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G.R. No. 178236. June 27, 2008

FACTS: slight care acting or omitting to act in a situation

 Salas was a material controller of Aboitiz, and where there is a duty to act, willfully and
was tasked with monitoring and maintaining the intentionally with a conscious indifference to
availability and supply of Quickbox needed by consequence, Salas could not be held guilty,
Aboitiz in its day-to-day operations. On June 4, having done his duty to make proper requisition
2003, Salas had run out of Large Quickbox, in advance. Failure to follow-up is not an
hampering Aboitiz’ business operation. indicator of remission of duty. Salas can only be
 Aboitiz then wrote Salas a memorandum guilty of negligence, for failing to properly
requiring him to explain in writing why he should monitor and document the stocks in his
not be disciplinarily dealt with for his (i) failure to custody. As he admitted during the
monitor the stock level of Large Quickbox which administrative hearing, there were those which
led to inventory stock out; and (ii) failure to were even missing. Worst, he tampered the
report to his immediate superior the Large records to show that the stock on 31 May 2003
Quickbox problem when the stock level was is for 02 June 2003. While there was no
already critical, when the Large Quickbox level intention to defraud the company. The NLRC
was near stock out, and the stock level had a thus denied his prayer for backwages, and
stock out. ordered the payment of separation pay instead
 An administrative hearing was conducted to of reinstatement
give Salas opportunity to explain his side.  Aboitiz filed a motion for reconsideration, while
Twenty-two days after, Aboitiz sent him a Salas sought partial reconsideration of the
decision notice, terminating him for loss of trust decision, both of which were denied by the
and confidence. NLRC.
 Salas then requested for a reconsideration of  Salas and Aboitiz filed petitions for certiorari
the decision through a letter, asking if he could with the CA. Salas questioned the denial of
instead avail of the early retirement plan, having his prayer. Aboitiz questioned NLRC's reversal.
worked for Aboitiz for ten years already. He  The CA sustained Salas' dismissal, holding that
also asked to be allowed to tender his Salas was guilty of (1) serious misconduct for
resignation instead of being terminated. Lastly, tampering the records to show that the stock on
he asked to be employed until the end of the May 31 2003 was for June 2 2003; (2) gross
month, so as to have enough time to look for and habitual neglect as the NLRC no less
another job. admits that “for the nth time” Salas repeatedly
 However, the request for early retirement plan “demonstrated laxity in the performance of his
was denied, stating that the company's table of duty and (3) willful breach of the trust reposed
discipline provided the penalty of dismissal for on Salas by Aboitiz, because as
the offenses he had committed. The extension, "warehouseman", and therefore a confidential
however, was granted, and even extended for a employee, Salas concededly
month. tampered company records to hide his gross
 Claiming termination without cause, Salas filed and habitual neglect, and worse, sold the
with the Labor Arbiter a complaint against company’s eight units of used air-conditioners
Aboitiz for illegal dismissal with prayer for without authority.
reinstatement, and for payment of full
backwages, moral and exemplary damages, as ISSUE: Whether on a mere single and simple
well as attorney’s fees. negligence can be a basis for dismissal on ground
 Aboitiz responded that there was valid of loss of trust and confidence.
termination, asserting that Salas was dismissed
for just cause and with due process, Salas RULING: Salas was terminated for neglect of duty
having willfully breached his duty when he ran and willful breach of trust. Gross negligence
out of Large Quickbox, justifying the termination connotes want or absence of or failure to exercise
of his employment. slight care or diligence, or the entire absence of
 Labor Arbiter sustained Salas' dismissal. care. To warrant removal from service, the
 On appeal, the NLRC reversed. Gross negligence should not merely be gross, but also
negligence being characterized by want of even habitual. Although it was Salas' duty to monitor and
maintain the availability and supply of Quickbox,
records show that Salas had made a requisition as
early as May 21, 2003, even making several follow-
ups. If there is anything that Salas can be faulted
for, it is his failure to promptly inform his immediate
supervisor of the non-delivery of the requisitioned
items. Nevertheless, such failure did not amount to
gross neglect of duty or to willful breach of trust,
which would justify his dismissal from service.

Moreover, there appears nothing to suggest that

Salas’ position was a highly or even primarily
confidential position, so that he can be removed for
loss of trust and confidence by the employer. A
"position of trust and confidence” is one where a
person is "entrusted with confidence on delicate
matters," or with the custody, handling, or care and
protection of the employer’s property. In the records
of the case, there is no semblance of willful breach
of trust on the part of Salas. It is true that there was
erasure or alteration on the bin card. Aboitiz,
however, failed to demonstrate that it was done to
cover up Salas’ alleged negligence. Other than the
bin card and Aboitiz’s barefaced assertion, no other
evidence was offered to prove the alleged cover-

Aboitiz’s reliance on the past offenses of Salas for

his eventual dismissal is likewise unavailing. The
correct rule has always been that such previous
offenses may be used as valid justification for
dismissal from work only if the infractions are
related to the subsequent offense upon which the
basis of termination is decreed. While it is true that
Salas had been suspended on for failure to meet
the security requirements of the company, and for
his failure to assist in the loading at the fuel depot,
such offenses are not related to Salas’ latest
infraction, hence, cannot be used as added
justification for the dismissal.

Undoubtedly, no just cause exists to warrant Salas’

dismissal. Consequently, he is entitled to
reinstatement to his former position without loss of
seniority rights, and to payment of
backwages. However, the award of backwages is
modified because Salas was not entirely faultless.
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The
Decision and Resolution of the Court of Appeals
are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Aboitiz One, Inc.
is ordered to REINSTATE Oligario Salas to his
former position without loss of seniority rights, with
payment of backwages computed up to the time of

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