each art project hey can
help aid their peers if they would like or they can read. I will provide books at each
center that are relevant to weather that they can read when they finish. These books
will help deepen their understanding about the sun and clouds.

 Weather by Lee Bennet Hopkins

 The Cloud Book by Tomie DePaola
 Little Cloud by Eric Carle

Exceptional Needs- My students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention
Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) were very strategically placed into groups with
peers that could help them academically. My students with emotional disabilities (ED)
were very strategically placed into groups with peers that would not bother them and
with a friend who could help them to stay calm.

V. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)

Anchor Chart Discussion
 I am quite sure that my students know what to wear with each type of weather so I will
not be teaching them outright but we will be reviewing. I will write the questions “What
should I wear?, Where can I go?, And what can I do?” on the top of an anchor chart. I
will then make two categories, one for hot and one for cold. I will have clip art photos
printed out of a bathing suit, ice cream, flipflops, etc. for the cold side and then hot
chocolate, mittens, and boots, etc. for the cold side. I will hold up the photos and ask the
students which side they should be placed on.

Interactive Game
 After we finish with the anchor chart at the carpet I will send my students back to their
desk to use their iPads. On their iPads they will play the game “Dress for The Season”.
Dress for The Season: Interactive Game (I will have the game already pulled up on each ipads in
order to save time).

Dynamic Centers
 “Okay now that you have learned about what to wear with different types of weather we
are going to do two different crafts. This is what we will be making (I will hold up two
finished products). I will separate you guys into four different groups, two groups will be
with Mrs. Burke and will be working at the front two tables. The other two will be with
me and we’ll be working at the back two tables. You will have ten minutes to finish each
craft and then you’ll do the next craft. Okay so I’m going to tell you which group you are
in and I need you to hold your group number up on your fingers so that you remember.
Group one move to this table, Group two move to this table, group three go to that table,
and group four this table.” (I’ll be pointing as I give these directions on where to sit)”
*I will have my two centers doubled so I will have only five children at each table. I have 20
students total.
Center One: Sun (See image of finished product below)
 Students will glue yellow hands all around a yellow paper plate to create the sun and its
rays. They will then glue sunglasses and a mouth onto the plate.
 I will explain the directions one step at a time in order to not overwhelm them. I will tell
them the next step when I see that most of them are ready to move on. As they work I
will be helping when needed and I will be telling them some scientific facts about the
“Okay first you are going to begin by writing your name on the back of your paper plate. Then
you will trace your hands onto the yellow paper that I have given each of you until you have a
total of ten hands. If you need me to help you trace your hands just ask me for help and I will.
Once you have all of your hands done you will carefully cut them out and then glue them onto
the back of your paper plate. These hands will make the sun’s rays. After that, you can grab a
pair of black sunglasses and smile (that I have precut) and you can also glue that on. Notice how
sunglasses are something special that we wear in sunny weather. Now you’ve each made a
beautiful sun!”
Center Two: Clouds (See image of finished product below)
 The students will be making clouds out of puffy paint. I will have the puffy paint
in a bowl and the students will dip the cotton balls into the puffy paint and then
dab then onto their blue construction paper to create clouds.
“Okay don’t touch anything yet. In this center we are making clouds to represent cloudy and
rainy weather! First you guys each need to write your name on the back of your blue papers. You
will see that I have placed a bowl of puffy paint at each of your seats. You will take a cotton ball
or handful of cotton balls, dip them into your puffy paint and then, dab then onto your paper to
make a rain cloud. You will then use your paint brush to paint rain boots, an umbrella, and a rain
coat. Notice how these are things that you wear in rainy weather. Puffy paint is really cool
because it starts off as a liquid but it is going to dry solid and be squishy. Later on today when
your artwork is all dry you guys can each see how the puffy paint has changed and how it feels!”

 While they are working I will inform that that clouds are filled with moisture and water.
When they become full of water the water falls as rain or snow, depending on the
temperature. I will ask them to describe their favorite umbrellas and rain boots.

VI. Guided Practice/ Check for understanding:

“Okay now that we are done with our artwork, I want you guys each to return to your
seats and write a sentence that has one fact that you learned about weather.”
I want to see that they are using their smarty writing and writing an original sentence. I
am not accessing them on how well things are spelled. I will be walking around and
reading each students sentences as a formative assessment and to see if they each
remember a fun fact that I told them. However, I know that some students struggle with
writing and may have learned something but they may not be able to communicate it
through writing. Therefore, I will also have them verbally discuss what they learned as a
VII. Review learning outcomes / Closure
 Pair Share
“Now, tell the person next you two things you have learned today.” During this
discussion I will be specifically listening to students who didn’t write a sentence with a
fact to make sure that they can verbally express something they learned.


Formal Assessment: The formative assessment is the sentence they are writing and the pair share
that they are doing. Both of these will help me get a good feel on how much content they learned
during the lesson.
Summative Assessment: There will be a small quiz at the end of the unit.


1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
a. Bloom’s Taxonomy
b. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences

Examples of the Art Being Made

Books For Enrichment

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