Advocacy Day Schedule PDF

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Advocacy Day Schedule


• 5:30 am: be present at the school
• 5:45 am: depart from school to Austin
• 9:30 am: arrive at Austin, parking, security check entrance to the Capitol
• 10:00 am: opening prayer (Bishop Michael Mulvey of Corpus Christi), Bishops
will be recognized in the House.
• 11:00 am: begin assembling on the South Steps of Capitol for the Rally
• 11:00 am: Opening prayer and welcome by Bishop Brendan Cahill of Victoria.
Bishops arrive to launch rally.
• 11:30 am: Rally begins on South Steps of the Capitol
• 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm: Lunch Service
• 1:30 pm – 2:00 pm: self-guided Capitol tour
• 2:00 – 2:30 pm: meet with State Representatives and their offices (EXT building)
• 2:30 pm : visit the Capitol Visitors Center to view historical exhibits.
• 3:00 pm : depart from Austin to Crosby
• 7:30 pm: arrive at school in Crosby

 Wear Advocacy Day T-Shirt provided, with blue jeans and tennis shoes.
 Bring water, snacks, or any kind of food you like to eat on the bus as long as you
keep the bus clean.
 You may bring camera to take pictures or bring phone to keep in touch with your
parents. However, you may not use phone to text or chat with your friends or play
games during sessions or events. You are fully responsible for any lost
items/devices that you brought with you on the field trip.

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