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Progress Test 2- 17th of April

Progress Test 2- 17th of April

1. Sarah is aunt. (Emily)

2. These are our cats. (friends)
3. Let's meet at for lunch. (Giovanni)
4. Where is the shower? (ladies)
5. This is our car. (boss)
6. My dad is my uncle. (cousin)
7. Did you read newspaper? (yesterday)
8. and bags are black. (Jack
– Joe)
9. Our grandparents live in an
old home. (people)
10. That sandwich would not be
to taste. (everyone)
Progress Test 2- 17th of April
1. Trăim într-o casă.
We live a house.
2. Covorul este pe podea.
The carpet is the floor.
3. Pisica e sub fotoliu.
The cat is the armchair.
4. Banca e în fața casei.
The bench is in of the house.
5. Etajul al doilea este deasupra etajului întâi.
The second floor is the first floor.
6. Patul este între fereastră și masă.
The bed is the window and the table.
7. Ușa e lângă dulap?
Is the door to the wardrobe?
8. Cheile sunt pe raft?
the keys on the shelf?
9. Lampa nu e pe birou.
The lamp not on the desk.
10. Băile nu sunt la primul etaj.
The bathrooms are on the first floor.

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